/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _SYS_PROCESS_POLICY_H #define _SYS_PROCESS_POLICY_H #include #include #include #include __BEGIN_DECLS /* defns of scope */ #define PROC_POLICY_SCOPE_PROCESS 1 /* the policy setting is for process wide effect */ #define PROC_POLICY_SCOPE_THREAD 2 /* the policy setting is for thread inside a proc */ /* defns of actions with no attributes */ #define PROC_POLICY_ACTION_APPLY 1 /* enforce the set policy */ #define PROC_POLICY_ACTION_RESTORE 2 /* revert the applied action back */ #define PROC_POLICY_ACTION_DENYINHERIT 3 /* set for no inheritence of the specified policy */ #define PROC_POLICY_ACTION_DENYSELFSET 4 /* set for the process to set its own policy */ #define PROC_POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE 5 /* enable policy and its actions */ #define PROC_POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE 6 /* disable policy and its actions, also clears any actions that have already happened */ /* defns of actions with attributes */ #define PROC_POLICY_ACTION_SET 10 /* set the policy attributes */ #define PROC_POLICY_ACTION_GET 11 /* get the policy attributes */ #define PROC_POLICY_ACTION_ADD 12 /* add a policy attribute */ #define PROC_POLICY_ACTION_REMOVE 13 /* remove a policy attribute */ /* policies */ #define PROC_POLICY NONE 0 #define PROC_POLICY_BACKGROUND 1 /* darwin background policy */ #define PROC_POLICY_HARDWARE_ACCESS 2 /* access to various hardware */ #define PROC_POLICY_RESOURCE_STARVATION 3 /* behavior on resource starvation */ #define PROC_POLICY_RESOURCE_USAGE 4 /* behavior on resource consumption */ #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED #define PROC_POLICY_APP_LIFECYCLE 5 /* app life cycle management */ #else /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */ #define PROC_POLICY_RESERVED 5 /* behavior on resource consumption */ #endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */ #define PROC_POLICY_APPTYPE 6 /* behavior on resource consumption */ /* sub policies for background policy */ #define PROC_POLICY_BG_NONE 0 /* none */ #define PROC_POLICY_BG_LOWCPUPRI 1 /* Low cpu priority */ #define PROC_POLICY_BG_DISKTHROTTLE 2 /* disk accesses throttled */ #define PROC_POLICY_BG_NETTHROTTLE 4 /* network accesses throttled */ #define PROC_POLICY_BG_GPUDENY 8 /* no access to GPU */ #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED #define PROC_POLICY_BG_ALL 0x0F #else /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */ #define PROC_POLICY_BG_ALL 0x07 #endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */ #define PROC_POLICY_BG_DEFAULT PROC_POLICY_BG_ALL /* sub policies for hardware */ #define PROC_POLICY_HWACCESS_NONE 0 #define PROC_POLICY_HWACCESS_DISK 1 /* disk access */ #define PROC_POLICY_HWACCESS_GPU 2 /* GPU access */ #define PROC_POLICY_HWACCESS_NETWORK 3 /* network access */ #define PROC_POLICY_HWACCESS_CPU 4 /* cpu access */ /* attribute values for disk hardware access, bit different as it should reflect IOPOL_XXX */ #define PROC_POLICY_DISKACC_NONE 0 #define PROC_POLICY_DISKACC_NORMAL 1 /* normal access to the disk */ #define PROC_POLICY_DISKACC_FULLACCESS 1 /* normal access to the disk */ #define PROC_POLICY_DISKACC_PASSIVE 2 /* treat the I/Os as passive */ #define PROC_POLICY_DISKACC_THROTTLE 3 /* throttle the disk IOs */ #define PROC_POLICY_DISKACC_DEFAULT PROC_POLICY_DISKACC_FULLACCESS /* attribute values for GPU hardware access */ #define PROC_POLICY_GPUACC_NONE 0 #define PROC_POLICY_GPUACC_FULLACCESS 0 /* complete access to the GPU */ #define PROC_POLICY_GPUACC_DENYACCESS 1 /* deny any access to the GPU */ #define PROC_POLICY_GPUACC_DEFAULT PROC_POLICY_GPUACC_FULLACCESS /* default is complete access */ /* atrribute values for network hardware access */ #define PROC_POLICY_NETACC_NONE 0 #define PROC_POLICY_NETACC_FULLACCESS 0 /* complete access to the network */ #define PROC_POLICY_NETACC_THROTTLE 1 /* throttle access to network */ #define PROC_POLICY_NETACC_DEFAULT PROC_POLICY_NETACC_FULLACCESS /* default is complete access */ /* atrribute values for network hardware access */ #define PROC_POLICY_CPUACC_NONE 0 #define PROC_POLICY_CPUACC_FULLACCESS 0 /* access to all avialable