/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. 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Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)uipc_mbuf.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 2/14/95 */ /* * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License, * Version 2.0. */ /*#define PULLDOWN_DEBUG*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #if INET6 #include #include #include #endif /* INET6 */ #if CONFIG_MACF_NET #include #endif /* * ensure that [off, off + len) is contiguous on the mbuf chain "m". * packet chain before "off" is kept untouched. * if offp == NULL, the target will start at on resulting chain. * if offp != NULL, the target will start at on resulting chain. * * on error return (NULL return value), original "m" will be freed. * * XXX M_TRAILINGSPACE/M_LEADINGSPACE on shared cluster (sharedcluster) */ struct mbuf * m_pulldown(struct mbuf *m, int off, int len, int *offp) { struct mbuf *n, *o; int hlen, tlen, olen; int sharedcluster; #if defined(PULLDOWN_STAT) && INET6 static struct mbuf *prev = NULL; int prevlen = 0, prevmlen = 0; #endif /* check invalid arguments. */ if (m == NULL) panic("m == NULL in m_pulldown()"); if (len > MCLBYTES) { m_freem(m); return NULL; /* impossible */ } #if defined(PULLDOWN_STAT) && INET6 ip6stat.ip6s_pulldown++; #endif #if defined(PULLDOWN_STAT) && INET6 /* statistics for m_pullup */ ip6stat.ip6s_pullup++; if (off + len > MHLEN) ip6stat.ip6s_pullup_fail++; else { int dlen, mlen; dlen = (prev == m) ? prevlen : m->m_len; mlen = (prev == m) ? prevmlen : m->m_len + M_TRAILINGSPACE(m); if (dlen >= off + len) ip6stat.ip6s_pullup--; /* call will not be made! */ else if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) != 0) { ip6stat.ip6s_pullup_alloc++; ip6stat.ip6s_pullup_copy++; } else { if (mlen >= off + len) ip6stat.ip6s_pullup_copy++; else { ip6stat.ip6s_pullup_alloc++; ip6stat.ip6s_pullup_copy++; } } prevlen = off + len; prevmlen = MHLEN; } /* statistics for m_pullup2 */ ip6stat.ip6s_pullup2++; if (off + len > MCLBYTES) ip6stat.ip6s_pullup2_fail++; else { int dlen, mlen; dlen = (prev == m) ? prevlen : m->m_len; mlen = (prev == m) ? prevmlen : m->m_len + M_TRAILINGSPACE(m); prevlen = off + len; prevmlen = mlen; if (dlen >= off + len) ip6stat.ip6s_pullup2--; /* call will not be made! */ else if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) != 0) { ip6stat.ip6s_pullup2_alloc++; ip6stat.ip6s_pullup2_copy++; prevmlen = (off + len > MHLEN) ? MCLBYTES : MHLEN; } else { if (mlen >= off + len) ip6stat.ip6s_pullup2_copy++; else { ip6stat.ip6s_pullup2_alloc++; ip6stat.ip6s_pullup2_copy++; prevmlen = (off + len > MHLEN) ? MCLBYTES : MHLEN; } } } prev = m; #endif #ifdef PULLDOWN_DEBUG { struct mbuf *t; printf("before:"); for (t = m; t; t = t->m_next) printf(" %d", t->m_len); printf("\n"); } #endif n = m; while (n != NULL && off > 0) { if (n->m_len > off) break; off -= n->m_len; n = n->m_next; } /* be sure to point non-empty mbuf */ while (n != NULL && n->m_len == 0) n = n->m_next; if (!n) { m_freem(m); return NULL; /* mbuf chain too short */ } /* * the target data is on . * if we got enough data on the mbuf "n", we're