/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2011, ETH Zurich. * All rights reserved. * * This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file. * If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to: * ETH Zurich D-INFK, Universitaetstrasse 6, CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group. */ #define _USE_XOPEN // for strdup() #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vfs_blockdevfs.h" static struct ahci_mgmt_binding *ahci_mgmt_binding; static bool ahci_mgmt_bound = false; #define RFIS_OFFSET_DMA_SETUP_FIS 0x00 #define RFIS_OFFSET_PIO_SETUP_FIS 0x20 #define RFIS_OFFSET_D2H_REGISTER_FIS 0x40 #define RFIS_OFFSET_SET_DEVICE_BITS_FIS 0x58 #define RFIS_OFFSET_UNKNOWN_FIS 0x60 struct ahci_handle { struct ahci_binding *binding; uint8_t port_num; bool waiting; errval_t wait_status; size_t bytes_transferred; }; static void ahci_init_cb(void *st, errval_t err, struct ahci_binding *binding) { struct ahci_handle *h = st; if (err_is_fail(err)) { printf("ahci_init_cb returned '%s'\n", err_getstring(err)); h->wait_status = err; h->waiting = false; return; } h->binding = binding; binding->st = h; h->waiting = false; } errval_t blockdevfs_ahci_open(void *handle) { VFS_BLK_DEBUG("blockdevfs_ahci_open: entering\n"); errval_t err; struct ahci_handle *h = handle; h->wait_status = SYS_ERR_OK; h->waiting = true; err = ahci_init(h->port_num, ahci_init_cb, h, get_default_waitset()); if (err_is_fail(err)) { printf("ahci_init failed: '%s'\n", err_getstring(err)); h->waiting = false; return err; } // XXX: block for command completion (broken API!) while (h->waiting) { messages_wait_and_handle_next(); } VFS_BLK_DEBUG("blockdevfs_ahci_open: exiting\n"); return h->wait_status; } static void ahci_close_cb(void *arg) { struct ahci_handle *h = arg; h->waiting = false; } errval_t blockdevfs_ahci_close(void *handle) { struct ahci_handle *h = handle; h->waiting = true; errval_t err = ahci_close(h->binding, MKCLOSURE(ahci_close_cb, h)); if (err_is_fail(err)) { printf("ahci_init failed: '%s'\n", err_getstring(err)); h->waiting = false; return err; } while (h->waiting) { messages_wait_and_handle_next(); } return SYS_ERR_OK; } static void rx_flush_command_completed_cb(struct ahci_binding *binding, void *tag) { struct ahci_handle *h = binding->st; VFS_BLK_DEBUG("rx_flush_command_completed_cb(%p, tag: %p): entering\n", binding, tag); h->waiting = false; } errval_t blockdevfs_ahci_flush(void *handle) { errval_t err = SYS_ERR_OK; struct ahci_handle *h = handle; h->waiting = true; // setup FIS struct sata_fis_reg_h2d fis; memset(&fis, 0, sizeof(struct sata_fis_reg_h2d)); fis.type = SATA_FIS_TYPE_H2D; fis.device = 1 << 6; /* LBA mode, not CHS; ??? */ sata_set_command(&fis, 0xE7); /* flush cache; ATA Command Set, 7.24 */ sata_set_count(&fis, 0); /* nr. of sectors/blocks */ sata_set_lba28(&fis, 0); // set handle to waiting h->waiting = true; h->wait_status = SYS_ERR_OK; h->bytes_transferred = 0; h->binding->rx_vtbl.command_completed = rx_flush_command_completed_cb; // load fis and fire commands err = ahci_issue_command(h->binding, NOP_CONT, 0, (uint8_t*)&fis, sizeof(fis), false, NULL, 0); if (err_is_fail(err)) { printf("bdfs_ahci: read load_fis failed: 0x%" PRIxPTR "\n", err); h->waiting = false; goto cleanup; } while (h->waiting) { messages_wait_and_handle_next(); } cleanup: h->binding->rx_vtbl.command_completed = NULL; return err; } static void rx_read_command_completed_cb(struct ahci_binding *binding, void *tag) { struct ahci_handle *h = binding->st; VFS_BLK_DEBUG("rx_read_command_completed_cb(%p, tag: %p): entering\n", binding, tag); h->waiting = false; } errval_t blockdevfs_ahci_read(void *handle, size_t pos, void *buffer, size_t bytes, size_t *bytes_read) { errval_t err; struct ahci_handle *h = handle; size_t aligned_bytes = bytes / PR_SIZE * PR_SIZE; VFS_BLK_DEBUG("bdfs_ahci: read begin: %zu -> %zu\n", bytes, aligned_bytes); // setup DMA regions for receiving data struct ahci_dma_region *bufregion = NULL; err = ahci_dma_region_alloc(aligned_bytes, &bufregion); if (err_is_fail(err)) { printf("bdfs_ahci: read alloc_region failed: 0x%" PRIxPTR "\n", err); return err; } VFS_BLK_DEBUG("bdfs_ahci_read: bufregion = %p\n", bufregion); VFS_BLK_DEBUG("bdfs_ahci_read: bufregion->vaddr = %p\n", bufregion->vaddr); // setup FIS struct sata_fis_reg_h2d read_fis; memset(&read_fis, 0, sizeof(struct sata_fis_reg_h2d)); read_fis.type = SATA_FIS_TYPE_H2D; read_fis.device = 1 << 6; // LBA mode, not CHS; ??? sata_set_command(&read_fis, 0xC8); // read dma; ATA Command Set, 7.24 sata_set_count(&read_fis, aligned_bytes / PR_SIZE); // nr. of sectors/blocks sata_set_lba28(&read_fis, pos / PR_SIZE); // set handle to waiting h->waiting = true; h->wait_status = SYS_ERR_OK; h->bytes_transferred = 0; h->binding->rx_vtbl.command_completed = rx_read_command_completed_cb; // load fis and fire commands err = ahci_issue_command(h->binding, NOP_CONT, 0, (uint8_t*)&read_fis, sizeof(read_fis), false, bufregion, aligned_bytes); if (err_is_fail(err)) { printf("bdfs_ahci: read load_fis failed: 0x%" PRIxPTR "\n", err); h->waiting = false; goto cleanup; } // XXX: block for command completion (broken API!) while (h->waiting) { messages_wait_and_handle_next(); } VFS_BLK_DEBUG("bdfs_ahci: read wait status: %lu\n", h->wait_status); err = h->wait_status; // cleanup and output if (err_is_ok(err)) { ahci_dma_region_copy_out(bufregion, buffer, 0, aligned_bytes); *bytes_read = aligned_bytes; } cleanup: h->binding->rx_vtbl.command_completed = NULL; VFS_BLK_DEBUG("read: freeing bufregion (%p)\n", bufregion); ahci_dma_region_free(bufregion); return err; } static void rx_write_command_completed_cb(struct ahci_binding *binding, void *tag) { struct ahci_handle *h = binding->st; VFS_BLK_DEBUG("rx_write_command_completed_cb(%p, tag: %p): entering\n", binding, tag); h->waiting = false; } errval_t blockdevfs_ahci_write(void *handle, size_t pos, const void *buffer, size_t bytes, size_t *bytes_written) { errval_t err; struct ahci_handle *h = handle; size_t aligned_bytes = bytes / PR_SIZE * PR_SIZE; // setup DMA regions and copy data over struct ahci_dma_region *bufregion; err = ahci_dma_region_alloc(aligned_bytes, &bufregion); if (err_is_fail(err)) { return err; } ahci_dma_region_copy_in(bufregion, buffer, 0, aligned_bytes); // setup FIS struct sata_fis_reg_h2d write_fis; memset(&write_fis, 0, sizeof(struct sata_fis_reg_h2d)); write_fis.type = SATA_FIS_TYPE_H2D; write_fis.device = 1 << 6; // LBA mode, not