/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, ETH Zurich. * All rights reserved. * * This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file. * If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to: * ETH Zurich D-INFK, Universitaetstrasse 6, CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Data; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Windows.Navigation; using System.Windows.Shapes; using System.Windows.Threading; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Net; // IPAddress and Dns namespace Aquarium { /// /// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml /// public partial class Window1 : Window { public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); App app = Application.Current as App; if (app != null) { // Add command line arguemnts to the connect menu foreach (string arg in app.CommandLineArguments) { MenuItem mi = new MenuItem(); mi.Header = arg; mi.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(this.Connect_Click); this.menuitem_Connect.Items.Add(mi); } } this.Name = this.Title; Stream stream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Aquarium.barrelfish.png"); this.Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(stream); this.mainCanvas.MouseDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(mainCanvas_MouseDown); this.worker = new BackgroundWorker(); this.worker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(worker_DoWork); this.worker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(worker_RunWorkerCompleted); this.worker.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(worker_ProgressChanged); this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Window1_Loaded); this.ContentRendered += new EventHandler(Window1_ContentRendered); this.StateChanged += new EventHandler(Window1_StateChanged); this.worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; this.worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; this.BlackPen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 0.5); this.BlackPen.Freeze(); this.VisHost = new VisualHost(); this.VisRects = new MyDrawingVisual(); this.VisThinRectangles = new MyDrawingVisual(); this.VisBlobs = new MyDrawingVisual(); this.VisArrows = new MyDrawingVisual(); this.VisHost.AddVisual(this.VisRects); this.VisHost.AddVisual(this.VisThinRectangles); this.VisHost.AddVisual(this.VisBlobs); this.VisHost.AddVisual(this.VisArrows); } void Window1_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Automatic && !this.worker.IsBusy) this.worker.RunWorkerAsync(null); } void Window1_StateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Automatic && !this.worker.IsBusy) this.worker.RunWorkerAsync(null); } void Window1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ReRender(); } // Barrelfish trace state private readonly BackgroundWorker worker; private string Filename; private bool Automatic; private TraceFetcher TraceFetcher; private TemporalTraceEventCollection ttec; private Dictionary procnames; // Misc state private Dictionary dcbstatic; // UI Data private Highlighting ClickHighlight = new Highlighting(SystemColors.HighlightBrush); private Highlighting HoverHighlight = new Highlighting(SystemColors.HotTrackBrush); private double PixelsPerCore = 20; private double NumCores = 16; //private double HalfCoreHeight = 8; private double TimeMin { get { return this.ttec == null ? 0.0 : this.ttec.MinTime; } } private double TimeMax { get { return this.ttec == null ? 1e6 : this.ttec.MaxTime; } } private double TimeRange { get { return TimeMax - TimeMin; } } private double TicksPerSecond = 1e9; // ??? private double PixelsPerSecond; private double TicksPerPixel { get { return TicksPerSecond / PixelsPerSecond; } } private double PixelsPerTick { get { return PixelsPerSecond / TicksPerSecond; } } private double VisibleTimeMin; private double VisibleTimeMax; // UI State for the 'interactive' version of the trace visualisation // We have to do our own Z by ordering the appends private List Rectangles = new List(); private List ThinRectangles = new List(); private List Blobs = new List(); private List Arrows = new List(); // UI State for the 'passive' version of the trace visualization private Pen BlackPen; private VisualHost VisHost; private MyDrawingVisual VisRects; private MyDrawingVisual VisThinRectangles; private MyDrawingVisual VisBlobs; private MyDrawingVisual VisArrows; // // Various UI // void mainCanvas_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (e.ChangedButton != MouseButton.Left) return; if (sender != this.mainCanvas) return; FrameworkElement fe = e.Source as FrameworkElement; if (fe == null) return; if (fe == this.mainCanvas) this.ClickHighlight.Clear(); else { this.HoverHighlight.Clear(); this.ClickHighlight.Set(fe); } } void uie_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { this.HoverHighlight.Clear(); } void uie_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { FrameworkElement fe = sender as FrameworkElement; this.HoverHighlight.Set(fe); } void mainCanvas_AddChild(UIElement uie) { if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) { uie.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(uie_MouseEnter); uie.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(uie_MouseLeave); } else { uie.IsHitTestVisible = false; } this.mainCanvas.Children.Add(uie); } private void ShowBackground() { for (int i = 0; i < this.NumCores; i += 2) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.Width = this.mainCanvas.Width; r.Height = PixelsPerCore; // Top left corner r.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(0, Y4Core(i)- PixelsPerCore/2.0); r.Fill = Brushes.LightGray; this.mainCanvas.Children.Add(r); } } // // Axes // private void ShowCpuAxis() { double xshift = (XScrollBar.Value - XScrollBar.Minimum) * PixelsPerTick; for (int i = 0; i < this.NumCores; i++) { TextBlock tb = new TextBlock(); tb.Text = i.ToString(); tb.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(xshift, Y4Core(i) - 5); this.mainCanvas.Children.Add(tb); } } private void ShowTimeAxis() { double ticks = this.TimeMax; double seconds = ticks / this.TicksPerSecond; long unit = 1; double ideal = TicksPerPixel * (dockPanel3.ActualWidth / 20.0); while (unit < ideal) { unit *= 10; } //unit = Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10(ideal))); // Add a rectangle we can click on to see what's hapening //Rectangle r = Rect(Brushes.LightGray, 0, 0, seconds * PIXELSPERSECOND, 16); //r.ToolTip = "Left click for sampled profile info\nRight click to show running threads"; //r.