/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * @OSF_COPYRIGHT@ */ #include #include #include #include static boolean_t cpuid_dbg #if DEBUG = TRUE; #else = FALSE; #endif #define DBG(x...) \ do { \ if (cpuid_dbg) \ kprintf(x); \ } while (0) \ #define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define quad(hi,lo) (((uint64_t)(hi)) << 32 | (lo)) /* Only for 32bit values */ #define bit32(n) (1U << (n)) #define bitmask32(h,l) ((bit32(h)|(bit32(h)-1)) & ~(bit32(l)-1)) #define bitfield32(x,h,l) ((((x) & bitmask32(h,l)) >> l)) /* * Leaf 2 cache descriptor encodings. */ typedef enum { _NULL_, /* NULL (empty) descriptor */ CACHE, /* Cache */ TLB, /* TLB */ STLB, /* Shared second-level unified TLB */ PREFETCH /* Prefetch size */ } cpuid_leaf2_desc_type_t; typedef enum { NA, /* Not Applicable */ FULLY, /* Fully-associative */ TRACE, /* Trace Cache (P4 only) */ INST, /* Instruction TLB */ DATA, /* Data TLB */ DATA0, /* Data TLB, 1st level */ DATA1, /* Data TLB, 2nd level */ L1, /* L1 (unified) cache */ L1_INST, /* L1 Instruction cache */ L1_DATA, /* L1 Data cache */ L2, /* L2 (unified) cache */ L3, /* L3 (unified) cache */ L2_2LINESECTOR, /* L2 (unified) cache with 2 lines per sector */ L3_2LINESECTOR, /* L3(unified) cache with 2 lines per sector */ SMALL, /* Small page TLB */ LARGE, /* Large page TLB */ BOTH /* Small and Large page TLB */ } cpuid_leaf2_qualifier_t; typedef struct cpuid_cache_descriptor { uint8_t value; /* descriptor code */ uint8_t type; /* cpuid_leaf2_desc_type_t */ uint8_t level; /* level of cache/TLB hierachy */ uint8_t ways; /* wayness of cache */ uint16_t size; /* cachesize or TLB pagesize */ uint16_t entries; /* number of TLB entries or linesize */ } cpuid_cache_descriptor_t; /* * These multipliers are used to encode 1*K .. 64*M in a 16 bit size field */ #define K (1) #define M (1024) /* * Intel cache descriptor table: */ static cpuid_cache_descriptor_t intel_cpuid_leaf2_descriptor_table[] = { // ------------------------------------------------------- // value type level ways size entries // ------------------------------------------------------- { 0x00, _NULL_, NA, NA, NA, NA }, { 0x01, TLB, INST, 4, SMALL, 32 }, { 0x02, TLB, INST, FULLY, LARGE, 2 }, { 0x03, TLB, DATA, 4, SMALL, 64 }, { 0x04, TLB, DATA, 4, LARGE, 8 }, { 0x05, TLB, DATA1, 4, LARGE, 32 }, { 0x06, CACHE, L1_INST, 4, 8*K, 32 }, { 0x08, CACHE, L1_INST, 4, 16*K, 32 }, { 0x09, CACHE, L1_INST, 4, 32*K, 64 }, { 0x0A, CACHE, L1_DATA, 2, 8*K, 32 }, { 0x0B, TLB, INST, 4, LARGE, 4 }, { 0x0C, CACHE, L1_DATA, 4, 16*K, 32 }, { 0x0D, CACHE, L1_DATA, 4, 16*K, 64 }, { 0x0E, CACHE, L1_DATA, 6, 24*K, 64 }, { 0x21, CACHE, L2, 8, 256*K, 64 }, { 0x22, CACHE, L3_2LINESECTOR, 4, 512*K, 64 }, { 0x23, CACHE, L3_2LINESECTOR, 8, 1*M, 64 }, { 0x25, CACHE, L3_2LINESECTOR, 8, 2*M, 64 }, { 0x29, CACHE, L3_2LINESECTOR, 8, 4*M, 64 }, { 0x2C, CACHE, L1_DATA, 8, 32*K, 64 }, { 0x30, CACHE, L1_INST, 8, 32*K, 64 }, { 0x40, CACHE, L2, NA, 0, NA }, { 0x41, CACHE, L2, 4, 128*K, 32 }, { 0x42, CACHE, L2, 4, 256*K, 32 }, { 0x43, CACHE, L2, 4, 512*K, 32 }, { 0x44, CACHE, L2, 4, 1*M, 32 }, { 0x45, CACHE, L2, 4, 2*M, 32 }, { 0x46, CACHE, L3, 4, 4*M, 64 }, { 0x47, CACHE, L3, 8, 8*M, 64 }, { 0x48, CACHE, L2, 12, 3*M, 64 }, { 0x49, CACHE, L2, 16, 4*M, 64 }, { 0x4A, CACHE, L3, 12, 6*M, 64 }, { 0x4B, CACHE, L3, 16, 8*M, 64 }, { 0x4C, CACHE, L3, 12, 12*M, 64 }, { 0x4D, CACHE, L3, 16, 16*M, 64 }, { 0x4E, CACHE, L2, 24, 6*M, 64 }, { 0x4F, TLB, INST, NA, SMALL, 32 }, { 0x50, TLB, INST, NA, BOTH, 64 }, { 0x51, TLB, INST, NA, BOTH, 128 }, { 0x52, TLB, INST, NA, BOTH, 256 }, { 0x55, TLB, INST, FULLY, BOTH, 7 }, { 0x56, TLB, DATA0, 4, LARGE, 16 }, { 0x57, TLB, DATA0, 4, SMALL, 16 }, { 0x59, TLB, DATA0, FULLY, SMALL, 16 }, { 0x5A, TLB, DATA0, 4, LARGE, 32 }, { 0x5B, TLB, DATA, NA, BOTH, 64 }, { 0x5C, TLB, DATA, NA, BOTH, 128 }, { 0x5D, TLB, DATA, NA, BOTH, 256 }, { 0x60, CACHE, L1, 16*K, 8, 64 }, { 0x61, CACHE, L1, 4, 8*K, 64 }, { 0x62, CACHE, L1, 4, 16*K, 64 }, { 0x63, CACHE, L1, 4, 32*K, 64 }, { 0x70, CACHE, TRACE, 8, 12*K, NA }, { 0x71, CACHE, TRACE, 8, 16*K, NA }, { 0x72, CACHE, TRACE, 8, 32*K, NA }, { 0x76, TLB, INST, NA, BOTH, 8 }, { 0x78, CACHE, L2, 