CHS; ??? sata_set_command(&write_fis, 0xCA); // write dma; ATA Command Set, 7.60 sata_set_count(&write_fis, aligned_bytes / PR_SIZE); // nr. of sectors/blocks sata_set_lba28(&write_fis, pos / PR_SIZE); // set handle to waiting h->waiting = true; h->wait_status = SYS_ERR_OK; h->binding->rx_vtbl.command_completed = rx_write_command_completed_cb; // load fis and fire commands err = ahci_issue_command(h->binding, NOP_CONT, 0, (uint8_t*)&write_fis, sizeof(write_fis), true, bufregion, aligned_bytes); if (err_is_fail(err)) { h->waiting = false; ahci_dma_region_free(bufregion); return err; } // XXX: block for command completion (broken API!) while (h->waiting) { messages_wait_and_handle_next(); } // cleanup and output h->binding->rx_vtbl.command_completed = NULL; ahci_dma_region_free(bufregion); if (err_is_ok(h->wait_status)) { *bytes_written = aligned_bytes; } return h->wait_status; } static void ahci_mgmt_bind_cb(void *st, errval_t err, struct ahci_mgmt_binding *b) { if (err_is_fail(err)) { USER_PANIC_ERR(err, "ahci_mgmt bind failed in callback"); } ahci_mgmt_binding = b; ahci_mgmt_rpc_client_init(ahci_mgmt_binding); ahci_mgmt_bound = true; struct ahci_mgmt_list_response__rx_args reply; err = ahci_mgmt_binding->rpc_tx_vtbl.list(ahci_mgmt_binding, reply.port_ids, &reply.len); assert(err_is_ok(err)); for (size_t i = 0; i < reply.len; i++) { struct ahci_mgmt_identify_response__rx_args identify_reply; err = ahci_mgmt_binding->rpc_tx_vtbl.identify(ahci_mgmt_binding, reply.port_ids[i], identify_reply.identify_data, &identify_reply.data_len); assert(err_is_ok(err)); assert(identify_reply.data_len == 512); ata_identify_t identify; ata_identify_initialize(&identify, (void *)identify_reply.identify_data ); //char buf[8192]; //ata_identify_pr(buf, 8192, &identify); //printf("New Disk. Identify:\n"); //puts(buf); // determine sector size size_t sector_size = 512; if (ata_identify_plss_lls_rdf(&identify)) { sector_size = 2*ata_identify_wpls_rd(&identify); } // FIXME: support LBA28 size_t sectors = ata_identify_tnuas48_rd(&identify); VFS_BLK_DEBUG("Disk %" PRIu8 " has %zd sectors of %zd bytes\n", reply.port_ids[i], sectors, sector_size); struct ahci_handle *handle = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ahci_handle)); handle->port_num = reply.port_ids[i]; struct blockdev_entry *newentry = calloc(1, sizeof(struct blockdev_entry)); newentry->open = false; newentry->size = sectors * sector_size; newentry->type = blockdev_backend_type_ahci; newentry->path = strdup("ahciX"); newentry->path[4] = '0' + i; // FIXME: make it work for more than 9 newentry->backend_handle = handle; // append to list blockdev_append_entry(newentry); } } errval_t blockdevfs_ahci_init(void) { errval_t err; iref_t iref; err = nameservice_blocking_lookup("ahcid", &iref); if (err_is_fail(err)) { DEBUG_ERR(err, "nameservice_blocking_lookup for ahcid"); return err; // FIXME } err = ahci_mgmt_bind(iref, ahci_mgmt_bind_cb, NULL, get_default_waitset(), IDC_BIND_FLAG_RPC_CAP_TRANSFER); // init DMA pool ahci_dma_pool_init(1024*1024); if (err_is_fail(err)) { DEBUG_ERR(err, "ahci_mgmt bind failed"); return err; // FIXME } // XXX: block for bind completion (broken API!) while (!ahci_mgmt_bound) { messages_wait_and_handle_next(); } return SYS_ERR_OK; }