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(timeline_MouseLeftButtonDown); //r.MouseRightButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(timeline_MouseRightButtonDown); //mainCanvas.Children.Add(r); // Number the time axis for (long t = 0; t < ticks; t += unit) { TextBlock tb = new TextBlock(); tb.Text = String.Format("{0:n0}", t); tb.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(t / TicksPerPixel, 0); mainCanvas.Children.Add(tb); Line l = new Line(); l.X1 = l.X2 = t / TicksPerPixel; l.Y1 = 14; // XXX l.Y2 = Y4Core(-1); l.StrokeThickness = 1.0; l.Stroke = Brushes.Black; this.mainCanvas.Children.Add(l); } } // In MSDN for FrameworkElement.VerticalAlignment: // "Canvas does not use VerticalAlignment when composing layout, // because Canvas is based on absolute positioning" /// /// Returns the Y value of the middle of the line for the core /// double Y4Core(int core) { return (NumCores - core + 0.5) * PixelsPerCore + 0.5; } private SolidColorBrush BrushForName(string name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) return Brushes.Plum; else if (name.Contains("(idle)")) return Brushes.DarkGray; else if (name.Contains("monitor")) return Brushes.CadetBlue; else if (name.Contains("mem_serv")) return Brushes.Red; else if (name.Contains("spantest")) return Brushes.Green; else if (name.Contains("chips")) return Brushes.Yellow; else if (name.Contains("e1000n")) return Brushes.BlueViolet; else if (name.Contains("serial")) return Brushes.OliveDrab; else if (name.Contains("bfscope")) return Brushes.Khaki; else if (name.Contains("fish")) return Brushes.GreenYellow; else if (name.Contains("pixels")) return Brushes.Red; else if (name.Contains("while1")) return Brushes.BlueViolet; else if (name.Contains("bomp_syn")) return Brushes.Red; else if (name.Contains("bomp_cpu")) return Brushes.Blue; else return Brushes.Green; } private void AddThinRectangle(int core, long start, long end, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) AddInteractiveThinRectangle(core, start, end, brush, text); else AddVisThinRectangle(core, start, end, brush); } private void AddInteractiveThinRectangle(int core, long start, long end, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { double x1 = start - this.TimeMin; double x2 = end - this.TimeMin; x1 /= this.TicksPerPixel; x2 /= this.TicksPerPixel; Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.Width = x2 - x1; r.Height = 8; r.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(x1, Y4Core(core) - 4); r.Fill = brush; r.Stroke = Brushes.Black; if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) r.ToolTip = text; r.SnapsToDevicePixels = true; this.ThinRectangles.Add(r); } private void AddVisThinRectangle(int core, long start, long end, SolidColorBrush brush) { double x1 = start - this.TimeMin; double x2 = end - this.TimeMin; x1 /= this.TicksPerPixel; x2 /= this.TicksPerPixel; if (x2 - x1 < 0.5) return; Rect r = new Rect(x1, Y4Core(core) - 4, x2 - x1, 8); this.VisThinRectangles.dc.DrawRectangle(brush, this.BlackPen, r); } private void AddRectangle(int core, long start, long end, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) AddInteractiveRectangle(core, start, end, brush, text); else AddVisRectangle(core, start, end, brush); } private void AddInteractiveRectangle(int core, long start, long end, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { double x1 = start - this.TimeMin; double x2 = end - this.TimeMin; x1 /= this.TicksPerPixel; x2 /= this.TicksPerPixel; if (x2 - x1 < 0.5) return; Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.Width = x2 - x1; r.Height = 12; // Top left corner r.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(x1, Y4Core(core) - 6); r.Fill = brush; r.Stroke = Brushes.Black; if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) r.ToolTip = text; r.SnapsToDevicePixels = true; this.Rectangles.Add(r); } private void AddVisRectangle(int core, long start, long end, SolidColorBrush brush) { double x1 = start - this.TimeMin; double x2 = end - this.TimeMin; x1 /= this.TicksPerPixel; x2 /= this.TicksPerPixel; if (x2 - x1 < 0.5) return; Rect r = new Rect(x1, Y4Core(core) - 6, x2 - x1, 12); this.VisRects.dc.DrawRectangle(brush, this.BlackPen, r); } private void AddLine(int sendcore, long start, int recvcore, long end, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) { AddInteractiveLine(sendcore, start, recvcore, end, brush, text); } else { AddVisLine(sendcore, start, recvcore, end, brush); } } private void AddVisLine(int sendcore, long start, int recvcore, long end, SolidColorBrush brush) { double x1 = start - this.TimeMin; double x2 = end - this.TimeMin; x1 /= this.TicksPerPixel; x2 /= this.TicksPerPixel; this.VisArrows.dc.DrawLine(new Pen(brush, 1.0), new Point(x1, Y4Core(sendcore)), new Point(x2, Y4Core(recvcore))); } private void AddInteractiveLine(int sendcore, long start, int recvcore, long end, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { double x1 = start - this.TimeMin; double x2 = end - this.TimeMin; x1 /= this.TicksPerPixel; x2 /= this.TicksPerPixel; Line l = new Line(); l.X1 = x1; l.Y1 = Y4Core(sendcore); l.X2 = x2; l.Y2 = Y4Core(recvcore); l.StrokeThickness = 2.0; l.Stroke = brush; if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) l.ToolTip = text; l.SnapsToDevicePixels = true; this.Arrows.Add(l); } private void AddArrow(int sendcore, long start, int recvcore, long end, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) { AddInteractiveArrow(sendcore, start, recvcore, end, brush, text); } else { AddVisLine(sendcore, start, recvcore, end, brush); } } private void AddInteractiveArrow(int sendcore, long start, int recvcore, long end, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { double x1 = ((double)start - this.TimeMin) / TicksPerPixel; double x2 = ((double)end - this.TimeMin) / TicksPerPixel; Point nock = new Point(x1, Y4Core(sendcore)); Point tip = new Point(x2, Y4Core(recvcore)); double mag; Vector unit, norm; MagNormUnit(nock, tip, out mag, out unit, out norm); Point left = tip - 5 * unit + 3 * norm; Point right = tip - 5 * unit - 3 * norm; Polygon pg = new Polygon(); pg.Points = new PointCollection(5); pg.Points.Add(left); pg.Points.Add(tip); pg.Points.Add(nock); pg.Points.Add(tip); pg.Points.Add(right); pg.Points.Freeze(); pg.Stroke = brush; pg.StrokeThickness = 1.0; pg.StrokeMiterLimit = 1.0; pg.Fill = brush; if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) pg.ToolTip = text; pg.SnapsToDevicePixels = true; this.Arrows.Add(pg); } private static void MagNormUnit(Point one, Point two, out double mag, out Vector unit, out Vector norm) { double dx = two.X - one.X; double dy = two.Y - one.Y; mag = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (mag < double.Epsilon) throw new DivideByZeroException("two points are co-located"); unit = new Vector(dx / mag, dy / mag); norm = new Vector(-unit.Y, unit.X); } private void AddDiamond(int core, long time, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) AddInteractiveDiamond(core, time, brush, text); else AddVisDiamond(core, time, brush); } private void AddInteractiveDiamond(int core, long time, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { double x = ((double)time - this.TimeMin) / this.TicksPerPixel; double size = 8; Polygon dia = new Polygon(); dia.Points = new PointCollection(4); dia.Points.Add(new Point(0, 0)); dia.Points.Add(new Point(+size / 2, size / 2)); dia.Points.Add(new Point(0, size)); dia.Points.Add(new Point(-size / 2, size / 2)); dia.Points.Freeze(); dia.Fill = brush; dia.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(x, Y4Core(core)); if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) dia.ToolTip = text; dia.SnapsToDevicePixels = true; this.Blobs.Add(dia); } private void AddVisDiamond(int core, long time, SolidColorBrush brush) { double x = ((double)time - this.TimeMin) / this.TicksPerPixel; double y = Y4Core(core); double size = 8; StreamGeometry sg = new StreamGeometry(); using (StreamGeometryContext sgc = sg.Open()) { sgc.BeginFigure(new Point(x, y), true, true); sgc.LineTo(new Point(x + size / 2, y + size /2), true, false); sgc.LineTo(new Point(x + 0, y + size), true, false); sgc.LineTo(new Point(x - size / 2, y + size / 2), true, false); } sg.Freeze(); this.VisBlobs.dc.DrawGeometry(brush, null, sg); } private void AddInteractiveBlob(int core, long time, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { double x = ((double)time - this.TimeMin) / this.TicksPerPixel; Ellipse e = new Ellipse(); e.Width = e.Height = 6; e.Fill = brush; if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) e.ToolTip = text; e.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(x, Y4Core(core) - e.Height / 2); e.SnapsToDevicePixels = true; this.Blobs.Add(e); } private void AddVisBlob(int core, long time, SolidColorBrush brush, string text) { double x = ((double)time - this.TimeMin) / this.TicksPerPixel; this.VisBlobs.dc.DrawEllipse(brush, null, new Point(x, Y4Core(core)), 3, 3); } private void AddBlob(int core, long time, TraceEvent te) { if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) { AddInteractiveBlob(core, time, Brushes.Black, String.Format("At {0:n0}: ", time - this.TimeMin) + te.ToString()); } else { AddVisBlob(core, time, Brushes.Black, String.Format("At {0:n0}: ", time - this.TimeMin) + te.ToString()); } } private void ReRender() { this.mainCanvas.Children.Clear(); if (this.ttec != null && this.procnames != null) { ReRenderFromData(ttec, procnames); } else { Stream stream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Aquarium.barrelfish.png"); BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(); bi.BeginInit(); bi.StreamSource = stream; bi.EndInit(); bi.Freeze(); Image image = new Image(); image.Source = bi; // Why do I need to do this? double width = this.dockPanel3.ActualWidth; double height = this.dockPanel3.ActualHeight; image.Width = width; image.Height = height; image.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(0, 0); this.mainCanvas.Children.Add(image); this.mainCanvas.Width = width; this.mainCanvas.Height = height; } } private struct ChannelAction : IComparable { public readonly long Time; public readonly int Core; public readonly ulong Channel; public readonly SolidColorBrush Colour; public ChannelAction(long time, int core, ulong channel, SolidColorBrush colour) { this.Time = time; this.Core = core; this.Channel = channel; this.Colour = colour; } public int CompareTo(ChannelAction other) { return this.Time.CompareTo(other.Time); } } // struct ChannelAction #region Event type constants private const ushort TRACE_SUBSYS_KERNEL = 0xFFFF; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_CSWITCH = 0xCCCC; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BZERO = 0xB0; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_TIMERTICK = 0x1; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_TIMER_SYNC = 0x2; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SCHED_MAKE_RUNNABLE = 0xED00; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SCHED_REMOVE = 0xED01; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SCHED_YIELD = 0xED02; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SCHED_SCHEDULE = 0xED03; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SCHED_CURRENT = 0xED04; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BMP_RX = 0xBEE1; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BMP_PRE_DELIVER = 0xBEE2; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BMP_POST_DELIVER = 0xBEE3; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BMP_PUMP = 0xBEE4; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BMP_SEND = 0xBEE5; private const ushort TRACE_SUBSYS_THREADS = 0xEEEE; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BARRIER_ENTER = 0x0100; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BARRIER_LEAVE = 0x0101; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_MUTEX_LOCK_ENTER = 0x0200; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_MUTEX_LOCK_LEAVE = 0x0201; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_MUTEX_LOCK_NESTED_ENTER = 0x0202; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_MUTEX_LOCK_NESTED_LEAVE = 0x0203; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_MUTEX_TRYLOCK = 0x0204; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_MUTEX_UNLOCK = 0x0205; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_COND_WAIT_ENTER = 0x0300; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_COND_WAIT_LEAVE = 0x0301; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_COND_SIGNAL = 0x0302; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_COND_BROADCAST = 0x0303; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SEM_WAIT_ENTER = 0x0400; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SEM_WAIT_LEAVE = 0x0401; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SEM_TRYWAIT = 