Compile Time Transforms in IC

  1. Factor out all blatantly non-linear sub-expressions, replacing them with a place-holder temporary variable.
  2. If the remaining expression is linear, then transform it into a specialised propagator.
  3. If the remaining expression is not linear, then delay processing until run-time.


Compile time linear

X =:= 3 * A + 4 * B becomes ic_lin_eq/3
X =:= 1 + 3 * A becomes ic_2v_eq/6
X =:= 3 * A becomes ic_1v_eq/4

Compile time maybe linear

X =:= A + eval(E) becomes X =:= A + E and is re-processed at run-time. Note the removal of the eval/1 wrapper.
X =:= A + B*C becomes X =:= A + B*C (ie is left allone sice it contains variable products)

Compile time linear after factoring

X =:= 1 + A + 2*B + sin(C + 3*D) becomes ic_lin_eq(T2 =:= C + 3*D), T1 iis sin(T2), ic_lin_eq(X =:= 1 + A + 2*B + T1)

Compile time maybe linear after factoring

X =:= 1 + A*sin(C + 3*D) becomes ic_lin_eq(T2 =:= C + 3*D), T1 iis sin(T2), X =:= 1 + A*T1. Note that what is left of the original constraint will be re-processed at run-time.

Compile time clearly non-linear

X =:= sin(Y) becomes X iis sin(Y). Note there will be a temporary form where X =:= T1 and T1 iis sin(Y), but X =:= T1 will be collapsed to nothing and the variables X and T1 will be unified at compile time, resulting in X iis sin(Y)