done. */ if ((off == 0 || offp) && len <= n->m_len - off) goto ok; #if defined(PULLDOWN_STAT) && INET6 ip6stat.ip6s_pulldown_copy++; #endif /* * when len < n->m_len - off and off != 0, it is a special case. * len bytes from sits in single mbuf, but the caller does * not like the starting position (off). * chop the current mbuf into two pieces, set off to 0. */ if (len < n->m_len - off) { o = m_copym(n, off, n->m_len - off, M_DONTWAIT); if (o == NULL) { m_freem(m); return NULL; /* ENOBUFS */ } n->m_len = off; o->m_next = n->m_next; n->m_next = o; n = n->m_next; off = 0; goto ok; } /* * we need to take hlen from and tlen from m_next, 0>, * and construct contiguous mbuf with m_len == len. * note that hlen + tlen == len, and tlen > 0. */ hlen = n->m_len - off; tlen = len - hlen; /* * ensure that we have enough trailing data on mbuf chain. * if not, we can do nothing about the chain. */ olen = 0; for (o = n->m_next; o != NULL; o = o->m_next) olen += o->m_len; if (hlen + olen < len) { m_freem(m); return NULL; /* mbuf chain too short */ } /* * easy cases first. * we need to use m_copydata() to get data from m_next, 0>. */ if ((n->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) sharedcluster = 0; else { if (n->m_ext.ext_free) sharedcluster = 1; else if (m_mclhasreference(n)) sharedcluster = 1; else sharedcluster = 0; } if ((off == 0 || offp) && M_TRAILINGSPACE(n) >= tlen && !sharedcluster) { m_copydata(n->m_next, 0, tlen, mtod(n, caddr_t) + n->m_len); n->m_len += tlen; m_adj(n->m_next, tlen); goto ok; } if ((off == 0 || offp) && M_LEADINGSPACE(n->m_next) >= hlen && !sharedcluster) { n->m_next->m_data -= hlen; n->m_next->m_len += hlen; bcopy(mtod(n, caddr_t) + off, mtod(n->m_next, caddr_t), hlen); n->m_len -= hlen; n = n->m_next; off = 0; goto ok; } /* * now, we need to do the hard way. don't m_copy as there's no room * on both end. */ #if defined(PULLDOWN_STAT) && INET6 ip6stat.ip6s_pulldown_alloc++; #endif MGET(o, M_DONTWAIT, m->m_type); if (o == NULL) { m_freem(m); return NULL; /* ENOBUFS */ } if (len > MHLEN) { /* use MHLEN just for safety */ MCLGET(o, M_DONTWAIT); if ((o->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) { m_freem(m); m_free(o); return NULL; /* ENOBUFS */ } } /* get hlen from into */ o->m_len = hlen; bcopy(mtod(n, caddr_t) + off, mtod(o, caddr_t), hlen); n->m_len -= hlen; /* get tlen from m_next, 0> into */ m_copydata(n->m_next, 0, tlen, mtod(o, caddr_t) + o->m_len); o->m_len += tlen; m_adj(n->m_next, tlen); o->m_next = n->m_next; n->m_next = o; n = o; off = 0; ok: #ifdef PULLDOWN_DEBUG { struct mbuf *t; printf("after:"); for (t = m; t; t = t->m_next) printf("%c%d", t == n ? '*' : ' ', t->m_len); printf(" (off=%d)\n", off); } #endif if (offp) *offp = off; return n; } /* * Create and return an m_tag, either by re-using space in a previous tag * or by allocating a new mbuf/cluster */ struct m_tag * m_tag_create(u_int32_t id, u_int16_t type, int len, int wait, struct mbuf *buf) { struct m_tag *t = NULL; struct m_tag *p; if (len < 0) return (NULL); if (len + sizeof (struct m_tag) + sizeof (struct m_taghdr) > MLEN) return (m_tag_alloc(id, type, len, wait)); /* * We've exhausted all external