% BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK % Version: CMPL 1.1 % % The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public % License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except % in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License % at www.eclipse-clp.org/license. % % Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" % basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See % the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations % under the License. % % The Original Code is The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. % The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems, Inc. % Portions created by the Initial Developer are % Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. % % Contributor(s): % % END LICENSE BLOCK :- comment(alias, "Operating System"). :- comment(summary, "Built-ins to access operating-system services"). :- comment(categories, ["Built-In Predicates","Interfacing"]). :- comment(alarm / 1, [ summary:"The operating system will send the signal 14 to the ECLiPSe system Clock seconds after the command was entered. ", amode:(alarm(+) is det), desc:html(" Used to send the signal 14 (SIGALRM) to the ECLiPSe system Clock seconds after the alarm/1 command is entered. If there is already a pending alarm, its clock is merely reset, i.e. there cannot be multiple alarm requests.

If Clock is 0, any pending alarm is cancelled. If Clock is negative, it is nevertheless interpreted as an unsigned integer.

"), args:["Clock" : "Integer"], exceptions:[4 : "Clock is not instantiated.", 5 : "Clock is not an integer."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: alarm(1). yes. [eclipse]: Signal 14 % 1 second later Error: alarm(I). (Error 4). alarm(2.0). (Error 5). ", see_also:[sleep / 1]]). :- comment(argc / 1, [ summary:"Succeeds if Number is the number of arguments given on the command line to invoke ECLiPSe . ", amode:(argc(-) is det), desc:html(" Used to find the number of arguments used when invoking ECLiPSe at the operating system prompt, including eclipse itself.

"), args:["Number" : "Variable or integer."], exceptions:[5 : "Number is instantiated, but not to an integer."], eg:" Success: % eclipse -g 10000 [eclipse]: argc(N). N = 3 yes. Fail: % eclipse -g 10000 [eclipse]: argc(2). no. Error: argc('3'). (Error 5). ", see_also:[argv / 2]]). :- comment(argv / 2, [ summary:"Succeeds if the Nth argument given on the command line when invoking ECLiPSe is the string Argument. ", amode:(argv(+,-) is det), desc:html(" Used to find any argument used when invoking ECLiPSe at the operating system prompt. The zero'th argument is the name of the eclipse binary. When N is the atom all, then a list of all arguments is returned instead of a single argument. When the command line contains the special argument --, then all arguments before and including that one are suppressed.

"), args:["N" : "Integer or the atom all.", "Argument" : "String, List or variable."], exceptions:[4 : "N is not instantiated.", 5 : "N is not an integer or an atom.", 6 : "N is an atom different from all.", 6 : "There was not N arguments when calling ECLiPSe ."], eg:" Success: % eclipse hello world [eclipse]: argv(0,A0), argv(1,A1), argv(2,A2). A0 = \"/usr/local/eclipse/bin/sun4/eclipse.exe\" A1 = \"hello\" A2 = \"world\" yes. [eclipse]: argv(all, [_A0|Args]). Args = [\"hello\", \"world\"] yes. % eclipse -e \"argv(all,[_|A]),writeq(A),nl\" -- hello world [\"hello\", \"world\"] Error: argv(N,A). (Error 4). argv(1.0,A). (Error 5). argv(-1,A). (Error 6). ", see_also:[argc / 1]]). :- comment(cd / 1, [ summary:"Directory is made the current working directory. Equivalent to set_flag(cwd, Directory). ", amode:(cd(+) is det), desc:html(" Changes the current working directory to Directory. Directory may be an absolute or relative pathname.

"), args:["Directory" : "Atom or string of any form acceptable to the operating system."], exceptions:[4 : "Directory is not instantiated.", 5 : "Directory is neither an atom nor a string.", 170 : "Directory doesn't exist."], eg:" Success: cd(workdir). cd(\"workdir\"). cd('/home/lp/user/workdir'). cd('..'). cd('../workdir'). Error: cd(Dir). (Error 4). cd(20). (Error 5). cd('nonexist'). (Error 170). ", see_also:[getcwd / 1, set_flag / 2]]). :- comment(delete / 1, [ summary:"The file File (with absolute or relative pathname) is deleted. ", amode:(delete(+) is det), desc:html(" Used to delete the file or directory File. File may be an absolute or relative filename.

"), args:["File" : "An atom or a string of a form acceptable to the operating system."], exceptions:[4 : "File is not instantiated.", 5 : "File is neither an atom nor a string.", 170 : "File does not exist."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: sh('ls file.pl'). file.pl yes. [eclipse]: delete('file.pl'). yes. [eclipse]: sh('ls file.pl'). file.pl not found yes. Error: delete(File). (Error 4). delete([file]). (Error 5). delete(nofile). (Error 170). ", see_also:[sh / 1, system / 1, exists / 1, mkdir / 1]]). :- comment(getcwd / 1, [ summary:"Unifies the current working directory with Cwd. ", amode:(getcwd(-) is det), desc:html(" Cwd is unified with the current working directory including the final \"/\".

Equivalent to get_flag(cwd, Cwd). To set the current working directory, use set_flag(cwd, Directory) or cd(Directory).

"), args:["Cwd" : "String or Variable."], exceptions:[5 : "Cwd is instantiated but not to a string."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: sh(pwd). /home/user/test yes. [eclipse]: getcwd(Cwd). Cwd = \"/home/user/test/\" yes. Fail: getcwd(\"nodirectory\"). Error: getcwd(1). (Error 5). getcwd(atom). (Error 5). ", see_also:[cd / 1, get_flag / 2, set_flag / 2, mkdir / 1]]). :- comment(getenv / 2, [ summary:"Succeeds if Name is the name of an environment variable or registry entry, and returns the corresponding value.", amode:(getenv(+,-) is semidet), index:[registry,'environment variables'], desc:html("\ The first argument must be a string or an atom. The predicate looks up a value which the operating system has stored under this key.

UNIX: If Name is the name of a UNIX environment variable, this variable's value is returned. As an additional feature, if there exists an environment variable whose name is the concatenation of the value of Name and the ECLiPSe version number (e.g. \"ECLIPSEDIR_4_9\" if Name is \"ECLIPSEDIR\" and the version is 4.9), then this variable's value is returned instead.

WINDOWS: The name Name is looked up in the registry under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\IC-Parc\\ECLiPSe\\<version>. If there is such an entry, its value is returned. Otherwise, Name is taken as the name of an environment variable, whose value is returned if it exists.

If the lookup operation is unsuccessful, the predicate fails. "), args:["Name" : "String or atom.", "Value" : "String or variable."], fail_if:"Fails if none of the lookup methods yielded any result for the given name", exceptions:[4 : "Name is not instantiated.", 5 : "Name is instantiated, but not to a string or an atom.", 5 : "Value is instantiated, but not to a string."], eg:" Success: getenv('HOME',V). (gives V=\"/home/username\"). getenv(\"SHELL\",V). (gives V=\"/bin/csh\"). getenv('TERM',V). (gives V=\"sun-cmd\"). getenv('USER',V). (gives V=\"username\"). Fail: getenv('HOEM',V). Error: getenv(TERM,V). (Error 4). getenv('TERM',atom). (Error 5). getenv(1,V). (Error 5). ", see_also:[setenv/2, sh / 1, argv / 2, argc / 1]]). :- comment(setenv / 2, [ summary:"Sets the environment variable Name to the given value", amode:(setenv(+,+) is det), index:['environment variables'], desc:html("\ The first argument must be a string or an atom and is taken as the name of an operating system environment variable. The value of this environment variable is set, or changed to, the new value Value.

