% BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK % Version: CMPL 1.1 % % The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public % License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except % in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License % at www.eclipse-clp.org/license. % % Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" % basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See % the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations % under the License. % % The Original Code is The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. % The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems, Inc. % Portions created by the Initial Developer are % Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. % % Contributor(s): Mark Wallace and Hani El Sakkout, IC-Parc % % END LICENSE BLOCK :- module(ic_probe_search). :- lib(ic). :- lib(repair). :- lib(eplex). :- use_module(bin_info). :- use_module(ic_probe). :- use_module(ic_make_overlap_bivs). :- use_module(ic_probe_support). :- export probe_search/5. /* probe_search(?BivLists,?BivSums,+Resource,+Options,+Handle) Arguments: All these arguments are described above, viz: BivLists - A list of lists of binary variables, each of which has an attribute recording which two tasks it relates BivSums - A list of finite domain variables recording the sum of the binaries associated with a given task start time Resource - An integer indicating how many resources are available Cost - A variable whose value will be minimised during search Options - options structure Handle - Passed to add_cons. Currently this is not used. Based on the tentative assignments, find_bottleneck finds a task start time where the resources are not sufficient to make the tentative assignment feasible. In case a bottleneck task has a variable resource requirement, this is reduced to its minimum possible value. Otherwise, find_bottleneck chooses a binary "overlap" variable at this bottleneck. add_biv_cstr then adds a constraint trying to eliminate the overlap. */ probe_search(Bivs,BivSums,Resource,Options,Handle) :- ( find_bottleneck(Bivs,BivSums,Resource,Biv) -> add_biv_cstr(Biv,Options,Handle), probe_search(Bivs,BivSums,Resource,Options,Handle) ; true ). /* The following predicates are used to distiguish between binary variables, representing the potential resource need if two tasks overlap, and resource variables representing a (variable) resource need, because the associated tasks DO overlap! */ biv_var(Biv) :- get_bin_info(Biv,_). resource_var(Res) :- var(Res), get_min(Res)>0. /* add_biv_cstr(-Biv,+Options,Handle) Arguments: Biv - a binary variable with an attribute recording which two tasks it relates Options - options structure add_biv_cstr is used in search. If the variable is a resource variable, it is simply set to its minimum value. In this case the predicate is deterministic. Otherwise, add_biv_cstr tries setting the bivalued variable Biv to 0 and then on backtracking sets it to 1. The subtlety lies in this: that Biv has an attribute recording the two tasks whose overlap it represents. When setting Biv to 0, add_biv_cstr adds a constraint forcing these tasks apart. When setting it to 1, add_biv_cstr forces the two tasks to overlap. It first tries forcing the first task to start after the second has finished. On backtracking once it "gives up", sets the binary variable to the amount of resource required, and forces the two tasks to overlap. On backtracking again it then tries to force the second task to start after the first. */ add_biv_cstr(Biv,_Options,_Handle) :- resource_var(Biv), !, set_to_min(Biv). add_biv_cstr(Biv,Options,Handle) :- get_bin_info(Biv,(Task1,Task2)), Task1 = task with start:S1, Task2 = task with [start:S2,duration:D2,resource:R2], (Biv=0,add_con([S1>=S2+D2],[ic,linear(Handle)],Options) ; Biv=R2, add_con([S1>=S2,S1S1],[ic,linear(Handle)],Options) ). /* find_bottleneck(+BivLists,+BivSums,++Resource,-Biv) BivLists - A list of (lists of binaries) - each list corresponding to a single task BivSums - A list of binary sums: each one, the sum of the list of binaries in the previous argument. Resource - The (integer) amount of resurce available Biv - The binary representing the two tasks which should be forced apart at the next choice point. find_bottleneck first of all chooses the bottleneck tasks. These are the ones whose binary sums have the largest tentative value (which exceeds the resource limit). All such tasks have the same tentative binary sum, 'Max'. The difference between the resource limit and this upper bound, 'Excess', is the amount by which the resources must be reduced to meet the resource limit. The tightest binary is the one with the biggest overlap (from the previous probe) that must be set to zero to achieve feasibility. */ find_bottleneck(AllBivLists,BivSums,Resource,Biv) :- max_tent_sum(AllBivLists,BivSums,Resource,Max,BivLists), Excess is Max-Resource, Excess>0, find_tightest_biv(BivLists,Excess,Biv). /* Find all the bottlenecks - i.e. those tasks start times where the resource excess is greatest. Each such