4, 1*M, 64 }, { 0x79, CACHE, L2_2LINESECTOR, 8, 128*K, 64 }, { 0x7A, CACHE, L2_2LINESECTOR, 8, 256*K, 64 }, { 0x7B, CACHE, L2_2LINESECTOR, 8, 512*K, 64 }, { 0x7C, CACHE, L2_2LINESECTOR, 8, 1*M, 64 }, { 0x7D, CACHE, L2, 8, 2*M, 64 }, { 0x7F, CACHE, L2, 2, 512*K, 64 }, { 0x80, CACHE, L2, 8, 512*K, 64 }, { 0x82, CACHE, L2, 8, 256*K, 32 }, { 0x83, CACHE, L2, 8, 512*K, 32 }, { 0x84, CACHE, L2, 8, 1*M, 32 }, { 0x85, CACHE, L2, 8, 2*M, 32 }, { 0x86, CACHE, L2, 4, 512*K, 64 }, { 0x87, CACHE, L2, 8, 1*M, 64 }, { 0xB0, TLB, INST, 4, SMALL, 128 }, { 0xB1, TLB, INST, 4, LARGE, 8 }, { 0xB2, TLB, INST, 4, SMALL, 64 }, { 0xB3, TLB, DATA, 4, SMALL, 128 }, { 0xB4, TLB, DATA1, 4, SMALL, 256 }, { 0xB5, TLB, DATA1, 8, SMALL, 64 }, { 0xB6, TLB, DATA1, 8, SMALL, 128 }, { 0xBA, TLB, DATA1, 4, BOTH, 64 }, { 0xC1, STLB, DATA1, 8, SMALL, 1024}, { 0xCA, STLB, DATA1, 4, SMALL, 512 }, { 0xD0, CACHE, L3, 4, 512*K, 64 }, { 0xD1, CACHE, L3, 4, 1*M, 64 }, { 0xD2, CACHE, L3, 4, 2*M, 64 }, { 0xD3, CACHE, L3, 4, 4*M, 64 }, { 0xD4, CACHE, L3, 4, 8*M, 64 }, { 0xD6, CACHE, L3, 8, 1*M, 64 }, { 0xD7, CACHE, L3, 8, 2*M, 64 }, { 0xD8, CACHE, L3, 8, 4*M, 64 }, { 0xD9, CACHE, L3, 8, 8*M, 64 }, { 0xDA, CACHE, L3, 8, 12*M, 64 }, { 0xDC, CACHE, L3, 12, 1536*K, 64 }, { 0xDD, CACHE, L3, 12, 3*M, 64 }, { 0xDE, CACHE, L3, 12, 6*M, 64 }, { 0xDF, CACHE, L3, 12, 12*M, 64 }, { 0xE0, CACHE, L3, 12, 18*M, 64 }, { 0xE2, CACHE, L3, 16, 2*M, 64 }, { 0xE3, CACHE, L3, 16, 4*M, 64 }, { 0xE4, CACHE, L3, 16, 8*M, 64 }, { 0xE5, CACHE, L3, 16, 16*M, 64 }, { 0xE6, CACHE, L3, 16, 24*M, 64 }, { 0xF0, PREFETCH, NA, NA, 64, NA }, { 0xF1, PREFETCH, NA, NA, 128, NA }, { 0xFF, CACHE, NA, NA, 0, NA } }; #define INTEL_LEAF2_DESC_NUM (sizeof(intel_cpuid_leaf2_descriptor_table) / \ sizeof(cpuid_cache_descriptor_t)) static inline cpuid_cache_descriptor_t * cpuid_leaf2_find(uint8_t value) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < INTEL_LEAF2_DESC_NUM; i++) if (intel_cpuid_leaf2_descriptor_table[i].value == value) return &intel_cpuid_leaf2_descriptor_table[i]; return NULL; } /* * CPU identification routines. */ static i386_cpu_info_t *cpuid_cpu_infop = NULL; static i386_cpu_info_t cpuid_cpu_info; #if defined(__x86_64__) static void cpuid_fn(uint32_t selector, uint32_t *result) { do_cpuid(selector, result); DBG("cpuid_fn(0x%08x) eax:0x%08x ebx:0x%08x ecx:0x%08x edx:0x%08x\n", selector, result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3]); } #else static void cpuid_fn(uint32_t selector, uint32_t *result) { if (get_is64bit()) { asm("call _cpuid64" : "=a" (result[0]), "=b" (result[1]), "=c" (result[2]), "=d" (result[3]) : "a"(selector), "b" (0), "c" (0), "d" (0)); } else { do_cpuid(selector, result); } DBG("cpuid_fn(0x%08x) eax:0x%08x ebx:0x%08x ecx:0x%08x edx:0x%08x\n", selector, result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3]); } #endif static const char *cache_type_str[LCACHE_MAX] = { "Lnone", "L1I", "L1D", "L2U", "L3U" }; /* this function is Intel-specific */ static void cpuid_set_cache_info( i386_cpu_info_t * info_p ) { uint32_t cpuid_result[4]; uint32_t reg[4]; uint32_t index; uint32_t linesizes[LCACHE_MAX]; unsigned int i; unsigned int j; boolean_t cpuid_deterministic_supported = FALSE; DBG("cpuid_set_cache_info(%p)\n", info_p); bzero( linesizes, sizeof(linesizes) ); /* Get processor cache descriptor info using leaf 2. We don't use * this internally, but must publish it for KEXTs. */ cpuid_fn(2, cpuid_result); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if ((cpuid_result[j] >> 31) == 1) /* bit31 is validity */ continue; ((uint32_t *) info_p->cache_info)[j] = cpuid_result[j]; } /* first byte gives number of cpuid calls to get all descriptors */ for (i = 1; i < info_p->cache_info[0]; i++) { if (i*16 > sizeof(info_p->cache_info)) break; cpuid_fn(2, cpuid_result); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if ((cpuid_result[j] >> 31) == 1) continue; ((uint32_t *) info_p->cache_info)[4*i+j] = cpuid_result[j]; } } /* * Get cache info using leaf 4, the "deterministic cache parameters." * Most processors Mac OS X supports implement this flavor of CPUID. * Loop over each cache on the processor. */ cpuid_fn(0, cpuid_result); if (cpuid_result[eax] >= 4) cpuid_deterministic_supported = TRUE; for (index = 0; cpuid_deterministic_supported; index++) { cache_type_t type = Lnone; uint32_t cache_type; uint32_t cache_level; uint32_t cache_sharing; uint32_t cache_linesize; uint32_t cache_sets; uint32_t cache_associativity; uint32_t cache_size; uint32_t cache_partitions; uint32_t colors; reg[eax] = 4; /* cpuid request 4 */ reg[ecx] = index; /* index starting at 0 */ cpuid(reg); DBG("cpuid(4) index=%d eax=0x%x\n", index, reg[eax]); cache_type = bitfield32(reg[eax], 4, 0); if (cache_type == 0) break; /* no more caches */ cache_level = bitfield32(reg[eax], 7, 5); cache_sharing = bitfield32(reg[eax], 25, 14) + 1; info_p->cpuid_cores_per_package = bitfield32(reg[eax], 31, 26) + 1; cache_linesize = bitfield32(reg[ebx], 11, 0) + 1; cache_partitions = bitfield32(reg[ebx], 21, 12) + 1; cache_associativity = bitfield32(reg[ebx], 31, 22) + 1; cache_sets = bitfield32(reg[ecx], 31, 0) + 1; /* Map type/levels returned by CPUID into cache_type_t */ switch (cache_level) { case 1: type = cache_type == 1 ? L1D : cache_type == 2 ? L1I : Lnone; break; case 2: type = cache_type == 3 ? L2U : Lnone; break; case 3: type = cache_type == 3 ? L3U : Lnone; break; default: type = Lnone; } /* The total size of a cache is: * ( linesize * sets * associativity * partitions ) */ if (type != Lnone) { cache_size = cache_linesize * cache_sets * cache_associativity * cache_partitions; info_p->cache_size[type] = cache_size; info_p->cache_sharing[type] = cache_sharing; info_p->cache_partitions[type] = cache_partitions; linesizes[type] = cache_linesize; DBG(" cache_size[%s] : %d\n", cache_type_str[type], cache_size); DBG(" cache_sharing[%s] : %d\n", cache_type_str[type], cache_sharing); DBG(" cache_partitions[%s]: %d\n", cache_type_str[type], cache_partitions); /* * Overwrite associativity determined via * CPUID.0x80000006 -- this leaf is more * accurate */ if (type == L2U) info_p->cpuid_cache_L2_associativity = cache_associativity; /* Compute the number of page colors for this cache, * which is: * ( linesize * sets ) / page_size * * To help visualize this, consider two views of a * physical address. To the cache, it is composed * of a line offset, a set selector, and a tag. * To VM, it is composed of a page offset, a page * color, and other bits in the pageframe number: * * +-----------------+---------+--------+ * cache: | tag | set | offset | * +-----------------+---------+--------+ * * +-----------------+-------+----------+ * VM: | don't care | color | pg offset| * +-----------------+-------+----------+ * * The color is those bits in (set+offset) not covered * by the page offset. */ colors = ( cache_linesize * cache_sets ) >> 12; if ( colors > vm_cache_geometry_colors ) vm_cache_geometry_colors = colors; } } DBG(" vm_cache_geometry_colors: %d\n", vm_cache_geometry_colors); /* * If deterministic cache parameters are not available, use * something else */ if (info_p->cpuid_cores_per_package == 0) { info_p->cpuid_cores_per_package = 1; /* cpuid define in 1024 quantities */ info_p->cache_size[L2U] = info_p->cpuid_cache_size * 1024; info_p->cache_sharing[L2U] = 1; info_p->cache_partitions[L2U] = 1; linesizes[L2U] = info_p->cpuid_cache_linesize; DBG(" cache_size[L2U] : %d\n", info_p->cache_size[L2U]); DBG(" cache_sharing[L2U] : 1\n"); DBG(" cache_partitions[L2U]: 1\n"); DBG(" linesizes[L2U] : %d\n", info_p->cpuid_cache_linesize); } /* * What linesize to publish? We use the L2 linesize if any, * else the L1D. */ if ( linesizes[L2U] ) info_p->cache_linesize = linesizes[L2U]; else if (linesizes[L1D]) info_p->cache_linesize = linesizes[L1D]; else panic("no linesize"); DBG(" cache_linesize : %d\n", info_p->cache_linesize); /* * Extract and publish TLB information from Leaf 2 descriptors. */ DBG(" %ld leaf2 descriptors:\n", sizeof(info_p->cache_info)); for (i = 1; i < sizeof(info_p->cache_info); i++) { cpuid_cache_descriptor_t *descp; int id; int level; int page; DBG(" 0x%02x", info_p->cache_info[i]); descp = cpuid_leaf2_find(info_p->cache_info[i]); if (descp == NULL) continue; switch (descp->type) { case TLB: page = (descp->size == SMALL) ? TLB_SMALL : TLB_LARGE; /* determine I or D: */ switch (descp->level) { case INST: id = TLB_INST; break; case DATA: case DATA0: case DATA1: id = TLB_DATA; break; default: continue; } /* determine level: */ switch (descp->level) { case DATA1: level = 1; break; default: level = 0; } info_p->cpuid_tlb[id][page][level] = descp->entries; break; case STLB: info_p->cpuid_stlb = descp->entries; } } DBG("\n"); } static void cpuid_set_generic_info(i386_cpu_info_t *info_p) { uint32_t reg[4]; char str[128], *p; DBG("cpuid_set_generic_info(%p)\n", info_p); /* do cpuid 0 to get vendor */ cpuid_fn(0, reg); info_p->cpuid_max_basic = reg[eax]; bcopy((char *)®[ebx], &info_p->cpuid_vendor[0], 4); /* ug */ bcopy((char *)®[ecx], &info_p->cpuid_vendor[8], 4); bcopy((char *)®[edx], &info_p->cpuid_vendor[4], 4); info_p->cpuid_vendor[12] = 0; /* get extended cpuid results */ cpuid_fn(0x80000000, reg); info_p->cpuid_max_ext = reg[eax]; /* check to see if we can get brand string */ if (info_p->cpuid_max_ext >= 0x80000004) { /* * The brand string 48 bytes (max), guaranteed to * be NUL terminated. */ cpuid_fn(0x80000002, reg); bcopy((char *)reg, &str[0], 16); cpuid_fn(0x80000003, reg); bcopy((char *)reg, &str[16], 16); cpuid_fn(0x80000004, reg); bcopy((char *)reg, &str[32], 16); for (p = str; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p != ' ') break; } strlcpy(info_p->cpuid_brand_string, p, sizeof(info_p->cpuid_brand_string)); if (!strncmp(info_p->cpuid_brand_string, CPUID_STRING_UNKNOWN, min(sizeof(info_p->cpuid_brand_string), strlen(CPUID_STRING_UNKNOWN) + 1))) { /* * This string means we have a firmware-programmable brand string, * and the firmware couldn't figure out what sort of CPU we have. */ info_p->cpuid_brand_string[0] = '\0'; } } /* Get cache and addressing info. */ if (info_p->cpuid_max_ext >= 0x80000006) { uint32_t assoc; cpuid_fn(0x80000006, reg); info_p->cpuid_cache_linesize = bitfield32(reg[ecx], 7, 0); assoc = bitfield32(reg[ecx],15,12); /* * L2 associativity is encoded, though in an insufficiently * descriptive fashion, e.g. 24-way is mapped to 16-way. * Represent a fully associative cache as 0xFFFF. * Overwritten by associativity as determined via CPUID.4 * if available. */ if (assoc == 6) assoc = 8; else if (assoc == 8) assoc = 16; else if (assoc == 0xF) assoc = 0xFFFF; info_p->cpuid_cache_L2_associativity = assoc; info_p->cpuid_cache_size = bitfield32(reg[ecx],31,16); cpuid_fn(0x80000008, reg); info_p->cpuid_address_bits_physical = bitfield32(reg[eax], 7, 0); info_p->cpuid_address_bits_virtual = bitfield32(reg[eax],15, 8); } /* * Get processor signature and decode * and bracket this with the approved procedure for reading the * the microcode version number a.k.a. signature a.k.a. BIOS ID */ wrmsr64(MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID, 0); cpuid_fn(1, reg); info_p->cpuid_microcode_version = (uint32_t) (rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID) >> 32); info_p->cpuid_signature = reg[eax]; info_p->cpuid_stepping = bitfield32(reg[eax], 3, 0); info_p->cpuid_model = bitfield32(reg[eax], 7, 4); info_p->cpuid_family = bitfield32(reg[eax], 11, 8); info_p->cpuid_type = bitfield32(reg[eax], 13, 12); info_p->cpuid_extmodel = bitfield32(reg[eax], 19, 16); info_p->cpuid_extfamily = bitfield32(reg[eax], 27, 20); info_p->cpuid_brand = bitfield32(reg[ebx], 7, 0); info_p->cpuid_features = quad(reg[ecx], reg[edx]); /* Get "processor flag"; necessary for microcode update matching */ info_p->cpuid_processor_flag = (rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_ID)>> 50) & 0x7; /* Fold extensions into family/model */ if (info_p->cpuid_family == 0x0f) info_p->cpuid_family += info_p->cpuid_extfamily; if (info_p->cpuid_family == 0x0f || info_p->cpuid_family == 0x06) info_p->cpuid_model += (info_p->cpuid_extmodel << 4); if (info_p->cpuid_features & CPUID_FEATURE_HTT) info_p->cpuid_logical_per_package = bitfield32(reg[ebx], 23, 16); else info_p->cpuid_logical_per_package = 1; if (info_p->cpuid_max_ext >= 0x80000001) { cpuid_fn(0x80000001, reg); info_p->cpuid_extfeatures = quad(reg[ecx], reg[edx]); } DBG(" max_basic : %d\n", info_p->cpuid_max_basic); DBG(" max_ext : 0x%08x\n", info_p->cpuid_max_ext); DBG(" vendor : %s\n", info_p->cpuid_vendor); DBG(" brand_string : %s\n", info_p->cpuid_brand_string); DBG(" signature : 0x%08x\n", info_p->cpuid_signature); DBG(" stepping : %d\n", info_p->cpuid_stepping); DBG(" model : %d\n", info_p->cpuid_model); DBG(" family : %d\n", info_p->cpuid_family); DBG(" type : %d\n", info_p->cpuid_type); DBG(" extmodel : %d\n", info_p->cpuid_extmodel); DBG(" extfamily : %d\n", info_p->cpuid_extfamily); DBG(" brand : %d\n", info_p->cpuid_brand); DBG(" features : 0x%016llx\n", info_p->cpuid_features); DBG(" extfeatures : 0x%016llx\n", info_p->cpuid_extfeatures); DBG(" logical_per_package : %d\n", info_p->cpuid_logical_per_package); DBG(" microcode_version : 0x%08x\n", info_p->cpuid_microcode_version); /* Fold in the Invariant TSC feature bit, if present */ if (info_p->cpuid_max_ext >= 0x80000007) { cpuid_fn(0x80000007, reg); info_p->cpuid_extfeatures |= reg[edx] & (uint32_t)CPUID_EXTFEATURE_TSCI; DBG(" extfeatures : 0x%016llx\n", info_p->cpuid_extfeatures); } if (info_p->cpuid_max_basic >= 0x5) { cpuid_mwait_leaf_t *cmp = &info_p->cpuid_mwait_leaf; /* * Extract the Monitor/Mwait Leaf info: */ cpuid_fn(5, reg); cmp->linesize_min = reg[eax]; cmp->linesize_max = reg[ebx]; cmp->extensions = reg[ecx]; cmp->sub_Cstates = reg[edx]; info_p->cpuid_mwait_leafp = cmp; DBG(" Monitor/Mwait Leaf:\n"); DBG(" linesize_min : %d\n", cmp->linesize_min); DBG(" linesize_max : %d\n", cmp->linesize_max); DBG(" extensions : %d\n", cmp->extensions); DBG(" sub_Cstates : 0x%08x\n", cmp->sub_Cstates); } if (info_p->cpuid_max_basic >= 0x6) { cpuid_thermal_leaf_t *ctp = &info_p->cpuid_thermal_leaf; /* * The thermal and Power Leaf: */ cpuid_fn(6, reg); ctp->sensor = bitfield32(reg[eax], 0, 0); ctp->dynamic_acceleration = bitfield32(reg[eax], 1, 1); ctp->invariant_APIC_timer = bitfield32(reg[eax], 2, 2); ctp->core_power_limits = bitfield32(reg[eax], 4, 4); ctp->fine_grain_clock_mod = bitfield32(reg[eax], 5, 5); ctp->package_thermal_intr = bitfield32(reg[eax], 6, 6); ctp->thresholds = bitfield32(reg[ebx], 3, 0); ctp->ACNT_MCNT = bitfield32(reg[ecx], 0, 0); ctp->hardware_feedback = bitfield32(reg[ecx], 1, 1); ctp->energy_policy = bitfield32(reg[ecx], 3, 3); info_p->cpuid_thermal_leafp = ctp; DBG(" Thermal/Power Leaf:\n"); DBG(" sensor : %d\n", ctp->sensor); DBG(" dynamic_acceleration : %d\n", ctp->dynamic_acceleration); DBG(" invariant_APIC_timer : %d\n", ctp->invariant_APIC_timer); DBG(" core_power_limits : %d\n", ctp->core_power_limits); DBG(" fine_grain_clock_mod : %d\n", ctp->fine_grain_clock_mod); DBG(" package_thermal_intr : %d\n", ctp->package_thermal_intr); DBG(" thresholds : %d\n", ctp->thresholds); DBG(" ACNT_MCNT : %d\n", ctp->ACNT_MCNT); DBG(" ACNT2 : %d\n", ctp->hardware_feedback); DBG(" energy_policy : %d\n", ctp->energy_policy); } if (info_p->cpuid_max_basic >= 0xa) { cpuid_arch_perf_leaf_t *capp = &info_p->cpuid_arch_perf_leaf; /* * Architectural Performance Monitoring Leaf: */ cpuid_fn(0xa, reg); capp->version = bitfield32(reg[eax], 7, 0); capp->number = bitfield32(reg[eax], 15, 8); capp->width = bitfield32(reg[eax], 23, 16); capp->events_number = bitfield32(reg[eax], 31, 24); capp->events = reg[ebx]; capp->fixed_number = bitfield32(reg[edx], 4, 0); capp->fixed_width = bitfield32(reg[edx], 12, 5); info_p->cpuid_arch_perf_leafp = capp; DBG(" Architectural Performance Monitoring Leaf:\n"); DBG(" version : %d\n", capp->version); DBG(" number : %d\n", capp->number); DBG(" width : %d\n", capp->width); DBG(" events_number : %d\n", capp->events_number); DBG(" events : %d\n", capp->events); DBG(" fixed_number : %d\n", capp->fixed_number); DBG(" fixed_width : %d\n", capp->fixed_width); } if (info_p->cpuid_max_basic >= 0xd) { cpuid_xsave_leaf_t *xsp = &info_p->cpuid_xsave_leaf; /* * XSAVE Features: */ cpuid_fn(0xd, info_p->cpuid_xsave_leaf.extended_state); info_p->cpuid_xsave_leafp = xsp; DBG(" XSAVE Leaf:\n"); DBG(" EAX : 0x%x\n", xsp->extended_state[eax]); DBG(" EBX : 0x%x\n", xsp->extended_state[ebx]); DBG(" ECX : 0x%x\n", xsp->extended_state[ecx]); DBG(" EDX : 0x%x\n", xsp->extended_state[edx]); } if (info_p->cpuid_model >= CPUID_MODEL_IVYBRIDGE) { /* * Leaf7 Features: */ cpuid_fn(0x7, reg); info_p->cpuid_leaf7_features = reg[ebx]; DBG(" Feature Leaf7:\n"); DBG(" EBX : 0x%x\n", reg[ebx]); } return; } static uint32_t cpuid_set_cpufamily(i386_cpu_info_t *info_p) { uint32_t cpufamily = CPUFAMILY_UNKNOWN; switch (info_p->cpuid_family) { case 6: switch (info_p->cpuid_model) { #if CONFIG_YONAH case 14: cpufamily = CPUFAMILY_INTEL_YONAH; break; #endif case 15: cpufamily = CPUFAMILY_INTEL_MEROM; break; case 23: cpufamily = CPUFAMILY_INTEL_PENRYN; break; case CPUID_MODEL_NEHALEM: case CPUID_MODEL_FIELDS: case CPUID_MODEL_DALES: case CPUID_MODEL_NEHALEM_EX: cpufamily = CPUFAMILY_INTEL_NEHALEM; break; case CPUID_MODEL_DALES_32NM: case CPUID_MODEL_WESTMERE: case CPUID_MODEL_WESTMERE_EX: cpufamily = CPUFAMILY_INTEL_WESTMERE; break; case CPUID_MODEL_SANDYBRIDGE: case CPUID_MODEL_JAKETOWN: cpufamily = CPUFAMILY_INTEL_SANDYBRIDGE; break; case CPUID_MODEL_IVYBRIDGE: cpufamily = CPUFAMILY_INTEL_IVYBRIDGE; break; case CPUID_MODEL_HASWELL: case CPUID_MODEL_HASWELL_ULT: case CPUID_MODEL_CRYSTALWELL: cpufamily = CPUFAMILY_INTEL_HASWELL; break; } break; } info_p->cpuid_cpufamily = cpufamily; DBG("cpuid_set_cpufamily(%p) returning 0x%x\n", info_p, cpufamily); return cpufamily; } /* * Must be invoked either when executing single threaded, or with * independent synchronization. */ void cpuid_set_info(void) { i386_cpu_info_t *info_p = &cpuid_cpu_info; PE_parse_boot_argn("-cpuid", &cpuid_dbg, sizeof(cpuid_dbg)); bzero((void *)info_p, sizeof(cpuid_cpu_info)); cpuid_set_generic_info(info_p); /* verify we are running on a supported CPU */ if ((strncmp(CPUID_VID_INTEL, info_p->cpuid_vendor, min(strlen(CPUID_STRING_UNKNOWN) + 1, sizeof(info_p->cpuid_vendor)))) || (cpuid_set_cpufamily(info_p) == CPUFAMILY_UNKNOWN)) panic("Unsupported CPU"); info_p->cpuid_cpu_type = CPU_TYPE_X86; info_p->cpuid_cpu_subtype = CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_ARCH1; /* Must be invoked after set_generic_info */ cpuid_set_cache_info(&cpuid_cpu_info); /* * Find the number of enabled cores and threads * (which determines whether SMT/Hyperthreading is active). */ switch (info_p->cpuid_cpufamily) { case CPUFAMILY_INTEL_WESTMERE: { uint64_t msr = rdmsr64(MSR_CORE_THREAD_COUNT); info_p->core_count = bitfield32((uint32_t)msr, 19, 16); info_p->thread_count = bitfield32((uint32_t)msr, 15, 0); break; } case CPUFAMILY_INTEL_HASWELL: case CPUFAMILY_INTEL_IVYBRIDGE: case CPUFAMILY_INTEL_SANDYBRIDGE: case CPUFAMILY_INTEL_NEHALEM: { uint64_t msr = rdmsr64(MSR_CORE_THREAD_COUNT); info_p->core_count = bitfield32((uint32_t)msr, 31, 16); info_p->thread_count = bitfield32((uint32_t)msr, 15, 0); break; } } if (info_p->core_count == 0) { info_p->core_count = info_p->cpuid_cores_per_package; info_p->thread_count = info_p->cpuid_logical_per_package; } DBG("cpuid_set_info():\n"); DBG(" core_count : %d\n", info_p->core_count); DBG(" thread_count : %d\n", info_p->thread_count); cpuid_cpu_info.cpuid_model_string = ""; /* deprecated */ } static struct table { uint64_t mask; const char *name; } feature_map[] = { {CPUID_FEATURE_FPU, "FPU"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_VME, "VME"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_DE, "DE"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_PSE, "PSE"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_TSC, "TSC"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_MSR, "MSR"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_PAE, "PAE"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_MCE, "MCE"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_CX8, "CX8"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_APIC, "APIC"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_SEP, "SEP"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_MTRR, "MTRR"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_PGE, "PGE"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_MCA, "MCA"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_CMOV, "CMOV"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_PAT, "PAT"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_PSE36, "PSE36"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