/** * \brief This file contains the standard device requests from the USB * Specification Rev. 2.0 Section 9.4 */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007-2013 ETH Zurich. * All rights reserved. * * This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file. * If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to: * ETH Zurich D-INFK, Universitaetstrasse 6, CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group. */ #include #include #include "usb_manager_client.h" /** * \brief this request is used to clear or disable a specific feature. * * \param recipient the receiver of the event: USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_* * \param feature the feature selector: USB_REQUEST_FEATURE_* * * \return USB_ERR_OK on success * * Behaviour of the device upon receiving a request: * - default state: behaviour not specified * - address state: valid when recipient is the device or endpoint zero * other recpients (endpoints and interfaces) get a * USB_ERR_REQUEST * - configured state: valid request forall recipients */ usb_error_t usb_clear_feature(uint8_t recipient, uint8_t recipient_index, uint16_t feature) { struct usb_device_request req; req.bType.direction = USB_REQUEST_WRITE; req.bType.type = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD; req.bType.recipient = (recipient & USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_MASK); req.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_CLEAR_FEATURE; req.wValue = feature; req.wIndex = 0; if (recipient != USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_DEVICE) { req.wIndex = recipient_index; } req.wLength = 0; return (usb_do_request(&req)); } /** * \brief this request returns the current device configuration value * * \param *ret_config the current configuration value if zero then * the device is not configured yet * * \return USB_ERR_OK on success * * Behaviour of the device upon receiving a request: * - default state: behaviour not specified * - address state: must return the value zero * - configured state: a non zero value must be returned */ usb_error_t usb_get_configuration(uint8_t *ret_config) { struct usb_device_request req; req.bType.direction = USB_REQUEST_READ; req.bType.type = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD; req.bType.recipient = USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_DEVICE; req.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_GET_CONFIG; req.wValue = 0; req.wIndex = 0; req.wLength = 1; uint16_t ret_length; void *ret_data; usb_error_t err = usb_do_request_read(&req, &ret_length, &ret_data); if (err != USB_ERR_OK) { return (err); } if (ret_length != 1) { return (USB_ERR_IOERROR); } if (ret_config) { *ret_config = *((uint8_t *)ret_data); free(ret_data); } return (USB_ERR_OK); } /** * \brief This request returns the specified descriptor if the descriptor exists. * * \param desc_type: descriptor type to look for * \param desc_index: which descirptor to return * \param lang: zero or a language id for string descriptors * \param *ret_desc: * * Behaviour of the device upon receiving a request: * - default state: valid request * - address state: valid request * - configured state: valid request */ usb_error_t usb_get_descriptor(uint8_t desc_type, uint8_t desc_index, uint16_t lang, void **ret_desc, uint16_t *ret_length) { struct usb_device_request req; req.bType.direction = USB_REQUEST_READ; req.bType.type = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD; req.bType.recipient = USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_DEVICE; req.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR; req.wValue = (desc_type << 8) | desc_index; /* wIndex stores the language id if a string descriptor is requested*/ if (desc_type == USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STRING) { req.wIndex = lang; } else { req.wIndex = 0; } req.wIndex = lang; /* the maximum bytes to be returned, if length of the descriptor exceeds this value, only the first wLength bytes are returned. */ req.wLength = 0; usb_descriptor_t *desc; uint16_t ret_data_length; usb_error_t err = usb_do_request_read(&req, &ret_data_length, (void **)&desc); if (err != USB_ERR_OK) { return (err); } /* we check for the size of the returned descriptors */ switch (desc_type) { case USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE: if (ret_data_length != sizeof(struct usb_device_descriptor)) { return (USB_ERR_IOERROR); } break; case USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE: if (ret_data_length != sizeof(struct usb_interface_descriptor)) { return (USB_ERR_IOERROR); } break; case USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT: if (ret_data_length != sizeof(struct usb_endpoint_descriptor)) { return (USB_ERR_IOERROR); } break; case USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER: if (ret_data_length != sizeof(struct usb_device_qualifier_descriptor)) { return (USB_ERR_IOERROR); } break; default: /* variable sized descriptors */ if(ret_data_length != desc->bLength) { return (USB_ERR_IOERROR); } break; } /* ok all should be fine */ if (ret_length) { *ret_length = ret_data_length; } if (ret_desc) { *ret_desc = desc; } return (USB_ERR_OK); } /* XXX: The following functions serve as an easier way to get a specific * descriptor. In fact they are not really needed and the functionality * can be done using the generic get_descriptor request */ usb_error_t usb_get_config_descriptor(uint8_t config_index, struct usb_config_descriptor *ret_desc) { assert(!"NYI: usb_get_config_descriptor"); return (USB_ERR_BAD_REQUEST); } usb_error_t usb_get_iface_descriptor(uint8_t iface_index, struct usb_config_descriptor *ret_desc) { assert(!"NYI: usb_get_iface_descriptor"); return (USB_ERR_BAD_REQUEST); } usb_error_t usb_get_ep_descriptor(uint8_t ep_index, struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *ret_desc) { assert(!"NYI: usb_get_ep_descriptor"); return (USB_ERR_BAD_REQUEST); } usb_error_t usb_get_string_descriptor(uint16_t lang_id, uint8_t string_index, void *ret_desc) { assert(!"NYI: usb_get_string_descriptor"); return (USB_ERR_BAD_REQUEST); } /** * \brief This requests returns the selected alternate setting for the * specified interface * * \param iface_number: the interface we want to get the alternate * setting * \param ret_alt_iface: the alternate setting value * * \return USB_ERR_OK on success * USB_ERR_* on failure * * Behaviour of the device upon receiving a request: * - default state: not specified * - address state: USB_ERR_REQUEST * - configured state: valid request * * If the interface does not exists then the device will reply with a * USB_ERR_REQUEST */ usb_error_t usb_get_alt_iface(uint16_t iface_number, uint8_t *ret_alt_iface) { struct usb_device_request req; req.bType.direction = USB_REQUEST_READ; req.bType.type = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD; req.bType.recipient = USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE; req.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_GET_INTERFACE; req.wValue = 0; req.wIndex = (0x00FF & iface_number); req.wLength = 1; usb_error_t err = USB_ERR_OK; void *ret_val; uint16_t ret_length; err = usb_do_request_read(&req, &ret_length, &ret_val); if (err != USB_ERR_OK) { return (err); } if (ret_length != 1) { return (USB_ERR_IOERROR); } if (ret_alt_iface) { *ret_alt_iface = *((uint8_t*) (ret_val)); } return (USB_ERR_OK); } /** * \brief This request returns the status for the specified recipient * * \param recipient_index: zero for device status, the endpoint or interface * number for the respective recipient * \param ret_status: the status of the recipient * * \return USB_ERR_OK on success * * Behaviour of the device upon receiving a request: * - default state: not specified * - address state: USB_ERR_REQUEST * - configured state: valid request * * If the interface or endpoint does not exists then the device will reply * with a USB_ERR_REQUEST */ usb_error_t usb_get_status(uint8_t recipient, uint16_t recipient_index, struct usb_status *ret_status) { struct usb_device_request req; req.bType.direction = USB_REQUEST_READ; req.bType.type = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD; req.bType.recipient = (recipient & USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_MASK); req.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_GET_STATUS; req.wValue = 0; req.wIndex = recipient_index; req.wLength = 2; void *ret_data; uint16_t ret_length; usb_error_t err = usb_do_request_read(&req, &ret_length, &ret_data); if (err != USB_ERR_OK) { return (err); } if (ret_length != 2) { return (USB_ERR_IOERROR); } if (ret_status) { ret_status->wStatus = *((uint16_t *) ret_data); free(ret_data); } return (USB_ERR_OK); } /** * \brief This request sets the device address for all future device accesses. * * \param new_address: the new address to be used for all subsequent accesses * new_address < 128 && new_address > 0 * * \return USB_ERR_OK on sucess * * Behaviour of the device upon receiving a request: * - default state: device enters the address sate if address > 0 * - address state: device enters default state if address = 0 * OR device changes its address * - configured state: not specified * */ usb_error_t usb_set_address(uint8_t new_address) { struct usb_device_request req; if (new_address > 127) { return (USB_ERR_INVAL); } req.bType.direction = USB_REQUEST_WRITE; req.bType.type = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD; req.bType.recipient = USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_DEVICE; req.