When Value is an atom or number, it is first converted to a string, and the environment variable is set to the resulting string value.

The mechanism can be used to pass information from an eclipse-process to its sub-processes. Note however, that due to operating system limitations, environment strings cannot contain null characters (unlike ECLiPSe strings). Also, the strings used as arguments to setenv/2 cannot be garbage collected and will accumulate.

Operating system dependencies: Because of portability issues, on UNIX there is currently no facility to unset an environment variable completely, but it can set to an empty string. On Windows on the other hand, an environment variable's value cannot be the empty string: setting an environment variable to the empty string makes it indistinguishable from an unset or nonexisting one. "), args:["Name" : "String or atom.", "Value" : "String, atom or number."], exceptions:[4 : "Name or Value is not instantiated.", 5 : "Name is instantiated, but not to a string or an atom.", 5 : "Value is instantiated, but not to a string, atom or number.", 170 : "The environment could not be changed"], eg:" ?- setenv(abc, hello), getenv(abc, X). X = \"hello\" Yes (0.00s cpu) ?- setenv(\"abc\", \"world\"), getenv(abc, X). X = \"world\" Yes (0.00s cpu) ?- setenv(abc, 999), getenv(abc, X). X = \"999\" Yes (0.00s cpu) ?- setenv(abc, data), sh(\"echo $abc\"). data Yes (0.00s cpu) ?- setenv(abc, data), exec([sh,\"-c\",\"echo $abc\"], []). data Yes (0.00s cpu) ?- setenv(abc, data), exec([eclipse,\"-e\",\"getenv(abc,X),writeln(X)\"], []). data Yes (0.00s cpu) ?- setenv(abc, \"\"), getenv(abc, X). % on UNIX X = \"\" Yes (0.00s cpu) ?- setenv(abc, \"\"), getenv(abc, X). % on Windows No (0.00s cpu) ", see_also:[exec/2, exec/3, getenv/2, sh/1]]). :- comment(pause / 0, [ summary:"The ECLiPSe session is suspended (the same as Control-Z at the top-level loop). ", amode:(pause is det), desc:html(" Used to suspend the ECLiPSe session.

"), args:[], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: [user]. w(X) :- write(X). user compiled 92 bytes in 0.02 seconds yes. [eclipse]: w(bird). bird yes. [eclipse]: pause. Stopped (signal) % fg % foreground command eclipse yes. [eclipse]: w(duck). duck yes. [eclipse]: ^D bye % eclipse [eclipse]: w(cow). calling an undefined procedure ", see_also:[halt / 0]]). :- comment(rename / 2, [ summary:"Renames the file OldName to NewName. ", amode:(rename(+,+) is det), desc:html(" OldName and NewName are absolute or relative pathnames of files. Used to rename the file OldName with the name NewName.

"), args:["OldName" : "String or atom.", "NewName" : "String or atom."], exceptions:[4 : "Either OldName or NewName are not instantiated.", 5 : "Either OldName or NewName are neither a string nor an atom.", 190 : "File OldName does not exist."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: sh('ls file1'). file1 [eclipse]: rename(file1, file2). yes. [eclipse]: sh('ls file1 file2'). file1 not found file2 yes. Error: rename(Old, any). (Error 4). rename(any, New). (Error 4). rename(1, any). (Error 5). rename(notfile, newfile). (Error 190). ", see_also:[exists / 1, delete / 1, mkdir / 1]]). :- comment(sleep / 1, [ summary:"The execution of ECLiPSe is suspended for Seconds number of seconds. ", amode:(sleep(+) is det), desc:html(" sleep/1 causes the the suspension of execution of ECLiPSe for Seconds number of seconds.

However, ECLiPSe will respond to interrupts while asleep. On most operating systems, interrupts will terminate the sleep prematurely.

"), args:["Seconds" : "Positive number (integer or float)."], exceptions:[4 : "Seconds is uninstantiated.", 5 : "Seconds is not an integer or float."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: sleep(0.3). % short sleep yes. % \"yes\" appears after 0.3 seconds. [eclipse]: sleep(63072000). % long sleep yes. % \"yes\" appears after 2 years. ", see_also:[alarm / 1, pause / 0]]). :- comment(canonical_path_name / 2, [ summary: "Expand a path name into the full `canonical' form.", amode:(canonical_path_name(+,-) is det), args: ["Path": "A pathname (atom or string)", "CanonicalPath": "Canonical pathname for Path" ], desc: html("\ This predicate expands a given pathname, and converts it into the `canonical' form of the pathname. The following are done to the path:

Not all components of Path need to exist. The removal of aliasing is performed only on the part of the path that does exist.

The type of the returned CanonicalPath is the same as the type of Path (string or atom). If Path is empty, it is replaced by the current working directory.

The predicates canonical_path_name/2 and existing_file/4 are intended as replacement for absolute_file_name/2 in previous releases. The functionality of completing an incomplete name and returning an absolute path of absolute_file_name/2 has been separated. The following approximately implements the old absolute_file_name/2:

    absolute_file_name(Rel, Abs) :-
	(Rel == user ->
	    Abs == user  % treat user specially
	; get_flag(prolog_suffix, Sufs),
	  (existing_file(Rel, Sufs, [], ExtRel) -> true ; ExtRel = Rel),
	  canonical_path_name(ExtRel, Abs)
"), see_also: [existing_file/4, os_file_name/2, pathname/4], eg:"\ [eclipse]: canonical_path_name(\"file\", Full). %cwd is /homes/tom Full = \"/homes/tom/file\" yes [eclipse]: canonical_path_name(file, Full). Full = '/homes/tom/file' yes [eclipse]: canonical_path_name(\"~/file\", Full). Full = \"/homes/tom/file\" yes [eclipse]: canonical_path_name('file/..', Full). Full = '/homes/tom/' [eclipse]: canonical_path_name('/users/tom', Full). % /users/tom is a symbolic link for /homes/tom Full = '/homes/tom/' ", exceptions: [5: "Path is not a string or atom."] ]). :- comment(existing_file/4, [ amode:(existing_file(++,++,++,-) is nondet), args: ["Base": "The start of a file or path name (atom or string, possibly with a library/1 wrapper)", "Completions": "Possible completions for Base (list of atomic elements)", "Permissions": "Permissions (list of readable,writable,executable)", "MatchedFile": "An existing file that matches the specification." ], summary: "Finds any existing file subject to the specified conditions.", fail_if: "MatchedFile cannot be found.", resat: "Succeeds once for every matching file", exceptions: [5: "Base, Completions, Permissions not of right type.", 6: "Base is an empty atom or string." ], see_also: [canonical_path_name/2, get_flag/2, os_file_name/2, pathname/4], eg: " Success: % Trying different file extensions, including the empty one: ?- existing_file(\"hello\", [\".ecl\",\".txt\",\"\"], [], File). File = \"hello.txt\" More? (;) No (0.00s cpu) % assuming hello.ecl and hello do not exist % Looking for one of several files in the parent directory: ?- existing_file(\"../\", [\"a.txt\",\"b.txt\",\"c.txt\"], [readable], File). File = \"../a.txt\" More? (;) File = \"../c.txt\" More? (;) No (0.00s cpu) % assuming b.txt does not exist or is not readable % Looking for a precompiled library: ?- existing_file(library(fd), [\".eco\"], [readable], File). File = '/homes/ks15/Eclipse/lib/fd.eco' More? (;) No (0.00s cpu) % Looking for source files: ?- get_flag(prolog_suffix, Exts), existing_file(\"hello\", Exts, [readable], File). File = \"hello.ecl\" More? (;) No (0.00s cpu) % Looking for different file names: [eclipse 1]: existing_file(test, [1,2,3], [], File). File = test1 More? (;) File = test3 More? (;) No (0.00s cpu) Failure: [eclipse 1]: existing_file(library(fd), [], [readable], File). % no Completions at all; will always fail [eclipse 1]: existing_file(library(fd), [\"\"], [readable], File). % no library file with just 'fd' as the name (file has a suffix) ", desc: html("\ This predicate will search for any existing files that match the specifications given in the first three arguments: the file starts with Base, which is an absolute or relative partial file name. Possible completions (usually file extensions) given in Completions are appended to Base, in the order they are given, to give a complete name. If a proper file (i.e. non-directory) with this name exists, the ECLiPSe process's permission for this file are checked against the Permissions list (readable, writable, executable). If the permissions match, then the filename is returned in MatchedFile.

