/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* Sample thread data */ #include #include /* thread_* */ #include /* panic */ // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeIdle = 0x40, // TH_IDLE // #define TH_IDLE 0x40 //kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNotIdle = kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeIdle << 16, // !TH_IDLE #define TH_IDLE_N (TH_IDLE << 16) static uint64_t make_runmode(thread_t thread) { /* CEG: This is a translation of * AppleProfileGetRunModeOfThread below... kinda magic :/ */ const int mode = chudxnu_thread_get_scheduler_state(thread); #if !TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED if( 0 == mode) { return (chudxnu_thread_get_idle(thread) ? TH_IDLE : TH_IDLE_N); } else #endif // Today we happen to know there's a one-to-one mapping. return ((mode & 0xffff) | ((~mode & 0xffff) << 16)); } /* code to collect current thread info */ void kperf_threadinfo_sample(struct threadinfo *ti, struct kperf_context *context) { thread_t cur_thread = context->cur_thread; BUF_INFO1( PERF_TI_SAMPLE, (uintptr_t)cur_thread ); // fill out the fields ti->pid = context->cur_pid; ti->tid = thread_tid(cur_thread); ti->dq_addr = thread_dispatchqaddr(cur_thread); ti->runmode = make_runmode(cur_thread); } /* log an existing sample into the buffer */ void kperf_threadinfo_log(struct threadinfo *ti) { /* XXX: K64 only? */ BUF_DATA( PERF_TI_DATA, ti->pid, ti->tid, ti->dq_addr, ti->runmode ); } /* 'extra' thread-info functions that are deferred 'til thread-context * time */ void kperf_threadinfo_extra_sample(struct tinfo_ex *tex, struct kperf_context *context) { thread_t cur_thread = context->cur_thread; uint32_t t_chud; /* can only pend on the current thread */ /* this is valid from PET mode... */ /* if( cur_thread != chudxnu_current_thread() ) panic("pending to non-current thread"); */ /* get our current bits */ t_chud = kperf_get_thread_bits(cur_thread); /* check if there's anything for us to do */ if( t_chud & T_AST_NAME ) { BUF_INFO1( PERF_TI_XSAMPLE, (uintptr_t)cur_thread ); /* get the name out */ #ifdef FIXME /* need kperfbsd.c? */ proc_name( context->cur_pid, &tex->p_comm[0], CHUD_MAXPCOMM ); #endif /* mark that it's done */ t_chud &= ~T_AST_NAME; t_chud |= T_NAME_DONE; kperf_set_thread_bits(cur_thread, t_chud); } else /* empty string */ tex->p_comm[0] = '\0'; } /* log it if there's anyting useful there */ void kperf_threadinfo_extra_log(struct tinfo_ex *tex) { /* no data */ if( tex->p_comm[0] == '\0' ) return; /* FIXME: log more */ BUF_DATA1( PERF_TI_XDATA, (uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)&tex->p_comm[0] ); } /* pend a flag on a thread */ int kperf_threadinfo_extra_pend(struct kperf_context *context) { return kperf_ast_pend( context->cur_thread, T_NAME_DONE | T_AST_NAME, T_AST_NAME ); } #if 0 /* transalted from the APF */ APTIAKernelEntry_t *threadInfo = (APTIAKernelEntry_t*)(threadInfos + account->offset); context->timeStamp = mach_absolute_time(); context->cpuNum = chudxnu_cpu_number(); // record the process info from the callback context context->pid = chudxnu_current_pid(); threadInfo->pid = context->generic->pid; // thread_tid is a thread_t to ID function in the kernel context->threadID = chudxnu_current_thread(); threadInfo->tid = thread_tid(context->generic->threadID); // also a kernel function threadInfo->dispatch_queue_addr = thread_dispatchqaddr(context->generic->threadID); // see below threadInfo->runMode = AppleProfileGetRunModeOfThread(context->generic->threadID); /****** WTF is this?! *******/ /*!enum AppleProfileTriggerClientThreadRunMode * * Specifies the thread mode in which to record samples. */ typedef enum { // Target Thread State - can be OR'd // Basic Building Blocks: // for Time Profile, use kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeRunning (optionally with kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNotIdle). // for Time Profile (All Thread States), use kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeAny (or just don't specify any thread mode filters). // for Time Profile (Blocked Threads), use kIOProfileTriggerClientThreadModeBlocked. // etc... kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNone = 0x0, kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeRunning = 0x1, // On a core kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeRunnable = 0x2, // TH_RUN kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeBlocked = 0x4, // TH_WAIT kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeUninterruptible = 0x8, // TH_UNINT kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeSuspended = 0x10, // TH_SUSP kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeTerminating = 0x20, // TH_TERMINATE kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeIdle = 0x40, // TH_IDLE kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNotRunning = kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeRunning << 16, // Not on a core kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNotRunnable = kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeRunnable << 16, // !TH_RUN kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNotBlocked = kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeBlocked << 16, // !TH_WAIT kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNotUninterruptible = kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeUninterruptible << 16, // !TH_UNINT kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNotSuspended = kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeSuspended << 16, // !TH_SUSP kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNotTerminating = kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeTerminating << 16, // !TH_TERMINATE kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNotIdle = kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeIdle << 16, // !TH_IDLE kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeAny = ( kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeRunning | kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNotRunning), } AppleProfileTriggerClientThreadRunMode; extern "C" AppleProfileTriggerClientThreadRunMode AppleProfileGetRunModeOfThread(thread_t thread) { const int mode = chudxnu_thread_get_scheduler_state(thread); #if !TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED if (0 == mode) { return (chudxnu_thread_get_idle(thread) ? kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeIdle : kAppleProfileTriggerClientThreadModeNotIdle); } else #endif return (AppleProfileTriggerClientThreadRunMode)((mode & 0xffff) | ((~mode & 0xffff) << 16)); // Today we happen to know there's a one-to-one mapping. } #endif