/* * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* $OpenBSD: altq_cbq.c,v 1.23 2007/09/13 20:40:02 chl Exp $ */ /* $KAME: altq_cbq.c,v 1.9 2000/12/14 08:12:45 thorpej Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) Sun Microsystems, Inc. 1993-1998 All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the SMCC Technology * Development Group at Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * 4. The name of the Sun Microsystems, Inc nor may not be used to endorse or * promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * SUN MICROSYSTEMS DOES NOT CLAIM MERCHANTABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE OR THE * SUITABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The software is * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty of any kind. * * These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this software. */ #if PKTSCHED_CBQ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Forward Declarations. */ #if 0 static int cbq_enqueue_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *, struct mbuf *); static struct mbuf *cbq_dequeue_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *, cqdq_op_t); static int cbq_request_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *, cqrq_t, void *); #endif static int cbq_class_destroy(cbq_state_t *, struct rm_class *); static int cbq_destroy_locked(cbq_state_t *); static struct rm_class *cbq_clh_to_clp(cbq_state_t *, u_int32_t); static const char *cbq_style(cbq_state_t *); static int cbq_clear_interface(cbq_state_t *); static void cbqrestart(struct ifclassq *); #define CBQ_ZONE_MAX 32 /* maximum elements in zone */ #define CBQ_ZONE_NAME "pktsched_cbq" /* zone name */ static unsigned int cbq_size; /* size of zone element */ static struct zone *cbq_zone; /* zone for cbq */ void cbq_init(void) { _CASSERT(CBQCLF_RED == RMCF_RED); _CASSERT(CBQCLF_ECN == RMCF_ECN); _CASSERT(CBQCLF_RIO == RMCF_RIO); _CASSERT(CBQCLF_FLOWVALVE == RMCF_FLOWVALVE); _CASSERT(CBQCLF_CLEARDSCP == RMCF_CLEARDSCP); _CASSERT(CBQCLF_WRR == RMCF_WRR); _CASSERT(CBQCLF_EFFICIENT == RMCF_EFFICIENT); _CASSERT(CBQCLF_BLUE == RMCF_BLUE); _CASSERT(CBQCLF_SFB == RMCF_SFB); _CASSERT(CBQCLF_FLOWCTL == RMCF_FLOWCTL); _CASSERT(CBQCLF_LAZY == RMCF_LAZY); cbq_size = sizeof (cbq_state_t); cbq_zone = zinit(cbq_size, CBQ_ZONE_MAX * cbq_size, 0, CBQ_ZONE_NAME); if (cbq_zone == NULL) { panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, CBQ_ZONE_NAME); /* NOTREACHED */ } zone_change(cbq_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE); zone_change(cbq_zone, Z_CALLERACCT, TRUE); rmclass_init(); } cbq_state_t * cbq_alloc(struct ifnet *ifp, int how, boolean_t altq) { cbq_state_t *cbqp; /* allocate and initialize cbq_state_t */ cbqp = (how == M_WAITOK) ? zalloc(cbq_zone) : zalloc_noblock(cbq_zone); if (cbqp == NULL) return (NULL); bzero(cbqp, cbq_size); CALLOUT_INIT(&cbqp->cbq_callout); cbqp->cbq_qlen = 0; cbqp->ifnp.ifq_ = &ifp->if_snd; /* keep the ifclassq */ if (altq) cbqp->cbq_flags |= CBQSF_ALTQ; if (pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s scheduler allocated\n", if_name(ifp), cbq_style(cbqp)); } return (cbqp); } int cbq_destroy(cbq_state_t *cbqp) { struct ifclassq *ifq = cbqp->ifnp.ifq_; int err; IFCQ_LOCK(ifq); err = cbq_destroy_locked(cbqp); IFCQ_UNLOCK(ifq); return (err); } static int cbq_destroy_locked(cbq_state_t *cbqp) { IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cbqp->ifnp.ifq_); (void) cbq_clear_interface(cbqp); if (pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s scheduler destroyed\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp)); } if (cbqp->ifnp.default_) cbq_class_destroy(cbqp, cbqp->ifnp.default_); if (cbqp->ifnp.root_) cbq_class_destroy(cbqp, cbqp->ifnp.root_); /* deallocate cbq_state_t */ zfree(cbq_zone, cbqp); return (0); } int cbq_add_queue(cbq_state_t *cbqp, u_int32_t qlimit, u_int32_t priority, u_int32_t minburst, u_int32_t maxburst, u_int32_t pktsize, u_int32_t maxpktsize, u_int32_t ns_per_byte, u_int32_t