// BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK // Version: CMPL 1.1 // // The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public // License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except // in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License // at www.eclipse-clp.org/license. // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See // the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // // The Original Code is The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems, Inc. // Portions created by the Initial Developer are // Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): // // END LICENSE BLOCK package com.parctechnologies.eclipse.visualisation; import com.parctechnologies.eclipse.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.SocketException; import java.util.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.beans.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; /** * This is the top-level class of the Visualisation architecture on the * Java side.

* * It is responsible for:

* 1 intialising the visualisation client's streams (in this case queues between * Java and Eclipse).

* 2 Registering the VC with eclipse.

* 3 Fulfilling the VC side of the visualisation protocol

* 4 Maintaining a VisClientStateModel instance, which reflects the current state * that the VisClient is in.

* 5 Unregistering the visualisation client and cleaning up the Java side, when * termination occurs.

* 6 Handling any exceptions which arise from communicating with ECLiPSe.

* 7 Participating in any Multitaksing phases that ECLiPSe enters. * * (1) and (2) are done by the constructor, which assumes that the calling Java * thread has control (rather than Eclipse or some other Java thread) and can * therefore invoke methods such as rpc on the EclipseConnection.

* * (3) and (4) work as follows:

* * There are two QueueListeners on the two fromEclipse queues (viewables * and updates). These are responsible for dealing with the various messages * which appear according to the visualisation protocol on these queues.

* * The basic way this works is to

* * a) "parse" the message, turning it from an EXDR * structure into a VisEvent object.

* * b) "process" the event. This mainly involves calling the processEvent method, * but there are also various other things to do based on the event type, for * example getting the new size of the viewable in the case of * create/expand/contract events.

* * processEvent is really the top-level method which is invoked when a * visualisation event happens. For each event that happens, the VisClient * progresses through a common sequence of states. The processEvent method * "directs" the state sequence of the * visualisation client throughout the duration of the VisEvent. However, the * state itself is encapsulated in the VisClientStateModel, which is passed by * reference to various other objects which want to be aware of changes to the * state.

* * The state progression for the VC can be seen from the structure of * processEvent. During the event, most of the actual Viewer-related work * relating to the changes of state is delegated to a ViewerManager object, * which can see the state via the VisClientStateModel. Each stage of the state * progression has a corresponding * static int constant in VisClientStateModel. Transitions between states * correspond to invocations of methods in ViewerManager *

* state transition diagram *


* * * (5): termination can happen due to a user event when Eclipse has control. This * is handled by the setTerminate method within VisClientStateModel. Termination * can also happen when the VC has control, either due to a user event or when a * specific "terminate" message has been received from ECLiPSe. In either of * these cases the terminate method is invoked, which does the necessary * cleaning up.

* * (6): since almost all communication with the EclipseConnection is via this class, * it handles exceptions arising from lost connections, terminated Eclipses * or violations of the visualisation protocol using some generic recovery methods .

* * The final stage of termination is performed by the exitNormal method in the * case where the VisClient meant to exit, and exitError if we are exiting as a * result of an exception being thrown. * * (7): Consists of *

