# Makefile for FreeBSD(98) after: # # Makefile.i386 -- with config changes. # Copyright 1990 W. Jolitz # from: @(#)Makefile.i386 7.1 5/10/91 # $FreeBSD: stable/10/sys/conf/Makefile.pc98 242870 2012-11-10 14:56:35Z nyan $ # # Makefile for FreeBSD # # This makefile is constructed from a machine description: # config machineid # Most changes should be made in the machine description # /sys/pc98/conf/``machineid'' # after which you should do # config machineid # Generic makefile changes should be made in # /sys/conf/Makefile.pc98 # after which config should be rerun for all machines. # # Which version of config(8) is required. %VERSREQ= 600004 .if !defined(S) .if exists(./@/.) S= ./@ .else S= ../../.. .endif .endif .include "$S/conf/kern.pre.mk" MACHINE=pc98 MKMODULESENV+= MACHINE=${MACHINE} # XXX: clang integrated-as doesn't grok .codeNN directives yet ASM_CFLAGS.mpboot.s= ${CLANG_NO_IAS} ASM_CFLAGS+= ${ASM_CFLAGS.${.IMPSRC:T}} %BEFORE_DEPEND %OBJS %FILES.c %FILES.s %FILES.m %CLEAN %RULES .include "$S/conf/kern.post.mk"