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CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * NOTICE: This file was modified by McAfee Research in 2004 to introduce * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License, * Version 2.0. */ /* */ /* * File: ipc/ipc_space.c * Author: Rich Draves * Date: 1989 * * Functions to manipulate IPC capability spaces. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include zone_t ipc_space_zone; ipc_space_t ipc_space_kernel; ipc_space_t ipc_space_reply; /* * Routine: ipc_space_reference * Routine: ipc_space_release * Purpose: * Function versions of the IPC space inline reference. */ void ipc_space_reference( ipc_space_t space) { is_reference(space); } void ipc_space_release( ipc_space_t space) { is_release(space); } /* * Routine: ipc_space_create * Purpose: * Creates a new IPC space. * * The new space has two references, one for the caller * and one because it is active. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. Allocates memory. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Created a space. * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE Couldn't allocate memory. */ kern_return_t ipc_space_create( ipc_table_size_t initial, ipc_space_t *spacep) { ipc_space_t space; ipc_entry_t table; ipc_entry_num_t new_size; mach_port_index_t index; space = is_alloc(); if (space == IS_NULL) return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; table = it_entries_alloc(initial); if (table == IE_NULL) { is_free(space); return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; } new_size = initial->its_size; memset((void *) table, 0, new_size * sizeof(struct ipc_entry)); /* * Initialize the free list in the table. * Add the entries in reverse order, and * set the generation number to -1, so that * initial allocations produce "natural" names. */ for (index = 0; index < new_size; index++) { ipc_entry_t entry = &table[index]; entry->ie_bits = IE_BITS_GEN_MASK; entry->ie_next = index+1; } table[new_size-1].ie_next = 0; is_lock_init(space); space->is_bits = 2; /* 2 refs, active, not growing */ space->is_table_size = new_size; space->is_table = table; space->is_table_next = initial+1; space->is_task = NULL; space->is_low_mod = new_size; space->is_high_mod = 0; *spacep = space; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_space_create_special * Purpose: * Create a special space. A special space * doesn't hold rights in the normal way. * Instead it is place-holder for holding * disembodied (naked) receive rights. * See ipc_port_alloc_special/ipc_port_dealloc_special. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Created a space. * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE Couldn't allocate memory. */ kern_return_t ipc_space_create_special( ipc_space_t *spacep) { ipc_space_t space; space = is_alloc(); if (space == IS_NULL) return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; is_lock_init(space); space->is_bits = IS_INACTIVE | 1; /* 1 ref, not active, not growing */ *spacep = space; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * ipc_space_clean - remove all port references from an ipc space. * * In order to follow the traditional semantic, ipc_space_destroy * will not destroy the entire port table of a shared space. Instead * it will simply clear its own sub-space. */ void ipc_space_clean( ipc_space_t space) { ipc_entry_t table; ipc_entry_num_t size; mach_port_index_t index; /* * If somebody is trying to grow the table, * we must wait until they finish and figure * out the space died. */ retry: is_write_lock(space); while (is_growing(space)) is_write_sleep(space); if (!is_active(space)) { is_write_unlock(space); return; } /* * Now we can futz with it since we have the write lock. */ table = space->is_table; size = space->is_table_size; for (index = 0; index < size; index++) { ipc_entry_t entry = &table[index]; mach_port_type_t type; type = IE_BITS_TYPE(entry->ie_bits); if (type != MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE) { mach_port_name_t name = MACH_PORT_MAKE(index, IE_BITS_GEN(entry->ie_bits)); ipc_right_destroy(space, name, entry); /* unlocks space */ goto retry; } } /* * JMM - Now the table is cleaned out. We don't bother shrinking the * size of the table at this point, but we probably should if it is * really large. */ is_write_unlock(space); } /* * Routine: ipc_space_terminate * Purpose: * Marks the space as dead and cleans up the entries. * Does nothing if the space is already dead. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ void ipc_space_terminate( ipc_space_t space) { ipc_entry_t table; ipc_entry_num_t size; mach_port_index_t index; assert(space != IS_NULL); is_write_lock(space); if (!is_active(space)) { is_write_unlock(space); return; } is_mark_inactive(space); /* * If somebody is trying to grow the table, * we must wait until they finish and figure * out the space died. */ while (is_growing(space)) is_write_sleep(space); is_write_unlock(space); /* * Now we can futz with it unlocked. */ table = space->is_table; size = space->is_table_size; for (index = 0; index < size; index++) { ipc_entry_t entry = &table[index]; mach_port_type_t type; type = IE_BITS_TYPE(entry->ie_bits); if (type != MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE) { mach_port_name_t name; name = MACH_PORT_MAKE(index, IE_BITS_GEN(entry->ie_bits)); ipc_right_terminate(space, name, entry); } } it_entries_free(space->is_table_next-1, table); space->is_table_size = 0; /* * Because the space is now dead, * we must release the "active" reference for it. * Our caller still has his reference. */ is_release(space); }