Base may have a library/1 wrapper around the name. If this is used, the file is searched for in the directories specified in library path (including any subdirectory with the same name as given in the library/1 wrapper, i.e. we check for both lib/foo.eco and lib/foo/foo.eco). The search order is the order in which the library directories appear in the library_path flag of get_flag/2, and for each directory, the completions are tried in the order in which they appear in the list Completions. All matching files are returned via backtracking. If only the first one is required, use once/1.

MatchedFile is the same type as Base (atom or string). Also, if Base is a relative (absolute) pathname, then so is MatchedFile. If Base starts with '~' or enviroment variables (specified with a leading '$'), these are substituted. If the library(...) wrapper is used, the proper library path is substituted. Note that the executable permission for Windows may be approximate, because Windows (especially Vista) has a different system for dealing with execute permission.

The predicates canonical_path_name/2 and existing_file/4 are intended as replacement for absolute_file_name/2 in previous releases. The functionality of completing an incomplete name and returning an absolute path of absolute_file_name/2 has been separated. The following approximately implements the old absolute_file_name/2:

    absolute_file_name(Rel, Abs) :-
	(Rel == user ->
	    Abs == user
	; get_flag(prolog_suffix, Sufs),
	  (existing_file(Rel, Sufs, [], ExtRel) -> true ; ExtRel = Rel),
	  canonical_path_name(ExtRel, Abs)
")]). :- comment(errno_id / 1, [ summary:"Message is bound to the message string that corresponds to most recent operating system error that occurred during the execution. ", amode:(errno_id(-) is det), desc:html(" This predicate unifies Message with the string that corresponds to the most recent operating system error that occurred during the execution. These messages differ between different operating systems. Operating system interface errors which occur within built-in predicates are normally indicated by the predicate raising event 170 \"system interface error\". The event handler then retrieves the error message using errno_id/1. The system remembers the last error message until a new error occurs.

"), args:["Message" : "Variable."], exceptions:[5 : "Message is neither variable nor string."], eg:" [eclipse 3]: delete(nofile). system interface error: No such file or directory in delete(nofile) [eclipse 4]: errno_id(Msg). Msg = \"No such file or directory\" yes. ", see_also:[set_event_handler / 2]]). :- comment(mkdir / 1, [ summary:"Create a directory/folder with the given name. ", amode:(mkdir(+) is det), desc:html(" Used to create directories (folders) in the filesystem. Path may be an absolute or relative name.

"), args:["Path" : "An atom or a string."], exceptions:[4 : "Path is not instantiated.", 5 : "Path is neither an atom nor a string."], eg:" [eclipse 1]: mkdir(tmpdir). yes. [eclipse 1]: mkdir(tmpdir). system interface error: File exists in mkdir(tmpdir) ", see_also:[sh / 1, system / 1, exists / 1, delete / 1]]). :- comment(os_file_name / 2, [ summary:"Conversion between internal ECLiPSe file name and Operating System file name syntax. ", amode:(os_file_name(+,-) is det), amode:(os_file_name(-,+) is det), desc:html(" This predicate converts between internal (ECLiPSe) and external (operating system) file names. It works in both directions.

"), args:["InternalName" : "String, atom or variable.", "ExternalName" : "String, atom or variable."], exceptions:[4 : "Neither InternalName nor ExternalName are instantiated.", 5 : "InternalName or ExternalName are instantiated to something other than string or atom.", 5 : "InternalName or ExternalName are instantiated to different types."], eg:" Success: On UNIX: [eclipse]: os_file_name(\"//a/b/c.def\", OS). OS = \"//a/b/c.def\" yes On Windows: [eclipse]: os_file_name(\"//a/b/c.def\", OS), write(OS). a:\\b\\c.def OS = \"a:\\\\b\\\\c.def\" yes [eclipse]: os_file_name(File, \"a:\\\\b\\\\c.def\"). File = \"//a/b/c.def\" yes Error: os_file_name(X, Y). (Error 4). os_file_name(4, X). (Error 5). os_file_name(\"/home/file\", '/home/file'). (Error 5). ", see_also:[existing_file / 4, pathname / 4]]). :- comment(cputime / 1, [ summary:"Succeeds if Time is the elapsed user cpu time in seconds. ", amode:(cputime(-) is det), desc:html(" Used to find the elapsed user cpu time in seconds, it is equivalent to statistics(times, [Time|_]).

The cpu time is the `user' time i.e. the CPU time used while executing instructions in the user space of the calling process.

Note that the granularity of the system clock is usually 1/60 or 1/50 of a second. Hence if you use cputime/1 to measure runtimes make sure that the measured intervals are long enough.

The time given by the ps command gives the sum of `user' time and `system' time, which is the CPU time used by the system on behalf of the calling process.

Note that (like all predicates that return a number as their last argument), this predicate can be used as a function inside arithmetic expressions. "), args:["Time" : "Float number or variable."], exceptions:[5 : "Time is instantiated, but not to a float."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: cputime(T). T = 0.0333333 yes. Fail: cputime(0.000001). Error: cputime(2). (Error 5). ", see_also:[statistics / 0, statistics / 2, date / 1, get_flag / 2]]). :- comment(date / 1, [ summary:"Date is bound to the string giving the date and time. ", amode:(date(-) is det), desc:html(" Unifies Date with the current date and time.

