/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* $FreeBSD: src/sys/netinet6/nd6_rtr.c,v 1.11 2002/04/19 04:46:23 suz Exp $ */ /* $KAME: nd6_rtr.c,v 1.111 2001/04/27 01:37:15 jinmei Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998 WIDE Project. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void defrouter_addreq(struct nd_defrouter *, boolean_t); static void defrouter_delreq(struct nd_defrouter *); static struct nd_defrouter *defrtrlist_update_common(struct nd_defrouter *, boolean_t); static struct nd_defrouter *defrtrlist_update(struct nd_defrouter *); static struct in6_ifaddr *in6_ifadd(struct nd_prefix *, int); static void defrtrlist_sync(struct ifnet *); static struct nd_pfxrouter *pfxrtr_lookup(struct nd_prefix *, struct nd_defrouter *); static void pfxrtr_add(struct nd_prefix *, struct nd_defrouter *); static void pfxrtr_del(struct nd_pfxrouter *); static struct nd_pfxrouter *find_pfxlist_reachable_router(struct nd_prefix *); static void nd6_rtmsg(int, struct rtentry *); static int nd6_prefix_onlink_common(struct nd_prefix *, boolean_t, unsigned int); static struct nd_prefix *nd6_prefix_equal_lookup(struct nd_prefix *, boolean_t); static void nd6_prefix_sync(struct ifnet *); static void in6_init_address_ltimes(struct nd_prefix *, struct in6_addrlifetime *, boolean_t); static int rt6_deleteroute(struct radix_node *, void *); static struct nd_defrouter *nddr_alloc(int); static void nddr_free(struct nd_defrouter *); static void nddr_trace(struct nd_defrouter *, int); static struct nd_prefix *ndpr_alloc(int); static void ndpr_free(struct nd_prefix *); static void ndpr_trace(struct nd_prefix *, int); extern int nd6_recalc_reachtm_interval; static struct ifnet *nd6_defifp; int nd6_defifindex; static unsigned int nd6_defrouter_genid; int ip6_use_tempaddr = 1; /* use temp addr by default for testing now */ int nd6_accept_6to4 = 1; int ip6_desync_factor; u_int32_t ip6_temp_preferred_lifetime = DEF_TEMP_PREFERRED_LIFETIME; u_int32_t ip6_temp_valid_lifetime = DEF_TEMP_VALID_LIFETIME; /* * shorter lifetimes for debugging purposes. u_int32_t ip6_temp_preferred_lifetime = 800; static u_int32_t ip6_temp_valid_lifetime = 1800; */ int ip6_temp_regen_advance = TEMPADDR_REGEN_ADVANCE; extern lck_mtx_t *nd6_mutex; /* Serialization variables for single thread access to nd_prefix */ static boolean_t nd_prefix_busy; static void *nd_prefix_waitchan = &nd_prefix_busy; static int nd_prefix_waiters = 0; /* Serialization variables for single thread access to nd_defrouter */ static boolean_t nd_defrouter_busy; static void *nd_defrouter_waitchan = &nd_defrouter_busy; static int nd_defrouter_waiters = 0; /* RTPREF_MEDIUM has to be 0! */ #define RTPREF_HIGH 1 #define RTPREF_MEDIUM 0 #define RTPREF_LOW (-1) #define RTPREF_RESERVED (-2) #define RTPREF_INVALID (-3) /* internal */ #define NDPR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE 32 /* size of trace history */ /* For gdb */ __private_extern__ unsigned int ndpr_trace_hist_size = NDPR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE; struct nd_prefix_dbg { struct nd_prefix ndpr_pr; /* nd_prefix */ u_int16_t ndpr_refhold_cnt; /* # of ref */ u_int16_t ndpr_refrele_cnt; /* # of rele */ /* * Circular lists of ndpr_addref and ndpr_remref callers. */ ctrace_t ndpr_refhold[NDPR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE]; ctrace_t ndpr_refrele[NDPR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE]; }; static unsigned int ndpr_debug; /* debug flags */ static unsigned int ndpr_size; /* size of zone element */ static struct zone *ndpr_zone; /* zone for nd_prefix */ #define NDPR_ZONE_MAX 64 /* maximum elements in zone */ #define NDPR_ZONE_NAME "nd6_prefix" /* zone name */ #define NDDR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE 32 /* size of trace history */ /* For gdb */ __private_extern__ unsigned int nddr_trace_hist_size = NDDR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE; struct nd_defrouter_dbg { struct nd_defrouter nddr_dr; /* nd_defrouter */ uint16_t nddr_refhold_cnt; /* # of ref */ uint16_t nddr_refrele_cnt; /* # of rele */ /* * Circular lists of ndpr_addref and ndpr_remref callers. */ ctrace_t nddr_refhold[NDDR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE]; ctrace_t nddr_refrele[NDDR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE]; }; static unsigned int nddr_debug; /* debug flags */ static unsigned int nddr_size; /* size of zone element */ static struct zone *nddr_zone; /* zone for nd_defrouter */ #define NDDR_ZONE_MAX 64 /* maximum elements in zone */ #define NDDR_ZONE_NAME "nd6_defrouter" /* zone name */ static unsigned int ndprtr_size; /* size of zone element */ static struct zone *ndprtr_zone; /* zone for nd_pfxrouter */ #define NDPRTR_ZONE_MAX 64 /* maximum elements in zone */ #define NDPRTR_ZONE_NAME "nd6_pfxrouter" /* zone name */ void nd6_rtr_init(void) { PE_parse_boot_argn("ifa_debug", &ndpr_debug, sizeof (ndpr_debug)); PE_parse_boot_argn("ifa_debug", &nddr_debug, sizeof (nddr_debug)); ndpr_size = (ndpr_debug == 0) ? sizeof (struct nd_prefix) : sizeof (struct nd_prefix_dbg); ndpr_zone = zinit(ndpr_size, NDPR_ZONE_MAX * ndpr_size, 0, NDPR_ZONE_NAME); if (ndpr_zone == NULL) { panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, NDPR_ZONE_NAME); /* NOTREACHED */ } zone_change(ndpr_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE); zone_change(ndpr_zone, Z_CALLERACCT, FALSE); nddr_size = (nddr_debug == 0) ? sizeof (struct nd_defrouter) : sizeof (struct nd_defrouter_dbg); nddr_zone = zinit(nddr_size, NDDR_ZONE_MAX * nddr_size, 0, NDDR_ZONE_NAME); if (nddr_zone == NULL) { panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, NDDR_ZONE_NAME); /* NOTREACHED */ } zone_change(nddr_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE); zone_change(nddr_zone, Z_CALLERACCT, FALSE); ndprtr_size = sizeof (struct nd_pfxrouter); ndprtr_zone = zinit(ndprtr_size, NDPRTR_ZONE_MAX * ndprtr_size, 0, NDPRTR_ZONE_NAME); if (ndprtr_zone == NULL) { panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, NDPRTR_ZONE_NAME); /* NOTREACHED */ } zone_change(ndprtr_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE); zone_change(ndprtr_zone, Z_CALLERACCT, FALSE); } /* * Receive Router Solicitation Message - just for routers. * Router solicitation/advertisement is mostly managed by userland program * (rtadvd) so here we have no function like nd6_ra_output(). * * Based on RFC 2461 */ void nd6_rs_input( struct mbuf *m, int off, int icmp6len) { struct ifnet *ifp = m->m_pkthdr.rcvif; struct ip6_hdr *ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *); struct nd_router_solicit *nd_rs; struct in6_addr saddr6 = ip6->ip6_src; char *lladdr = NULL; int lladdrlen = 0; union nd_opts ndopts; /* Expect 32-bit aligned data pointer on strict-align platforms */ MBUF_STRICT_DATA_ALIGNMENT_CHECK_32(m); /* If I'm not a router, ignore it. */ if (!ip6_forwarding || !(ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV6_ROUTER)) goto freeit; /* Sanity checks */ if (ip6->ip6_hlim != 255) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_rs_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s\n", ip6->ip6_hlim, ip6_sprintf(&ip6->ip6_src), ip6_sprintf(&ip6->ip6_dst), if_name(ifp))); goto bad; } /* * Don't update the neighbor cache, if src = :: or a non-neighbor. * The former case indicates that the src has no IP address assigned * yet. See nd6_ns_input() for the latter case. */ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&ip6->ip6_src)) { goto freeit; } else { struct sockaddr_in6 src_sa6; bzero(&src_sa6, sizeof(src_sa6)); src_sa6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; src_sa6.sin6_len = sizeof(src_sa6); src_sa6.sin6_addr = ip6->ip6_src; if (!nd6_is_addr_neighbor(&src_sa6, ifp, 0)) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_rs_input: " "RS packet from non-neighbor\n")); goto freeit; } } #ifndef PULLDOWN_TEST IP6_EXTHDR_CHECK(m, off, icmp6len, return); nd_rs = (struct nd_router_solicit *)((caddr_t)ip6 + off); #else IP6_EXTHDR_GET(nd_rs, struct nd_router_solicit *, m, off, icmp6len); if (nd_rs == NULL) { icmp6stat.icp6s_tooshort++; return; } #endif icmp6len -= sizeof(*nd_rs); nd6_option_init(nd_rs + 1, icmp6len, &ndopts); if (nd6_options(&ndopts) < 0) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_rs_input: invalid ND option, ignored\n")); /* nd6_options have incremented stats */ goto freeit; } if (ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr) { lladdr = (char *)(ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr + 1); lladdrlen = ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr->nd_opt_len << 3; } if (lladdr && ((ifp->if_addrlen + 2 + 7) & ~7) != lladdrlen) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_rs_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s " "(if %d, RS packet %d)\n", ip6_sprintf(&saddr6), ifp->if_addrlen, lladdrlen - 2)); goto bad; } nd6_cache_lladdr(ifp, &saddr6, lladdr, lladdrlen, ND_ROUTER_SOLICIT, 0); freeit: m_freem(m); return; bad: icmp6stat.icp6s_badrs++; m_freem(m); } /* * Receive Router Advertisement Message. * * Based on RFC 2461 * TODO: on-link bit on prefix information * TODO: ND_RA_FLAG_{OTHER,MANAGED} processing */ void nd6_ra_input( struct mbuf *m, int off, int icmp6len) { struct ifnet *ifp = m->m_pkthdr.rcvif; struct nd_ifinfo *ndi = NULL; struct ip6_hdr *ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *); struct nd_router_advert *nd_ra; struct in6_addr saddr6 = ip6->ip6_src; int mcast = 0; union nd_opts ndopts; struct nd_defrouter *dr = NULL; struct timeval timenow; u_int32_t mtu = 0; char *lladdr = NULL; u_int32_t lladdrlen = 0; struct nd_prefix_list *nd_prefix_list_head = NULL; u_int32_t nd_prefix_list_length = 0; struct in6_ifaddr *ia6 = NULL; /* Expect 32-bit aligned data pointer on strict-align platforms */ MBUF_STRICT_DATA_ALIGNMENT_CHECK_32(m); getmicrotime(&timenow); /* * Discard RA unless IFEF_ACCEPT_RTADV is set (as host), or when * IFEF_IPV6_ROUTER is set (as router) but the RA is not locally * generated. For convenience, we allow locally generated (rtadvd) * RAs to be processed on the advertising interface, as a router. * * Note that we don't test against ip6_forwarding as we could be * both a host and a router on different interfaces, hence the * check against the per-interface flags. */ if (!(ifp->if_eflags & (IFEF_ACCEPT_RTADV | IFEF_IPV6_ROUTER)) || ((ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV6_ROUTER) && (ia6 = ifa_foraddr6(&saddr6)) == NULL)) goto freeit; if (ia6 != NULL) { IFA_REMREF(&ia6->ia_ifa); ia6 = NULL; } if (ip6->ip6_hlim != 255) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_ra_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s\n", ip6->ip6_hlim, ip6_sprintf(&ip6->ip6_src), ip6_sprintf(&ip6->ip6_dst), if_name(ifp))); goto bad; } if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&saddr6)) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_ra_input: src %s is not link-local\n", ip6_sprintf(&saddr6))); goto bad; } #ifndef PULLDOWN_TEST IP6_EXTHDR_CHECK(m, off, icmp6len, return); nd_ra = (struct nd_router_advert *)((caddr_t)ip6 + off); #else IP6_EXTHDR_GET(nd_ra, struct nd_router_advert *, m, off, icmp6len); if (nd_ra == NULL) { icmp6stat.icp6s_tooshort++; return; } #endif icmp6len -= sizeof(*nd_ra); nd6_option_init(nd_ra + 1, icmp6len, &ndopts); if (nd6_options(&ndopts) < 0) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ra_input: invalid ND option, ignored\n")); /* nd6_options have incremented stats */ goto freeit; } { struct nd_defrouter dr0; u_int32_t advreachable = nd_ra->nd_ra_reachable; /* remember if this is a multicasted advertisement */ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&ip6->ip6_dst)) mcast = 1; lck_rw_lock_shared(nd_if_rwlock); if (ifp->if_index >= nd_ifinfo_indexlim) { lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); goto freeit; } ndi = &nd_ifinfo[ifp->if_index]; VERIFY(ndi->initialized); lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock); bzero(&dr0, sizeof (dr0)); dr0.rtaddr = saddr6; dr0.flags = nd_ra->nd_ra_flags_reserved; dr0.rtlifetime = ntohs(nd_ra->nd_ra_router_lifetime); dr0.expire = timenow.tv_sec + dr0.rtlifetime; dr0.ifp = ifp; /* unspecified or not? (RFC 2461 6.3.4) */ if (advreachable) { advreachable = ntohl(advreachable); if (advreachable <= MAX_REACHABLE_TIME && ndi->basereachable != advreachable) { ndi->basereachable = advreachable; ndi->reachable = ND_COMPUTE_RTIME(ndi->basereachable); ndi->recalctm = nd6_recalc_reachtm_interval; /* reset */ } } if (nd_ra->nd_ra_retransmit) ndi->retrans = ntohl(nd_ra->nd_ra_retransmit); if (nd_ra->nd_ra_curhoplimit) ndi->chlim = nd_ra->nd_ra_curhoplimit; lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); ndi = NULL; lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); dr = defrtrlist_update(&dr0); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); } /* * prefix */ if (ndopts.nd_opts_pi) { struct nd_opt_hdr *pt; struct nd_opt_prefix_info *pi = NULL; struct nd_prefix pr; for (pt = (struct nd_opt_hdr *)ndopts.nd_opts_pi; pt <= (struct nd_opt_hdr *)ndopts.nd_opts_pi_end; pt = (struct nd_opt_hdr *)((caddr_t)pt + (pt->nd_opt_len << 3))) { if (pt->nd_opt_type != ND_OPT_PREFIX_INFORMATION) continue; pi = (struct nd_opt_prefix_info *)pt; if (pi->nd_opt_pi_len != 4) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ra_input: invalid option " "len %d for prefix information option, " "ignored\n", pi->nd_opt_pi_len)); continue; } if (128 < pi->nd_opt_pi_prefix_len) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ra_input: invalid prefix " "len %d for prefix information option, " "ignored\n", pi->nd_opt_pi_prefix_len)); continue; } if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&pi->nd_opt_pi_prefix) || IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&pi->nd_opt_pi_prefix)) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ra_input: invalid prefix " "%s, ignored\n", ip6_sprintf(&pi->nd_opt_pi_prefix))); continue; } bzero(&pr, sizeof(pr)); lck_mtx_init(&pr.ndpr_lock, ifa_mtx_grp, ifa_mtx_attr); NDPR_LOCK(&pr); pr.ndpr_prefix.sin6_family = AF_INET6; pr.ndpr_prefix.sin6_len = sizeof(pr.ndpr_prefix); pr.ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr = pi->nd_opt_pi_prefix; pr.ndpr_ifp = m->m_pkthdr.rcvif; pr.ndpr_raf_onlink = (pi->nd_opt_pi_flags_reserved & ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_ONLINK) ? 1 : 0; pr.ndpr_raf_auto = (pi->nd_opt_pi_flags_reserved & ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_AUTO) ? 