%man; %authors; %mlists; %release; ]>
&os; &release.current; README The &os; Project $FreeBSD: head/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/readme/article.sgml 81339 2001-08-09 04:27:11Z bmah $ 2000 2001 The FreeBSD Documentation Project This document gives a brief introduction to &os; &release.current;. It includes a roadmap to the other release documentation files, as well as some pointers on obtaining &os; and contacting the &os; development team. Introduction This distribution is a &release.type; of &os; &release.current;, the latest point along the &release.branch; branch. About &os; &os; is an operating system based on 4.4 BSD Lite for Intel, AMD, Cyrix or NexGen x86 based PC hardware and Compaq (formerly DEC) Alpha computers. Versions for the IA64 and PowerPC architectures are currently under development as well. &os; works with a wide variety of peripherals and configurations and can be used for everything from software development to games to Internet Service Provision. This release of &os; contains everything you need to run such a system, including full source code for the kernel and all utilities in the base distribution. With the source distribution installed, you can literally recompile the entire system from scratch with one command, making it ideal for students, researchers, or users who simply want to see how it all works. A large collection of third-party ported software (the Ports Collection) is also provided to make it easy to obtain and install all your favorite traditional UNIX utilities for &os;. Each port consists of a set of scripts to retrieve, configure, build, and install a piece of software, with a single command. Over 5000 ports, from editors to programming languages to graphical applications, make &os; a powerful and comprehensive operating environment that extends far beyond what's provided by many commercial versions of UNIX. Most ports are also available as pre-compiled packages, which can be quickly installed from the installation program. Target Audience This &release.type; is aimed primarily at early adopters and various other users who want to get involved with the ongoing development of &os;. While the &os; development team tries its best to ensure that each &release.type; works as advertised, &release.branch; is very much a work-in-progress. The basic requirements for using this &release.type are technical proficiency with &os; and an understanding of the ongoing development process of &os; &release.current; (as discussed on the &a.current;). For those more interested in doing business with &os; than in experimenting with new &os; technology, formal releases (such as &release.prev;) are frequently more appropriate. Releases undergo a period of testing and quality assurance checking to ensure high reliability and dependability. ]]> This &release.type; of &os; is suitable for all users. It has undergone a period of testing and quality assurance checking to ensure the highest reliability and dependability. ]]> Obtaining &os; &os; may be obtained in a variety of ways. This section focuses on those ways that are primarily of use for obtaining a complete &os; distribution, rather than updating an existing installation. CDROM and DVD &os; -RELEASE distributions (for example, 4.3-RELEASE) may be ordered on CDROM or DVD from several publishers. This is frequently the most convenient way to obtain &os; for new installations, as it provides a convenient way to quickly reinstall the system if necessary. Some distributions include some of the optional, precompiled packages from the &os; Ports Collection. A list of the CDROM and DVD publishers known to the project are listed in the Obtaining FreeBSD appendix to the Handbook. FTP You can use FTP to retrieve &os; and any or all of its optional packages from , which is the official &os; release site, or any of its mirrors. Lists of locations that mirror &os; can be found in the FTP Sites section of the Handbook, or on the Web pages. Finding a close (in networking terms) mirror from which to download the distribution is highly recommended. Additional mirror sites are always welcome. Contact freebsd-admin@FreeBSD.org for more details on becoming an official mirror site. Mirrors generally contain the floppy disk images necessary to begin an installation, as well as the distribution files needed for the install process itself. Some mirrors also contain some of the ISO images necessary to create a CDROM of a &os; release. Contacting the &os; Project Email and Mailing Lists For any questions or general technical support issues, please send mail to the &a.questions;. If you're tracking the -current development efforts, you must join the &a.current;, in order to keep abreast of recent developments and changes that may affect the way you use and maintain the system. Additionally, being a largely-volunteer effort, the &os; Project is always happy to have extra hands willing to help — there are already far more desired enhancements than there is time to implement them. To contact the developers on technical matters, or with offers of help, please send mail to the &a.hackers;. Please note that these mailing lists can experience significant amounts of traffic