0x0402; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SEM_POST = 0x0403; private const ushort TRACE_SUBSYS_MEMSERV = 0xA000; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_ALLOC = 0x0001; private const ushort TRACE_SUBSYS_MONITOR = 0xB000; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SPAN0 = 0x0000; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SPAN1 = 0x0001; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_SPAN = 0x0002; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_PCREQ = 0x0003; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_PCREPLY = 0x0004; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_PCREQ_INTER = 0x0005; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_PCREPLY_INTER = 0x0006; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_URPC_BLOCK = 0x0007; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_URPC_UNBLOCK = 0x0008; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_REMOTE_CAP_RETYPE = 0x0009; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_REMOTE_CAP_RETYPE_RETRY = 0x0010; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_REMOTE_CAP_RETYPE_MSG = 0x0011; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_REMOTE_CAP_RETYPE_END = 0x0012; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_POLLING = 0xBBBB; private const ushort TRACE_SUBSYS_BFLIB = 0xBFBF; private const ushort TRACE_SUBSYS_CHIPS = 0xC000; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_CHIPS_LISTENCB = 0x0001; private const ushort TRACE_SUBSYS_TWEED = 0x2000; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_TWEED_START = 0x0000; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_TWEED_END = 0x0001; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_STEAL = 0x0002; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_STEAL_END = 0x0003; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_WAIT = 0x0004; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_WAIT_END = 0x0005; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_LOCKING = 0x0006; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_LOCKING_END = 0x0007; private const ushort TRACE_SUBSYS_ROUTE = 0x3000; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BCAST_WITH_CCAST_SEND = 0x0001; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BCAST_WITH_CCAST = 0x0002; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_RECV_BCAST_WITH_CCAST = 0x0003; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_RECV_CCAST = 0x0004; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_ROUTE_BENCH_START = 0x005; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_ROUTE_BENCH_STOP = 0x0006; private const ushort TRACE_SUBSYS_BENCH = 0x1234; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_PCBENCH = 0x0000; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_RXPING = 0x0001; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_RXPONG = 0x0002; private const ushort TRACE_SUBSYS_BOMP = 0x4000; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BOMP_START = 0x0001; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BOMP_STOP = 0x0002; private const ushort TRACE_EVENT_BOMP_ITER = 0x0003; #endregion private void ReadDataFromStream(StreamReader reader) { DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now; DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now; if (this.dcbstatic != null) this.procnames = new Dictionary(this.dcbstatic); else this.procnames = new Dictionary(); this.procnames[0] = "(idle)"; this.ttec = new TemporalTraceEventCollection(); string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Length == 0) continue; string[] tokens = line.Split(); if (tokens.Length < 3) continue; if (tokens[0] == "#" && tokens[1] == "DCB" && tokens.Length == 5) { ulong dcb; if (ulong.TryParse(tokens[3], NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, null, out dcb)) { // 32-bit dcb with top bit set to identify not timestamp if ((dcb & 0xffffffff00000000UL) == 0x8000000000000000UL) dcb ^= 0x8000000000000000UL; // We set rather than adding in case a duplicate happened somehow procnames[dcb] = tokens[4]; } continue; } if (tokens[0] == "#") continue; if (!ttec.Add(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2])) continue; } } private string FromTo(string prepend, long from, long to) { string result = String.Format("from {0:n0} to {1:n0}", from - this.TimeMin, to - this.TimeMin); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prepend)) result = prepend + result; return result; } private void ReRenderFromData(TemporalTraceEventCollection ttec, Dictionary procnames) { List channelactions = new List(); bool heads = this.optHeads.IsChecked; if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked) { this.Rectangles.Clear(); this.ThinRectangles.Clear(); this.Blobs.Clear(); this.Arrows.Clear(); } else { this.VisRects.BeginRender(); this.VisThinRectangles.BeginRender(); this.VisBlobs.BeginRender(); this.VisArrows.BeginRender(); } for (int core = ttec.MinCore; core <= ttec.MaxCore; core++) { // TODO: XXX: This is x64 specific hack. Also need to look // for both so we can continue to support the standard demo. const ulong OldHighBits = 0xffffff0000000000UL; const ulong NewHighBits = 0xffffff8000000000UL; long? bzero = null; long? runningstart = null; long? blockingstart = null; long? pollingstart = null; SolidColorBrush msgColour = null; long? tweedWorkStart = null; long? tweedWaitStart = null; long? tweedLockStart = null; bool isTweedSteal = false; string name = null; ulong? running = null; foreach (TemporalTraceEvent tte in ttec.OnCore(core)) { long now = tte.Time; TraceEvent te = tte.Event; //string text = tokens.Length >= 4 ? tokens[3] : null; //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) && dcb.HasValue) // procnames.TryGetValue(dcb.Value, out text); // NB. Take care when editing this code to not introduce // serious performance regression. This is a single if/elif/else // where the last clause adds a "geneic" event. Do NOT alter // the flow control so that regular events also post a generic // blob, or so that when a option is disabled that it posts // a generic blob instead of the regular processing. if (te.SubSys == TRACE_SUBSYS_KERNEL) { if (!optKernel.IsChecked) continue; if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_BZERO) { if (te.Data == 1) bzero = now; else if (te.Data == 0 && bzero.HasValue) AddThinRectangle(core, bzero.Value, now, Brushes.Purple, FromTo("bzero ", bzero.Value, now)); else