/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void utun_cleanup_crypto (struct utun_pcb *pcb) { utun_cleanup_all_crypto_ipsec(pcb); // utun_cleanup_all_crypto_dtls(pcb); pcb->utun_flags &= ~UTUN_FLAGS_CRYPTO; } errno_t utun_ctl_enable_crypto (__unused kern_ctl_ref kctlref, __unused u_int32_t unit, __unused void *unitinfo, __unused int opt, void *data, size_t len) { struct utun_pcb *pcb = unitinfo; /* * - verify the crypto context args passed from user-land. * - check the size of the argument buffer. * - check the direction (IN or OUT) * - check the type (IPSec or DTLS) * - ensure that the crypto context is *not* already valid (don't recreate already valid context). * - we have only one context per direction and type. * - any error should be equivalent to noop. */ if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_HDR_SIZE) { return EMSGSIZE; } else { int idx; utun_crypto_args_t *crypto_args = (__typeof__(crypto_args))data; utun_crypto_ctx_t *crypto_ctx; if (crypto_args->ver == 0 || crypto_args->ver >= UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_VER_MAX) { printf("%s: ver check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_args->ver); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_args->type == 0 || crypto_args->type >= UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_MAX) { printf("%s: type check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_args->type); return EINVAL; } if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_args)) { printf("%s: vlen check failed (%d,%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)len, (int)UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_args)); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_args->args_ulen != sizeof(crypto_args->u)) { printf("%s: compatibility mode\n", __FUNCTION__); } if (crypto_args->type == UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_IPSEC) { utun_ctl_enable_crypto_ipsec(pcb, crypto_args); } else { // unsupported return EPROTONOSUPPORT; } for (idx = 0; idx < UTUN_CRYPTO_DIR_TO_IDX(UTUN_CRYPTO_DIR_MAX); idx++) { crypto_ctx = &pcb->utun_crypto_ctx[idx]; if (crypto_ctx->valid) { return EBADF; } crypto_ctx->type = crypto_args->type; LIST_INIT(&crypto_ctx->keys_listhead); crypto_ctx->valid = 1; } // data traffic is stopped by default pcb->utun_flags |= (UTUN_FLAGS_CRYPTO | UTUN_FLAGS_CRYPTO_STOP_DATA_TRAFFIC); return 0; } } errno_t utun_ctl_disable_crypto (__unused kern_ctl_ref kctlref, __unused u_int32_t unit, __unused void *unitinfo, __unused int opt, void *data, size_t len) { struct utun_pcb *pcb = unitinfo; /* * - verify the crypto context args passed from user-land. * - check the size of the argument buffer. * - check the direction (IN or OUT) * - check the type (IPSec or DTLS) * - ensure that the crypto context *is* already valid (don't release invalid context). * - we have only one context per direction and type. * - ensure that the crypto context has no crypto material. * - any error should be equivalent to noop. */ if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_HDR_SIZE) { return EMSGSIZE; } else { utun_crypto_args_t *crypto_args = (__typeof__(crypto_args))data; if (crypto_args->ver == 0 || crypto_args->ver >= UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_VER_MAX) { printf("%s: ver check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_args->ver); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_args->type == 0 || crypto_args->type >= UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_MAX) { printf("%s: type check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_args->type); return EINVAL; } if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_args)) { printf("%s: vlen check failed (%d,%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)len, (int)UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_args)); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_args->args_ulen != sizeof(crypto_args->u)) { printf("%s: compatibility mode\n", __FUNCTION__); } if (crypto_args->type == UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_IPSEC) { utun_ctl_disable_crypto_ipsec(pcb); } else { // unsupported return EPROTONOSUPPORT; } } pcb->utun_flags &= ~(UTUN_FLAGS_CRYPTO | UTUN_FLAGS_CRYPTO_STOP_DATA_TRAFFIC); return 0; } errno_t utun_ctl_config_crypto_keys (__unused kern_ctl_ref kctlref, __unused u_int32_t