1 : 0; pr.ndpr_plen = pi->nd_opt_pi_prefix_len; pr.ndpr_vltime = ntohl(pi->nd_opt_pi_valid_time); pr.ndpr_pltime = ntohl(pi->nd_opt_pi_preferred_time); /* * Exceptions to stateless autoconfiguration processing: * + nd6_accept_6to4 == 0 && address has 6to4 prefix * + ip6_only_allow_rfc4193_prefix != 0 && * address not RFC 4193 */ if (ip6_only_allow_rfc4193_prefix && !IN6_IS_ADDR_UNIQUE_LOCAL(&pi->nd_opt_pi_prefix)) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ra_input: no SLAAC on prefix %s " "[not RFC 4193]\n", ip6_sprintf(&pi->nd_opt_pi_prefix))); pr.ndpr_raf_auto = 0; } else if (!nd6_accept_6to4 && IN6_IS_ADDR_6TO4(&pi->nd_opt_pi_prefix)) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ra_input: no SLAAC on prefix %s " "[6to4]\n", ip6_sprintf(&pi->nd_opt_pi_prefix))); pr.ndpr_raf_auto = 0; } if (in6_init_prefix_ltimes(&pr)) { NDPR_UNLOCK(&pr); lck_mtx_destroy(&pr.ndpr_lock, ifa_mtx_grp); continue; /* prefix lifetime init failed */ } else { NDPR_UNLOCK(&pr); } (void)prelist_update(&pr, dr, m, mcast); lck_mtx_destroy(&pr.ndpr_lock, ifa_mtx_grp); /* * We have to copy the values out after the * prelist_update call since some of these values won't * be properly set until after the router advertisement * updating can vet the values. */ struct nd_prefix_list *prfl = NULL; MALLOC(prfl, struct nd_prefix_list *, sizeof (*prfl), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); if (prfl == NULL) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: unable to MALLOC RA prefix " "structure\n", __func__); continue; } bcopy(&pr.ndpr_prefix, &prfl->pr.ndpr_prefix, sizeof (prfl->pr.ndpr_prefix)); prfl->pr.ndpr_raf = pr.ndpr_raf; prfl->pr.ndpr_plen = pr.ndpr_plen; prfl->pr.ndpr_vltime = pr.ndpr_vltime; prfl->pr.ndpr_pltime = pr.ndpr_pltime; prfl->pr.ndpr_expire = pr.ndpr_expire; prfl->pr.ndpr_stateflags = pr.ndpr_stateflags; prfl->pr.ndpr_addrcnt = pr.ndpr_addrcnt; prfl->pr.ndpr_ifp = pr.ndpr_ifp; prfl->next = nd_prefix_list_head; nd_prefix_list_head = prfl; nd_prefix_list_length++; } } /* * MTU */ if (ndopts.nd_opts_mtu && ndopts.nd_opts_mtu->nd_opt_mtu_len == 1) { mtu = ntohl(ndopts.nd_opts_mtu->nd_opt_mtu_mtu); /* lower bound */ if (mtu < IPV6_MMTU) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ra_input: bogus mtu option " "mtu=%d sent from %s, ignoring\n", mtu, ip6_sprintf(&ip6->ip6_src))); goto skip; } lck_rw_lock_shared(nd_if_rwlock); if (ifp->if_index >= nd_ifinfo_indexlim) { lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); goto freeit; } ndi = &nd_ifinfo[ifp->if_index]; VERIFY(ndi->initialized); lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock); /* upper bound */ if (ndi->maxmtu) { if (mtu <= ndi->maxmtu) { int change = (ndi->linkmtu != mtu); ndi->linkmtu = mtu; lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); if (change) /* in6_maxmtu may change */ in6_setmaxmtu(); } else { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ra_input: bogus mtu " "mtu=%d sent from %s; " "exceeds maxmtu %d, ignoring\n", mtu, ip6_sprintf(&ip6->ip6_src), ndi->maxmtu)); lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); } } else { lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ra_input: mtu option " "mtu=%d sent from %s; maxmtu unknown, " "ignoring\n", mtu, ip6_sprintf(&ip6->ip6_src))); } ndi = NULL; } skip: /* * Source link layer address */ if (ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr) { lladdr = (char *)(ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr + 1); lladdrlen = ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr->nd_opt_len << 3; } if (lladdr && ((ifp->if_addrlen + 2 + 7) & ~7) != lladdrlen) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ra_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s " "(if %d, RA packet %d)\n", ip6_sprintf(&saddr6), ifp->if_addrlen, lladdrlen - 2)); goto bad; } nd6_cache_lladdr(ifp, &saddr6, lladdr, (int)lladdrlen, ND_ROUTER_ADVERT, 0); /* Post message */ nd6_post_msg(KEV_ND6_RA, nd_prefix_list_head, nd_prefix_list_length, mtu, lladdr, lladdrlen); /* * Installing a link-layer address might change the state of the * router's neighbor cache, which might also affect our on-link * detection of adveritsed prefixes. */ lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); pfxlist_onlink_check(); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); freeit: m_freem(m); if (dr) NDDR_REMREF(dr); { struct nd_prefix_list *prfl = NULL; while ((prfl = nd_prefix_list_head) != NULL) { nd_prefix_list_head = prfl->next; FREE(prfl, M_TEMP); } } return; bad: icmp6stat.icp6s_badra++; goto freeit; } /* * default router list proccessing sub routines */ /* tell the change to user processes watching the routing socket. */ static void nd6_rtmsg(cmd, rt) int cmd; struct rtentry *rt; { struct rt_addrinfo info; struct ifnet *ifp = rt->rt_ifp; RT_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(rt); bzero((caddr_t)&info, sizeof(info)); /* Lock ifp for if_lladdr */ ifnet_lock_shared(ifp); info.rti_info[RTAX_DST] = rt_key(rt); info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY] = rt->rt_gateway; info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK] = rt_mask(rt); /* * ifa_addr pointers for both should always be valid * in this context; no need to hold locks. */ info.rti_info[RTAX_IFP] = ifp->if_lladdr->ifa_addr; info.rti_info[RTAX_IFA] = rt->rt_ifa->ifa_addr; rt_missmsg(cmd, &info, rt->rt_flags, 0); ifnet_lock_done(ifp); } static void defrouter_addreq(struct nd_defrouter *new, boolean_t scoped) { struct sockaddr_in6 def, mask, gate; struct rtentry *newrt = NULL; unsigned int ifscope; int err; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED); if (new->stateflags & NDDRF_INSTALLED) return; if (new->ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV6_ROUTER) { nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: ignoring router %s, scoped=%d, " "static=%d on advertising interface\n", if_name(new->ifp), ip6_sprintf(&new->rtaddr), scoped, (new->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC) ? 1 : 0)); return; } nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: adding default router %s, scoped=%d, " "static=%d\n", if_name(new->ifp), ip6_sprintf(&new->rtaddr), scoped, (new->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC) ? 1 : 0)); Bzero(&def, sizeof(def)); Bzero(&mask, sizeof(mask)); Bzero(&gate, sizeof(gate)); def.sin6_len = mask.sin6_len = gate.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); def.sin6_family = mask.sin6_family = gate.sin6_family = AF_INET6; gate.sin6_addr = new->rtaddr; ifscope = scoped ? new->ifp->if_index : IFSCOPE_NONE; err = rtrequest_scoped(RTM_ADD, (struct sockaddr *)&def, (struct sockaddr *)&gate, (struct sockaddr *)&mask, RTF_GATEWAY, &newrt, ifscope); if (newrt) { RT_LOCK(newrt); nd6_rtmsg(RTM_ADD, newrt); /* tell user process */ RT_REMREF_LOCKED(newrt); RT_UNLOCK(newrt); new->stateflags |= NDDRF_INSTALLED; if (ifscope != IFSCOPE_NONE) new->stateflags |= NDDRF_IFSCOPE; new->genid = nd6_defrouter_genid; } else { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: failed to add default router " "%s on %s scoped %d (errno = %d)\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&gate.sin6_addr), if_name(new->ifp), (ifscope != IFSCOPE_NONE), err)); } new->err = err; } struct nd_defrouter * defrouter_lookup( struct in6_addr *addr, struct ifnet *ifp) { struct nd_defrouter *dr; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); for (dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); dr; dr = TAILQ_NEXT(dr, dr_entry)) { NDDR_LOCK(dr); if (dr->ifp == ifp && IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(addr, &dr->rtaddr)) { NDDR_ADDREF_LOCKED(dr); NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); return(dr); } NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); } return (NULL); /* search failed */ } /* * Remove the default route for a given router. * This is just a subroutine function for defrouter_select(), and should * not be called from anywhere else. */ static void defrouter_delreq(struct nd_defrouter *dr) { struct sockaddr_in6 def, mask, gate; struct rtentry *oldrt = NULL; unsigned int ifscope; int err; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED); /* ifp would be NULL for the "drany" case */ if (dr->ifp != NULL && !(dr->stateflags & NDDRF_INSTALLED)) return; NDDR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(dr); nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: removing default router %s, scoped=%d, " "static=%d\n", dr->ifp != NULL ? if_name(dr->ifp) : "ANY", ip6_sprintf(&dr->rtaddr), (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_IFSCOPE) ? 1 : 0, (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC) ? 1 : 0)); Bzero(&def, sizeof(def)); Bzero(&mask, sizeof(mask)); Bzero(&gate, sizeof(gate)); def.sin6_len = mask.sin6_len = gate.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); def.sin6_family = mask.sin6_family = gate.sin6_family = AF_INET6; gate.sin6_addr = dr->rtaddr; if (dr->ifp != NULL) { ifscope = (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_IFSCOPE) ? dr->ifp->if_index : IFSCOPE_NONE; } else { ifscope = IFSCOPE_NONE; } err = rtrequest_scoped(RTM_DELETE, (struct sockaddr *)&def, (struct sockaddr *)&gate, (struct sockaddr *)&mask, RTF_GATEWAY, &oldrt, ifscope); if (oldrt) { RT_LOCK(oldrt); nd6_rtmsg(RTM_DELETE, oldrt); RT_UNLOCK(oldrt); rtfree(oldrt); } else if (err != ESRCH) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: failed to delete default router " "%s on %s scoped %d (errno = %d)\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&gate.sin6_addr), dr->ifp != NULL ? if_name(dr->ifp) : "ANY", (ifscope != IFSCOPE_NONE), err)); } /* ESRCH means it's no longer in the routing table; ignore it */ if (oldrt != NULL || err == ESRCH) { dr->stateflags &= ~NDDRF_INSTALLED; if (ifscope != IFSCOPE_NONE) dr->stateflags &= ~NDDRF_IFSCOPE; } dr->err = 0; } /* * remove all default routes from default router list */ void defrouter_reset(void) { struct nd_defrouter *dr, drany; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); while (dr) { NDDR_LOCK(dr); if (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_INSTALLED) { NDDR_ADDREF_LOCKED(dr); NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_LOCK(dr); defrouter_delreq(dr); NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_REMREF(dr); dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); } else { NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); dr = TAILQ_NEXT(dr, dr_entry); } } /* Nuke primary (non-scoped) default router */ if (ip6_doscopedroute) { bzero(&drany, sizeof (drany)); lck_mtx_init(&drany.nddr_lock, ifa_mtx_grp, ifa_mtx_attr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_LOCK(&drany); defrouter_delreq(&drany); NDDR_UNLOCK(&drany); lck_mtx_destroy(&drany.nddr_lock, ifa_mtx_grp); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); } } int defrtrlist_ioctl(u_long cmd, caddr_t data) { struct nd_defrouter dr0; unsigned int ifindex; struct ifnet *dr_ifp; int error = 0, add = 0; switch (cmd) { case SIOCDRADD_IN6_32: /* struct in6_defrouter_32 */ case SIOCDRADD_IN6_64: /* struct in6_defrouter_64 */ ++add; /* FALLTHRU */ case SIOCDRDEL_IN6_32: /* struct in6_defrouter_32 */ case SIOCDRDEL_IN6_64: /* struct in6_defrouter_64 */ bzero(&dr0, sizeof (dr0)); if (cmd == SIOCDRADD_IN6_64 || cmd == SIOCDRDEL_IN6_64) { struct in6_defrouter_64 *r_64 = (struct in6_defrouter_64 *)(void *)data; u_int16_t i; bcopy(&r_64->rtaddr.sin6_addr, &dr0.rtaddr, sizeof (dr0.rtaddr)); dr0.flags = r_64->flags; bcopy(&r_64->if_index, &i, sizeof (i)); ifindex = i; } else { struct in6_defrouter_32 *r_32 = (struct in6_defrouter_32 *)(void *)data; u_int16_t i; bcopy(&r_32->rtaddr.sin6_addr, &dr0.rtaddr, sizeof (dr0.rtaddr)); dr0.flags = r_32->flags; bcopy(&r_32->if_index, &i, sizeof (i)); ifindex = i; } ifnet_head_lock_shared(); /* Don't need to check is ifindex is < 0 since it's unsigned */ if (if_index < ifindex || (dr_ifp = ifindex2ifnet[ifindex]) == NULL) { ifnet_head_done(); error = EINVAL; break; } dr0.ifp = dr_ifp; ifnet_head_done(); if (IN6_IS_SCOPE_EMBED(&dr0.rtaddr)) { uint16_t *scope = &dr0.rtaddr.s6_addr16[1]; if (*scope == 0) { *scope = htons(dr_ifp->if_index); } else if (*scope != htons(dr_ifp->if_index)) { error = EINVAL; break; } } if (add) error = defrtrlist_add_static(&dr0); if (!add || error != 0) { int err = defrtrlist_del_static(&dr0); if (!add) error = err; } break; default: error = EOPNOTSUPP; /* check for safety */ break; } return (error); } void defrtrlist_del(struct nd_defrouter *dr) { struct nd_defrouter *deldr = NULL; struct nd_prefix *pr; struct ifnet *ifp = dr->ifp; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); /* * Flush all the routing table entries that use the router * as a next hop. */ if (ip6_doscopedroute || !ip6_forwarding) { /* above is a good condition? */ NDDR_ADDREF(dr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); rt6_flush(&dr->rtaddr, ifp); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_REMREF(dr); } if (!ip6_doscopedroute && dr == TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter)) deldr = dr; /* The router is primary. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&nd_defrouter, dr, dr_entry); ++nd6_defrouter_genid; nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: freeing defrouter %s\n", if_name(dr->ifp), ip6_sprintf(&dr->rtaddr))); /* * Delete it from the routing table. */ NDDR_ADDREF(dr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_LOCK(dr); defrouter_delreq(dr); NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_REMREF(dr); /* * Also delete all the pointers to the router in each prefix lists. */ for (pr = nd_prefix.lh_first; pr; pr = pr->ndpr_next) { struct nd_pfxrouter *pfxrtr; NDPR_LOCK(pr); if ((pfxrtr = pfxrtr_lookup(pr, dr)) != NULL) pfxrtr_del(pfxrtr); NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); } pfxlist_onlink_check(); /* * If the router is the primary one, choose a new one. If Scoped * Routing is enabled, always try to pick another eligible router * on this interface. */ if (deldr || ip6_doscopedroute) defrouter_select(ifp); lck_rw_lock_shared(nd_if_rwlock); if (ifp->if_index < nd_ifinfo_indexlim) { struct nd_ifinfo *ndi = &nd_ifinfo[ifp->if_index]; VERIFY(ndi->initialized); lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock); VERIFY(ndi->ndefrouters > 0); ndi->ndefrouters--; lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); } lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); NDDR_REMREF(dr); /* remove list reference */ } int defrtrlist_add_static(struct nd_defrouter *new) { struct nd_defrouter *dr; int err = 0; new->rtlifetime = -1; new->stateflags |= NDDRF_STATIC; /* we only want the preference level */ new->flags &= ND_RA_FLAG_RTPREF_MASK; lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); dr = defrouter_lookup(&new->rtaddr, new->ifp); if (dr != NULL && !(dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC)) { err = EINVAL; } else { if (dr != NULL) NDDR_REMREF(dr); dr = defrtrlist_update(new); if (dr != NULL) err = dr->err; else err = ENOMEM; } if (dr != NULL) NDDR_REMREF(dr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); return (err); } int defrtrlist_del_static(struct nd_defrouter *new) { struct nd_defrouter *dr; lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); dr = defrouter_lookup(&new->rtaddr, new->ifp); if (dr == NULL || !(dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC)) { if (dr != NULL) NDDR_REMREF(dr); dr = NULL; } else { defrtrlist_del(dr); NDDR_REMREF(dr); } lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); return (dr != NULL ? 0 : EINVAL); } /* * for default router selection * regards router-preference field as a 2-bit signed integer */ static int rtpref(struct nd_defrouter *dr) { switch (dr->flags & ND_RA_FLAG_RTPREF_MASK) { case ND_RA_FLAG_RTPREF_HIGH: return (RTPREF_HIGH); case ND_RA_FLAG_RTPREF_MEDIUM: case ND_RA_FLAG_RTPREF_RSV: return (RTPREF_MEDIUM); case ND_RA_FLAG_RTPREF_LOW: return (RTPREF_LOW); default: /* * This case should never happen. If it did, it would mean a * serious bug of kernel internal. We thus always bark here. * Or, can we even panic? */ log(LOG_ERR, "rtpref: impossible RA flag %x\n", dr->flags); return (RTPREF_INVALID); } /* NOTREACHED */ } /* * Default Router Selection according to Section 6.3.6 of RFC 2461 and RFC 4191: * * 1) Routers that are reachable or probably reachable should be preferred. * If we have more than one (probably) reachable router, prefer ones * with the highest router preference. * 2) When no routers on the list are known to be reachable or * probably reachable, routers SHOULD be selected in a round-robin * fashion, regardless of router preference values. * 3) If the Default Router List is empty, assume that all * destinations are on-link. * * When Scoped Routing is enabled, the selection logic is amended as follows: * * a) When a default interface is specified, the primary/non-scoped default * router will be set to the reachable router on that link (if any) with * the highest router preference. * b) When there are more than one routers on the same link, the one with * the highest router preference will be installed, either as scoped or * non-scoped route entry. If they all share the same preference value, * the one installed will be the static or the first encountered reachable * router, i.e. static one wins over dynamic. * c) When no routers on the list are known to be reachable, or probably * reachable, no round-robin selection will take place when the default * interface is set. * * We assume nd_defrouter is sorted by router preference value. * Since the code below covers both with and without router preference cases, * we do not need to classify the cases by ifdef. */ void defrouter_select(struct ifnet *ifp) { #pragma unused(ifp) struct nd_defrouter *dr, *selected_dr = NULL, *installed_dr = NULL; struct nd_defrouter *installed_dr0 = NULL; struct rtentry *rt = NULL; struct llinfo_nd6 *ln = NULL; int update = 0; boolean_t found_installedrt = FALSE; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); /* * We no longer install (default) interface route; only prefix routes * are installed as interface routes. Therefore, there is no harm in * going through this routine even if a default interface is specified, * which happens when Scoped Routing is enabled. But for efficiency, * we fall back to the original KAME logic when Scoped Routing is * not in effect. */ if (ip6_forwarding && !ip6_doscopedroute) { nd6log((LOG_WARNING, "defrouter_select: called unexpectedly (forwarding=%d)\n", ip6_forwarding)); return; } /* * Let's handle easy case (3) first: * If default router list is empty, there's nothing to be done. */ if (!TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter)) return; /* * Due to the number of times we drop nd6_mutex, we need to * serialize this function. */ while (nd_defrouter_busy) { nd_defrouter_waiters++; msleep(nd_defrouter_waitchan, nd6_mutex, (PZERO-1), __func__, NULL); lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); } nd_defrouter_busy = TRUE; /* * Search for a (probably) reachable router from the list. * We just pick up the first reachable one (if any), assuming that * the ordering rule of the list described in defrtrlist_update(). * * For all intents and purposes of Scoped Routing: * selected_dr = candidate for primary router * installed_dr = currently installed primary router */ for (dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); dr; dr = TAILQ_NEXT(dr, dr_entry)) { boolean_t reachable, advrouter; struct in6_addr rtaddr; struct ifnet *drifp; struct nd_defrouter *drrele; drrele = NULL; reachable = FALSE; NDDR_LOCK(dr); rtaddr = *(&dr->rtaddr); drifp = dr->ifp; advrouter = (drifp != NULL && (drifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV6_ROUTER)); NDDR_ADDREF_LOCKED(dr); /* for this for loop */ NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); /* Callee returns a locked route upon success */ if ((rt = nd6_lookup(&rtaddr, 0, drifp, 0)) != NULL) { RT_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(rt); if ((ln = rt->rt_llinfo) != NULL && ND6_IS_LLINFO_PROBREACH(ln)) { reachable = TRUE; if (selected_dr == NULL && (!ip6_doscopedroute || (drifp == nd6_defifp && !advrouter))) { selected_dr = dr; NDDR_ADDREF(selected_dr); } } RT_REMREF_LOCKED(rt); RT_UNLOCK(rt); rt = NULL; } lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); /* Handle case (b) */ NDDR_LOCK(dr); if (ip6_doscopedroute && drifp == nd6_defifp && !advrouter && (selected_dr == NULL || rtpref(dr) > rtpref(selected_dr) || (rtpref(dr) == rtpref(selected_dr) && (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC) && !(selected_dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC)))) { if (selected_dr) { /* Release it later on */ VERIFY(drrele == NULL); drrele = selected_dr; } selected_dr = dr; NDDR_ADDREF_LOCKED(selected_dr); } if (!(dr->stateflags & NDDRF_INSTALLED)) { /* * If the router hasn't been installed and it is * reachable, try to install it later on below. * If it's static, try to install it anyway. */ if (!advrouter && (reachable || (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC))) { dr->genid = -1; ++update; nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: possible router %s, " "scoped=%d, static=%d\n", if_name(drifp), ip6_sprintf(&rtaddr), (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_IFSCOPE) ? 1 : 0, (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC) ? 1 : 0)); } NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); NDDR_REMREF(dr); /* for this for loop */ if (drrele != NULL) NDDR_REMREF(drrele); continue; } /* Record the currently installed primary/non-scoped router */ if (!ip6_doscopedroute || !(dr->stateflags & NDDRF_IFSCOPE)) { if (installed_dr == NULL) { installed_dr = dr; NDDR_ADDREF_LOCKED(installed_dr); } else { /* this should not happen; warn for diagnosis */ log(LOG_ERR, "defrouter_select: more than one " "%s default router is installed\n", ip6_doscopedroute ? "non-scoped" : ""); } } NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); NDDR_REMREF(dr); /* for this for loop */ if (drrele != NULL) NDDR_REMREF(drrele); } /* If none was selected, use the currently installed one */ if (ip6_doscopedroute && selected_dr == NULL && installed_dr != NULL) { selected_dr = installed_dr; NDDR_ADDREF(selected_dr); } /* * Install the unreachable one(s) if necesssary. */ for (dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); dr; dr = TAILQ_NEXT(dr, dr_entry)) { struct nd_defrouter *_dr; if (!ip6_doscopedroute) break; NDDR_LOCK(dr); /* If already (or will be) installed, skip */ if ((dr->stateflags & NDDRF_INSTALLED) || dr->genid == -1) { NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); continue; } /* See if there is already a default router for the link */ for (_dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); _dr; _dr = TAILQ_NEXT(_dr, dr_entry)) { if (_dr != dr) NDDR_LOCK(_dr); if (_dr == dr || _dr->ifp != dr->ifp) { if (_dr != dr) NDDR_UNLOCK(_dr); continue; } if ((_dr->stateflags & NDDRF_INSTALLED) || _dr->genid == -1) { if (_dr != dr) NDDR_UNLOCK(_dr); break; } if (_dr != dr) NDDR_UNLOCK(_dr); } /* If none so far, schedule it to be installed below */ if (_dr == NULL && dr->ifp != NULL && !(dr->ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV6_ROUTER)) { dr->genid = -1; ++update; nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: possible router %s, " "static=%d (unreachable)\n", if_name(dr->ifp), ip6_sprintf(&dr->rtaddr), (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC) ? 1 : 0)); } NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); } dr = selected_dr; if (dr != NULL) { nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: considering primary default router %s, " "static=%d [round 1]\n", if_name(dr->ifp), ip6_sprintf(&dr->rtaddr), (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC) ? 1 : 0)); } /* * If none of the default routers was found to be reachable, * round-robin the list regardless of preference, except when * Scoped Routing is enabled per case (c). * * Otherwise, if we have an installed router, check if the selected * (reachable) router should really be preferred to the installed one. * We only prefer the new router when the old one is not reachable * or when the new one has a really higher preference value. */ if (!ip6_doscopedroute && selected_dr == NULL) { if (installed_dr == NULL || !TAILQ_NEXT(installed_dr, dr_entry)) { selected_dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); if (selected_dr) NDDR_ADDREF(selected_dr); } else { selected_dr = TAILQ_NEXT(installed_dr, dr_entry); if (selected_dr) NDDR_ADDREF(selected_dr); } } else if (selected_dr != NULL && installed_dr != NULL) { lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); rt = nd6_lookup(&installed_dr->rtaddr, 0, installed_dr->ifp, 0); if (rt) { RT_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(rt); if ((ln = (struct llinfo_nd6 *)rt->rt_llinfo) && ND6_IS_LLINFO_PROBREACH(ln) && (!ip6_doscopedroute || installed_dr->ifp == nd6_defifp) && rtpref(selected_dr) <= rtpref(installed_dr)) { NDDR_REMREF(selected_dr); selected_dr = installed_dr; NDDR_ADDREF(selected_dr); } RT_REMREF_LOCKED(rt); RT_UNLOCK(rt); rt = NULL; found_installedrt = TRUE; } lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); } if (ip6_doscopedroute) { /* * If the installed primary router is not on the current * IPv6 default interface, demote it to a scoped entry. */ if (installed_dr != NULL && installed_dr->ifp != nd6_defifp && !(installed_dr->stateflags & NDDRF_IFSCOPE)) { if (selected_dr != NULL && selected_dr->ifp != nd6_defifp) { NDDR_REMREF(selected_dr); selected_dr = NULL; } ++update; } /* * If the selected router is currently scoped, make sure * we update (it needs to be promoted to primary.) */ if (selected_dr != NULL && (selected_dr->stateflags & NDDRF_IFSCOPE)) ++update; /* * If the installed router is no longe reachable, remove * it and install the selected router instead. */ if (installed_dr != NULL && selected_dr != NULL && installed_dr != selected_dr && found_installedrt == FALSE) { installed_dr0 = installed_dr; /* skip it below */ /* NB: we previousled referenced installed_dr */ installed_dr = NULL; selected_dr->genid = -1; ++update; } } /* * If Scoped Routing is enabled and there's nothing to update, * just return. Otherwise, if Scoped Routing is disabled and if * the selected router is different than the installed one, * remove the installed router and install the selected one. */ dr = selected_dr; VERIFY(dr != NULL || ip6_doscopedroute); if (!ip6_doscopedroute || !update) { if (dr == NULL) goto out; if (dr != installed_dr) { nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: no update, selected router %s, " "installed router %s\n", if_name(dr->ifp), ip6_sprintf(&dr->rtaddr), installed_dr != NULL ? ip6_sprintf(&installed_dr->rtaddr) : "NONE")); } else { nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: no update, router is %s\n", if_name(dr->ifp), ip6_sprintf(&dr->rtaddr))); } if (!ip6_doscopedroute && installed_dr != dr) { /* * No need to ADDREF dr because at this point * dr points to selected_dr, which already holds * a reference. */ lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); if (installed_dr) { NDDR_LOCK(installed_dr); defrouter_delreq(installed_dr); NDDR_UNLOCK(installed_dr); } NDDR_LOCK(dr); defrouter_addreq(dr, FALSE); NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); } goto out; } /* * Scoped Routing is enabled and we need to update. The selected * router needs to be installed as primary/non-scoped entry. If * there is any existing entry that is non-scoped, remove it from * the routing table and reinstall it as scoped entry. */ if (dr != NULL) { nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: considering primary default router %s, " "static=%d [round 2]\n", if_name(dr->ifp), ip6_sprintf(&dr->rtaddr), (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC) ? 1 : 0)); } /* * On the following while loops we use two flags: * dr->genid * NDDRF_PROCESSED * * genid is used to skip entries that are not to be added/removed on the * second while loop. * NDDRF_PROCESSED is used to skip entries that were already processed. * This is necessary because we drop the nd6_mutex and start the while * loop again. */ TAILQ_FOREACH(dr, &nd_defrouter, dr_entry) { NDDR_LOCK(dr); VERIFY((dr->stateflags & NDDRF_PROCESSED) == 0); NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); } /* Remove conflicting entries */ dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); while (dr) { NDDR_LOCK(dr); if (!(dr->stateflags & NDDRF_INSTALLED) || dr->stateflags & NDDRF_PROCESSED) { NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); dr = TAILQ_NEXT(dr, dr_entry); continue; } dr->stateflags |= NDDRF_PROCESSED; /* A NULL selected_dr will remove primary default route */ if ((dr == selected_dr && (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_IFSCOPE)) || (dr != selected_dr && !