AddBlob(core, now, te); } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_CSWITCH) { if (running.HasValue && runningstart.HasValue) { if (!procnames.TryGetValue(running.Value, out name)) if (!procnames.TryGetValue(running.Value | OldHighBits, out name)) procnames.TryGetValue(running.Value | NewHighBits, out name); AddRectangle(core, runningstart.Value, now, BrushForName(name), String.Format("{1}=0x{0:x} ", running.Value, string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? "?" : name) + FromTo(null, runningstart.Value, now)); } runningstart = now; running = te.Data; } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_TIMERTICK) { AddDiamond(core, now, Brushes.Black, "timer tick"); } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_BMP_PUMP) { if (te.Data == 0) { if (pollingstart.HasValue) AddThinRectangle(core, pollingstart.Value, now, Brushes.Cyan, FromTo("Polling ", pollingstart.Value, now)); pollingstart = null; } else { pollingstart = now; } } else AddBlob(core, now, te); } else if (te.SubSys == TRACE_SUBSYS_MONITOR) { if (!optMonitor.IsChecked) continue; if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_URPC_BLOCK) { // We just started blocking if (runningstart.HasValue) AddRectangle(core, runningstart.Value, now, BrushForName(name), name); blockingstart = now; //name = "monitor"; // XXX? //running = null; // XXX? } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_URPC_UNBLOCK) { if (blockingstart.HasValue) AddRectangle(core, blockingstart.Value, now, Brushes.DarkGray, "blocked"); else AddBlob(core, now, te); } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_POLLING) { pollingstart = now; } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_REMOTE_CAP_RETYPE_MSG) { if (te.Data == 0) { msgColour = Brushes.Green; } else if (te.Data == 1) { msgColour = Brushes.IndianRed; } else if (te.Data == 3) { msgColour = Brushes.Red; } } else AddBlob(core, now, te); } else if (te.IsRecv) { channelactions.Add(new ChannelAction(now, core, te.Raw, null)); } else if (te.IsSend) { channelactions.Add(new ChannelAction(now, core, te.Raw, msgColour)); msgColour = null; } else if (te.Raw == 0xBBBB) { // We just started blocking if (runningstart.HasValue && running.HasValue) { if (!procnames.TryGetValue(running.Value, out name)) if (!procnames.TryGetValue(running.Value | OldHighBits, out name)) procnames.TryGetValue(running.Value | NewHighBits, out name); AddRectangle(core, runningstart.Value, now, BrushForName(name), String.Format("{1}=0x{0:x} ", running.Value, string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? "?" : name) + FromTo(null, runningstart.Value, now)); } blockingstart = now; } else if (te.Raw == 0xAAAA) { runningstart = now; } else if (te.Raw == 0xBBB) { pollingstart = now; } else if (te.Raw == 0xAAA) { if (pollingstart.HasValue) AddThinRectangle(core, pollingstart.Value, now, Brushes.Cyan, FromTo("Polling ", pollingstart.Value, now)); pollingstart = null; } else if (te.SubSys == TRACE_SUBSYS_MEMSERV) { if (!optAlloc.IsChecked) continue; if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_ALLOC) AddDiamond(core, now, Brushes.Navy, String.Format("Allocate {0}k", 1 << ((int)te.Data - 10))); else AddBlob(core, now, te); } else if (te.SubSys == TRACE_SUBSYS_TWEED) { if (!optTweed.IsChecked) continue; if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_TWEED_START) { tweedWorkStart = now; isTweedSteal = false; } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_STEAL) { if (tweedWaitStart.HasValue) { AddRectangle(core, tweedWaitStart.Value, now, Brushes.Purple, "Waiting"); } if (optTweedArrows.IsChecked) { SolidColorBrush colour = tweedWaitStart.HasValue ? Brushes.Coral : Brushes.Orange; if (heads) AddArrow((int)te.Data, now, core, now, colour, String.Format("Core {0} stealing tasks from core {1}", core, te.Data)); else AddLine((int)te.Data, now, core, now, colour, String.Format("Core {0} stealing tasks from core {1}", core, te.Data)); } tweedWorkStart = now; isTweedSteal = true; } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_STEAL_END) { SolidColorBrush colour = tweedWaitStart.HasValue ? Brushes.Coral : Brushes.Orange; if (optTweedArrows.IsChecked) { if (heads) AddArrow(core, now, (int)te.Data, now, colour, String.Format("Core {0} completed tasks stolen from core {1}", core, te.Data)); else AddLine(core, now, (int)te.Data, now, colour, String.Format("Core {0} completed tasks stolen from core {1}", core, te.Data)); } if (tweedWorkStart.HasValue) AddRectangle(core, tweedWorkStart.Value, now, colour, "Stolen Tasks from core " + te.Data); tweedWorkStart = null; if (tweedWaitStart.HasValue) tweedWaitStart = now; } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_TWEED_END) { if (tweedWorkStart.HasValue) AddRectangle(core, tweedWorkStart.Value, now, Brushes.Yellow, "Main Task"); tweedWorkStart = null; } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_WAIT) { if (tweedWorkStart.HasValue) { SolidColorBrush colour = tweedWaitStart.HasValue ? Brushes.Coral : Brushes.Orange; if (isTweedSteal) AddRectangle(core, tweedWorkStart.Value, now, colour, "Stolen Tasks"); else AddRectangle(core, tweedWorkStart.Value, now, Brushes.Yellow, "Main Task"); } if (optTweedArrows.IsChecked) { if (heads) AddArrow(core, now, (int)te.Data, now, Brushes.DarkViolet, String.Format("Core {0} waiting for tasks stolen by core {1}", core, te.Data)); else AddLine(core, now, (int)te.Data, now, Brushes.DarkViolet, String.Format("Core {0} waiting for tasks stolen by core {1}", core, te.Data)); } tweedWorkStart = null; tweedWaitStart = now; } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_WAIT_END) { if (tweedWaitStart.HasValue) AddRectangle(core, tweedWaitStart.Value, now, Brushes.DarkViolet, "Waiting for task stolen by core " + te.Data); if (optTweedArrows.IsChecked) { if (heads) AddArrow((int)te.Data, now, core, now, Brushes.DarkViolet, String.Format("Core {0} can now continue, tasks stolen by core {1} completed", core, te.Data)); else AddLine((int)te.Data, now, core, now, Brushes.DarkViolet, String.Format("Core {0} can now continue, tasks stolen by core {1} completed", core, te.Data)); } tweedWaitStart = null; tweedWorkStart = now; } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_LOCKING) { tweedLockStart = now; } else if (te.Event == TRACE_EVENT_LOCKING_END) { if (tweedLockStart.HasValue) AddRectangle(core, tweedLockStart.Value, now, Brushes.Maroon, "Waiting for Lock to be released"); tweedLockStart = null; } else { AddBlob(core, now, te); } } // tweed else // An unknown type of event { if (optGeneric.IsChecked) { AddBlob(core, now, te); } } } // end foreach // End of data for this core,flush running process if (running.HasValue && runningstart.HasValue) { if (!procnames.TryGetValue(running.Value, out name)) if (!procnames.TryGetValue(running.Value | OldHighBits, out name)) procnames.TryGetValue(running.Value | NewHighBits, out name); if (!"monitor".Equals(name)) // test this way round in case name==null { AddRectangle(core, runningstart.Value, (long)this.TimeMax, BrushForName(name), String.Format("{2}={0:x} from {1:n0} to ...", running.Value, runningstart.Value - this.TimeMin, string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? "?" : name)); } } } // end for core //Dictionary> sent = new Dictionary>(); Dictionary sent = new Dictionary(); Dictionary rcvd = new Dictionary(); ulong rxbit = 0x0100000000000000; channelactions.Sort(); if (optChannel.IsChecked) { foreach (ChannelAction ca in channelactions) { // In theory EA is send and EB is recv, but sometimes clocks are funny ulong chan = ca.Channel & 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF; if ((ca.Channel & rxbit) != 0) { ChannelAction other; if (sent.TryGetValue(chan, out other)) { sent.Remove(chan); // Forwards in time if (heads) AddArrow(other.Core, other.Time, ca.Core, ca.Time, other.Colour ?? Brushes.Orange, String.Format("Chan={0:x} Sent {1:n0} Rcvd {2:n0}", chan, other.Time - this.TimeMin, ca.Time - this.TimeMin)); else AddLine(other.Core, other.Time, ca.Core, ca.Time, other.Colour ?? Brushes.Orange, String.Format("Chan={0:x} Sent {1:n0} Rcvd {2:n0}", chan, other.Time - this.TimeMin, ca.Time - this.TimeMin)); } else rcvd.Add(chan, ca); } else { ChannelAction other; if (rcvd.TryGetValue(chan, out other)) { rcvd.Remove(chan); // Bacwards in time if (heads) AddArrow(other.Core, other.Time, ca.Core, ca.Time, ca.Colour ?? Brushes.OrangeRed, String.Format("Chan={0:x} Sent {1:n0} Rcvd {2:n0}", chan, ca.Time - this.TimeMin, other.Time - this.TimeMin)); else AddLine(other.Core, other.Time, ca.Core, ca.Time, ca.Colour ?? Brushes.OrangeRed, String.Format("Chan={0:x} Sent {1:n0} Rcvd {2:n0}", chan, ca.Time - this.TimeMin, other.Time - this.TimeMin)); } else sent.Add(chan, ca); } } } DateTime t2 = DateTime.Now; // Any left over? if (optGeneric.IsChecked) { foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in sent) { AddDiamond(kvp.Value.Core, kvp.Value.Time, Brushes.DarkTurquoise, kvp.Key.ToString("x")); } foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in rcvd) { AddDiamond(kvp.Value.Core, kvp.Value.Time, Brushes.SeaGreen, kvp.Key.ToString("x")); } } DateTime t3 = DateTime.Now; // So they all have the right Z order ShowBackground(); ShowTimeAxis(); if (this.optTooltips.IsChecked == false) { this.VisRects.EndRender(); this.VisThinRectangles.EndRender(); this.VisBlobs.EndRender(); this.VisArrows.EndRender(); mainCanvas_AddChild(this.VisHost); } else { foreach (UIElement uie in this.Rectangles) mainCanvas_AddChild(uie); foreach (UIElement uie in this.ThinRectangles) mainCanvas_AddChild(uie); foreach (UIElement uie in this.Blobs) mainCanvas_AddChild(uie); foreach (UIElement uie in this.Arrows) mainCanvas_AddChild(uie); } ShowCpuAxis(); DateTime t4 = DateTime.Now; // Otherwise last Blob is clipped at its LEFT edge, doh! // XXX This still doesnt quite work when zoomed in mainCanvas.Width += 10; // Stretch it out if (mainCanvas.Width < this.dockPanel3.ActualWidth) mainCanvas.Width = this.dockPanel3.ActualWidth; Console.WriteLine("Render {0} {1}", t3 - t2, t4 - t3); // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); // XXX RI TMP } // Method RenderFromData // ------------------------- public void SetZoom() { this.PixelsPerSecond = Math.Pow(2, Zoom.Value); double xsize = this.TimeRange * PixelsPerTick; mainCanvas.Width = xsize; //double xscale = PIXELSPERSECOND / (App.state.LastTs - App.state.FirstTs); Console.WriteLine("Canvas: {0} {1} {2}", mainCanvas.ActualWidth, mainCanvas.Width, xsize); // Scrollbar is in timestamp units ... it controls the timestamp value of the left // hand edge of the main canvas window so it's value ranges from the first timestamp // to the last timestamp minus the viewportsize. The "viewport" // size tells the scrollbar how much of the range is visible. double visibleWidth = this.dockPanel3.ActualWidth; XScrollBar.Minimum = this.TimeMin; XScrollBar.ViewportSize = visibleWidth * TicksPerPixel; XScrollBar.Maximum = this.TimeMax - XScrollBar.ViewportSize; Console.WriteLine("ViewportSize {0}", XScrollBar.ViewportSize); // The XScrollBar.LargeChange = XScrollBar.ViewportSize; XScrollBar.SmallChange = XScrollBar.ViewportSize / 10; } // SetZoom public void SetScroll() { double xshift = (XScrollBar.Value - XScrollBar.Minimum) * PixelsPerTick; this.VisibleTimeMin = XScrollBar.Value; this.VisibleTimeMax = this.VisibleTimeMin + XScrollBar.ViewportSize; Console.WriteLine("Scroll: visible range {0:f0}-{1:f0}", VisibleTimeMin, VisibleTimeMax); mainCanvas.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(-xshift, 0); } // SetScroll private void ConsiderRescale() { if (this.TimeRange / this.TicksPerPixel < this.dockPanel3.ActualWidth / 2) { double targetPixelsPerSecond = this.dockPanel3.ActualWidth / (this.TimeRange / this.TicksPerSecond); this.Zoom.Value = Math.Floor(Math.Log(targetPixelsPerSecond, 2)); SetZoom(); SetScroll(); ReRender(); } } // ConsiderRescale // Event handlers private void FileDcb_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string filename; if (!Dialogs.OpenThese("bfl", "Barrelfish log files|*.bfl", out filename)) return; this.dcbstatic = new Dictionary(); using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(filename)) { string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line[0] == '#') continue; string[] tokens = line.Split(); ulong dcb; // bool ok = ulong.