/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. 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All Rights Reserved */ /* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1987 Carnegie-Mellon University * All rights reserved. The CMU software License Agreement specifies * the terms and conditions for use and redistribution. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1994 NeXT Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)mbuf.h 8.3 (Berkeley) 1/21/94 */ /* * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License, * Version 2.0. */ #ifndef _SYS_MBUF_H_ #define _SYS_MBUF_H_ #include #include #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE #include #include /* * Mbufs are of a single size, MSIZE (machine/param.h), which * includes overhead. An mbuf may add a single "mbuf cluster" of size * MCLBYTES/MBIGCLBYTES/M16KCLBYTES (also in machine/param.h), which has * no additional overhead and is used instead of the internal data area; * this is done when at least MINCLSIZE of data must be stored. */ /* * The following _MLEN and _MHLEN macros are private to xnu. Private code * that are outside of xnu must use the mbuf_get_{mlen,mhlen} routines since * the sizes of the structures are dependent upon specific xnu configs. */ #define _MLEN (MSIZE - sizeof(struct m_hdr)) /* normal data len */ #define _MHLEN (_MLEN - sizeof(struct pkthdr)) /* data len w/pkthdr */ #define NMBPBGSHIFT (MBIGCLSHIFT - MSIZESHIFT) #define NMBPBG (1 << NMBPBGSHIFT) /* # of mbufs per big cl */ #define NCLPBGSHIFT (MBIGCLSHIFT - MCLSHIFT) #define NCLPBG (1 << NCLPBGSHIFT) /* # of cl per big cl */ #define NMBPCLSHIFT (NMBPBGSHIFT - NCLPBGSHIFT) #define NMBPCL (1 << NMBPCLSHIFT) /* # of mbufs per cl */ #define NCLPJCLSHIFT ((M16KCLSHIFT - MBIGCLSHIFT) + NCLPBGSHIFT) #define NCLPJCL (1 << NCLPJCLSHIFT) /* # of cl per jumbo cl */ /* * Macros for type conversion * mtod(m,t) - convert mbuf pointer to data pointer of correct type * dtom(x) - convert data pointer within mbuf to mbuf pointer (XXX) */ #define mtod(m, t) ((t)m_mtod(m)) #define dtom(x) m_dtom(x) /* header at beginning of each mbuf: */ struct m_hdr { struct mbuf *mh_next; /* next buffer in chain */ struct mbuf *mh_nextpkt; /* next chain in queue/record */ int32_t mh_len; /* amount of data in this mbuf */ caddr_t mh_data; /* location of data */ short mh_type; /* type of data in this mbuf */ short mh_flags; /* flags; see below */ }; /* * Packet tag structure (see below for details). */ struct m_tag { u_int64_t m_tag_cookie; /* Error checking */ #ifndef __LP64__ u_int32_t pad; /* For structure alignment */ #endif /* !__LP64__ */ SLIST_ENTRY(m_tag) m_tag_link; /* List of packet tags */ u_int16_t m_tag_type; /* Module specific type */ u_int16_t m_tag_len; /* Length of data */ u_int32_t m_tag_id; /* Module ID */ }; #define M_TAG_ALIGN(len) \ (P2ROUNDUP(len, sizeof (u_int64_t)) + sizeof (struct m_tag)) #define M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN 0xfeedfacefeedfaceULL #define M_TAG_FREE_PATTERN 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefULL /* * Packet tag header structure (at the top of mbuf). Pointers are * 32-bit in ILP32; m_tag needs 64-bit alignment, hence padded. */ struct m_taghdr { #ifndef __LP64__ u_int32_t pad; /* For structure alignment */ #endif /* !__LP64__ */ u_int64_t refcnt; /* Number of tags in this mbuf */ }; /* Values for pftag_flags */ #define PF_TAG_GENERATED 0x000001 /* pkt generated by PF */ #define PF_TAG_FRAGCACHE 0x000002 #define PF_TAG_TRANSLATE_LOCALHOST 0x000004 #define PF_TAG_FLOWHASH 0x000100 /* valid flowhash value */ #define PF_TAG_HDR_INET 0x000200 /* hdr points to IPv4 */ #define PF_TAG_HDR_INET6 0x000400 /* hdr points to IPv6 */ #define PF_TAG_TCP 0x000800 /* payload is TCP */ #define PF_TAG_FLOWADV 0x010000 /* local flow advisory */ #define PF_TAG_QUEUE1 0x100000 /* queue-specific */ #define IF_PKTSEQ_SHIFT 4 /* PF mbuf tag */ struct pf_mtag { void *pftag_hdr; /* saved hdr pos in mbuf, for ECN */ unsigned int pftag_rtableid; /* alternate routing table id */ union { struct { u_int32_t qid; union { u_int8_t val8[4]; u_int16_t val16[2]; u_int32_t val32; } __qpriv_u; /* for queue-specific use */ } __pf_data; u_int64_t pktseq; } __pfifseq_u; /* Used for pf or interface bandwidth measurement */ #define pftag_qid __pfifseq_u.__pf_data.qid #define pftag_qpriv8 __pfifseq_u.__pf_data.__qpriv_u.val8 #define pftag_qpriv16 __pfifseq_u.__pf_data.__qpriv_u.val16 #define pftag_qpriv32 __pfifseq_u.__pf_data.