/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * @OSF_FREE_COPYRIGHT@ */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* */ /* * File: task.h * Author: Avadis Tevanian, Jr. * * This file contains the structure definitions for tasks. * */ /* * Copyright (c) 1993 The University of Utah and * the Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL). All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL ALLOW FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS * IS" CONDITION. THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY OF * ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * CSL requests users of this software to return to csl-dist@cs.utah.edu any * improvements that they make and grant CSL redistribution rights. * */ /* * NOTICE: This file was modified by McAfee Research in 2004 to introduce * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License, * Version 2.0. * Copyright (c) 2005 SPARTA, Inc. */ #ifndef _KERN_TASK_H_ #define _KERN_TASK_H_ #include #include #include #ifdef MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif /* MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE /* defns for task->rsu_controldata */ #define TASK_POLICY_CPU_RESOURCE_USAGE 0 #define TASK_POLICY_WIREDMEM_RESOURCE_USAGE 1 #define TASK_POLICY_VIRTUALMEM_RESOURCE_USAGE 2 #define TASK_POLICY_DISK_RESOURCE_USAGE 3 #define TASK_POLICY_NETWORK_RESOURCE_USAGE 4 #define TASK_POLICY_POWER_RESOURCE_USAGE 5 #define TASK_POLICY_RESOURCE_USAGE_COUNT 6 /* * Process Action and Policy bit definitions The bit defns of the policy states 64 60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 0 |----|-----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|--------| |RFU | RFU | PWR| NET| DSK| CPU| VM | WM | LVM| RFU| CPU| NET| GPU| DSK| BGRND | |----|-----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|--------| |<----------- RESOURCE USAGE -------->|< LOWSRC>|<-HARDWARE ACCESS->|BackGrnd| |----|-----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|--------| * */ #define TASK_POLICY_BACKGROUND_ATTRIBUTE_NONE 0x00 #define TASK_POLICY_BACKGROUND_ATTRIBUTE_LOWPRI 0x01 #define TASK_POLICY_BACKGROUND_ATTRIBUTE_DISKTHROTTLE 0x02 #define TASK_POLICY_BACKGROUND_ATTRIBUTE_NETTHROTTLE 0x04 #define TASK_POLICY_BACKGROUND_ATTRIBUTE_NOGPU 0x08 #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED #define TASK_POLICY_BACKGROUND_ATTRIBUTE_ALL 0x0F #else /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */ #define TASK_POLICY_BACKGROUND_ATTRIBUTE_ALL 0x07 #endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */ #define TASK_POLICY_BACKGROUND_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT TASK_POLICY_BACKGROUND_ATTRIBUTE_ALL /* Hardware disk access attributes, bit different as it should reflect IOPOL_XXX */ #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_DISK_ATTRIBUTE_NONE 0x00 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_DISK_ATTRIBUTE_FULLACCESS 0x01 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_DISK_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0x01 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_DISK_ATTRIBUTE_PASSIVE 0x02 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_DISK_ATTRIBUTE_THROTTLE 0x03 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_DISK_ATTRIBUTE_UTILITY 0x04 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_DISK_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_DISK_ATTRIBUTE_FULLACCESS /* Hardware GPU access attributes */ #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_GPU_ATTRIBUTE_NONE 0x00 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_GPU_ATTRIBUTE_FULLACCESS 0x00 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_GPU_ATTRIBUTE_NOACCESS 0x01 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_GPU_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_GPU_ATTRIBUTE_FULLACCESS /* Hardware Network access attributes */ #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_NET_ATTRIBUTE_NONE 0x00 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_NET_ATTRIBUTE_FULLACCESS 0x00 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_NET_ATTRIBUTE_THROTTLE 0x01 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_NET_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_NET_ATTRIBUTE_FULLACCESS /* Hardware CPU access attributes */ #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_CPU_ATTRIBUTE_NONE 0x00 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_CPU_ATTRIBUTE_FULLACCESS 0x00 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_CPU_ATTRIBUTE_ONE 0x01 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_CPU_ATTRIBUTE_LLCACHE 0x02 #define TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_CPU_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT TASK_POLICY_HWACCESS_CPU_ATTRIBUTE_FULLACCESS /* Resource usage/low resource attributes */ #define TASK_POLICY_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_NONE 0x00 #define TASK_POLICY_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_THROTTLE 0x01 #define TASK_POLICY_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SUSPEND 0x02 #define TASK_POLICY_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_TERMINATE 0x03 #define TASK_POLICY_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_NOTIFY_KQ 0x04 #define TASK_POLICY_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_NOTIFY_EXC 0x05 #define TASK_POLICY_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT TASK_POLICY_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_NONE #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #ifdef MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE typedef struct process_policy { uint64_t apptype:4, rfu1:4, ru_power:4, /* Resource Usage Power */ ru_net:4, /* Resource Usage Network */ ru_disk:4, /* Resource Usage Disk */ ru_cpu:4, /* Resource Usage CPU */ ru_virtmem:4, /* Resource Usage VM */ ru_wiredmem:4,/* Resource Usage Wired Memory */ low_vm:4, /* Low Virtual Memory */ rfu2:4, hw_cpu:4, /* HW Access to CPU */ hw_net:4, /* HW Access to Network */ hw_gpu:4, /* HW Access to GPU */ hw_disk:4, /* HW Access to Disk */ hw_bg:8; /* Darwin Background Policy */ } process_policy_t; #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED typedef struct task_watcher { queue_chain_t tw_links; /* queueing of threads */ task_t tw_task; /* task that is being watched */ thread_t tw_thread; /* thread that is watching the watch_task */ int tw_state; /* the current app state of the thread */ int tw_importance; /* importance prior to backgrounding */ } task_watch_t; extern lck_mtx_t task_watch_mtx; #endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */ #include extern process_policy_t default_task_proc_policy; /* init value for the process policy attributes */ extern process_policy_t default_task_null_policy; /* none as the value for the process policy attributes */ struct task { /* Synchronization/destruction information */ decl_lck_mtx_data(,lock) /* Task's lock */ uint32_t ref_count; /* Number of references to me */ boolean_t active; /* Task has not been terminated */ boolean_t halting; /* Task is being halted */ /* Miscellaneous */ vm_map_t map; /* Address space description */ queue_chain_t tasks; /* global list of tasks */ void *user_data; /* Arbitrary data settable via IPC */ /* Threads in this task */ queue_head_t threads; processor_set_t pset_hint; struct affinity_space *affinity_space; int thread_count; uint32_t active_thread_count; int suspend_count; /* Internal scheduling only */ /* User-visible scheduling information */ integer_t user_stop_count; /* outstanding stops */ task_role_t role; integer_t priority; /* base priority for threads */ integer_t max_priority; /* maximum priority for threads */ /* Task security and audit tokens */ security_token_t sec_token; audit_token_t audit_token; /* Statistics */ uint64_t total_user_time; /* terminated threads only */ uint64_t total_system_time; /* Virtual timers */ uint32_t vtimers; /* IPC structures */ decl_lck_mtx_data(,itk_lock_data) struct ipc_port *itk_self; /* not a right, doesn't hold ref */ struct ipc_port *itk_nself; /* not a right, doesn't hold ref */ struct ipc_port *itk_sself; /* a send right */ struct exception_action exc_actions[EXC_TYPES_COUNT]; /* a send right each valid element */ struct ipc_port *itk_host; /* a send right */ struct ipc_port *itk_bootstrap; /* a send right */ struct ipc_port *itk_seatbelt; /* a send right */ struct ipc_port *itk_gssd; /* yet another send right */ struct ipc_port *itk_task_access; /* and another send right */ struct ipc_port *itk_registered[TASK_PORT_REGISTER_MAX]; /* all send rights */ struct ipc_space *itk_space; /* Synchronizer ownership information */ queue_head_t semaphore_list; /* list of owned semaphores */ queue_head_t lock_set_list; /* list of owned lock sets */ int semaphores_owned; /* number of semaphores owned */ int lock_sets_owned; /* number of lock sets owned */ ledger_t ledger; unsigned int priv_flags; /* privilege resource flags */ #define VM_BACKING_STORE_PRIV 0x1 MACHINE_TASK integer_t faults; /* faults counter */ integer_t pageins; /* pageins counter */ integer_t cow_faults; /* copy on write fault counter */ integer_t messages_sent; /* messages sent counter */ integer_t messages_received; /* messages received counter */ integer_t syscalls_mach; /* mach system call counter */ integer_t syscalls_unix; /* unix system call counter */ uint32_t c_switch; /* total context switches */ uint32_t p_switch; /* total processor switches */ uint32_t ps_switch; /* total pset switches */ zinfo_usage_t tkm_zinfo; /* per-task, per-zone usage statistics */ #ifdef MACH_BSD void *bsd_info; #endif struct vm_shared_region *shared_region; uint32_t taskFeatures[2]; /* Special feature for this task */ #define tf64BitAddr 0x80000000 /* Task has 64-bit addressing */ #define tf64BitData 0x40000000 /* Task has 64-bit data registers */ #define task_has_64BitAddr(task) \ (((task)->taskFeatures[0] & tf64BitAddr) != 0) #define task_set_64BitAddr(task) \ ((task)->taskFeatures[0] |= tf64BitAddr) #define task_clear_64BitAddr(task) \ ((task)->taskFeatures[0] &= ~tf64BitAddr) mach_vm_address_t all_image_info_addr; /* dyld __all_image_info */ mach_vm_size_t all_image_info_size; /* section location and size */ #if CONFIG_MACF_MACH ipc_labelh_t label; #endif #if CONFIG_COUNTERS #define TASK_PMC_FLAG 0x1 /* Bit in "t_chud" signifying PMC interest */ uint32_t t_chud; /* CHUD flags, used for Shark */ #endif boolean_t pidsuspended; /* pid_suspend called; no threads can execute */ boolean_t frozen; /* frozen; private resident pages committed to swap */ process_policy_t ext_appliedstate; /* externally applied actions */ process_policy_t ext_policystate; /* externally defined process policy states*/ process_policy_t appliedstate; /* self applied acions */ process_policy_t policystate; /* process wide policy states */ uint8_t rusage_cpu_flags; uint8_t rusage_cpu_percentage; /* Task-wide CPU limit percentage */ uint64_t rusage_cpu_interval; /* Task-wide CPU limit interval */ uint8_t rusage_cpu_perthr_percentage; /* Per-thread CPU limit percentage */ uint64_t rusage_cpu_perthr_interval; /* Per-thread CPU limit interval */ uint64_t rusage_cpu_deadline; thread_call_t rusage_cpu_callt; #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED uint32_t appstate; /* the current appstate */ queue_head_t task_watchers; /* app state watcher threads */ int num_taskwatchers; int watchapplying; #endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */ vm_extmod_statistics_data_t extmod_statistics; natural_t proc_terminate; /* the process is marked for proc_terminate */ /* Statistics accumulated for terminated threads from this task */ uint32_t task_timer_wakeups_bin_1; uint32_t task_timer_wakeups_bin_2; }; #define task_lock(task) lck_mtx_lock(&(task)->lock) #define task_lock_try(task) lck_mtx_try_lock(&(task)->lock) #define task_unlock(task) lck_mtx_unlock(&(task)->lock) #if CONFIG_MACF_MACH #define maclabel label->lh_label #define tasklabel_lock(task) lh_lock((task)->label) #define tasklabel_unlock(task) lh_unlock((task)->label) extern void tasklabel_lock2(task_t a, task_t b); extern void tasklabel_unlock2(task_t a, task_t b); #endif /* MAC_MACH */ #define itk_lock_init(task) lck_mtx_init(&(task)->itk_lock_data, &ipc_lck_grp, &ipc_lck_attr) #define itk_lock_destroy(task) lck_mtx_destroy(&(task)->itk_lock_data, &ipc_lck_grp) #define itk_lock(task) lck_mtx_lock(&(task)->itk_lock_data) #define itk_unlock(task) lck_mtx_unlock(&(task)->itk_lock_data) #define task_reference_internal(task) \ (void)hw_atomic_add(&(task)->ref_count, 1) #define task_deallocate_internal(task) \ hw_atomic_sub(&(task)->ref_count, 1) #define task_reference(task) \ MACRO_BEGIN \ if ((task) != TASK_NULL) \ task_reference_internal(task); \ MACRO_END extern kern_return_t