and if you have slow or expensive mail access and are only interested in keeping up with significant &os; events, you may find it preferable to subscribe instead to the &a.announce;. All of the mailing lists can be freely joined by anyone wishing to do so. Send mail to &a.majordomo; and include the keyword help on a line by itself somewhere in the body of the message. This will give you more information on joining the various lists, accessing archives, etc. There are a number of mailing lists targeted at special interest groups not mentioned here; more information can be obtained either through majordomo or the mailing lists section of the &os; Web site. Do not send email to the lists asking to be subscribed. Use the &a.majordomo; address instead. Submitting Problem Reports Suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are always valued — please do not hesitate to report any problems you may find. Bug reports with attached fixes are of course even more welcome. The preferred method to submit bug reports from a machine with Internet mail connectivity is to use the &man.send-pr.1; command or use the Web form at http://www.FreeBSD.org/send-pr.html. Problem Reports (PRs) submitted in this way will be filed and their progress tracked; the &os; developers will do their best to respond to all reported bugs as soon as possible. A list of all active PRs is available on the &os; Web site; this list is useful to see what potential problems other users have encountered. Note that &man.send-pr.1; itself is a shell script that should be easy to move even onto a non-&os; system. Using this interface is highly preferred. If, for some reason, you are unable to use &man.send-pr.1; to submit a bug report, you can try to send it to the &a.bugs;. In any case, before submitting a PR, please try to determine whether the problem might have already been fixed since. Further Reading Release Documentation A number of other files provide more specific information about this &release.type; distribution. These files are provided in various formats. Most distributions will include both ASCII text (.TXT) and HTML (.HTM) renditions. Some distributions may also include other formats such as PostScript (.PS) or Portable Document Format (.PDF). README.TXT: This file, which gives some general information about &os; as well as some cursory notes about obtaining a distribution. RELNOTES.TXT: The release notes, showing what's new and different in &os; &release.current; compared to &os; &release.prev;. HARDWARE.TXT: The hardware compatability list, showing devices with which &os; has been tested and is known to work. INSTALL.TXT: Installation instructions for installing &os; from its distribution media. ERRATA.TXT: Release errata. Late-breaking, post-release information can be found in this file, which is principally applicable to releases (as opposed to snapshots). It is important to consult this file before installing a release of &os;, as it contains the latest information on problems which have been found and fixed since the release was created. Most information is also available from the Documentation menu during installation. Books and Articles Pointers to more documentation on &os; can be found in the Books & Magazines Specific to FreeBSD section of the &os; Handbook. Because of &os;'s strong UNIX heritage, many other articles and books written for UNIX systems are applicable as well. A selection of these documents can be found in the Handbook's Bibliography. If you're new to &os; then you should also read all of the documentation files listed in , all of which are available from the Documentation menu in the installation program. It may seem like a lot to read, but it's important to at least acquaint yourself with the types of information available, should you run into problems later. Once the system is installed, you can also revisit this menu by running the &man.sysinstall.8; utility. On-line versions of the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions document) and Handbook are always available from the FreeBSD Documentation page or its mirrors. If you install the doc distribution set, you can use a Web browser to read the FAQ and Handbook locally. It is extremely important to read the errata for any given release before installing it, to learn about any late-breaking news or post-release problems. The errata file accompanying each release (most likely right next to this file) is already out of date by definition, but other copies are kept updated on the Internet and should be consulted as the current errata for this release. These other copies of the errata are located at (as well as any sites which keep up-to-date mirrors of this location). Acknowledgments &os; represents the cumulative work of many hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals from around the world who have worked countless hours to bring about this &release.type;. For a complete list of &os; developers and contributors, please see Contributors to FreeBSD on the &os; Web site or any of its mirrors. Special thanks also go to the many thousands of &os; users and testers all over the world, without whom this &release.type; simply would not have been possible.