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, null, out raw); if (tokens.Length == 3 && tokens[0] == "DCB:" && tokens[1].StartsWith("0x") && ulong.TryParse(tokens[1].Substring(2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, null, out dcb)) this.dcbstatic.Add(dcb, tokens[2]); } } this.ReRender(); } // FileDcb_Click private void FileOpen_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.worker.CancelAsync(); // XXX Cancel background worker if (this.TraceFetcher != null) this.TraceFetcher.Dispose(); this.TraceFetcher = null; string filename; //if (!ViewEtl.Dialogs.OpenThese("txt", "Text files|*.txt", out filename)) if (!Dialogs.OpenThese("bfl", "Barrelfish Log files|*.bfl", out filename)) return; this.Title = this.Name + ": " + filename; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename); ReadDataFromStream(reader); reader.Close(); this.Filename = filename; this.ReRender(); this.zoomOut(); } // FileOpen_Click private void Option_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ReRender(); } private void Connect_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MenuItem item = sender as MenuItem; if (item == null) throw new NotImplementedException(); string header = item.Header as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(header)) throw new NotImplementedException(); if (this.worker.IsBusy) return; this.Title = this.Name + ": connecting to " + header; this.Filename = header; this.worker.RunWorkerAsync(header); } private void Zoom_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (this.mainCanvas == null) return; // Still processing the XAML Console.WriteLine("{0} pixels/sec", Math.Pow(2, Zoom.Value)); SetZoom(); SetScroll(); ReRender(); } private void XScrollBar_Scroll(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventArgs e) { SetScroll(); if (e.ScrollEventType != ScrollEventType.ThumbTrack) { ReRender(); } } private void zoomOut() { double targetPixelsPerSecond = this.dockPanel3.ActualWidth / (this.TimeRange / this.TicksPerSecond); double wish = Math.Floor(Math.Log(targetPixelsPerSecond, 2)); Zoom.Value = Math.Max(Zoom.Minimum, wish); // Zoom_ValueChanged already called } private void zoomOut_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { zoomOut(); } private void Zoom_DragCompleted(object sender, DragCompletedEventArgs e) { SetZoom(); SetScroll(); ReRender(); } private void dockPanel3_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.WidthChanged) { SetZoom(); SetScroll(); } else if (e.HeightChanged) { this.mainCanvas.Height = e.NewSize.Height; } ReRender(); } void BackgroundRender() { ReRender(); ConsiderRescale(); } // Functions for interacting with the background worker void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("worker_DoWork entered"); if (this.worker.CancellationPending) { Console.WriteLine("worker_DoWork: cancelling..."); e.Result = null; e.Cancel = true; return; } string target = e.Argument as string; if (target != null) { // Connecting to a new place if (this.TraceFetcher != null) this.TraceFetcher.Dispose(); try { this.TraceFetcher = new TraceFetcher(target); Console.WriteLine("tracefetcher was constructed"); if (this.worker.CancellationPending) { e.Result = null; e.Cancel = true; return; } this.worker.ReportProgress(1); } catch (Exception ex) { if (this.worker.CancellationPending) { e.Result = null; e.Cancel = true; return; } e.Result = ex; return; } this.TraceFetcher.Pipelining = this.Automatic; } MemoryStream ms = this.TraceFetcher.Next(); if (this.worker.CancellationPending) e.Cancel = true; else if (ms != null) e.Result = new StreamReader(ms); else if (this.TraceFetcher != null) e.Result = this.TraceFetcher.Error; else throw new NotImplementedException("This shouldnt happen"); Console.WriteLine("worker_DoWork exiting"); } // worker_DoWork void worker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { if (e.Cancelled) { Console.WriteLine("RunWorkerCompleted: worker cancelled!"); this.RunCancel.Content = "Run"; return; } StreamReader reader = e.Result as StreamReader; Exception ex; if (reader != null) { ReadDataFromStream(reader); reader.Close(); // NOTA BENE: This is a *synchronous* Invoke, i.e. the BackgroundRender // will happen on the UI thread (and first any other UI) before this call // returns. This includes e.g. "Disconnect" UI pending. Therefore // think very carefully about the state machine! Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(BackgroundRender)); // Start fetching the next one if (this.TraceFetcher != null && this.Automatic && !this.worker.IsBusy) this.worker.RunWorkerAsync(null); } else if ((ex = e.Result as Exception) != null) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), ex.Message, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); this.Title = this.Name + ": connection closed"; this.Automatic = false; this.RunCancel.Content = "Run"; if (this.TraceFetcher != null) this.TraceFetcher.Dispose(); this.TraceFetcher = null; this.mainCanvas.Children.Clear(); } // else XXX } void worker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.ProgressPercentage == 1) this.Title = this.Name + ": connected to " + this.Filename; Console.WriteLine("Progress changed"); } private void RunCancel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.TraceFetcher == null) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot fetch a trace when not connected", "Not connected", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Stop); return; } this.Automatic = !this.Automatic; this.TraceFetcher.Pipelining = this.Automatic; if (this.Automatic) { this.RunCancel.Content = "Stop"; if (!this.worker.IsBusy) this.worker.RunWorkerAsync(null); } else { this.RunCancel.Content = "Run"; // XXX this.worker.Cancel(); Console.WriteLine("User clicked Cancel"); this.worker.CancelAsync(); } } // RunCancel_Click private void Single_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.mainCanvas.Children.Clear(); if (this.TraceFetcher == null) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot fetch a trace when not connected", "Not connected", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Stop); return; } if (!this.worker.IsBusy) this.worker.RunWorkerAsync(null); } private void FileSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.ttec == null) return; string filename; if (!Dialogs.SaveThese("bfl", "Barrelfish Log files|*.bfl", out filename)) return; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename); if (this.procnames != null) foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in this.procnames) writer.WriteLine("# DCB 0 {0} {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value); foreach (TemporalTraceEvent tte in this.ttec) writer.WriteLine(tte.ToString()); writer.Close(); } // FileSave_Click private void Disconnect_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.Title = this.Name; this.worker.CancelAsync(); if (this.TraceFetcher != null) this.TraceFetcher.Dispose(); this.TraceFetcher = null; this.ttec = null; this.procnames = null; this.Filename = null; this.ReRender(); } private void