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_SET_ADDRESS; req.wValue = new_address; req.wIndex = 0; req.wLength = 0; return (usb_do_request(&req)); } /** * \brief This request sets the device configuration. * * \param config_value: the new configuration to activate, this must be * zero or match a configuration from the config * descriptor. * * \return USB_ERR_OK on sucess * * Behaviour of the device upon receiving a request: * - default state: not specified * - address state: on matching value, the device enters configured * state * - configured state: if new configuration is zero then device enters * address state or activates new configuration * if value is matching. * * There will be a request error if the configuration does not match */ usb_error_t usb_set_configuration(uint8_t config_value) { struct usb_device_request req; req.bType.direction = USB_REQUEST_WRITE; req.bType.type = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD; req.bType.recipient = USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_DEVICE; req.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_SET_CONFIG; req.wValue = (config_value & 0x00FF); req.wIndex = 0; req.wLength = 0; return (usb_do_request(&req)); } /** * \brief This request is optional and may be used to update existing * descriptors or new descriptors may be added. * * \param desc_type: the new configuration to activate, this must be * zero or match a configuration from the config * descriptor. * \param desc_index: Used for selecting the descriptor if a device implements * multiple descriptors of a certain type (config or string) * \param language * \param descriptor * * \return USB_ERR_OK on sucess * * Behaviour of the device upon receiving a request: * - default state: not specified * - address state: if supported, a valid request * - configured state: if supported, a valid request * * There will be a request error if the configuration does not match */ usb_error_t usb_set_descriptor(uint8_t desc_type, uint8_t desc_index, uint8_t language, struct usb_descriptor *descriptor) { struct usb_device_request req; req.bType.direction = USB_REQUEST_WRITE; req.bType.type = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD; req.bType.recipient = USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_DEVICE; req.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_SET_DESCRIPTOR; /* * the index must be zero if other descriptors as string or config are used * The only allowed values for descriptor type are device, configuration, * and string descriptor types. */ switch (desc_type) { case USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STRING: case USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CONFIG: req.wValue = (desc_type << 8) | desc_index; break; case USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE: req.wValue = (desc_type << 8); break; default: return (USB_ERR_BAD_REQUEST); } req.wIndex = 0; req.wLength = 0; return (usb_do_request_write(&req, descriptor->bLength, descriptor)); } /** * \brief This request is used to set or enable a specific feature. * * \param feature: The feature to enable. This value must be appropriate to * the recipient. * \param recipient: The recipient of the request: USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_* * \param test: * \param index: * * \return USB_ERR_OK on sucess * * Behaviour of the device upon receiving a request: * - default state: only accepts TEST_MODE * - address state: request error for specific ep or interface * - configured state: valid request * * A SetFeature() request that references a feature that cannot be set or * that does not exist causes a STALL to be returned in the Status stage of * the request. */ usb_error_t usb_set_feature(uint8_t recipient, uint16_t feature, uint8_t test, uint8_t recipent_index) { struct usb_device_request req; req.bType.direction = USB_REQUEST_WRITE; req.bType.type = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD; req.bType.recipient = recipient; req.