$Begemot: bsnmp/oid-list,v 1.1 2005/02/25 12:21:00 brandt_h Exp $ This file documents the OID assignments under BSNMP's private OID. While I was at Fraunhofer Fokus (www.fokus.fraunhofer.de) I registered an official OID for Fokus: enterprises 12325 and assigned the sub-OID 1 to the software I develop. Under this OID there are: enterprises 12325 FOKUS 1 BEGEMOT 1 BEGEMOT-SNMPD 2 BEGEMOT-NETGRAPH snmpd netgraph module 100 BEGEMOT-ILMID snmpd ILMID module 101 BEGEMOT-ATM snmpd ATM module 200 BEGEMOT-PF snmpd PF module (phillip@freebsd.org) If you need an OID and don't know where to stuck it in, I can assign you one - just drop me a mail. harti