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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * ARM machine routines */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DBG(x...) kprintf("DBG: " x) uint32_t MutexSpin; uint32_t LockTimeOut; /** * ml_io_map * * Map memory mapped IO space to a virtual address. */ vm_offset_t ml_io_map(vm_offset_t phys_addr, vm_size_t size) { return (io_map(phys_addr, size, VM_WIMG_IO)); } /** * ml_static_malloc * * Unused. */ vm_offset_t ml_static_malloc(__unused vm_size_t size) { return ((vm_offset_t) NULL); } /** * ml_vtophys * * Shim for kvtophys. */ vm_offset_t ml_vtophys(vm_offset_t vaddr) { return (vm_offset_t) kvtophys(vaddr); } /** * ml_stack_remaining * * return the remaining kernel stack size */ vm_offset_t ml_stack_remaining(void) { uintptr_t local = (uintptr_t)&local; if (ml_at_interrupt_context() != 0) { return (local - (current_cpu_datap()->cpu_int_stack_top - INTSTACK_SIZE)); } else { return (local - current_thread()->kernel_stack); } } /** * ml_init_interrupt * * Set interrupts enabled to true. */ void ml_init_interrupt(void) { (void) ml_set_interrupts_enabled(TRUE); } /** * ml_cpu_up * * This is called from the machine-independent routine cpu_up() * to perform machine-dependent info updates. Defer to cpu_thread_init(). */ void ml_cpu_up(void) { (void) hw_atomic_add(&machine_info.physical_cpu, 1); (void) hw_atomic_add(&machine_info.logical_cpu, 1); return; } /** * ml_cpu_down * * This is called from the machine-independent routine cpu_down() * to perform machine-dependent info updates. */ void ml_cpu_down(void) { (void) hw_atomic_sub(&machine_info.physical_cpu, 1); (void) hw_atomic_sub(&machine_info.logical_cpu, 1); return; } /** * ml_cpu_cache_size * * Get the cpu memory size based on the level requested. * 0 == ram, 1 == L1 cache, 2 == L2 cache, ect. */ uint64_t ml_cpu_cache_size(unsigned int level) { if (level == 0) { return machine_info.max_mem; } else if ( 1 <= level && level <= MAX_CACHE_DEPTH) { return arm_processor_id.cache_levels[level - 1].size; } else { return 0; } } /** * ovbcopy * * Overlapped bcopy. */ void ovbcopy(void *from, void *to, vm_size_t bytes) { bcopy(from, to, bytes); } /** * bzero_phys * * Zero out a physical address. */ void bzero_phys(addr64_t src64, uint32_t bytes) { #ifndef __LP64__ bzero(phys_to_virt((uint32_t) src64), bytes); #else bzero(phys_to_virt((uint64_t) src64), bytes); #endif } /** * bcopy_phys * * The equivalent of bzero_phys but with additional copying features. * (patent pending) */ void bcopy_phys(addr64_t src64, addr64_t dst64, vm_size_t bytes) { #ifndef __LP64__ bcopy(phys_to_virt((uint32_t) src64), phys_to_virt((uint32_t) dst64), bytes); #else bcopy(phys_to_virt((uint64_t) src64), phys_to_virt((uint64_t) dst64), bytes); #endif return; } /** * ml_init_lock_timeout */ void ml_init_lock_timeout(void) { uint64_t abstime; uint32_t mtxspin; uint64_t default_timeout_ns = NSEC_PER_SEC >> 2; uint32_t slto; uint32_t prt; if (PE_parse_boot_argn("slto_us", &slto, sizeof(slto))) default_timeout_ns = slto * NSEC_PER_USEC; /* * LockTimeOut is absolutetime */ nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(default_timeout_ns, &abstime); LockTimeOut = (uint32_t) abstime; if (PE_parse_boot_argn("mtxspin", &mtxspin, sizeof(mtxspin))) { if (mtxspin > USEC_PER_SEC >> 4) mtxspin = USEC_PER_SEC >> 4; nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(mtxspin * NSEC_PER_USEC, &abstime); } else { nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(10 * NSEC_PER_USEC, &abstime); } MutexSpin = (unsigned int) abstime; } /** * ml_get_max_cpus * * Since this is a uniprocessor system, we return 0. */ int ml_get_max_cpus(void) { return (machine_info.max_cpus); } void ml_init_max_cpus(unsigned long max_cpus) { machine_info.max_cpus = max_cpus; machine_info.physical_cpu_max = max_cpus; machine_info.logical_cpu_max = max_cpus; return; } void ml_install_interrupt_handler(void *nub, int source, void *target, IOInterruptHandler handler, void *refCon) { boolean_t current_state; cpu_data_t *datap; current_state = ml_get_interrupts_enabled(); datap = current_cpu_datap(); assert(datap); datap->nub = nub; datap->target = target; datap->handler = handler; datap->refCon = refCon; (void) ml_set_interrupts_enabled(current_state); initialize_screen(NULL, kPEAcquireScreen); } /** * ml_processor_register * * Register a processor with the system and add it to the master list. */ /* * initialize and bring up the CPU. */ kern_return_t ml_processor_register(cpu_id_t cpu_id, processor_t * processor_out, ipi_handler_t * ipi_handler) { return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Stubbed. */ void ml_thread_policy(__unused thread_t thread, __unused unsigned policy_id, __unused unsigned policy_info) { } int ml_get_max_affinity_sets(void) { return 1; } processor_set_t