/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2008 The DragonFly Project. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The DragonFly Project * by Matthew Dillon * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name of The DragonFly Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific, prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $DragonFly: src/sys/net/altq/altq_fairq.c,v 1.2 2008/05/14 11:59:23 sephe Exp $ */ /* * Matt: I gutted altq_priq.c and used it as a skeleton on which to build * fairq. The fairq algorithm is completely different then priq, of course, * but because I used priq's skeleton I believe I should include priq's * copyright. * * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 * Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY SONY CSL AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SONY CSL OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * FAIRQ - take traffic classified by keep state (hashed into * pf->pftag_flowhash) and bucketize it. Fairly extract * the first packet from each bucket in a round-robin fashion. * * TODO - better overall qlimit support (right now it is per-bucket). * - NOTE: red etc is per bucket, not overall. * - better service curve support. * * EXAMPLE: * * altq on em0 fairq bandwidth 650Kb queue { std, bulk } * queue std priority 3 bandwidth 200Kb \ * fairq (buckets 64, default, hogs 1Kb) qlimit 50 * queue bulk priority 2 bandwidth 100Kb \ * fairq (buckets 64, hogs 1Kb) qlimit 50 * * NOTE: When the aggregate bandwidth is less than the link bandwidth * any remaining bandwidth is dynamically assigned using the * existing bandwidth specs as weightings. * * pass out on em0 from any to any keep state queue std * pass out on em0 inet proto tcp ..... port ... keep state queue bulk */ #if PKTSCHED_FAIRQ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * function prototypes */ #if 0 static int fairq_enqueue_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *, struct mbuf *); static struct mbuf *fairq_dequeue_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *, cqdq_op_t); static int fairq_request_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *, cqrq_t, void *); #endif static int fairq_clear_interface(struct fairq_if *); static inline int fairq_addq(struct fairq_class *, struct mbuf *, struct pf_mtag *); static inline struct mbuf *fairq_getq(struct fairq_class *, u_int64_t); static inline struct mbuf *fairq_pollq(struct fairq_class *, u_int64_t, int *); static fairq_bucket_t *fairq_selectq(struct fairq_class *, int); static void fairq_purgeq(struct fairq_if *, struct fairq_class *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t *, u_int32_t *); static void fairq_updateq(struct fairq_if *, struct fairq_class *, cqev_t); static struct fairq_class *fairq_class_create(struct fairq_if *, int, u_int32_t, u_int64_t, u_int32_t, int, u_int64_t, u_int64_t, u_int64_t, u_int64_t, u_int32_t); static int fairq_class_destroy(struct fairq_if *, struct fairq_class *); static int fairq_destroy_locked(struct fairq_if *); static inline struct fairq_class *fairq_clh_to_clp(struct fairq_if *, u_int32_t); static const char *fairq_style(struct fairq_if *); #define FAIRQ_ZONE_MAX 32 /* maximum elements in zone */ #define FAIRQ_ZONE_NAME "pktsched_fairq" /* zone name */ static unsigned int fairq_size; /* size of zone element */ static struct zone *fairq_zone; /* zone for fairq */ #define FAIRQ_CL_ZONE_MAX 32 /* maximum elements in zone */ #define FAIRQ_CL_ZONE_NAME "pktsched_fairq_cl" /* zone name */ static unsigned int fairq_cl_size; /* size of zone element */ static struct zone *fairq_cl_zone; /* zone for fairq */ void fairq_init(void) { fairq_size = sizeof (struct fairq_if); fairq_zone = zinit(fairq_size, FAIRQ_ZONE_MAX * fairq_size, 0, FAIRQ_ZONE_NAME); if (fairq_zone == NULL) { panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, FAIRQ_ZONE_NAME); /* NOTREACHED */ } zone_change(fairq_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE); zone_change(fairq_zone, Z_CALLERACCT, TRUE); fairq_cl_size = sizeof (struct fairq_class); fairq_cl_zone = zinit(fairq_cl_size, FAIRQ_CL_ZONE_MAX * fairq_cl_size, 0, FAIRQ_CL_ZONE_NAME); if (fairq_cl_zone == NULL) { panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, FAIRQ_CL_ZONE_NAME); /* NOTREACHED */ } zone_change(fairq_cl_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE); zone_change(fairq_cl_zone, Z_CALLERACCT, TRUE); } struct fairq_if * fairq_alloc(struct ifnet *ifp, int how, boolean_t altq) { struct fairq_if *fif; fif = (how == M_WAITOK) ? zalloc(fairq_zone) : zalloc_noblock(fairq_zone); if (fif == NULL) return (NULL); bzero(fif, fairq_size); fif->fif_maxpri = -1; fif->fif_ifq = &ifp->if_snd; if (altq) fif->fif_flags |= FAIRQIFF_ALTQ; if (pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s scheduler allocated\n", if_name(ifp), fairq_style(fif)); } return (fif); } int fairq_destroy(struct fairq_if *fif) { struct ifclassq *ifq = fif->fif_ifq; int err; IFCQ_LOCK(ifq); err = fairq_destroy_locked(fif); IFCQ_UNLOCK(ifq); return (err); } static int fairq_destroy_locked(struct fairq_if *fif) { IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(fif->fif_ifq); (void) fairq_clear_interface(fif); if (pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s scheduler destroyed\n", if_name(FAIRQIF_IFP(fif)), fairq_style(fif)); } zfree(fairq_zone, fif); return (0); } /* * bring the interface back to the initial state by discarding * all the filters and classes. */ static int fairq_clear_interface(struct fairq_if *fif) { struct fairq_class *cl; int pri; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(fif->fif_ifq); /* clear out the classes */ for (pri = 0; pri <= fif->fif_maxpri; pri++) if ((cl = fif->fif_classes[pri]) != NULL) fairq_class_destroy(fif, cl); return (0); } /* discard all the queued packets on the interface */ void fairq_purge(struct fairq_if *fif) { struct fairq_class *cl; int pri; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(fif->fif_ifq); for (pri = 0; pri <= fif->fif_maxpri; pri++) { if ((cl = fif->fif_classes[pri]) != NULL && cl->cl_head) fairq_purgeq(fif, cl, 0, NULL, NULL); } #if !PF_ALTQ /* * This assertion is safe to be made only when PF_ALTQ is not * configured; otherwise, IFCQ_LEN represents the sum of the * packets managed by ifcq_disc and altq_disc instances, which * is possible when transitioning between the two. */ VERIFY(IFCQ_LEN(fif->fif_ifq) == 0); #endif /* !PF_ALTQ */ } void fairq_event(struct fairq_if *fif, cqev_t ev) { struct fairq_class *cl; int pri; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(fif->fif_ifq); for (pri = 0; pri <= fif->fif_maxpri; pri++) if ((cl = fif->fif_classes[pri]) != NULL) fairq_updateq(fif, cl, ev); } int fairq_add_queue(struct fairq_if *fif, int priority, u_int32_t qlimit, u_int64_t bandwidth, u_int32_t nbuckets, int flags, u_int64_t hogs_m1, u_int64_t lssc_m1, u_int64_t lssc_d, u_int64_t lssc_m2, u_int32_t qid, struct fairq_class **clp) { struct fairq_class *cl; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(fif->fif_ifq); /* check parameters */ if (priority >= FAIRQ_MAXPRI) return (EINVAL); if (bandwidth == 0 || (bandwidth / 8) == 0) return (EINVAL); if (fif->fif_classes[priority] != NULL) return (EBUSY); if (fairq_clh_to_clp(fif, qid) != NULL) return (EBUSY); cl = fairq_class_create(fif, priority, qlimit, bandwidth, nbuckets, flags, hogs_m1, lssc_m1, lssc_d, lssc_m2, qid); if (cl == NULL) return (ENOMEM); if (clp != NULL) *clp = cl; return (0); } static struct fairq_class * fairq_class_create(struct fairq_if *fif, int pri, u_int32_t qlimit, u_int64_t bandwidth, u_int32_t nbuckets, int flags, u_int64_t hogs_m1, u_int64_t lssc_m1, u_int64_t lssc_d, u_int64_t lssc_m2, u_int32_t qid) { #pragma unused(lssc_d, lssc_m2) struct ifnet *ifp; struct ifclassq *ifq; struct fairq_class *cl; u_int32_t i; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(fif->fif_ifq); /* Sanitize flags unless internally configured */ if (fif->fif_flags & FAIRQIFF_ALTQ) flags &= FARF_USERFLAGS; #if !CLASSQ_RED if (flags & FARF_RED) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s RED not available!