/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. 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All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)sys_socket.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93 */ /* * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License, * Version 2.0. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* XXX */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if CONFIG_MACF #include #endif /* * File operations on sockets. */ static int soo_read(struct fileproc *, struct uio *, int, vfs_context_t ctx); static int soo_write(struct fileproc *, struct uio *, int, vfs_context_t ctx); static int soo_close(struct fileglob *, vfs_context_t ctx); static int soo_drain(struct fileproc *, vfs_context_t ctx); /* TODO: these should be in header file */ extern int soo_ioctl(struct fileproc *, u_long, caddr_t, vfs_context_t ctx); extern int soo_stat(struct socket *, void *, int); extern int soo_select(struct fileproc *, int, void *, vfs_context_t ctx); extern int soo_kqfilter(struct fileproc *, struct knote *, vfs_context_t ctx); struct fileops socketops = { soo_read, soo_write, soo_ioctl, soo_select, soo_close, soo_kqfilter, soo_drain }; /* ARGSUSED */ static int soo_read(struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio, __unused int flags, #if !CONFIG_MACF_SOCKET __unused #endif vfs_context_t ctx) { struct socket *so; int stat; #if CONFIG_MACF_SOCKET int error; #endif int (*fsoreceive)(struct socket *so2, struct sockaddr **paddr, struct uio *uio2, struct mbuf **mp0, struct mbuf **controlp, int *flagsp); if ((so = (struct socket *)fp->f_fglob->fg_data) == NULL) { /* This is not a valid open file descriptor */ return (EBADF); } #if CONFIG_MACF_SOCKET error = mac_socket_check_receive(vfs_context_ucred(ctx), so); if (error) return (error); #endif /* CONFIG_MACF_SOCKET */ //###LD will have to change fsoreceive = so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_soreceive; stat = (*fsoreceive)(so, 0, uio, 0, 0, 0); return (stat); } /* ARGSUSED */ static int soo_write(struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio, __unused int flags, vfs_context_t ctx) { struct socket *so; int stat; int (*fsosend)(struct socket *so2, struct sockaddr *addr, struct uio *uio2, struct mbuf *top, struct mbuf *control, int flags2); proc_t procp; #if CONFIG_MACF_SOCKET int error; #endif if ((so = (struct socket *)fp->f_fglob->fg_data) == NULL) { /* This is not a valid open file descriptor */ return (EBADF); } #if CONFIG_MACF_SOCKET /* JMM - have to fetch the socket's remote addr */ error = mac_socket_check_send(vfs_context_ucred(ctx), so, NULL); if (error) return (error); #endif /* CONFIG_MACF_SOCKET */ fsosend = so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_sosend; stat = (*fsosend)(so, 0, uio, 0, 0, 0); /* Generation of SIGPIPE can be controlled per socket */ procp = vfs_context_proc(ctx); if (stat == EPIPE && !