kernel_task_create( task_t task, vm_offset_t map_base, vm_size_t map_size, task_t *child); /* Initialize task module */ extern void task_init(void) __attribute__((section("__TEXT, initcode"))); #define current_task_fast() (current_thread()->task) #define current_task() current_task_fast() extern lck_attr_t task_lck_attr; extern lck_grp_t task_lck_grp; #else /* MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ __BEGIN_DECLS extern task_t current_task(void); extern void task_reference(task_t task); __END_DECLS #endif /* MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ __BEGIN_DECLS #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE /* Hold all threads in a task */ extern kern_return_t task_hold( task_t task); /* Wait for task to stop running, either just to get off CPU or to cease being runnable */ extern kern_return_t task_wait( task_t task, boolean_t until_not_runnable); /* Release hold on all threads in a task */ extern kern_return_t task_release( task_t task); /* Suspends a task by placing a hold on its threads */ extern kern_return_t task_pidsuspend( task_t task); extern kern_return_t task_pidsuspend_locked( task_t task); /* Resumes a previously paused task */ extern kern_return_t task_pidresume( task_t task); #if CONFIG_FREEZE /* Freeze a task's resident pages */ extern kern_return_t task_freeze( task_t task, uint32_t *purgeable_count, uint32_t *wired_count, uint32_t *clean_count, uint32_t *dirty_count, uint32_t dirty_budget, boolean_t *shared, boolean_t walk_only); /* Thaw a currently frozen task */ extern kern_return_t task_thaw( task_t task); #endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */ /* Halt all other threads in the current task */ extern kern_return_t task_start_halt( task_t task); /* Wait for other threads to halt and free halting task resources */ extern void task_complete_halt( task_t task); extern kern_return_t task_terminate_internal( task_t task); extern kern_return_t task_create_internal( task_t parent_task, boolean_t inherit_memory, boolean_t is_64bit, task_t *child_task); /* OUT */ extern kern_return_t task_importance( task_t task, integer_t importance); extern void task_vtimer_set( task_t task, integer_t which); extern void task_vtimer_clear( task_t task, integer_t which); extern void task_vtimer_update( task_t task, integer_t which, uint32_t *microsecs); #define TASK_VTIMER_USER 0x01 #define TASK_VTIMER_PROF 0x02 #define TASK_VTIMER_RLIM 0x04 extern void task_set_64bit( task_t task, boolean_t is64bit); extern void task_backing_store_privileged( task_t task); extern void task_set_dyld_info( task_t task, mach_vm_address_t addr, mach_vm_size_t size); /* Get number of activations in a task */ extern int get_task_numacts( task_t task); extern int get_task_numactivethreads(task_t task); /* JMM - should just be temporary (implementation in bsd_kern still) */ extern void set_bsdtask_info(task_t,void *); extern vm_map_t get_task_map_reference(task_t); extern vm_map_t swap_task_map(task_t, thread_t, vm_map_t, boolean_t); extern pmap_t get_task_pmap(task_t); extern uint64_t get_task_resident_size(task_t); extern boolean_t is_kerneltask(task_t task); extern kern_return_t check_actforsig(task_t task, thread_t thread, int setast); extern kern_return_t machine_task_get_state( task_t task, int flavor, thread_state_t state, mach_msg_type_number_t *state_count); extern kern_return_t machine_task_set_state( task_t task, int flavor, thread_state_t state, mach_msg_type_number_t state_count); extern void machine_task_terminate(task_t task); struct _task_ledger_indices { int cpu_time; int tkm_private; int tkm_shared; int phys_mem; int wired_mem; int platform_idle_wakeups; int interrupt_wakeups; }; extern struct _task_ledger_indices task_ledgers; int proc_get_task_bg_policy(task_t task); int proc_get_thread_bg_policy(task_t task, uint64_t tid); int proc_get_self_isbackground(void); int proc_get_selfthread_isbackground(void); int proc_get_darwinbgstate(task_t, uint32_t *); int proc_set_bgtaskpolicy(task_t task, int intval); int proc_set_and_apply_bgtaskpolicy(task_t task, int intval); int proc_set_bgthreadpolicy(task_t task, uint64_t tid, int val); int proc_set_and_apply_bgthreadpolicy(task_t task, uint64_t tid, int val); int proc_add_bgtaskpolicy(task_t task, int val); int