\n", if_name(FAIRQIF_IFP(fif)), fairq_style(fif)); return (NULL); } #endif /* !CLASSQ_RED */ #if !CLASSQ_RIO if (flags & FARF_RIO) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s RIO not available!\n", if_name(FAIRQIF_IFP(fif)), fairq_style(fif)); return (NULL); } #endif /* CLASSQ_RIO */ #if !CLASSQ_BLUE if (flags & FARF_BLUE) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s BLUE not available!\n", if_name(FAIRQIF_IFP(fif)), fairq_style(fif)); return (NULL); } #endif /* CLASSQ_BLUE */ /* These are mutually exclusive */ if ((flags & (FARF_RED|FARF_RIO|FARF_BLUE|FARF_SFB)) && (flags & (FARF_RED|FARF_RIO|FARF_BLUE|FARF_SFB)) != FARF_RED && (flags & (FARF_RED|FARF_RIO|FARF_BLUE|FARF_SFB)) != FARF_RIO && (flags & (FARF_RED|FARF_RIO|FARF_BLUE|FARF_SFB)) != FARF_BLUE && (flags & (FARF_RED|FARF_RIO|FARF_BLUE|FARF_SFB)) != FARF_SFB) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s more than one RED|RIO|BLUE|SFB\n", if_name(FAIRQIF_IFP(fif)), fairq_style(fif)); return (NULL); } if (bandwidth == 0 || (bandwidth / 8) == 0) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s invalid data rate %llu\n", if_name(FAIRQIF_IFP(fif)), fairq_style(fif), bandwidth); return (NULL); } if (nbuckets == 0) nbuckets = 256; if (nbuckets > FAIRQ_MAX_BUCKETS) nbuckets = FAIRQ_MAX_BUCKETS; /* enforce power-of-2 size */ while ((nbuckets ^ (nbuckets - 1)) != ((nbuckets << 1) - 1)) ++nbuckets; ifq = fif->fif_ifq; ifp = FAIRQIF_IFP(fif); if ((cl = fif->fif_classes[pri]) != NULL) { /* modify the class instead of creating a new one */ if (cl->cl_head) fairq_purgeq(fif, cl, 0, NULL, NULL); #if CLASSQ_RIO if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RIO) rio_destroy(cl->cl_rio); #endif /* CLASSQ_RIO */ #if CLASSQ_RED if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RED) red_destroy(cl->cl_red); #endif /* CLASSQ_RED */ #if CLASSQ_BLUE if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_BLUE) blue_destroy(cl->cl_blue); #endif /* CLASSQ_BLUE */ if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_SFB && cl->cl_sfb != NULL) sfb_destroy(cl->cl_sfb); cl->cl_qalg.ptr = NULL; cl->cl_qtype = Q_DROPTAIL; cl->cl_qstate = QS_RUNNING; } else { cl = zalloc(fairq_cl_zone); if (cl == NULL) goto err_ret; bzero(cl, fairq_cl_size); cl->cl_nbuckets = nbuckets; cl->cl_nbucket_mask = nbuckets - 1; cl->cl_buckets = _MALLOC(sizeof (struct fairq_bucket) * cl->cl_nbuckets, M_DEVBUF, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); if (cl->cl_buckets == NULL) goto err_buckets; cl->cl_head = NULL; } fif->fif_classes[pri] = cl; if (flags & FARF_DEFAULTCLASS) fif->fif_default = cl; if (qlimit == 0 || qlimit > IFCQ_MAXLEN(ifq)) { qlimit = IFCQ_MAXLEN(ifq); if (qlimit == 0) qlimit = DEFAULT_QLIMIT; /* use default */ } cl->cl_qlimit = qlimit; for (i = 0; i < cl->cl_nbuckets; ++i) { _qinit(&cl->cl_buckets[i].queue, Q_DROPTAIL, qlimit); } cl->cl_bandwidth = bandwidth / 8; /* cvt to bytes per second */ cl->cl_qtype = Q_DROPTAIL; cl->cl_qstate = QS_RUNNING; cl->cl_flags = flags; cl->cl_pri = pri; if (pri > fif->fif_maxpri) fif->fif_maxpri = pri; cl->cl_fif = fif; cl->cl_handle = qid; cl->cl_hogs_m1 = hogs_m1 / 8; cl->cl_lssc_m1 = lssc_m1 / 8; /* NOT YET USED */ cl->cl_bw_current = 0; if (flags & (FARF_RED|FARF_RIO|FARF_BLUE|FARF_SFB)) { #if