/* * FreeBSD install - a package for the installation and maintenance * of non-core utilities. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Jordan K. Hubbard * 18 July 1993 * * This is the main body of the delete module. * */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD: releng/10.2/usr.sbin/pkg_install/delete/perform.c 228990 2011-12-30 10:58:14Z uqs $"); #include #include "lib.h" #include "delete.h" static int pkg_do(char *); static void sanity_check(char *); static void undepend(char *, char *); static char LogDir[FILENAME_MAX]; int pkg_perform(char **pkgs) { char **matched, **rb, **rbtmp; int errcode, i, j; int err_cnt = 0; struct reqr_by_entry *rb_entry; struct reqr_by_head *rb_list; if (MatchType != MATCH_EXACT) { matched = matchinstalled(MatchType, pkgs, &errcode); if (errcode != 0) return 1; /* Not reached */ /* * Copy matched[] into pkgs[], because we'll need to use * matchinstalled() later on. */ if (matched != NULL) { pkgs = NULL; for (i = 0; matched[i] != NULL; i++) { pkgs = realloc(pkgs, sizeof(*pkgs) * (i + 2)); pkgs[i] = strdup(matched[i]); } pkgs[i] = NULL; } else switch (MatchType) { case MATCH_GLOB: break; case MATCH_ALL: warnx("no packages installed"); return 0; case MATCH_EREGEX: case MATCH_REGEX: warnx("no packages match pattern(s)"); return 1; default: break; } } err_cnt += sortdeps(pkgs); for (i = 0; pkgs[i]; i++) { if (Recursive == TRUE) { errcode = requiredby(pkgs[i], &rb_list, FALSE, TRUE); if (errcode < 0) { err_cnt++; } else if (errcode > 0) { /* * Copy values from the rb_list queue into argv-like NULL * terminated list because requiredby() uses some static * storage, while pkg_do() below will call this function, * thus blowing our rb_list away. */ rbtmp = rb = alloca((errcode + 1) * sizeof(*rb)); if (rb == NULL) { warnx("%s(): alloca() failed", __func__); err_cnt++; continue; } STAILQ_FOREACH(rb_entry, rb_list, link) { *rbtmp = alloca(strlen(rb_entry->pkgname) + 1); if (*rbtmp == NULL) { warnx("%s(): alloca() failed", __func__); err_cnt++; continue; } strcpy(*rbtmp, rb_entry->pkgname); rbtmp++; } *rbtmp = NULL; err_cnt += sortdeps(rb); for (j = 0; rb[j]; j++) err_cnt += pkg_do(rb[j]); } } err_cnt += pkg_do(pkgs[i]); } return err_cnt; } static Package Plist; /* This is seriously ugly code following. Written very fast! */ static int pkg_do(char *pkg) { FILE *cfile; char *deporigin, **deporigins = NULL, **depnames = NULL, ***depmatches, home[FILENAME_MAX]; PackingList p; int i, len; int isinstalled; /* support for separate pre/post install scripts */ int new_m = 0, dep_count = 0; const char *pre_script = DEINSTALL_FNAME; const char *post_script, *pre_arg, *post_arg; struct reqr_by_entry *rb_entry; struct reqr_by_head *rb_list; int fd; struct stat sb; if (!pkg || !(len = strlen(pkg))) return 1; if (pkg[len - 1] == '/') pkg[len - 1] = '\0'; /* Reset some state */ if (Plist.head) free_plist(&Plist); sprintf(LogDir, "%s/%s", LOG_DIR, pkg); isinstalled = isinstalledpkg(pkg); if (isinstalled == 0) { warnx("no such package '%s' installed", pkg); return 1; } else if (isinstalled < 0) { warnx("the package info for package '%s' is corrupt%s", pkg, Force ? " (but I'll delete it anyway)" : " (use -f to force removal)"); if (!Force) return 1; if (!Fake) { if (vsystem("%s -rf %s", REMOVE_CMD, LogDir)) { warnx("couldn't remove log entry in %s, deinstall failed", LogDir); } else { warnx("couldn't completely deinstall package '%s',\n" "only the log entry in %s was removed", pkg, LogDir); } } return 0; } if (!getcwd(home, FILENAME_MAX)) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: unable to get current working directory!", __func__); } if (chdir(LogDir) == FAIL) { warnx("unable to change directory to %s! deinstall failed", LogDir); return 1; } if (Interactive == TRUE) { int first, ch; (void)fprintf(stderr, "delete %s? ", pkg); (void)fflush(stderr); first = ch = getchar(); while (ch != '\n' && ch != EOF) ch = getchar(); if (first != 'y' && first != 'Y') return 0; /* Not reached */ } if (requiredby(pkg, &rb_list, FALSE, TRUE) < 0) return 1; if (!STAILQ_EMPTY(rb_list)) { warnx("package '%s' is required by these other packages\n" "and may not be deinstalled%s:", pkg, Force ? " (but I'll delete it anyway)" : ""); STAILQ_FOREACH(rb_entry, rb_list, link) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", rb_entry->pkgname); if (!Force) return 1; } sanity_check(LogDir); cfile = fopen(CONTENTS_FNAME, "r"); if (!cfile) { warnx("unable to open '%s' file", CONTENTS_FNAME); return 1; } /* If we have a prefix, add it now */ if (Prefix) add_plist(&Plist, PLIST_CWD, Prefix); read_plist(&Plist, cfile); fclose(cfile); p = find_plist(&Plist, PLIST_CWD); if (!p) { warnx("package '%s' doesn't have a prefix", pkg); return 1; } setenv(PKG_PREFIX_VNAME, p->name, 1); if ((fd = open(REQUIRE_FNAME, O_RDWR)) != -1) { fstat(fd, &sb); fchmod(fd, sb.st_mode | S_IXALL); /* be sure, chmod a+x */ close(fd); if (Verbose) printf("Executing 'require' script.