proc_add_bgthreadpolicy(task_t task, uint64_t tid, int val); int proc_remove_bgtaskpolicy(task_t task, int policy); int proc_remove_bgthreadpolicy(task_t task, uint64_t tid, int val); int proc_apply_bgtaskpolicy(task_t task); int proc_apply_bgtaskpolicy_external(task_t task); int proc_apply_bgthreadpolicy(task_t task, uint64_t tid); int proc_apply_bgtask_selfpolicy(void); int proc_apply_bgthread_selfpolicy(void); int proc_apply_workq_bgthreadpolicy(thread_t); int proc_restore_bgtaskpolicy(task_t task); int proc_restore_bgthreadpolicy(task_t task, uint64_t tid); int proc_restore_bgthread_selfpolicy(void); int proc_restore_workq_bgthreadpolicy(thread_t); void proc_task_remove_throttle(task_t task); /* hw access routines */ int proc_apply_task_diskacc(task_t task, int policy); int proc_apply_thread_diskacc(task_t task, uint64_t tid, int policy); int proc_apply_thread_selfdiskacc(int policy); int proc_get_task_disacc(task_t task); int proc_get_task_selfdiskacc(void); int proc_get_diskacc(thread_t thread); int proc_get_thread_selfdiskacc(void); int proc_denyinherit_policy(task_t task); int proc_denyselfset_policy(task_t task); int proc_get_task_selfgpuacc_deny(void); int proc_apply_task_gpuacc(task_t task, int prio); int proc_get_task_ruse_cpu(task_t task, uint32_t * policyp, uint32_t * percentagep, uint64_t * intervalp, uint64_t * deadlinep); int proc_set_task_ruse_cpu(task_t task, uint32_t policy, uint32_t percentage, uint64_t interval, uint64_t deadline); int proc_clear_task_ruse_cpu(task_t task); thread_t task_findtid(task_t, uint64_t); #define TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_PROC_LIMIT 0x1 #define TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_PERTHR_LIMIT 0x2 #define TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_DEADLINE 0x4 #define PROC_POLICY_OSX_APPTYPE_NONE 0 #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED #define PROC_POLICY_IOS_RESV1_APPTYPE 1 #define PROC_POLICY_IOS_APPLE_DAEMON 2 #define PROC_POLICY_IOS_APPTYPE 3 #define PROC_POLICY_IOS_NONUITYPE 4 #else #define PROC_POLICY_OSX_APPTYPE_TAL 1 #define PROC_POLICY_OSX_APPTYPE_WIDGET 2 #define PROC_POLICY_OSX_APPTYPE_DBCLIENT 2 /* Not a bug, just rename of widget */ #endif void proc_set_task_apptype(task_t task, int type, thread_t thread); int proc_disable_task_apptype(task_t task, int policy_subtype); int proc_enable_task_apptype(task_t task, int policy_subtype); #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED extern int proc_setthread_saved_importance(thread_t thread, int importance); #endif /* BSD call back functions */ extern int proc_apply_resource_actions(void * p, int type, int action); extern int proc_restore_resource_actions(void * p, int type, int action); extern int task_restore_resource_actions(task_t task, int type); extern void proc_apply_task_networkbg(void * bsd_info); extern void proc_restore_task_networkbg(void * bsd_info); extern void proc_set_task_networkbg(void * bsd_info, int setbg); extern int task_clear_cpuusage(task_t task); #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED #define TASK_APPSTATE_NONE 0 #define TASK_APPSTATE_ACTIVE 1 #define TASK_APPSTATE_BACKGROUND 2 #define TASK_APPSTATE_NONUI 3 #define TASK_APPSTATE_INACTIVE 4 extern int proc_lf_getappstate(task_t task); extern int proc_lf_setappstate(task_t task, int state); extern int proc_lf_pidbind(task_t curtask, uint64_t tid, task_t target_task, int bind); extern void thead_remove_taskwatch(thread_t thread); extern void task_removewatchers(task_t task); #endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */ #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE extern void *get_bsdtask_info(task_t); extern void *get_bsdthreadtask_info(thread_t); extern vm_map_t get_task_map(task_t); extern ledger_t get_task_ledger(task_t); extern boolean_t get_task_pidsuspended(task_t); extern boolean_t get_task_frozen(task_t); /* Convert from a task to a port */ extern ipc_port_t convert_task_to_port(task_t); /* Convert from a task name to a port */ extern ipc_port_t convert_task_name_to_port(task_name_t); #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ extern task_t kernel_task; extern void task_deallocate( task_t task); extern void task_name_deallocate( task_name_t task_name); __END_DECLS #endif /* _KERN_TASK_H_ */