(so->so_flags & SOF_NOSIGPIPE)) psignal(procp, SIGPIPE); return (stat); } __private_extern__ int soioctl(struct socket *so, u_long cmd, caddr_t data, struct proc *p) { int error = 0; int dropsockref = -1; int int_arg; socket_lock(so, 1); /* Call the socket filter's ioctl handler for most ioctls */ if (IOCGROUP(cmd) != 'i' && IOCGROUP(cmd) != 'r') { error = sflt_ioctl(so, cmd, data); if (error != 0) goto out; } switch (cmd) { case FIONBIO: /* int */ bcopy(data, &int_arg, sizeof (int_arg)); if (int_arg) so->so_state |= SS_NBIO; else so->so_state &= ~SS_NBIO; goto out; case FIOASYNC: /* int */ bcopy(data, &int_arg, sizeof (int_arg)); if (int_arg) { so->so_state |= SS_ASYNC; so->so_rcv.sb_flags |= SB_ASYNC; so->so_snd.sb_flags |= SB_ASYNC; } else { so->so_state &= ~SS_ASYNC; so->so_rcv.sb_flags &= ~SB_ASYNC; so->so_snd.sb_flags &= ~SB_ASYNC; } goto out; case FIONREAD: /* int */ bcopy(&so->so_rcv.sb_cc, data, sizeof (u_int32_t)); goto out; case SIOCSPGRP: /* int */ bcopy(data, &so->so_pgid, sizeof (pid_t)); goto out; case SIOCGPGRP: /* int */ bcopy(&so->so_pgid, data, sizeof (pid_t)); goto out; case SIOCATMARK: /* int */ int_arg = (so->so_state & SS_RCVATMARK) != 0; bcopy(&int_arg, data, sizeof (int_arg)); goto out; case SIOCSETOT: { /* int */ /* * Set socket level options here and then call protocol * specific routine. */ struct socket *cloned_so = NULL; int cloned_fd; bcopy(data, &cloned_fd, sizeof (cloned_fd)); /* let's make sure it's either -1 or a valid file descriptor */ if (cloned_fd != -1) { error = file_socket(cloned_fd, &cloned_so); if (error) { goto out; } dropsockref = cloned_fd; } /* Always set socket non-blocking for OT */ so->so_state |= SS_NBIO; so->so_options |= SO_DONTTRUNC | SO_WANTMORE; so->so_flags |= SOF_NOSIGPIPE | SOF_NPX_SETOPTSHUT; if (cloned_so && so != cloned_so) { /* Flags options */ so->so_options |= cloned_so->so_options & ~SO_ACCEPTCONN; /* SO_LINGER */ if (so->so_options & SO_LINGER) so->so_linger = cloned_so->so_linger; /* SO_SNDBUF, SO_RCVBUF */ if (cloned_so->so_snd.sb_hiwat > 0) { if (sbreserve(&so->so_snd, cloned_so->so_snd.sb_hiwat) == 0) { error = ENOBUFS; goto out; } } if (cloned_so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat > 0) { if (sbreserve(&so->so_rcv, cloned_so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat) == 0) { error = ENOBUFS; goto out; } } /* SO_SNDLOWAT, SO_RCVLOWAT */ so->so_snd.sb_lowat = (cloned_so->so_snd.sb_lowat > so->so_snd.sb_hiwat) ? so->so_snd.sb_hiwat : cloned_so->so_snd.sb_lowat; so->so_rcv.sb_lowat = (cloned_so->so_rcv.sb_lowat > so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat) ? so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat : cloned_so->so_rcv.sb_lowat; /* SO_SNDTIMEO, SO_RCVTIMEO */ so->so_snd.sb_timeo = cloned_so->so_snd.sb_timeo; so->so_rcv.sb_timeo = cloned_so->so_rcv.sb_timeo; } error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_control)(so, cmd, data, 0, p); /* Just ignore protocols that do not understand it */ if (error == EOPNOTSUPP) error = 0; goto out; } } /* * Interface/routing/protocol specific ioctls: * interface and routing ioctls should have a * different entry since a socket's unnecessary */ if (IOCGROUP(cmd) == 'i') { error = ifioctllocked(so, cmd, data, p); } else { if (IOCGROUP(cmd) == 'r') error = rtioctl(cmd, data, p); else error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_control)(so, cmd, data, 0, p); } out: if (dropsockref != -1) file_drop(dropsockref); socket_unlock(so, 1); if (error == EJUSTRETURN) error = 0; return (error); } int soo_ioctl(struct fileproc *fp, u_long cmd, caddr_t data, vfs_context_t ctx) { struct socket *so; int error; proc_t procp = vfs_context_proc(ctx); if ((so = (struct socket *)fp->f_fglob->fg_data) == NULL) { /* This is not a