/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2009 Bruce Simpson. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * IPv6 multicast socket, group, and socket option processing module. * Normative references: RFC 2292, RFC 3492, RFC 3542, RFC 3678, RFC 3810. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef __SOCKUNION_DECLARED union sockunion { struct sockaddr_storage ss; struct sockaddr sa; struct sockaddr_dl sdl; struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; }; typedef union sockunion sockunion_t; #define __SOCKUNION_DECLARED #endif /* __SOCKUNION_DECLARED */ static void im6f_commit(struct in6_mfilter *); static int im6f_get_source(struct in6_mfilter *imf, const struct sockaddr_in6 *psin, struct in6_msource **); static struct in6_msource * im6f_graft(struct in6_mfilter *, const uint8_t, const struct sockaddr_in6 *); static int im6f_prune(struct in6_mfilter *, const struct sockaddr_in6 *); static void im6f_rollback(struct in6_mfilter *); static void im6f_reap(struct in6_mfilter *); static int im6o_grow(struct ip6_moptions *, size_t); static size_t im6o_match_group(const struct ip6_moptions *, const struct ifnet *, const struct sockaddr *); static struct in6_msource * im6o_match_source(const struct ip6_moptions *, const size_t, const struct sockaddr *); static void im6s_merge(struct ip6_msource *ims, const struct in6_msource *lims, const int rollback); static int in6_mc_get(struct ifnet *, const struct in6_addr *, struct in6_multi **); static int in6m_get_source(struct in6_multi *inm, const struct in6_addr *addr, const int noalloc, struct ip6_msource **pims); static int in6m_is_ifp_detached(const struct in6_multi *); static int in6m_merge(struct in6_multi *, /*const*/ struct in6_mfilter *); static void in6m_reap(struct in6_multi *); static struct ip6_moptions * in6p_findmoptions(struct inpcb *); static int in6p_get_source_filters(struct inpcb *, struct sockopt *); static int in6p_lookup_v4addr(struct ipv6_mreq *, struct ip_mreq *); static int in6p_join_group(struct inpcb *, struct sockopt *); static int in6p_leave_group(struct inpcb *, struct sockopt *); static struct ifnet * in6p_lookup_mcast_ifp(const struct inpcb *, const struct sockaddr_in6 *); static int in6p_block_unblock_source(struct inpcb *, struct sockopt *); static int in6p_set_multicast_if(struct inpcb *, struct sockopt *); static int in6p_set_source_filters(struct inpcb *, struct sockopt *); static int sysctl_ip6_mcast_filters SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS; static __inline__ int ip6_msource_cmp(const struct ip6_msource *, const struct ip6_msource *); SYSCTL_DECL(_net_inet6_ip6); /* XXX Not in any common header. */ SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet6_ip6, OID_AUTO, mcast, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "IPv6 multicast"); static unsigned long in6_mcast_maxgrpsrc = IPV6_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER; SYSCTL_LONG(_net_inet6_ip6_mcast, OID_AUTO, maxgrpsrc, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &in6_mcast_maxgrpsrc, "Max source filters per group"); static unsigned long in6_mcast_maxsocksrc = IPV6_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER; SYSCTL_LONG(_net_inet6_ip6_mcast, OID_AUTO, maxsocksrc, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &in6_mcast_maxsocksrc, "Max source filters per socket"); int in6_mcast_loop = IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet6_ip6_mcast, OID_AUTO, loop, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &in6_mcast_loop, 0, "Loopback multicast datagrams by default"); SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet6_ip6_mcast, OID_AUTO, filters, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, sysctl_ip6_mcast_filters, "Per-interface stack-wide source filters"); RB_GENERATE_PREV(ip6_msource_tree, ip6_msource, im6s_link, ip6_msource_cmp); #define IN6M_TRACE_HIST_SIZE 32 /* size of trace history */ /* For gdb */ __private_extern__ unsigned int in6m_trace_hist_size = IN6M_TRACE_HIST_SIZE; struct in6_multi_dbg { struct in6_multi in6m; /* in6_multi */ u_int16_t in6m_refhold_cnt; /* # of ref */ u_int16_t in6m_refrele_cnt; /* # of rele */ /* * Circular lists of in6m_addref and in6m_remref callers. */ ctrace_t in6m_refhold[IN6M_TRACE_HIST_SIZE]; ctrace_t in6m_refrele[IN6M_TRACE_HIST_SIZE]; /* * Trash list linkage */ TAILQ_ENTRY(in6_multi_dbg) in6m_trash_link; }; /* List of trash in6_multi entries protected by in6m_trash_lock */ static TAILQ_HEAD(, in6_multi_dbg) in6m_trash_head; static decl_lck_mtx_data(, in6m_trash_lock); #if DEBUG static unsigned int in6m_debug = 1; /* debugging (enabled) */ #else static unsigned int in6m_debug; /* debugging (disabled) */ #endif /* !DEBUG */ static unsigned int in6m_size; /* size of zone element */ static struct zone *in6m_zone; /* zone for in6_multi */ #define IN6M_ZONE_MAX 64 /* maximum elements in zone */ #define IN6M_ZONE_NAME "in6_multi" /* zone name */ static unsigned int imm_size; /* size of zone element */ static struct zone *imm_zone; /* zone for in6_multi_mship */ #define IMM_ZONE_MAX 64 /* maximum elements in zone */ #define IMM_ZONE_NAME "in6_multi_mship" /* zone name */ #define IP6MS_ZONE_MAX 64 /* maximum elements in zone */ #define IP6MS_ZONE_NAME "ip6_msource" /* zone name */ static unsigned int ip6ms_size; /* size of zone element */ static struct zone *ip6ms_zone; /* zone for ip6_msource */ #define IN6MS_ZONE_MAX 64 /* maximum elements in zone */ #define IN6MS_ZONE_NAME "in6_msource" /* zone name */ static unsigned int in6ms_size; /* size of zone element */ static struct zone *in6ms_zone; /* zone for in6_msource */ /* Lock group and attribute for in6_multihead_lock lock */ static lck_attr_t *in6_multihead_lock_attr; static lck_grp_t *in6_multihead_lock_grp; static lck_grp_attr_t *in6_multihead_lock_grp_attr; static decl_lck_rw_data(, in6_multihead_lock); struct in6_multihead in6_multihead; static struct in6_multi *in6_multi_alloc(int); static void in6_multi_free(struct in6_multi *); static void in6_multi_attach(struct in6_multi *); static struct in6_multi_mship *in6_multi_mship_alloc(int); static void in6_multi_mship_free(struct in6_multi_mship *); static void in6m_trace(struct in6_multi *, int); static struct ip6_msource *ip6ms_alloc(int); static void ip6ms_free(struct ip6_msource *); static struct in6_msource *in6ms_alloc(int); static void in6ms_free(struct in6_msource *); #define IM6O_CAST_TO_NONCONST(x) ((struct ip6_moptions *)(void *)(uintptr_t)x) #define IN6M_CAST_TO_NONCONST(x) ((struct in6_multi *)(void *)(uintptr_t)x) /* * IPv6 source tree comparison function. * * An ordered predicate is necessary; bcmp() is not documented to return * an indication of order, memcmp() is, and is an ISO C99 requirement. */ static __inline int ip6_msource_cmp(const struct ip6_msource *a, const struct ip6_msource *b) { return (memcmp(&a->im6s_addr, &b->im6s_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr))); } /* * Inline function which wraps assertions for a valid ifp. */ static __inline__ int in6m_is_ifp_detached(const struct in6_multi *inm) { VERIFY(inm->in6m_ifma != NULL); VERIFY(inm->in6m_ifp == inm->in6m_ifma->ifma_ifp); return (!ifnet_is_attached(inm->in6m_ifp, 0)); } /* * Initialize an in6_mfilter structure to a known state at t0, t1 * with an empty source filter list. */ static __inline__ void im6f_init(struct in6_mfilter *imf, const int st0, const int st1) { memset(imf, 0, sizeof(struct in6_mfilter)); RB_INIT(&imf->im6f_sources); imf->im6f_st[0] = st0; imf->im6f_st[1] = st1; } /* * Resize the ip6_moptions vector to the next power-of-two minus 1. */ static int im6o_grow(struct ip6_moptions *imo, size_t newmax) { struct in6_multi **nmships; struct in6_multi **omships; struct in6_mfilter *nmfilters; struct in6_mfilter *omfilters; size_t idx; size_t oldmax; IM6O_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(imo); nmships = NULL; nmfilters = NULL; omships = imo->im6o_membership; omfilters = imo->im6o_mfilters; oldmax = imo->im6o_max_memberships; if (newmax == 0) newmax = ((oldmax + 1) * 2) - 1; if (newmax > IPV6_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS) return (ETOOMANYREFS); if ((nmships = (struct in6_multi **)_REALLOC(omships, sizeof (struct in6_multi *) * newmax, M_IP6MOPTS, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO)) == NULL) return (ENOMEM); imo->im6o_membership = nmships; if ((nmfilters = (struct in6_mfilter *)_REALLOC(omfilters, sizeof (struct in6_mfilter) * newmax, M_IN6MFILTER, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO)) == NULL) return (ENOMEM); imo->im6o_mfilters = nmfilters; /* Initialize newly allocated source filter heads. */ for (idx = oldmax; idx < newmax; idx++) im6f_init(&nmfilters[idx], MCAST_UNDEFINED, MCAST_EXCLUDE); imo->im6o_max_memberships = newmax; return (0); } /* * Find an IPv6 multicast group entry for this ip6_moptions instance * which matches the specified group, and optionally an interface. * Return its index into the array, or -1 if not found. */ static size_t im6o_match_group(const struct ip6_moptions *imo, const struct ifnet *ifp, const struct sockaddr *group) { const struct sockaddr_in6 *gsin6; struct in6_multi *pinm; int idx; int nmships; IM6O_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(IM6O_CAST_TO_NONCONST(imo)); gsin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)(uintptr_t)(size_t)group; /* The im6o_membership array may be lazy allocated. */ if (imo->im6o_membership == NULL || imo->im6o_num_memberships == 0) return (-1); nmships = imo->im6o_num_memberships; for (idx = 0; idx < nmships; idx++) { pinm = imo->im6o_membership[idx]; if (pinm == NULL) continue; IN6M_LOCK(pinm); if ((ifp == NULL || (pinm->in6m_ifp == ifp)) && IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&pinm->in6m_addr, &gsin6->sin6_addr)) { IN6M_UNLOCK(pinm); break; } IN6M_UNLOCK(pinm); } if (idx >= nmships) idx = -1; return (idx); } /* * Find an IPv6 multicast source entry for this imo which matches * the given group index for this socket, and source address. * * XXX TODO: The scope ID, if present in src, is stripped before * any comparison. We SHOULD enforce scope/zone checks where the source * filter entry has a link scope. * * NOTE: This does not check if the entry is in-mode, merely if * it exists, which may not be the desired behaviour. */ static struct in6_msource * im6o_match_source(const struct ip6_moptions *imo, const size_t gidx, const struct sockaddr *src) { struct ip6_msource find; struct in6_mfilter *imf; struct ip6_msource *ims; const sockunion_t *psa; IM6O_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(IM6O_CAST_TO_NONCONST(imo)); VERIFY(src->sa_family == AF_INET6); VERIFY(gidx != (size_t)-1 && gidx < imo->im6o_num_memberships); /* The im6o_mfilters array may be lazy allocated. */ if (imo->im6o_mfilters == NULL) return (NULL); imf = &imo->im6o_mfilters[gidx]; psa = (sockunion_t *)(uintptr_t)(size_t)src; find.im6s_addr = psa->sin6.sin6_addr; in6_clearscope(&find.im6s_addr); /* XXX */ ims = RB_FIND(ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources, &find); return ((struct in6_msource *)ims); } /* * Perform filtering for multicast datagrams on a socket by group and source. * * Returns 0 if a datagram should be allowed through, or various error codes * if the socket was not a member of the group, or the source was muted, etc. */ int im6o_mc_filter(const struct ip6_moptions *imo, const struct ifnet *ifp, const struct sockaddr *group, const struct sockaddr *src) { size_t gidx; struct in6_msource *ims; int mode; IM6O_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(IM6O_CAST_TO_NONCONST(imo)); VERIFY(ifp != NULL); gidx = im6o_match_group(imo, ifp, group); if (gidx == (size_t)-1) return (MCAST_NOTGMEMBER); /* * Check if the source was included in an (S,G) join. * Allow reception on exclusive memberships by default, * reject reception on inclusive memberships by default. * Exclude source only if an in-mode exclude filter exists. * Include source only if an in-mode include filter exists. * NOTE: We are comparing group state here at MLD t1 (now) * with socket-layer t0 (since last downcall). */ mode = imo->im6o_mfilters[gidx].im6f_st[1]; ims = im6o_match_source(imo, gidx, src); if ((ims == NULL && mode == MCAST_INCLUDE) || (ims != NULL && ims->im6sl_st[0] != mode)) return (MCAST_NOTSMEMBER); return (MCAST_PASS); } /* * Find and return a reference to an in6_multi record for (ifp, group), * and bump its reference count. * If one does not exist, try to allocate it, and update link-layer multicast * filters on ifp to listen for group. * Assumes the IN6_MULTI lock is held across the call. * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return an appropriate error code. */ static int in6_mc_get(struct ifnet *ifp, const struct in6_addr *group, struct in6_multi **pinm) { struct sockaddr_in6 gsin6; struct ifmultiaddr *ifma; struct in6_multi *inm; int error; *pinm = NULL; in6_multihead_lock_shared(); IN6_LOOKUP_MULTI(group, ifp, inm); if (inm != NULL) { IN6M_LOCK(inm); VERIFY(inm->in6m_reqcnt >= 1); inm->in6m_reqcnt++; VERIFY(inm->in6m_reqcnt != 0); *pinm = inm; IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); in6_multihead_lock_done(); /* * We already joined this group; return the in6m * with a refcount held (via lookup) for caller. */ return (0); } in6_multihead_lock_done(); memset(&gsin6, 0, sizeof(gsin6)); gsin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; gsin6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); gsin6.sin6_addr = *group; /* * Check if a link-layer group is already associated * with this network-layer group on the given ifnet. */ error = if_addmulti(ifp, (struct sockaddr *)&gsin6, &ifma); if (error != 0) return (error); /* * See comments in in6m_remref() for access to ifma_protospec. */ in6_multihead_lock_exclusive(); IFMA_LOCK(ifma); if ((inm = ifma->ifma_protospec) != NULL) { VERIFY(ifma->ifma_addr != NULL); VERIFY(ifma->ifma_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6); IN6M_ADDREF(inm); /* for caller */ IFMA_UNLOCK(ifma); IN6M_LOCK(inm); VERIFY(inm->in6m_ifma == ifma); VERIFY(inm->in6m_ifp == ifp); VERIFY(IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&inm->in6m_addr, group)); if (inm->in6m_debug & IFD_ATTACHED) { VERIFY(inm->in6m_reqcnt >= 1); inm->in6m_reqcnt++; VERIFY(inm->in6m_reqcnt != 0); *pinm = inm; IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); in6_multihead_lock_done(); IFMA_REMREF(ifma); /* * We lost the race with another thread doing * in6_mc_get(); since this group has already * been joined; return the inm with a refcount * held for caller. */ return (0); } /* * We lost the race with another thread doing in6_delmulti(); * the inm referring to the ifma has been detached, thus we * reattach it back to the in6_multihead list, and return the * inm with a refcount held for the caller. */ in6_multi_attach(inm); VERIFY((inm->in6m_debug & (IFD_ATTACHED | IFD_TRASHED)) == IFD_ATTACHED); *pinm = inm; IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); in6_multihead_lock_done(); IFMA_REMREF(ifma); return (0); } IFMA_UNLOCK(ifma); /* * A new in6_multi record is needed; allocate and initialize it. * We DO NOT perform an MLD join as the in6_ layer may need to * push an initial source list down to MLD to support SSM. * * The initial source filter state is INCLUDE, {} as per the RFC. * Pending state-changes per group are subject to a bounds check. */ inm = in6_multi_alloc(M_WAITOK); if (inm == NULL) { in6_multihead_lock_done(); IFMA_REMREF(ifma); return (ENOMEM); } IN6M_LOCK(inm); inm->in6m_addr = *group; inm->in6m_ifp = ifp; inm->in6m_mli = MLD_IFINFO(ifp); VERIFY(inm->in6m_mli != NULL); MLI_ADDREF(inm->in6m_mli); inm->in6m_ifma = ifma; /* keep refcount from if_addmulti() */ inm->in6m_state = MLD_NOT_MEMBER; /* * Pending state-changes per group are subject to a bounds check. */ inm->in6m_scq.ifq_maxlen = MLD_MAX_STATE_CHANGES; inm->in6m_st[0].iss_fmode = MCAST_UNDEFINED; inm->in6m_st[1].iss_fmode = MCAST_UNDEFINED; RB_INIT(&inm->in6m_srcs); *pinm = inm; in6_multi_attach(inm); VERIFY((inm->in6m_debug & (IFD_ATTACHED | IFD_TRASHED)) == IFD_ATTACHED); IN6M_ADDREF_LOCKED(inm); /* for caller */ IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); IFMA_LOCK(ifma); VERIFY(ifma->ifma_protospec == NULL); ifma->ifma_protospec = inm; IFMA_UNLOCK(ifma); in6_multihead_lock_done(); return (0); } /* * Clear recorded source entries for a group. * Used by the MLD code. Caller must hold the IN6_MULTI lock. * FIXME: Should reap. */ void in6m_clear_recorded(struct in6_multi *inm) { struct ip6_msource *ims; IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(inm); RB_FOREACH(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &inm->in6m_srcs) { if (ims->im6s_stp) { ims->im6s_stp = 0; --inm->in6m_st[1].iss_rec; } } VERIFY(inm->in6m_st[1].iss_rec == 0); } /* * Record a source as pending for a Source-Group MLDv2 query. * This lives here as it modifies the shared tree. * * inm is the group descriptor. * naddr is the address of the source to record in network-byte order. * * If the net.inet6.mld.sgalloc sysctl is non-zero, we will * lazy-allocate a source node in response to an SG query. * Otherwise, no allocation is performed. This saves some memory * with the trade-off that the source will not be reported to the * router if joined in the window between the query response and * the group actually being joined on the local host. * * VIMAGE: XXX: Currently the mld_sgalloc feature has been removed. * This turns off the allocation of a recorded source entry if * the group has not been joined. * * Return 0 if the source didn't exist or was already marked as recorded. * Return 1 if the source was marked as recorded by this function. * Return <0 if any error occured (negated errno code). */ int in6m_record_source(struct in6_multi *inm, const struct in6_addr *addr) { struct ip6_msource find; struct ip6_msource *ims, *nims; IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(inm); find.im6s_addr = *addr; ims = RB_FIND(ip6_msource_tree, &inm->in6m_srcs, &find); if (ims && ims->im6s_stp) return (0); if (ims == NULL) { if (inm->in6m_nsrc == in6_mcast_maxgrpsrc) return (-ENOSPC); nims = ip6ms_alloc(M_WAITOK); if (nims == NULL) return (-ENOMEM); nims->im6s_addr = find.im6s_addr; RB_INSERT(ip6_msource_tree, &inm->in6m_srcs, nims); ++inm->in6m_nsrc; ims = nims; } /* * Mark the source as recorded and update the recorded * source count. */ ++ims->im6s_stp; ++inm->in6m_st[1].iss_rec; return (1); } /* * Return a pointer to an in6_msource owned by an in6_mfilter, * given its source address. * Lazy-allocate if needed. If this is a new entry its filter state is * undefined at t0. * * imf is the filter set being modified. * addr is the source address. * * Caller is expected to be holding im6o_lock. */ static int im6f_get_source(struct in6_mfilter *imf, const struct sockaddr_in6 *psin, struct in6_msource **plims) { struct ip6_msource find; struct ip6_msource *ims; struct in6_msource *lims; int error; error = 0; ims = NULL; lims = NULL; find.im6s_addr = psin->sin6_addr; ims = RB_FIND(ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources, &find); lims = (struct in6_msource *)ims; if (lims == NULL) { if (imf->im6f_nsrc == in6_mcast_maxsocksrc) return (ENOSPC); lims = in6ms_alloc(M_WAITOK); if (lims == NULL) return (ENOMEM); lims->im6s_addr = find.im6s_addr; lims->im6sl_st[0] = MCAST_UNDEFINED; RB_INSERT(ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources, (struct ip6_msource *)lims); ++imf->im6f_nsrc; } *plims = lims; return (error); } /* * Graft a source entry into an existing socket-layer filter set, * maintaining any required invariants and checking allocations. * * The source is marked as being in the new filter mode at t1. * * Return the pointer to the new node, otherwise return NULL. * * Caller is expected to be holding im6o_lock. */ static struct in6_msource * im6f_graft(struct in6_mfilter *imf, const uint8_t st1, const struct sockaddr_in6 *psin) { struct in6_msource *lims; lims = in6ms_alloc(M_WAITOK); if (lims == NULL) return (NULL); lims->im6s_addr = psin->sin6_addr; lims->im6sl_st[0] = MCAST_UNDEFINED; lims->im6sl_st[1] = st1; RB_INSERT(ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources, (struct ip6_msource *)lims); ++imf->im6f_nsrc; return (lims); } /* * Prune a source entry from an existing socket-layer filter set, * maintaining any required invariants and checking allocations. * * The source is marked as being left at t1, it is not freed. * * Return 0 if no error occurred, otherwise return an errno value. * * Caller is expected to be holding im6o_lock. */ static int im6f_prune(struct in6_mfilter *imf, const struct sockaddr_in6 *psin) { struct ip6_msource find; struct ip6_msource *ims; struct in6_msource *lims; find.im6s_addr = psin->sin6_addr; ims = RB_FIND(ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources, &find); if (ims == NULL) return (ENOENT); lims = (struct in6_msource *)ims; lims->im6sl_st[1] = MCAST_UNDEFINED; return (0); } /* * Revert socket-layer filter set deltas at t1 to t0 state. * * Caller is expected to be holding im6o_lock. */ static void im6f_rollback(struct in6_mfilter *imf) { struct ip6_msource *ims, *tims; struct in6_msource *lims; RB_FOREACH_SAFE(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources, tims) { lims = (struct in6_msource *)ims; if (lims->im6sl_st[0] == lims->im6sl_st[1]) { /* no change at t1 */ continue; } else if (lims->im6sl_st[0] != MCAST_UNDEFINED) { /* revert change to existing source at t1 */ lims->im6sl_st[1] = lims->im6sl_st[0]; } else { /* revert source added t1 */ MLD_PRINTF(("%s: free in6ms %p\n", __func__, lims)); RB_REMOVE(ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources, ims); in6ms_free(lims); imf->im6f_nsrc--; } } imf->im6f_st[1] = imf->im6f_st[0]; } /* * Mark socket-layer filter set as INCLUDE {} at t1. * * Caller is expected to be holding im6o_lock. */ void im6f_leave(struct in6_mfilter *imf) { struct ip6_msource *ims; struct in6_msource *lims; RB_FOREACH(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources) { lims = (struct in6_msource *)ims; lims->im6sl_st[1] = MCAST_UNDEFINED; } imf->im6f_st[1] = MCAST_INCLUDE; } /* * Mark socket-layer filter set deltas as committed. * * Caller is expected to be holding im6o_lock. */ static void im6f_commit(struct in6_mfilter *imf) { struct ip6_msource *ims; struct in6_msource *lims; RB_FOREACH(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources) { lims = (struct in6_msource *)ims; lims->im6sl_st[0] = lims->im6sl_st[1]; } imf->im6f_st[0] = imf->im6f_st[1]; } /* * Reap unreferenced sources from socket-layer filter set. * * Caller is expected to be holding im6o_lock. */ static void im6f_reap(struct in6_mfilter *imf) { struct ip6_msource *ims, *tims; struct in6_msource *lims; RB_FOREACH_SAFE(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources, tims) { lims = (struct in6_msource *)ims; if ((lims->im6sl_st[0] == MCAST_UNDEFINED) && (lims->im6sl_st[1] == MCAST_UNDEFINED)) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: free in6ms %p\n", __func__, lims)); RB_REMOVE(ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources, ims); in6ms_free(lims); imf->im6f_nsrc--; } } } /* * Purge socket-layer filter