PUSHDIVERT(-1) # # Copyright (c) 1998 Sendmail, Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 1983 Eric P. Allman. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 # The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. # # By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set # forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of # the sendmail distribution. # # ifdef(`SMTP_MAILER_FLAGS',, `define(`SMTP_MAILER_FLAGS', `')') define(_NULL_CLIENT_ONLY_, `1') ifelse(_ARG_, `', `errprint(`Feature "nullclient" requires argument')', `define(`MAIL_HUB', _ARG_)') POPDIVERT # # This is used only for relaying mail from a client to a hub when # that client does absolutely nothing else -- i.e., it is a "null # mailer". In this sense, it acts like the "R" option in Sun # sendmail. # VERSIONID(`@(#)nullclient.m4 8.12 (Berkeley) 5/19/98') PUSHDIVERT(6) # hub host (to which all mail is sent) DH`'ifdef(`MAIL_HUB', MAIL_HUB, `errprint(`MAIL_HUB not defined for nullclient feature')') ifdef(`MASQUERADE_NAME',, `define(`MASQUERADE_NAME', MAIL_HUB)')dnl # route-addr separators C: : , POPDIVERT PUSHDIVERT(7) ############################################ ### Null Client Mailer specification ### ############################################ ifdef(`confRELAY_MAILER',, `define(`confRELAY_MAILER', `nullclient')')dnl ifdef(`confFROM_HEADER',, `define(`confFROM_HEADER', <$g>)')dnl ifdef(`SMTP_MAILER_ARGS',, `define(`SMTP_MAILER_ARGS', `IPC $h')')dnl Mnullclient, P=[IPC], F=CONCAT(mDFMuXa, SMTP_MAILER_FLAGS),ifdef(`SMTP_MAILER_MAX', ` M=SMTP_MAILER_MAX,') A=SMTP_MAILER_ARGS POPDIVERT