  1. Enabling the 'resume' button whenever a multitaksing phase is started
  2. *
  3. Setting visualisation breakpoints whenever the VC wishes to 'hold'. *
* * * */ public class VisClient { protected VisClientStateModel stateModel; private FromEclipseQueue viewables_stream; private String viewables_stream_name; private FromEclipseQueue updates_stream; private String updates_stream_name; private ToEclipseQueue interest_stream; private String interest_stream_name; private EXDROutputStream interest_stream_f; protected Atom clientName; protected static final String MULTITASK_PHASE_TYPE = "vis_event" ; private static final Atom terminateAtom = new Atom("terminate"); private static final Atom visProtocolSupportedAtom = new Atom("vis_protocol_supported"); private static final Atom vcSupportAtom = new Atom("vc_support"); private static final Atom viewGranularityAtom = new Atom("view_granularity"); private VisClient visClient; private ViewerManager viewerManager; private static final int SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1; private boolean protocol_version_supported; private EclipseMultitaskConnection eclipse; private VisEvent currentEvent; /** * Set up a java VC based on EclipseConnection eclipse. Assumes that the * thread calling this constructor has access to rpc etc on the * EclipseConnection (i.e. the eclipse does not have control and is not * "owned" by some other java thread). */ public VisClient(EclipseMultitaskConnection eclipse) { this.eclipse = eclipse; //DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this,"VisClient called with "+eclipse); try { initialise(); } catch(EclipseException ee){recover_ee(ee);} catch(IOException ioe){recover_ioe(ioe);} catch(VisException ve){recover_ve(ve);} } private void processEvent(VisEvent visEvent) { // store event for stopEvent method currentEvent = visEvent; if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this, visEvent); } stateModel.setEclipseHasControl(false); String viewableName = visEvent.getViewableName(); stateModel.setCurrentState(VisClientStateModel.SETTING_VIEWER_POLICY); if (visEvent instanceof CreateEvent) { ScenarioManager.getInstance().selectPlaybackScenario(viewableName); // Clear the policy flag so that the user will be prompted // unless the scenario that they selected (if any) sets it // as a result of the CREATE_EVENT stateModel.setViewerBuildingPolicySelected(false); } // Hand the event off to the scenario manager which will either record // the event or replay some commands or both ScenarioManager.getInstance().processEvent(visEvent); if (visEvent instanceof CreateEvent) { // Incase the scenario does not set the policy, or if there is no // scenario being played back, ask the user viewerManager.configureViewerBuildingPolicy(viewableName, ((CreateEvent)visEvent).getViewableType()); } stateModel.setCurrentState(VisClientStateModel.COLLECTING_PRE_EVENT_GOALS); // Hand the event off to the scenario manager which will either record // the event or replay some commands or both ScenarioManager.getInstance().processEvent(visEvent); viewerManager.prepareForEvent(visEvent); BatchGoal preEventGoals = viewerManager.collectPreEventGoals(visEvent); List goalResults = null; try { stateModel.setCurrentState(VisClientStateModel.EXECUTING_PRE_EVENT_GOALS); // Hand the event off to the scenario manager which will either record // the event or replay some commands or both ScenarioManager.getInstance().processEvent(visEvent); stateModel.setEclipseHasControl(true); goalResults = preEventGoals.execute(eclipse); stateModel.setEclipseHasControl(false); } catch(EclipseException ee){recover_ee(ee);} catch(IOException ioe){recover_ioe(ioe);} stateModel. setCurrentState(VisClientStateModel.DISTRIBUTING_PRE_EVENT_GOAL_RESULTS); viewerManager.startEvent(visEvent, goalResults); stateModel.setAllScenarioCommandsExecuted(false); // Hand the event off to the scenario manager which will either record // the event or replay some commands or both ScenarioManager.getInstance().processEvent(visEvent); if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this,"invokeAndWait returns"); } if((viewerManager.shouldHold() || stateModel.getInterrupt()) && !stateModel.getTerminate()) { // Add to the swing queue a Runnable which signifies that all commands // have now been executed. try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new AllCommandsExecuted()); } catch(InvocationTargetException ite) { ite.printStackTrace(); } catch(InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } // trigger a breakpoint stateModel.setCurrentState(VisClientStateModel.SETTING_BREAKPOINT); try { if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this,"Setting breakpoint"); } eclipse.rpc(":",vcSupportAtom,new Atom("vis_client_breakpoint")); } catch(IOException ioe) { recover_ioe(ioe); } catch(EclipseException ee) { recover_ee(ee); } finally { // Set the information line to the name of this event viewerManager.holdingEvent(visEvent); } stateModel.setCurrentState(VisClientStateModel.HELD_ON_EVENT); // Hand the event off to the scenario manager which will either record // the event or replay some commands or both ScenarioManager.getInstance().processEvent(visEvent); } else { stopEvent(); } synchronized(stateModel) { // Must be carefull here to ensure that any asyncrhronous // setTerminate(true) calls are handled properly if(stateModel.getTerminate()) { terminate(); } stateModel.setEclipseHasControl(true); } } // To be called either by the processEvent method to set the state // back to NO_CURRENT_EVENT or by the MultitaskListener at the end of // a multitask phase private void stopEvent() { Collection interests = null; VisEvent visEvent = currentEvent; String viewableName = visEvent.getViewableName(); stateModel. setCurrentState(VisClientStateModel.EVENT_IS_FINISHED); // Hand the event off to the scenario manager which will either record // the event or replay some commands or both ScenarioManager.getInstance().processEvent(visEvent); viewerManager.stopEvent(); if(visEvent instanceof CreateEvent) { interests = viewerManager.getInterestSpecs(viewableName); try { expressInterestsToEclipse(viewableName, interests); } catch(IOException ioe){recover_ioe(ioe);} addInterestSynchronisers(interests); } stateModel. setCurrentState(VisClientStateModel.NO_CURRENT_EVENT); // Hand the event off to the scenario manager which will either record // the event or replay some commands or both ScenarioManager.getInstance().processEvent(visEvent); if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this, "returning to ECLiPSe"); } currentEvent = null; } private void addInterestSynchronisers(Collection interestsList) { Iterator interestsListIterator = interestsList.iterator(); InterestSpec interestSpec; while(interestsListIterator.hasNext()) { interestSpec = (InterestSpec) interestsListIterator.next(); interestSpec.getPropertyChangeSupport(). addPropertyChangeListener("viewGranularity", new InterestSpecSynchroniser(interestSpec)); } } private void expressInterestsToEclipse(String viewableName, Collection interestsList) throws IOException { Atom yesNoAtom; if(interestsList.isEmpty()) { yesNoAtom = new Atom("no"); } else { yesNoAtom = new Atom("yes"); } if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this, "for viewable:"+viewableName); } if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this, "writing interest:"+interestsList); } interest_stream_f.write(new CompoundTermImpl( "interest", new CompoundTermImpl("viewable_create", new Atom(viewableName)), yesNoAtom, interestsList)); interest_stream_f.flush(); } private void initialise() throws IOException, EclipseException, VisException { initialiseStreams(); initialiseQueueListeners(); registerVC(); initialiseStateModel(); initialiseViewerManager(); initialiseScenarioManager(); } private void initialiseStateModel() throws EclipseException, IOException { stateModel = new VisClientStateModel(eclipse, clientName, this); stateModel.setEclipseLibDir(eclipse.rpc("get_flag(installation_directory, _)").arg(2)+ File.separator+"lib"+File.separator+ eclipse.rpc("get_flag(hostarch,_)").arg(2)); } private void initialiseViewerManager() { viewerManager = new ViewerManager(stateModel); } private void initialiseScenarioManager() { ScenarioManager.initialise(stateModel); } private void initialiseQueueListeners() throws IOException { viewables_stream.setListener(new ViewablesQL()); updates_stream.setListener(new UpdatesQL()); } // note slight complication: we ensure a unique visClient name by suffixing // a number. private void registerVC() throws IOException, EclipseException, VisException { int n = 0; clientName = null; eclipse.rpc("ensure_loaded(library(vc_support))"); protocol_version_supported = false; while(clientName == null) { interest_stream_f.write(new CompoundTermImpl("vis_protocol_version", new Integer(SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSION))); interest_stream_f.flush(); try { eclipse.rpc(":", vcSupportAtom, new CompoundTermImpl("vis_client_register", new Atom(eclipse.getPeerName().functor() + "_jvc_"+n), new Atom(viewables_stream_name), new Atom(updates_stream_name), new Atom(interest_stream_name)) ); } catch(Fail f) // There are two fail cases: where the vis client name was not unique, and // where the protocol is unsupported (detected by a boolean flag which will // have been set by the viewables QL). { if(!protocol_version_supported) { throw new VisException("The visualisation protocol version is not supported."); } n++; } clientName = new Atom(eclipse.getPeerName().functor() + "_jvc_"+n); } } private void initialiseStreams() throws IOException, EclipseException { // NOTE: a slight complication: we use findUnusedStreamName to ensure that // the stream name is unique. String root_viewables_name, root_interest_name, root_updates_name; root_viewables_name = eclipse.getPeerName().functor() + "_jvc_viewables"; viewables_stream_name = findUnusedStreamName(root_viewables_name); viewables_stream = eclipse.getFromEclipseQueue(viewables_stream_name); viewables_stream.setListener(new ViewablesQL()); root_updates_name = eclipse.getPeerName().functor() + "_jvc_updates"; updates_stream_name = findUnusedStreamName(root_updates_name); updates_stream = eclipse.getFromEclipseQueue(updates_stream_name); updates_stream.setListener(new UpdatesQL()); root_interest_name = eclipse.getPeerName().functor() + "_jvc_interest"; interest_stream_name = findUnusedStreamName(root_interest_name); interest_stream = eclipse.getToEclipseQueue(interest_stream_name); interest_stream_f = new EXDROutputStream(interest_stream); // Register this peer as being interested in Multitasking phases eclipse.registerMultitask(new VisMultitaskListener()); } private String findUnusedStreamName(String name) throws IOException, EclipseException { String result = null; int n = 0; while(result == null) { try { eclipse.rpc("current_stream", new Atom(name+n)); } catch(Fail f) { return(name+n); } n++; } return(name+n); } /** * Provides access to the ViewerManager */ public ViewerManager getViewerManager() { return viewerManager; } /** Generic VisEvents queue listener: detaAvailable method sets up EXDR parsing * input stream if needed and reads the next eventTerm, catching any * IOException. */ private abstract class VisEventsQL implements QueueListener { protected CompoundTerm eventTerm; EXDRInputStream eis = null; public void dataAvailable(Object source) { if(eis == null) { FromEclipseQueue feq = (FromEclipseQueue) source; eis = new EXDRInputStream(feq); } try { eventTerm = (CompoundTerm) eis.readTerm(); } catch(IOException ioe){recover_ioe(ioe);} } public void dataRequest(Object source){} } /** MultitaskListener attached to the EclipseMultitaskConnection. Behaviour is to set the VisClientState to indicate being in multi-tasking mode */ private class VisMultitaskListener implements MultitaskListener { public void starting(EclipseMultitaskConnection eclipseCon, String type) { if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this, "VisClient multitask starting type="+type); } if(stateModel.getTerminate()) { terminate(); } // enable the continue button stateModel.setCanPerformRPC(true); if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this, "VisClient multitask set RPC flag"); } if (MULTITASK_PHASE_TYPE.equals(type)) { // A multitask phase has begun if (viewerManager.shouldHold() || stateModel.getInterrupt()) { // execute peer_set_multitask try { eclipse.multitaskConfirm(); } catch(IOException ioe) { recover_ioe(ioe); } catch(EclipseException ee) { recover_ee(ee); } } } if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this, "VisClient multitask started type="+type); } } public void ending(EclipseMultitaskConnection eclipseCon, String type) { if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this, "VisClient multitask ending type="+type); } if(stateModel.getTerminate()) { terminate(); } stateModel.setCanPerformRPC(false); if (MULTITASK_PHASE_TYPE.equals(type)) { stopEvent(); } } } /** Queue listener attached to "updates" stream. Behaviour is simple: its * dataAvailable method simply gets the eventTerm and processes it */ private class UpdatesQL extends VisEventsQL { public void dataAvailable(Object source) { super.dataAvailable(source); VisEvent event = null; try { event = UpdateEvent.parseFromCompoundTerm(eventTerm); } catch(VisException ve){recover_ve(ve);} try { processEvent(event); } catch(RuntimeException re) { recover_re(re); } } } private class ViewablesQL extends VisEventsQL { /** In the case of the viewables QL, dataAvailable is also able to handle the * termination and protocol version messages which may appear on this stream */ public void dataAvailable(Object source) { super.dataAvailable(source); if(eventTerm.equals(terminateAtom)) { if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this, "read terminate atom"); } terminate(); return; } if(eventTerm.equals(visProtocolSupportedAtom)) { protocol_version_supported = true; return; } if(eventTerm.functor().equals("vis_protocol_version") && eventTerm.arity() == 1) { protocol_version_supported = false; return; } parseAndProcess(eventTerm); } /** parseAndProcess is called on the eventTerm. As well as parsing the term, * it also queries the viewable's size if the event type indicates that this * information is required. */ private void parseAndProcess(CompoundTerm eventTerm) { VisEvent visEvent = null; try { visEvent = VisEvent.eventFromCompoundTerm(eventTerm); if(visEvent instanceof CreateEvent) { CompoundTermImpl sizeResult = sizeGoal(visEvent); ((CreateEvent) visEvent).setViewableSize((List) sizeResult.argCT(2).arg(2)); } if(visEvent instanceof SizeEvent) { CompoundTermImpl sizeResult = sizeGoal(visEvent); ((SizeEvent) visEvent).setViewableSize((List) sizeResult.argCT(2).arg(2)); } } catch(VisException ve){recover_ve(ve);} try { processEvent(visEvent); } catch(RuntimeException re) { recover_re(re); } } private CompoundTermImpl sizeGoal(VisEvent visEvent) { try { return((CompoundTermImpl) eclipse.rpc(new CompoundTermImpl( ":", vcSupportAtom, new CompoundTermImpl("viewable_size", new Atom(visEvent.getViewableName()), null)))); } catch(EclipseException ee){recover_ee(ee);} catch(IOException ioe){recover_ioe(ioe);} return(null); } } /** synchronises the view granularity between the java rep of the * interest and the ECLiPSe rep. Added as a propertyChangeListener * to the interestSpec as soon as an Eclipse-side rep is * established. If the viewGranularity changes on the Java side, the * synchroniser uses a multitasking phase RPC to modify the ECLiPSe-side * interest spec. The converse direction is not synchronised at * present. Actions changing the java side rep can only be performed * when the stateModel is in the multitask phase and should only be * enabled during this state */ private class InterestSpecSynchroniser implements PropertyChangeListener { private InterestSpec interestSpec; InterestSpecSynchroniser(InterestSpec interestSpec) { this.interestSpec = interestSpec; } public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) { CompoundTerm goal; Atom visClientName = stateModel.getVisClientName(); Atom viewableName = interestSpec.getViewable().getNameAtom(); String interestSpecName = interestSpec.getName(); Atom newViewGranularity = (Atom) event.getNewValue(); goal = new CompoundTermImpl(":", vcSupportAtom, new CompoundTermImpl("vis_client_interest_modify", viewableName, visClientName, new Atom(interestSpecName), viewGranularityAtom, newViewGranularity)); try { stateModel.executeMultitaskGoal(goal); } catch(IOException ioe){ recover_ioe(ioe); } catch(EclipseException ee){ recover_ee(ee); } } } /** Generic recovery method for IOExceptions, including EclipseTerminated. */ protected void recover_ioe(IOException ioe) { if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { ioe.printStackTrace(System.err); } if(ioe instanceof EclipseTerminatedException) { viewerManager.errorDialog("The ECLiPSe process which the visualisation"+ "\nclient was connected to has terminated."+ "\n\nThe visualisation client will now exit."); exitError(); } else if(stateModel.getTerminate() && ioe instanceof SocketException) { // do not print any message as this is to be expected during // the termination phase exitNormal(); } else { viewerManager.errorDialog("The following IOException was raised: \n\n"+ioe+ "\n\nThe visualisation client will now exit."); exitError(); } } /** Generic recovery method for EclipseException. */ protected void recover_ee(EclipseException ee) { if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { ee.printStackTrace(System.err); } viewerManager.errorDialog("The following EclipseException was raised: \n\n"+ee+ "\n\nThe visualisation client will now exit."); exitError(); } /** Generic recovery method for VisException. */ protected void recover_ve(VisException ve) { if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { ve.printStackTrace(System.err); } viewerManager.errorDialog("The following VisException was raised: \n\n"+ve+ "\n\nThe visualisation client will now exit."); exitError(); } /** Generic recovery method for RuntimeException. */ protected void recover_re(RuntimeException re) { if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { re.printStackTrace(System.err); } viewerManager.errorDialog("The following RuntimeException was raised: \n\n"+re+ "\n\nThe visualisation client will now exit."); exitError(); } /** Exit due to occurrence of error. The VisClient implementation does * nothing: subclasses override this behaviour according to the deployment * scenario */ protected void exitError() { if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this, "exit error"); } if (stateModel.getCanPerformRPC()) { endMultitaskPhase(); } } /** Exit due to a terminate request. The VisClient implementation does * nothing: subclasses override this behaviour according to the deployment * scenario */ protected void exitNormal() { if (DebuggingSupport.logMessages) { DebuggingSupport.logMessage(this, "exit normal"); } if (stateModel.getCanPerformRPC()) { endMultitaskPhase(); } } /** * Termination intiated from the Java side (although may also follow a * terminate message from the eclipse side). Tries to inform Eclipse, using * a terminate message on the interest stream, then closes all streams and * unregisters the VC. */ private void terminate() { try { interest_stream_f.write(terminateAtom); interest_stream_f.flush(); viewables_stream.close(); updates_stream.close(); interest_stream.close(); eclipse.rpc(new CompoundTermImpl(":", vcSupportAtom, new CompoundTermImpl("vis_client_unregister", clientName))); exitNormal(); } catch(EclipseException ee){recover_ee(ee);} catch(IOException ioe){recover_ioe(ioe);} } private class AllCommandsExecuted implements Runnable { public void run() { stateModel.setAllScenarioCommandsExecuted(true); } } /** * Ends the multitask phase */ void endMultitaskPhase() { try { eclipse.multitaskTerminate(); } catch(IOException ioe) { recover_ioe(ioe); } catch(EclipseException ee) { recover_ee(ee); } } }