"), args:["Date" : "Variable or string."], exceptions:[5 : "Date is instantiated, but not to a string."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: date(Date). Date = \"Fri Aug 25 12:00:00 1989\\n\" yes. Fail: date(\"Fri Aug 24 12:00:00 1989\\n\"). Error: date(thursday). (Error 5). ", see_also:[get_flag/2, local_time/8, local_time_string/3, library(calendar)]]). :- comment(exec / 2, [ summary:"A child process Command is forked, its standard streams are connected to Streams and the ECLiPSe process waits until it terminates. ", amode:(exec(++,++) is det), desc:html(" This predicate is used to fork a child process and to set up pipes to its standard streams. After the process is forked, ECLiPSe blocks, i.e. it waits until the child process terminates.

Command should be a list with at least one element: The first list element (a path name in ECLiPSe path name syntax, atom or string) specifies the program to be executed, and the subsequent list elements are its arguments. The arguments can be atoms, strings or numbers. They are passed to the executed program literally (in particular, no path name syntax conversion is applied).

For backward compatibility, Command can be a simple atom or string, in which case the first word in Command specifies the program to be executed, and the following words are its command-line arguments. This form is deprecated since it creates problems with argument quoting and operating system dependent path name syntax.

By specifying the Streams argument it is possible to control which of the process' standard streams are connected to ECLiPSe streams. The form of Streams is [Stdin, Stdout, Stderr]. If some of these streams are specified and not null, a pipe is opened which connects the standard stream of the child process with the specified ECLiPSe stream, e.g. Stdin must be an output stream because it is connected to the standard input of the child process. If the list Streams is shorter, only the specified streams are connected with a pipe. The streams can be specified like for open/3. If the stream is a variable, it is bound to the physical stream number, if it is an atom different from null, that symbolic stream is used. Specifying a null stream means that no pipe is set up for this stream.

Each stream can also be specified as sigio(Stream) (UNIX systems only). In this case a pipe is set up to the stream Stream and in addition the pipe is instructed to send the signal io each time new data appears in it. In this way the two processes can communicate in a truly asynchronous way. When one process sends data to the other one, the interrupt handler is invoked and it can read and process the data. When it finishes, it can continue where it was interrupted.

exec(Command, Streams) is equivalent to

exec(Command, Streams, Pid), wait(Pid, _)

exec(Command, []) is very similar to system(Command).

"), args:["Command" : "String, atom or list of atomic terms.", "Streams" : "List of stream ids."], exceptions:[4 : "Command is not instantiated.", 5 : "Command is instantiated, but not to a string or an atom.", 5 : "Streams is instantiated, but not to a list.", 5 : "A stream in Streams is instantiated, but not to an atom.", 170 : "System error, it was not possible to fork the child or the exec system call in the child failed.", 192 : "The specified stream is not open in the appropriate mode."], eg:" Success: % exec/2 wait for the child process [eclipse]: exec(ls, []), write(end_exec). aux.o coroutine.pl kegi.pl sepia.o bsi.pl cprolog.pl lint.pl sorts.pl cio.pl history.pl lists.pl strings.pl cn.pl k_env.pl quintus.pl t_all.pl end_exec yes. % exec/3 return immediately [eclipse]: exec(ls, [], Pid), write(end_exec). end_exec Pid = 16054 yes. [eclipse]: aux.o coroutine.pl kegi.pl sepia.o bsi.pl cprolog.pl lint.pl sorts.pl cio.pl history.pl lists.pl strings.pl cn.pl k_env.pl quintus.pl t_all.pl Error: exec(S, [output]). (Error 4). exec(ls, null). (Error 5). exec(chipc, [f(output)]). (Error 5). exec(date, [input]). (Error 192). ", see_also:[call_c / 2, exec / 3, exec_group / 3, setenv/2, wait / 2, kill / 2, sh / 1, system / 1, open / 3]]). :- comment(exec / 3, [ summary:"A child process Command is forked, its standard streams are connected to Streams and its process ID is Pid. ", amode:(exec(++,++,-) is det), desc:html(" This predicate is used to fork a child process and to set up pipes to its standard streams. After the process is forked, ECLiPSe continues normally, without waiting for the child to terminate.

Command should be a list with at least one element: The first list element (a path name in ECLiPSe path name syntax, atom or string) specifies the program to be executed, and the subsequent list elements are its arguments. The arguments can be atoms, strings or numbers. They are passed to the executed program literally (in particular, no path name syntax conversion is applied).

For backward compatibility, Command can be a simple atom or string, in which case the first word in Command specifies the program to be executed, and the following words (separated by blank space) are its command-line arguments. This form is deprecated since it creates problems with argument quoting and operating system dependent path name syntax.

By specifying the Streams argument it is possible to control which of the process' standard streams are connected to ECLiPSe streams. The form of Streams is [Stdin, Stdout, Stderr]. If some of these streams are specified and not null, a pipe is opened which connects the standard stream of the child process with the specified ECLiPSe stream, e.g. Stdin must be an output stream because it is connected to the standard input of the child process. If the list Streams is shorter, only the specified streams are connected with a pipe. The streams can be specified like for open/3. If the stream is a variable, it is bound to the physical stream number, if it is an atom different from null, that symbolic stream is used. Specifying a null stream means that no pipe is set up for this stream.

Each stream can also be specified as sigio(Stream) (UNIX systems only). In this case a pipe is set up to the stream Stream and in addition the pipe is instructed to send the signal io each time new data appears in it. In this way the two processes can communicate in a truly asynchronous way. When one process sends data to the other one, the interrupt handler is invoked and it can read and process the data. When it finishes, it can continue where it was interrupted.

After forking the process, Pid is unified with its process ID, which can be used e.g. in wait/2 or kill/2. If the exec system call in the child process failed, the child exits with status 128 + errno (Unix).

"), args:["Command" : "String, atom or list of atomic terms.", "Streams" : "List of stream ids.", "Pid" : "Integer or a variable."], exceptions:[4 : "Command is not instantiated.", 5 : "Command is instantiated, but not to a string or an atom.",5 : "Streams is instantiated, but not to a list.", 5 : "A stream in Streams is instantiated, but not to an atom or a sigio structure.", 5 : "Pid is instantiated.", 170 : "System error, it was not possible to fork the child.", 192 : "The specified stream is not open in the appropriate mode."], eg:" % execute an ls-command ?- exec([ls,\"-C\"], [null, out], Pid). Pid = 10885 yes. ?- read_string(out, end_of_file, _, S), write(S). aux.o coroutine.pl kegi.pl sepia.o bsi.pl cprolog.pl lint.pl sorts.pl cio.pl history.pl lists.pl strings.pl cn.pl k_env.pl quintus.pl t_all.pl S = \"...\" ?- close(out), wait(Pid, S). Pid = 10885 S = 0 yes. % execute another eclipse ?- argv(0,Ecl), % get name of the eclipse executable exec([Ecl,\"-e\",\"read(X),Y is X*X,printf('%w. %b',[Y])\"], [in,out], P). E = \"/usr/local/eclipse/bin/sparc_sunos5/eclipse.exe\" P = 10741 yes. [eclipse 2]: printf(in, '%w. %b', [12]), read(out, Result). Result = 144 yes. [eclipse 3]: close(in), close(out), wait(10741, S). S = 0 yes. Error: exec(S, [], Pid). (Error 4). exec([ls], null, Pid). (Error 5). exec([chipc], [1], P). (Error 5). exec([date], [input], P). (Error 192). ", see_also:[exec / 2, exec_group / 3, setenv/2, wait / 2, kill / 2, sh / 1, system / 1, open / 3]]). :- comment(exec_group / 3, [ summary:"A child process Command is forked in a new process group, its standard streams are connected to Streams and its process ID is Pid. ", amode:(exec_group(++,++,-) is det), desc:html("\ UNIX: This predicate is used to fork a child process in its own process group and to set up pipes to its standard streams. After the process is forked, ECLiPSe continues normally, without waiting for the child to terminate.