_PSN, "PSN"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_CLFSH, "CLFSH"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_DS, "DS"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_ACPI, "ACPI"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_MMX, "MMX"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_FXSR, "FXSR"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_SSE, "SSE"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_SSE2, "SSE2"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_SS, "SS"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_HTT, "HTT"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_TM, "TM"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_PBE, "PBE"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_SSE3, "SSE3"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_PCLMULQDQ, "PCLMULQDQ"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_DTES64, "DTES64"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_MONITOR, "MON"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_DSCPL, "DSCPL"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_VMX, "VMX"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_SMX, "SMX"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_EST, "EST"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_TM2, "TM2"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_SSSE3, "SSSE3"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_CID, "CID"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_FMA, "FMA"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_CX16, "CX16"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_xTPR, "TPR"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_PDCM, "PDCM"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_SSE4_1, "SSE4.1"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_SSE4_2, "SSE4.2"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_x2APIC, "x2APIC"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_MOVBE, "MOVBE"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_POPCNT, "POPCNT"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_AES, "AES"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_VMM, "VMM"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_PCID, "PCID"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_XSAVE, "XSAVE"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_OSXSAVE, "OSXSAVE"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_SEGLIM64, "SEGLIM64"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_TSCTMR, "TSCTMR"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_AVX1_0, "AVX1.0"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_RDRAND, "RDRAND"}, {CPUID_FEATURE_F16C, "F16C"}, {0, 0} }, extfeature_map[] = { {CPUID_EXTFEATURE_SYSCALL, "SYSCALL"}, {CPUID_EXTFEATURE_XD, "XD"}, {CPUID_EXTFEATURE_1GBPAGE, "1GBPAGE"}, {CPUID_EXTFEATURE_EM64T, "EM64T"}, {CPUID_EXTFEATURE_LAHF, "LAHF"}, {CPUID_EXTFEATURE_RDTSCP, "RDTSCP"}, {CPUID_EXTFEATURE_TSCI, "TSCI"}, {0, 0} }, leaf7_feature_map[] = { {CPUID_LEAF7_FEATURE_RDWRFSGS, "RDWRFSGS"}, {CPUID_LEAF7_FEATURE_TSCOFF, "TSC_THREAD_OFFSET"}, {CPUID_LEAF7_FEATURE_BMI1, "BMI1"}, {CPUID_LEAF7_FEATURE_HLE, "HLE"}, {CPUID_LEAF7_FEATURE_SMEP, "SMEP"}, {CPUID_LEAF7_FEATURE_AVX2, "AVX2"}, {CPUID_LEAF7_FEATURE_BMI2, "BMI2"}, {CPUID_LEAF7_FEATURE_ENFSTRG, "ENFSTRG"}, {CPUID_LEAF7_FEATURE_INVPCID, "INVPCID"}, {CPUID_LEAF7_FEATURE_RTM, "RTM"}, {0, 0} }; static char * cpuid_get_names(struct table *map, uint64_t bits, char *buf, unsigned buf_len) { size_t len = 0; char *p = buf; int i; for (i = 0; map[i].mask != 0; i++) { if ((bits & map[i].mask) == 0) continue; if (len && ((size_t) (p - buf) < (buf_len - 1))) *p++ = ' '; len = min(strlen(map[i].name), (size_t)((buf_len-1)-(p-buf))); if (len == 0) break; bcopy(map[i].name, p, len); p += len; } *p = '\0'; return buf; } i386_cpu_info_t * cpuid_info(void) { /* Set-up the cpuid_info stucture lazily */ if (cpuid_cpu_infop == NULL) { cpuid_set_info(); cpuid_cpu_infop = &cpuid_cpu_info; } return cpuid_cpu_infop; } char * cpuid_get_feature_names(uint64_t features, char *buf, unsigned buf_len) { return