\n"); if (vsystem("./%s %s DEINSTALL", REQUIRE_FNAME, pkg)) { warnx("package %s fails requirements %s", pkg, Force ? "" : "- not deleted"); if (!Force) return 1; } } /* * Test whether to use the old method of passing tokens to deinstallation * scripts, and set appropriate variables.. */ if (fexists(POST_DEINSTALL_FNAME)) { new_m = 1; post_script = POST_DEINSTALL_FNAME; pre_arg = post_arg = ""; } else if (fexists(DEINSTALL_FNAME)) { post_script = DEINSTALL_FNAME; pre_arg = "DEINSTALL"; post_arg = "POST-DEINSTALL"; } else { post_script = pre_arg = post_arg = NULL; } if (!NoDeInstall && pre_script != NULL && (fd = open(pre_script, O_RDWR)) != -1) { if (Fake) printf("Would execute de-install script at this point.\n"); else { fstat(fd, &sb); fchmod(fd, sb.st_mode | S_IXALL); /* be sure, chmod a+x */ close(fd); if (vsystem("./%s %s %s", pre_script, pkg, pre_arg)) { warnx("deinstall script returned error status"); if (!Force) return 1; } } } for (p = Plist.head; p ; p = p->next) { if (p->type != PLIST_PKGDEP) continue; deporigin = (p->next != NULL && p->next->type == PLIST_DEPORIGIN) ? p->next->name : NULL; if (Verbose) { printf("Trying to remove dependency on package '%s'", p->name); if (deporigin != NULL) printf(" with '%s' origin", deporigin); printf(".\n"); } if (!Fake) { if (deporigin) { deporigins = realloc(deporigins, (dep_count + 2) * sizeof(*deporigins)); depnames = realloc(depnames, (dep_count + 1) * sizeof(*depnames)); deporigins[dep_count] = deporigin; deporigins[dep_count + 1] = NULL; depnames[dep_count] = p->name; dep_count++; } else { undepend(p->name, pkg); } } } if (dep_count > 0) { /* Undepend all the dependencies at once */ depmatches = matchallbyorigin((const char **)deporigins, NULL); free(deporigins); if (depmatches) { for (i = 0; i < dep_count; i++) { if (depmatches[i]) { char **tmp = depmatches[i]; int j; for (j = 0; tmp[j] != NULL; j++) undepend(tmp[j], pkg); } else if (depnames[i]) { undepend(depnames[i], pkg); } } } } if (chdir(home) == FAIL) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: unable to return to working directory %s!", __func__, home); } /* * Some packages aren't packed right, so we need to just ignore * delete_package()'s status. Ugh! :-( */ if (delete_package(FALSE, CleanDirs, &Plist) == FAIL) warnx( "couldn't entirely delete package `%s'\n" "(perhaps the packing list is incorrectly specified?)", pkg); if (chdir(LogDir) == FAIL) { warnx("unable to change directory to %s! deinstall failed", LogDir); return 1; } if (!NoDeInstall && post_script != NULL && (fd = open(post_script, O_RDWR)) != -1) { if (Fake) printf("Would execute post-deinstall script at this point.\n"); else { fstat(fd, &sb); fchmod(fd, sb.st_mode | S_IXALL); /* be sure, chmod a+x */ close(fd); if (vsystem("./%s %s %s", post_script, pkg, post_arg)) { warnx("post-deinstall script returned error status"); if (!Force) return 1; } } } if (chdir(home) == FAIL) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: unable to return to working directory %s!", __func__, home); } if (!Fake) { if (vsystem("%s -r%c %s", REMOVE_CMD, Force ? 'f' : ' ', LogDir)) { warnx("couldn't remove log entry in %s, deinstall failed", LogDir); if (!Force) return 1; } } return 0; } static void sanity_check(char *pkg) { if (!fexists(CONTENTS_FNAME)) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: installed package %s has no %s file!", __func__, pkg, CONTENTS_FNAME); } } void cleanup(int sig) { if (sig) exit(1); } static void undepend(char *p, char *pkgname) { char fname[FILENAME_MAX], ftmp[FILENAME_MAX]; FILE *fpwr; int s; struct reqr_by_entry *rb_entry; struct reqr_by_head *rb_list; if (requiredby(p, &rb_list, Verbose, FALSE) <= 0) return; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s/%s", LOG_DIR, p, REQUIRED_BY_FNAME); snprintf(ftmp, sizeof(ftmp), "%s.XXXXXX", fname); s = mkstemp(ftmp); if (s == -1) { warnx("couldn't open temp file '%s'", ftmp); return; } fpwr = fdopen(s, "w"); if (fpwr == NULL) { close(s); warnx("couldn't fdopen temp file '%s'", ftmp); goto cleanexit; } STAILQ_FOREACH(rb_entry, rb_list, link) if (strcmp(rb_entry->pkgname, pkgname)) /* no match */ fputs(rb_entry->pkgname, fpwr), putc('\n', fpwr); if (fchmod(s, 0644) == FAIL) { warnx("error changing permission of temp file '%s'", ftmp); fclose(fpwr); goto cleanexit; } if (fclose(fpwr) == EOF) { warnx("error closing temp file '%s'", ftmp); goto cleanexit; } if (rename(ftmp, fname) == -1) warnx("error renaming '%s' to '%s'", ftmp, fname); cleanexit: remove(ftmp); return; }