Command should be a list with at least one element: The first list element (a path name in ECLiPSe path name syntax, atom or string) specifies the program to be executed, and the subsequent list elements are its arguments. The arguments can be atoms, strings or numbers. They are passed to the executed program literally (in particular, no path name syntax conversion is applied).

For backward compatibility, Command can be a simple atom or string, in which case the first word in Command specifies the program to be executed, and the following words are its command-line arguments. This form is deprecated since it creates problems with argument quoting and operating system dependent path name syntax.

By specifying the Streams argument it is possible to control which of the process' standard streams are connected to ECLiPSe streams. The form of Streams is [Stdin, Stdout, Stderr]. If some of these streams are specified and not null, a pipe is opened which connects the standard stream of the child process with the specified ECLiPSe stream, e.g. Stdin must be an output stream because it is connected to the standard input of the child process. If the list Streams is shorter, only the specified streams are connected with a pipe. The streams can be specified like for open/3. If the stream is a variable, it is bound to the physical stream number, if it is an atom different from null, that symbolic stream is used. Specifying a null stream means that no pipe is set up for this stream.

Each stream can also be specified as sigio(Stream) (UNIX systems only). In this case a pipe is set up to the stream Stream and in addition the pipe is instructed to send the signal io each time new data appears in it. In this way the two processes can communicate in a truly asynchronous way. When one process sends data to the other one, the interrupt handler is invoked and it can read and process the data. When it finishes, it can continue where it was interrupted.

After forking the process, Pid is unified with its process ID, which can be used e.g. in wait/2 or kill/2. If the exec system call in the child process failed, the child exits with status 128 + errno.

As oppsed to exec/3, the child process is created in a new process group (UNIX), and as a consequence does not get the interrupt, hangup and kill signals sent to the parent. This feature might be needed if e.g. a separate ECLiPSe process is forked which should not be influenced when the user types Ctrl-C to the main ECLiPSe process. "), args:["Command" : "String, atom or list of atomic terms.", "Streams" : "List of stream ids.", "Pid" : "Integer or a variable."], exceptions:[4 : "Command is not instantiated.", 5 : "Command is instantiated, but not to a string or an atom.", 5 : "Streams is instantiated, but not to a list.", 5 : "A stream in Streams is instantiated, but not to an atom or a sigio structure.", 5 : "Pid is instantiated, but not to an integer.", 170 : "System error, it was not possible to fork the child.", 192 : "The specified stream is not open in the appropriate mode."], eg:" Success: % the child process does not get the signal if ^C is typed [eclipse]: exec_group(eclipse, [output], Pid). Pid = 11459 yes. [eclipse]: ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System [kernel] Kernel and basic libraries copyright Cisco Technology Inc Academic licensing through Imperial College London, see legal/licence_acad.txt GMP library copyright Free Software Foundation, see legal/lgpl.txt For other libraries see their individual copyright notices Version 5.8 #72, Fri Nov 26 00:12 2004 [eclipse]: ^C interruption: type a, b, c, e, or h for help : ? % when exec/3 is used, both processes get the signal [eclipse]: exec(eclipse, [output], Pid). Pid = 11440 yes. [eclipse]: ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System [kernel] Kernel and basic libraries copyright Cisco Technology Inc Academic licensing through Imperial College London, see legal/licence_acad.txt GMP library copyright Free Software Foundation, see legal/lgpl.txt For other libraries see their individual copyright notices Version 5.8 #72, Fri Nov 26 00:12 2004 [eclipse]: ^C interruption: type a, b, c, e, or h for help : ? interruption: type a, b, c, e, or h for help : ? Error: exec_group(S, [], Pid). (Error 4). exec_group(ls, null, Pid). (Error 5). exec_group(chipc, [1], P). (Error 5). exec_group(date, [input], P). (Error 192). ", see_also:[exec / 2, exec / 3, setenv/2, kill / 2, sh / 1, system / 1, open / 3, wait / 2]]). :- comment(exists / 1, [ summary:"Succeeds if the file File (with absolute or relative pathname) exists. File can be a directory. ", amode:(exists(+) is semidet), desc:html(" Used to see if the file File exists. File can be a directory. exists(File) is equivalent to get_file_info(File, mode, _).

"), args:["File" : "Atom or string."], fail_if:"Fails if the file File (with absolute or relative pathname) does not exist", exceptions:[4 : "File is not instantiated.", 5 : "File is neither an atom nor a string."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: sh('ls myfile'). myfile [eclipse]: exists(myfile). yes. [eclipse]: sh('ls /home/user/workdir'). myfile [eclipse]: exists('/home/user/workdir'). yes. Fail: [eclipse]: sh('ls nofile'). nofile not found [eclipse]: exists(nofile). no. Error: exists(File). (Error 4). exists([file]). (Error 5). ", see_also:[existing_file/4, get_file_info / 3, sh / 1, system / 1, delete / 1, mkdir / 1]]). :- comment(exit / 1, [ summary:"The Prolog session is ended and the specified status returned to the operating system. ", amode:(exit(+) is erroneous), desc:html(" Used to exit from the Prolog session. If user_end/0 is defined and global, it is called. All buffers are flushed, streams are closed and ECLiPSe exits. The specified status code is returned to the operating system. exit(0) is identical with halt.

"), args:["Status" : "Integer"], exceptions:[4 : "Status is not instantiated.", 5 : "Status is instantiated to a non-integer."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: exit(5). csh% echo $status 5 csh% ", see_also:[halt / 0, break / 0, pause / 0]]). :- comment(get_file_info / 3, [ summary:"Succeeds if the file File (with absolute or relative pathname) exists and the value of its attribute Attr unfies with Value. ", amode:(get_file_info(+,-,-) is nondet), amode:(get_file_info(+,+,-) is semidet), desc:html("\ This predicate is used to test the properties of a specified file. If Attr specifies one of the attributes listed below, then Value is unified with the attribute value on return. If Attr is a variable, the predicate on backtracking returns all attribute-value pairs that are relevant for the given file.

The possible attributes and their meanings are:

    Attribute  Type        Meaning
    mode       integer     file mode (see table below)
    size       integer     file size in bytes
    type       atom        file type: file,directory,link,socket,
                           fifo,char_device or block_device

    device     integer     device number
    inode      integer     inode number (Unix)
    nlink      integer     number of links (Unix)
    uid        integer     user ID of the owner (Unix)
    uname      string      user name of the owner (Unix)
    gid        integer     group ID of the owner (Unix)
    gname      string      group name of the owner (Unix)

    atime      integer     time of last access
    mtime      integer     time of last data modification
    ctime      integer     time of last status change
    adate      string      date of last access (text)
    mdate      string      date of last data modification (text)
    cdate      string      date of last status change (text)

    readable   on/off      file is/isn't readable by this process
    writable   on/off      file is/isn't writable by this process
    executable on/off      file is/isn't executable by this process
The *name attributes are string representation of the corresponding *id attributes. The *date attributes are string representation of the corresponding *time attributes. The time for the *time attributes is measured as seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970.

