# $FreeBSD: stable/10/etc/mtree/BSD.root.dist 257353 2013-10-29 18:36:44Z bdrewery $ # # Please see the file src/etc/mtree/README before making changes to this file. # /set type=dir uname=root gname=wheel mode=0755 . bin .. boot defaults .. firmware .. kernel .. modules .. zfs .. .. dev mode=0555 .. etc X11 .. bluetooth .. defaults .. devd .. gnats .. gss .. keys pkg revoked .. trusted .. .. .. mail .. mtree .. ntp mode=0700 .. pam.d .. periodic daily .. monthly .. security .. weekly .. .. pkg .. ppp .. rc.d .. security .. skel .. ssh .. ssl .. zfs .. .. lib geom .. .. libexec resolvconf .. .. media .. mnt .. proc mode=0555 .. rescue .. root .. sbin .. tmp mode=01777 .. usr .. var .. ..