__qpriv_u.val32 #define pftag_pktseq __pfifseq_u.pktseq u_int32_t pftag_flowhash; u_int16_t pftag_tag; u_int16_t pftag_routed; u_int32_t pftag_flags; /* PF_TAG flags */ }; /* TCP specific mbuf tag */ struct tcp_mtag { u_int tm_tso_segz; /* TSO segment size (actual MSS) */ u_int16_t tm_pktlen; /* LRO - max segment size encountered */ u_int16_t tm_npkts; /* LRO - number of coalesced TCP pkts */ }; /* record/packet header in first mbuf of chain; valid if M_PKTHDR set */ struct pkthdr { int len; /* total packet length */ struct ifnet *rcvif; /* rcv interface */ /* variables for ip and tcp reassembly */ void *header; /* pointer to packet header */ /* variables for hardware checksum */ /* Note: csum_flags is used for hardware checksum and VLAN */ int csum_flags; /* flags regarding checksum */ int csum_data; /* data field used by csum routines */ u_short vlan_tag; /* VLAN tag, host byte order */ u_short socket_id; /* socket id */ SLIST_HEAD(packet_tags, m_tag) tags; /* list of packet tags */ struct pf_mtag pf_mtag; /* built-in PF tag */ #define m_flowhash pf_mtag.pftag_flowhash #define m_fhflags pf_mtag.pftag_flags u_int32_t svc; /* MBUF_SVC value */ u_int16_t vt_nrecs; /* # of IGMPv3/MLDv2 records */ u_int16_t aux_flags; /* auxiliary packet flags */ struct tcp_mtag tcp_mtag; /* tcp related data */ #define tso_segsz tcp_mtag.tm_tso_segz #define lro_pktlen tcp_mtag.tm_pktlen #define lro_npkts tcp_mtag.tm_npkts }; /* description of external storage mapped into mbuf, valid if M_EXT set */ struct m_ext { caddr_t ext_buf; /* start of buffer */ void (*ext_free)(caddr_t, u_int, caddr_t); /* free routine if not the usual */ u_int ext_size; /* size of buffer, for ext_free */ caddr_t ext_arg; /* additional ext_free argument */ struct ext_refsq { /* references held */ struct ext_refsq *forward, *backward; } ext_refs; struct ext_ref { u_int32_t refcnt; u_int32_t flags; } *ext_refflags; }; /* define m_ext to a type since it gets redefined below */ typedef struct m_ext _m_ext_t; struct mbuf { struct m_hdr m_hdr; union { struct { struct pkthdr MH_pkthdr; /* M_PKTHDR set */ union { struct m_ext MH_ext; /* M_EXT set */ char MH_databuf[_MHLEN]; } MH_dat; } MH; char M_databuf[_MLEN]; /* !M_PKTHDR, !M_EXT */ } M_dat; }; #define m_next m_hdr.mh_next #define m_len m_hdr.mh_len #define m_data m_hdr.mh_data #define m_type m_hdr.mh_type #define m_flags m_hdr.mh_flags #define m_nextpkt m_hdr.mh_nextpkt #define m_act m_nextpkt #define m_pkthdr M_dat.MH.MH_pkthdr #define m_ext M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_ext #define m_pktdat M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_databuf #define m_dat M_dat.M_databuf #define m_pktlen(_m) ((_m)->m_pkthdr.len) #define m_pftag(_m) (&(_m)->m_pkthdr.pf_mtag) /* mbuf flags (private) */ #define M_EXT 0x0001 /* has associated external storage */ #define M_PKTHDR 0x0002 /* start of record */ #define M_EOR 0x0004 /* end of record */ #define M_PROTO1 0x0008 /* protocol-specific */ #define M_PROTO2 0x0010 /* protocol-specific */ #define M_PROTO3 0x0020 /* protocol-specific */ #define M_LOOP 0x0040 /* packet is looped back */ #define M_PROTO5 0x0080 /* protocol-specific */ /* mbuf pkthdr flags, also in m_flags (private) */ #define M_BCAST 0x0100 /* send/received as link-level broadcast */ #define M_MCAST 0x0200 /* send/received as link-level multicast */ #define M_FRAG 0x0400 /* packet is a fragment of a larger packet */ #define M_FIRSTFRAG 0x0800 /* packet is first fragment */ #define M_LASTFRAG 0x1000 /* packet is last fragment */ #define M_PROMISC 0x2000 /* packet is promiscuous (shouldn't go to stack) */ #define M_HASFCS 0x4000 /* packet has FCS */ #define M_TAGHDR 0x8000 /* m_tag hdr structure at top of mbuf data */ /* * Flags to purge when crossing layers. */ #define M_PROTOFLAGS \ (M_PROTO1|M_PROTO2|M_PROTO3|M_PROTO5) /* flags copied when copying m_pkthdr */ #define M_COPYFLAGS \ (M_PKTHDR|M_EOR|M_PROTO1|M_PROTO2|M_PROTO3 | \ M_LOOP|M_PROTO5|M_BCAST|M_MCAST|M_FRAG | \ M_FIRSTFRAG|M_LASTFRAG|M_PROMISC|M_HASFCS) /* flags indicating hw checksum support and sw checksum requirements */ #define CSUM_IP 0x0001 /* will csum IP */ #define CSUM_TCP 0x0002 /* will csum TCP */ #define CSUM_UDP 0x0004 /* will csum UDP */ #define CSUM_IP_FRAGS 0x0008 /* will csum IP fragments */ #define CSUM_FRAGMENT 0x0010 /* will do IP fragmentation */ #define CSUM_TCPIPV6 0x0020 /* will csum TCP for IPv6 */ #define CSUM_UDPIPV6 0x0040 /* will csum UDP for IPv6 */ #define CSUM_FRAGMENT_IPV6 0x0080 /* will do IPv6 fragmentation */ #define CSUM_IP_CHECKED 0x0100 /* did csum IP */ #define CSUM_IP_VALID 0x0200 /* ... the csum is valid */ #define CSUM_DATA_VALID 0x0400 /* csum_data field is valid */ #define CSUM_PSEUDO_HDR 0x0800 /* csum_data has pseudo hdr */ #define CSUM_TCP_SUM16 0x1000 /* simple TCP Sum16 computation */ #define CSUM_DELAY_DATA (CSUM_TCP | CSUM_UDP) #define CSUM_DELAY_IP (CSUM_IP) /* IPv4 only: no IPv6 IP cksum */ #define CSUM_DELAY_IPV6_DATA (CSUM_TCPIPV6 | CSUM_UDPIPV6) #define CSUM_DATA_IPV6_VALID CSUM_DATA_VALID /* csum_data field is valid */ /* * Note: see also