(dr->stateflags & NDDRF_IFSCOPE))) { NDDR_ADDREF_LOCKED(dr); NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_LOCK(dr); defrouter_delreq(dr); NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_LOCK(dr); if (dr && dr != installed_dr0) dr->genid = -1; NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); NDDR_REMREF(dr); /* * Since we lost nd6_mutex, we have to start over. */ dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); continue; } NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); dr = TAILQ_NEXT(dr, dr_entry); } /* -1 is a special number, make sure we don't use it for genid */ if (++nd6_defrouter_genid == -1) nd6_defrouter_genid = 1; TAILQ_FOREACH(dr, &nd_defrouter, dr_entry) { NDDR_LOCK(dr); dr->stateflags &= ~NDDRF_PROCESSED; NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); } /* Add the entries back */ dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); while (dr) { struct nd_defrouter *_dr; NDDR_LOCK(dr); if (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_PROCESSED || dr->genid != -1) { NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); dr = TAILQ_NEXT(dr, dr_entry); continue; } dr->stateflags |= NDDRF_PROCESSED; /* Handle case (b) */ for (_dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); _dr; _dr = TAILQ_NEXT(_dr, dr_entry)) { if (_dr == dr) continue; /* * This is safe because we previously checked if * _dr == dr. */ NDDR_LOCK(_dr); if (_dr->ifp == dr->ifp && rtpref(_dr) >= rtpref(dr) && (_dr->stateflags & NDDRF_INSTALLED)) { NDDR_ADDREF_LOCKED(_dr); NDDR_UNLOCK(_dr); break; } NDDR_UNLOCK(_dr); } /* If same preference and i/f, static entry takes precedence */ if (_dr != NULL && rtpref(_dr) == rtpref(dr) && !(_dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC) && (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_STATIC)) { lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_LOCK(_dr); defrouter_delreq(_dr); NDDR_UNLOCK(_dr); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_REMREF(_dr); _dr = NULL; } if (_dr == NULL && !(dr->stateflags & NDDRF_INSTALLED)) { NDDR_ADDREF_LOCKED(dr); NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_LOCK(dr); defrouter_addreq(dr, (selected_dr == NULL || dr->ifp != selected_dr->ifp)); dr->genid = nd6_defrouter_genid; NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); NDDR_REMREF(dr); /* * Since we lost nd6_mutex, we have to start over. */ dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); continue; } NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); dr = TAILQ_NEXT(dr, dr_entry); } out: TAILQ_FOREACH(dr, &nd_defrouter, dr_entry) { NDDR_LOCK(dr); dr->stateflags &= ~NDDRF_PROCESSED; NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); } if (selected_dr) NDDR_REMREF(selected_dr); if (installed_dr) NDDR_REMREF(installed_dr); if (installed_dr0) NDDR_REMREF(installed_dr0); lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); VERIFY(nd_defrouter_busy); nd_defrouter_busy = FALSE; if (nd_defrouter_waiters > 0) { nd_defrouter_waiters = 0; wakeup(nd_defrouter_waitchan); } } static struct nd_defrouter * defrtrlist_update_common(struct nd_defrouter *new, boolean_t scoped) { struct nd_defrouter *dr, *n; struct ifnet *ifp = new->ifp; struct nd_ifinfo *ndi = NULL; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); if ((dr = defrouter_lookup(&new->rtaddr, ifp)) != NULL) { /* entry exists */ if (new->rtlifetime == 0) { defrtrlist_del(dr); NDDR_REMREF(dr); dr = NULL; } else { int oldpref = rtpref(dr); /* override */ dr->flags = new->flags; /* xxx flag check */ dr->rtlifetime = new->rtlifetime; dr->expire = new->expire; /* * If the preference does not change, there's no need * to sort the entries. If Scoped Routing is enabled, * put the primary/non-scoped router at the top of the * list of routers in the same preference band, unless * it's already at that position. */ if (ip6_doscopedroute) { struct nd_defrouter *p = NULL; /* same preference and scoped; just return */ if (rtpref(new) == oldpref && scoped) return (dr); n = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); while (n != NULL) { /* preference changed; sort it */ if (rtpref(new) != oldpref) break; /* not at the top of band; sort it */ if (n != dr && rtpref(n) == oldpref && (!p || rtpref(p) > rtpref(n))) break; p = n; n = TAILQ_NEXT(n, dr_entry); } /* nothing has changed, just return */ if (n == NULL && (scoped || !(dr->stateflags & NDDRF_IFSCOPE))) return (dr); } else if (rtpref(new) == oldpref) { return (dr); } /* * preferred router may be changed, so relocate * this router. * XXX: calling TAILQ_REMOVE directly is a bad manner. * However, since defrtrlist_del() has many side * effects, we intentionally do so here. * defrouter_select() below will handle routing * changes later. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&nd_defrouter, dr, dr_entry); new->stateflags = dr->stateflags; new->stateflags &= ~NDDRF_PROCESSED; n = dr; goto insert; } return (dr); } VERIFY(dr == NULL); /* entry does not exist */ if (new->rtlifetime == 0) { return(NULL); } n = nddr_alloc(M_WAITOK); if (n == NULL) { return(NULL); } lck_rw_lock_shared(nd_if_rwlock); if (ifp->if_index >= nd_ifinfo_indexlim) goto freeit; ndi = &nd_ifinfo[ifp->if_index]; VERIFY(ndi->initialized); lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock); if (ip6_maxifdefrouters >= 0 && ndi->ndefrouters >= ip6_maxifdefrouters) { lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); freeit: lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); nddr_free(n); return (NULL); } NDDR_ADDREF(n); /* for the nd_defrouter list */ NDDR_ADDREF(n); /* for the caller */ ++nd6_defrouter_genid; ndi->ndefrouters++; VERIFY(ndi->ndefrouters != 0); lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: allocating defrouter %s\n", if_name(ifp), ip6_sprintf(&new->rtaddr))); NDDR_LOCK(n); memcpy(&n->rtaddr, &new->rtaddr, sizeof(n->rtaddr)); n->flags = new->flags; n->stateflags = new->stateflags; n->stateflags &= ~NDDRF_PROCESSED; n->rtlifetime = new->rtlifetime; n->expire = new->expire; n->ifp = new->ifp; n->genid = new->genid; n->err = new->err; NDDR_UNLOCK(n); insert: /* * Insert the new router in the Default Router List; * The Default Router List should be in the descending order * of router-preferece. When Scoped Routing is disabled, routers * with the same preference are sorted in the arriving time order; * otherwise, the first entry in the list of routers having the same * preference is the primary default router, when the interface used * by the entry is the default interface. */ /* insert at the end of the group */ for (dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); dr; dr = TAILQ_NEXT(dr, dr_entry)) { if (rtpref(n) > rtpref(dr) || (ip6_doscopedroute && !scoped && rtpref(n) == rtpref(dr))) break; } if (dr) TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(dr, n, dr_entry); else TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nd_defrouter, n, dr_entry); defrouter_select(ifp); return (n); } static struct nd_defrouter * defrtrlist_update(struct nd_defrouter *new) { struct nd_defrouter *dr; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); dr = defrtrlist_update_common(new, (nd6_defifp != NULL && new->ifp != nd6_defifp)); return (dr); } static void defrtrlist_sync(struct ifnet *ifp) { struct nd_defrouter *dr, new; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); if (!ip6_doscopedroute) { defrouter_select(ifp); return; } for (dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); dr; dr = TAILQ_NEXT(dr, dr_entry)) { NDDR_LOCK(dr); if (dr->ifp == ifp && (dr->stateflags & NDDRF_INSTALLED)) break; NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); } if (dr == NULL) { defrouter_select(ifp); } else { memcpy(&new.rtaddr, &dr->rtaddr, sizeof(new.rtaddr)); new.flags = dr->flags; new.stateflags = dr->stateflags; new.stateflags &= ~NDDRF_PROCESSED; new.rtlifetime = dr->rtlifetime; new.expire = dr->expire; new.ifp = dr->ifp; new.genid = dr->genid; new.err = dr->err; NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); dr = defrtrlist_update_common(&new, FALSE); if (dr) NDDR_REMREF(dr); } } static struct nd_pfxrouter * pfxrtr_lookup(struct nd_prefix *pr, struct nd_defrouter *dr) { struct nd_pfxrouter *search; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); NDPR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(pr); for (search = pr->ndpr_advrtrs.lh_first; search; search = search->pfr_next) { if (search->router == dr) break; } return(search); } static void pfxrtr_add(struct nd_prefix *pr, struct nd_defrouter *dr) { struct nd_pfxrouter *new; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); NDPR_LOCK_ASSERT_NOTHELD(pr); new = zalloc(ndprtr_zone); if (new == NULL) return; bzero(new, sizeof(*new)); new->router = dr; NDPR_LOCK(pr); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pr->ndpr_advrtrs, new, pfr_entry); NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); pfxlist_onlink_check(); } static void pfxrtr_del( struct nd_pfxrouter *pfr) { lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); LIST_REMOVE(pfr, pfr_entry); zfree(ndprtr_zone, pfr); } struct nd_prefix * nd6_prefix_lookup(struct nd_prefix *pr) { struct nd_prefix *search; lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); for (search = nd_prefix.lh_first; search; search = search->ndpr_next) { NDPR_LOCK(search); if (pr->ndpr_ifp == search->ndpr_ifp && pr->ndpr_plen == search->ndpr_plen && in6_are_prefix_equal(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr, &search->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr, pr->ndpr_plen)) { NDPR_ADDREF_LOCKED(search); NDPR_UNLOCK(search); break; } NDPR_UNLOCK(search); } lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); return(search); } static void purge_detached(struct ifnet *ifp) { struct nd_prefix *pr, *pr_next; struct in6_ifaddr *ia; struct ifaddr *ifa, *ifa_next; lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); pr = nd_prefix.lh_first; repeat: while (pr) { pr_next = pr->ndpr_next; NDPR_LOCK(pr); if (pr->ndpr_ifp != ifp || IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr) || ((pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_DETACHED) == 0 && !LIST_EMPTY(&pr->ndpr_advrtrs))) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); pr = pr_next; continue; } NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); ifnet_lock_shared(ifp); for (ifa = ifp->if_addrlist.tqh_first; ifa; ifa = ifa_next) { ifa_next = ifa->ifa_list.tqe_next; IFA_LOCK(ifa); if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_INET6) { IFA_UNLOCK(ifa); continue; } ia = (struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa; if ((ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF) == IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF && ia->ia6_ndpr == pr) { IFA_ADDREF_LOCKED(ifa); /* for us */ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa); /* * Purging the address requires writer access * to the address list, so drop the ifnet lock * now and repeat from beginning. */ ifnet_lock_done(ifp); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); in6_purgeaddr(ifa); IFA_REMREF(ifa); /* drop ours */ lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); pr = nd_prefix.lh_first; goto repeat; } IFA_UNLOCK(ifa); } ifnet_lock_done(ifp); NDPR_LOCK(pr); if (pr->ndpr_addrcnt == 0) { NDPR_ADDREF_LOCKED(pr); prelist_remove(pr); NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); NDPR_REMREF(pr); } else { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); } pr = pr_next; } lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); } int nd6_prelist_add(struct nd_prefix *pr, struct nd_defrouter *dr, struct nd_prefix **newp, boolean_t force_scoped) { struct nd_prefix *new = NULL; struct ifnet *ifp = pr->ndpr_ifp; struct nd_ifinfo *ndi = NULL; int i, error; struct timeval timenow; getmicrotime(&timenow); if (ip6_maxifprefixes >= 0) { lck_rw_lock_shared(nd_if_rwlock); if (ifp->if_index >= nd_ifinfo_indexlim) { lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); return (EINVAL); } ndi = &nd_ifinfo[ifp->if_index]; VERIFY(ndi->initialized); lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock); if (ndi->nprefixes >= ip6_maxifprefixes / 2) { lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); purge_detached(ifp); lck_rw_lock_shared(nd_if_rwlock); /* * Refresh pointer since nd_ifinfo[] may have grown; * repeating the bounds check against nd_ifinfo_indexlim * isn't necessary since the array never shrinks. */ ndi = &nd_ifinfo[ifp->if_index]; lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock); } if (ndi->nprefixes >= ip6_maxifprefixes) { lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); return(ENOMEM); } lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); } new = ndpr_alloc(M_WAITOK); if (new == NULL) return ENOMEM; NDPR_LOCK(new); NDPR_LOCK(pr); new->ndpr_ifp = pr->ndpr_ifp; new->ndpr_prefix = pr->ndpr_prefix; new->ndpr_plen = pr->ndpr_plen; new->ndpr_vltime = pr->ndpr_vltime; new->ndpr_pltime = pr->ndpr_pltime; new->ndpr_flags = pr->ndpr_flags; if (pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_STATIC) new->ndpr_stateflags |= NDPRF_STATIC; NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); if ((error = in6_init_prefix_ltimes(new)) != 0) { NDPR_UNLOCK(new); ndpr_free(new); return(error); } new->ndpr_lastupdate = timenow.tv_sec; if (newp != NULL) { *newp = new; NDPR_ADDREF_LOCKED(new); /* for caller */ } /* initialization */ LIST_INIT(&new->ndpr_advrtrs); in6_prefixlen2mask(&new->ndpr_mask, new->ndpr_plen); /* make prefix in the canonical form */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) new->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[i] &= new->ndpr_mask.s6_addr32[i]; NDPR_UNLOCK(new); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); /* link ndpr_entry to nd_prefix list */ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&nd_prefix, new, ndpr_entry); new->ndpr_debug |= IFD_ATTACHED; NDPR_ADDREF(new); /* for nd_prefix list */ /* ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_ONLINK processing */ if (new->ndpr_raf_onlink) { int e; if ((e = nd6_prefix_onlink_common(new, force_scoped, new->ndpr_ifp->if_index)) != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_prelist_add: failed to make " "the prefix %s/%d on-link %s on %s (errno=%d)\n", ip6_sprintf(&new->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), new->ndpr_plen, force_scoped ? "scoped" : "non-scoped", if_name(ifp), e)); /* proceed anyway. XXX: is it correct? */ } } if (dr) { pfxrtr_add(new, dr); } lck_rw_lock_shared(nd_if_rwlock); /* * Refresh pointer since nd_ifinfo[] may have grown; * repeating the bounds check against nd_ifinfo_indexlim * isn't necessary since the array never shrinks. */ ndi = &nd_ifinfo[ifp->if_index]; VERIFY(ndi->initialized); lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock); ndi->nprefixes++; VERIFY(ndi->nprefixes != 0); lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); return 0; } /* * Caller must have held an extra reference on nd_prefix. */ void prelist_remove(struct nd_prefix *pr) { struct nd_pfxrouter *pfr, *next; struct ifnet *ifp = pr->ndpr_ifp; int e; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); NDPR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(pr); /* make sure to invalidate the prefix until it is really freed. */ pr->ndpr_vltime = 0; pr->ndpr_pltime = 0; /* * Though these flags are now meaningless, we'd rather keep the value * of pr->ndpr_raf_onlink and pr->ndpr_raf_auto not to confuse users * when executing "ndp -p". */ if ((pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_ONLINK)) { NDPR_ADDREF_LOCKED(pr); NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); if ((e = nd6_prefix_offlink(pr)) != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "prelist_remove: failed to make " "%s/%d offlink on %s, errno=%d\n", ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, if_name(ifp), e)); /* what should we do? */ } lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); NDPR_LOCK(pr); if (NDPR_REMREF_LOCKED(pr) == NULL) return; } if (pr->ndpr_addrcnt > 0) return; /* notice here? */ /* unlink ndpr_entry from nd_prefix list */ LIST_REMOVE(pr, ndpr_entry); pr->ndpr_debug &= ~IFD_ATTACHED; /* free list of routers that adversed the prefix */ for (pfr = pr->ndpr_advrtrs.lh_first; pfr; pfr = next) { next = pfr->pfr_next; pfxrtr_del(pfr); } lck_rw_lock_shared(nd_if_rwlock); if (ifp->if_index < nd_ifinfo_indexlim) { struct nd_ifinfo *ndi = &nd_ifinfo[ifp->if_index]; VERIFY(ndi->initialized); lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock); VERIFY(ndi->nprefixes > 0); ndi->nprefixes--; lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); } lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); /* This must not be the last reference to the nd_prefix */ if (NDPR_REMREF_LOCKED(pr) == NULL) { panic("%s: unexpected (missing) refcnt ndpr=%p", __func__, pr); /* NOTREACHED */ } pfxlist_onlink_check(); } int prelist_update( struct nd_prefix *new, struct nd_defrouter *dr, /* may be NULL */ struct mbuf *m, int mcast) { struct in6_ifaddr *ia6 = NULL, *ia6_match = NULL; struct ifaddr *ifa; struct ifnet *ifp = new->ndpr_ifp; struct nd_prefix *pr; int error = 0; int newprefix = 0; int auth; struct in6_addrlifetime lt6_tmp; struct timeval timenow; /* no need to lock "new" here, as it is local to the caller */ NDPR_LOCK_ASSERT_NOTHELD(new); auth = 0; if (m) { /* * Authenticity for NA consists authentication for * both IP header and IP datagrams, doesn't it ? */ #if defined(M_AUTHIPHDR) && defined(M_AUTHIPDGM) auth = (m->m_flags & M_AUTHIPHDR && m->m_flags & M_AUTHIPDGM) ? 1 : 0; #endif } if ((pr = nd6_prefix_lookup(new)) != NULL) { /* * nd6_prefix_lookup() ensures that pr and new have the same * prefix on a same interface. */ /* * Update prefix information. Note that the on-link (L) bit * and the autonomous (A) bit should NOT be changed from 1 * to 0. */ lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); NDPR_LOCK(pr); if (new->ndpr_raf_onlink == 1) pr->ndpr_raf_onlink = 1; if (new->ndpr_raf_auto == 1) pr->ndpr_raf_auto = 1; if (new->ndpr_raf_onlink) { pr->ndpr_vltime = new->ndpr_vltime; pr->ndpr_pltime = new->ndpr_pltime; pr->ndpr_preferred = new->ndpr_preferred; pr->ndpr_expire = new->ndpr_expire; } if (new->ndpr_raf_onlink && (pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_ONLINK) == 0) { int e; NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); if ((e = nd6_prefix_onlink(pr)) != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "prelist_update: failed to make " "the prefix %s/%d on-link on %s " "(errno=%d)\n", ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, if_name(pr->ndpr_ifp), e)); /* proceed anyway. XXX: is it correct? */ } NDPR_LOCK(pr); } if (dr && pfxrtr_lookup(pr, dr) == NULL) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); pfxrtr_add(pr, dr); } else { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); } lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); } else { struct nd_prefix *newpr = NULL; newprefix = 1; if (new->ndpr_vltime == 0) goto end; if (new->ndpr_raf_onlink == 0 && new->ndpr_raf_auto == 0) goto end; bzero(&new->ndpr_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); error = nd6_prelist_add(new, dr, &newpr, FALSE); if (error != 0 || newpr == NULL) { nd6log((LOG_NOTICE, "prelist_update: " "nd6_prelist_add failed for %s/%d on %s " "errno=%d, returnpr=%p\n", ip6_sprintf(&new->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), new->ndpr_plen, if_name(new->ndpr_ifp), error, newpr)); goto end; /* we should just give up in this case. */ } /* * XXX: from the ND point of view, we can ignore a prefix * with the on-link bit being zero. However, we need a * prefix structure for references from autoconfigured * addresses. Thus, we explicitly make sure that the prefix * itself expires now. */ NDPR_LOCK(newpr); if (newpr->ndpr_raf_onlink == 0) { newpr->ndpr_vltime = 0; newpr->ndpr_pltime = 0; in6_init_prefix_ltimes(newpr); } pr = newpr; NDPR_UNLOCK(newpr); } /* * Address autoconfiguration based on Section 5.5.3 of RFC 2462. * Note that pr must be non NULL at this point. */ /* 5.5.3 (a). Ignore the prefix without the A bit set. */ if (!new->ndpr_raf_auto) goto afteraddrconf; /* * 5.5.3 (b). the link-local prefix should have been ignored in * nd6_ra_input. */ /* 5.5.3 (c). Consistency check on lifetimes: pltime <= vltime. */ if (new->ndpr_pltime > new->ndpr_vltime) { error = EINVAL; /* XXX: won't be used */ goto end; } /* * 5.5.3 (d). If the prefix advertised is not equal to the prefix of * an address configured by stateless autoconfiguration already in the * list of addresses associated with the interface, and the Valid * Lifetime is not 0, form an address. We first check if we have * a matching prefix. * Note: we apply a clarification in rfc2462bis-02 here. We only * consider autoconfigured addresses while RFC2462 simply said * "address". */ getmicrotime(&timenow); ifnet_lock_shared(ifp); TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrlist, ifa_list) { struct in6_ifaddr *ifa6; u_int32_t remaininglifetime; IFA_LOCK(ifa); if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_INET6) { IFA_UNLOCK(ifa); continue; } ifa6 = (struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa; /* * We only consider autoconfigured addresses as per rfc2462bis. */ if (!(ifa6->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF)) { IFA_UNLOCK(ifa); continue; } /* * Spec is not clear here, but I believe we should concentrate * on unicast (i.e. not anycast) addresses. * XXX: other ia6_flags? detached or duplicated? */ if ((ifa6->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_ANYCAST) != 0) { IFA_UNLOCK(ifa); continue; } /* * Ignore the address if it is not associated with a prefix * or is associated with a prefix that is different from this * one. (pr is never NULL here) */ if (ifa6->ia6_ndpr != pr) { IFA_UNLOCK(ifa); continue; } if (ia6_match == NULL) { /* remember the first one */ ia6_match = ifa6; IFA_ADDREF_LOCKED(ifa); /* for ia6_match */ } /* * An already autoconfigured address matched. Now that we * are sure there is at least one matched address, we can * proceed to 5.5.3. (e): update the lifetimes according to the * "two hours" rule and the privacy extension. * We apply some clarifications in rfc2462bis: * - use remaininglifetime instead of storedlifetime as a * variable name * - remove the dead code in the "two-hour" rule */ #define TWOHOUR (120*60) lt6_tmp = ifa6->ia6_lifetime; if (lt6_tmp.ia6t_vltime == ND6_INFINITE_LIFETIME) remaininglifetime = ND6_INFINITE_LIFETIME; else if (timenow.tv_sec - ifa6->ia6_updatetime > lt6_tmp.ia6t_vltime) { /* * The case of "invalid" address. We should usually * not see this case. */ remaininglifetime = 0; } else remaininglifetime = lt6_tmp.ia6t_vltime - (timenow.tv_sec - ifa6->ia6_updatetime); /* when not updating, keep the current stored lifetime. */ lt6_tmp.ia6t_vltime = remaininglifetime; if (TWOHOUR < new->ndpr_vltime || remaininglifetime < new->ndpr_vltime) { lt6_tmp.ia6t_vltime = new->ndpr_vltime; } else if (remaininglifetime <= TWOHOUR) { if (auth) { lt6_tmp.ia6t_vltime = new->ndpr_vltime; } } else { /* * new->ndpr_vltime <= TWOHOUR && * TWOHOUR < remaininglifetime */ lt6_tmp.ia6t_vltime = TWOHOUR; } /* The 2 hour rule is not imposed for preferred lifetime. */ lt6_tmp.ia6t_pltime = new->ndpr_pltime; /* Special handling for lifetimes of temporary addresses. */ if ((ifa6->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_TEMPORARY) != 0) { u_int32_t maxvltime, maxpltime; /* Constrain lifetimes to system limits. */ if (lt6_tmp.ia6t_vltime > ip6_temp_valid_lifetime) lt6_tmp.ia6t_vltime = ip6_temp_valid_lifetime; if (lt6_tmp.ia6t_pltime > ip6_temp_preferred_lifetime) lt6_tmp.ia6t_pltime = ip6_temp_preferred_lifetime - ip6_desync_factor; /* * According to RFC 4941, section 3.3 (1), we only * update the lifetimes when they are in the maximum * intervals. */ if (ip6_temp_valid_lifetime > (u_int32_t)((timenow.tv_sec - ifa6->ia6_createtime) + ip6_desync_factor)) { maxvltime = ip6_temp_valid_lifetime - (timenow.tv_sec - ifa6->ia6_createtime) - ip6_desync_factor; } else maxvltime = 0; if (ip6_temp_preferred_lifetime > (u_int32_t)((timenow.tv_sec - ifa6->ia6_createtime) + ip6_desync_factor)) { maxpltime = ip6_temp_preferred_lifetime - (timenow.tv_sec - ifa6->ia6_createtime) - ip6_desync_factor; } else maxpltime = 0; if (lt6_tmp.ia6t_vltime > maxvltime) lt6_tmp.ia6t_vltime = maxvltime; if (lt6_tmp.ia6t_pltime > maxpltime) lt6_tmp.ia6t_pltime = maxpltime; } in6_init_address_ltimes(pr, <6_tmp, !!(ifa6->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_TEMPORARY)); ifa6->ia6_lifetime = lt6_tmp; ifa6->ia6_updatetime = timenow.tv_sec; IFA_UNLOCK(ifa); } ifnet_lock_done(ifp); if (ia6_match == NULL && new->ndpr_vltime) { int ifidlen; /* * 5.5.3 (d) (continued) * No address matched and the valid lifetime is non-zero. * Create a new address. */ /* * Prefix Length check: * If the sum of the prefix length and interface identifier * length does not equal 128 bits, the Prefix Information * option MUST be ignored. The length of the interface * identifier is defined in a separate link-type specific * document. */ ifidlen = in6_if2idlen(ifp); if (ifidlen < 0) { /* this should not happen, so we always log it. */ log(LOG_ERR, "prelist_update: IFID undefined (%s)\n", if_name(ifp)); goto end; } NDPR_LOCK(pr); if (ifidlen + pr->ndpr_plen != 128) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "prelist_update: invalid prefixlen " "%d for %s, ignored\n", pr->ndpr_plen, if_name(ifp))); NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); goto end; } NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); if ((ia6 = in6_ifadd(new, mcast)) != NULL) { /* * note that we should use pr (not new) for reference. */ IFA_LOCK(&ia6->ia_ifa); NDPR_LOCK(pr); ia6->ia6_ndpr = pr; NDPR_ADDREF_LOCKED(pr); /* for addr reference */ pr->ndpr_addrcnt++; VERIFY(pr->ndpr_addrcnt != 0); NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); IFA_UNLOCK(&ia6->ia_ifa); /* * RFC 4941 3.3 (2). * When a new public address is created as described * in RFC2462, also create a new temporary address. * * RFC 4941 3.5. * When an interface connects to a new link, a new * randomized interface identifier should be generated * immediately together with a new set of temporary * addresses. Thus, we specifiy 1 as the 2nd arg of * in6_tmpifadd(). */ if (ip6_use_tempaddr) { int e; if ((e = in6_tmpifadd(ia6, 1, M_WAITOK)) != 0) { nd6log((LOG_NOTICE, "prelist_update: " "failed to create a temporary " "address, errno=%d\n", e)); } } IFA_REMREF(&ia6->ia_ifa); ia6 = NULL; /* * A newly added address might affect the status * of other addresses, so we check and update it. * XXX: what if address duplication happens? */ lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); pfxlist_onlink_check(); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); } else { /* just set an error. do not bark here. */ error = EADDRNOTAVAIL; } } afteraddrconf: end: if (pr != NULL) NDPR_REMREF(pr); if (ia6_match != NULL) IFA_REMREF(&ia6_match->ia_ifa); return error; } /* * Neighbor Discover Default Router structure reference counting routines. */ static struct nd_defrouter * nddr_alloc(int how) { struct nd_defrouter *dr; dr = (how == M_WAITOK) ? zalloc(nddr_zone) : zalloc_noblock(nddr_zone); if (dr != NULL) { bzero(dr, nddr_size); lck_mtx_init(&dr->nddr_lock, ifa_mtx_grp, ifa_mtx_attr); dr->nddr_debug |= IFD_ALLOC; if (nddr_debug != 0) { dr->nddr_debug |= IFD_DEBUG; dr->nddr_trace = nddr_trace; } } return (dr); } static void nddr_free(struct nd_defrouter *dr) { NDDR_LOCK(dr); if (dr->nddr_debug & IFD_ATTACHED) { panic("%s: attached nddr %p is being freed", __func__, dr); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (!(dr->nddr_debug & IFD_ALLOC)) { panic("%s: nddr %p cannot be freed", __func__, dr); /* NOTREACHED */ } dr->nddr_debug &= ~IFD_ALLOC; NDDR_UNLOCK(dr); lck_mtx_destroy(&dr->nddr_lock, ifa_mtx_grp); zfree(nddr_zone, dr); } static void nddr_trace(struct nd_defrouter *dr, int refhold) { struct nd_defrouter_dbg *dr_dbg = (struct nd_defrouter_dbg *)dr; ctrace_t *tr; uint32_t idx; uint16_t *cnt; if (!(dr->nddr_debug & IFD_DEBUG)) { panic("%s: nddr %p has no debug structure", __func__, dr); /* NOTREACHED */ } if (refhold) { cnt = &dr_dbg->nddr_refhold_cnt; tr = dr_dbg->nddr_refhold; } else { cnt = &dr_dbg->nddr_refrele_cnt; tr = dr_dbg->nddr_refrele; } idx = atomic_add_16_ov(cnt, 1) % NDDR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE; ctrace_record(&tr[idx]); } void nddr_addref(struct nd_defrouter *nddr, int locked) { if (!locked) NDDR_LOCK_SPIN(nddr); else NDDR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(nddr); if (++nddr->nddr_refcount == 0) { panic("%s: nddr %p wraparound refcnt\n", __func__, nddr); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (nddr->nddr_trace != NULL) { (*nddr->nddr_trace)(nddr, TRUE); } if (!locked) NDDR_UNLOCK(nddr); } struct nd_defrouter * nddr_remref(struct nd_defrouter *nddr, int locked) { if (!locked) NDDR_LOCK_SPIN(nddr); else NDDR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(nddr); if (nddr->nddr_refcount == 0) { panic("%s: nddr %p negative refcnt\n", __func__, nddr); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (nddr->nddr_trace != NULL) { (*nddr->nddr_trace)(nddr, FALSE); } if (--nddr->nddr_refcount == 0) { NDDR_UNLOCK(nddr); nddr_free(nddr); nddr = NULL; } if (!locked && nddr != NULL) NDDR_UNLOCK(nddr); return (nddr); } /* * Neighbor Discover Prefix structure reference counting routines. */ static struct nd_prefix * ndpr_alloc(int how) { struct nd_prefix *pr; pr = (how == M_WAITOK) ? zalloc(ndpr_zone) : zalloc_noblock(ndpr_zone); if (pr != NULL) { bzero(pr, ndpr_size); lck_mtx_init(&pr->ndpr_lock, ifa_mtx_grp, ifa_mtx_attr); RB_INIT(&pr->ndpr_prproxy_sols); pr->ndpr_debug |= IFD_ALLOC; if (ndpr_debug != 0) { pr->ndpr_debug |= IFD_DEBUG; pr->ndpr_trace = ndpr_trace; } } return (pr); } static void ndpr_free(struct nd_prefix *pr) { NDPR_LOCK(pr); if (pr->ndpr_debug & IFD_ATTACHED) { panic("%s: attached ndpr %p is being freed", __func__, pr); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (!(pr->ndpr_debug & IFD_ALLOC)) { panic("%s: ndpr %p cannot be freed", __func__, pr); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (pr->ndpr_rt != NULL) { panic("%s: ndpr %p route %p not freed", __func__, pr, pr->ndpr_rt); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (pr->ndpr_prproxy_sols_cnt != 0) { panic("%s: ndpr %p non-zero solicitors count (%d)", __func__, pr, pr->ndpr_prproxy_sols_cnt); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (!RB_EMPTY(&pr->ndpr_prproxy_sols)) { panic("%s: ndpr %p non-empty solicitors tree", __func__, pr); /* NOTREACHED */ } pr->ndpr_debug &= ~IFD_ALLOC; NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); lck_mtx_destroy(&pr->ndpr_lock, ifa_mtx_grp); zfree(ndpr_zone, pr); } static void ndpr_trace(struct nd_prefix *pr, int refhold) { struct nd_prefix_dbg *pr_dbg = (struct nd_prefix_dbg *)pr; ctrace_t *tr; u_int32_t idx; u_int16_t *cnt; if (!(pr->ndpr_debug & IFD_DEBUG)) { panic("%s: ndpr %p has no debug structure", __func__, pr); /* NOTREACHED */ } if (refhold) { cnt = &pr_dbg->ndpr_refhold_cnt; tr = pr_dbg->ndpr_refhold; } else { cnt = &pr_dbg->ndpr_refrele_cnt; tr = pr_dbg->ndpr_refrele; } idx = atomic_add_16_ov(cnt, 1) % NDPR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE; ctrace_record(&tr[idx]); } void ndpr_addref(struct nd_prefix *ndpr, int locked) { if (!locked) NDPR_LOCK_SPIN(ndpr); else NDPR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ndpr); if (++ndpr->ndpr_refcount == 0) { panic("%s: ndpr %p wraparound refcnt\n", __func__, ndpr); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (ndpr->ndpr_trace != NULL) { (*ndpr->ndpr_trace)(ndpr, TRUE); } if (!locked) NDPR_UNLOCK(ndpr); } struct nd_prefix * ndpr_remref(struct nd_prefix *ndpr, int locked) { if (!locked) NDPR_LOCK_SPIN(ndpr); else NDPR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ndpr); if (ndpr->ndpr_refcount == 0) { panic("%s: ndpr %p negative refcnt\n", __func__, ndpr); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (ndpr->ndpr_trace != NULL) { (*ndpr->ndpr_trace)(ndpr, FALSE); } if (--ndpr->ndpr_refcount == 0) { if (ndpr->ndpr_addrcnt != 0) { panic("%s: freeing ndpr %p with outstanding address " "reference (%d)", __func__, ndpr, ndpr->ndpr_addrcnt); /* NOTREACHED */ } NDPR_UNLOCK(ndpr); ndpr_free(ndpr); ndpr = NULL; } if (!locked && ndpr != NULL) NDPR_UNLOCK(ndpr); return (ndpr); } /* * A supplement function used in the on-link detection below; * detect if a given prefix has a (probably) reachable advertising router. * XXX: lengthy function name... */ static struct nd_pfxrouter * find_pfxlist_reachable_router(struct nd_prefix *pr) { struct nd_pfxrouter *pfxrtr; struct rtentry *rt; struct llinfo_nd6 *ln; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); NDPR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(pr); for (pfxrtr = LIST_FIRST(&pr->ndpr_advrtrs); pfxrtr; pfxrtr = LIST_NEXT(pfxrtr, pfr_entry)) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); /* Callee returns a locked route upon success */ if ((rt = nd6_lookup(&pfxrtr->router->rtaddr, 0, pfxrtr->router->ifp, 0)) != NULL) { RT_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(rt); if ((ln = rt->rt_llinfo) != NULL && ND6_IS_LLINFO_PROBREACH(ln)) { RT_REMREF_LOCKED(rt); RT_UNLOCK(rt); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); NDPR_LOCK(pr); break; /* found */ } RT_REMREF_LOCKED(rt); RT_UNLOCK(rt); } lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); NDPR_LOCK(pr); } NDPR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(pr); return (pfxrtr); } /* * Check if each prefix in the prefix list has at least one available router * that advertised the prefix (a router is "available" if its neighbor cache * entry is reachable or probably reachable). * If the check fails, the prefix may be off-link, because, for example, * we have moved from the network but the lifetime of the prefix has not * expired yet. So we should not use the prefix if there is another prefix * that has an available router. * But, if there is no prefix that has an available router, we still regards * all the prefixes as on-link. This is because we can't tell if all the * routers are simply dead or if we really moved from the network and there * is no router around us. */ void pfxlist_onlink_check(void) { struct nd_prefix *pr, *prclear; struct in6_ifaddr *ifa; struct nd_defrouter *dr; struct nd_pfxrouter *pfxrtr = NULL; int err, i, found = 0; struct ifaddr **ifap = NULL; struct nd_prefix *ndpr; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); while (nd_prefix_busy) { nd_prefix_waiters++; msleep(nd_prefix_waitchan, nd6_mutex, (PZERO-1), __func__, NULL); lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); } nd_prefix_busy = TRUE; /* * Check if there is a prefix that has a reachable advertising * router. */ pr = nd_prefix.lh_first; while (pr) { NDPR_LOCK(pr); if (pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_PROCESSED) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); pr = pr->ndpr_next; continue; } NDPR_ADDREF_LOCKED(pr); if (pr->ndpr_raf_onlink && find_pfxlist_reachable_router(pr) && (pr->ndpr_debug & IFD_ATTACHED)) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); NDPR_REMREF(pr); break; } pr->ndpr_stateflags |= NDPRF_PROCESSED; NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); NDPR_REMREF(pr); /* * Since find_pfxlist_reachable_router() drops the nd6_mutex, we * have to start over, but the NDPRF_PROCESSED flag will stop * us from checking the same prefix twice. */ pr = nd_prefix.lh_first; } LIST_FOREACH(prclear, &nd_prefix, ndpr_entry) { NDPR_LOCK(prclear); prclear->ndpr_stateflags &= ~NDPRF_PROCESSED; NDPR_UNLOCK(prclear); } /* * If we have no such prefix, check whether we still have a router * that does not advertise any prefixes. */ if (pr == NULL) { for (dr = TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter); dr; dr = TAILQ_NEXT(dr, dr_entry)) { struct nd_prefix *pr0; for (pr0 = nd_prefix.lh_first; pr0; pr0 = pr0->ndpr_next) { NDPR_LOCK(pr0); if ((pfxrtr = pfxrtr_lookup(pr0, dr)) != NULL) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr0); break; } NDPR_UNLOCK(pr0); } if (pfxrtr != NULL) break; } } if (pr != NULL || (TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter) && pfxrtr == NULL)) { /* * There is at least one prefix that has a reachable router, * or at least a router which probably does not advertise * any prefixes. The latter would be the case when we move * to a new link where we have a router that does not provide * prefixes and we configure an address by hand. * Detach prefixes which have no reachable advertising * router, and attach other prefixes. */ pr = nd_prefix.lh_first; while (pr) { NDPR_LOCK(pr); /* * We aren't interested prefixes already processed, * nor in prefixes without the L bit * set nor in static prefixes */ if (pr->ndpr_raf_onlink == 0 || pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_PROCESSED || pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_STATIC) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); pr = pr->ndpr_next; continue; } NDPR_ADDREF_LOCKED(pr); if ((pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_DETACHED) == 0 && find_pfxlist_reachable_router(pr) == NULL && (pr->ndpr_debug & IFD_ATTACHED)) pr->ndpr_stateflags |= NDPRF_DETACHED; if ((pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_DETACHED) != 0 && find_pfxlist_reachable_router(pr) != NULL && (pr->ndpr_debug & IFD_ATTACHED)) pr->ndpr_stateflags &= ~NDPRF_DETACHED; pr->ndpr_stateflags |= NDPRF_PROCESSED; NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); NDPR_REMREF(pr); /* * Since find_pfxlist_reachable_router() drops the * nd6_mutex, we have to start over, but the * NDPRF_PROCESSED flag will stop us from checking * the same prefix twice. */ pr = nd_prefix.lh_first; } } else { /* there is no prefix that has a reachable router */ for (pr = nd_prefix.lh_first; pr; pr = pr->ndpr_next) { NDPR_LOCK(pr); if (pr->ndpr_raf_onlink == 0 || pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_STATIC) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); continue; } if ((pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_DETACHED) != 0) pr->ndpr_stateflags &= ~NDPRF_DETACHED; NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); } } LIST_FOREACH(prclear, &nd_prefix, ndpr_entry) { NDPR_LOCK(prclear); prclear->ndpr_stateflags &= ~NDPRF_PROCESSED; NDPR_UNLOCK(prclear); } VERIFY(nd_prefix_busy); nd_prefix_busy = FALSE; if (nd_prefix_waiters > 0) { nd_prefix_waiters = 0; wakeup(nd_prefix_waitchan); } /* * Remove each interface route associated with a (just) detached * prefix, and reinstall the interface route for a (just) attached * prefix. Note that all attempt of reinstallation does not * necessarily success, when a same prefix is shared among multiple * interfaces. Such cases will be handled in nd6_prefix_onlink, * so we don't have to care about them. */ pr = nd_prefix.lh_first; while (pr) { int e; NDPR_LOCK(pr); if (pr->ndpr_raf_onlink == 0 || pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_STATIC) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); pr = pr->ndpr_next; continue; } if ((pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_DETACHED) != 0 && (pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_ONLINK) != 0) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); if ((e = nd6_prefix_offlink(pr)) != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "pfxlist_onlink_check: failed to " "make %s/%d offlink, errno=%d\n", ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, e)); } lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); pr = nd_prefix.lh_first; continue; } if ((pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_DETACHED) == 0 && (pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_ONLINK) == 0 && pr->ndpr_raf_onlink) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); if ((e = nd6_prefix_onlink(pr)) != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "pfxlist_onlink_check: failed to " "make %s/%d offlink, errno=%d\n", ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, e)); } } else { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); } pr = pr->ndpr_next; } /* * Changes on the prefix status might affect address status as well. * Make sure that all addresses derived from an attached prefix are * attached, and that all addresses derived from a detached prefix are * detached. Note, however, that a manually configured address should * always be attached. * The precise detection logic is same as the one for prefixes. * * ifnet_get_address_list_family_internal() may fail due to memory * pressure, but we will eventually be called again when we receive * another NA, RA, or when the link status changes. */ err = ifnet_get_address_list_family_internal(NULL, &ifap, AF_INET6, 0, M_NOWAIT); if (err != 0 || ifap == NULL) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: ifnet_get_address_list_family_internal " "failed", __func__)); return; } for (i = 0; ifap[i]; i++) { ifa = ifatoia6(ifap[i]); IFA_LOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); if ((ifa->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF) == 0 || (ifap[i]->ifa_debug & IFD_ATTACHED) == 0) { IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); continue; } if ((ndpr = ifa->ia6_ndpr) == NULL) { /* * This can happen when we first configure the address * (i.e. the address exists, but the prefix does not). * XXX: complicated relationships... */ IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); continue; } NDPR_ADDREF(ndpr); IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); NDPR_LOCK(ndpr); if (find_pfxlist_reachable_router(ndpr)) { NDPR_UNLOCK(ndpr); NDPR_REMREF(ndpr); found = 1; break; } NDPR_UNLOCK(ndpr); NDPR_REMREF(ndpr); } if (found) { for (i = 0; ifap[i]; i++) { ifa = ifatoia6(ifap[i]); IFA_LOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); if ((ifa->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF) == 0 || (ifap[i]->ifa_debug & IFD_ATTACHED) == 0) { IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); continue; } if ((ndpr = ifa->ia6_ndpr) == NULL) { /* XXX: see above. */ IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); continue; } NDPR_ADDREF(ndpr); IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); NDPR_LOCK(ndpr); if (find_pfxlist_reachable_router(ndpr)) { NDPR_UNLOCK(ndpr); IFA_LOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); if (ifa->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_DETACHED) { ifa->ia6_flags &= ~IN6_IFF_DETACHED; ifa->ia6_flags |= IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE; IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); nd6_dad_start((struct ifaddr *)ifa, 0); } else { IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); } } else { NDPR_UNLOCK(ndpr); IFA_LOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); ifa->ia6_flags |= IN6_IFF_DETACHED; IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); } NDPR_REMREF(ndpr); } } else { for (i = 0; ifap[i]; i++) { ifa = ifatoia6(ifap[i]); IFA_LOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); if ((ifa->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF) == 0) { IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); continue; } if (ifa->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_DETACHED) { ifa->ia6_flags &= ~IN6_IFF_DETACHED; ifa->ia6_flags |= IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE; IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); /* Do we need a delay in this case? */ nd6_dad_start((struct ifaddr *)ifa, 0); } else { IFA_UNLOCK(&ifa->ia_ifa); } } } ifnet_free_address_list(ifap); } static struct nd_prefix * nd6_prefix_equal_lookup(struct nd_prefix *pr, boolean_t primary_only) { struct nd_prefix *opr; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); for (opr = nd_prefix.lh_first; opr; opr = opr->ndpr_next) { if (opr == pr) continue; NDPR_LOCK(opr); if ((opr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_ONLINK) == 0) { NDPR_UNLOCK(opr); continue; } if (opr->ndpr_plen == pr->ndpr_plen && in6_are_prefix_equal(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr, &opr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr, pr->ndpr_plen) && (!primary_only || !(opr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_IFSCOPE))) { NDPR_ADDREF_LOCKED(opr); NDPR_UNLOCK(opr); return (opr); } NDPR_UNLOCK(opr); } return (NULL); } /* * Synchronize the interface routes of similar prefixes on different * interfaces; the one using the default interface would be (re)installed * as a primary/non-scoped entry, and the rest as scoped entri(es). */ static void nd6_prefix_sync(struct ifnet *ifp) { struct nd_prefix *pr, *opr; int err = 0; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); if (!ip6_doscopedroute || ifp == NULL) return; for (pr = nd_prefix.lh_first; pr; pr = pr->ndpr_next) { NDPR_LOCK(pr); if (!(pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_ONLINK)) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); continue; } if (pr->ndpr_ifp == ifp && (pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_IFSCOPE) && !IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr)) { NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); break; } NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); } if (pr == NULL) return; /* Remove conflicting entries */ opr = nd6_prefix_equal_lookup(pr, TRUE); if (opr != NULL) { lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); err = nd6_prefix_offlink(opr); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); if (err != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: failed to make %s/%d offlink on %s, " "errno=%d\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&opr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), opr->ndpr_plen, if_name(opr->ndpr_ifp), err)); } } else { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: scoped %s/%d on %s has no matching unscoped prefix\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, if_name(pr->ndpr_ifp))); } lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); err = nd6_prefix_offlink(pr); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); if (err != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: failed to make %s/%d offlink on %s, errno=%d\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, if_name(pr->ndpr_ifp), err)); } /* Add the entries back */ if (opr != NULL) { err = nd6_prefix_onlink_scoped(opr, opr->ndpr_ifp->if_index); if (err != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: failed to make %s/%d scoped onlink on %s, " "errno=%d\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&opr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), opr->ndpr_plen, if_name(opr->ndpr_ifp), err)); } } err = nd6_prefix_onlink_scoped(pr, IFSCOPE_NONE); if (err != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: failed to make %s/%d onlink on %s, errno=%d\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, if_name(pr->ndpr_ifp), err)); } if (err != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: error promoting %s/%d to %s from %s\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, if_name(pr->ndpr_ifp), (opr != NULL) ? if_name(opr->ndpr_ifp) : "NONE")); } else { nd6log2((LOG_INFO, "%s: %s/%d promoted, previously on %s\n", if_name(pr->ndpr_ifp), ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, (opr != NULL) ? if_name(opr->ndpr_ifp) : "NONE")); } if (opr != NULL) NDPR_REMREF(opr); } static int nd6_prefix_onlink_common(struct nd_prefix *pr, boolean_t force_scoped, unsigned int ifscope) { struct ifaddr *ifa; struct ifnet *ifp = pr->ndpr_ifp; struct sockaddr_in6 mask6, prefix; struct nd_prefix *opr; u_int32_t rtflags; int error = 0, prproxy = 0; struct rtentry *rt = NULL; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); /* sanity check */ NDPR_LOCK(pr); if ((pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_ONLINK) != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_prefix_onlink: %s/%d on %s scoped=%d is already " "on-link\n", ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, if_name(pr->ndpr_ifp), (pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_IFSCOPE) ? 1 : 0); NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); return (EEXIST)); } NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); /* * Add the interface route associated with the prefix. Before * installing the route, check if there's the same prefix on another * interface, and the prefix has already installed the interface route. */ opr = nd6_prefix_equal_lookup(pr, FALSE); if (opr != NULL) NDPR_REMREF(opr); if (!ip6_doscopedroute) { /* if an interface route already exists, just return */ if (opr != NULL) return (0); ifscope = IFSCOPE_NONE; } else if (!force_scoped) { /* * If a primary/non-scoped interface route already exists, * install the new one as a scoped entry. If the existing * interface route is scoped, install new as non-scoped. */ ifscope = (opr != NULL) ? ifp->if_index : IFSCOPE_NONE; opr = nd6_prefix_equal_lookup(pr, TRUE); if (opr != NULL) NDPR_REMREF(opr); else if (ifscope != IFSCOPE_NONE) ifscope = IFSCOPE_NONE; } /* * We prefer link-local addresses as the associated interface address. */ /* search for a link-local addr */ ifa = (struct ifaddr *)in6ifa_ifpforlinklocal(ifp, IN6_IFF_NOTREADY| IN6_IFF_ANYCAST); if (ifa == NULL) { struct in6_ifaddr *ia6; ifnet_lock_shared(ifp); IFP_TO_IA6(ifp, ia6); ifnet_lock_done(ifp); if (ia6 != NULL) ifa = &ia6->ia_ifa; /* should we care about ia6_flags? */ } NDPR_LOCK(pr); if (ifa == NULL) { /* * This can still happen, when, for example, we receive an RA * containing a prefix with the L bit set and the A bit clear, * after removing all IPv6 addresses on the receiving * interface. This should, of course, be rare though. */ nd6log((LOG_NOTICE, "nd6_prefix_onlink: failed to find any ifaddr" " to add route for a prefix(%s/%d) on %s\n", ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, if_name(ifp))); NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); return (0); } /* * in6_ifinit() sets nd6_rtrequest to ifa_rtrequest for all ifaddrs. * ifa->ifa_rtrequest = nd6_rtrequest; */ bzero(&mask6, sizeof(mask6)); mask6.sin6_len = sizeof(mask6); mask6.sin6_addr = pr->ndpr_mask; prefix = pr->ndpr_prefix; if ((rt = pr->ndpr_rt) != NULL) pr->ndpr_rt = NULL; NDPR_ADDREF_LOCKED(pr); /* keep reference for this routine */ NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); IFA_LOCK_SPIN(ifa); rtflags = ifa->ifa_flags | RTF_CLONING | RTF_UP; IFA_UNLOCK(ifa); if (nd6_need_cache(ifp)) { /* explicitly set in case ifa_flags does not set the flag. */ rtflags |= RTF_CLONING; } else { /* * explicitly clear the cloning bit in case ifa_flags sets it. */ rtflags &= ~RTF_CLONING; } lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); if (rt != NULL) { rtfree(rt); rt = NULL; } error = rtrequest_scoped(RTM_ADD, (struct sockaddr *)&prefix, ifa->ifa_addr, (struct sockaddr *)&mask6, rtflags, &rt, ifscope); /* * Serialize the setting of NDPRF_PRPROXY. */ lck_mtx_lock(&proxy6_lock); if (rt != NULL) { RT_LOCK(rt); nd6_rtmsg(RTM_ADD, rt); RT_UNLOCK(rt); NDPR_LOCK(pr); } else { NDPR_LOCK(pr); nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_prefix_onlink: failed to add route for a" " prefix (%s/%d) on %s, gw=%s, mask=%s, flags=%lx," " scoped=%d, errno = %d\n", ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, if_name(ifp), ip6_sprintf(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *) (void *)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin6_addr), ip6_sprintf(&mask6.sin6_addr), rtflags, (ifscope != IFSCOPE_NONE), error)); } NDPR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(pr); pr->ndpr_stateflags &= ~(NDPRF_IFSCOPE | NDPRF_PRPROXY); /* * TODO: If the prefix route exists, we should really find it and * refer the prefix to it; otherwise ndpr_rt is NULL. */ if (rt != NULL || error == EEXIST) { struct nd_ifinfo *ndi; VERIFY(pr->ndpr_prproxy_sols_cnt == 0); VERIFY(RB_EMPTY(&pr->ndpr_prproxy_sols)); lck_rw_lock_shared(nd_if_rwlock); ndi = ND_IFINFO(ifp); VERIFY(ndi != NULL && ndi->initialized); lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock); pr->ndpr_rt = rt; /* keep reference from rtrequest */ pr->ndpr_stateflags |= NDPRF_ONLINK; if (ifscope != IFSCOPE_NONE) { pr->ndpr_stateflags |= NDPRF_IFSCOPE; } else if ((rtflags & RTF_CLONING) && (ndi->flags & ND6_IFF_PROXY_PREFIXES) && !IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr)) { /* * At present, in order for the prefix to be eligible * as a proxying/proxied prefix, we require that the * prefix route entry be marked as a cloning route with * RTF_PROXY; i.e. nd6_need_cache() needs to return * true for the interface type, hence the test for * RTF_CLONING above. */ pr->ndpr_stateflags |= NDPRF_PRPROXY; } lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock); lck_rw_done(nd_if_rwlock); } prproxy = (pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_PRPROXY); VERIFY(!prproxy || !(pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_IFSCOPE)); NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); IFA_REMREF(ifa); /* * If this is an upstream prefix, find the downstream ones (if any) * and re-configure their prefix routes accordingly. Otherwise, * this could be potentially be a downstream prefix, and so find the * upstream prefix, if any. */ nd6_prproxy_prelist_update(pr, prproxy ? pr : NULL); NDPR_REMREF(pr); /* release reference for this routine */ lck_mtx_unlock(&proxy6_lock); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); return (error); } int nd6_prefix_onlink(struct nd_prefix *pr) { return (nd6_prefix_onlink_common(pr, FALSE, IFSCOPE_NONE)); } int nd6_prefix_onlink_scoped(struct nd_prefix *pr, unsigned int ifscope) { return (nd6_prefix_onlink_common(pr, TRUE, ifscope)); } int nd6_prefix_offlink(struct nd_prefix *pr) { int plen, error = 0, prproxy; struct ifnet *ifp = pr->ndpr_ifp; struct nd_prefix *opr; struct sockaddr_in6 sa6, mask6, prefix; struct rtentry *rt = NULL, *ndpr_rt = NULL; unsigned int ifscope; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED); /* sanity check */ NDPR_LOCK(pr); if ((pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_ONLINK) == 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_prefix_offlink: %s/%d on %s scoped=%d is already " "off-link\n", ip6_sprintf(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), pr->ndpr_plen, if_name(pr->ndpr_ifp), (pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_IFSCOPE) ? 1 : 0)); NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); return (EEXIST); } bzero(&sa6, sizeof(sa6)); sa6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sa6.sin6_len = sizeof(sa6); bcopy(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr, &sa6.sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); bzero(&mask6, sizeof(mask6)); mask6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; mask6.sin6_len = sizeof(sa6); bcopy(&pr->ndpr_mask, &mask6.sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); prefix = pr->ndpr_prefix; plen = pr->ndpr_plen; if ((ndpr_rt = pr->ndpr_rt) != NULL) pr->ndpr_rt = NULL; NDPR_ADDREF_LOCKED(pr); /* keep reference for this routine */ NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); ifscope = (pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_IFSCOPE) ? ifp->if_index : IFSCOPE_NONE; error = rtrequest_scoped(RTM_DELETE, (struct sockaddr *)&sa6, NULL, (struct sockaddr *)&mask6, 0, &rt, ifscope); if (rt != NULL) { /* report the route deletion to the routing socket. */ RT_LOCK(rt); nd6_rtmsg(RTM_DELETE, rt); RT_UNLOCK(rt); rtfree(rt); /* * The following check takes place only when Scoped Routing * is not enabled. There might be the same prefix on another * interface, the prefix which could not be on-link just * because we have the interface route (see comments in * nd6_prefix_onlink). If there's one, try to make the prefix * on-link on the interface. */ lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); opr = nd_prefix.lh_first; while (opr) { /* does not apply in the Scoped Routing case */ if (ip6_doscopedroute) break; if (opr == pr) { opr = opr->ndpr_next; continue; } NDPR_LOCK(opr); if ((opr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_ONLINK) != 0) { NDPR_UNLOCK(opr); opr = opr->ndpr_next; continue; } /* * KAME specific: detached prefixes should not be * on-link. */ if ((opr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_DETACHED) != 0) { NDPR_UNLOCK(opr); opr = opr->ndpr_next; continue; } if (opr->ndpr_plen == plen && in6_are_prefix_equal(&prefix.sin6_addr, &opr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr, plen)) { int e; NDPR_UNLOCK(opr); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); if ((e = nd6_prefix_onlink(opr)) != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_prefix_offlink: failed to " "recover a prefix %s/%d from %s " "to %s (errno = %d)\n", ip6_sprintf(&opr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr), opr->ndpr_plen, if_name(ifp), if_name(opr->ndpr_ifp), e)); } lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); opr = nd_prefix.lh_first; } else { NDPR_UNLOCK(opr); opr = opr->ndpr_next; } } lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); } else { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_prefix_offlink: failed to delete route: " "%s/%d on %s, scoped %d, (errno = %d)\n", ip6_sprintf(&sa6.sin6_addr), plen, if_name(ifp), (ifscope != IFSCOPE_NONE), error)); } if (ndpr_rt != NULL) rtfree(ndpr_rt); lck_mtx_lock(&proxy6_lock); NDPR_LOCK(pr); prproxy = (pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_PRPROXY); VERIFY(!prproxy || !