cpuid_get_names(feature_map, features, buf, buf_len); } char * cpuid_get_extfeature_names(uint64_t extfeatures, char *buf, unsigned buf_len) { return cpuid_get_names(extfeature_map, extfeatures, buf, buf_len); } char * cpuid_get_leaf7_feature_names(uint64_t features, char *buf, unsigned buf_len) { return cpuid_get_names(leaf7_feature_map, features, buf, buf_len); } void cpuid_feature_display( const char *header) { char buf[256]; kprintf("%s: %s", header, cpuid_get_feature_names(cpuid_features(), buf, sizeof(buf))); if (cpuid_leaf7_features()) kprintf(" %s", cpuid_get_leaf7_feature_names( cpuid_leaf7_features(), buf, sizeof(buf))); kprintf("\n"); if (cpuid_features() & CPUID_FEATURE_HTT) { #define s_if_plural(n) ((n > 1) ? "s" : "") kprintf(" HTT: %d core%s per package;" " %d logical cpu%s per package\n", cpuid_cpu_info.cpuid_cores_per_package, s_if_plural(cpuid_cpu_info.cpuid_cores_per_package), cpuid_cpu_info.cpuid_logical_per_package, s_if_plural(cpuid_cpu_info.cpuid_logical_per_package)); } } void cpuid_extfeature_display( const char *header) { char buf[256]; kprintf("%s: %s\n", header, cpuid_get_extfeature_names(cpuid_extfeatures(), buf, sizeof(buf))); } void cpuid_cpu_display( const char *header) { if (cpuid_cpu_info.cpuid_brand_string[0] != '\0') { kprintf("%s: %s\n", header, cpuid_cpu_info.cpuid_brand_string); } } unsigned int cpuid_family(void) { return cpuid_info()->cpuid_family; } uint32_t cpuid_cpufamily(void) { return cpuid_info()->cpuid_cpufamily; } cpu_type_t cpuid_cputype(void) { return cpuid_info()->cpuid_cpu_type; } cpu_subtype_t cpuid_cpusubtype(void) { return cpuid_info()->cpuid_cpu_subtype; } uint64_t cpuid_features(void) { static int checked = 0; char fpu_arg[20] = { 0 }; (void) cpuid_info(); if (!checked) { /* check for boot-time fpu limitations */ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("_fpu", &fpu_arg[0], sizeof (fpu_arg))) { printf("limiting fpu features to: %s\n", fpu_arg); if (!strncmp("387", fpu_arg, sizeof("387")) || !strncmp("mmx", fpu_arg, sizeof("mmx"))) { printf("no sse or sse2\n"); cpuid_cpu_info.cpuid_features &= ~(CPUID_FEATURE_SSE | CPUID_FEATURE_SSE2 | CPUID_FEATURE_FXSR); } else if (!strncmp("sse", fpu_arg, sizeof("sse"))) { printf("no sse2\n"); cpuid_cpu_info.cpuid_features &= ~(CPUID_FEATURE_SSE2); } } checked = 1; } return cpuid_cpu_info.cpuid_features; } uint64_t cpuid_extfeatures(void) { return cpuid_info()->cpuid_extfeatures; } uint64_t cpuid_leaf7_features(void) { return cpuid_info()->cpuid_leaf7_features; } static i386_vmm_info_t *_cpuid_vmm_infop = NULL; static i386_vmm_info_t _cpuid_vmm_info; static void cpuid_init_vmm_info(i386_vmm_info_t *info_p) { uint32_t reg[4]; uint32_t max_vmm_leaf; bzero(info_p, sizeof(*info_p)); if (!cpuid_vmm_present()) return; DBG("cpuid_init_vmm_info(%p)\n", info_p); /* do cpuid 0x40000000 to get VMM vendor */ cpuid_fn(0x40000000, reg); max_vmm_leaf = reg[eax]; bcopy((char *)®[ebx], &info_p->cpuid_vmm_vendor[0], 4); bcopy((char *)®[ecx], &info_p->cpuid_vmm_vendor[4], 4); bcopy((char *)®[edx], &info_p->cpuid_vmm_vendor[8], 4); info_p->cpuid_vmm_vendor[12] = '\0'; if (0 == strcmp(info_p->cpuid_vmm_vendor, CPUID_VMM_ID_VMWARE)) { /* VMware identification string: kb.vmware.com/kb/1009458 */ info_p->cpuid_vmm_family = CPUID_VMM_FAMILY_VMWARE; } else { info_p->cpuid_vmm_family = CPUID_VMM_FAMILY_UNKNOWN; } /* VMM generic leaves: https://lkml.org/lkml/2008/10/1/246 */ if (max_vmm_leaf >= 0x40000010) { cpuid_fn(0x40000010, reg); info_p->cpuid_vmm_tsc_frequency = reg[eax]; info_p->cpuid_vmm_bus_frequency = reg[ebx]; } DBG(" vmm_vendor : %s\n", info_p->cpuid_vmm_vendor); DBG(" vmm_family : %u\n", info_p->cpuid_vmm_family); DBG(" vmm_bus_frequency : %u\n", info_p->cpuid_vmm_bus_frequency); DBG(" vmm_tsc_frequency : %u\n", info_p->cpuid_vmm_tsc_frequency); } boolean_t cpuid_vmm_present(void) { return (cpuid_features() & CPUID_FEATURE_VMM) ? TRUE : FALSE; } i386_vmm_info_t * cpuid_vmm_info(void) { if (_cpuid_vmm_infop == NULL) { cpuid_init_vmm_info(&_cpuid_vmm_info); _cpuid_vmm_infop = &_cpuid_vmm_info; } return _cpuid_vmm_infop; } uint32_t cpuid_vmm_family(void) { return cpuid_vmm_info()->cpuid_vmm_family; }