IF_HWASSIST_CSUM defined in */ /* bottom 16 bits reserved for hardware checksum */ #define CSUM_CHECKSUM_MASK 0xffff /* VLAN tag present */ #define CSUM_VLAN_TAG_VALID 0x10000 /* vlan_tag field is valid */ /* TCP Segment Offloading requested on this mbuf */ #define CSUM_TSO_IPV4 0x100000 /* This mbuf needs to be segmented by the NIC */ #define CSUM_TSO_IPV6 0x200000 /* This mbuf needs to be segmented by the NIC */ /* * Auxiliary packet flags. Unlike m_flags, all auxiliary flags are copied * along when copying m_pkthdr, i.e. no equivalent of M_COPYFLAGS here. * Note that this flag is 16-bit wide. */ #define MAUXF_PRIO_PRIVILEGED 0x0001 /* packet priority is privileged */ #define MAUXF_PROXY_DST 0x0002 /* processed but not locally destined */ #define MAUXF_INET_RESOLVE_RTR 0x0004 /* pkt is for resolving IPv4 router */ #define MAUXF_INET6_RESOLVE_RTR 0x0008 /* pkt is for resolving IPv6 router */ #define MAUXF_SW_LRO_PKT 0x0010 /* pkt is a large coalesced pkt */ #define MAUXF_SW_LRO_DID_CSUM 0x0020 /* IP and TCP checksums done by LRO*/ #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ /* mbuf types */ #define MT_FREE 0 /* should be on free list */ #define MT_DATA 1 /* dynamic (data) allocation */ #define MT_HEADER 2 /* packet header */ #define MT_SOCKET 3 /* socket structure */ #define MT_PCB 4 /* protocol control block */ #define MT_RTABLE 5 /* routing tables */ #define MT_HTABLE 6 /* IMP host tables */ #define MT_ATABLE 7 /* address resolution tables */ #define MT_SONAME 8 /* socket name */ #define MT_SOOPTS 10 /* socket options */ #define MT_FTABLE 11 /* fragment reassembly header */ #define MT_RIGHTS 12 /* access rights */ #define MT_IFADDR 13 /* interface address */ #define MT_CONTROL 14 /* extra-data protocol message */ #define MT_OOBDATA 15 /* expedited data */ #define MT_TAG 16 /* volatile metadata associated to pkts */ #define MT_MAX 32 /* enough? */ #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE /* * mbuf allocation/deallocation macros: * * MGET(struct mbuf *m, int how, int type) * allocates an mbuf and initializes it to contain internal data. * * MGETHDR(struct mbuf *m, int how, int type) * allocates an mbuf and initializes it to contain a packet header * and internal data. */ #if 1 #define MCHECK(m) m_mcheck(m) #else #define MCHECK(m) #endif #define MGET(m, how, type) ((m) = m_get((how), (type))) #define MGETHDR(m, how, type) ((m) = m_gethdr((how), (type))) /* * Mbuf cluster macros. * MCLALLOC(caddr_t p, int how) allocates an mbuf cluster. * MCLGET adds such clusters to a normal mbuf; * the flag M_EXT is set upon success. * MCLFREE releases a reference to a cluster allocated by MCLALLOC, * freeing the cluster if the reference count has reached 0. * * Normal mbuf clusters are normally treated as character arrays * after allocation, but use the first word of the buffer as a free list * pointer while on the free list. */ union mcluster { union mcluster *mcl_next; char mcl_buf[MCLBYTES]; }; #define MCLALLOC(p, how) ((p) = m_mclalloc(how)) #define MCLFREE(p) m_mclfree(p) #define MCLGET(m, how) ((m) = m_mclget(m, how)) /* * Mbuf big cluster */ union mbigcluster { union mbigcluster *mbc_next; char mbc_buf[MBIGCLBYTES]; }; /* * Mbuf jumbo cluster */ union m16kcluster { union m16kcluster *m16kcl_next; char m16kcl_buf[M16KCLBYTES]; }; #define MCLHASREFERENCE(m) m_mclhasreference(m) /* * MFREE(struct mbuf *m, struct mbuf *n) * Free a single mbuf and associated external storage. * Place the successor, if any, in n. */ #define MFREE(m, n) ((n) = m_free(m)) /* * Copy mbuf pkthdr from from to to. * from must have M_PKTHDR set, and to must be empty. * aux pointer will be moved to `to'. */ #define M_COPY_PKTHDR(to, from) m_copy_pkthdr(to, from) #define M_COPY_PFTAG(to, from) m_copy_pftag(to, from) /* * Set the m_data pointer of a newly-allocated mbuf (m_get/MGET) to place * an object of the specified size at the end of the mbuf, longword aligned. */ #define M_ALIGN(m, len) \ do { \ (m)->m_data += (MLEN - (len)) &~ (sizeof (long) - 1); \ } while (0) /* * As above, for mbufs allocated with m_gethdr/MGETHDR * or initialized by M_COPY_PKTHDR. */ #define MH_ALIGN(m, len) \ do { \ (m)->m_data += (MHLEN - (len)) &~ (sizeof (long) - 1); \ } while (0) /* * Compute the amount of space available * before the current start of data in an mbuf. * Subroutine - data not available if certain references. */ #define M_LEADINGSPACE(m) m_leadingspace(m) /* * Compute the amount of space available * after the end of data in an mbuf. * Subroutine - data not available if certain references. */ #define M_TRAILINGSPACE(m) m_trailingspace(m) /* * Arrange to prepend space of size plen to mbuf m. * If a new mbuf must be allocated, how specifies whether to wait. * If how is M_DONTWAIT and allocation fails, the original mbuf chain * is freed and m is set to NULL. */ #define M_PREPEND(m, plen, how) ((m) = m_prepend_2((m), (plen), (how))) /* change mbuf to new type */ #define MCHTYPE(m, t) m_mchtype(m, t) /* compatiblity with 4.3 */ #define m_copy(m, o, l) m_copym((m), (o), (l), M_DONTWAIT) #define MBSHIFT 20 /* 1MB */ #define MBSIZE (1 << MBSHIFT) #define GBSHIFT 30 /* 1GB */ #define GBSIZE (1 << GBSHIFT) /* * M_STRUCT_GET ensures that intermediate protocol header (from "off" to * "off+len") is located in single mbuf, on contiguous memory region. * The pointer to the region will be returned to pointer variable "val", * with type "typ". * * M_STRUCT_GET0 does the same, except that it aligns the structure at * very top of mbuf. GET0 is likely to make memory copy than GET. */ #define M_STRUCT_GET(val, typ, m, off, len) \ do { \ struct mbuf *t; \ int tmp; \ \ if ((m)->m_len >= (off) + (len)) { \ (val) = (typ)(mtod((m), caddr_t) + (off)); \ } else { \ t = m_pulldown((m), (off), (len), &tmp); \ if (t != NULL) { \ if (t->m_len < tmp + (len)) \ panic("m_pulldown malfunction"); \ (val) = (typ)(mtod(t, caddr_t) + tmp); \ } else { \ (val) = (typ)NULL; \ (m) = NULL; \ } \ } \ } while (0) #define M_STRUCT_GET0(val, typ, m, off, len) \ do { \ struct mbuf *t; \ \ if ((off) == 0 && ((m)->m_len >= (len))) { \ (val) = (typ)(void *)mtod(m, caddr_t); \ } else { \ t = m_pulldown((m), (off), (len), NULL); \ if (t != NULL) { \ if (t->m_len < (len)) \ panic("m_pulldown malfunction"); \ (val) = (typ)(void *)mtod(t, caddr_t); \ } else { \ (val) = (typ)NULL; \ (m) = NULL; \ } \ } \ } while (0) #define MBUF_INPUT_CHECK(m, rcvif) \ do { \ if (!(m->m_flags & MBUF_PKTHDR) || \ m->m_len < 0 || \ m->m_len > ((njcl > 0) ? njclbytes : MBIGCLBYTES) || \ m->m_type == MT_FREE || \ ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) != 0 && m->m_ext.ext_buf == NULL)) { \ panic_plain("Failed mbuf validity check: mbuf %p len %d " \ "type %d flags 0x%x data %p rcvif %s%d ifflags 0x%x", \ m, m->m_len, m->m_type, m->m_flags, \ ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) ? m->m_ext.ext_buf : m->m_data), \ rcvif->if_name, rcvif->if_unit, \ (rcvif->if_flags & 0xffff)); \ } \ } while (0) /* * Simple mbuf queueing system * * This is basically a SIMPLEQ adapted to mbuf use (i.e. using * m_nextpkt instead of field.sqe_next). * * m_next is ignored, so queueing chains of mbufs is possible */ #define MBUFQ_HEAD(name) \ struct name { \ struct mbuf *mq_first; /* first packet */ \ struct mbuf **mq_last; /* addr of last next packet */ \ } #define MBUFQ_INIT(q) do { \ MBUFQ_FIRST(q) = NULL; \ (q)->mq_last = &MBUFQ_FIRST(q); \ } while (0) #define MBUFQ_PREPEND(q, m) do { \ if ((MBUFQ_NEXT(m) = MBUFQ_FIRST(q)) == NULL) \ (q)->mq_last = &MBUFQ_NEXT(m); \ MBUFQ_FIRST(q) = (m); \ } while (0) #define MBUFQ_ENQUEUE(q, m) do { \ MBUFQ_NEXT(m) = NULL; \ *(q)->mq_last = (m); \ (q)->mq_last = &MBUFQ_NEXT(m); \ } while (0) #define MBUFQ_ENQUEUE_MULTI(q, m, n) do { \ MBUFQ_NEXT(n) = NULL; \ *(q)->mq_last = (m); \ (q)->mq_last = &MBUFQ_NEXT(n); \ } while (0) #define MBUFQ_DEQUEUE(q, m) do { \ if (((m) = MBUFQ_FIRST(q)) != NULL) { \ if ((MBUFQ_FIRST(q) = MBUFQ_NEXT(m)) == NULL) \ (q)->mq_last = &MBUFQ_FIRST(q); \ else \ MBUFQ_NEXT(m) = NULL; \ } \ } while (0) #define MBUFQ_REMOVE(q, m) do { \ if (MBUFQ_FIRST(q) == (m)) { \ MBUFQ_DEQUEUE(q, m); \ } else { \ struct mbuf *_m = MBUFQ_FIRST(q); \ while (MBUFQ_NEXT(_m) != (m)) \ _m = MBUFQ_NEXT(_m); \ if ((MBUFQ_NEXT(_m) = \ MBUFQ_NEXT(MBUFQ_NEXT(_m))) == NULL) \ (q)->mq_last = &MBUFQ_NEXT(_m); \ } \ } while (0) #define MBUFQ_DRAIN(q) do { \ struct mbuf *__m0; \ while ((__m0 = MBUFQ_FIRST(q)) != NULL) { \ MBUFQ_FIRST(q) = MBUFQ_NEXT(__m0); \ MBUFQ_NEXT(__m0) = NULL; \ m_freem(__m0); \ } \ (q)->mq_last = &MBUFQ_FIRST(q); \ } while (0) #define MBUFQ_FOREACH(m, q) \ for ((m) = MBUFQ_FIRST(q); \ (m); \ (m) = MBUFQ_NEXT(m)) #define MBUFQ_FOREACH_SAFE(m, q, tvar) \ for ((m) = MBUFQ_FIRST(q); \ (m) && ((tvar) = MBUFQ_NEXT(m), 1); \ (m) = (tvar)) #define MBUFQ_EMPTY(q) ((q)->mq_first == NULL) #define MBUFQ_FIRST(q) ((q)->mq_first) #define MBUFQ_NEXT(m) ((m)->m_nextpkt) #define MBUFQ_LAST(q) (*(q)->mq_last) #define max_linkhdr P2ROUNDUP(_max_linkhdr, sizeof (u_int32_t)) #define max_protohdr P2ROUNDUP(_max_protohdr, sizeof (u_int32_t)) #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ /* * Mbuf statistics (legacy). */ struct mbstat { u_int32_t m_mbufs; /* mbufs obtained from page pool */ u_int32_t m_clusters; /* clusters obtained from page pool */ u_int32_t m_spare; /* spare field */ u_int32_t m_clfree; /* free clusters */ u_int32_t m_drops; /* times failed to find space */ u_int32_t m_wait; /* times waited for space */ u_int32_t m_drain; /* times drained protocols for space */ u_short m_mtypes[256]; /* type specific mbuf allocations */ u_int32_t