The flags readable, writable and executable indicate whether the running ECLiPSe process has the corresponding permissions on the file. Note that the executable permission for Windows may be approximate, because Windows (especially Vista) has a different system for dealing with execute permission.

The use of the 'mode' attribute and the following numbers is deprecated in favour of the 'type', 'readable', 'writable' and 'executable' attributes. The meaning of the bits in the mode attribute is as follows:

 Mode     Meaning
 8'170000 file type
 8'040000 directory
 8'020000 character special
 8'060000 block special
 8'100000 normal file
 8'120000 symbolic link
 8'140000 socket
 8'004000 set user ID on execution
 8'002000 set group ID on execution
 8'000700 owner access
 8'000400 read permission for owner
 8'000200 write permission for owner
 8'000070 group access
 8'000040 read permission for group
 8'000020 write permission for group
 8'000007 other access
 8'000004 read permission for others
 8'000002 write permission for others
 8'000001 execute/search permission for others
"), args:["File" : "Atom or string.", "Attr" : "Atom or variable.", "Value" : "Constant or variable."], fail_if:"Fails if the file File does not exist, or doesn't have the attribute Attr", exceptions:[4 : "File is not instantiated.", 5 : "File is neither an atom nor a string.", 5 : "Attr is instantiated but not to an atom.", 5 : "Value is instantiated but not to a constant."], eg:" Success: is_directory(File) :- get_file_info(File, type, directory), % the same test via mode bits: is_directory(File) :- get_file_info(File, mode, Mode), Mode /\\ file_type =:= directory_flag. file_type(8'170000). directory_flag(8'40000). % A file is younger if its time is greater is_younger(File1, File2) :- get_file_info(File1, mtime) > get_file_info(File2, mtime). Fail: get_file_info(nofile, mode, Mode). get_file_info('/', mode, 8'100000). Error: get_file_info(File, ctime, T). (Error 4). get_file_info([file], gid, G). (Error 5). get_file_info(file, 1, X). (Error 5). ", see_also:[exists / 1, delete / 1, exec / 3, local_time/8, local_time_string/3]]). :- comment(halt / 0, [ summary:"The Prolog session is ended (the same as Control-D at the top-level loop). ", amode:(halt is erroneous), desc:html(" Used to exit from the Prolog session. If user_end/0 is defined and global, it is called. All buffers are flushed, streams are closed and ECLiPSe exits. Zero as status code is returned to the operating system. halt is identical with exit(0).

"), args:[], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: halt. cygnus% echo $status 0 cygnus% [eclipse]: [user]. problem_exit :- writeln(debug_output, 'PROBLEM IN RECOVERY PROCEDURE'), halt. user compiled 132 bytes in 0.02 seconds yes. [eclipse]: problem_exit. PROBLEM IN RECOVERY PROCEDURE % ", see_also:[exit / 1, break / 0, pause / 0]]). :- comment(kill / 2, [ summary:"Send the signal Signal to the process number Pid", amode:(kill(+,+) is semidet), desc:html("\ Send the signal Signal to the process with process ID Pid. If Signal is 0, then only a check for existence of the process is performed, i.e. kill/2 fails if the process does not exist. A process ID of 0 can be used as a shorthand for the current process.

This predicate is modelled after the UNIX system call kill(2). Signal names are derived from their official names by stripping SIG and using lower case, e.g. 'segv' for SIGSEGV.

On Windows, a subset of the functionality is supported:

"), args:["Pid" : "Integer", "Signal" : "Atom or Integer"], fail_if:"Fails if Signal is 0 and process Pid does not exist", exceptions:[4 : "Pid or Signal are not instantiated.", 5 : "Pid is instantiated to a non-integer.", 5 : "Signal is instantiated to neither an integer nor an atom.", 6 : "Signal is not a signal name or number.", 170 : "Pid or Signal has an invalid value.", 170 : "No permission to access process Pid."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: get_flag(pid, Pid), kill(Pid, 31). Signal 31 Pid = 2929 yes. [eclipse]: kill(2929, 0) yes. [eclipse]: kill(1234, term) yes. Failure: [eclipse]: kill(9999, 0) no. ", see_also:[exec / 2, exec / 3, exec_group / 3, get_flag / 2, wait / 2]]). :- comment(pathname / 3, [ summary:"If FilePath is a pathname of a file, succeed if Path is the pathname of its parent directory and Name is the local file name. ", amode:(pathname(+,-,-) is det), desc:html(" This predicate is used to decompose FilePath which is either a relative or absolute pathname of a file, into two components, namely the pathname of its parent directory including the trailing \"/\" if any, and the plain name of the file Name.

"), args:["FilePath" : "String or atom.", "Path" : "Variable or string.", "Name" : "Variable or string."], exceptions:[4 : "FilePath is not instantiated.", 5 : "FilePath is neither a string nor an atom.", 5 : "Path is neither a string nor a variable.", 5 : "Name is neither a string nor a variable."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: pathname(\"/home/user/userfile\", P, F). P = \"/home/user/\" F = \"userfile\" yes. pathname(\"/home/user\",\"/home/\"). pathname(\"/home/\",\"/home/\",\"\"). pathname(\"home\",\"\",\"home\"). Fail: pathname(\"/home/file\",\"/home\",\"file\"). Error: pathname(F,P,R). (Error 4). pathname(\"/home/file\",P,file) (Error 5). ", see_also:[pathname/4]]). :- comment(pathname / 4, [ summary:"Decomposes a filename into its directory path, base name and suffix", amode:(pathname(+,-,-,-) is det), desc:html("\ This predicate is used to decompose FilePath which is either a relative or absolute pathname of a file, into three components, namely the pathname of its parent directory including the trailing \"/\" if any, the `base' name of the file (the plain file name without the suffix), and the suffix, if any. The concatenation of Path, BaseName and Suffix yields the original filename FilePath. "), args:["FilePath" : "String or atom.", "Path" : "Variable or string.", "BaseName" : "Variable or string.", "Suffix" : "Variable or string."], exceptions:[4 : "FilePath is not instantiated.", 5 : "FilePath is neither a string nor an atom.", 5 : "Path, BaseName or Suffix is neither a string nor a variable."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: pathname(\"/home/user/userfile.pl\", P, B, S). P = \"/home/user/\" B = \"userfile\" S = \".pl\" yes. [eclipse]: pathname(\"/home/user/userfile\", P, B, S). P = \"/home/user/\" B = \"userfile\" S = \"\" yes. Fail: pathname(\"/home/file.pl\",\"/home/\",\"file\", \"pl\"). Error: pathname(F,P,R,S). (Error 4). pathname(\"/home/file.pl\",P,file,'.pl') (Error 5). ", see_also:[pathname/3, split_string/4, join_string/3, canonical_path_name/2]]). :- comment(read_directory / 4, [ index:[directory,folder], summary:"Unifies SubdirList with a list of subdirectories and FileList with a list of matching files in the specified directory. ", amode:(read_directory(+,+,-,-) is det), desc:html(" read_directory/4 scans the directory specified by Directory. It collects the names of the subdirectories in SubdirList and the names of the files matching Pattern in FileList. SubdirList and FileList are lists of strings. Pattern is a string containing a filename specification similar to the usual UNIX convention. The metacharacters recognised are: * matches an arbitrary sequence of characters, ? matches any single character, [] matches one of the characters inside the brackets unless the first one is a ^ in which case it matches any character but those inside the brackets.

