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All Rights Reserved */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1990, 1993, 1994 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * (c) UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. * All or some portions of this file are derived from material licensed * to the University of California by American Telephone and Telegraph * Co. or Unix System Laboratories, Inc. and are reproduced herein with * the permission of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)fsctl.h 8.6 (Berkeley) 3/28/94 */ #ifndef _SYS_FSCTL_H_ #define _SYS_FSCTL_H_ #include #include #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE typedef struct user64_namespace_handler_info { user64_addr_t token; user64_addr_t flags; user64_addr_t fdptr; } user64_namespace_handler_info; typedef struct user32_namespace_handler_info { user32_addr_t token; user32_addr_t flags; user32_addr_t fdptr; } user32_namespace_handler_info; typedef struct namespace_handler_info { user_addr_t token; user_addr_t flags; user_addr_t fdptr; } namespace_handler_info; typedef struct user64_namespace_handler_info_ext { user64_addr_t token; user64_addr_t flags; user64_addr_t fdptr; user64_addr_t infoptr; } user64_namespace_handler_info_ext; typedef struct user32_namespace_handler_info_ext { user32_addr_t token; user32_addr_t flags; user32_addr_t fdptr; user32_addr_t infoptr; } user32_namespace_handler_info_ext; typedef struct namespace_handler_info_ext { user_addr_t token; user_addr_t flags; user_addr_t fdptr; user_addr_t infoptr; } namespace_handler_info_ext; extern int resolve_nspace_item(struct vnode *vp, uint64_t op); extern int resolve_nspace_item_ext(struct vnode *vp, uint64_t op, void *arg); extern int get_nspace_item_status(struct vnode *vp, int32_t *status); #else typedef struct namespace_handler_info { int32_t *token; int64_t *flags; int32_t *fdptr; } namespace_handler_info; typedef struct namespace_handler_info_ext { int32_t *token; int64_t *flags; int32_t *fdptr; int64_t *infoptr; // for snapshot write events, the kernel puts an offset/length pair here } namespace_handler_info_ext; #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_READ_OP 0x0001 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_WRITE_OP 0x0002 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_DELETE_OP 0x0004 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_TRUNCATE_OP 0x0008 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_RENAME_OP 0x0010 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_METADATA_WRITE_OP 0x0020 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_METADATA_DELETE_OP 0x0040 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_METADATA_MOD 0x0080 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_LINK_CREATE 0x0200 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_NSPACE_EVENT 0x1000 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_SNAPSHOT_EVENT 0x0100 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_TRACK_EVENT 0x2000 #define NAMESPACE_HANDLER_EVENT_TYPE_MASK (NAMESPACE_HANDLER_NSPACE_EVENT | NAMESPACE_HANDLER_SNAPSHOT_EVENT | NAMESPACE_HANDLER_TRACK_EVENT) #define DATALESS_CMPFS_TYPE 0x80000001 typedef int32_t nspace_handler_info[2]; typedef char fstypename_t[MFSTYPENAMELEN]; #ifdef KERNEL typedef struct user64_package_ext_info { user64_addr_t strings; uint32_t num_entries; uint32_t max_width; } user64_package_ext_info; typedef struct user32_package_ext_info { user32_addr_t strings; uint32_t num_entries; uint32_t max_width; } user32_package_ext_info; #endif // KERNEL typedef struct package_ext_info { const char *strings; uint32_t num_entries; uint32_t max_width; } package_ext_info; #define FSCTL_SYNC_FULLSYNC (1<<0) /* Flush the data fully to disk, if supported by the filesystem */ #define FSCTL_SYNC_WAIT (1<<1) /* Wait for the sync to complete */ #define FSIOC_SYNC_VOLUME _IOW('A', 1, uint32_t) #define FSCTL_SYNC_VOLUME IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_SYNC_VOLUME) #define FSIOC_SET_PACKAGE_EXTS _IOW('A', 2, struct package_ext_info) #define FSCTL_SET_PACKAGE_EXTS IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_SET_PACKAGE_EXTS) #define FSIOC_WAIT_FOR_SYNC _IOR('A', 3, int32_t) #define FSCTL_WAIT_FOR_SYNC IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_WAIT_FOR_SYNC) #define FSIOC_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_GET _IOW('A', 4, struct namespace_handler_info) #define FSCTL_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_GET IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_GET) #define FSIOC_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_UPDATE _IOW('A', 5, nspace_handler_info) #define FSCTL_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_UPDATE IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_UPDATE) #define FSIOC_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_UNBLOCK _IOW('A', 6, nspace_handler_info) #define FSCTL_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_UNBLOCK IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_UNBLOCK) #define FSIOC_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_CANCEL _IOW('A', 7, nspace_handler_info) #define FSCTL_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_CANCEL IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_CANCEL) #define FSIOC_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_SET_SNAPSHOT_TIME _IOW('A', 8, int32_t) #define FSCTL_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_SET_SNAPSHOT_TIME IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_NAMESPACE_HANDLER_SET_SNAPSHOT_TIME) #define FSIOC_OLD_SNAPSHOT_HANDLER_GET _IOW('A', 9, struct namespace_handler_info) #define FSCTL_OLD_SNAPSHOT_HANDLER_GET IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_OLD_SNAPSHOT_HANDLER_GET) #define FSIOC_SET_FSTYPENAME_OVERRIDE _IOW('A', 10, fstypename_t) #define FSCTL_SET_FSTYPENAME_OVERRIDE IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_SET_FSTYPENAME_OVERRIDE) #define FSIOC_NAMESPACE_ALLOW_DMG_SNAPSHOT_EVENTS _IOW('A', 11, int32_t) #define FSCTL_NAMESPACE_ALLOW_DMG_SNAPSHOT_EVENTS IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_NAMESPACE_ALLOW_DMG_SNAPSHOT_EVENTS) #define FSIOC_TRACKED_HANDLER_GET _IOW('A', 12, struct namespace_handler_info) #define FSCTL_TRACKED_HANDLER_GET IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_TRACKED_HANDLER_GET) #define FSIOC_SNAPSHOT_HANDLER_GET_EXT _IOW('A', 13, struct namespace_handler_info_ext) #define FSCTL_SNAPSHOT_HANDLER_GET_EXT IOCBASECMD(FSIOC_SNAPSHOT_HANDLER_GET_EXT) // // IO commands 14, 15, 16, and 17 are currently unused // // // Spotlight and fseventsd use these fsctl()'s to find out // the mount time of a volume and the last time it was // unmounted. Both HFS and ZFS support these calls. // // User space code should pass the "_IOC_" macros while the // kernel should test for the "_FSCTL_" variant of the macro // in its vnop_ioctl function. // // NOTE: the values for these defines should _not_ be changed // or else it will break binary compatibility with mds // and fseventsd. // #define SPOTLIGHT_IOC_GET_MOUNT_TIME _IOR('h', 18, u_int32_t) #define SPOTLIGHT_FSCTL_GET_MOUNT_TIME IOCBASECMD(SPOTLIGHT_IOC_GET_MOUNT_TIME) #define SPOTLIGHT_IOC_GET_LAST_MTIME _IOR('h', 19, u_int32_t) #define SPOTLIGHT_FSCTL_GET_LAST_MTIME IOCBASECMD(SPOTLIGHT_IOC_GET_LAST_MTIME) #ifndef KERNEL #include __BEGIN_DECLS int fsctl(const char *,unsigned long,void*,unsigned int); int ffsctl(int,unsigned long,void*,unsigned int); __END_DECLS #endif /* !KERNEL */ #endif /* !_SYS_FSCTL_H_ */