m_mcfail; /* times m_copym failed */ u_int32_t m_mpfail; /* times m_pullup failed */ u_int32_t m_msize; /* length of an mbuf */ u_int32_t m_mclbytes; /* length of an mbuf cluster */ u_int32_t m_minclsize; /* min length of data to allocate a cluster */ u_int32_t m_mlen; /* length of data in an mbuf */ u_int32_t m_mhlen; /* length of data in a header mbuf */ u_int32_t m_bigclusters; /* clusters obtained from page pool */ u_int32_t m_bigclfree; /* free clusters */ u_int32_t m_bigmclbytes; /* length of an mbuf cluster */ }; /* Compatibillity with 10.3 */ struct ombstat { u_int32_t m_mbufs; /* mbufs obtained from page pool */ u_int32_t m_clusters; /* clusters obtained from page pool */ u_int32_t m_spare; /* spare field */ u_int32_t m_clfree; /* free clusters */ u_int32_t m_drops; /* times failed to find space */ u_int32_t m_wait; /* times waited for space */ u_int32_t m_drain; /* times drained protocols for space */ u_short m_mtypes[256]; /* type specific mbuf allocations */ u_int32_t m_mcfail; /* times m_copym failed */ u_int32_t m_mpfail; /* times m_pullup failed */ u_int32_t m_msize; /* length of an mbuf */ u_int32_t m_mclbytes; /* length of an mbuf cluster */ u_int32_t m_minclsize; /* min length of data to allocate a cluster */ u_int32_t m_mlen; /* length of data in an mbuf */ u_int32_t m_mhlen; /* length of data in a header mbuf */ }; /* * mbuf class statistics. */ #define MAX_MBUF_CNAME 15 #if defined(XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE) /* For backwards compatibility with 32-bit userland process */ struct omb_class_stat { char mbcl_cname[MAX_MBUF_CNAME + 1]; /* class name */ u_int32_t mbcl_size; /* buffer size */ u_int32_t mbcl_total; /* # of buffers created */ u_int32_t mbcl_active; /* # of active buffers */ u_int32_t mbcl_infree; /* # of available buffers */ u_int32_t mbcl_slab_cnt; /* # of available slabs */ u_int64_t mbcl_alloc_cnt; /* # of times alloc is called */ u_int64_t mbcl_free_cnt; /* # of times free is called */ u_int64_t mbcl_notified; /* # of notified wakeups */ u_int64_t mbcl_purge_cnt; /* # of purges so far */ u_int64_t mbcl_fail_cnt; /* # of allocation failures */ u_int32_t mbcl_ctotal; /* total only for this class */ /* * Cache layer statistics */ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_state; /* cache state (see below) */ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_cached; /* # of cached buffers */ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_waiter_cnt; /* # waiters on the cache */ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_wretry_cnt; /* # of wait retries */ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_nwretry_cnt; /* # of no-wait retry attempts */ u_int64_t mbcl_reserved[4]; /* for future use */ } __attribute__((__packed__)); #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ typedef struct mb_class_stat { char mbcl_cname[MAX_MBUF_CNAME + 1]; /* class name */ u_int32_t mbcl_size; /* buffer size */ u_int32_t mbcl_total; /* # of buffers created */ u_int32_t mbcl_active; /* # of active buffers */ u_int32_t mbcl_infree; /* # of available buffers */ u_int32_t mbcl_slab_cnt; /* # of available slabs */ #if defined(KERNEL) || defined(__LP64__) u_int32_t mbcl_pad; /* padding */ #endif /* KERNEL || __LP64__ */ u_int64_t mbcl_alloc_cnt; /* # of times alloc is called */ u_int64_t mbcl_free_cnt; /* # of times free is called */ u_int64_t mbcl_notified; /* # of notified wakeups */ u_int64_t mbcl_purge_cnt; /* # of purges so far */ u_int64_t mbcl_fail_cnt; /* # of allocation failures */ u_int32_t mbcl_ctotal; /* total only for this class */ /* * Cache layer statistics */ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_state; /* cache state (see below) */ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_cached; /* # of cached buffers */ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_waiter_cnt; /* # waiters on the cache */ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_wretry_cnt; /* # of wait retries */ u_int32_t mbcl_mc_nwretry_cnt; /* # of no-wait retry attempts */ u_int64_t mbcl_reserved[4]; /* for future use */ } mb_class_stat_t; #define MCS_DISABLED 0 /* cache is permanently disabled */ #define MCS_ONLINE 1 /* cache is online */ #define MCS_PURGING 2 /* cache is being purged */ #define MCS_OFFLINE 3 /* cache is offline (resizing) */ #if defined(XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE) /* For backwards compatibility with 32-bit userland process */ struct omb_stat { u_int32_t mbs_cnt; /* number of classes */ struct omb_class_stat mbs_class[1]; /* class array */ } __attribute__((__packed__)); #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ typedef struct mb_stat { u_int32_t mbs_cnt; /* number of classes */ #if defined(KERNEL) || defined(__LP64__) u_int32_t mbs_pad; /* padding */ #endif /* KERNEL || __LP64__ */ mb_class_stat_t mbs_class[1]; /* class array */ } mb_stat_t; #ifdef PRIVATE #define MLEAK_STACK_DEPTH 16 /* Max PC stack depth */ typedef struct mleak_trace_stat { u_int64_t mltr_collisions; u_int64_t mltr_hitcount; u_int64_t mltr_allocs; u_int64_t mltr_depth; u_int64_t mltr_addr[MLEAK_STACK_DEPTH]; } mleak_trace_stat_t; typedef struct mleak_stat { u_int32_t ml_isaddr64; /* 64-bit KVA? */ u_int32_t ml_cnt; /* number of traces */ mleak_trace_stat_t ml_trace[1]; /* trace array */ } mleak_stat_t; struct mleak_table { u_int32_t mleak_capture; /* sampling capture counter */ u_int32_t mleak_sample_factor; /* sample factor */ /* Times two active records want to occupy the same spot */ u_int64_t alloc_collisions; u_int64_t trace_collisions; /* Times new record lands on spot previously occupied by freed alloc */ u_int64_t alloc_overwrites; u_int64_t trace_overwrites; /* Times a new alloc or trace is put into the hash table */ u_int64_t alloc_recorded; u_int64_t trace_recorded; /* Total number of outstanding allocs */ u_int64_t outstanding_allocs; /* Times mleak_log returned false because couldn't acquire the lock */ u_int64_t total_conflicts; }; #endif /* PRIVATE */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE __BEGIN_DECLS /* * Exported (private) */ extern struct mbstat mbstat; /* statistics */ __END_DECLS #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE __BEGIN_DECLS /* * Not exported (xnu private) */ /* flags to m_get/MGET */ /* Need to include malloc.h to get right options for malloc */ #include struct mbuf; /* length to m_copy to copy all */ #define M_COPYALL 1000000000 #define M_DONTWAIT M_NOWAIT #define M_WAIT M_WAITOK /* * These macros are mapped to the appropriate KPIs, so that private code * can be simply recompiled in order to be forward-compatible with future * changes toward the struture sizes. */ #define MLEN mbuf_get_mlen() /* normal data len */ #define MHLEN mbuf_get_mhlen() /* data len w/pkthdr */ #define MINCLSIZE mbuf_get_minclsize() /* cluster usage threshold */ extern void m_freem(struct mbuf *); extern char *mcl_to_paddr(char *); extern void m_adj(struct mbuf *, int); extern void m_cat(struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *); extern void m_copydata(struct mbuf *, int, int, void *); extern struct mbuf *m_copym(struct mbuf *, int, int, int); extern struct mbuf *m_get(int, int); extern struct mbuf *m_gethdr(int, int); extern struct mbuf *m_getpacket(void); extern struct mbuf *m_getpackets(int, int, int); extern struct mbuf *m_mclget(struct mbuf *, int); extern void *m_mtod(struct mbuf *); extern struct mbuf *m_prepend_2(struct mbuf *, int, int); extern struct mbuf *m_pullup(struct mbuf *, int); extern struct mbuf *m_split(struct mbuf *, int, int); extern void m_mclfree(caddr_t p); /* * On platforms which require strict alignment (currently for anything but * i386 or x86_64), this macro checks whether the data pointer of an mbuf * is 32-bit aligned (this is the expected minimum alignment for protocol * headers), and assert otherwise. */ #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) #define MBUF_STRICT_DATA_ALIGNMENT_CHECK_32(_m) #else /* !__i386__ && !__x86_64__ */ #define MBUF_STRICT_DATA_ALIGNMENT_CHECK_32(_m) do { \ if (!IS_P2ALIGNED((_m)->m_data, sizeof (u_int32_t))) { \ if (((_m)->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) && \ (_m)->m_pkthdr.rcvif != NULL) { \ panic_plain("\n%s: mbuf %p data ptr %p is not " \ "32-bit aligned [%s%d: alignerrs=%lld]\n", \ __func__, (_m), (_m)->m_data, \ (_m)->m_pkthdr.rcvif->if_name, \ (_m)->m_pkthdr.rcvif->if_unit, \ (_m)->m_pkthdr.rcvif->if_alignerrs); \ } else { \ panic_plain("\n%s: mbuf %p data ptr %p is not " \ "32-bit aligned\n", \ __func__, (_m), (_m)->m_data); \ } \ } \ } while (0) #endif /* !__i386__ && !__x86_64__ */ /* Maximum number of MBUF_SC values (excluding MBUF_SC_UNSPEC) */ #define MBUF_SC_MAX_CLASSES 10 /* * These conversion macros rely on the corresponding MBUF_SC and * MBUF_TC values in order to establish the following mapping: * * MBUF_SC_BK_SYS ] ==> MBUF_TC_BK * MBUF_SC_BK ] * * MBUF_SC_BE ] ==> MBUF_TC_BE * MBUF_SC_RD ] * MBUF_SC_OAM ] * * MBUF_SC_AV ] ==> MBUF_TC_VI * MBUF_SC_RV ] * MBUF_SC_VI ] * * MBUF_SC_VO ] ==> MBUF_TC_VO * MBUF_SC_CTL ] * * The values assigned to each service class allows for a fast mapping to * the corresponding MBUF_TC traffic class values, as well as to retrieve the * assigned index; therefore care must be taken when comparing against these * values. Use the corresponding class and index macros to retrieve the * corresponding portion, and never assume that a higher class corresponds * to a higher index. */ #define MBUF_SCVAL(x) ((x) & 0xffff) #define MBUF_SCIDX(x) ((((x) >> 16) & 0xff) >> 3) #define