/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef __IOKIT_STATISTICS_PRIVATE_H #define __IOKIT_STATISTICS_PRIVATE_H #if IOKITSTATS #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef KERNEL #error IOStatisticsPrivate.h is for kernel use only #endif /* Defines */ #define IOKIT_STATISTICS_RECORDED_USERCLIENT_PROCS 20 #ifndef __probable #define __probable(x) x #endif /* Forward declarations */ class IOWorkLoop; class IOUserClient; class IOEventSource; struct IOEventSourceCounter; struct IOUserClientCounter; struct IOWorkLoopCounter; struct IOUserClientProcessEntry; struct KextNode; /* Allocation tracking */ enum { kIOStatisticsMalloc = 0, kIOStatisticsFree, kIOStatisticsMallocAligned, kIOStatisticsFreeAligned, kIOStatisticsMallocContiguous, kIOStatisticsFreeContiguous, kIOStatisticsMallocPageable, kIOStatisticsFreePageable, kIOStatisticsAllocCount }; TAILQ_HEAD(ProcessEntryList, IOUserClientProcessEntry); /* Tree and list structs */ typedef struct ClassNode { RB_ENTRY(ClassNode) tLink; SLIST_ENTRY(ClassNode) lLink; struct KextNode *parentKext; uint32_t classID; uint32_t superClassID; const OSMetaClass *metaClass; SLIST_HEAD(, IOEventSourceCounter) counterList; SLIST_HEAD(, IOUserClientCounter) userClientList; } ClassNode; typedef struct KextNode { RB_ENTRY(KextNode) link; RB_ENTRY(KextNode) addressLink; OSKext *kext; OSKextLoadTag loadTag; vm_offset_t address; vm_offset_t address_end; uint32_t memoryCounters[kIOStatisticsAllocCount]; uint32_t classes; SLIST_HEAD(, ClassNode) classList; SLIST_HEAD(, IOWorkLoopCounter) workLoopList; ProcessEntryList userClientCallList; } KextNode; /* User client tracing */ typedef struct IOUserClientProcessEntry { TAILQ_ENTRY(IOUserClientProcessEntry) link; char processName[kIOStatisticsProcessNameLength]; int32_t pid; uint32_t calls; } IOUserClientProcessEntry; /* Counters */ typedef struct IOInterruptEventSourceCounter { uint32_t produced; uint32_t checksForWork; } IOInterruptEventSourceCounter; typedef struct IOTimerEventSourceCounter { uint32_t timeouts; uint32_t checksForWork; } IOTimerEventSourceCounter; typedef struct IOCommandGateCounter { uint32_t actionCalls; } IOCommandGateCounter; typedef struct IOCommandQueueCounter { uint32_t actionCalls; } IOCommandQueueCounter; typedef struct IOEventSourceCounter { SLIST_ENTRY(IOEventSourceCounter) link; ClassNode *parentClass; IOStatisticsCounterType type; uint64_t startTimeStamp; uint64_t timeOnGate; uint32_t closeGateCalls; uint32_t openGateCalls; union { IOInterruptEventSourceCounter interrupt; IOInterruptEventSourceCounter filter; IOTimerEventSourceCounter timer; IOCommandGateCounter commandGate; IOCommandQueueCounter commandQueue; } u; } IOEventSourceCounter; typedef struct IOWorkLoopDependency { RB_ENTRY(IOWorkLoopDependency) link; OSKextLoadTag loadTag; } IOWorkLoopDependency; typedef struct IOWorkLoopCounter { SLIST_ENTRY(IOWorkLoopCounter) link; KextNode *parentKext; int attachedEventSources; IOWorkLoop *workLoop; uint64_t startTimeStamp; uint64_t timeOnGate; uint32_t closeGateCalls; uint32_t openGateCalls; typedef RB_HEAD(DependencyTree, IOWorkLoopDependency) DependencyTreeHead; DependencyTreeHead dependencyHead; static int loadTagCompare(IOWorkLoopDependency *e1, IOWorkLoopDependency *e2); RB_PROTOTYPE_SC(static, DependencyTree, IOWorkLoopDependency, dependencyLink, KextTagCompare); } IOWorkLoopCounter; typedef struct IOUserClientCounter { SLIST_ENTRY(IOUserClientCounter) link; ClassNode *parentClass; uint32_t clientCalls; } IOUserClientCounter; class IOStatistics { static bool enabled; static IORWLock *lock; static uint32_t sequenceID; static uint32_t lastKextIndex; static uint32_t lastClassIndex; static uint32_t loadedKexts; static uint32_t registeredClasses; static uint32_t registeredCounters; static uint32_t registeredWorkloops; static uint32_t attachedEventSources; static KextNode *kextHint; static IOWorkLoopDependency *nextWorkLoopDependency; typedef RB_HEAD(KextTree, KextNode) KextTreeHead; static KextTreeHead kextHead; static int kextNodeCompare(KextNode *e1, KextNode *e2); RB_PROTOTYPE_SC(static, KextTree, KextNode, link, kextNodeCompare); typedef RB_HEAD(KextAddressTree, KextNode) KextAddressTreeHead; static KextAddressTreeHead kextAddressHead; static int kextAddressNodeCompare(KextNode *e1, KextNode *e2); RB_PROTOTYPE_SC(static, KextAddressTree, KextNode, addressLink, kextAddressNodeCompare); typedef RB_HEAD(ClassTree, ClassNode) ClassTreeHead; static ClassTreeHead