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_SET_FEATURE; req.wLength = 0; req.wIndex = 0; if (recipient != USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_DEVICE) { // the LSb of the wIndex only stores the index of an endpoint/interface req.wIndex = recipent_index; } if (feature == USB_REQUEST_FEATURE_TEST_MODE) { if (recipient != USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_DEVICE) { // only devices may get an TEST_MODE feature request return (USB_ERR_BAD_REQUEST); } else { req.wIndex = (test << 8); } } return (usb_do_request(&req)); } /** * \brief This request allows the host to select an alternate setting * for the specified interface. * * \param feature: The feature to enable. This value must be appropriate to * the recipient. * \param recipient: The recipient of the request: USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_* * \param test: The testmode selected * \param index: The number of the interface / endpoint * * \return USB_ERR_OK on sucess * * Behaviour of the device upon receiving a request: * - default state: behaviour not specified * - address state: device must respons with a request error * - configured state: valid request * * If the interface or the alternate setting does not exist, then the device * responds with a Request Error. */ usb_error_t usb_set_alt_iface(uint16_t alt_setting, uint16_t interface) { struct usb_device_request req; req.bType.direction = USB_REQUEST_WRITE; req.bType.type = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD; req.bType.recipient = USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE; req.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_SET_INTERFACE; req.wIndex = (0x00FF & interface); req.wValue = (0x00FF & alt_setting); req.wLength = 0; return (usb_do_request(&req)); } /** * \brief This request is used to set and then report an endpoint’s * synchronization frame. * * \param endpoint: The feature to enable. This value must be appropriate * to the recipient. * \param ret_frame: The recipient of the request: USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_* * * \return USB_ERR_OK on sucess * * Behavior of the device upon receiving a request: * - default state: behavior not specified * - address state: device shall response with a request error * - configured state: valid request */ usb_error_t usb_synch_frame(uint8_t endpoint, uint16_t *ret_frame) { struct usb_device_request req; req.bType.direction = USB_REQUEST_READ; req.bType.type = USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD; req.bType.recipient = USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT; req.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_SYNCH_FRAME; req.wIndex = endpoint; req.wValue = 0; req.wLength = 2; uint16_t ret_length; void *ret_data; if (ret_frame) { *ret_frame = 0; } usb_error_t err = usb_do_request_read(&req, &ret_length, &ret_data); if (err != USB_ERR_OK) { return (err); } /* the returned data must be of length 2 */ if (ret_length != 2) { return (USB_ERR_IOERROR); } if (ret_frame) { *ret_frame = *((uint16_t *) ret_data); free(ret_data); } return (USB_ERR_OK); } /** * \brief this function executes a device request without a data stage * * \return USB_ERR_OK on success, error code otherwise */ usb_error_t usb_do_request(struct usb_device_request *req) { errval_t err; uint32_t ret_status = 0; USB_DEBUG_IDC("libusb: usb_do_request()\n"); err = usb_manager->rpc_tx_vtbl.request(usb_manager, (uint8_t*) req, sizeof(*req), &ret_status); if (err_is_fail(err)) { DEBUG_ERR(err, "libusb: do_request rpc failed"); return (USB_ERR_IDC); } USB_DEBUG_IDC("libusb: usb_do_request() succeeded\n"); return ((usb_error_t) ret_status); } /** * \brief this function executes a device request with a write a data stage * * \return USB_ERR_OK on success, error code otherwise */ usb_error_t usb_do_request_write(struct usb_device_request *req, uint16_t length, void *data) { errval_t err; uint32_t ret_status; USB_DEBUG_IDC("libusb: usb_do_request_write()\n"); err = usb_manager->rpc_tx_vtbl.request_write(usb_manager, (uint8_t*) req, sizeof(*req), (uint8_t *) data, length, &ret_status); if (err_is_fail(err)) { DEBUG_ERR(err, "libusb: do_request_write rpc failed"); return (USB_ERR_IDC); } USB_DEBUG_IDC("libusb: usb_do_request_write() succeeded\n"); return ((usb_error_t) ret_status); } /** * \brief this function executes a device request with a read a data stage * * \return USB_ERR_OK on success, error code otherwise */ usb_error_t usb_do_request_read(struct usb_device_request *req, uint16_t *ret_length, void **ret_data) { errval_t err; uint32_t ret_status = 0; uint8_t data[2048]; size_t length = 0; usb_error_t ret; USB_DEBUG_IDC("libusb: usb_do_request_read()\n"); err = usb_manager->rpc_tx_vtbl.request_read(usb_manager, (uint8_t*) req, sizeof(*req), data, &length, &ret_status); *ret_length = length; ret = (usb_error_t) ret_status; if (err_is_fail(err)) { DEBUG_ERR(err, "libusb: do_request_write rpc failed"); *ret_length = 0; *ret_data = NULL; return (USB_ERR_IDC); } USB_DEBUG_IDC("libusb: usb_do_request_read() got data (len=%i)\n", *ret_length); *ret_data = memdup(data, sizeof(data)); return (ret); }