CLASSQ_RED || CLASSQ_RIO u_int64_t ifbandwidth = ifnet_output_linkrate(ifp); int pkttime; #endif /* CLASSQ_RED || CLASSQ_RIO */ cl->cl_qflags = 0; if (flags & FARF_ECN) { if (flags & FARF_BLUE) cl->cl_qflags |= BLUEF_ECN; else if (flags & FARF_SFB) cl->cl_qflags |= SFBF_ECN; else if (flags & FARF_RED) cl->cl_qflags |= REDF_ECN; else if (flags & FARF_RIO) cl->cl_qflags |= RIOF_ECN; } if (flags & FARF_FLOWCTL) { if (flags & FARF_SFB) cl->cl_qflags |= SFBF_FLOWCTL; } if (flags & FARF_CLEARDSCP) { if (flags & FARF_RIO) cl->cl_qflags |= RIOF_CLEARDSCP; } #if CLASSQ_RED || CLASSQ_RIO /* * XXX: RED & RIO should be watching link speed and MTU * events and recompute pkttime accordingly. */ if (ifbandwidth < 8) pkttime = 1000 * 1000 * 1000; /* 1 sec */ else pkttime = (int64_t)ifp->if_mtu * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / (ifbandwidth / 8); /* Test for exclusivity {RED,RIO,BLUE,SFB} was done above */ #if CLASSQ_RIO if (flags & FARF_RIO) { cl->cl_rio = rio_alloc(ifp, 0, NULL, cl->cl_qflags, pkttime); if (cl->cl_rio != NULL) cl->cl_qtype = Q_RIO; } #endif /* CLASSQ_RIO */ #if CLASSQ_RED if (flags & FARF_RED) { cl->cl_red = red_alloc(ifp, 0, 0, cl->cl_qlimit * 10/100, cl->cl_qlimit * 30/100, cl->cl_qflags, pkttime); if (cl->cl_red != NULL) cl->cl_qtype = Q_RED; } #endif /* CLASSQ_RED */ #endif /* CLASSQ_RED || CLASSQ_RIO */ #if CLASSQ_BLUE if (flags & FARF_BLUE) { cl->cl_blue = blue_alloc(ifp, 0, 0, cl->cl_qflags); if (cl->cl_blue != NULL) cl->cl_qtype = Q_BLUE; } #endif /* CLASSQ_BLUE */ if (flags & FARF_SFB) { if (!(cl->cl_flags & FARF_LAZY)) cl->cl_sfb = sfb_alloc(ifp, cl->cl_handle, cl->cl_qlimit, cl->cl_qflags); if (cl->cl_sfb != NULL || (cl->cl_flags & FARF_LAZY)) cl->cl_qtype = Q_SFB; } } if (pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s created qid=%d pri=%d qlimit=%d " "flags=%b\n", if_name(ifp), fairq_style(fif), cl->cl_handle, cl->cl_pri, cl->cl_qlimit, flags, FARF_BITS); } return (cl); err_buckets: if (cl->cl_buckets != NULL) _FREE(cl->cl_buckets, M_DEVBUF); err_ret: if (cl != NULL) { if (cl->cl_qalg.ptr != NULL) { #if CLASSQ_RIO if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RIO) rio_destroy(cl->cl_rio); #endif /* CLASSQ_RIO */ #if CLASSQ_RED if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RED) red_destroy(cl->cl_red); #endif /* CLASSQ_RED */ #if CLASSQ_BLUE if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_BLUE) blue_destroy(cl->cl_blue); #endif /* CLASSQ_BLUE */ if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_SFB && cl->cl_sfb != NULL) sfb_destroy(cl->cl_sfb); cl->cl_qalg.ptr = NULL; cl->cl_qtype = Q_DROPTAIL; cl->cl_qstate = QS_RUNNING; } zfree(fairq_cl_zone, cl); } return (NULL); } int fairq_remove_queue(struct fairq_if *fif, u_int32_t qid) { struct fairq_class *cl; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(fif->fif_ifq); if ((cl = fairq_clh_to_clp(fif, qid)) == NULL) return (EINVAL); return (fairq_class_destroy(fif, cl)); } static int fairq_class_destroy(struct fairq_if *fif, struct fairq_class *cl) { struct ifclassq *ifq = fif->fif_ifq; int pri; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); if (cl->cl_head) fairq_purgeq(fif, cl, 0, NULL, NULL); fif->fif_classes[cl->cl_pri] = NULL; if (fif->fif_poll_cache == cl) fif->fif_poll_cache = NULL; if (fif->fif_maxpri == cl->cl_pri) { for (pri = cl->cl_pri; pri >= 0; pri--) if (fif->fif_classes[pri] != NULL) { fif->fif_maxpri = pri; break; } if (pri < 0) fif->fif_maxpri = -1; } if (cl->cl_qalg.ptr != NULL) { #if CLASSQ_RIO if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RIO) rio_destroy(cl->cl_rio); #endif /* CLASSQ_RIO */ #if CLASSQ_RED if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RED) red_destroy(cl->cl_red); #endif /* CLASSQ_RED */ #if CLASSQ_BLUE