set. * * Caller is expected to be holding im6o_lock. */ void im6f_purge(struct in6_mfilter *imf) { struct ip6_msource *ims, *tims; struct in6_msource *lims; RB_FOREACH_SAFE(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources, tims) { lims = (struct in6_msource *)ims; MLD_PRINTF(("%s: free in6ms %p\n", __func__, lims)); RB_REMOVE(ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources, ims); in6ms_free(lims); imf->im6f_nsrc--; } imf->im6f_st[0] = imf->im6f_st[1] = MCAST_UNDEFINED; VERIFY(RB_EMPTY(&imf->im6f_sources)); } /* * Look up a source filter entry for a multicast group. * * inm is the group descriptor to work with. * addr is the IPv6 address to look up. * noalloc may be non-zero to suppress allocation of sources. * *pims will be set to the address of the retrieved or allocated source. * * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return a non-zero error code. */ static int in6m_get_source(struct in6_multi *inm, const struct in6_addr *addr, const int noalloc, struct ip6_msource **pims) { struct ip6_msource find; struct ip6_msource *ims, *nims; IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(inm); find.im6s_addr = *addr; ims = RB_FIND(ip6_msource_tree, &inm->in6m_srcs, &find); if (ims == NULL && !noalloc) { if (inm->in6m_nsrc == in6_mcast_maxgrpsrc) return (ENOSPC); nims = ip6ms_alloc(M_WAITOK); if (nims == NULL) return (ENOMEM); nims->im6s_addr = *addr; RB_INSERT(ip6_msource_tree, &inm->in6m_srcs, nims); ++inm->in6m_nsrc; ims = nims; MLD_PRINTF(("%s: allocated %s as %p\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(addr), ims)); } *pims = ims; return (0); } /* * Helper function to derive the filter mode on a source entry * from its internal counters. Predicates are: * A source is only excluded if all listeners exclude it. * A source is only included if no listeners exclude it, * and at least one listener includes it. * May be used by ifmcstat(8). */ uint8_t im6s_get_mode(const struct in6_multi *inm, const struct ip6_msource *ims, uint8_t t) { IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(IN6M_CAST_TO_NONCONST(inm)); t = !!t; if (inm->in6m_st[t].iss_ex > 0 && inm->in6m_st[t].iss_ex == ims->im6s_st[t].ex) return (MCAST_EXCLUDE); else if (ims->im6s_st[t].in > 0 && ims->im6s_st[t].ex == 0) return (MCAST_INCLUDE); return (MCAST_UNDEFINED); } /* * Merge socket-layer source into MLD-layer source. * If rollback is non-zero, perform the inverse of the merge. */ static void im6s_merge(struct ip6_msource *ims, const struct in6_msource *lims, const int rollback) { int n = rollback ? -1 : 1; if (lims->im6sl_st[0] == MCAST_EXCLUDE) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: t1 ex -= %d on %s\n", __func__, n, ip6_sprintf(&lims->im6s_addr))); ims->im6s_st[1].ex -= n; } else if (lims->im6sl_st[0] == MCAST_INCLUDE) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: t1 in -= %d on %s\n", __func__, n, ip6_sprintf(&lims->im6s_addr))); ims->im6s_st[1].in -= n; } if (lims->im6sl_st[1] == MCAST_EXCLUDE) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: t1 ex += %d on %s\n", __func__, n, ip6_sprintf(&lims->im6s_addr))); ims->im6s_st[1].ex += n; } else if (lims->im6sl_st[1] == MCAST_INCLUDE) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: t1 in += %d on %s\n", __func__, n, ip6_sprintf(&lims->im6s_addr))); ims->im6s_st[1].in += n; } } /* * Atomically update the global in6_multi state, when a membership's * filter list is being updated in any way. * * imf is the per-inpcb-membership group filter pointer. * A fake imf may be passed for in-kernel consumers. * * XXX This is a candidate for a set-symmetric-difference style loop * which would eliminate the repeated lookup from root of ims nodes, * as they share the same key space. * * If any error occurred this function will back out of refcounts * and return a non-zero value. */ static int in6m_merge(struct in6_multi *inm, /*const*/ struct in6_mfilter *imf) { struct ip6_msource *ims, *nims; struct in6_msource *lims; int schanged, error; int nsrc0, nsrc1; IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(inm); schanged = 0; error = 0; nsrc1 = nsrc0 = 0; /* * Update the source filters first, as this may fail. * Maintain count of in-mode filters at t0, t1. These are * used to work out if we transition into ASM mode or not. * Maintain a count of source filters whose state was * actually modified by this operation. */ RB_FOREACH(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources) { lims = (struct in6_msource *)ims; if (lims->im6sl_st[0] == imf->im6f_st[0]) nsrc0++; if (lims->im6sl_st[1] == imf->im6f_st[1]) nsrc1++; if (lims->im6sl_st[0] == lims->im6sl_st[1]) continue; error = in6m_get_source(inm, &lims->im6s_addr, 0, &nims); ++schanged; if (error) break; im6s_merge(nims, lims, 0); } if (error) { struct ip6_msource *bims; RB_FOREACH_REVERSE_FROM(ims, ip6_msource_tree, nims) { lims = (struct in6_msource *)ims; if (lims->im6sl_st[0] == lims->im6sl_st[1]) continue; (void) in6m_get_source(inm, &lims->im6s_addr, 1, &bims); if (bims == NULL) continue; im6s_merge(bims, lims, 1); } goto out_reap; } MLD_PRINTF(("%s: imf filters in-mode: %d at t0, %d at t1\n", __func__, nsrc0, nsrc1)); /* Handle transition between INCLUDE {n} and INCLUDE {} on socket. */ if (imf->im6f_st[0] == imf->im6f_st[1] && imf->im6f_st[1] == MCAST_INCLUDE) { if (nsrc1 == 0) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: --in on inm at t1\n", __func__)); --inm->in6m_st[1].iss_in; } } /* Handle filter mode transition on socket. */ if (imf->im6f_st[0] != imf->im6f_st[1]) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: imf transition %d to %d\n", __func__, imf->im6f_st[0], imf->im6f_st[1])); if (imf->im6f_st[0] == MCAST_EXCLUDE) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: --ex on inm at t1\n", __func__)); --inm->in6m_st[1].iss_ex; } else if (imf->im6f_st[0] == MCAST_INCLUDE) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: --in on inm at t1\n", __func__)); --inm->in6m_st[1].iss_in; } if (imf->im6f_st[1] == MCAST_EXCLUDE) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: ex++ on inm at t1\n", __func__)); inm->in6m_st[1].iss_ex++; } else if (imf->im6f_st[1] == MCAST_INCLUDE && nsrc1 > 0) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: in++ on inm at t1\n", __func__)); inm->in6m_st[1].iss_in++; } } /* * Track inm filter state in terms of listener counts. * If there are any exclusive listeners, stack-wide * membership is exclusive. * Otherwise, if only inclusive listeners, stack-wide is inclusive. * If no listeners remain, state is undefined at t1, * and the MLD lifecycle for this group should finish. */ if (inm->in6m_st[1].iss_ex > 0) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: transition to EX\n", __func__)); inm->in6m_st[1].iss_fmode = MCAST_EXCLUDE; } else if (inm->in6m_st[1].iss_in > 0) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: transition to IN\n", __func__)); inm->in6m_st[1].iss_fmode = MCAST_INCLUDE; } else { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: transition to UNDEF\n", __func__)); inm->in6m_st[1].iss_fmode = MCAST_UNDEFINED; } /* Decrement ASM listener count on transition out of ASM mode. */ if (imf->im6f_st[0] == MCAST_EXCLUDE && nsrc0 == 0) { if ((imf->im6f_st[1] != MCAST_EXCLUDE) || (imf->im6f_st[1] == MCAST_EXCLUDE && nsrc1 > 0)) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: --asm on inm at t1\n", __func__)); --inm->in6m_st[1].iss_asm; } } /* Increment ASM listener count on transition to ASM mode. */ if (imf->im6f_st[1] == MCAST_EXCLUDE && nsrc1 == 0) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: asm++ on inm at t1\n", __func__)); inm->in6m_st[1].iss_asm++; } MLD_PRINTF(("%s: merged imf %p to inm %p\n", __func__, imf, inm)); in6m_print(inm); out_reap: if (schanged > 0) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: sources changed; reaping\n", __func__)); in6m_reap(inm); } return (error); } /* * Mark an in6_multi's filter set deltas as committed. * Called by MLD after a state change has been enqueued. */ void in6m_commit(struct in6_multi *inm) { struct ip6_msource *ims; IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(inm); MLD_PRINTF(("%s: commit inm %p\n", __func__, inm)); MLD_PRINTF(("%s: pre commit:\n", __func__)); in6m_print(inm); RB_FOREACH(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &inm->in6m_srcs) { ims->im6s_st[0] = ims->im6s_st[1]; } inm->in6m_st[0] = inm->in6m_st[1]; } /* * Reap unreferenced nodes from an in6_multi's filter set. */ static void in6m_reap(struct in6_multi *inm) { struct ip6_msource *ims, *tims; IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(inm); RB_FOREACH_SAFE(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &inm->in6m_srcs, tims) { if (ims->im6s_st[0].ex > 0 || ims->im6s_st[0].in > 0 || ims->im6s_st[1].ex > 0 || ims->im6s_st[1].in > 0 || ims->im6s_stp != 0) continue; MLD_PRINTF(("%s: free ims %p\n", __func__, ims)); RB_REMOVE(ip6_msource_tree, &inm->in6m_srcs, ims); ip6ms_free(ims); inm->in6m_nsrc--; } } /* * Purge all source nodes from an in6_multi's filter set. */ void in6m_purge(struct in6_multi *inm) { struct ip6_msource *ims, *tims; IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(inm); RB_FOREACH_SAFE(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &inm->in6m_srcs, tims) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: free ims %p\n", __func__, ims)); RB_REMOVE(ip6_msource_tree, &inm->in6m_srcs, ims); ip6ms_free(ims); inm->in6m_nsrc--; } } /* * Join a multicast address w/o sources. * KAME compatibility entry point. * */ struct in6_multi_mship * in6_joingroup(struct ifnet *ifp, struct in6_addr *mcaddr, int *errorp, int delay) { struct in6_multi_mship *imm; int error; *errorp = 0; imm = in6_multi_mship_alloc(M_WAITOK); if (imm == NULL) { *errorp = ENOBUFS; return (NULL); } delay = (delay * PR_SLOWHZ) / hz; error = in6_mc_join(ifp, mcaddr, NULL, &imm->i6mm_maddr, delay); if (error) { *errorp = error; in6_multi_mship_free(imm); return (NULL); } return (imm); } /* * Leave a multicast address w/o sources. * KAME compatibility entry point. */ int in6_leavegroup(struct in6_multi_mship *imm) { if (imm->i6mm_maddr != NULL) { in6_mc_leave(imm->i6mm_maddr, NULL); IN6M_REMREF(imm->i6mm_maddr); imm->i6mm_maddr = NULL; } in6_multi_mship_free(imm); return 0; } /* * Join a multicast group; real entry point. * * Only preserves atomicity at inm level. * NOTE: imf argument cannot be const due to sys/tree.h limitations. * * If the MLD downcall fails, the group is not joined, and an error * code is returned. */ int in6_mc_join(struct ifnet *ifp, const struct in6_addr *mcaddr, /*const*/ struct in6_mfilter *imf, struct in6_multi **pinm, const int delay) { struct in6_mfilter timf; struct in6_multi *inm = NULL; int error = 0; /* * Sanity: Check scope zone ID was set for ifp, if and * only if group is scoped to an interface. */ VERIFY(IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(mcaddr)); if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_LINKLOCAL(mcaddr) || IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_INTFACELOCAL(mcaddr)) { VERIFY(mcaddr->s6_addr16[1] != 0); } MLD_PRINTF(("%s: join %s on %p(%s%d))\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(mcaddr), ifp, ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit)); *pinm = NULL; /* * If no imf was specified (i.e. kernel consumer), * fake one up and assume it is an ASM join. */ if (imf == NULL) { im6f_init(&timf, MCAST_UNDEFINED, MCAST_EXCLUDE); imf = &timf; } error = in6_mc_get(ifp, mcaddr, &inm); if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: in6_mc_get() failure\n", __func__)); return (error); } MLD_PRINTF(("%s: merge inm state\n", __func__)); IN6M_LOCK(inm); error = in6m_merge(inm, imf); if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: failed to merge inm state\n", __func__)); goto out_in6m_release; } MLD_PRINTF(("%s: doing mld downcall\n", __func__)); error = mld_change_state(inm, delay); if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: failed to update source\n", __func__)); goto out_in6m_release; } out_in6m_release: if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: dropping ref on %p\n", __func__, inm)); IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); IN6M_REMREF(inm); } else { IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); *pinm = inm; /* keep refcount from in6_mc_get() */ } return (error); } /* * Leave a multicast group; real entry point. * All source filters will be expunged. * * Only preserves atomicity at inm level. * * Holding the write lock for the INP which contains imf * is highly advisable. We can't assert for it as imf does not * contain a back-pointer to the owning inp. * * Note: This is not the same as in6m_release(*) as this function also * makes a state change downcall into MLD. */ int in6_mc_leave(struct in6_multi *inm, /*const*/ struct in6_mfilter *imf) { struct in6_mfilter timf; int error, lastref; error = 0; IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_NOTHELD(inm); in6_multihead_lock_exclusive(); IN6M_LOCK(inm); MLD_PRINTF(("%s: leave inm %p, %s/%s%d, imf %p\n", __func__, inm, ip6_sprintf(&inm->in6m_addr), (in6m_is_ifp_detached(inm) ? "null" : inm->in6m_ifp->if_name), inm->in6m_ifp->if_unit, imf)); /* * If no imf was specified (i.e. kernel consumer), * fake one up and assume it is an ASM join. */ if (imf == NULL) { im6f_init(&timf, MCAST_EXCLUDE, MCAST_UNDEFINED); imf = &timf; } /* * Begin state merge transaction at MLD layer. * * As this particular invocation should not cause any memory * to be allocated, and there is no opportunity to roll back * the transaction, it MUST NOT fail. */ MLD_PRINTF(("%s: merge inm state\n", __func__)); error = in6m_merge(inm, imf); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: failed to merge inm state\n", __func__)); MLD_PRINTF(("%s: doing mld downcall\n", __func__)); error = mld_change_state(inm, 0); #if MLD_DEBUG if (error) MLD_PRINTF(("%s: failed mld downcall\n", __func__)); #endif lastref = in6_multi_detach(inm); VERIFY(!lastref || (!(inm->in6m_debug & IFD_ATTACHED) && inm->in6m_reqcnt == 0)); IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); in6_multihead_lock_done(); if (lastref) IN6M_REMREF(inm); /* for in6_multihead list */ return (error); } /* * Block or unblock an ASM multicast source on an inpcb. * This implements the delta-based API described in RFC 3678. * * The delta-based API applies only to exclusive-mode memberships. * An MLD downcall will be performed. * * Return 0 if successful, otherwise return an appropriate error code. */ static int in6p_block_unblock_source(struct inpcb *inp, struct sockopt *sopt) { struct group_source_req gsr; sockunion_t *gsa, *ssa; struct ifnet *ifp; struct in6_mfilter *imf; struct ip6_moptions *imo; struct in6_msource *ims; struct in6_multi *inm; size_t idx; uint16_t fmode; int error, doblock; ifp = NULL; error = 0; doblock = 0; memset(&gsr, 0, sizeof(struct group_source_req)); gsa = (sockunion_t *)&gsr.gsr_group; ssa = (sockunion_t *)&gsr.gsr_source; switch (sopt->sopt_name) { case MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE: case MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE: error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &gsr, sizeof(struct group_source_req), sizeof(struct group_source_req)); if (error) return (error); if (gsa->sin6.sin6_family != AF_INET6 || gsa->sin6.sin6_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) return (EINVAL); if (ssa->sin6.sin6_family != AF_INET6 || ssa->sin6.sin6_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) return (EINVAL); ifnet_head_lock_shared(); if (gsr.gsr_interface == 0 || (u_int)if_index < gsr.gsr_interface) { ifnet_head_done(); return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); } ifp = ifindex2ifnet[gsr.gsr_interface]; ifnet_head_done(); if (ifp == NULL) return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); if (sopt->sopt_name == MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE) doblock = 1; break; default: MLD_PRINTF(("%s: unknown sopt_name %d\n", __func__, sopt->sopt_name)); return (EOPNOTSUPP); break; } if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr)) return (EINVAL); (void) in6_setscope(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr, ifp, NULL); /* * Check if we are actually a member of this group. */ imo = in6p_findmoptions(inp); if (imo == NULL) return (ENOMEM); IM6O_LOCK(imo); idx = im6o_match_group(imo, ifp, &gsa->sa); if (idx == (size_t)-1 || imo->im6o_mfilters == NULL) { error = EADDRNOTAVAIL; goto out_imo_locked; } VERIFY(imo->im6o_mfilters != NULL); imf = &imo->im6o_mfilters[idx]; inm = imo->im6o_membership[idx]; /* * Attempting to use the delta-based API on an * non exclusive-mode membership is an error. */ fmode = imf->im6f_st[0]; if (fmode != MCAST_EXCLUDE) { error = EINVAL; goto out_imo_locked; } /* * Deal with error cases up-front: * Asked to block, but already blocked; or * Asked to unblock, but nothing to unblock. * If adding a new block entry, allocate it. */ ims = im6o_match_source(imo, idx, &ssa->sa); if ((ims != NULL && doblock) || (ims == NULL && !doblock)) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: source %s %spresent\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&ssa->sin6.sin6_addr), doblock ? "" : "not ")); error = EADDRNOTAVAIL; goto out_imo_locked; } /* * Begin state merge transaction at socket layer. */ if (doblock) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: %s source\n", __func__, "block")); ims = im6f_graft(imf, fmode, &ssa->sin6); if (ims == NULL) error = ENOMEM; } else { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: %s source\n", __func__, "allow")); error = im6f_prune(imf, &ssa->sin6); } if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: merge imf state failed\n", __func__)); goto out_im6f_rollback; } /* * Begin state merge transaction at MLD layer. */ IN6M_LOCK(inm); MLD_PRINTF(("%s: merge inm state\n", __func__)); error = in6m_merge(inm, imf); if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: failed to merge inm state\n", __func__)); IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); goto out_im6f_rollback; } MLD_PRINTF(("%s: doing mld downcall\n", __func__)); error = mld_change_state(inm, 0); IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); #if MLD_DEBUG if (error) MLD_PRINTF(("%s: failed mld downcall\n", __func__)); #endif out_im6f_rollback: if (error) im6f_rollback(imf); else im6f_commit(imf); im6f_reap(imf); out_imo_locked: IM6O_UNLOCK(imo); IM6O_REMREF(imo); /* from in6p_findmoptions() */ return (error); } /* * Given an inpcb, return its multicast options structure pointer. Accepts * an unlocked inpcb pointer, but will return it locked. May sleep. * */ static struct ip6_moptions * in6p_findmoptions(struct inpcb *inp) { struct ip6_moptions *imo; struct in6_multi **immp; struct in6_mfilter *imfp; size_t idx; if ((imo = inp->in6p_moptions) != NULL) { IM6O_ADDREF(imo); /* for caller */ return (imo); } imo = ip6_allocmoptions(M_WAITOK); if (imo == NULL) return (NULL); immp = _MALLOC(sizeof (*immp) * IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS, M_IP6MOPTS, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); if (immp == NULL) { IM6O_REMREF(imo); return (NULL); } imfp = _MALLOC(sizeof (struct in6_mfilter) * IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS, M_IN6MFILTER, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); if (imfp == NULL) { _FREE(immp, M_IP6MOPTS); IM6O_REMREF(imo); return (NULL); } imo->im6o_multicast_ifp = NULL; imo->im6o_multicast_hlim = ip6_defmcasthlim; imo->im6o_multicast_loop = in6_mcast_loop; imo->im6o_num_memberships = 0; imo->im6o_max_memberships = IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS; imo->im6o_membership = immp; /* Initialize per-group source filters. */ for (idx = 0; idx < IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS; idx++) im6f_init(&imfp[idx], MCAST_UNDEFINED, MCAST_EXCLUDE); imo->im6o_mfilters = imfp; inp->in6p_moptions = imo; /* keep reference from ip6_allocmoptions() */ IM6O_ADDREF(imo); /* for caller */ return (imo); } /* * Atomically get source filters on a socket for an IPv6 multicast group. * Called with INP lock held; returns with lock released. */ static int in6p_get_source_filters(struct inpcb *inp, struct sockopt *sopt) { struct __msfilterreq64 msfr, msfr64; struct __msfilterreq32 msfr32; sockunion_t *gsa; struct ifnet *ifp; struct ip6_moptions *imo; struct in6_mfilter *imf; struct ip6_msource *ims; struct in6_msource *lims; struct sockaddr_in6 *psin; struct sockaddr_storage *ptss; struct sockaddr_storage *tss; int error; size_t idx, nsrcs, ncsrcs; user_addr_t tmp_ptr; imo = inp->in6p_moptions; VERIFY(imo != NULL); if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(current_proc())) { error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &msfr64, sizeof(struct __msfilterreq64), sizeof(struct __msfilterreq64)); if (error) return (error); /* we never use msfr.msfr_srcs; */ memcpy(&msfr, &msfr64, sizeof(msfr)); } else { error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &msfr32, sizeof(struct __msfilterreq32), sizeof(struct __msfilterreq32)); if (error) return (error); /* we never use msfr.msfr_srcs; */ memcpy(&msfr, &msfr32, sizeof(msfr)); } if (msfr.msfr_group.ss_family != AF_INET6 || msfr.msfr_group.ss_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) return (EINVAL); gsa = (sockunion_t *)&msfr.msfr_group; if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr)) return (EINVAL); ifnet_head_lock_shared(); if (msfr.msfr_ifindex == 0 || (u_int)if_index < msfr.msfr_ifindex) { ifnet_head_done(); return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); } ifp = ifindex2ifnet[msfr.msfr_ifindex]; ifnet_head_done(); if (ifp == NULL) return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); if ((size_t) msfr.msfr_nsrcs > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)) msfr.msfr_nsrcs = SIZE_MAX / sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); if (msfr.msfr_nsrcs > in6_mcast_maxsocksrc) msfr.msfr_nsrcs = in6_mcast_maxsocksrc; (void)in6_setscope(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr, ifp, NULL); IM6O_LOCK(imo); /* * Lookup group on the socket. */ idx = im6o_match_group(imo, ifp, &gsa->sa); if (idx == (size_t)-1 || imo->im6o_mfilters == NULL) { IM6O_UNLOCK(imo); return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); } imf = &imo->im6o_mfilters[idx]; /* * Ignore memberships which are in limbo. */ if (imf->im6f_st[1] == MCAST_UNDEFINED) { IM6O_UNLOCK(imo); return (EAGAIN); } msfr.msfr_fmode = imf->im6f_st[1]; /* * If the user specified a buffer, copy out the source filter * entries to userland gracefully. * We only copy out the number of entries which userland * has asked for, but we always tell userland how big the * buffer really needs to be. */ tss = NULL; if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(current_proc())) tmp_ptr = msfr64.msfr_srcs; else tmp_ptr = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(msfr32.msfr_srcs); if (tmp_ptr != USER_ADDR_NULL && msfr.msfr_nsrcs > 0) { tss = _MALLOC((size_t) msfr.msfr_nsrcs * sizeof(*tss), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); if (tss == NULL) { IM6O_UNLOCK(imo); return (ENOBUFS); } bzero(tss, (size_t) msfr.msfr_nsrcs * sizeof(*tss)); } /* * Count number of sources in-mode at t0. * If buffer space exists and remains, copy out source entries. */ nsrcs = msfr.msfr_nsrcs; ncsrcs = 0; ptss = tss; RB_FOREACH(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &imf->im6f_sources) { lims = (struct in6_msource *)ims; if (lims->im6sl_st[0] == MCAST_UNDEFINED || lims->im6sl_st[0] != imf->im6f_st[0]) continue; if (tss != NULL && nsrcs > 0) { psin = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)ptss; psin->sin6_family = AF_INET6; psin->sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); psin->sin6_addr = lims->im6s_addr; psin->sin6_port = 0; --nsrcs; ++ptss; ++ncsrcs; } } IM6O_UNLOCK(imo); if (tss != NULL) { error = copyout(tss, tmp_ptr, ncsrcs * sizeof(*tss)); FREE(tss, M_TEMP); if (error) return (error); } msfr.msfr_nsrcs = ncsrcs; if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(current_proc())) { msfr64.msfr_ifindex = msfr.msfr_ifindex; msfr64.msfr_fmode = msfr.msfr_fmode; msfr64.msfr_nsrcs = msfr.msfr_nsrcs; memcpy(&msfr64.msfr_group, &msfr.msfr_group, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &msfr64, sizeof(struct __msfilterreq64)); } else { msfr32.msfr_ifindex = msfr.msfr_ifindex; msfr32.msfr_fmode = msfr.msfr_fmode; msfr32.msfr_nsrcs = msfr.msfr_nsrcs; memcpy(&msfr64.msfr_group, &msfr.msfr_group, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &msfr32, sizeof(struct __msfilterreq32)); } return (error); } /* * Return the IP multicast options in response to user getsockopt(). */ int ip6_getmoptions(struct inpcb *inp, struct sockopt *sopt) { struct ip6_moptions *im6o; int error; u_int optval; im6o = inp->in6p_moptions; /* * If socket is neither of type SOCK_RAW or SOCK_DGRAM, * or is a divert socket, reject it. */ if (inp->inp_socket->so_proto->pr_protocol == IPPROTO_DIVERT || (inp->inp_socket->so_proto->pr_type != SOCK_RAW && inp->inp_socket->so_proto->pr_type != SOCK_DGRAM)) { return (EOPNOTSUPP); } error = 0; switch (sopt->sopt_name) { case IPV6_MULTICAST_IF: if (im6o != NULL) IM6O_LOCK(im6o); if (im6o == NULL || im6o->im6o_multicast_ifp == NULL) { optval = 0; } else { optval = im6o->im6o_multicast_ifp->if_index; } if (im6o != NULL) IM6O_UNLOCK(im6o); error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &optval, sizeof(u_int)); break; case IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS: if (im6o == NULL) { optval = ip6_defmcasthlim; } else { IM6O_LOCK(im6o); optval = im6o->im6o_multicast_hlim; IM6O_UNLOCK(im6o); } error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &optval, sizeof(u_int)); break; case IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP: if (im6o == NULL) { optval = in6_mcast_loop; /* XXX VIMAGE */ } else { IM6O_LOCK(im6o); optval = im6o->im6o_multicast_loop; IM6O_UNLOCK(im6o); } error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &optval, sizeof(u_int)); break; case IPV6_MSFILTER: if (im6o == NULL) { error = EADDRNOTAVAIL; } else { error = in6p_get_source_filters(inp, sopt); } break; default: error = ENOPROTOOPT; break; } return (error); } /* * Look up the ifnet to use for a multicast group membership, * given the address of an IPv6 group. * * This routine exists to support legacy IPv6 multicast applications. * * If inp is non-NULL and is bound to an interface, use this socket's * inp_boundif for any required routing table lookup. * * If the route lookup fails, return NULL. * * FUTURE: Support multiple forwarding tables for IPv6. * * Returns NULL if no ifp could be found. */ static struct ifnet * in6p_lookup_mcast_ifp(const struct inpcb *in6p, const struct sockaddr_in6 *gsin6) { struct route_in6 ro6; struct ifnet *ifp; unsigned int ifscope = IFSCOPE_NONE; VERIFY(in6p == NULL || (in6p->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6)); VERIFY(gsin6->sin6_family == AF_INET6); if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&gsin6->sin6_addr) == 0) return NULL; if (in6p != NULL && (in6p->inp_flags & INP_BOUND_IF)) ifscope = in6p->inp_boundifp->if_index; ifp = NULL; memset(&ro6, 0, sizeof(struct route_in6)); memcpy(&ro6.ro_dst, gsin6, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)); rtalloc_scoped_ign((struct route *)&ro6, 0, ifscope); if (ro6.ro_rt != NULL) { ifp = ro6.ro_rt->rt_ifp; VERIFY(ifp != NULL); rtfree(ro6.ro_rt); } return (ifp); } /* * Since ipv6_mreq contains an ifindex and ip_mreq contains an AF_INET * address, we need to lookup the AF_INET address when translating an * ipv6_mreq structure into an ipmreq structure. * This is used when userland performs multicast setsockopt() on AF_INET6 * sockets with AF_INET multicast addresses (IPv6 v4 mapped addresses). */ static int in6p_lookup_v4addr(struct ipv6_mreq *mreq, struct ip_mreq *v4mreq) { struct ifnet *ifp; struct ifaddr *ifa; struct sockaddr_in *sin; ifnet_head_lock_shared(); if (mreq->ipv6mr_interface > (unsigned int)if_index) { ifnet_head_done(); return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); } else ifp = ifindex2ifnet[mreq->ipv6mr_interface]; ifnet_head_done(); if (ifp == NULL) return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); ifa = ifa_ifpgetprimary(ifp, AF_INET); if (ifa == NULL) return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)(uintptr_t)(size_t)ifa->ifa_addr; v4mreq->imr_interface.s_addr = sin->sin_addr.s_addr; IFA_REMREF(ifa); return (0); } /* * Join an IPv6 multicast group, possibly with a source. * * FIXME: The KAME use of the unspecified address (::) * to join *all* multicast groups is currently unsupported. */ static int in6p_join_group(struct inpcb *inp, struct sockopt *sopt) { struct group_source_req gsr; sockunion_t *gsa, *ssa; struct ifnet *ifp; struct in6_mfilter *imf; struct ip6_moptions *imo; struct in6_multi *inm = NULL; struct in6_msource *lims = NULL; size_t idx; int error, is_new; uint32_t scopeid = 0; ifp = NULL; imf = NULL; error = 0; is_new = 0; memset(&gsr, 0, sizeof(struct group_source_req)); gsa = (sockunion_t *)&gsr.gsr_group; gsa->ss.ss_family = AF_UNSPEC; ssa = (sockunion_t *)&gsr.gsr_source; ssa->ss.ss_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* * Chew everything into struct group_source_req. * Overwrite the port field if present, as the sockaddr * being copied in may be matched with a binary comparison. * Ignore passed-in scope ID. */ switch (sopt->sopt_name) { case IPV6_JOIN_GROUP: { struct ipv6_mreq mreq; struct sockaddr_in6 *gsin6; error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &mreq, sizeof(struct ipv6_mreq), sizeof(struct ipv6_mreq)); if (error) return (error); if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr)) { struct ip_mreq v4mreq; struct sockopt v4sopt; v4mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr.s6_addr32[3]; if (mreq.ipv6mr_interface == 0) v4mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; else error = in6p_lookup_v4addr(&mreq, &v4mreq); if (error) return (error); v4sopt.sopt_dir = SOPT_SET; v4sopt.sopt_level = sopt->sopt_level; v4sopt.sopt_name = IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP; v4sopt.sopt_val = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(&v4mreq); v4sopt.sopt_valsize = sizeof(v4mreq); v4sopt.sopt_p = kernproc; return (inp_join_group(inp, &v4sopt)); } gsa->sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; gsa->sin6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); gsa->sin6.sin6_addr = mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr; gsin6 = &gsa->sin6; /* Only allow IPv6 multicast addresses */ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&gsin6->sin6_addr) == 0) { return (EINVAL); } if (mreq.ipv6mr_interface == 0) { ifp = in6p_lookup_mcast_ifp(inp, gsin6); } else { ifnet_head_lock_shared(); if ((u_int)if_index < mreq.ipv6mr_interface) { ifnet_head_done(); return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); } ifp = ifindex2ifnet[mreq.ipv6mr_interface]; ifnet_head_done(); } MLD_PRINTF(("%s: ipv6mr_interface = %d, ifp = %p\n", __func__, mreq.ipv6mr_interface, ifp)); break; } case MCAST_JOIN_GROUP: case MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP: if (sopt->sopt_name == MCAST_JOIN_GROUP) { error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &gsr, sizeof(struct group_req), sizeof(struct group_req)); } else if (sopt->sopt_name == MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP) { error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &gsr, sizeof(struct group_source_req), sizeof(struct group_source_req)); } if (error) return (error); if (gsa->sin6.sin6_family != AF_INET6 || gsa->sin6.sin6_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) return (EINVAL); if (sopt->sopt_name == MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP) { if (ssa->sin6.sin6_family != AF_INET6 || ssa->sin6.sin6_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) return (EINVAL); if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&ssa->sin6.sin6_addr)) return (EINVAL); /* * TODO: Validate embedded scope ID in source * list entry against passed-in ifp, if and only * if source list filter entry is iface or node local. */ in6_clearscope(&ssa->sin6.sin6_addr); ssa->sin6.sin6_port = 0; ssa->sin6.sin6_scope_id = 0; } ifnet_head_lock_shared(); if (gsr.gsr_interface == 0 || (u_int)if_index < gsr.gsr_interface) { ifnet_head_done(); return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); } ifp = ifindex2ifnet[gsr.gsr_interface]; ifnet_head_done(); break; default: MLD_PRINTF(("%s: unknown sopt_name %d\n", __func__, sopt->sopt_name)); return (EOPNOTSUPP); break; } if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr)) return (EINVAL); if (ifp == NULL || (ifp->if_flags & IFF_MULTICAST) == 0) return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); gsa->sin6.sin6_port = 0; gsa->sin6.sin6_scope_id = 0; /* * Always set the scope zone ID on memberships created from userland. * Use the passed-in ifp to do this. */ (void)in6_setscope(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr, ifp, &scopeid); /* * Some addresses are not valid without an embedded scopeid. * This check must be present because otherwise we will later hit * a VERIFY() in in6_mc_join(). */ if ((IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_LINKLOCAL(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr) || IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_INTFACELOCAL(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr)) && (scopeid == 0 || gsa->sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] == 0)) return (EINVAL); imo = in6p_findmoptions(inp); if (imo == NULL) return (ENOMEM); IM6O_LOCK(imo); idx = im6o_match_group(imo, ifp, &gsa->sa); if (idx == (size_t)-1) { is_new = 1; } else { inm = imo->im6o_membership[idx]; imf = &imo->im6o_mfilters[idx]; if (ssa->ss.ss_family != AF_UNSPEC) { /* * MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP on an exclusive membership * is an error. On an existing inclusive membership, * it just adds the source to the filter list. */ if (imf->im6f_st[1] != MCAST_INCLUDE) { error = EINVAL; goto out_imo_locked; } /* * Throw out duplicates. * * XXX FIXME: This makes a naive assumption that * even if entries exist for *ssa in this imf, * they will be rejected as dupes, even if they * are not valid in the current mode (in-mode). * * in6_msource is transactioned just as for anything * else in SSM -- but note naive use of in6m_graft() * below for allocating new filter entries. * * This is only an issue if someone mixes the * full-state SSM API with the delta-based API, * which is discouraged in the relevant RFCs. */ lims = im6o_match_source(imo, idx, &ssa->sa); if (lims != NULL /*&& lims->im6sl_st[1] == MCAST_INCLUDE*/) { error = EADDRNOTAVAIL; goto out_imo_locked; } } else { /* * MCAST_JOIN_GROUP on an existing exclusive * membership is an error; return EADDRINUSE * to preserve 4.4BSD API idempotence, and * avoid tedious detour to code below. * NOTE: This is bending RFC 3678 a bit. * * On an existing inclusive membership, this is also * an error; if you want to change filter mode, * you must use the userland API setsourcefilter(). * XXX We don't reject this for imf in UNDEFINED * state at t1, because allocation of a filter * is atomic with allocation of a membership. */ error = EINVAL; /* See comments above for EADDRINUSE */ if (imf->im6f_st[1] == MCAST_EXCLUDE) error = EADDRINUSE; goto out_imo_locked; } } /* * Begin state merge transaction at socket layer. */ if (is_new) { if (imo->im6o_num_memberships == imo->im6o_max_memberships) { error = im6o_grow(imo, 0); if (error) goto out_imo_locked; } /* * Allocate the new slot upfront so we can deal with * grafting the new source filter in same code path * as for join-source on existing membership. */ idx = imo->im6o_num_memberships; imo->im6o_membership[idx] = NULL; imo->im6o_num_memberships++; VERIFY(imo->im6o_mfilters != NULL); imf = &imo->im6o_mfilters[idx]; VERIFY(RB_EMPTY(&imf->im6f_sources)); } /* * Graft new source into filter list for this inpcb's * membership of the group. The in6_multi may not have * been allocated yet if this is a new membership, however, * the in_mfilter slot will be allocated and must be initialized. * * Note: Grafting of exclusive mode filters doesn't happen * in this path. * XXX: Should check for non-NULL lims (node exists but may * not be in-mode) for interop with full-state API. */ if (ssa->ss.ss_family != AF_UNSPEC) { /* Membership starts in IN mode */ if (is_new) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: new join w/source\n", __func__); im6f_init(imf, MCAST_UNDEFINED, MCAST_INCLUDE)); } else { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: %s source\n", __func__, "allow")); } lims = im6f_graft(imf, MCAST_INCLUDE, &ssa->sin6); if (lims == NULL) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: merge imf state failed\n", __func__)); error = ENOMEM; goto out_im6o_free; } } else { /* No address specified; Membership starts in EX mode */ if (is_new) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: new join w/o source", __func__)); im6f_init(imf, MCAST_UNDEFINED, MCAST_EXCLUDE); } } /* * Begin state merge transaction at MLD layer. */ if (is_new) { VERIFY(inm == NULL); error = in6_mc_join(ifp, &gsa->sin6.sin6_addr, imf, &inm, 0); VERIFY(inm != NULL || error != 0); if (error) goto out_im6o_free; imo->im6o_membership[idx] = inm; /* from in6_mc_join() */ } else { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: merge inm state\n", __func__)); IN6M_LOCK(inm); error = in6m_merge(inm, imf); if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: failed to merge inm state\n", __func__)); IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); goto out_im6f_rollback; } MLD_PRINTF(("%s: doing mld downcall\n", __func__)); error = mld_change_state(inm, 0); IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: failed mld downcall\n", __func__)); goto out_im6f_rollback; } } out_im6f_rollback: if (error) { im6f_rollback(imf); if (is_new) im6f_purge(imf); else im6f_reap(imf); } else { im6f_commit(imf); } out_im6o_free: if (error && is_new) { VERIFY(inm == NULL); imo->im6o_membership[idx] = NULL; --imo->im6o_num_memberships; } out_imo_locked: IM6O_UNLOCK(imo); IM6O_REMREF(imo); /* from in6p_findmoptions() */ return (error); } /* * Leave an IPv6 multicast group on an inpcb, possibly with a source. */ static int in6p_leave_group(struct inpcb *inp, struct sockopt *sopt) { struct ipv6_mreq mreq; struct group_source_req gsr; sockunion_t *gsa, *ssa; struct ifnet *ifp; struct in6_mfilter *imf; struct ip6_moptions *imo; struct in6_msource *ims; struct in6_multi *inm = NULL; uint32_t ifindex = 0; size_t idx; int error, is_final; ifp = NULL; error = 0; is_final = 1; memset(&gsr, 0, sizeof(struct group_source_req)); gsa = (sockunion_t *)&gsr.gsr_group; gsa->ss.ss_family = AF_UNSPEC; ssa = (sockunion_t *)&gsr.gsr_source; ssa->ss.ss_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* * Chew everything passed in up into a struct group_source_req * as that is easier to process. * Note: Any embedded scope ID in the multicast group passed * in by userland is ignored, the interface index is the recommended * mechanism to specify an interface; see below. */ switch (sopt->sopt_name) { case IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP: { struct sockaddr_in6 *gsin6; error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &mreq, sizeof(struct ipv6_mreq), sizeof(struct ipv6_mreq)); if (error) return (error); if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr)) { struct ip_mreq v4mreq; struct sockopt v4sopt; v4mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr.s6_addr32[3]; if (mreq.ipv6mr_interface == 0) v4mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; else error = in6p_lookup_v4addr(&mreq, &v4mreq); if (error) return (error); v4sopt.sopt_dir = SOPT_SET; v4sopt.sopt_level = sopt->sopt_level; v4sopt.sopt_name = IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP; v4sopt.sopt_val = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(&v4mreq); v4sopt.sopt_valsize = sizeof(v4mreq); v4sopt.sopt_p = kernproc; return (inp_leave_group(inp, &v4sopt)); } gsa->sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; gsa->sin6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); gsa->sin6.sin6_addr = mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr; gsa->sin6.sin6_port = 0; gsa->sin6.sin6_scope_id = 0; ifindex = mreq.ipv6mr_interface; gsin6 = &gsa->sin6; /* Only allow IPv6 multicast addresses */ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&gsin6->sin6_addr) == 0) { return (EINVAL); } break; } case MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP: case MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP: if (sopt->sopt_name == MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP) { error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &gsr, sizeof(struct group_req), sizeof(struct group_req)); } else if (sopt->sopt_name == MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP) { error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &gsr, sizeof(struct group_source_req), sizeof(struct group_source_req)); } if (error) return (error); if (gsa->sin6.sin6_family != AF_INET6 || gsa->sin6.sin6_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) return (EINVAL); if (sopt->sopt_name == MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP) { if (ssa->sin6.sin6_family != AF_INET6 || ssa->sin6.sin6_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) return (EINVAL); if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&ssa->sin6.sin6_addr)) return (EINVAL); /* * TODO: Validate embedded scope ID in source * list entry against passed-in ifp, if and only * if source list filter entry is iface or node local. */ in6_clearscope(&ssa->sin6.sin6_addr); } gsa->sin6.sin6_port = 0; gsa->sin6.sin6_scope_id = 0; ifindex = gsr.gsr_interface; break; default: MLD_PRINTF(("%s: unknown sopt_name %d\n", __func__, sopt->sopt_name)); return (EOPNOTSUPP); break; } if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr)) return (EINVAL); /* * Validate interface index if provided. If no interface index * was provided separately, attempt to look the membership up * from the default scope as a last resort to disambiguate * the membership we are being asked to leave. * XXX SCOPE6 lock potentially taken here. */ if (ifindex != 0) { ifnet_head_lock_shared(); if ((u_int)if_index < ifindex) { ifnet_head_done(); return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); } ifp = ifindex2ifnet[ifindex]; ifnet_head_done(); if (ifp == NULL) return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); (void) in6_setscope(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr, ifp, NULL); } else { error = sa6_embedscope(&gsa->sin6, ip6_use_defzone); if (error) return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); /* * Some badly behaved applications don't pass an ifindex * or a scope ID, which is an API violation. In this case, * perform a lookup as per a v6 join. * * XXX For now, stomp on zone ID for the corner case. * This is not the 'KAME way', but we need to see the ifp * directly until such time as this implementation is * refactored, assuming the scope IDs are the way to go. */ ifindex = ntohs(gsa->sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1]); if (ifindex == 0) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: warning: no ifindex, looking up " "ifp for group %s.\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr))); ifp = in6p_lookup_mcast_ifp(inp, &gsa->sin6); } else { ifnet_head_lock_shared(); ifp = ifindex2ifnet[ifindex]; ifnet_head_done(); } if (ifp == NULL) return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); } VERIFY(ifp != NULL); MLD_PRINTF(("%s: ifp = %p\n", __func__, ifp)); /* * Find the membership in the membership array. */ imo = in6p_findmoptions(inp); if (imo == NULL) return (ENOMEM); IM6O_LOCK(imo); idx = im6o_match_group(imo, ifp, &gsa->sa); if (idx == (size_t)-1) { error = EADDRNOTAVAIL; goto out_locked; } inm = imo->im6o_membership[idx]; imf = &imo->im6o_mfilters[idx]; if (ssa->ss.ss_family != AF_UNSPEC) is_final = 0; /* * Begin state merge transaction at socket layer. */ /* * If we were instructed only to leave a given source, do so. * MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP is only valid for inclusive memberships. */ if (is_final) { im6f_leave(imf); } else { if (imf->im6f_st[0] == MCAST_EXCLUDE) { error = EADDRNOTAVAIL; goto out_locked; } ims = im6o_match_source(imo, idx, &ssa->sa); if (ims == NULL) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: source %p %spresent\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&ssa->sin6.sin6_addr), "not ")); error = EADDRNOTAVAIL; goto out_locked; } MLD_PRINTF(("%s: %s source\n", __func__, "block")); error = im6f_prune(imf, &ssa->sin6); if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: merge imf state failed\n", __func__)); goto out_locked; } } /* * Begin state merge transaction at MLD layer. */ if (is_final) { /* * Give up the multicast address record to which * the membership points. Reference held in im6o * will be released below. */ (void) in6_mc_leave(inm, imf); } else { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: merge inm state\n", __func__)); IN6M_LOCK(inm); error = in6m_merge(inm, imf); if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: failed to merge inm state\n", __func__)); IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); goto out_im6f_rollback; } MLD_PRINTF(("%s: doing mld downcall\n", __func__)); error = mld_change_state(inm, 0); if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: failed mld downcall\n", __func__)); } IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); } out_im6f_rollback: if (error) im6f_rollback(imf); else im6f_commit(imf); im6f_reap(imf); if (is_final) { /* Remove the gap in the membership array. */ VERIFY(inm == imo->im6o_membership[idx]); imo->im6o_membership[idx] = NULL; IN6M_REMREF(inm); for (++idx; idx < imo->im6o_num_memberships; ++idx) { imo->im6o_membership[idx-1] = imo->im6o_membership[idx]; imo->im6o_mfilters[idx-1] = imo->im6o_mfilters[idx]; } imo->im6o_num_memberships--; } out_locked: IM6O_UNLOCK(imo); IM6O_REMREF(imo); /* from in6p_findmoptions() */ return (error); } /* * Select the