Filenames beginning with a dot are not suppressed by default, but the directories \".\" and \"..\" are omitted from SubdirList.

"), args:["Directory" : "Atom or String", "Pattern" : "Atom or String", "SubdirList" : "Free variable or (maybe partial) list of strings", "FileList" : "Free variable or (maybe partial) list of strings"], exceptions:[4 : "Directory or Pattern is not instantiated.", 5 : "Directory or Pattern is neither atom nor string.", 5 : "SubdirList or FileList are instantiated, but not to lists.", 170 : "An error occurred trying to access Directory."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: read_directory(\"/usr/john\", \"*\", Dirlist, Filelist). Dirlist = [\"subdir1\", \"subdir2\"] Filelist = [\"one.c\", \"two.c\", \"three.pl\", \"four.pl\"] yes. [eclipse]: read_directory(., \"[^t]*.pl\", Dirlist, Filelist). Dirlist = [\"subdir1\", \"subdir2\"] Filelist = [\"four.pl\"] yes. Fail: [eclipse]: read_directory(\".\", \"*.c\", _, [\"one.c\"]). no. Error: read_directory(_, \"*\", Dirs, Files). (error 4) read_directory([46], \"*\", Dirs, Files). (error 5) read_directory(\".\", _, Dirs, Files). (error 4) read_directory(\".\", 3, Dirs, Files). (error 5) read_directory(\".\", \"*.pl\", Dirs, file). (error 5) read_directory(\"/private\", \"*\", _, Files). (error 170) % EXAMPLE: find_tree(+Root, +Pattern, -ListOfRelativeFiles) % Recursively find all files matching Pattern below the directory % or list of directories Roots. find_tree(Root, Pattern, AllFiles) :- (atom(Root);string(Root)), !, find_dir(Root, \"\", \"\", Pattern, AllFiles, []). find_tree(Roots, Pattern, AllFiles) :- find_tree(Roots, Pattern, AllFiles, []). find_tree([], _Pattern, AllFiles, AllFiles). find_tree([Root|Roots], Pattern, AllFiles, AllFiles0) :- find_dir(Root, \"\", \"\", Pattern, AllFiles, AllFiles1), find_tree(Roots, Pattern, AllFiles1, AllFiles0). find_dir(_, _, [], _, AllFiles, AllFiles) :- !. find_dir(Root, RelPath, [Dir|Dirs], Pattern, AllFiles, AllFiles0) :- !, find_dir(Root, RelPath, Dir, Pattern, AllFiles, AllFiles1), find_dir(Root, RelPath, Dirs, Pattern, AllFiles1, AllFiles0). find_dir(Root, RelPath, Dir, Pattern, AllFiles, AllFiles0) :- ( RelPath==\"\" -> RelDir=Dir ; concat_string([RelPath,/,Dir], RelDir) ), ( RelDir==\"\" -> AbsDir=Root ; concat_string([Root,/,RelDir], AbsDir) ), read_directory(AbsDir, Pattern, SubDirs, Files), find_files(Root, RelDir, Files, AllFiles, AllFiles1), find_dir(Root, RelDir, SubDirs, Pattern, AllFiles1, AllFiles0). find_files(_, _, [], AbsFiles, AbsFiles). find_files(Root, RelDir, [File|Files], [AbsFile|AbsFiles], AbsFiles0) :- ( RelDir==\"\" -> concat_string([Root,/,File], AbsFile) ; concat_string([Root,/,RelDir,/,File], AbsFile) ), find_files(Root, RelDir, Files, AbsFiles, AbsFiles0). ", see_also:[cd / 1, getcwd / 1, get_flag / 2, pathname / 4, existing_file/4, exists / 1, mkdir / 1]]). :- comment(sh / 1, [ summary:"The string or atom ShellCommand is passed as a command to the operating system, and the command is executed there (it is a synonym for system/1). ", amode:(sh(+) is semidet), desc:html(" Used to send a command ShellCommand to the operating system. The command uses the streams input, output and error as the UNIX streams stdin, stdout and stderr respectively. ECLiPSe -specific streams, like null or a string stream, can not be used.

"), args:["ShellCommand" : "String or atom."], fail_if:"Fails if the Shell couldn't be executed or if the command returned a non-zero status", exceptions:[4 : "ShellCommand is not instantiated.", 5 : "ShellCommand is instantiated, but not to a string or atom."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: sh('ls -F'). file1 dir1/ yes. [eclipse]: sh(date). Fri Aug 25 12:00:00 MET DST 1989 yes. [eclipse]: sh(\"cd ..\"). yes. [eclipse]: sh('which eclipse'). /home/user/eclipse yes. Error: sh(S). (Error 4). sh(40). (Error 5). ", see_also:[exec / 2, exec / 3, exec_group / 3, setenv/2, wait / 2]]). :- comment(system / 1, [ summary:"The string or atom ShellCommand is passed as a command to the operating system, and the command is executed there (it is a synonym for sh/1). ", amode:(system(+) is semidet), desc:html(" Used to send a command ShellCommand to the operating system. The command uses the streams input, output and error as the UNIX streams stdin, stdout and stderr respectively. ECLiPSe -specific streams, like null or a string stream, can not be used.

"), args:["ShellCommand" : "String or atom."], fail_if:"Fails if the Shell couldn't be executed or if the command returned a non-zero status", exceptions:[4 : "ShellCommand is not instantiated.", 5 : "ShellCommand is instantiated, but not to a string or atom."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: system('ls -F'). file1 dir1/ yes. [eclipse]: system(date). Fri Aug 25 12:00:00 MET DST 1989 yes. [eclipse]: system(\"cd ..\"). yes. [eclipse]: system('which eclipse'). /home/user/eclipse yes. Error: system(S). (Error 4). system(40). (Error 5). ", see_also:[exec / 2, exec / 3, exec_group / 3, setenv/2, sh / 1, wait / 2]]). :- comment(wait / 2, [ summary:"Wait for a child process to terminate and report its process ID and status.", amode:(wait(+,-) is semidet), amode:(wait(-,-) is nondet), desc:html("\ This predicate is used to make the ECLiPSe process wait until a child process (created e.g. by exec/3 and identified by its process id Pid) terminates. Status is unified with the child process exit status.

A child process created with exec/3 still exists in the operating system even after it exits, as long as it was not waited for. Therefore it is advisable to use a wait/2 call after every exec/3 (note that exec/2 waits for the child process internally).

UNIX specific behaviour: The predicate can be invoked with Pid uninstantiated. In this case it will be resatisfiable and succeed once for every child process that terminates, as soon as a child process terminates, as long as there are child processes.