if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_BLUE) blue_destroy(cl->cl_blue); #endif /* CLASSQ_BLUE */ if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_SFB && cl->cl_sfb != NULL) sfb_destroy(cl->cl_sfb); cl->cl_qalg.ptr = NULL; cl->cl_qtype = Q_DROPTAIL; cl->cl_qstate = QS_RUNNING; } if (fif->fif_default == cl) fif->fif_default = NULL; if (pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s destroyed qid=%d pri=%d\n", if_name(FAIRQIF_IFP(fif)), fairq_style(fif), cl->cl_handle, cl->cl_pri); } _FREE(cl->cl_buckets, M_DEVBUF); cl->cl_head = NULL; /* sanity */ cl->cl_polled = NULL; /* sanity */ cl->cl_buckets = NULL; /* sanity */ zfree(fairq_cl_zone, cl); return (0); } int fairq_enqueue(struct fairq_if *fif, struct fairq_class *cl, struct mbuf *m, struct pf_mtag *t) { struct ifclassq *ifq = fif->fif_ifq; int len, ret; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); VERIFY(cl == NULL || cl->cl_fif == fif); if (cl == NULL) { cl = fairq_clh_to_clp(fif, t->pftag_qid); if (cl == NULL) { cl = fif->fif_default; if (cl == NULL) { IFCQ_CONVERT_LOCK(ifq); m_freem(m); return (ENOBUFS); } } } cl->cl_flags |= FARF_HAS_PACKETS; len = m_pktlen(m); ret = fairq_addq(cl, m, t); if (ret != 0) { if (ret == CLASSQEQ_SUCCESS_FC) { /* packet enqueued, return advisory feedback */ ret = EQFULL; } else { VERIFY(ret == CLASSQEQ_DROPPED || ret == CLASSQEQ_DROPPED_FC || ret == CLASSQEQ_DROPPED_SP); /* packet has been freed in fairq_addq */ PKTCNTR_ADD(&cl->cl_dropcnt, 1, len); IFCQ_DROP_ADD(ifq, 1, len); switch (ret) { case CLASSQEQ_DROPPED: return (ENOBUFS); case CLASSQEQ_DROPPED_FC: return (EQFULL); case CLASSQEQ_DROPPED_SP: return (EQSUSPENDED); } /* NOT REACHED */ } } IFCQ_INC_LEN(ifq); /* successfully queued. */ return (ret); } /* * note: CLASSQDQ_POLL returns the next packet without removing the packet * from the queue. CLASSQDQ_REMOVE is a normal dequeue operation. * CLASSQDQ_REMOVE must return the same packet if called immediately * after CLASSQDQ_POLL. */ struct mbuf * fairq_dequeue(struct fairq_if *fif, cqdq_op_t op) { struct ifclassq *ifq = fif->fif_ifq; struct fairq_class *cl; struct fairq_class *best_cl; struct mbuf *best_m; struct mbuf *m; u_int64_t cur_time = read_machclk(); u_int32_t best_scale; u_int32_t scale; int pri; int hit_limit; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); if (IFCQ_IS_EMPTY(ifq)) { /* no packet in the queue */ return (NULL); } if (fif->fif_poll_cache && op == CLASSQDQ_REMOVE) { best_cl = fif->fif_poll_cache; m = fairq_getq(best_cl, cur_time); fif->fif_poll_cache = NULL; if (m != NULL) { IFCQ_DEC_LEN(ifq); IFCQ_XMIT_ADD(ifq, 1, m_pktlen(m)); PKTCNTR_ADD(&best_cl->cl_xmitcnt, 1, m_pktlen(m)); } } else { best_cl = NULL; best_m = NULL; best_scale = 0xFFFFFFFFU; for (pri = fif->fif_maxpri; pri >= 0; pri--) { if ((cl = fif->fif_classes[pri]) == NULL) continue; if ((cl->cl_flags & FARF_HAS_PACKETS) == 0) continue; m = fairq_pollq(cl, cur_time, &hit_limit); if (m == NULL) { cl->cl_flags &= ~FARF_HAS_PACKETS; continue; } /* * We can halt the search immediately if the queue * did not hit its bandwidth limit. */ if (hit_limit == 0) { best_cl = cl; best_m = m; break; } /* * Otherwise calculate the scale factor and select * the queue with the lowest scale factor. This * apportions any unused bandwidth weighted by * the relative bandwidth specification. */ scale = cl->cl_bw_current * 100 / cl->cl_bandwidth; if (scale < best_scale) { best_cl = cl; best_m = m; best_scale = scale; } } if (op == CLASSQDQ_POLL) { fif->fif_poll_cache = best_cl; m = best_m; } else if (best_cl != NULL) { m = fairq_getq(best_cl, cur_time); if (m != NULL) { IFCQ_DEC_LEN(ifq); IFCQ_XMIT_ADD(ifq, 1, m_pktlen(m)); PKTCNTR_ADD(&best_cl->cl_xmitcnt, 1, m_pktlen(m)); } } else { m = NULL; } } return (m); } static inline int fairq_addq(struct fairq_class *cl, struct mbuf *m, struct pf_mtag *t) { struct ifclassq *ifq = cl->cl_fif->fif_ifq; fairq_bucket_t *b; u_int32_t hash = t->pftag_flowhash; u_int32_t hindex; u_int64_t bw; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); /* * If the packet doesn't have any keep state put it on the end of * our queue. XXX this can result in out of order delivery. */ if (hash == 0) { if (cl->cl_head) b = cl->cl_head->prev; else b = &cl->cl_buckets[0]; } else { hindex = (hash & cl->cl_nbucket_mask); b = &cl->cl_buckets[hindex]; } /* * Add the bucket to the end of the circular list of active buckets. * * As a special case we add the bucket to the beginning of the list * instead of the end if it was not previously on the list and if * its traffic is less then the hog level. */ if (b->in_use == 0) { b->in_use = 1; if (cl->cl_head == NULL) { cl->cl_head = b; b->next = b; b->prev = b; } else { b->next = cl->cl_head; b->prev = cl->cl_head->prev; b->prev->next = b; b->next->prev = b; if (b->bw_delta && cl->cl_hogs_m1) { bw = b->bw_bytes * machclk_freq / b->bw_delta; if (bw < cl->cl_hogs_m1) cl->cl_head = b; } } } #if CLASSQ_RIO if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RIO) return (rio_addq(cl->cl_rio, &b->queue, m, t)); else #endif /* CLASSQ_RIO */ #if CLASSQ_RED if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RED) return (red_addq(cl->cl_red, &b->queue, m, t)); else #endif /* CLASSQ_RED */ #if CLASSQ_BLUE if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_BLUE) return (blue_addq(cl->cl_blue, &b->queue, m, t)); else #endif /* CLASSQ_BLUE */ if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_SFB) { if (cl->cl_sfb == NULL) { struct ifnet *ifp = FAIRQIF_IFP(cl->cl_fif); VERIFY(cl->cl_flags & FARF_LAZY); IFCQ_CONVERT_LOCK(ifq); cl->cl_sfb = sfb_alloc(ifp, cl->cl_handle, cl->cl_qlimit, cl->cl_qflags); if (cl->cl_sfb == NULL) { /* fall back to droptail */ cl->cl_qtype = Q_DROPTAIL; cl->cl_flags &= ~FARF_SFB; cl->cl_qflags &= ~(SFBF_ECN | SFBF_FLOWCTL); log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s SFB lazy allocation " "failed for qid=%d pri=%d, falling back " "to DROPTAIL\n", if_name(ifp), fairq_style(cl->cl_fif), cl->cl_handle, cl->cl_pri); } } if (cl->cl_sfb != NULL) return (sfb_addq(cl->cl_sfb, &b->queue, m, t)); } else if (qlen(&b->queue) >= qlimit(&b->queue)) { IFCQ_CONVERT_LOCK(ifq); m_freem(m); return (CLASSQEQ_DROPPED); } if (cl->cl_flags & FARF_CLEARDSCP) write_dsfield(m, t, 0); _addq(&b->queue, m); return (0); } static inline struct mbuf * fairq_getq(struct fairq_class *cl, u_int64_t cur_time) { fairq_bucket_t *b; struct mbuf *m; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cl->cl_fif->fif_ifq); b = fairq_selectq(cl, 0); if (b == NULL) m = NULL; #if CLASSQ_RIO else if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RIO) m = rio_getq(cl->cl_rio, &b->queue); #endif /* CLASSQ_RIO */ #if CLASSQ_RED else if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RED) m = red_getq(cl->cl_red, &b->queue); #endif /* CLASSQ_RED */ #if CLASSQ_BLUE else if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_BLUE) m = blue_getq(cl->cl_blue, &b->queue); #endif /* CLASSQ_BLUE */ else if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_SFB && cl->cl_sfb != NULL) m = sfb_getq(cl->cl_sfb, &b->queue); else m = _getq(&b->queue); /* * Calculate the BW change */ if (m != NULL) { u_int64_t delta; /* * Per-class bandwidth calculation */ delta = (cur_time - cl->cl_last_time); if (delta > machclk_freq * 8) delta = machclk_freq * 8; cl->cl_bw_delta += delta; cl->cl_bw_bytes += m->m_pkthdr.len; cl->cl_last_time = cur_time; if (cl->cl_bw_delta > machclk_freq) { cl->cl_bw_delta -= cl->cl_bw_delta >> 2; cl->cl_bw_bytes -= cl->cl_bw_bytes >> 2; } /* * Per-bucket bandwidth calculation */ delta = (cur_time - b->last_time); if (delta > machclk_freq * 8) delta = machclk_freq * 8; b->bw_delta += delta; b->bw_bytes += m->m_pkthdr.len; b->last_time = cur_time; if (b->bw_delta > machclk_freq) { b->bw_delta -= b->bw_delta >> 2; b->bw_bytes -= b->bw_bytes >> 2; } } return (m); } /* * Figure out what the next packet would be if there were no limits. If * this class hits its bandwidth limit *hit_limit is set to no-zero, otherwise * it is set to 0. A non-NULL mbuf is returned either way. */ static inline struct mbuf * fairq_pollq(struct fairq_class *cl, u_int64_t cur_time, int *hit_limit) { fairq_bucket_t *b; struct mbuf *m; u_int64_t delta; u_int64_t bw; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cl->cl_fif->fif_ifq); *hit_limit = 0; b = fairq_selectq(cl, 1); if (b == NULL) return (NULL); m = qhead(&b->queue); /* * Did this packet exceed the class bandwidth? Calculate the * bandwidth component of the packet. * * - Calculate bytes per second */ delta = cur_time - cl->cl_last_time; if (delta > machclk_freq * 8) delta = machclk_freq * 8; cl->cl_bw_delta += delta; cl->cl_last_time = cur_time; if (cl->cl_bw_delta) { bw = cl->cl_bw_bytes * machclk_freq / cl->cl_bw_delta; if (bw > cl->cl_bandwidth) *hit_limit = 1; cl->cl_bw_current = bw; #if 0 printf("BW %6lld relative to %6u %d queue %p\n", bw, cl->cl_bandwidth, *hit_limit, b); #endif } return (m); } /* * Locate the next queue we want to pull a packet out of. This code * is also responsible for removing empty buckets from the circular list. */ static fairq_bucket_t * fairq_selectq(struct fairq_class *cl, int ispoll) { fairq_bucket_t *b; u_int64_t bw; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cl->cl_fif->fif_ifq); if (ispoll == 0 && cl->cl_polled) { b = cl->cl_polled; cl->cl_polled = NULL; return (b); } while ((b = cl->cl_head) != NULL) { /* * Remove empty queues from consideration */ if (qempty(&b->queue)) { b->in_use = 0; cl->cl_head = b->next; if (cl->cl_head == b) { cl->cl_head = NULL; } else { b->next->prev = b->prev; b->prev->next = b->next; } continue; } /* * Advance the round robin. Queues with bandwidths less * then the hog bandwidth are allowed to burst. */ if (cl->cl_hogs_m1 == 0) { cl->cl_head = b->next; } else if (b->bw_delta) { bw = b->bw_bytes * machclk_freq / b->bw_delta; if (bw >= cl->cl_hogs_m1) { cl->cl_head = b->next; } /* * XXX TODO - */ } /* * Return bucket b. */ break; } if (ispoll) cl->cl_polled = b; return (b); } static void fairq_purgeq(struct fairq_if *fif, struct fairq_class *cl, u_int32_t flow, u_int32_t *packets, u_int32_t *bytes) { struct ifclassq *ifq = fif->fif_ifq; u_int32_t _cnt = 0, _len = 0; fairq_bucket_t *b; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); /* become regular mutex before freeing mbufs */ IFCQ_CONVERT_LOCK(ifq); while ((b = fairq_selectq(cl, 0)) != NULL) { u_int32_t cnt, len, qlen; if ((qlen = qlen(&b->queue)) == 0) continue; #if CLASSQ_RIO if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RIO) rio_purgeq(cl->cl_rio, &b->queue, flow, &cnt, &len); else #endif /* CLASSQ_RIO */ #if CLASSQ_RED if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RED) red_purgeq(cl->cl_red, &b->queue, flow, &cnt, &len); else #endif /* CLASSQ_RED */ #if CLASSQ_BLUE if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_BLUE) blue_purgeq(cl->cl_blue, &b->queue, flow, &cnt, &len); else #endif /* CLASSQ_BLUE */ if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_SFB && cl->cl_sfb != NULL) sfb_purgeq(cl->cl_sfb, &b->queue, flow, &cnt, &len); else _flushq_flow(&b->queue, flow, &cnt, &len); if (cnt == 0) continue; VERIFY(qlen(&b->queue) == (qlen - cnt)); PKTCNTR_ADD(&cl->cl_dropcnt, cnt, len); IFCQ_DROP_ADD(ifq, cnt, len); VERIFY(((signed)IFCQ_LEN(ifq) - cnt) >= 0); IFCQ_LEN(ifq) -= cnt; _cnt += cnt; _len += len; if (pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s purge