maxidle, int minidle, u_int32_t offtime, u_int32_t flags, u_int32_t parent_qid, u_int32_t qid, struct rm_class **clp) { #pragma unused(minburst, maxburst, maxpktsize) struct rm_class *borrow, *parent; struct rm_class *cl; int i, error; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cbqp->ifnp.ifq_); /* Sanitize flags unless internally configured */ if (cbqp->cbq_flags & CBQSF_ALTQ) flags &= CBQCLF_USERFLAGS; /* * find a free slot in the class table. if the slot matching * the lower bits of qid is free, use this slot. otherwise, * use the first free slot. */ i = qid % CBQ_MAX_CLASSES; if (cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i] != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < CBQ_MAX_CLASSES; i++) if (cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i] == NULL) break; if (i == CBQ_MAX_CLASSES) return (EINVAL); } /* check parameters */ if (priority >= CBQ_MAXPRI) return (EINVAL); if (ns_per_byte == 0) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s invalid inverse data rate\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp)); return (EINVAL); } /* Get pointers to parent and borrow classes. */ parent = cbq_clh_to_clp(cbqp, parent_qid); if (flags & CBQCLF_BORROW) borrow = parent; else borrow = NULL; /* * A class must borrow from its parent or it can not * borrow at all. Hence, borrow can be null. */ if (parent == NULL && (flags & CBQCLF_ROOTCLASS) == 0) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s no parent class!\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp)); return (EINVAL); } if ((borrow != parent) && (borrow != NULL)) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s borrow class != parent\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp)); return (EINVAL); } /* * check parameters */ switch (flags & CBQCLF_CLASSMASK) { case CBQCLF_ROOTCLASS: if (parent != NULL) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s parent exists\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp)); return (EINVAL); } if (cbqp->ifnp.root_) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s root class exists\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp)); return (EINVAL); } break; case CBQCLF_DEFCLASS: if (cbqp->ifnp.default_) { log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s default class exists\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp)); return (EINVAL); } break; case 0: break; default: /* more than two flags bits set */ log(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s invalid class flags 0x%x\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp), (flags & CBQCLF_CLASSMASK)); return (EINVAL); } /* * create a class. if this is a root class, initialize the * interface. */ if ((flags & CBQCLF_CLASSMASK) == CBQCLF_ROOTCLASS) { error = rmc_init(cbqp->ifnp.ifq_, &cbqp->ifnp, ns_per_byte, cbqrestart, qid, qlimit, RM_MAXQUEUED, maxidle, minidle, offtime, flags); if (error != 0) return (error); cl = cbqp->ifnp.root_; } else { cl = rmc_newclass(priority, &cbqp->ifnp, ns_per_byte, rmc_delay_action, qid, qlimit, parent, borrow, maxidle, minidle, offtime, pktsize, flags); } if (cl == NULL) return (ENOMEM); /* return handle to user space. */ cl->stats_.handle = qid; cl->stats_.depth = cl->depth_; /* save the allocated class */ cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i] = cl; if ((flags & CBQCLF_CLASSMASK) == CBQCLF_DEFCLASS) cbqp->ifnp.default_ = cl; if (clp != NULL) *clp = cl; if (pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s created qid=%d pri=%d qlimit=%d " "flags=%b\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp), qid, priority, qlimit, flags, CBQCLF_BITS); } return (0); } int cbq_remove_queue(cbq_state_t *cbqp, u_int32_t qid) { struct rm_class *cl; int i; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cbqp->ifnp.ifq_); if ((cl = cbq_clh_to_clp(cbqp, qid)) == NULL) return (EINVAL); /* if we are a parent class, then return an error. */ if (RMC_IS_A_PARENT_CLASS(cl)) return (EINVAL); /* delete the class */ rmc_delete_class(&cbqp->ifnp, cl); /* * free the class handle */ for (i = 0; i < CBQ_MAX_CLASSES; i++) { if (cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i] == cl) { cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i] = NULL; if (cl == cbqp->ifnp.root_) cbqp->ifnp.root_ = NULL; if (cl == cbqp->ifnp.default_) cbqp->ifnp.default_ = NULL; break; } } return (0); } /* * int * cbq_class_destroy(cbq_mod_state_t *, struct rm_class *) - This * function destroys a given traffic class. Before destroying * the class, all traffic for that class is released. */ static int cbq_class_destroy(cbq_state_t *cbqp, struct rm_class *cl) { int i; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cbqp->ifnp.ifq_); if (pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s destroyed qid=%d pri=%d\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp), cl->stats_.handle, cl->pri_); } /* delete the class */ rmc_delete_class(&cbqp->ifnp, cl); /* * free the class handle */ for (i = 0; i < CBQ_MAX_CLASSES; i++) if (cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i] == cl) cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i] = NULL; if (cl == cbqp->ifnp.root_) cbqp->ifnp.root_ = NULL; if (cl == cbqp->ifnp.default_) cbqp->ifnp.default_ = NULL; return (0); } /* convert class handle to class pointer */ static struct rm_class * cbq_clh_to_clp(cbq_state_t *cbqp, u_int32_t chandle) { int i; struct rm_class *cl; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cbqp->ifnp.ifq_); /* * first, try optimistically the slot matching the lower bits of * the handle. if it fails, do the linear table search. */ i = chandle % CBQ_MAX_CLASSES; if ((cl = cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i]) != NULL && cl->stats_.handle == chandle) return (cl); for (i = 0; i < CBQ_MAX_CLASSES; i++) if ((cl = cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i]) != NULL && cl->stats_.handle == chandle) return (cl); return (NULL); } static const char * cbq_style(cbq_state_t *cbqp) { return ((cbqp->cbq_flags & CBQSF_ALTQ) ? "ALTQ_CBQ" : "CBQ"); } static int cbq_clear_interface(cbq_state_t *cbqp) { int again, i; struct rm_class *cl; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cbqp->ifnp.ifq_); /* clear out the classes now */ do { again = 0; for (i = 0; i < CBQ_MAX_CLASSES; i++) { if ((cl = cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i]) != NULL) { if (RMC_IS_A_PARENT_CLASS(cl)) again++; else { cbq_class_destroy(cbqp, cl); cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i] = NULL; if (cl == cbqp->ifnp.root_) cbqp->ifnp.root_ = NULL; if (cl == cbqp->ifnp.default_) cbqp->ifnp.default_ = NULL; } } } } while (again); return (0); } /* copy the stats info in rm_class to class_states_t */ int cbq_get_class_stats(cbq_state_t *cbqp, u_int32_t qid, class_stats_t *statsp) { struct rm_class *cl; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cbqp->ifnp.ifq_); if ((cl = cbq_clh_to_clp(cbqp, qid)) == NULL) return (EINVAL); statsp->xmit_cnt = cl->stats_.xmit_cnt; statsp->drop_cnt = cl->stats_.drop_cnt; statsp->over = cl->stats_.over; statsp->borrows = cl->stats_.borrows; statsp->overactions = cl->stats_.overactions; statsp->delays = cl->stats_.delays; statsp->depth = cl->depth_; statsp->priority = cl->pri_; statsp->maxidle = cl->maxidle_; statsp->minidle = cl->minidle_; statsp->offtime = cl->offtime_; statsp->qmax = qlimit(&cl->q_); statsp->ns_per_byte = cl->ns_per_byte_; statsp->wrr_allot = cl->w_allotment_; statsp->qcnt = qlen(&cl->q_); statsp->avgidle = cl->avgidle_; statsp->qtype = qtype(&cl->q_); statsp->qstate = qstate(&cl->q_); #if CLASSQ_RED if (q_is_red(&cl->q_)) red_getstats(cl->red_, &statsp->red[0]); #endif /* CLASSQ_RED */ #if CLASSQ_RIO if (q_is_rio(&cl->q_)) rio_getstats(cl->rio_, &statsp->red[0]); #endif /* CLASSQ_RIO */ #if CLASSQ_BLUE if (q_is_blue(&cl->q_)) blue_getstats(cl->blue_, &statsp->blue); #endif /* CLASSQ_BLUE */ if (q_is_sfb(&cl->q_) && cl->sfb_ != NULL) sfb_getstats(cl->sfb_, &statsp->sfb); return (0); } int cbq_enqueue(cbq_state_t *cbqp, struct rm_class *cl, struct mbuf *m, struct pf_mtag *t) { struct ifclassq *ifq = cbqp->ifnp.ifq_; int len, ret; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); /* grab class set by classifier */ if (!