bottleneck has an associated list of binary variables, BivList, and an associated sum of the binaries, BivSum. All these bottlenecks have the same (excessive) resource requirement, Max. */ max_tent_sum(AllBivLists,BivSums,Resource,Max,BivLists) :- (foreach(BivList,AllBivLists), foreach(BivSum,BivSums), fromto(-1,TMax,NMax,Max), fromto([],TList,NList,BivLists), param(Resource) do (BivSum tent_get TSum, ( TSum NMax=TMax, NList=TList ; TSum>TMax -> NMax=TSum, NList=[BivList] ; TSum=TMax -> NMax=TMax, NList=[BivList|TList] ; NMax=TMax, NList=TList ) ) ). /* find_tightest_biv(?BivLists,+Excess,-OutBiv) BivLists - The list of lists, comprising the list of binaries for each of the bottleneck tasks Excess - the (integer) amount by which the resources must be reduced to meet the resource limit OutBiv - The chosen "tightest" binary find_tightest_biv finds a resource variable at a bottleneck, if there is one. Otherwise, for each bottleneck task, it returns the tightest binary, and gives it a score (the tentative overlap). The chosen binary is the one with the greatest score. */ find_tightest_biv(BivLists,_,OutBiv) :- member(BivList,BivLists), member(OutBiv,BivList), resource_var(OutBiv), !. find_tightest_biv(BivLists,Excess,OutBiv) :- (foreach(BivList,BivLists), foreach((Olap-Biv),OlapBivs), param(Excess) do ftb(BivList,Excess,Olap,Biv) ), greatest_overlap(OlapBivs,OutBiv). /* Returns the binary variable with the greatest associated overlap */ greatest_overlap(OlapBivs,OutBiv) :- ( foreach(Olap-Biv,OlapBivs), fromto(0,ThisLeast,NextLeast,_), fromto(_,ThisBiv,NextBiv,OutBiv) do (ThisLeast>=Olap -> [NextLeast,NextBiv] = [ThisLeast,ThisBiv] ; [NextLeast,NextBiv] = [Olap,Biv] ) ). /* ftb(?BivList,+Excess,-Olap,-Biv) ftb finds, among the binary variables with a non-zero tentative value, the "tightest" one that would still have to be set to zero even if we started from the least tight. By "tighter" we mean "linking two tasks that have a larger overlap" */ ftb(BivList,Excess,Olap,Biv) :- tent_olaps_only(BivList,BivVars,TentBivSum), RemainingExcess is TentBivSum-Excess, add_olap_key(BivVars,OlapBivList), sort(1, '>=', OlapBivList, SortedOlapBivList), tightest_non_olap(RemainingExcess,SortedOlapBivList,Olap-Biv). /* Select only binary variables that have a non-zero tentative value */ tent_olaps_only(List,Vars,TentSum) :- ( foreach(El,List), fromto([],This,Next,Vars), fromto(0,ThisSum,NextSum,TentSumExpr) do ( var(El), El tent_get T, T\==0 -> Next=[El|This], NextSum = ThisSum+T ; Next=This, NextSum = ThisSum ) ), TentSum is TentSumExpr. /* Select the "tightest" binary variable that would still have to be set to zero even if we started from the least tight. */ tightest_non_olap(Excess,[Key-Biv|Bivs],Result) :- RemainingExcess is Excess - tent_get(Biv), ( RemainingExcess<0 -> Result = Key-Biv ; tightest_non_olap(RemainingExcess,Bivs,Result) ). /* add_olap_key(List,OlapList) List - a list of binaries (with attribute bin_info) OlapList - a corresponding list of terms of the form Olap-Biv where Olap is an integer representing the "tightness of the binary. These binaries represent the overlaps for a particular task start time. The aim is to find the task to force apart from the given task so as to reduce the number of overlapping tasks. The overlap is the minimum you would have to "push" the tasks to prevent them overlapping. Notice that this is NOT the minimum you would have to "push" the tasks to set the overlap binary to zero. This can be achieved while the tasks still overlap, as long as the start time of task1 does not overlap with task 2. */ add_olap_key(List,OlapList) :- ( foreach(Biv,List), foreach(Olap-Biv,OlapList) do ( get_bin_info(Biv,(Task1,Task2)), Task1 = task with [start:S1,duration:D1], Task2 = task with [start:S2,duration:D2], Olap is min(tent_get(S2)+tent_get(D2)-tent_get(S1), tent_get(S1)+tent_get(D1)-tent_get(S2)) ) ). :- comment(categories, ["Constraints","Techniques"]). :- comment(summary, "Probe Search"). :- comment(author, "Mark Wallace, Hani El Sakkout"). :- comment(date, "$Date: 2009/07/16 09:11:27 $"). :- comment(copyright, "Cisco Systems, Inc."). :- comment(desc, html(" A search routine which fixes resource bottlenecks by forcing tasks not to overlap. ")). :- comment(probe_search/5, [ summary: "Add alternative constraints to try and repair infeasible probes", amode:probe_search(+,+,++,++,+), args:["Bivs": "A list of lists of binary integer variables", "BivSums": "A list of integer variables, each one the sum of a list of binaries", "Resource":"An integer quantity of resource available", "Options":"An options structure", "Handle":"A linear solver handle" ], resat:no, see_also:[probe_cstr_sched/7,add_con/3], desc:html("

Based on the tentative assignments, probe_search finds a task start time where the resources are not sufficient to make the tentative assignment feasible. In case a bottleneck task has a variable resource requirement, this is reduced to its minimum possible value. Otherwise, probe_search chooses a binary 'overlap' variable at this bottleneck and using add_con it adds a constraint trying to eliminate the overlap.
