/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * quick fair queueing */ #if PF_ALTQ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * function prototypes */ static int altq_qfq_enqueue(struct ifaltq *, struct mbuf *); static struct mbuf *altq_qfq_dequeue(struct ifaltq *, enum altdq_op); static int altq_qfq_request(struct ifaltq *, enum altrq, void *); int altq_qfq_pfattach(struct pf_altq *a) { struct ifnet *ifp; int error; lck_mtx_assert(pf_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); if ((ifp = ifunit(a->ifname)) == NULL || a->altq_disc == NULL) return (EINVAL); IFCQ_LOCK(&ifp->if_snd); error = altq_attach(IFCQ_ALTQ(&ifp->if_snd), ALTQT_QFQ, a->altq_disc, altq_qfq_enqueue, altq_qfq_dequeue, NULL, altq_qfq_request); IFCQ_UNLOCK(&ifp->if_snd); return (error); } int altq_qfq_add(struct pf_altq *a) { struct qfq_if *qif; struct ifnet *ifp; lck_mtx_assert(pf_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); if ((ifp = ifunit(a->ifname)) == NULL) return (EINVAL); if (!ALTQ_IS_READY(IFCQ_ALTQ(&ifp->if_snd))) return (ENODEV); qif = qfq_alloc(ifp, M_WAITOK, TRUE); if (qif == NULL) return (ENOMEM); /* keep the state in pf_altq */ a->altq_disc = qif; return (0); } int altq_qfq_remove(struct pf_altq *a) { struct qfq_if *qif; lck_mtx_assert(pf_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); if ((qif = a->altq_disc) == NULL) return (EINVAL); a->altq_disc = NULL; return (qfq_destroy(qif)); } int altq_qfq_add_queue(struct pf_altq *a) { struct qfq_if *qif; int err; lck_mtx_assert(pf_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); if ((qif = a->altq_disc) == NULL) return (EINVAL); IFCQ_LOCK(qif->qif_ifq); err = qfq_add_queue(qif, a->qlimit, a->weight, a->pq_u.qfq_opts.lmax, a->pq_u.qfq_opts.flags, a->qid, NULL); IFCQ_UNLOCK(qif->qif_ifq); return (err); } int altq_qfq_remove_queue(struct pf_altq *a) { struct qfq_if *qif; int err; lck_mtx_assert(pf_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); if ((qif = a->altq_disc) == NULL) return (EINVAL); IFCQ_LOCK(qif->qif_ifq); err = qfq_remove_queue(qif, a->qid); IFCQ_UNLOCK(qif->qif_ifq); return (err); } int altq_qfq_getqstats(struct pf_altq *a, void *ubuf, int *nbytes) { struct ifclassq *ifq = NULL; struct qfq_if *qif; struct qfq_classstats stats; int error = 0; lck_mtx_assert(pf_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); if ((unsigned)*nbytes < sizeof (stats)) return (EINVAL); if ((qif = altq_lookup(a->ifname, ALTQT_QFQ)) == NULL) return (EBADF); ifq = qif->qif_ifq; IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(ifq); /* lock held by altq_lookup */ error = qfq_get_class_stats(qif, a->qid, &stats); IFCQ_UNLOCK(ifq); if (error != 0) return (error); if ((error = copyout((caddr_t)&stats, (user_addr_t)(uintptr_t)ubuf, sizeof (stats))) != 0) return (error); *nbytes = sizeof (stats); return (0); } static int altq_qfq_request(struct ifaltq *altq, enum altrq req, void *arg) { struct qfq_if *qif = (struct qfq_if *)altq->altq_disc; switch (req) { case ALTRQ_PURGE: qfq_purge(qif); break; case ALTRQ_PURGE_SC: /* not supported for ALTQ instance */ break; case ALTRQ_EVENT: qfq_event(qif, (cqev_t)arg); break; } return (0); } /* * altq_qfq_enqueue is an enqueue function to be registered to * (*altq_enqueue) in struct ifaltq. */ static int altq_qfq_enqueue(struct ifaltq *altq, struct mbuf *m) { /* grab class set by classifier */ if (!(m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)) { /* should not happen */ printf("%s: packet for %s does not have pkthdr\n", __func__, if_name(altq->altq_ifcq->ifcq_ifp)); m_freem(m); return (ENOBUFS); } return (qfq_enqueue(altq->altq_disc, NULL, m, m_pftag(m))); } /* * altq_qfq_dequeue is a dequeue function to be registered to * (*altq_dequeue) in struct ifaltq. * * note: ALTDQ_POLL returns the next packet without removing the packet * from the queue. ALTDQ_REMOVE is a normal dequeue operation. * ALTDQ_REMOVE must return the same packet if called immediately * after ALTDQ_POLL. */ static struct mbuf * altq_qfq_dequeue(struct ifaltq *altq, enum altdq_op op) { return (qfq_dequeue(altq->altq_disc, (cqdq_op_t)op)); } #endif /* PF_ALTQ */