%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK % Version: CMPL 1.1 % % The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public % License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except % in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License % at www.eclipse-clp.org/license. % % Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" % basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See % the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations % under the License. % % The Original Code is The Zinc Modelling Tools for ECLiPSe % The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Joachim Schimpf % with support from Cisco Systems and NICTA Victoria. % Portions created by the Initial Developer are % Copyright (C) 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. % % Contributor(s): Joachim Schimpf % % END LICENSE BLOCK %---------------------------------------------------------------------- :- module(flatzinc_syntax). :-(call(op(1200, fx, (:-)))). :-(call(op(1200, xfx, (:-)))). :- comment(date, "$Date: 2012/10/23 00:38:15 $"). :- comment(categories, ["Interfacing"]). :- comment(summary, "Configure ECLiPSe parser to accept FlatZinc syntax"). :- comment(author, "Joachim Schimpf, supported by Cisco Systems and NICTA Victoria"). :- comment(copyright, "Cisco Systems Inc, licensed under CMPL"). :- comment(see_also, [library(flatzinc_parser)]). :- comment(desc, html("

This module provides a quick way to enable ECLiPSe to read FlatZinc items. FlatZinc Syntax is sufficiently close to ECLiPSe syntax to allow the normal ECLiPSe parser to read FlatZinc, provided a number of syntax options are set. The way to use this library is to load it

:- lib(flatzinc_syntax).
and then use the normal read/1,2,etc primitives with this module context, e.g.
..., read(Stream, FlatZincItem)@flatzinc_syntax, ...
for example
fzn_echo(File) :-
	open(File, read, Stream),
	read(Stream, Term1)@flatzinc_syntax,
	( fromto(Term1, Term, Term2, end_of_file), param(Stream) do
	    read(Stream, Term2)@flatzinc_syntax

Alternatively, the library exports read_item/2, which is defined as

read_item(Stream, Term) :-
	read(Stream, Term)@flatzinc_syntax,
	Term \\== end_of_file.
and is call-compatible with the predicate of the same name exported from lib(flatzinc_parser), but faster. Since it works simply by modifying syntax settings for the normal ECLiPSe parser, it is less strict than the purpose written library(flatzinc_parser), and will detect less syntax errors. This should however not be an issue when processing generated FlatZinc source.

")). :- export read_item/2. read_item(Stream, Term) :- read(Stream, Term)@flatzinc_syntax, Term \== end_of_file. % All syntax settings are done as initialisation % to avoid problems while parsing this file itself! :- local initialization(( ( between(32, 255, 1, Char), get_chtab(Char, upper_case), local(chtab(Char, lower_case)), fail ; true ), local(chtab(0'!, symbol)), local(chtab(0'-, solo)), % to allow e.g. -3..-1 without spaces local(chtab(0'+, solo)), % to allow e.g. 0..+1 without spaces local(chtab(0';, terminator)), local(syntax_option(iso_base_prefix)), local(syntax_option(not(nl_in_quotes))), local(syntax_option(not(no_blanks))), local(syntax_option(atom_subscripts)), local(syntax_option(curly_args_as_list)), % hide all global operator definitions ( current_op(_, A, Op), local(op(0, A, Op)), fail ; true ), local(op(9, xfy, (::))), local(op(1100, xfy, (;))), % as in Prolog local(op(900, xfx, (=))), local(op(800, xfx, (','))), local(op(800, xfx, (:))), local(op(500, xfx, (..))), % local(op(600, fxy, sum)), % local(op(600, fxy, in)), % local(op(200, fxy, forall)), % the keywords % local(op(1050, xfx, annotation)), % local(op(500, fy, any)), local(op(600, fx, array)), % local(op(0, xfy, bool)), % local(op(0, xfy, case)), local(op(1000, fx, constraint)), % local(op(0, xfy, default)), % local(op(0, xfy, else)), % local(op(0, xfy, elseif)), % local(op(0, xfy, endif)), % local(op(1000, fx, enum)), % local(op(0, xfy, false)), % local(op(0, xfy, float)), % local(op(0, xfy, function)), % local(op(0, xfy, if)), % local(op(1000, fx, include)), % local(op(0, xfy, int)), % local(op(0, xfy, let)), local(op(1000, xfx, maximize)), local(op(1000, xfx, minimize)), local(op(700, xfy, of)), local(op(1000, fy, output)), local(op(600, xfy, par)), local(op(1000, fx, predicate)), % local(op(1000, xfy, record)), local(op(1000, xf, satisfy)), % local(op(0, xfy, set)), % local(op(0, fx, solve)), % local(op(0, xfy, string)), % local(op(0, xfy, test)), % local(op(0, xfy, then)), % local(op(0, xfy, true)), % local(op(0, xfy, tuple)), % local(op(1000, fx, type)), local(op(700, fy, var)), % local(op(1000, fx, variant_record)), % local(op(550, xfy, where)), % disable struct notation macros local(macro((with)/2, (=)/2, [])), local(macro((of)/2, (=)/2, [])) )).