(pr->ndpr_stateflags & NDPRF_IFSCOPE)); pr->ndpr_stateflags &= ~(NDPRF_ONLINK | NDPRF_IFSCOPE | NDPRF_PRPROXY); if (pr->ndpr_prproxy_sols_cnt > 0) { VERIFY(prproxy); nd6_prproxy_sols_reap(pr); VERIFY(pr->ndpr_prproxy_sols_cnt == 0); VERIFY(RB_EMPTY(&pr->ndpr_prproxy_sols)); } NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); /* * If this was an upstream prefix, find the downstream ones and do * some cleanups. If this was a downstream prefix, the prefix route * has been removed from the routing table above, but there may be * other tasks to perform. */ nd6_prproxy_prelist_update(pr, prproxy ? pr : NULL); NDPR_REMREF(pr); /* release reference for this routine */ lck_mtx_unlock(&proxy6_lock); return (error); } static struct in6_ifaddr * in6_ifadd( struct nd_prefix *pr, int mcast) { struct ifnet *ifp = pr->ndpr_ifp; struct in6_aliasreq ifra; struct in6_ifaddr *ia, *ib; int error, plen0; int updateflags; struct in6_addr mask; int prefixlen; /* * find a link-local address (will be interface ID). * Is it really mandatory? Theoretically, a global or a site-local * address can be configured without a link-local address, if we * have a unique interface identifier... * * it is not mandatory to have a link-local address, we can generate * interface identifier on the fly. we do this because: * (1) it should be the easiest way to find interface identifier. * (2) RFC2462 5.4 suggesting the use of the same interface identifier * for multiple addresses on a single interface, and possible shortcut * of DAD. we omitted DAD for this reason in the past. * (3) a user can prevent autoconfiguration of global address * by removing link-local address by hand (this is partly because we * don't have other way to control the use of IPv6 on an interface. * this has been our design choice - cf. NRL's "ifconfig auto"). * (4) it is easier to manage when an interface has addresses * with the same interface identifier, than to have multiple addresses * with different interface identifiers. */ ib = in6ifa_ifpforlinklocal(ifp, 0);/* 0 is OK? */ if (ib == NULL) return (NULL); IFA_LOCK(&ib->ia_ifa); NDPR_LOCK(pr); prefixlen = pr->ndpr_plen; in6_len2mask(&mask, prefixlen); plen0 = in6_mask2len(&ib->ia_prefixmask.sin6_addr, NULL); /* prefixlen + ifidlen must be equal to 128 */ if (prefixlen != plen0) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "in6_ifadd: wrong prefixlen for %s " "(prefix=%d ifid=%d)\n", if_name(ifp), prefixlen, 128 - plen0)); NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); IFA_UNLOCK(&ib->ia_ifa); IFA_REMREF(&ib->ia_ifa); return (NULL); } /* make ifaddr */ bzero(&ifra, sizeof(ifra)); /* * in6_update_ifa() does not use ifra_name, but we accurately set it * for safety. */ strncpy(ifra.ifra_name, if_name(ifp), sizeof(ifra.ifra_name)); ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6; ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); /* prefix */ bcopy(&pr->ndpr_prefix.sin6_addr, &ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr, sizeof(ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr)); ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[0] &= mask.s6_addr32[0]; ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[1] &= mask.s6_addr32[1]; ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[2] &= mask.s6_addr32[2]; ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[3] &= mask.s6_addr32[3]; /* interface ID */ ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[0] |= (ib->ia_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[0] & ~mask.s6_addr32[0]); ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[1] |= (ib->ia_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[1] & ~mask.s6_addr32[1]); ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[2] |= (ib->ia_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[2] & ~mask.s6_addr32[2]); ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[3] |= (ib->ia_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[3] & ~mask.s6_addr32[3]); /* new prefix mask. */ ifra.ifra_prefixmask.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); ifra.ifra_prefixmask.sin6_family = AF_INET6; bcopy(&mask, &ifra.ifra_prefixmask.sin6_addr, sizeof(ifra.ifra_prefixmask.sin6_addr)); /* lifetimes. */ ifra.ifra_lifetime.ia6t_vltime = pr->ndpr_vltime; ifra.ifra_lifetime.ia6t_pltime = pr->ndpr_pltime; /* XXX: scope zone ID? */ ifra.ifra_flags |= IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF; /* obey autoconf */ NDPR_UNLOCK(pr); IFA_UNLOCK(&ib->ia_ifa); IFA_REMREF(&ib->ia_ifa); /* * Make sure that we do not have this address already. This should * usually not happen, but we can still see this case, e.g., if we * have manually configured the exact address to be configured. */ if ((ib = in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, &ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr)) != NULL) { IFA_REMREF(&ib->ia_ifa); /* this should be rare enough to make an explicit log */ log(LOG_INFO, "in6_ifadd: %s is already configured\n", ip6_sprintf(&ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr)); return (NULL); } /* * Allocate ifaddr structure, link into chain, etc. * If we are going to create a new address upon receiving a multicasted * RA, we need to impose a random delay before starting DAD. * [draft-ietf-ipv6-rfc2462bis-02.txt, Section 5.4.2] */ updateflags = 0; if (mcast) updateflags |= IN6_IFAUPDATE_DADDELAY; error = in6_update_ifa(ifp, &ifra, NULL, updateflags, M_WAITOK); if (error != 0) { nd6log((LOG_ERR, "in6_ifadd: failed to make ifaddr %s on %s (errno=%d)\n", ip6_sprintf(&ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr), if_name(ifp), error)); return(NULL); /* ifaddr must not have been allocated. */ } ia = in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, &ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr); if (ia == NULL) { /* * XXX: both in6_ifadd and in6_iftmpadd follow this admittedly * suboptimal pattern of calling in6_update_ifa to add the * interface address, then calling in6ifa_ifpwithaddr to * retrieve it from the interface address list after some * concurrent kernel thread has first had the opportunity to * call in6_purgeaddr and delete everything. */ nd6log((LOG_ERR, "in6_ifadd: ifa update succeeded, but we got no ifaddr\n")); return(NULL); } in6_post_msg(ifp, KEV_INET6_NEW_RTADV_ADDR, ia); return(ia); } #define IA6_NONCONST(i) ((struct in6_ifaddr *)(uintptr_t)(i)) int in6_tmpifadd( const struct in6_ifaddr *ia0, /* corresponding public address */ int forcegen, int how) { struct ifnet *ifp = ia0->ia_ifa.ifa_ifp; struct in6_ifaddr *ia, *newia; struct in6_aliasreq ifra; int i, error; int trylimit = 3; /* XXX: adhoc value */ int updateflags; u_int32_t randid[2]; time_t vltime0, pltime0; struct timeval timenow; struct in6_addr addr; struct nd_prefix *ndpr; getmicrotime(&timenow); bzero(&ifra, sizeof(ifra)); strncpy(ifra.ifra_name, if_name(ifp), sizeof(ifra.ifra_name)); IFA_LOCK(&IA6_NONCONST(ia0)->ia_ifa); ifra.ifra_addr = ia0->ia_addr; /* copy prefix mask */ ifra.ifra_prefixmask = ia0->ia_prefixmask; /* clear the old IFID */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[i] &= ifra.ifra_prefixmask.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[i]; } addr = ia0->ia_addr.sin6_addr; IFA_UNLOCK(&IA6_NONCONST(ia0)->ia_ifa); again: in6_get_tmpifid(ifp, (u_int8_t *)randid, (const u_int8_t *)&addr.s6_addr[8], forcegen); ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[2] |= (randid[0] & ~(ifra.ifra_prefixmask.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[2])); ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[3] |= (randid[1] & ~(ifra.ifra_prefixmask.sin6_addr.s6_addr32[3])); /* * in6_get_tmpifid() quite likely provided a unique interface ID. * However, we may still have a chance to see collision, because * there may be a time lag between generation of the ID and generation * of the address. So, we'll do one more sanity check. */ if ((ia = in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, &ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr)) != NULL) { IFA_REMREF(&ia->ia_ifa); if (trylimit-- == 0) { nd6log((LOG_NOTICE, "in6_tmpifadd: failed to find " "a unique random IFID\n")); return(EEXIST); } forcegen = 1; goto again; } /* * The Valid Lifetime is the lower of the Valid Lifetime of the * public address or TEMP_VALID_LIFETIME. * The Preferred Lifetime is the lower of the Preferred Lifetime * of the public address or TEMP_PREFERRED_LIFETIME - * DESYNC_FACTOR. */ IFA_LOCK(&IA6_NONCONST(ia0)->ia_ifa); vltime0 = IFA6_IS_INVALID(ia0) ? 0 : (ia0->ia6_lifetime.ia6t_vltime - (timenow.tv_sec - ia0->ia6_updatetime)); if (vltime0 > ip6_temp_valid_lifetime) vltime0 = ip6_temp_valid_lifetime; pltime0 = IFA6_IS_DEPRECATED(ia0) ? 0 : (ia0->ia6_lifetime.ia6t_pltime - (timenow.tv_sec - ia0->ia6_updatetime)); if (pltime0 > ip6_temp_preferred_lifetime - ip6_desync_factor) pltime0 = ip6_temp_preferred_lifetime - ip6_desync_factor; ifra.ifra_lifetime.ia6t_vltime = vltime0; ifra.ifra_lifetime.ia6t_pltime = pltime0; IFA_UNLOCK(&IA6_NONCONST(ia0)->ia_ifa); /* * A temporary address is created only if this calculated Preferred * Lifetime is greater than REGEN_ADVANCE time units. */ if (ifra.ifra_lifetime.ia6t_pltime <= ip6_temp_regen_advance) return(0); /* XXX: scope zone ID? */ ifra.ifra_flags |= (IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF|IN6_IFF_TEMPORARY); /* allocate ifaddr structure, link into chain, etc. */ updateflags = 0; if (how) updateflags |= IN6_IFAUPDATE_DADDELAY; if ((error = in6_update_ifa(ifp, &ifra, NULL, updateflags, how)) != 0) return (error); newia = in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, &ifra.ifra_addr.sin6_addr); if (newia == NULL) { /* * XXX: both in6_ifadd and in6_iftmpadd follow this admittedly * suboptimal pattern of calling in6_update_ifa to add the * interface address, then calling in6ifa_ifpwithaddr to * retrieve it from the interface address list after some * concurrent kernel thread has first had the opportunity to * call in6_purgeaddr and delete everything. */ nd6log((LOG_ERR, "in6_tmpifadd: ifa update succeeded, but we got " "no ifaddr\n")); return(EINVAL); } IFA_LOCK(&IA6_NONCONST(ia0)->ia_ifa); ndpr = ia0->ia6_ndpr; if (ndpr == NULL) { /* * We lost the race with another thread that has purged * ia0 address; in this case, purge the tmp addr as well. */ nd6log((LOG_ERR, "in6_tmpifadd: no public address\n")); VERIFY(!(ia0->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF)); IFA_UNLOCK(&IA6_NONCONST(ia0)->ia_ifa); in6_purgeaddr(&newia->ia_ifa); IFA_REMREF(&newia->ia_ifa); return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); } NDPR_ADDREF(ndpr); /* for us */ IFA_UNLOCK(&IA6_NONCONST(ia0)->ia_ifa); IFA_LOCK(&newia->ia_ifa); if (newia->ia6_ndpr != NULL) { NDPR_LOCK(newia->ia6_ndpr); VERIFY(newia->ia6_ndpr->ndpr_addrcnt != 0); newia->ia6_ndpr->ndpr_addrcnt--; NDPR_UNLOCK(newia->ia6_ndpr); NDPR_REMREF(newia->ia6_ndpr); /* release addr reference */ } newia->ia6_ndpr = ndpr; NDPR_LOCK(newia->ia6_ndpr); newia->ia6_ndpr->ndpr_addrcnt++; VERIFY(newia->ia6_ndpr->ndpr_addrcnt != 0); NDPR_ADDREF_LOCKED(newia->ia6_ndpr); /* for addr reference */ NDPR_UNLOCK(newia->ia6_ndpr); IFA_UNLOCK(&newia->ia_ifa); /* * A newly added address might affect the status of other addresses. * XXX: when the temporary address is generated with a new public * address, the onlink check is redundant. However, it would be safe * to do the check explicitly everywhere a new address is generated, * and, in fact, we surely need the check when we create a new * temporary address due to deprecation of an old temporary address. */ lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); pfxlist_onlink_check(); lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); IFA_REMREF(&newia->ia_ifa); /* remove our reference */ NDPR_REMREF(ndpr); return(0); } #undef IA6_NONCONST int in6_init_prefix_ltimes(struct nd_prefix *ndpr) { struct timeval timenow; NDPR_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ndpr); getmicrotime(&timenow); /* check if preferred lifetime > valid lifetime. RFC2462 5.5.3 (c) */ if (ndpr->ndpr_pltime > ndpr->ndpr_vltime) { nd6log((LOG_INFO, "in6_init_prefix_ltimes: preferred lifetime" "(%d) is greater than valid lifetime(%d)\n", (u_int)ndpr->ndpr_pltime, (u_int)ndpr->ndpr_vltime)); return (EINVAL); } if (ndpr->ndpr_pltime == ND6_INFINITE_LIFETIME) ndpr->ndpr_preferred = 0; else ndpr->ndpr_preferred = timenow.tv_sec + ndpr->ndpr_pltime; if (ndpr->ndpr_vltime == ND6_INFINITE_LIFETIME) ndpr->ndpr_expire = 0; else ndpr->ndpr_expire = timenow.tv_sec + ndpr->ndpr_vltime; return 0; } static void in6_init_address_ltimes(__unused struct nd_prefix *new, struct in6_addrlifetime *lt6, boolean_t is_temporary) { struct timeval timenow; getmicrotime(&timenow); /* Valid lifetime must not be updated unless explicitly specified. */ /* init ia6t_expire */ if (!is_temporary && lt6->ia6t_vltime == ND6_INFINITE_LIFETIME) lt6->ia6t_expire = 0; else { lt6->ia6t_expire = timenow.tv_sec; lt6->ia6t_expire += lt6->ia6t_vltime; } /* init ia6t_preferred */ if (!is_temporary && lt6->ia6t_pltime == ND6_INFINITE_LIFETIME) lt6->ia6t_preferred = 0; else { lt6->ia6t_preferred = timenow.tv_sec; lt6->ia6t_preferred += lt6->ia6t_pltime; } } /* * Delete all the routing table entries that use the specified gateway. * XXX: this function causes search through all entries of routing table, so * it shouldn't be called when acting as a router. */ void rt6_flush( struct in6_addr *gateway, struct ifnet *ifp) { struct radix_node_head *rnh = rt_tables[AF_INET6]; /* We'll care only link-local addresses */ if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(gateway)) { return; } lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock); /* XXX: hack for KAME's link-local address kludge */ gateway->s6_addr16[1] = htons(ifp->if_index); rnh->rnh_walktree(rnh, rt6_deleteroute, (void *)gateway); lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock); } static int rt6_deleteroute( struct radix_node *rn, void *arg) { struct rtentry *rt = (struct rtentry *)rn; struct in6_addr *gate = (struct in6_addr *)arg; lck_mtx_assert(rnh_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); RT_LOCK(rt); if (rt->rt_gateway == NULL || rt->rt_gateway->sa_family != AF_INET6) { RT_UNLOCK(rt); return(0); } if (!IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(gate, &SIN6(rt->rt_gateway)->sin6_addr)) { RT_UNLOCK(rt); return(0); } /* * Do not delete a static route. * XXX: this seems to be a bit ad-hoc. Should we consider the * 'cloned' bit instead? */ if ((rt->rt_flags & RTF_STATIC) != 0) { RT_UNLOCK(rt); return(0); } /* * We delete only host route. This means, in particular, we don't * delete default route. */ if ((rt->rt_flags & RTF_HOST) == 0) { RT_UNLOCK(rt); return(0); } /* * Safe to drop rt_lock and use rt_key, rt_gateway, since holding * rnh_lock here prevents another thread from calling rt_setgate() * on this route. */ RT_UNLOCK(rt); return (rtrequest_locked(RTM_DELETE, rt_key(rt), rt->rt_gateway, rt_mask(rt), rt->rt_flags, 0)); } int nd6_setdefaultiface( int ifindex) { int error = 0; ifnet_t def_ifp = NULL; lck_mtx_assert(nd6_mutex, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED); ifnet_head_lock_shared(); if (ifindex < 0 || if_index < ifindex) { ifnet_head_done(); return(EINVAL); } def_ifp = ifindex2ifnet[ifindex]; ifnet_head_done(); lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex); if (nd6_defifindex != ifindex) { struct ifnet *odef_ifp = nd6_defifp; nd6_defifindex = ifindex; if (nd6_defifindex > 0) nd6_defifp = def_ifp; else nd6_defifp = NULL; if (nd6_defifp != NULL) nd6log((LOG_INFO, "%s: is now the default " "interface (was %s)\n", if_name(nd6_defifp), odef_ifp != NULL ? if_name(odef_ifp) : "NONE")); else nd6log((LOG_INFO, "No default interface set\n")); /* * If the Default Router List is empty, install a route * to the specified interface as default or remove the default * route when the default interface becomes canceled. * The check for the queue is actually redundant, but * we do this here to avoid re-install the default route * if the list is NOT empty. */ if (ip6_doscopedroute || TAILQ_FIRST(&nd_defrouter) == NULL) { defrtrlist_sync(nd6_defifp); nd6_prefix_sync(nd6_defifp); } /* * Our current implementation assumes one-to-one maping between * interfaces and links, so it would be natural to use the * default interface as the default link. */ scope6_setdefault(nd6_defifp); } lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex); return(error); }