valid open file descriptor */ return (EBADF); } error = soioctl(so, cmd, data, procp); if (error == 0 && cmd == SIOCSETOT) fp->f_fglob->fg_flag |= FNONBLOCK; return (error); } int soo_select(struct fileproc *fp, int which, void *wql, vfs_context_t ctx) { struct socket *so = (struct socket *)fp->f_fglob->fg_data; int retnum = 0; proc_t procp; if (so == NULL || so == (struct socket *)-1) return (0); procp = vfs_context_proc(ctx); #if CONFIG_MACF_SOCKET if (mac_socket_check_select(vfs_context_ucred(ctx), so, which) != 0); return (0); #endif /* CONFIG_MACF_SOCKET */ socket_lock(so, 1); switch (which) { case FREAD: so->so_rcv.sb_flags |= SB_SEL; if (soreadable(so)) { retnum = 1; so->so_rcv.sb_flags &= ~SB_SEL; goto done; } selrecord(procp, &so->so_rcv.sb_sel, wql); break; case FWRITE: so->so_snd.sb_flags |= SB_SEL; if (sowriteable(so)) { retnum = 1; so->so_snd.sb_flags &= ~SB_SEL; goto done; } selrecord(procp, &so->so_snd.sb_sel, wql); break; case 0: so->so_rcv.sb_flags |= SB_SEL; if (so->so_oobmark || (so->so_state & SS_RCVATMARK)) { retnum = 1; so->so_rcv.sb_flags &= ~SB_SEL; goto done; } selrecord(procp, &so->so_rcv.sb_sel, wql); break; } done: socket_unlock(so, 1); return (retnum); } int soo_stat(struct socket *so, void *ub, int isstat64) { int ret; /* warning avoidance ; protected by isstat64 */ struct stat *sb = (struct stat *)0; /* warning avoidance ; protected by isstat64 */ struct stat64 *sb64 = (struct stat64 *)0; #if CONFIG_MACF_SOCKET ret = mac_socket_check_stat(kauth_cred_get(), so); if (ret) return (ret); #endif if (isstat64 != 0) { sb64 = (struct stat64 *)ub; bzero((caddr_t)sb64, sizeof (*sb64)); } else { sb = (struct stat *)ub; bzero((caddr_t)sb, sizeof (*sb)); } socket_lock(so, 1); if (isstat64 != 0) { sb64->st_mode = S_IFSOCK; if ((so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) == 0 || so->so_rcv.sb_cc != 0) sb64->st_mode |= S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH; if ((so->so_state & SS_CANTSENDMORE) == 0) sb64->st_mode |= S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH; sb64->st_size = so->so_rcv.sb_cc - so->so_rcv.sb_ctl; sb64->st_uid = kauth_cred_getuid(so->so_cred); sb64->st_gid = kauth_cred_getgid(so->so_cred); } else { sb->st_mode = S_IFSOCK; if ((so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) == 0 || so->so_rcv.sb_cc != 0) sb->st_mode |= S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH; if ((so->so_state & SS_CANTSENDMORE) == 0) sb->st_mode |= S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH; sb->st_size = so->so_rcv.sb_cc - so->so_rcv.sb_ctl; sb->st_uid = kauth_cred_getuid(so->so_cred); sb->st_gid = kauth_cred_getgid(so->so_cred); } ret = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_sense)(so, ub, isstat64); socket_unlock(so, 1); return (ret); } /* ARGSUSED */ static int soo_close(struct fileglob *fg, __unused vfs_context_t ctx) { int error = 0; struct socket *sp; sp = (struct socket *)fg->fg_data; fg->fg_data = NULL; if (sp) error = soclose(sp); return (error); } static int soo_drain(struct fileproc *fp, __unused vfs_context_t ctx) { int error = 0; struct socket *so = (struct socket *)fp->f_fglob->fg_data; if (so) { socket_lock(so, 1); so->so_state |= SS_DRAINING; wakeup((caddr_t)&so->so_timeo); sorwakeup(so); sowwakeup(so); soevent(so, SO_FILT_HINT_LOCKED); socket_unlock(so, 1); } return (error); }