ml_affinity_to_pset(uint32_t affinity_num) { return processor_pset(master_processor); } vm_offset_t ml_static_ptovirt(vm_offset_t paddr) { return phys_to_virt(paddr); } void ml_get_power_state(boolean_t * icp, boolean_t * pidlep) { *pidlep = FALSE; } void machine_track_platform_idle(boolean_t entry) { return; } void ml_static_mfree(vm_offset_t vaddr, vm_size_t size) { addr64_t vaddr_cur; ppnum_t ppn; uint32_t freed_pages = 0; assert(vaddr >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS); assert((vaddr & (PAGE_SIZE-1)) == 0); /* must be page aligned */ /* Disconnect all mappings for the pages. */ for (vaddr_cur = vaddr; vaddr_cur < round_page_64(vaddr+size); vaddr_cur += PAGE_SIZE) { ppn = pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, vaddr_cur); if (ppn != (vm_offset_t)NULL) { kernel_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count++; if (kernel_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count > kernel_pmap->pm_stats.resident_max) { kernel_pmap->pm_stats.resident_max = kernel_pmap->pm_stats.resident_count; } pmap_remove(kernel_pmap, vaddr_cur, vaddr_cur+PAGE_SIZE); freed_pages++; } } #if DEBUG kprintf("ml_static_mfree: Released 0x%x pages at VA %p, size:0x%llx, last ppn: 0x%x\n", freed_pages, (void *)vaddr, (uint64_t)size, ppn); #endif } /* * kvtophys(addr) * * Convert a kernel virtual address to a physical address */ addr64_t kvtophys(vm_offset_t addr) { pmap_paddr_t pa; pa = ((pmap_paddr_t) pmap_extract(kernel_pmap, addr)); return (addr64_t) pa; } /* * Routine: ml_nofault_copy * Function: Perform a physical mode copy if the source and * destination have valid translations in the kernel pmap. * If translations are present, they are assumed to * be wired; i.e. no attempt is made to guarantee that the * translations obtained remained valid for * the duration of the copy process. */ vm_size_t ml_nofault_copy(vm_offset_t virtsrc, vm_offset_t virtdst, vm_size_t size) { addr64_t cur_phys_dst, cur_phys_src; uint32_t count, nbytes = 0; while (size > 0) { if (!(cur_phys_src = kvtophys(virtsrc))) break; if (!(cur_phys_dst = kvtophys(virtdst))) break; if (!pmap_valid_page(atop(cur_phys_dst)) || !pmap_valid_page(atop(cur_phys_src))) break; count = (uint32_t) (PAGE_SIZE - (cur_phys_src & PAGE_MASK)); if (count > (PAGE_SIZE - (cur_phys_dst & PAGE_MASK))) count = (uint32_t) (PAGE_SIZE - (cur_phys_dst & PAGE_MASK)); if (count > size) count = (uint32_t) size; bcopy_phys(cur_phys_src, cur_phys_dst, count); nbytes += count; virtsrc += count; virtdst += count; size -= count; } return nbytes; } boolean_t ml_thread_is64bit(thread_t thread) { return FALSE; } /* * Routine: ml_cpu_get_info * Function: */ extern int arm_pdcache_line_size, arm_pdcache_size, arm_picache_size; void ml_cpu_get_info(ml_cpu_info_t * ml_cpu_info) { if (ml_cpu_info == 0) return; ml_cpu_info->vector_unit = 1; ml_cpu_info->cache_line_size = arm_processor_id.cache_levels[0].linesize; ml_cpu_info->l1_icache_size = arm_processor_id.cache_levels[0].size; ml_cpu_info->l1_dcache_size = arm_processor_id.cache_levels[0].size; ml_cpu_info->l2_settings = (arm_processor_id.cache_levels[1].size > 0) ? 1 : 0; ml_cpu_info->l2_cache_size = (arm_processor_id.cache_levels[1].size > 0) ? arm_processor_id.cache_levels[1].size : 0xFFFFFFFF; ml_cpu_info->l3_settings = 0; ml_cpu_info->l3_cache_size = 0xFFFFFFFF; return; } boolean_t ml_delay_should_spin(uint64_t interval) { return FALSE; } /* * Not right now. */ boolean_t ml_at_interrupt_context(void) { boolean_t ret; cpu_data_t* datap = current_cpu_datap(); assert(datap); ret = (datap->cpu_interrupt_level) ? TRUE : FALSE; return(ret); } /** * ml_cpu_cache_sharing */ uint64_t ml_cpu_cache_sharing(unsigned int level) { return 1; } /* * ml_phys_read_*. */ #define ml_phys_read_write_comb_gen(ret, cast, type, suffix) \ ret ml_phys_read ##suffix (type paddr) { \ return (ret)(*(cast*)(phys_to_virt(paddr))); \ } \ void ml_phys_write ##suffix (type paddr, ret data) { \ (*(volatile cast*)(phys_to_virt(paddr))) = (cast)data; \ } ml_phys_read_write_comb_gen(unsigned int, unsigned char, vm_offset_t, _byte) ml_phys_read_write_comb_gen(unsigned int, unsigned char, addr64_t, _byte_64) ml_phys_read_write_comb_gen(unsigned int, unsigned short, vm_offset_t, _half) ml_phys_read_write_comb_gen(unsigned int, unsigned short, addr64_t, _half_64) ml_phys_read_write_comb_gen(unsigned int, unsigned int, vm_offset_t,) ml_phys_read_write_comb_gen(unsigned int, unsigned int, addr64_t, _64) ml_phys_read_write_comb_gen(unsigned int, unsigned int, vm_offset_t, _word) ml_phys_read_write_comb_gen(unsigned int, unsigned int, addr64_t, _word_64) ml_phys_read_write_comb_gen(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, vm_offset_t, _double) ml_phys_read_write_comb_gen(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, addr64_t, _double_64)