interface for transmitting IPv6 multicast datagrams. * * Either an instance of struct in6_addr or an instance of struct ipv6_mreqn * may be passed to this socket option. An address of in6addr_any or an * interface index of 0 is used to remove a previous selection. * When no interface is selected, one is chosen for every send. */ static int in6p_set_multicast_if(struct inpcb *inp, struct sockopt *sopt) { struct ifnet *ifp; struct ip6_moptions *imo; u_int ifindex; int error; if (sopt->sopt_valsize != sizeof(u_int)) return (EINVAL); error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &ifindex, sizeof(u_int), sizeof(u_int)); if (error) return (error); ifnet_head_lock_shared(); if ((u_int)if_index < ifindex) { ifnet_head_done(); return (EINVAL); } ifp = ifindex2ifnet[ifindex]; ifnet_head_done(); if (ifp == NULL || (ifp->if_flags & IFF_MULTICAST) == 0) return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); imo = in6p_findmoptions(inp); if (imo == NULL) return (ENOMEM); IM6O_LOCK(imo); imo->im6o_multicast_ifp = ifp; IM6O_UNLOCK(imo); IM6O_REMREF(imo); /* from in6p_findmoptions() */ return (0); } /* * Atomically set source filters on a socket for an IPv6 multicast group. * */ static int in6p_set_source_filters(struct inpcb *inp, struct sockopt *sopt) { struct __msfilterreq64 msfr, msfr64; struct __msfilterreq32 msfr32; sockunion_t *gsa; struct ifnet *ifp; struct in6_mfilter *imf; struct ip6_moptions *imo; struct in6_multi *inm; size_t idx; int error; user_addr_t tmp_ptr; if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(current_proc())) { error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &msfr64, sizeof(struct __msfilterreq64), sizeof(struct __msfilterreq64)); if (error) return (error); /* we never use msfr.msfr_srcs; */ memcpy(&msfr, &msfr64, sizeof(msfr)); } else { error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &msfr32, sizeof(struct __msfilterreq32), sizeof(struct __msfilterreq32)); if (error) return (error); /* we never use msfr.msfr_srcs; */ memcpy(&msfr, &msfr32, sizeof(msfr)); } if ((size_t) msfr.msfr_nsrcs > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)) msfr.msfr_nsrcs = SIZE_MAX / sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); if (msfr.msfr_nsrcs > in6_mcast_maxsocksrc) return (ENOBUFS); if (msfr.msfr_fmode != MCAST_EXCLUDE && msfr.msfr_fmode != MCAST_INCLUDE) return (EINVAL); if (msfr.msfr_group.ss_family != AF_INET6 || msfr.msfr_group.ss_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) return (EINVAL); gsa = (sockunion_t *)&msfr.msfr_group; if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr)) return (EINVAL); gsa->sin6.sin6_port = 0; /* ignore port */ ifnet_head_lock_shared(); if (msfr.msfr_ifindex == 0 || (u_int)if_index < msfr.msfr_ifindex) { ifnet_head_done(); return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); } ifp = ifindex2ifnet[msfr.msfr_ifindex]; ifnet_head_done(); if (ifp == NULL) return (EADDRNOTAVAIL); (void)in6_setscope(&gsa->sin6.sin6_addr, ifp, NULL); /* * Take the INP write lock. * Check if this socket is a member of this group. */ imo = in6p_findmoptions(inp); if (imo == NULL) return (ENOMEM); IM6O_LOCK(imo); idx = im6o_match_group(imo, ifp, &gsa->sa); if (idx == (size_t)-1 || imo->im6o_mfilters == NULL) { error = EADDRNOTAVAIL; goto out_imo_locked; } inm = imo->im6o_membership[idx]; imf = &imo->im6o_mfilters[idx]; /* * Begin state merge transaction at socket layer. */ imf->im6f_st[1] = msfr.msfr_fmode; /* * Apply any new source filters, if present. * Make a copy of the user-space source vector so * that we may copy them with a single copyin. This * allows us to deal with page faults up-front. */ if (msfr.msfr_nsrcs > 0) { struct in6_msource *lims; struct sockaddr_in6 *psin; struct sockaddr_storage *kss, *pkss; unsigned int i; if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(current_proc())) tmp_ptr = msfr64.msfr_srcs; else tmp_ptr = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(msfr32.msfr_srcs); MLD_PRINTF(("%s: loading %lu source list entries\n", __func__, (unsigned long)msfr.msfr_nsrcs)); kss = _MALLOC((size_t) msfr.msfr_nsrcs * sizeof(*kss), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); if (kss == NULL) { error = ENOMEM; goto out_imo_locked; } error = copyin(tmp_ptr, kss, (size_t) msfr.msfr_nsrcs * sizeof(*kss)); if (error) { FREE(kss, M_TEMP); goto out_imo_locked; } /* * Mark all source filters as UNDEFINED at t1. * Restore new group filter mode, as im6f_leave() * will set it to INCLUDE. */ im6f_leave(imf); imf->im6f_st[1] = msfr.msfr_fmode; /* * Update socket layer filters at t1, lazy-allocating * new entries. This saves a bunch of memory at the * cost of one RB_FIND() per source entry; duplicate * entries in the msfr_nsrcs vector are ignored. * If we encounter an error, rollback transaction. * * XXX This too could be replaced with a set-symmetric * difference like loop to avoid walking from root * every time, as the key space is common. */ for (i = 0, pkss = kss; i < msfr.msfr_nsrcs; i++, pkss++) { psin = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)pkss; if (psin->sin6_family != AF_INET6) { error = EAFNOSUPPORT; break; } if (psin->sin6_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) { error = EINVAL; break; } if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&psin->sin6_addr)) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* * TODO: Validate embedded scope ID in source * list entry against passed-in ifp, if and only * if source list filter entry is iface or node local. */ in6_clearscope(&psin->sin6_addr); error = im6f_get_source(imf, psin, &lims); if (error) break; lims->im6sl_st[1] = imf->im6f_st[1]; } FREE(kss, M_TEMP); } if (error) goto out_im6f_rollback; /* * Begin state merge transaction at MLD layer. */ IN6M_LOCK(inm); MLD_PRINTF(("%s: merge inm state\n", __func__)); error = in6m_merge(inm, imf); if (error) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: failed to merge inm state\n", __func__)); IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); goto out_im6f_rollback; } MLD_PRINTF(("%s: doing mld downcall\n", __func__)); error = mld_change_state(inm, 0); IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); #if MLD_DEBUG if (error) MLD_PRINTF(("%s: failed mld downcall\n", __func__)); #endif out_im6f_rollback: if (error) im6f_rollback(imf); else im6f_commit(imf); im6f_reap(imf); out_imo_locked: IM6O_UNLOCK(imo); IM6O_REMREF(imo); /* from in6p_findmoptions() */ return (error); } /* * Set the IP multicast options in response to user setsockopt(). * * Many of the socket options handled in this function duplicate the * functionality of socket options in the regular unicast API. However, * it is not possible to merge the duplicate code, because the idempotence * of the IPv6 multicast part of the BSD Sockets API must be preserved; * the effects of these options must be treated as separate and distinct. * */ int ip6_setmoptions(struct inpcb *inp, struct sockopt *sopt) { struct ip6_moptions *im6o; int error; error = 0; /* * If socket is neither of type SOCK_RAW or SOCK_DGRAM, * or is a divert socket, reject it. */ if (inp->inp_socket->so_proto->pr_protocol == IPPROTO_DIVERT || (inp->inp_socket->so_proto->pr_type != SOCK_RAW && inp->inp_socket->so_proto->pr_type != SOCK_DGRAM)) return (EOPNOTSUPP); switch (sopt->sopt_name) { case IPV6_MULTICAST_IF: error = in6p_set_multicast_if(inp, sopt); break; case IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS: { int hlim; if (sopt->sopt_valsize != sizeof(int)) { error = EINVAL; break; } error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &hlim, sizeof(hlim), sizeof(int)); if (error) break; if (hlim < -1 || hlim > 255) { error = EINVAL; break; } else if (hlim == -1) { hlim = ip6_defmcasthlim; } im6o = in6p_findmoptions(inp); if (im6o == NULL) { error = ENOMEM; break; } IM6O_LOCK(im6o); im6o->im6o_multicast_hlim = hlim; IM6O_UNLOCK(im6o); IM6O_REMREF(im6o); /* from in6p_findmoptions() */ break; } case IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP: { u_int loop; /* * Set the loopback flag for outgoing multicast packets. * Must be zero or one. */ if (sopt->sopt_valsize != sizeof(u_int)) { error = EINVAL; break; } error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &loop, sizeof(u_int), sizeof(u_int)); if (error) break; if (loop > 1) { error = EINVAL; break; } im6o = in6p_findmoptions(inp); if (im6o == NULL) { error = ENOMEM; break; } IM6O_LOCK(im6o); im6o->im6o_multicast_loop = loop; IM6O_UNLOCK(im6o); IM6O_REMREF(im6o); /* from in6p_findmoptions() */ break; } case IPV6_JOIN_GROUP: case MCAST_JOIN_GROUP: case MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP: error = in6p_join_group(inp, sopt); break; case IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP: case MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP: case MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP: error = in6p_leave_group(inp, sopt); break; case MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE: case MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE: error = in6p_block_unblock_source(inp, sopt); break; case IPV6_MSFILTER: error = in6p_set_source_filters(inp, sopt); break; default: error = EOPNOTSUPP; break; } return (error); } /* * Expose MLD's multicast filter mode and source list(s) to userland, * keyed by (ifindex, group). * The filter mode is written out as a uint32_t, followed by * 0..n of struct in6_addr. * For use by ifmcstat(8). */ static int sysctl_ip6_mcast_filters SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS { #pragma unused(oidp) struct in6_addr mcaddr; struct in6_addr src; struct ifnet *ifp; struct in6_multi *inm; struct in6_multistep step; struct ip6_msource *ims; int *name; int retval = 0; u_int namelen; uint32_t fmode, ifindex; name = (int *)arg1; namelen = arg2; if (req->newptr != USER_ADDR_NULL) return (EPERM); /* int: ifindex + 4 * 32 bits of IPv6 address */ if (namelen != 5) return (EINVAL); ifindex = name[0]; ifnet_head_lock_shared(); if (ifindex <= 0 || ifindex > (u_int)if_index) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: ifindex %u out of range\n", __func__, ifindex)); ifnet_head_done(); return (ENOENT); } memcpy(&mcaddr, &name[1], sizeof(struct in6_addr)); if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&mcaddr)) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: group %s is not multicast\n", __func__, ip6_sprintf(&mcaddr))); ifnet_head_done(); return (EINVAL); } ifp = ifindex2ifnet[ifindex]; ifnet_head_done(); if (ifp == NULL) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: no ifp for ifindex %u\n", __func__, ifindex)); return (ENOENT); } /* * Internal MLD lookups require that scope/zone ID is set. */ (void)in6_setscope(&mcaddr, ifp, NULL); in6_multihead_lock_shared(); IN6_FIRST_MULTI(step, inm); while (inm != NULL) { IN6M_LOCK(inm); if (inm->in6m_ifp != ifp) goto next; if (!IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&inm->in6m_addr, &mcaddr)) goto next; fmode = inm->in6m_st[1].iss_fmode; retval = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &fmode, sizeof(uint32_t)); if (retval != 0) { IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); break; /* abort */ } RB_FOREACH(ims, ip6_msource_tree, &inm->in6m_srcs) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: visit node %p\n", __func__, ims)); /* * Only copy-out sources which are in-mode. */ if (fmode != im6s_get_mode(inm, ims, 1)) { MLD_PRINTF(("%s: skip non-in-mode\n", __func__)); continue; /* process next source */ } src = ims->im6s_addr; retval = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &src, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); if (retval != 0) break; /* process next inm */ } next: IN6M_UNLOCK(inm); IN6_NEXT_MULTI(step, inm); } in6_multihead_lock_done(); return (retval); } void in6_multi_init(void) { PE_parse_boot_argn("ifa_debug", &in6m_debug, sizeof (in6m_debug)); /* Setup lock group and attribute for in6_multihead */ in6_multihead_lock_grp_attr = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init(); in6_multihead_lock_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("in6_multihead", in6_multihead_lock_grp_attr); in6_multihead_lock_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init(); lck_rw_init(&in6_multihead_lock, in6_multihead_lock_grp, in6_multihead_lock_attr); lck_mtx_init(&in6m_trash_lock, in6_multihead_lock_grp, in6_multihead_lock_attr); TAILQ_INIT(&in6m_trash_head); in6m_size = (in6m_debug == 0) ? sizeof (struct in6_multi) : sizeof (struct in6_multi_dbg); in6m_zone = zinit(in6m_size, IN6M_ZONE_MAX * in6m_size, 0, IN6M_ZONE_NAME); if (in6m_zone == NULL) { panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, IN6M_ZONE_NAME); /* NOTREACHED */ } zone_change(in6m_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE); imm_size = sizeof (struct in6_multi_mship); imm_zone = zinit(imm_size, IMM_ZONE_MAX * imm_size, 0, IMM_ZONE_NAME); if (imm_zone == NULL) { panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, IMM_ZONE_NAME); /* NOTREACHED */ } zone_change(imm_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE); ip6ms_size = sizeof (struct ip6_msource); ip6ms_zone = zinit(ip6ms_size, IP6MS_ZONE_MAX * ip6ms_size, 0, IP6MS_ZONE_NAME); if (ip6ms_zone == NULL) { panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, IP6MS_ZONE_NAME); /* NOTREACHED */ } zone_change(ip6ms_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE); in6ms_size = sizeof (struct in6_msource); in6ms_zone = zinit(in6ms_size, IN6MS_ZONE_MAX * in6ms_size, 0, IN6MS_ZONE_NAME); if (in6ms_zone == NULL) { panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, IN6MS_ZONE_NAME); /* NOTREACHED */ } zone_change(in6ms_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE); } static struct in6_multi * in6_multi_alloc(int how) { struct in6_multi *in6m; in6m = (how == M_WAITOK) ? zalloc(in6m_zone) : zalloc_noblock(in6m_zone); if (in6m != NULL) { bzero(in6m, in6m_size); lck_mtx_init(&in6m->in6m_lock, in6_multihead_lock_grp, in6_multihead_lock_attr); in6m->in6m_debug |= IFD_ALLOC; if (in6m_debug != 0) { in6m->in6m_debug |= IFD_DEBUG; in6m->in6m_trace = in6m_trace; } } return (in6m); } static void in6_multi_free(struct in6_multi *in6m) { IN6M_LOCK(in6m); if (in6m->in6m_debug & IFD_ATTACHED) { panic("%s: attached in6m=%p is being freed", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (in6m->in6m_ifma != NULL) { panic("%s: ifma not NULL for in6m=%p", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (!(in6m->in6m_debug & IFD_ALLOC)) { panic("%s: in6m %p cannot be freed", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (in6m->in6m_refcount != 0) { panic("%s: non-zero refcount in6m=%p", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (in6m->in6m_reqcnt != 0) { panic("%s: non-zero reqcnt in6m=%p", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* Free any pending MLDv2 state-change records */ IF_DRAIN(&in6m->in6m_scq); in6m->in6m_debug &= ~IFD_ALLOC; if ((in6m->in6m_debug & (IFD_DEBUG | IFD_TRASHED)) == (IFD_DEBUG | IFD_TRASHED)) { lck_mtx_lock(&in6m_trash_lock); TAILQ_REMOVE(&in6m_trash_head, (struct in6_multi_dbg *)in6m, in6m_trash_link); lck_mtx_unlock(&in6m_trash_lock); in6m->in6m_debug &= ~IFD_TRASHED; } IN6M_UNLOCK(in6m); lck_mtx_destroy(&in6m->in6m_lock, in6_multihead_lock_grp); zfree(in6m_zone, in6m); } static void in6_multi_attach(struct in6_multi *in6m) { in6_multihead_lock_assert(LCK_RW_ASSERT_EXCLUSIVE); IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(in6m); if (in6m->in6m_debug & IFD_ATTACHED) { panic("%s: Attempt to attach an already attached in6m=%p", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (in6m->in6m_debug & IFD_TRASHED) { panic("%s: Attempt to reattach a detached in6m=%p", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } in6m->in6m_reqcnt++; VERIFY(in6m->in6m_reqcnt == 1); IN6M_ADDREF_LOCKED(in6m); in6m->in6m_debug |= IFD_ATTACHED; /* * Reattach case: If debugging is enabled, take it * out of the trash list and clear IFD_TRASHED. */ if ((in6m->in6m_debug & (IFD_DEBUG | IFD_TRASHED)) == (IFD_DEBUG | IFD_TRASHED)) { /* Become a regular mutex, just in case */ IN6M_CONVERT_LOCK(in6m); lck_mtx_lock(&in6m_trash_lock); TAILQ_REMOVE(&in6m_trash_head, (struct in6_multi_dbg *)in6m, in6m_trash_link); lck_mtx_unlock(&in6m_trash_lock); in6m->in6m_debug &= ~IFD_TRASHED; } LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&in6_multihead, in6m, in6m_entry); } int in6_multi_detach(struct in6_multi *in6m) { in6_multihead_lock_assert(LCK_RW_ASSERT_EXCLUSIVE); IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(in6m); if (in6m->in6m_reqcnt == 0) { panic("%s: in6m=%p negative reqcnt", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } --in6m->in6m_reqcnt; if (in6m->in6m_reqcnt > 0) return (0); if (!(in6m->in6m_debug & IFD_ATTACHED)) { panic("%s: Attempt to detach an unattached record in6m=%p", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (in6m->in6m_debug & IFD_TRASHED) { panic("%s: in6m %p is already in trash list", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* * NOTE: Caller calls IFMA_REMREF */ in6m->in6m_debug &= ~IFD_ATTACHED; LIST_REMOVE(in6m, in6m_entry); if (in6m->in6m_debug & IFD_DEBUG) { /* Become a regular mutex, just in case */ IN6M_CONVERT_LOCK(in6m); lck_mtx_lock(&in6m_trash_lock); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&in6m_trash_head, (struct in6_multi_dbg *)in6m, in6m_trash_link); lck_mtx_unlock(&in6m_trash_lock); in6m->in6m_debug |= IFD_TRASHED; } return (1); } void in6m_addref(struct in6_multi *in6m, int locked) { if (!locked) IN6M_LOCK_SPIN(in6m); else IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(in6m); if (++in6m->in6m_refcount == 0) { panic("%s: in6m=%p wraparound refcnt", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (in6m->in6m_trace != NULL) { (*in6m->in6m_trace)(in6m, TRUE); } if (!locked) IN6M_UNLOCK(in6m); } void in6m_remref(struct in6_multi *in6m, int locked) { struct ifmultiaddr *ifma; struct mld_ifinfo *mli; if (!locked) IN6M_LOCK_SPIN(in6m); else IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(in6m); if (in6m->in6m_refcount == 0 || (in6m->in6m_refcount == 1 && locked)) { panic("%s: in6m=%p negative refcnt", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (in6m->in6m_trace != NULL) { (*in6m->in6m_trace)(in6m, FALSE); } --in6m->in6m_refcount; if (in6m->in6m_refcount > 0) { if (!locked) IN6M_UNLOCK(in6m); return; } /* * Synchronization with in6_mc_get(). In the event the in6m has been * detached, the underlying ifma would still be in the if_multiaddrs * list, and thus can be looked up via if_addmulti(). At that point, * the only way to find this in6m is via ifma_protospec. To avoid * race conditions between the last in6m_remref() of that in6m and its * use via ifma_protospec, in6_multihead lock is used for serialization. * In order to avoid violating the lock order, we must drop in6m_lock * before acquiring in6_multihead lock. To prevent the in6m from being * freed prematurely, we hold an extra reference. */ ++in6m->in6m_refcount; IN6M_UNLOCK(in6m); in6_multihead_lock_shared(); IN6M_LOCK_SPIN(in6m); --in6m->in6m_refcount; if (in6m->in6m_refcount > 0) { /* We've lost the race, so abort since in6m is still in use */ IN6M_UNLOCK(in6m); in6_multihead_lock_done(); /* If it was locked, return it as such */ if (locked) IN6M_LOCK(in6m); return; } in6m_purge(in6m); ifma = in6m->in6m_ifma; in6m->in6m_ifma = NULL; in6m->in6m_ifp = NULL; mli = in6m->in6m_mli; in6m->in6m_mli = NULL; IN6M_UNLOCK(in6m); IFMA_LOCK_SPIN(ifma); ifma->ifma_protospec = NULL; IFMA_UNLOCK(ifma); in6_multihead_lock_done(); in6_multi_free(in6m); if_delmulti_ifma(ifma); /* Release reference held to the underlying ifmultiaddr */ IFMA_REMREF(ifma); if (mli != NULL) MLI_REMREF(mli); } static void in6m_trace(struct in6_multi *in6m, int refhold) { struct in6_multi_dbg *in6m_dbg = (struct in6_multi_dbg *)in6m; ctrace_t *tr; u_int32_t idx; u_int16_t *cnt; if (!(in6m->in6m_debug & IFD_DEBUG)) { panic("%s: in6m %p has no debug structure", __func__, in6m); /* NOTREACHED */ } if (refhold) { cnt = &in6m_dbg->in6m_refhold_cnt; tr = in6m_dbg->in6m_refhold; } else { cnt = &in6m_dbg->in6m_refrele_cnt; tr = in6m_dbg->in6m_refrele; } idx = atomic_add_16_ov(cnt, 1) % IN6M_TRACE_HIST_SIZE; ctrace_record(&tr[idx]); } static struct in6_multi_mship * in6_multi_mship_alloc(int how) { struct in6_multi_mship *imm; imm = (how == M_WAITOK) ? zalloc(imm_zone) : zalloc_noblock(imm_zone); if (imm != NULL) bzero(imm, imm_size); return (imm); } static void in6_multi_mship_free(struct in6_multi_mship *imm) { if (imm->i6mm_maddr != NULL) { panic("%s: i6mm_maddr not NULL for imm=%p", __func__, imm); /* NOTREACHED */ } zfree(imm_zone, imm); } void in6_multihead_lock_exclusive(void) { lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&in6_multihead_lock); } void in6_multihead_lock_shared(void) { lck_rw_lock_shared(&in6_multihead_lock); } void in6_multihead_lock_assert(int what) { lck_rw_assert(&in6_multihead_lock, what); } void in6_multihead_lock_done(void) { lck_rw_done(&in6_multihead_lock); } static struct ip6_msource * ip6ms_alloc(int how) { struct ip6_msource *i6ms; i6ms = (how == M_WAITOK) ? zalloc(ip6ms_zone) : zalloc_noblock(ip6ms_zone); if (i6ms != NULL) bzero(i6ms, ip6ms_size); return (i6ms); } static void ip6ms_free(struct ip6_msource *i6ms) { zfree(ip6ms_zone, i6ms); } static struct in6_msource * in6ms_alloc(int how) { struct in6_msource *in6ms; in6ms = (how == M_WAITOK) ? zalloc(in6ms_zone) : zalloc_noblock(in6ms_zone); if (in6ms != NULL) bzero(in6ms, in6ms_size); return (in6ms); } static void in6ms_free(struct in6_msource *in6ms) { zfree(in6ms_zone, in6ms); } #ifdef MLD_DEBUG static const char *in6m_modestrs[] = { "un\n", "in", "ex" }; static const char * in6m_mode_str(const int mode) { if (mode >= MCAST_UNDEFINED && mode <= MCAST_EXCLUDE) return (in6m_modestrs[mode]); return ("??"); } static const char *in6m_statestrs[] = { "not-member\n", "silent\n", "idle\n", "lazy\n", "sleeping\n", "awakening\n", "query-pending\n", "sg-query-pending\n", "leaving" }; static const char * in6m_state_str(const int state) { if (state >= MLD_NOT_MEMBER && state <= MLD_LEAVING_MEMBER) return (in6m_statestrs[state]); return ("??"); } /* * Dump an in6_multi structure to the console. */ void in6m_print(const struct in6_multi *inm) { int t; IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(IN6M_CAST_TO_NONCONST(inm)); if (mld_debug == 0) return; printf("%s: --- begin in6m %p ---\n", __func__, inm); printf("addr %s ifp %p(%s%d) ifma %p\n", ip6_sprintf(&inm->in6m_addr), inm->in6m_ifp, inm->in6m_ifp->if_name, inm->in6m_ifp->if_unit, inm->in6m_ifma); printf("timer %u state %s refcount %u scq.len %u\n", inm->in6m_timer, in6m_state_str(inm->in6m_state), inm->in6m_refcount, inm->in6m_scq.ifq_len); printf("mli %p nsrc %lu sctimer %u scrv %u\n", inm->in6m_mli, inm->in6m_nsrc, inm->in6m_sctimer, inm->in6m_scrv); for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { printf("t%d: fmode %s asm %u ex %u in %u rec %u\n", t, in6m_mode_str(inm->in6m_st[t].iss_fmode), inm->in6m_st[t].iss_asm, inm->in6m_st[t].iss_ex, inm->in6m_st[t].iss_in, inm->in6m_st[t].iss_rec); } printf("%s: --- end in6m %p ---\n", __func__, inm); } #else void in6m_print(__unused const struct in6_multi *inm) { } #endif