unit, __unused void *unitinfo, __unused int opt, void *data, size_t len) { struct utun_pcb *pcb = unitinfo; /* * - verify the crypto material args passed from user-land. * - check the size of the argument buffer. * - check the direction (IN or OUT) * - check the type (IPSec or DTLS) * - crypto material direction and type must match the associated crypto context's. * - we can have a list of crypto materials per context. * - ensure that the crypto context is already valid (don't add crypto material to invalid context). * - any error should be equivalent to noop. */ if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_ARGS_HDR_SIZE) { return EMSGSIZE; } else { int idx; utun_crypto_keys_args_t *crypto_keys_args = (__typeof__(crypto_keys_args))data; utun_crypto_ctx_t *crypto_ctx; utun_crypto_keys_t *crypto_keys = NULL; if (crypto_keys_args->ver == 0 || crypto_keys_args->ver >= UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_ARGS_VER_MAX) { printf("%s: ver check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_keys_args->ver); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_keys_args->dir == 0 || crypto_keys_args->dir >= UTUN_CRYPTO_DIR_MAX) { printf("%s: dir check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_keys_args->dir); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_keys_args->type == 0 || crypto_keys_args->type >= UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_MAX) { printf("%s: type check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_keys_args->type); return EINVAL; } if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_keys_args)) { printf("%s: vlen check failed (%d,%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)len, (int)UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_keys_args)); return EINVAL; } idx = UTUN_CRYPTO_DIR_TO_IDX(crypto_keys_args->dir); crypto_ctx = &pcb->utun_crypto_ctx[idx]; if (!crypto_ctx->valid) { return EBADF; } if (crypto_keys_args->type != crypto_ctx->type) { // can't add keymat to context with different crypto type return ENOENT; } crypto_keys = utun_alloc(sizeof(*crypto_keys)); if (!crypto_keys) { return ENOBUFS; } bzero(crypto_keys, sizeof(*crypto_keys)); if (crypto_keys_args->args_ulen != sizeof(crypto_keys_args->u)) { printf("%s: compatibility mode\n", __FUNCTION__); } // branch-off for ipsec vs. dtls if (crypto_keys_args->type == UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_IPSEC) { errno_t err; if ((err = utun_ctl_config_crypto_keys_ipsec(pcb, crypto_keys_args, crypto_keys))) { utun_free(crypto_keys); return err; } } else { // unsupported utun_free(crypto_keys); return EPROTONOSUPPORT; } crypto_keys->type = crypto_keys_args->type; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&crypto_ctx->keys_listhead, crypto_keys, chain); crypto_keys->valid = 1; } return 0; } errno_t utun_ctl_unconfig_crypto_keys (__unused kern_ctl_ref kctlref, __unused u_int32_t unit, __unused void *unitinfo, __unused int opt, void *data, size_t len) { struct utun_pcb *pcb = unitinfo; /* * - verify the crypto material args passed from user-land. * - check the size of the argument buffer. * - check the direction (IN or OUT) * - check the type (IPSec or DTLS) * - crypto material direction and type must match the associated crypto context's. * - we can have a list of crypto materials per context. * - ensure that the crypto context is already valid (don't add crypto material to invalid context). * - any error should be equivalent to noop. */ if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_ARGS_HDR_SIZE) { return EMSGSIZE; } else { int idx; utun_crypto_keys_args_t *crypto_keys_args = (__typeof__(crypto_keys_args))data; utun_crypto_ctx_t *crypto_ctx; utun_crypto_keys_t *cur_crypto_keys, *nxt_crypto_keys; if (crypto_keys_args->ver == 0 || crypto_keys_args->ver >= UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_ARGS_VER_MAX) { printf("%s: ver check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_keys_args->ver); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_keys_args->dir == 0 || crypto_keys_args->dir >= UTUN_CRYPTO_DIR_MAX) { printf("%s: dir check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_keys_args->dir); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_keys_args->type == 0 || crypto_keys_args->type >= UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_MAX) { printf("%s: type check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_keys_args->type); return EINVAL; } if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_keys_args)) { printf("%s: vlen check failed (%d,%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)len, (int)UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_keys_args)); return EINVAL; } idx = UTUN_CRYPTO_DIR_TO_IDX(crypto_keys_args->dir); crypto_ctx = &pcb->utun_crypto_ctx[idx]; if (!crypto_ctx->valid) { return EBADF; } if (crypto_keys_args->type != crypto_ctx->type) { // can't add keymat to context with different crypto type return ENOENT; } if (crypto_keys_args->args_ulen != sizeof(crypto_keys_args->u)) { printf("%s: compatibility mode\n", __FUNCTION__); } // traverse crypto materials looking for the right one for (cur_crypto_keys = (__typeof__(cur_crypto_keys))LIST_FIRST(&crypto_ctx->keys_listhead); cur_crypto_keys != NULL; cur_crypto_keys = nxt_crypto_keys) { nxt_crypto_keys = (__typeof__(nxt_crypto_keys))LIST_NEXT(cur_crypto_keys, chain); // branch-off for ipsec vs. dtls if (crypto_keys_args->type == UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_IPSEC) { if (crypto_keys_args->u.ipsec_v1.spi == cur_crypto_keys->state.u.ipsec.spi) { errno_t err; if ((err = utun_ctl_unconfig_crypto_keys_ipsec(crypto_keys_args, cur_crypto_keys))) { return err; } LIST_REMOVE(cur_crypto_keys, chain); bzero(cur_crypto_keys, sizeof(*cur_crypto_keys)); utun_free(cur_crypto_keys); return 0; } } else { // unsupported return EPROTONOSUPPORT; } } // TODO: if there is no SA left, ensure utun can't decrypt/encrypt packets directly. it should rely on the vpnplugin for that. } return 0; } errno_t utun_ctl_generate_crypto_keys_idx (__unused kern_ctl_ref kctlref, __unused u_int32_t unit, __unused void *unitinfo, __unused int opt, void *data, size_t *len) { struct utun_pcb *pcb = unitinfo; /* * - verify the crypto material index args passed from user-land. * - check the size of the argument buffer. * - check the direction (IN or OUT) * - check the type (IPSec or DTLS) * - crypto material direction and type must match the associated crypto context's. * - we can have a list of crypto materials per context. * - any error should be equivalent to noop. */ if (*len < UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_IDX_ARGS_HDR_SIZE) { return EMSGSIZE; } else { int idx; utun_crypto_keys_idx_args_t *crypto_keys_idx_args = (__typeof__(crypto_keys_idx_args))data; utun_crypto_ctx_t *crypto_ctx; if (crypto_keys_idx_args->ver == 0 || crypto_keys_idx_args->ver >= UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_ARGS_VER_MAX) { printf("%s: ver check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_keys_idx_args->ver); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_keys_idx_args->dir == 0 || crypto_keys_idx_args->dir >= UTUN_CRYPTO_DIR_MAX) { printf("%s: dir check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_keys_idx_args->dir); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_keys_idx_args->type == 0 || crypto_keys_idx_args->type >= UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_MAX) { printf("%s: type check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_keys_idx_args->type); return EINVAL; } if (*len < UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_IDX_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_keys_idx_args)) { printf("%s: vlen check failed (%d,%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)*len, (int)UTUN_CRYPTO_KEYS_IDX_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_keys_idx_args)); return EINVAL; } idx = UTUN_CRYPTO_DIR_TO_IDX(crypto_keys_idx_args->dir); crypto_ctx = &pcb->utun_crypto_ctx[idx]; if (!crypto_ctx->valid) { return EBADF; } if (crypto_keys_idx_args->type != crypto_ctx->type) { // can't add keymat to context with different crypto type return ENOENT; } if (crypto_keys_idx_args->args_ulen != sizeof(crypto_keys_idx_args->u)) { printf("%s: compatibility mode\n", __FUNCTION__); } // traverse crypto materials looking for the right one // branch-off for ipsec vs. dtls if (crypto_keys_idx_args->type == UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_IPSEC) { errno_t err; if ((err = utun_ctl_generate_crypto_keys_idx_ipsec(crypto_keys_idx_args))) { return err; } } else { // unsupported return EPROTONOSUPPORT; } } return 0; } errno_t utun_ctl_stop_crypto_data_traffic (__unused kern_ctl_ref kctlref, __unused u_int32_t unit, __unused void *unitinfo, __unused int opt, void *data, size_t len) { struct utun_pcb *pcb = unitinfo; /* * - verify the crypto context args passed from user-land. * - check the size of the argument buffer. * - check the direction (IN or OUT) * - check the type (IPSec or DTLS) * - ensure that the crypto context *is* already valid (don't release invalid context). * - we have only one context per direction and type. * - ensure that the crypto context has no crypto material. * - any error should be equivalent to noop. */ if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_HDR_SIZE) { return EMSGSIZE; } else { utun_crypto_args_t *crypto_args = (__typeof__(crypto_args))data; if (crypto_args->ver == 0 || crypto_args->ver >= UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_VER_MAX) { printf("%s: ver check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_args->ver); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_args->type == 0 || crypto_args->type >= UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_MAX) { printf("%s: type check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_args->type); return EINVAL; } if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_args)) { printf("%s: vlen check failed (%d,%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)len, (int)UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_args)); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_args->args_ulen != sizeof(crypto_args->u)) { printf("%s: compatibility mode\n", __FUNCTION__); } if ((pcb->utun_flags & UTUN_FLAGS_CRYPTO) == 0) { printf("%s: crypto is already disabled\n", __FUNCTION__); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_args->type != UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_IPSEC) { // unsupported return EPROTONOSUPPORT; } } pcb->utun_flags |= UTUN_FLAGS_CRYPTO_STOP_DATA_TRAFFIC; return 0; } errno_t utun_ctl_start_crypto_data_traffic (__unused kern_ctl_ref kctlref, __unused u_int32_t unit, __unused void *unitinfo, __unused int opt, void *data, size_t len) { struct utun_pcb *pcb = unitinfo; /* * - verify the crypto context args passed from user-land. * - check the size of the argument buffer. * - check the direction (IN or OUT) * - check the type (IPSec or DTLS) * - ensure that the crypto context *is* already valid (don't release invalid context). * - we have only one context per direction and type. * - ensure that the crypto context has no crypto material. * - any error should be equivalent to noop. */ if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_HDR_SIZE) { return EMSGSIZE; } else { utun_crypto_args_t *crypto_args = (__typeof__(crypto_args))data; if (crypto_args->ver == 0 || crypto_args->ver >= UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_VER_MAX) { printf("%s: ver check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_args->ver); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_args->type == 0 || crypto_args->type >= UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_MAX) { printf("%s: type check failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, crypto_args->type); return EINVAL; } if (len < UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_args)) { printf("%s: vlen check failed (%d,%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)len, (int)UTUN_CRYPTO_ARGS_TOTAL_SIZE(crypto_args)); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_args->args_ulen != sizeof(crypto_args->u)) { printf("%s: compatibility mode\n", __FUNCTION__); } if ((pcb->utun_flags & UTUN_FLAGS_CRYPTO) == 0) { printf("%s: crypto is already disabled\n", __FUNCTION__); return EINVAL; } if (crypto_args->type != UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_IPSEC) { // unsupported return EPROTONOSUPPORT; } } pcb->utun_flags &= ~UTUN_FLAGS_CRYPTO_STOP_DATA_TRAFFIC; return 0; } int utun_pkt_crypto_output (struct utun_pcb *pcb, mbuf_t *m) { int idx = UTUN_CRYPTO_DIR_TO_IDX(UTUN_CRYPTO_DIR_OUT); if (!pcb->utun_crypto_ctx[idx].valid) { printf("%s: context is invalid %d\n", __FUNCTION__, pcb->utun_crypto_ctx[idx].valid); return -1; } if (pcb->utun_crypto_ctx[idx].type == UTUN_CRYPTO_TYPE_IPSEC) { return(utun_pkt_ipsec_output(pcb, m)); } else { // unsupported printf("%s: type is invalid %d\n", __FUNCTION__, pcb->utun_crypto_ctx[idx].type); } return -1; }