cases. Now, go through the m_tag * chain and see if we can fit it in any of them. * If not (t == NULL), call m_tag_alloc to store it in a new mbuf. */ p = SLIST_FIRST(&buf->m_pkthdr.tags); while(p != NULL) { /* 2KCL m_tag */ if (M_TAG_ALIGN(p->m_tag_len) + sizeof (struct m_taghdr) > MLEN) { p = SLIST_NEXT(p, m_tag_link); continue; } VERIFY(p->m_tag_cookie == M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN); struct mbuf *m = m_dtom(p); struct m_taghdr *hdr = (struct m_taghdr *)(void *)m->m_data; VERIFY(IS_P2ALIGNED(hdr + 1, sizeof (u_int64_t))); VERIFY(m->m_flags & M_TAGHDR && !(m->m_flags & M_EXT)); /* The mbuf can store this m_tag */ if (M_TAG_ALIGN(len) <= MLEN - m->m_len) { t = (struct m_tag *)(void *)(m->m_data + m->m_len); VERIFY(IS_P2ALIGNED(t, sizeof (u_int64_t))); hdr->refcnt++; m->m_len += M_TAG_ALIGN(len); VERIFY(m->m_len <= MLEN); break; } p = SLIST_NEXT(p, m_tag_link); } if (t == NULL) return (m_tag_alloc(id, type, len, wait)); t->m_tag_cookie = M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN; t->m_tag_type = type; t->m_tag_len = len; t->m_tag_id = id; if (len > 0) bzero(t + 1, len); return (t); } /* Get a packet tag structure along with specified data following. */ struct m_tag * m_tag_alloc(u_int32_t id, u_int16_t type, int len, int wait) { struct m_tag *t; if (len < 0) return (NULL); if (M_TAG_ALIGN(len) + sizeof (struct m_taghdr) <= MLEN) { struct mbuf *m = m_get(wait, MT_TAG); struct m_taghdr *hdr; if (m == NULL) return (NULL); m->m_flags |= M_TAGHDR; hdr = (struct m_taghdr *)(void *)m->m_data; VERIFY(IS_P2ALIGNED(hdr + 1, sizeof (u_int64_t))); hdr->refcnt = 1; m->m_len += sizeof (struct m_taghdr); t = (struct m_tag *)(void *)(m->m_data + m->m_len); VERIFY(IS_P2ALIGNED(t, sizeof (u_int64_t))); m->m_len += M_TAG_ALIGN(len); VERIFY(m->m_len <= MLEN); } else if (len + sizeof (struct m_tag) <= MCLBYTES) { t = (struct m_tag *)(void *)m_mclalloc(wait); } else { t = NULL; } if (t == NULL) return (NULL); VERIFY(IS_P2ALIGNED(t, sizeof (u_int64_t))); t->m_tag_cookie = M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN; t->m_tag_type = type; t->m_tag_len = len; t->m_tag_id = id; if (len > 0) bzero(t + 1, len); return (t); } /* Free a packet tag. */ void m_tag_free(struct m_tag *t) { #if CONFIG_MACF_NET if (t != NULL && t->m_tag_id == KERNEL_MODULE_TAG_ID && t->m_tag_type == KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_MACLABEL) mac_mbuf_tag_destroy(t); #endif #if INET6 if (t != NULL && t->m_tag_id == KERNEL_MODULE_TAG_ID && t->m_tag_type == KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_INET6 && t->m_tag_len == sizeof (struct ip6aux)) ip6_destroyaux((struct ip6aux *)(t + 1)); #endif /* INET6 */ if (t == NULL) return; VERIFY(t->m_tag_cookie == M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN); if (M_TAG_ALIGN(t->m_tag_len) + sizeof (struct m_taghdr) <= MLEN) { struct mbuf * m = m_dtom(t); VERIFY(m->m_flags & M_TAGHDR); struct m_taghdr *hdr = (struct m_taghdr *)(void *)m->m_data; VERIFY(IS_P2ALIGNED(hdr + 1, sizeof (u_int64_t))); /* No other tags in this mbuf */ if(--hdr->refcnt == 0) { m_free(m); return; } /* Pattern-fill the header */ u_int64_t *fill_ptr = (u_int64_t *)t; u_int64_t *end_ptr = (u_int64_t *)(t + 1); while (fill_ptr < end_ptr) { *fill_ptr = M_TAG_FREE_PATTERN; fill_ptr++; } } else { m_mclfree((caddr_t)t); } } /* Prepend a packet tag. */ void m_tag_prepend(struct mbuf *m, struct m_tag *t) { VERIFY(m != NULL && t != NULL); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&m->m_pkthdr.tags, t, m_tag_link); } /* Unlink a packet tag. */ void m_tag_unlink(struct mbuf *m, struct m_tag *t) { VERIFY(m != NULL && t != NULL); VERIFY(t->m_tag_cookie == M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN); SLIST_REMOVE(&m->m_pkthdr.tags, t, m_tag, m_tag_link); } /* Unlink and free a packet tag. */ void m_tag_delete(struct mbuf *m, struct m_tag *t) { VERIFY(m != NULL && t != NULL); m_tag_unlink(m, t); m_tag_free(t); } /* Unlink and free a packet tag chain, starting from given tag. */ void m_tag_delete_chain(struct mbuf *m, struct m_tag *t) { struct m_tag *p, *q; VERIFY(m != NULL); if (t != NULL) { p = t; } else { p = SLIST_FIRST(&m->m_pkthdr.tags); } if (p == NULL) return; VERIFY(p->m_tag_cookie == M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN); while ((q = SLIST_NEXT(p, m_tag_link)) != NULL) { VERIFY(q->m_tag_cookie == M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN); m_tag_delete(m, q); } m_tag_delete(m, p); } /* Find a tag, starting from a given position. */ struct m_tag * m_tag_locate(struct mbuf *m, u_int32_t id, u_int16_t type, struct m_tag *t) { struct m_tag *p; VERIFY(m != NULL); if (t == NULL) { p = SLIST_FIRST(&m->m_pkthdr.tags); } else { VERIFY(t->m_tag_cookie == M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN); p = SLIST_NEXT(t, m_tag_link); } while (p != NULL) { VERIFY(p->m_tag_cookie == M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN); if (p->m_tag_id == id && p->m_tag_type == type) return (p); p = SLIST_NEXT(p, m_tag_link); } return (NULL); } /* Copy a single tag. */ struct m_tag * m_tag_copy(struct m_tag *t, int how) { struct m_tag *p; VERIFY(t != NULL); p = m_tag_alloc(t->m_tag_id, t->m_tag_type, t->m_tag_len, how); if (p == NULL) return (NULL); #if CONFIG_MACF_NET /* * XXXMAC: we should probably pass off the initialization, and * copying here? can we hid that KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_MACLABEL is * special from the mbuf code? */ if (t != NULL && t->m_tag_id == KERNEL_MODULE_TAG_ID && t->m_tag_type == KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_MACLABEL) { if (mac_mbuf_tag_init(p, how) != 0) { m_tag_free(p); return (NULL); } mac_mbuf_tag_copy(t, p); } else #endif #if INET6 if (t != NULL && t->m_tag_id == KERNEL_MODULE_TAG_ID && t->m_tag_type == KERNEL_TAG_TYPE_INET6 && t->m_tag_len == sizeof (struct ip6aux)) { ip6_copyaux((struct ip6aux *)(t + 1), (struct ip6aux *)(p + 1)); } else #endif /* INET6 */ bcopy(t + 1, p + 1, t->m_tag_len); /* Copy the data */ return (p); } /* * Copy two tag chains. The destination mbuf (to) loses any attached * tags even if the operation fails. This should not be a problem, as * m_tag_copy_chain() is typically called with a newly-allocated * destination mbuf. */ int m_tag_copy_chain(struct mbuf *to, struct mbuf *from, int how) { struct m_tag *p, *t, *tprev = NULL; VERIFY(to != NULL && from != NULL); m_tag_delete_chain(to, NULL); SLIST_FOREACH(p, &from->m_pkthdr.tags, m_tag_link) { VERIFY(p->m_tag_cookie == M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN); t = m_tag_copy(p, how); if (t == NULL) { m_tag_delete_chain(to, NULL); return (0); } if (tprev == NULL) { SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&to->m_pkthdr.tags, t, m_tag_link); } else { SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(tprev, t, m_tag_link); tprev = t; } } return (1); } /* Initialize tags on an mbuf. */ void m_tag_init(struct mbuf *m) { VERIFY(m != NULL); SLIST_INIT(&m->m_pkthdr.tags); bzero(&m->m_pkthdr.pf_mtag, sizeof (m->m_pkthdr.pf_mtag)); bzero(&m->m_pkthdr.tcp_mtag, sizeof (m->m_pkthdr.tcp_mtag)); } /* Get first tag in chain. */ struct m_tag * m_tag_first(struct mbuf *m) { VERIFY(m != NULL); return (SLIST_FIRST(&m->m_pkthdr.tags)); } /* Get next tag in chain. */ struct m_tag * m_tag_next(struct mbuf *m, struct m_tag *t) { #pragma unused(m) VERIFY(t != NULL); VERIFY(t->m_tag_cookie == M_TAG_VALID_PATTERN); return (SLIST_NEXT(t, m_tag_link)); } int m_set_traffic_class(struct mbuf *m, mbuf_traffic_class_t tc) { u_int32_t val = MBUF_TC2SCVAL(tc); /* just the val portion */ return (m_set_service_class(m, m_service_class_from_val(val))); } mbuf_traffic_class_t m_get_traffic_class(struct mbuf *m) { return (MBUF_SC2TC(m_get_service_class(m))); } void m_service_class_init(struct mbuf *m) { if (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) (void) m_set_service_class(m, MBUF_SC_BE); } int m_set_service_class(struct mbuf *m, mbuf_svc_class_t sc) { int error = 0; VERIFY(m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR); if (MBUF_VALID_SC(sc)) m->m_pkthdr.svc = sc; else error = EINVAL; return (error); } mbuf_svc_class_t m_get_service_class(struct mbuf *m) { mbuf_svc_class_t sc; VERIFY(m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR); if (MBUF_VALID_SC(m->m_pkthdr.svc)) sc = m->m_pkthdr.svc; else sc = MBUF_SC_BE; return (sc); } mbuf_svc_class_t m_service_class_from_idx(u_int32_t i) { mbuf_svc_class_t sc = MBUF_SC_BE; switch (i) { case SCIDX_BK_SYS: return (MBUF_SC_BK_SYS); case SCIDX_BK: return (MBUF_SC_BK); case SCIDX_BE: return (MBUF_SC_BE); case SCIDX_RD: return (MBUF_SC_RD); case SCIDX_OAM: return (MBUF_SC_OAM); case SCIDX_AV: return (MBUF_SC_AV); case SCIDX_RV: return (MBUF_SC_RV); case SCIDX_VI: return (MBUF_SC_VI); case SCIDX_VO: return (MBUF_SC_VO); case SCIDX_CTL: return (MBUF_SC_CTL); default: break; } VERIFY(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return (sc); } mbuf_svc_class_t m_service_class_from_val(u_int32_t v) { mbuf_svc_class_t sc = MBUF_SC_BE; switch (v) { case SCVAL_BK_SYS: return (MBUF_SC_BK_SYS); case SCVAL_BK: return (MBUF_SC_BK); case SCVAL_BE: return (MBUF_SC_BE); case SCVAL_RD: return (MBUF_SC_RD); case SCVAL_OAM: return (MBUF_SC_OAM); case SCVAL_AV: return (MBUF_SC_AV); case SCVAL_RV: return (MBUF_SC_RV); case SCVAL_VI: return (MBUF_SC_VI); case SCVAL_VO: return (MBUF_SC_VO); case SCVAL_CTL: return (MBUF_SC_CTL); default: break; } VERIFY(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return (sc); }