cpus */ #define PROC_POLICY_CPUACC_ONE 1 /* access to only one available cpu */ #define PROC_POLICY_CPUACC_LLCACHE 2 /* access to only one last level cache */ #define PROC_POLICY_CPUACC_DEFAULT PROC_POLICY_CPUACC_FULLACCESS /* default is access to all cpus */ /* System Resource management (ie usage and starvation related) definitions */ /* sub policies for resource starvation */ #define PROC_POLICY_RS_NONE 0 #define PROC_POLICY_RS_VIRTUALMEM 1 /* virtual memory starvation */ /* sub policies for resource usage */ #define PROC_POLICY_RUSAGE_NONE 0 #define PROC_POLICY_RUSAGE_WIREDMEM 1 /* wired memory usages */ #define PROC_POLICY_RUSAGE_VIRTMEM 2 /* virtual memory usage */ #define PROC_POLICY_RUSAGE_CPU 3 /* amount of cpu usage */ #define PROC_POLICY_RUSAGE_DISK 4 /* amount of disk usage */ #define PROC_POLICY_RUSAGE_NETWORK 5 /* amount of network usage */ #define PROC_POLICY_RUSAGE_POWER 6 /* amount of power/battery consumption */ /* attribute values for the resource usage and low resource - MUST match corresponding task definitions */ #define PROC_POLICY_RSRCACT_NONE 0 #define PROC_POLICY_RSRCACT_THROTTLE 1 /* throttle on resource condition */ #define PROC_POLICY_RSRCACT_SUSPEND 2 /* suspend on resource condition */ #define PROC_POLICY_RSRCACT_TERMINATE 3 /* kill on resource condition */ #define PROC_POLICY_RSRCACT_NOTIFY_KQ 4 /* send kqueue notification */ #define PROC_POLICY_RSRCACT_NOTIFY_EXC 5 /* send exception */ /* type of resource for kqueue notifiction */ #define PROC_POLICY_RSRTYPE_CPU 1 #define PROC_POLICY_RSRTYPE_WIREDMEM 2 #define PROC_POLICY_RSRTYPE_VIRTUALMEM 4 #define PROC_POLICY_RSRTYPE_DISK 8 #define PROC_POLICY_RSRTYPE_NETWORK 0x010 #define PROC_POLICY_RSRTYPE_POWER 0x20 typedef struct proc_policy_attribute { uint32_t ppattr_attribute; /* the policy attribute to be modified or returned */ uint32_t ppattr_resv; /* pad field */ uint64_t ppattr_value1; /* 64bit policy specific attribute */ uint64_t ppattr_value2; /* 64bit policy specific attribute */ uint64_t ppattr_value3; /* 64bit policy specific attribute */ uint64_t ppattr_resv1[4]; /* reserved for future use */ } proc_policy_attribute_t; typedef struct proc_policy_cpuusage_attr { uint32_t ppattr_cpu_attr ; /* specified action as in PROC_POLICY_RSRCACT_xx */ uint32_t ppattr_cpu_percentage; /* percentage of interval */ uint64_t ppattr_cpu_attr_interval; /* 64bit interval in nsecs */ uint64_t ppattr_cpu_attr_deadline; /* 64bit deadline in nsecs */ } proc_policy_cpuusage_attr_t; #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED /* sub policies for app lifecycle management */ #define PROC_POLICY_APPLIFE_NONE 0 /* does nothing.. */ #define PROC_POLICY_APPLIFE_STATE 1 /* sets the app to various lifecycle states */ #define PROC_POLICY_APPLIFE_DEVSTATUS 2 /* notes the device in inactive or short/long term */ #define PROC_POLICY_APPLIFE_PIDBIND 3 /* a thread is to be bound to another processes app state */ #endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */ /* sub policies for PROC_POLICY_APPTYPE */ #define PROC_POLICY_APPTYPE_NONE 0 /* does nothing.. */ #define PROC_POLICY_APPTYPE_MODIFY 1 /* sets the app to various lifecycle states */ #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED #define PROC_POLICY_APPTYPE_THREADTHR 2 /* notes the device in inactive or short/long term */ #endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */ #define PROC_POLICY_OSX_APPTYPE_NONE 0 #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED #define PROC_POLICY_IOS_RESV1_APPTYPE 1 /* TAL based launched */ #define PROC_POLICY_IOS_APPLE_DAEMON 2 /* for user of IOS apple daemons */ #define PROC_POLICY_IOS_APPTYPE 3 /* ios specific handling */ #define PROC_POLICY_IOS_NONUITYPE 4 /* ios non graphics type */ #else #define PROC_POLICY_OSX_APPTYPE_TAL 1 /* TAL based launched */ #define PROC_POLICY_OSX_APPTYPE_WIDGET 2 /* for dashboard client */ #define PROC_POLICY_OSX_APPTYPE_DASHCLIENT 2 /* rename to move away from widget */ #endif #ifndef KERNEL int process_policy(int scope, int action, int policy, int policy_subtype, proc_policy_attribute_t * attrp, pid_t target_pid, uint64_t target_threadid); #endif /* KERNEL */ __END_DECLS #endif /*_SYS_PROCESS_POLICY_H */