/* * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * @OSF_COPYRIGHT@ */ /* * HISTORY * * Revision 1998/09/22 21:05:49 wsanchez * Import of Mac OS X kernel (~semeria) * * Revision 1998/03/07 02:26:08 wsanchez * Import of OSF Mach kernel (~mburg) * * Revision 1995/01/06 19:54:04 devrcs * mk6 CR668 - 1.3b26 merge * new file for mk6 * [1994/10/12 22:25:34 dwm] * * Revision 1994/04/08 17:52:05 meissner * Add callback function to _profile_kgmon. * [1994/02/16 22:38:31 meissner] * * _profile_kgmon now returns pointer to area, doesn't do move itself. * [1994/02/11 16:52:17 meissner] * * Move all printfs into if (pv->debug) { ... } blocks. * Add debug printfs protected by if (pv->debug) for all error conditions. * Add code to reset profiling information. * Add code to get/set debug flag. * Expand copyright. * [1994/02/07 12:41:14 meissner] * * Add support to copy arbitrary regions. * Delete several of the KGMON_GET commands, now that arb. regions are supported. * Explicitly call _profile_update_stats before dumping vars or stats. * [1994/02/03 00:59:05 meissner] * * Combine _profile_{vars,stats,md}; Allow more than one _profile_vars. * [1994/02/01 12:04:09 meissner] * * CR 10198 - Initial version. * [1994/01/28 23:33:37 meissner] * * $EndLog$ */ #include #ifdef MACH_KERNEL #include #endif #ifndef PROFILE_VARS #define PROFILE_VARS(cpu) (&_profile_vars) #endif /* * Kgmon interface. This returns the count of bytes moved if everything was ok, * or -1 if there were errors. */ long _profile_kgmon(int write, size_t count, long indx, int max_cpus, void **p_ptr, void (*control_func)(kgmon_control_t)) { kgmon_control_t kgmon; int cpu; int error = 0; int i; struct profile_vars *pv; static struct callback dummy_callback; *p_ptr = (void *)0; /* * If the number passed is not within bounds, just copy the data directly. */ if (!LEGAL_KGMON(indx)) { *p_ptr = (void *)indx; if (!write) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("_profile_kgmon: copy %5ld bytes, from 0x%lx\n", (long)count, (long)indx); } } else { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("_profile_kgmon: copy %5ld bytes, to 0x%lx\n", (long)count, (long)indx); } } return count; } /* * Decode the record number into the component pieces. */ DECODE_KGMON(indx, kgmon, cpu); if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("_profile_kgmon: start: kgmon control = %2d, cpu = %d, count = %ld\n", kgmon, cpu, (long)count); } /* Validate the CPU number */ if (cpu < 0 || cpu >= max_cpus) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON, bad cpu %d\n", cpu); } return -1; } else { pv = PROFILE_VARS(cpu); if (!write) { switch (kgmon) { default: if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("Unknown KGMON read command\n"); } error = -1; break; case KGMON_GET_STATUS: /* return whether or not profiling is active */ if (cpu != 0) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON_GET_STATUS: cpu = %d\n", cpu); } error = -1; break; } if (count != sizeof(pv->active)) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON_GET_STATUS: count = %ld, should be %ld\n", (long)count, (long)sizeof(pv->active)); } error = -1; break; } *p_ptr = (void *)&pv->active; break; case KGMON_GET_DEBUG: /* return whether or not debugging is active */ if (cpu != 0) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON_GET_DEBUG: cpu = %d\n", cpu); } error = -1; break; } if (count != sizeof(pv->debug)) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON_GET_DEBUG: count = %ld, should be %ld\n", (long)count, (long)sizeof(pv->active)); } error = -1; break; } *p_ptr = (void *)&pv->debug; break; case KGMON_GET_PROFILE_VARS: /* return the _profile_vars structure */ if (count != sizeof(struct profile_vars)) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON_GET_PROFILE_VARS: count = %ld, should be %ld\n", (long)count, (long)sizeof(struct profile_vars)); } error = -1; break; } _profile_update_stats(pv); *p_ptr = (void *)pv; break; case KGMON_GET_PROFILE_STATS: /* return the _profile_stats structure */ if (count != sizeof(struct profile_stats)) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON_GET_PROFILE_STATS: count = %ld, should be = %ld\n", (long)count, (long)sizeof(struct profile_stats)); } error = -1; break; } _profile_update_stats(pv); *p_ptr = (void *)&pv->stats; break; } } else { switch (kgmon) { default: if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("Unknown KGMON write command\n"); } error = -1; break; case KGMON_SET_PROFILE_ON: /* turn on profiling */ if (cpu != 0) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON_SET_PROFILE_ON, cpu = %d\n", cpu); } error = -1; break; } if (!PROFILE_VARS(0)->active) { for (i = 0; i < max_cpus; i++) { PROFILE_VARS(i)->active = 1; } if (control_func) { (*control_func)(kgmon); } _profile_md_start(); } count = 0; break; case KGMON_SET_PROFILE_OFF: /* turn off profiling */ if (cpu != 0) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON_SET_PROFILE_OFF, cpu = %d\n", cpu); } error = -1; break; } if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->active) { for (i = 0; i < max_cpus; i++) { PROFILE_VARS(i)->active = 0; } _profile_md_stop(); if (control_func) { (*control_func)(kgmon); } } count = 0; break; case KGMON_SET_PROFILE_RESET: /* reset profiling */ if (cpu != 0) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON_SET_PROFILE_RESET, cpu = %d\n", cpu); } error = -1; break; } for (i = 0; i < max_cpus; i++) { _profile_reset(PROFILE_VARS(i)); } if (control_func) { (*control_func)(kgmon); } count = 0; break; case KGMON_SET_DEBUG_ON: /* turn on profiling */ if (cpu != 0) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON_SET_DEBUG_ON, cpu = %d\n", cpu); } error = -1; break; } if (!PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { for (i = 0; i < max_cpus; i++) { PROFILE_VARS(i)->debug = 1; } if (control_func) { (*control_func)(kgmon); } } count = 0; break; case KGMON_SET_DEBUG_OFF: /* turn off profiling */ if (cpu != 0) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("KGMON_SET_DEBUG_OFF, cpu = %d\n", cpu); } error = -1; break; } if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { for (i = 0; i < max_cpus; i++) { PROFILE_VARS(i)->debug = 0; } if (control_func) { (*control_func)(kgmon); } } count = 0; break; } } } if (error) { if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("_profile_kgmon: done: kgmon control = %2d, cpu = %d, error = %d\n", kgmon, cpu, error); } return -1; } if (PROFILE_VARS(0)->debug) { printf("_profile_kgmon: done: kgmon control = %2d, cpu = %d, count = %ld\n", kgmon, cpu, (long)count); } return count; }