/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef FSEVENT_H #define FSEVENT_H 1 // Event types that you can ask to listen for #define FSE_INVALID -1 #define FSE_CREATE_FILE 0 #define FSE_DELETE 1 #define FSE_STAT_CHANGED 2 #define FSE_RENAME 3 #define FSE_CONTENT_MODIFIED 4 #define FSE_EXCHANGE 5 #define FSE_FINDER_INFO_CHANGED 6 #define FSE_CREATE_DIR 7 #define FSE_CHOWN 8 #define FSE_XATTR_MODIFIED 9 #define FSE_XATTR_REMOVED 10 #define FSE_MAX_EVENTS 11 #define FSE_ALL_EVENTS 998 #define FSE_EVENTS_DROPPED 999 // // These defines only apply if you've asked for extended // type info. In that case the type field's low 12-bits // contain the basic types defined above and the top 4 // bits contain flags that indicate if an event had other // events combined with it or if it represents a directory // that has dropped events below it. // #define FSE_TYPE_MASK 0x0fff #define FSE_FLAG_MASK 0xf000 #define FSE_FLAG_SHIFT 12 #define FSE_GET_FLAGS(type) (((type) >> 12) & 0x000f) #define FSE_COMBINED_EVENTS 0x0001 #define FSE_CONTAINS_DROPPED_EVENTS 0x0002 // Actions for each event type #define FSE_IGNORE 0 #define FSE_REPORT 1 #define FSE_ASK 2 // Not implemented yet // The types of each of the arguments for an event // Each type is followed by the size and then the // data. FSE_ARG_VNODE is just a path string #define FSE_ARG_VNODE 0x0001 // next arg is a vnode pointer #define FSE_ARG_STRING 0x0002 // next arg is length followed by string ptr #define FSE_ARG_PATH 0x0003 // next arg is a full path #define FSE_ARG_INT32 0x0004 // next arg is a 32-bit int #define FSE_ARG_INT64 0x0005 // next arg is a 64-bit int #define FSE_ARG_RAW 0x0006 // next arg is a length followed by a void ptr #define FSE_ARG_INO 0x0007 // next arg is the inode number (ino_t) #define FSE_ARG_UID 0x0008 // next arg is the file's uid (uid_t) #define FSE_ARG_DEV 0x0009 // next arg is the file's dev_t #define FSE_ARG_MODE 0x000a // next arg is the file's mode (as an int32, file type only) #define FSE_ARG_GID 0x000b // next arg is the file's gid (gid_t) #define FSE_ARG_FINFO 0x000c // next arg is a packed finfo (dev, ino, mode, uid, gid) #define FSE_ARG_DONE 0xb33f // no more arguments #define FSE_MAX_ARGS 12 // // These are special bits that be set in the 32-bit mode // field that /dev/fsevents provides. // #define FSE_MODE_HLINK (1 << 31) // notification is for a hard-link #define FSE_MODE_LAST_HLINK (1 << 30) // link count == 0 on a hard-link delete #define FSE_REMOTE_DIR_EVENT (1 << 29) // this is a remotely generated directory-level granularity event #define FSE_TRUNCATED_PATH (1 << 28) // the path for this item had to be truncated // ioctl's on /dev/fsevents #if __LP64__ typedef struct fsevent_clone_args { int8_t *event_list; int32_t num_events; int32_t event_queue_depth; int32_t *fd; } fsevent_clone_args; #else typedef struct fsevent_clone_args { int8_t *event_list; int32_t pad1; int32_t num_events; int32_t event_queue_depth; int32_t *fd; int32_t pad2; } fsevent_clone_args; #endif #define FSEVENTS_CLONE _IOW('s', 1, fsevent_clone_args) // ioctl's on the cloned fd #if __LP64__ #pragma pack(push, 4) typedef struct fsevent_dev_filter_args { uint32_t num_devices; dev_t *devices; } fsevent_dev_filter_args; #pragma pack(pop) #else typedef struct fsevent_dev_filter_args { uint32_t num_devices; dev_t *devices; int32_t pad1; } fsevent_dev_filter_args; #endif #define FSEVENTS_DEVICE_FILTER _IOW('s', 100, fsevent_dev_filter_args) #define FSEVENTS_WANT_COMPACT_EVENTS _IO('s', 101) #define FSEVENTS_WANT_EXTENDED_INFO _IO('s', 102) #define FSEVENTS_GET_CURRENT_ID _IOR('s', 103, uint64_t) #ifdef KERNEL void fsevents_init(void); int need_fsevent(int type, vnode_t vp); int add_fsevent(int type, vfs_context_t, ...); void fsevent_unmount(struct mount *mp); struct vnode_attr; void create_fsevent_from_kevent(vnode_t vp, uint32_t kevents, struct vnode_attr *vap); // misc utility functions for fsevent info and pathbuffers... typedef struct fse_info { ino64_t ino; dev_t dev; int32_t mode; // note: this is not a mode_t (it's 32-bits, not 16) uid_t uid; gid_t gid; uint64_t nlink; // only filled in if the vnode is marked as a hardlink } fse_info; int get_fse_info(struct vnode *vp, fse_info *fse, vfs_context_t ctx); int vnode_get_fse_info_from_vap(vnode_t vp, fse_info *fse, struct vnode_attr *vap); char *get_pathbuff(void); void release_pathbuff(char *path); #endif /* KERNEL */ #endif /* FSEVENT_H */