qid=%d pri=%d " "qlen=[%d,%d] cnt=%d len=%d flow=0x%x\n", if_name(FAIRQIF_IFP(fif)), fairq_style(fif), cl->cl_handle, cl->cl_pri, qlen, qlen(&b->queue), cnt, len, flow); } } if (packets != NULL) *packets = _cnt; if (bytes != NULL) *bytes = _len; } static void fairq_updateq(struct fairq_if *fif, struct fairq_class *cl, cqev_t ev) { IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(fif->fif_ifq); if (pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s update qid=%d pri=%d event=%s\n", if_name(FAIRQIF_IFP(fif)), fairq_style(fif), cl->cl_handle, cl->cl_pri, ifclassq_ev2str(ev)); } #if CLASSQ_RIO if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RIO) return (rio_updateq(cl->cl_rio, ev)); #endif /* CLASSQ_RIO */ #if CLASSQ_RED if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RED) return (red_updateq(cl->cl_red, ev)); #endif /* CLASSQ_RED */ #if CLASSQ_BLUE if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_BLUE) return (blue_updateq(cl->cl_blue, ev)); #endif /* CLASSQ_BLUE */ if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_SFB && cl->cl_sfb != NULL) return (sfb_updateq(cl->cl_sfb, ev)); } int fairq_get_class_stats(struct fairq_if *fif, u_int32_t qid, struct fairq_classstats *sp) { struct fairq_class *cl; fairq_bucket_t *b; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(fif->fif_ifq); if ((cl = fairq_clh_to_clp(fif, qid)) == NULL) return (EINVAL); sp->class_handle = cl->cl_handle; sp->priority = cl->cl_pri; sp->qlimit = cl->cl_qlimit; sp->xmit_cnt = cl->cl_xmitcnt; sp->drop_cnt = cl->cl_dropcnt; sp->qtype = cl->cl_qtype; sp->qstate = cl->cl_qstate; sp->qlength = 0; if (cl->cl_head) { b = cl->cl_head; do { sp->qlength += qlen(&b->queue); b = b->next; } while (b != cl->cl_head); } #if CLASSQ_RED if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RED) red_getstats(cl->cl_red, &sp->red[0]); #endif /* CLASSQ_RED */ #if CLASSQ_RIO if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_RIO) rio_getstats(cl->cl_rio, &sp->red[0]); #endif /* CLASSQ_RIO */ #if CLASSQ_BLUE if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_BLUE) blue_getstats(cl->cl_blue, &sp->blue); #endif /* CLASSQ_BLUE */ if (cl->cl_qtype == Q_SFB && cl->cl_sfb != NULL) sfb_getstats(cl->cl_sfb, &sp->sfb); return (0); } /* convert a class handle to the corresponding class pointer */ static inline struct fairq_class * fairq_clh_to_clp(struct fairq_if *fif, u_int32_t chandle) { struct fairq_class *cl; int idx; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(fif->fif_ifq); for (idx = fif->fif_maxpri; idx >= 0; idx--) if ((cl = fif->fif_classes[idx]) != NULL && cl->cl_handle == chandle) return (cl); return (NULL); } static const char * fairq_style(struct fairq_if *fif) { return ((fif->fif_flags & FAIRQIFF_ALTQ) ? "ALTQ_FAIRQ" : "FAIRQ"); } int fairq_setup_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *ifq, u_int32_t flags) { #pragma unused(ifq, flags) return (ENXIO); /* not yet */ } int fairq_teardown_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *ifq) { struct fairq_if *fif = ifq->ifcq_disc; int i; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); VERIFY(fif != NULL && ifq->ifcq_type == PKTSCHEDT_FAIRQ); (void) fairq_destroy_locked(fif); ifq->ifcq_disc = NULL; for (i = 0; i < IFCQ_SC_MAX; i++) { ifq->ifcq_disc_slots[i].qid = 0; ifq->ifcq_disc_slots[i].cl = NULL; } return (ifclassq_detach(ifq)); } int fairq_getqstats_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *ifq, u_int32_t slot, struct if_ifclassq_stats *ifqs) { struct fairq_if *fif = ifq->ifcq_disc; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); VERIFY(ifq->ifcq_type == PKTSCHEDT_FAIRQ); if (slot >= IFCQ_SC_MAX) return (EINVAL); return (fairq_get_class_stats(fif, ifq->ifcq_disc_slots[slot].qid, &ifqs->ifqs_fairq_stats)); } #endif /* PKTSCHED_FAIRQ */