If the child process created by exec/3 or exec_group/3 could not be executed, the child exits with status 128 + errno.

When wait/2 is interrupted by a signal, the signal handler will be allowed to execute, and if it does not abort, wait/2 will be restarted subsequently.

When the child process terminated normally, then Status is the value that the child process exited with, multiplied by 256 (see wait(2)).

WINDOWS specific behaviour: The predicate can only be used to wait for one specific process, i.e. the Pid argument must be instantiated and the predicate is not resatisfiable.

When the child process terminated normally, then Status is the value that the child process exited with. "), args:["Pid" : "Integer or variable", "Status" : "Integer or variable"], fail_if:"Fails if there are no child processes or the specified process does not exist", exceptions:[5 : "Pid or Status are instantiated to non-integers."], eg:" Success: [eclipse]: exec([true], [], Pid), wait(Pid, Status). Pid = 3417 Status = 0 Yes (0.00s cpu) [eclipse]: exec([true], [], Pid), exec([date], [], Pid2), wait(Pid2, S2). Thu May 17 16:58:45 MET DST 1990 Pid = 10617 Pid2 = 10618 S2 = 0 Yes (0.00s cpu) % Unix only [eclipse 7]: exec([true],[],Pid1), exec([true],[],Pid2), wait(P,S). Pid1 = 13718 Pid2 = 13719 P = 13718 S = 0 More (0.00s cpu) ? ; Pid1 = 13718 Pid2 = 13719 P = 13719 S = 0 More (0.00s cpu) ? ; No (0.00s cpu) Fail: [eclipse]: exec(\"true\", [], Pid), wait(1111, S). No (0.00s cpu) Example (UNIX only): % Kill the process in case the wait is aborted, % e.g. due to a timeout or after-event handler wait_with_cleanup(Pid, Status) :- catch( wait(Pid, Status), Tag, ( kill(Pid, 2), wait(Pid, _), throw(Tag) ) ). ", see_also:[exec / 2, exec / 3, exec_group / 3, kill / 2, sh / 1]]). :- comment(local_time / 8, [ summary:"Conversion between local time and universal time", amode:(local_time(+,+,+,+,+,+,?,-) is semidet), amode:(local_time(-,-,-,-,-,-,-,+) is det), args:[ "Year" : "Integer or variable", "Month" : "Integer or variable", "Day" : "Integer or variable", "Hour" : "Integer or variable", "Minute" : "Integer or variable", "Second" : "Integer or variable", "DST" : "0, 1 or variable (daylight savings time flag)", "UnixTime" : "Variable or integer (seconds since 1/1/1970)" ], desc:html("\ This predicate is used to convert between local time (taking into account time zone and daylight savings time settings) and UTC (Universal Coordinated Time, represented as 'Unix time', i.e. in seconds since 1970-01-01, 00:00).

The conversion works in both directions. If the UnixTime argument is instantiated, it gets converted to the local date and time, and the first 6 arguments get unified accordingly.

If the first 6 (or 7) arguments are instantiated, they will be interpreted under the current time zone and daylight savings time rules, and converted into 'Unix time', which is unified with the last argument.

In both directions, the DST argument can usually remain uninstantiated, and will be unified with 1 if the date specified is while daylight savings time is in effect, and 0 otherwise. Note however, that during the switch from summer to winter time, there is usually a one hour overlap, where the same time of day exists twice, once in summer and once in winter time. In this case, when converting from local time to UTC, the caller should instantiate DST in order to disambiguate.

The predicate can also be used to test for valid local date and time: If the first 6 (or 7) arguments do not represent a valid date, the predicate fails.

This predicate is based on the POSIX localtime() and mktime() functions. "), fail_if:"The first 7 arguments do not represent a valid date", exceptions:[ 4 : "The arguments are insufficiently instantiated", 5 : "Any of the arguments is not of the expected numerical type", 6 : "UnixTime is out of range"], eg:" ?- get_flag(unix_time,T), local_time(Yr,Mo,Dy,Hr,Mi,Sc,Ds,T). Yr = 2003 Mo = 4 Dy = 4 Hr = 16 Mi = 38 Sc = 30 Ds = 1 T = 1049470710 Yes (0.00s cpu) ?- local_time(2003,4,4,16,38,30,1,T). T = 1049470710 Yes (0.00s cpu) ?- local_time(2003,4,4,16,38,30,_,T). T = 1049470710 Yes (0.00s cpu) ?- local_time(2003,1,1,25,0,0,_,_). % invalid hour No (0.00s cpu) ?- local_time(2003,2,29,12,0,0,_,_). % invalid date (no leap year) No (0.00s cpu) % The following examples assume DST rules for Britain ?- local_time(2003,3,30,1,30,0,_,_). % invalid time (skipped hour) No (0.00s cpu) ?- local_time(2003,10,26,1,0,0,1,T). % 1h before end of summer time T = 1067126400 Yes (0.01s cpu) ?- local_time(2003,10,26,1,0,0,0,T). % 1 hour later T = 1067130000 Yes (0.00s cpu) ", see_also:[date/1, local_time_string/3, library(calendar)]]). :- comment(local_time_string / 3, [ summary:"Create a string representation of the local time", amode:(local_time_string(+,+,-) is det), args:[ "UnixTime" : "Integer (seconds since 1/1/1970)", "Format" : "String or Atom", "TimeString" : "Variable or string" ], desc:html("\ This predicate converts UTC (Universal Coordinated Time, represented as 'Unix time', i.e. in seconds since 1970-01-01, 00:00) into a textual representation of the local time (taking into account time zone and daylight savings time settings), according to the given format string.

The format string is similar to the format string in the printf/2,3 predicate, but accepts different format specifiers. The exact set of format specifiers available depends on the underlying operating system (refer to the description of strftime()), but the following are generally available:

Abbreviated weekday name for current locale
Full weekday name for current locale
Abbreviated month name for current locale
Full month name for current locale
Preferred date and time representation for current locale
Day of month as decimal number (01-31)
Hour in 24-hour format (00-23)
Hour in 12-hour format (01-12)
Day of year as decimal number (001-366)
Month as decimal number (01-12)
Minute as decimal number (00-59)
Current locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock
Second as decimal number (00-59)
Week of year (00-53), with first Sunday first day of week 01
Weekday as decimal number (0-6, Sunday is 0)
Week of year (00-53), with first Monday first day of week 01
Date representation for current locale
Time representation for current locale
Year without century, as decimal number (00-99)
Year with century, as decimal number
Time-zone name or abbreviation, empty if time zone is unknown
Percent sign

This predicate is based on POSIX strftime(). "), exceptions:[ 4 : "UnixTime or Format are uninstantiated", 5 : "UnixTime, Format or TimeString are instantiated, but not strings"], eg:" ?- get_flag(unix_time, T), local_time_string(T, \"%c\", S). T = 1049564174 S = \"Sat Apr 05 18:36:14 2003\" Yes (0.00s cpu) ?- get_flag(unix_time, T), local_time_string(T, \"We write the year %Y in time zone %Z\", S). T = 1049564247 S = \"We write the year 2003 in time zone BST\" Yes (0.00s cpu) ", see_also:[date/1, local_time/8, library(calendar)]]).