% BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK % Version: CMPL 1.1 % % The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public % License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except % in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License % at www.eclipse-clp.org/license. % % Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" % basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See % the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations % under the License. % % The Original Code is The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. % The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems, Inc. % Portions created by the Initial Developer are % Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. % % Contributor(s): Mark Wallace, Hani EL Sakkout, IC-Parc % % END LICENSE BLOCK :- module(make_overlap_bivs). :- lib(fd). :- lib(repair). :- use_module(bin_info). :- use_module(probe_support). :- lib(fd_global). :- export make_overlap_bivs/5. /* make_overlap_bivs(+Tasks,-BivLists,-BivSums,++Resource,++Options) In principle a bivalued variable is set up between each pair of tasks. This variable will be set to the amount of resource used by the second task, if the second task is in progress at the start of the first task. If not, the variable will be set to zero. The sum of these variables records the amount of resource in use at the time the first task starts. */ make_overlap_bivs(Tasks,BivLists,BivSums,Resource,Options) :- (foreach(Task1,Tasks), foreach(BivList,BivLists), foreach(BivSum,BivSums), param(Tasks,Options,Resource) do (foreach(Task2,Tasks), fromto([],ThisBivs,NextBivs,BivList), param(Task1,Options) do set_up_biv(Task1,Task2,ThisBivs,NextBivs,Options) ), Options= options with priority:Priority, Prior is Priority-1, sumlist(BivList,BivSum), check_resource_limit(BivSum,Resource,Prior) ), init_repair_bivs(BivLists,BivSums,Options). /* Check the minimum resource required at a certain task start time is still within the resource limit. Redundant if the 'cumulative' constraint is also enforced. */ check_resource_limit(BivSum,Resource,Priority) :- Prior is Priority+1, demon_suspend(check_resource(BivSum,Resource), Priority, BivSum->fd:min, S), demon_suspend(kill_check(BivSum,Resource,S,Susp), Prior, BivSum->fd:max, Susp). :- demon check_resource/2. check_resource(BivSum,Resource) :- mindomain(BivSum)= kill_suspension(S), kill_suspension(Susp) ; true ). /* set_up_biv(+Task1,+Task2,+InBivs,+OutBivs,++Options) Task1, Task2 - tasks InBivs, OutBivs - a list of bivalued variables Options - option structure set_up_biv sets up a Bivalued Variable between the two tasks, if necessary. If created, the variable is added to the appropriate list. If the tasks do not overlap, then no bivalued variable is set up, (since the value would be zero). If the tasks do overlap, the bivalued variable is set to the amount of resource needed by the second task. */ set_up_biv(Task1,Task2,InBivs,OutBivs,_O) :- Task2==Task1, !, Task1 = task with resource:R, OutBivs=[R|InBivs]. set_up_biv(Task1,Task2,InBivs,OutBivs,_O) :- Task1 = task with start:S1, Task2 = task with [start:S2,duration:D2], no_possible_overlap(S1,S2,D2), !, OutBivs=InBivs. set_up_biv(Task1,Task2,InBivs,OutBivs,_O) :- Task1 = task with start:S1, Task2 = task with [start:S2,duration:D2,resource:R2], must_overlap(S1,S2,D2), !, OutBivs=[R2|InBivs]. % If R2 is a variable, then Biv isn't really bivalued! set_up_biv(Task1,Task2,InBivs,OutBivs,Options) :- Options = options with priority:Priority, Task1 = task with start:S1, Task2 = task with [start:S2,duration:D2,resource:R2], fd:dom(R2,R2DomList), fd:(Biv::[0|R2DomList]), OutBivs=[Biv|InBivs], add_bin_info(Biv,(Task1,Task2)), Prior is Priority+1, demon_suspend(set_biv(S1,S2,D2,R2,Biv,Susp1), Prior, [[S1,S2,D2]->min,[S1,S2,D2]->max], Susp1 ). /* The following predicates use fd to check for overlaps. */ no_possible_overlap(S1,S2,D2) :- (mindomain(S1)>=maxdomain(S2)+maxdomain(D2)), !. no_possible_overlap(S1,S2,_) :- (mindomain(S2)>maxdomain(S1)), !. must_overlap(S1,S2,D2) :- (mindomain(S1)>=maxdomain(S2)), (maxdomain(S1) Task1 = task with start:S1, Task2 = task with [start:S2,duration:D2,resource:R2], Cons= (S1>=S2,S1+Granularity= Bool=True ; Bool=False. :- comment(categories, ["Constraints","Techniques"]). :- comment(summary, "Probe Search"). :- comment(author, "Mark Wallace, Hani El Sakkout"). :- comment(date, "$Date: 2009/07/16 09:11:27 $"). :- comment(copyright, "Cisco Systems, INc."). :- comment(make_overlap_bivs/5, [ summary: "Make a set of overlap bivalued variables for a set of tasks. Introduce a set of 'bivalued sum' variables, equal to the sum of the binaries at an overlap. The bivalued sum variables represent the total resources needed", amode:make_overlap_bivs(+,-,-,++,++), args:["Tasks": "A list of task structures - see library(probe_support)", "BivLists": "A list of lists of integer variables", "BivSums": "A list of integer variables, each one the sum of a list of binaries", "Resource":"An integer quantity of resource available", "Options":"An options structure" ], resat:no, see_also:[probe_cstr_sched/7,add_con/3], desc:html("

Based on the tentative assignments, probe_search finds a task start time where the resources are not sufficient to make the tentative assignment feasible. In case a bottleneck task has a variable resource requirement, this is reduced to its minimum possible value. Otherwise, probe_search chooses a bivalued 'overlap' variable at this bottleneck and using add_con it adds a constraint trying to eliminate the overlap.
