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$Revision: 70030 $
*/ #ifndef __CVMX_GPIO_H__ #define __CVMX_GPIO_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* CSR typedefs have been moved to cvmx-gpio-defs.h */ /** * Clear the interrupt rising edge detector for the supplied * pins in the mask. Chips which have more than 16 GPIO pins * can't use them for interrupts. e * @param clear_mask Mask of pins to clear */ static inline void cvmx_gpio_interrupt_clear(uint16_t clear_mask) { if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN61XX)) { cvmx_gpio_multi_cast_t multi_cast; cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_t gpio_bit; int core = cvmx_get_core_num(); multi_cast.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GPIO_MULTI_CAST); gpio_bit.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GPIO_BIT_CFGX(core)); /* If Multicast mode is enabled, and GPIO interrupt is enabled for edge detection, then GPIO<4..7> interrupts are per core */ if (multi_cast.s.en && gpio_bit.s.int_en && gpio_bit.s.int_type) { /* Clear GPIO<4..7> per core */ cvmx_ciu_intx_sum0_t ciu_sum0; ciu_sum0.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_CIU_INTX_SUM0(core * 2)); ciu_sum0.s.gpio = clear_mask & 0xf0; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_CIU_INTX_SUM0(core * 2), ciu_sum0.u64); /* Clear other GPIO pins for all cores. */ cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GPIO_INT_CLR, (clear_mask & ~0xf0)); return; } } /* Clear GPIO pins state across all cores and common interrupt states. */ cvmx_gpio_int_clr_t gpio_int_clr; gpio_int_clr.u64 = 0; gpio_int_clr.s.type = clear_mask; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GPIO_INT_CLR, gpio_int_clr.u64); } /** * GPIO Output Pin * * @param bit The GPIO to use * @param mode Drive GPIO as output pin or not. * */ static inline void cvmx_gpio_cfg(int bit, int mode) { if (bit > 15 && bit < 20) { /* CN61XX/CN66XX has 20 GPIO pins and only 16 are interruptable. */ if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN61XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN66XX)) { cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfgx_t gpio_xbit; gpio_xbit.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GPIO_XBIT_CFGX(bit)); if (mode) gpio_xbit.s.tx_oe = 1; else gpio_xbit.s.tx_oe = 0; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GPIO_XBIT_CFGX(bit), gpio_xbit.u64); } else cvmx_dprintf("cvmx_gpio_cfg: Invalid GPIO bit(%d)\n", bit); } else { cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_t gpio_bit; gpio_bit.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GPIO_BIT_CFGX(bit)); if (mode) gpio_bit.s.tx_oe = 1; else gpio_bit.s.tx_oe = 0; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GPIO_BIT_CFGX(bit), gpio_bit.u64); } } /** * GPIO Read Data * * @return Status of the GPIO pins */ static inline uint32_t cvmx_gpio_read(void) { cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_t gpio_rx_dat; gpio_rx_dat.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GPIO_RX_DAT); return gpio_rx_dat.s.dat; } /** * GPIO Clear pin * * @param clear_mask Bit mask to indicate which bits to drive to '0'. */ static inline void cvmx_gpio_clear(uint32_t clear_mask) { cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_t gpio_tx_clr; gpio_tx_clr.u64 = 0; gpio_tx_clr.s.clr = clear_mask; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GPIO_TX_CLR, gpio_tx_clr.u64); } /** * GPIO Set pin * * @param set_mask Bit mask to indicate which bits to drive to '1'. */ static inline void cvmx_gpio_set(uint32_t set_mask) { cvmx_gpio_tx_set_t gpio_tx_set; gpio_tx_set.u64 = 0; gpio_tx_set.s.set = set_mask; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GPIO_TX_SET, gpio_tx_set.u64); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif