% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK % Version: CMPL 1.1 % % The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public % License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except % in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License % at www.eclipse-clp.org/license. % % Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" % basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See % the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations % under the License. % % The Original Code is The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. % The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems, Inc. % Portions created by the Initial Developer are % Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. % % Contributor(s): IC-Parc, Imperal College London % % END LICENSE BLOCK % % System: ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System % Version: $Id: sockets.pl,v 1.3 2009/12/22 02:44:23 jschimpf Exp $ % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * IDENTIFICATION: sockets.pl * * DESCRIPTION: SICStus Prolog compatibility package * * * CONTENTS: * * AUTHOR: Kish Shen * * DATE: 24 Sept. 1998 */ :- module(sockets). :- comment(categories, ["Compatibility"]). :- comment(summary, "Sicstus compatible sockets interface"). :- comment(author, "Kish Shen, ECRC Munich"). :- comment(copyright, "Cisco Systems, Inc"). :- comment(date, "$Date: 2009/12/22 02:44:23 $"). :- comment(desc, html(" Note that ECLiPSe provides its own built-in socket manipulation predicates which provides similar functionality to this library.

This library is only provided for compatibility with the socket manipulation predicates of SICStus Prolog. To use these predicates, the sockets library has to be loaded:

    :- use_module(library(sockets)).
For SICStus 3.0, the sockets predicates are also in a sockets library, so no changes are needed to load the library. However, for older versions of SICStus, the predicates are available as built-ins, and no library has to be loaded. So if the code is written for older versions of SICStus, then the above line has to be added.

The sockets library can be used independently of the sicstus library. ")). :- comment(socket/2, [template:"socket(+Domain, -Socket)", summary:"Create a socket", see_also:[socket/3]]). :- comment(socket_bind/2, [template:"socket_bind(+Socket, +Address)", summary:"Bind a socket to an address", see_also:[bind/2]]). :- comment(socket_connect/3, [template:"socket_connect(+Socket, +Address, -Stream)", summary:"Connect a socket to an address", see_also:[connect/2]]). :- comment(socket_listen/2, [template:"socket_listen(+Socket, +Length)", summary:"Limit the maximum of pending connections", see_also:[listen/2]]). :- comment(socket_accept/2, [template:"socket_accept(+Socket, -Stream)", summary:"Extract the first connection to socket", see_also:[accept/3]]). :- comment(socket_select/5, [template:"socket_select(+Socket, -NewStream, +TimeOut0, +Streams, -ReadStreams)", summary:"Wait for new connection on Socket, and for data on Streams", see_also:[stream_select/3]]). :- comment(current_host/1, [template:"current_host(?HostName)", summary:"Get the host machine name", see_also:[get_flag/2]]). :- export socket/2, socket_bind/2, socket_connect/3, socket_listen/2, socket_accept/2, socket_select/5, current_host/1, stream_select/3. :- comment(stream_select/3, [template:"stream_select(+Streams, +TimeOut0, -ReadStreams)", summary:"Wait for data on Streams", see_also:[eclipse_language:stream_select/3,select/3]]). socket(Domain, Socket) :- (Domain == 'AF_INET' -> Dom = internet ; Domain == 'AF_UNIX' -> Dom = unix ; error(5, socket(Domain,Socket)) ), sepia_kernel:socket(Dom, stream, Socket). socket_bind(Socket, Address) :- translate_address(Address, Name, socket_bind(Socket,Address)), sepia_kernel:bind(Socket, Name). socket_connect(Socket, Address, Stream) :- translate_address(Address, Name, socket_connect(Socket,Address,Stream)), Socket = Stream, sepia_kernel:connect(Socket, Name). socket_listen(Socket, Length) :- sepia_kernel:listen(Socket, Length). socket_accept(Socket, Stream) :- sepia_kernel: accept(Socket, _, Stream). socket_select(Socket, NewStream, TimeOut0, Streams, ReadStreams) :- translate_timeout(TimeOut0, TimeOut, socket_select(Socket,NewStream,TimeOut0,Streams,ReadStreams)), sepia_kernel: stream_select([Socket|Streams], TimeOut, ReadStreams0), (delete(Socket, ReadStreams0, ReadStreams) -> sepia_kernel: accept(Socket, _, NewStream) ; ReadStreams = ReadStreams0 ). stream_select(Streams, TimeOut0, ReadStreams) :- translate_timeout(TimeOut0, TimeOut, stream_select(Streams,TimeOut0,ReadStreams)), sepia_kernel:stream_select(Streams, TimeOut, ReadStreams). current_host(HostName) :- get_flag(hostname, Shostname), atom_string(HostName, Shostname). translate_timeout(S:MS, TimeOut, _Culprit) ?- integer(S), integer(MS), S > 0, MS > 0, !, TimeOut is S + MS/1000000. translate_timeout(off, TimeOut, _) ?- !, TimeOut = block. translate_timeout(_, _, Culprit) :- error(5,Culprit). translate_address('AF_UNIX'(Name0), Name, _Culprit) ?- atom(Name0), !, Name = Name0. translate_address('AF_INET'(Host,Port), Name, Culprit) ?- (Culprit = socket_bind(_,_) -> true ; /* assume to be socket_connect */ nonvar(Host), nonvar(Port) ), !, Name = Host/Port. translate_address(_, _, Culprit) :- error(5, Culprit).