classHead; static int classNodeCompare(ClassNode *e1, ClassNode *e2); RB_PROTOTYPE_SC(static, ClassTree, ClassNode, tLink, classNodeCompare); static int oid_sysctl(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req); static uint32_t copyGlobalStatistics(IOStatisticsGlobal *stats); static uint32_t copyKextStatistics(IOStatisticsKext *stats); static uint32_t copyMemoryStatistics(IOStatisticsMemory *stats); static uint32_t copyClassStatistics(IOStatisticsClass *stats); static uint32_t copyCounterStatistics(IOStatisticsCounter *stats); static uint32_t copyKextIdentifiers(IOStatisticsKextIdentifier *kextIDs); static uint32_t copyClassNames(IOStatisticsClassName *classNames); static uint32_t copyWorkLoopStatistics(IOStatisticsWorkLoop *workLoopStats); static uint32_t copyUserClientStatistics(IOStatisticsUserClientHeader *stats, uint32_t loadTag); static void updateAllocationCounter(vm_offset_t address, uint32_t index, vm_size_t size); static void storeUserClientCallInfo(IOUserClient *userClient, IOUserClientCounter *counter); static KextNode *getKextNodeFromBacktrace(boolean_t write); static void releaseKextNode(KextNode *node); public: static void initialize(); static void onKextLoad(OSKext *kext, kmod_info_t *kmod_info); static void onKextUnload(OSKext *kext); static void onClassAdded(OSKext *parentKext, OSMetaClass *metaClass); static void onClassRemoved(OSKext *parentKext, OSMetaClass *metaClass); static IOEventSourceCounter *registerEventSource(OSObject *inOwner); static void unregisterEventSource(IOEventSourceCounter *counter); static IOWorkLoopCounter *registerWorkLoop(IOWorkLoop *workLoop); static void unregisterWorkLoop(IOWorkLoopCounter *counter); static IOUserClientCounter *registerUserClient(IOUserClient *userClient); static void unregisterUserClient(IOUserClientCounter *counter); static int getStatistics(sysctl_req *req); static int getWorkLoopStatistics(sysctl_req *req); static int getUserClientStatistics(sysctl_req *req); /* Inlines for counter manipulation. * * NOTE: counter access is not expressly guarded here so as not to incur performance penalties * in the instrumented parent objects. Writes are arranged so as to be protected by pre-existing * locks in the parent where appropriate, but reads have no such guarantee. Counters should * therefore be regarded as providing an indication of current state, rather than precisely * accurate statistics. */ static inline void setCounterType(IOEventSourceCounter *counter, IOStatisticsCounterType type) { if (counter) { counter->type = type; } } static inline void countOpenGate(IOEventSourceCounter *counter) { if (counter) { counter->timeOnGate += mach_absolute_time() - counter->startTimeStamp; counter->openGateCalls++; } } static inline void countCloseGate(IOEventSourceCounter *counter) { if (counter) { counter->startTimeStamp = mach_absolute_time(); counter->closeGateCalls++; } } /* Interrupt */ static inline void countInterruptCheckForWork(IOEventSourceCounter *counter) { if (counter) { counter->u.interrupt.checksForWork++; } } static inline void countInterrupt(IOEventSourceCounter *counter) { if (counter) { counter->u.interrupt.produced++; } } /* CommandQueue */ static inline void countCommandQueueActionCall(IOEventSourceCounter *counter) { if (counter) { counter->u.commandQueue.actionCalls++; } } /* CommandGate */ static inline void countCommandGateActionCall(IOEventSourceCounter *counter) { if (counter) { counter->u.commandGate.actionCalls++; } } /* Timer */ static inline void countTimerTimeout(IOEventSourceCounter *counter) { if (counter) { counter->u.timer.timeouts++; } } /* WorkLoop */ static void attachWorkLoopEventSource(IOWorkLoopCounter *wlc, IOEventSourceCounter *esc); static void detachWorkLoopEventSource(IOWorkLoopCounter *wlc, IOEventSourceCounter *esc); static inline void countWorkLoopOpenGate(IOWorkLoopCounter *counter) { if (counter) { counter->timeOnGate += mach_absolute_time() - counter->startTimeStamp; counter->openGateCalls++; } } static inline void countWorkLoopCloseGate(IOWorkLoopCounter *counter) { if (counter) { counter->startTimeStamp = mach_absolute_time(); counter->closeGateCalls++; } } /* IOLib allocations */ static void countAlloc(uint32_t index, vm_size_t size); /* UserClient */ static void countUserClientCall(IOUserClient *client); }; #else /* Statistics disabled */ class IOStatistics { public: static void initialize() {} }; #endif /* IOKITSTATS */ #endif /* __IOKIT_STATISTICS_PRIVATE_H */