MBUF_SC2TC(_sc) (MBUF_SCVAL(_sc) >> 7) #define MBUF_TC2SCVAL(_tc) ((_tc) << 7) #define IS_MBUF_SC_BACKGROUND(_sc) (((_sc) == MBUF_SC_BK_SYS) || \ ((_sc) == MBUF_SC_BK)) #define SCIDX_BK_SYS MBUF_SCIDX(MBUF_SC_BK_SYS) #define SCIDX_BK MBUF_SCIDX(MBUF_SC_BK) #define SCIDX_BE MBUF_SCIDX(MBUF_SC_BE) #define SCIDX_RD MBUF_SCIDX(MBUF_SC_RD) #define SCIDX_OAM MBUF_SCIDX(MBUF_SC_OAM) #define SCIDX_AV MBUF_SCIDX(MBUF_SC_AV) #define SCIDX_RV MBUF_SCIDX(MBUF_SC_RV) #define SCIDX_VI MBUF_SCIDX(MBUF_SC_VI) #define SCIDX_VO MBUF_SCIDX(MBUF_SC_VO) #define SCIDX_CTL MBUF_SCIDX(MBUF_SC_CTL) #define SCVAL_BK_SYS MBUF_SCVAL(MBUF_SC_BK_SYS) #define SCVAL_BK MBUF_SCVAL(MBUF_SC_BK) #define SCVAL_BE MBUF_SCVAL(MBUF_SC_BE) #define SCVAL_RD MBUF_SCVAL(MBUF_SC_RD) #define SCVAL_OAM MBUF_SCVAL(MBUF_SC_OAM) #define SCVAL_AV MBUF_SCVAL(MBUF_SC_AV) #define SCVAL_RV MBUF_SCVAL(MBUF_SC_RV) #define SCVAL_VI MBUF_SCVAL(MBUF_SC_VI) #define SCVAL_VO MBUF_SCVAL(MBUF_SC_VO) #define SCVAL_CTL MBUF_SCVAL(MBUF_SC_CTL) #define MBUF_VALID_SC(c) \ (c == MBUF_SC_BK_SYS || c == MBUF_SC_BK || c == MBUF_SC_BE || \ c == MBUF_SC_RD || c == MBUF_SC_OAM || c == MBUF_SC_AV || \ c == MBUF_SC_RV || c == MBUF_SC_VI || c == MBUF_SC_VO || \ c == MBUF_SC_CTL) #define MBUF_VALID_SCIDX(c) \ (c == SCIDX_BK_SYS || c == SCIDX_BK || c == SCIDX_BE || \ c == SCIDX_RD || c == SCIDX_OAM || c == SCIDX_AV || \ c == SCIDX_RV || c == SCIDX_VI || c == SCIDX_VO || \ c == SCIDX_CTL) #define MBUF_VALID_SCVAL(c) \ (c == SCVAL_BK_SYS || c == SCVAL_BK || c == SCVAL_BE || \ c == SCVAL_RD || c == SCVAL_OAM || c == SCVAL_AV || \ c == SCVAL_RV || c == SCVAL_VI || c == SCVAL_VO || \ c == SCVAL_CTL) __private_extern__ union mbigcluster *mbutl; /* start VA of mbuf pool */ __private_extern__ union mbigcluster *embutl; /* end VA of mbuf pool */ __private_extern__ unsigned int nmbclusters; /* number of mapped clusters */ __private_extern__ int njcl; /* # of jumbo clusters */ __private_extern__ int njclbytes; /* size of a jumbo cluster */ __private_extern__ int max_hdr; /* largest link+protocol header */ __private_extern__ int max_datalen; /* MHLEN - max_hdr */ /* Use max_linkhdr instead of _max_linkhdr */ __private_extern__ int _max_linkhdr; /* largest link-level header */ /* Use max_protohdr instead of _max_protohdr */ __private_extern__ int _max_protohdr; /* largest protocol header */ __private_extern__ unsigned int mbuf_default_ncl(int, u_int64_t); __private_extern__ void mbinit(void); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_clattach(struct mbuf *, int, caddr_t, void (*)(caddr_t, u_int, caddr_t), u_int, caddr_t, int); __private_extern__ caddr_t m_bigalloc(int); __private_extern__ void m_bigfree(caddr_t, u_int, caddr_t); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_mbigget(struct mbuf *, int); __private_extern__ caddr_t m_16kalloc(int); __private_extern__ void m_16kfree(caddr_t, u_int, caddr_t); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_m16kget(struct mbuf *, int); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_free(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_getclr(int, int); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_getptr(struct mbuf *, int, int *); __private_extern__ unsigned int m_length(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ unsigned int m_length2(struct mbuf *, struct mbuf **); __private_extern__ unsigned int m_fixhdr(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_defrag(struct mbuf *, int); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_defrag_offset(struct mbuf *, u_int32_t, int); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_prepend(struct mbuf *, int, int); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_copyup(struct mbuf *, int, int); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_retry(int, int); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_retryhdr(int, int); __private_extern__ int m_freem_list(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ int m_append(struct mbuf *, int, caddr_t); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_last(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_devget(char *, int, int, struct ifnet *, void (*)(const void *, void *, size_t)); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_pulldown(struct mbuf *, int, int, int *); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_getcl(int, int, int); __private_extern__ caddr_t m_mclalloc(int); __private_extern__ int m_mclhasreference(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ void m_copy_pkthdr(struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ void m_copy_pftag(struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_dtom(void *); __private_extern__ int m_mtocl(void *); __private_extern__ union mcluster *m_cltom(int); __private_extern__ int