% BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK % Version: CMPL 1.1 % % The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public % License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except % in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License % at www.eclipse-clp.org/license. % % Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" % basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See % the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations % under the License. % % The Original Code is The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. % The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems, Inc. % Portions created by the Initial Developer are % Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. % % Contributor(s): % % END LICENSE BLOCK % File : database-lst.tex % Date : March 1992 % Author : Michael Dahmen (edit of automatic generated file) % Modified by : Luis Hermosilla, August 1992 % Project : MegaLog-Sepia User Manual % Content : predicates of module Relational Algebra \section{\eclipse DB} The following predicates are exported by the module {\bf db}. %\biponelinesection{\eclipse DB} \begin{description} \item[+Expression \hspace{1mm} ++$>$ \hspace{1mm} ?TupleList]{Set retrieval specified by an algebraic expression.} \index{$++>$/2} \item[+RelationName \hspace{1mm} $<$++ \hspace{1mm} +Expression]{Set insertion of an algebraic expression or a list of tuples.} \index{$<++$/2} \item[+RelationName \hspace{1mm} $<$$-$$-$ \hspace{1mm} +Expression]{Set deletion of an algebraic expression or a list of tuples.} \index{$<--$/2} \item[+RelationName1 \hspace{1mm} $<$@$>$ \hspace{1mm} +RelationName2]{Test for schema compatibility.} \index{$<@>$/2} \item[?RelationName \hspace{1mm} $<$$-$$>$ \hspace{1mm} ?Synonym]{Add, remove or query synonyms for relations.} \index{$<->$/2} \item[?RelationName \hspace{1mm} $<$=$>$ \hspace{1mm} ?SpecList)]{Create or remove a relation. Query relation format.} \index{$<=>$/2} \item[?RelationName isr +Expression]{Set evaluation of an algebraic expression and creation of a target relation.} \index{isr/2} \item[arity(+RelationName, ?Arity)]{Get the number of attributes in a relation.} \index{arity/2} \item[cardinality(+RelationName, ?Count)]{Get the number of tuples in a relation.} \index{cardinality/2} \item[del_tup(?TupleTerm)]{Tuple at a time retrieval with deletion. On backtracking the next tuple is retrieved and deleted.} \index{del_tup/1} \item[del_tup(+RelationName, ?Tuple)]{Tuple at a time retrieval with deletion. On backtracking the next tuple is retrieved and deleted.} \index{del_tup/2} \item[del_tup(+RelationName, ?Tuple, +Selection)]{Tuple at a time retrieval with deletion. On backtracking the next tuple is retrieved and deleted.} \index{del_tup/3} \item[helpdb]{Print a list of all relations to the standard output.} \index{helpdb/0} \item[helprel(+RelationName)]{Print some info on {\it RelationName} to the standard output.} \index{helprel/1} \item[ins_tup(+TupleTerm)]{Insert a tuple into a relation.} \index{ins_tup/1} \item[ins_tup(+RelationName, +Tuple)]{Insert a tuple into a relation.} \index{ins_tup/2} \item[+DBoperation ondb +DBhandle]{Apply {\it DBoperation} to the database specified by {\it DBhandle}.} \index{ondb/2} \item[printrel(+RelationName)]{Print some info on {\it RelationName} and the content of {\it RelationName} to the standard output.} \index{printrel/1} \item[rename_attributes(+RelationName, +NewAttributes)]{Change the attribute names of a relation.} \index{rename_attributes/2} \item[rename_relation(+OldName, +NewName)]{Change the name a of a relation.} \index{rename_relation/2} \item[retr_tup(?TupleTerm)]{Tuple at a time retrieval. On backtracking the next tuple is retrieved.} \index{retr_tup/1} \item[retr_tup(+RelationName, ?Tuple)]{Tuple at a time retrieval. On backtracking the next tuple is retrieved.} \index{retr_tup/2} \item[retr_tup(+RelationName, ?Tuple, +Selection)]{Tuple at a time retrieval. On backtracking the next tuple is retrieved.} \index{retr_tup/3} \end{description}