ViewKey_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Key x = new Key(); x.Show(); } private void Cores_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.Cores4.IsChecked = (sender == this.Cores4); this.Cores8.IsChecked = (sender == this.Cores8); this.Cores16.IsChecked = (sender == this.Cores16); this.Cores24.IsChecked = (sender == this.Cores24); this.Cores32.IsChecked = (sender == this.Cores32); this.Cores64.IsChecked = (sender == this.Cores64); if (sender == this.Cores4) this.NumCores = 4; else if (sender == this.Cores8) this.NumCores = 8; else if (sender == this.Cores16) this.NumCores = 16; else if (sender == this.Cores24) this.NumCores = 24; else if (sender == this.Cores32) this.NumCores = 32; else if (sender == this.Cores64) this.NumCores = 64; this.ReRender(); } } // class Window1 public class TraceFetcher : IDisposable { // These must match the equivalent code in Barrelfish and Aquarium. /// /// The number of bytes of header containing the size of the trace /// const int HeaderSize = 8; /// /// The format string for converting an integer to a trace header /// const string HeaderFormatString = "00000000"; public readonly string Target; public bool Pipelining; public Exception Error { get; private set; } private readonly byte[] tosend; private NetworkStream stream; private bool sentRequest; public TraceFetcher(string target) { int port = 666; string[] addrport = target.Split(':'); if (addrport.Length == 2) { target = addrport[0]; port = int.Parse(addrport[1]); Console.WriteLine("Connecting to {0} on non-default port {1}", target, port); } this.Target = target; this.tosend = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("trace\n"); // The name could resolve to both v4 and v6 addressesw // but we know that barrelfish will only be listening on v4. // The test trace replay (testaquarium) also listens only on v4 // so here we need to filter the addresses to avoid long (e.g. // 30 second) hangs when connecting to a testaquarium. IPAddress[] addresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(target); List v4s = new List(addresses.Length); for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Length; i++) if (addresses[i].AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) v4s.Add(addresses[i]); TcpClient client = new TcpClient(AddressFamily.InterNetwork); client.Connect(v4s.ToArray(), port); this.stream = client.GetStream(); } public void Dispose() { if (this.stream == null) return; this.stream.Close(); this.stream = null; } /// /// Returns MemoryStream of the next trace. If there is an error /// returns null, disposes itself, and sets Error property to the exception /// /// MemoryStream or null public MemoryStream Next() { if (this.stream == null) throw new ObjectDisposedException("TraceFetcher"); try { if (this.sentRequest) this.sentRequest = false; else this.stream.Write(tosend, 0, tosend.Length); byte[] header = Read(HeaderSize); string lenstring = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(header); if (lenstring.Length != HeaderSize) throw new FormatException("header changed size after conversion: " + lenstring); foreach (char c in lenstring) if (c < '0' || c > '9') throw new FormatException("header contains non digits: " + lenstring); int len; if (!int.TryParse(lenstring, out len)) throw new FormatException("Not a valid length: " + lenstring); byte[] data = Read(len); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data); if (this.Pipelining) { this.stream.Write(tosend, 0, tosend.Length); this.sentRequest = true; } return ms; } catch (Exception ex) { this.Error = ex; this.Dispose(); return null; } } // Next /// /// Keeps reading until it gets all of the bytes requested or fails /// with an EndOfStreamException /// /// Number of bytes to read /// The bytes read private byte[] Read(int len) { byte[] data = new byte[len]; int position = 0; do { int got = stream.Read(data, position, data.Length - position); if (got == 0) throw new EndOfStreamException(); position += got; } while (position < data.Length); return data; } } // class TraceFetcher #region WPF helper classes public class VisualHost : FrameworkElement { private VisualCollection _children; public VisualHost() { _children = new VisualCollection(this); } public void AddVisual(DrawingVisual vis) { _children.Add(vis); } // Provide a required override for the VisualChildrenCount property. protected override int VisualChildrenCount { get { return _children.Count; } } // Provide a required override for the GetVisualChild method. protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index) { if (index < 0 || index > _children.Count) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } return _children[index]; } } // class VisualHost public class MyDrawingVisual : DrawingVisual { public DrawingContext dc; public MyDrawingVisual() { } public void BeginRender() { this.dc = this.RenderOpen(); } public void EndRender() { this.dc.Close(); } } // class MyDrawingVisual public class Highlighting { private readonly List oldshapes; private readonly List oldblocks; private readonly List oldstroke, oldfill, oldforeground; private readonly SolidColorBrush brush; public Highlighting(SolidColorBrush brush) { this.brush = brush.Clone(); this.brush.Freeze(); this.oldshapes = new List(); this.oldblocks = new List(); this.oldstroke = new List(); this.oldfill = new List(); this.oldforeground = new List(); } public void Set(params FrameworkElement[] elements) { if (oldshapes.Count > 0 || oldblocks.Count > 0) Clear(); if (elements == null || elements.Length == 0) return; Shape shape; TextBlock block; for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++) { if ((shape = elements[i] as Shape) != null) { oldshapes.Add(shape); oldstroke.Add(shape.Stroke); oldfill.Add(shape.Fill); shape.Stroke = brush; if (shape.Fill != null) { SolidColorBrush inside = new SolidColorBrush(brush.Color); inside.Opacity = shape.Fill.Opacity; shape.Fill = inside; } } else if ((block = elements[i] as TextBlock) != null) { oldblocks.Add(block); oldforeground.Add(block.Foreground); block.Foreground = this.brush; } } } public void Clear() { for (int i = 0; i < oldshapes.Count; i++) { oldshapes[i].Stroke = oldstroke[i]; oldshapes[i].Fill = oldfill[i]; } oldshapes.Clear(); oldstroke.Clear(); oldfill.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < oldblocks.Count; i++) oldblocks[i].Foreground = oldforeground[i]; oldforeground.Clear(); oldblocks.Clear(); } } // class Highlighting #endregion } // namespace