(m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)) { /* should not happen */ log(LOG_ERR, "%s: packet for %s does not have pkthdr\n", if_name(ifq->ifcq_ifp)); IFCQ_CONVERT_LOCK(ifq); m_freem(m); return (ENOBUFS); } if (cl == NULL) { cl = cbq_clh_to_clp(cbqp, t->pftag_qid); if (cl == NULL) { cl = cbqp->ifnp.default_; if (cl == NULL) { IFCQ_CONVERT_LOCK(ifq); m_freem(m); return (ENOBUFS); } } } len = m_pktlen(m); ret = rmc_queue_packet(cl, m, t); if (ret != 0) { if (ret == CLASSQEQ_SUCCESS_FC) { /* packet enqueued, return advisory feedback */ ret = EQFULL; } else { VERIFY(ret == CLASSQEQ_DROPPED || ret == CLASSQEQ_DROPPED_FC || ret == CLASSQEQ_DROPPED_SP); /* packet has been freed in rmc_queue_packet */ PKTCNTR_ADD(&cl->stats_.drop_cnt, 1, len); IFCQ_DROP_ADD(ifq, 1, len); switch (ret) { case CLASSQEQ_DROPPED: return (ENOBUFS); case CLASSQEQ_DROPPED_FC: return (EQFULL); case CLASSQEQ_DROPPED_SP: return (EQSUSPENDED); } /* NOT REACHED */ } } /* successfully queued. */ ++cbqp->cbq_qlen; IFCQ_INC_LEN(ifq); return (ret); } struct mbuf * cbq_dequeue(cbq_state_t *cbqp, cqdq_op_t op) { struct ifclassq *ifq = cbqp->ifnp.ifq_; struct mbuf *m; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); m = rmc_dequeue_next(&cbqp->ifnp, op); if (m && op == CLASSQDQ_REMOVE) { --cbqp->cbq_qlen; /* decrement # of packets in cbq */ IFCQ_DEC_LEN(ifq); IFCQ_XMIT_ADD(ifq, 1, m_pktlen(m)); /* Update the class. */ rmc_update_class_util(&cbqp->ifnp); } return (m); } /* * void * cbqrestart(queue_t *) - Restart sending of data. * called from rmc_restart via timeout after waking up * a suspended class. * Returns: NONE */ static void cbqrestart(struct ifclassq *ifq) { u_int32_t qlen; IFCQ_LOCK(ifq); qlen = IFCQ_LEN(ifq); IFCQ_UNLOCK(ifq); if (qlen > 0) ifnet_start(ifq->ifcq_ifp); } void cbq_purge(cbq_state_t *cbqp) { struct rm_class *cl; int i; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cbqp->ifnp.ifq_); for (i = 0; i < CBQ_MAX_CLASSES; i++) { if ((cl = cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i]) != NULL) { if (!qempty(&cl->q_) && pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s purge qid=%d pri=%d " "qlen=%d\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp), cl->stats_.handle, cl->pri_, qlen(&cl->q_)); } rmc_dropall(cl); } } } void cbq_event(cbq_state_t *cbqp, cqev_t ev) { struct rm_class *cl; int i; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(cbqp->ifnp.ifq_); for (i = 0; i < CBQ_MAX_CLASSES; i++) { if ((cl = cbqp->cbq_class_tbl[i]) != NULL) { if (pktsched_verbose) { log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s update qid=%d pri=%d " "event=%s\n", if_name(CBQS_IFP(cbqp)), cbq_style(cbqp), cl->stats_.handle, cl->pri_, ifclassq_ev2str(ev)); } rmc_updateq(cl, ev); } } } int cqb_setup_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *ifq, u_int32_t flags) { #pragma unused(ifq, flags) return (ENXIO); /* not yet */ } int cbq_teardown_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *ifq) { cbq_state_t *cbqp = ifq->ifcq_disc; int i; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); VERIFY(cbqp != NULL && ifq->ifcq_type == PKTSCHEDT_CBQ); (void) cbq_destroy_locked(cbqp); ifq->ifcq_disc = NULL; for (i = 0; i < IFCQ_SC_MAX; i++) { ifq->ifcq_disc_slots[i].qid = 0; ifq->ifcq_disc_slots[i].cl = NULL; } return (ifclassq_detach(ifq)); } int cbq_getqstats_ifclassq(struct ifclassq *ifq, u_int32_t slot, struct if_ifclassq_stats *ifqs) { cbq_state_t *cbqp = ifq->ifcq_disc; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); VERIFY(ifq->ifcq_type == PKTSCHEDT_CBQ); if (slot >= IFCQ_SC_MAX) return (EINVAL); return (cbq_get_class_stats(cbqp, ifq->ifcq_disc_slots[slot].qid, &ifqs->ifqs_cbq_stats)); } #endif /* PKTSCHED_CBQ */