m_trailingspace(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ int m_leadingspace(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_normalize(struct mbuf *m); __private_extern__ void m_mchtype(struct mbuf *m, int t); __private_extern__ void m_mcheck(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ void m_copyback(struct mbuf *, int, int, const void *); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_copyback_cow(struct mbuf *, int, int, const void *, int); __private_extern__ int m_makewritable(struct mbuf **, int, int, int); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_dup(struct mbuf *m, int how); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_copym_with_hdrs(struct mbuf *, int, int, int, struct mbuf **, int *); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_getpackethdrs(int, int); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_getpacket_how(int); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_getpackets_internal(unsigned int *, int, int, int, size_t); __private_extern__ struct mbuf *m_allocpacket_internal(unsigned int *, size_t, unsigned int *, int, int, size_t); /* * Packets may have annotations attached by affixing a list of "packet * tags" to the pkthdr structure. Packet tags are dynamically allocated * semi-opaque data structures that have a fixed header (struct m_tag) * that specifies the size of the memory block and an pair that * identifies it. The id identifies the module and the type identifies the * type of data for that module. The id of zero is reserved for the kernel. * * Note that the packet tag returned by m_tag_allocate has the default * memory alignment implemented by malloc. To reference private data one * can use a construct like: * * struct m_tag *mtag = m_tag_allocate(...); * struct foo *p = (struct foo *)(mtag+1); * * if the alignment of struct m_tag is sufficient for referencing members * of struct foo. Otherwise it is necessary to embed struct m_tag within * the private data structure to insure proper alignment; e.g. * * struct foo { * struct m_tag tag; * ... * }; * struct foo *p = (struct foo *) m_tag_allocate(...); * struct m_tag *mtag = &p->tag; */ #define KERNEL_MODULE_TAG_ID 0 enum { KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_NONE = 0, KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_DUMMYNET = 1, KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_DIVERT = 2, KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_IPFORWARD = 3, KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_IPFILT = 4, KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_MACLABEL = 5, KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_MAC_POLICY_LABEL = 6, KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_ENCAP = 8, KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_INET6 = 9, KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_IPSEC = 10, KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_PF = 11 }; /* Packet tag routines */ __private_extern__ struct m_tag *m_tag_alloc(u_int32_t, u_int16_t, int, int); __private_extern__ struct m_tag *m_tag_create(u_int32_t, u_int16_t, int, int, struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ void m_tag_free(struct m_tag *); __private_extern__ void m_tag_prepend(struct mbuf *, struct m_tag *); __private_extern__ void m_tag_unlink(struct mbuf *, struct m_tag *); __private_extern__ void m_tag_delete(struct mbuf *, struct m_tag *); __private_extern__ void m_tag_delete_chain(struct mbuf *, struct m_tag *); __private_extern__ struct m_tag *m_tag_locate(struct mbuf *, u_int32_t, u_int16_t, struct m_tag *); __private_extern__ struct m_tag *m_tag_copy(struct m_tag *, int); __private_extern__ int m_tag_copy_chain(struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *, int); __private_extern__ void m_tag_init(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ struct m_tag *m_tag_first(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ struct m_tag *m_tag_next(struct mbuf *, struct m_tag *); __END_DECLS #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #ifdef KERNEL #include #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE __BEGIN_DECLS __private_extern__ void m_service_class_init(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ int m_set_service_class(struct mbuf *, mbuf_svc_class_t); __private_extern__ mbuf_svc_class_t m_get_service_class(struct mbuf *); __private_extern__ mbuf_svc_class_t m_service_class_from_idx(u_int32_t); __private_extern__ mbuf_svc_class_t m_service_class_from_val(u_int32_t); __private_extern__ int m_set_traffic_class(struct mbuf *, mbuf_traffic_class_t); __private_extern__ mbuf_traffic_class_t m_get_traffic_class(struct mbuf *); __END_DECLS #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #endif /* KERNEL */ #endif /* !_SYS_MBUF_H_ */