% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK % Version: CMPL 1.1 % % The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public % License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except % in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License % at www.eclipse-clp.org/license. % % Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" % basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See % the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations % under the License. % % The Original Code is The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. % The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems, Inc. % Portions created by the Initial Developer are % Copyright (C) 1989-2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. % % Contributor(s): ECRC GmbH % Contributor(s): IC-Parc, Imperal College London % % END LICENSE BLOCK % % System: ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System % Version: $Id: quintus.pl,v 1.16 2013/06/16 02:21:27 jschimpf Exp $ % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * SEPIA PROLOG SOURCE MODULE */ /* * IDENTIFICATION: quintus.pl * * DESCRIPTION: Quintus prolog compatibility package * * * CONTENTS: * */ :- module(quintus). :- comment(categories, ["Compatibility"]). :- comment(summary, 'Quintus prolog compatibility package'). :- comment(author, 'Micha Meier, ECRC Munich'). :- comment(copyright, 'Cisco Systems, Inc'). :- comment(date, '$Date: 2013/06/16 02:21:27 $'). :- comment(desc, html(' ECLiPSe includes a Quintus Prolog compatibility package to ease the task of porting Quintus Prolog applications to ECLiPSe Prolog. This package does not provide the user with a system completely compatible to Quintus Prolog, however it provides most of the Quintus built-in predicates, moreover some of the Quintus library predicates are available in the ECLiPSe library. This package includes the C-Prolog compatibility package (see Appendix A.6).

Please note that this appendix does not detail the functionality of Quintus Prolog, refer to the Quintus Prolog documentation for this information.

The effect of the compatibility library is local to the module where it is loaded. For maximum compatibility, a Quintus program should be wrapped in a separate module starting with a directive like

    :- module(mymodule, [], quintus).
In this case, Eclipse-specific language constructs will not be available.

If the compatibility package is loaded into a standard module, e.g. like

    :- module(mymixedmdule).
    :- use_module(library(quintus)).
then Quintus and Eclipse language features can be used together. However, ambiguities must be resolved explicitly and confusion may arise from the different meaning of quotes in Eclipse vs Quintus-Prolog.

The following differences remain even with the compatibility package:

This predicate is dummy, since the ECLiPSe macro facility works on every input term, provided that the flag macro_expansion is set to on.
This predicate is identical to get/2 in ECLiPSe.
This is the normal ECLiPSe help/1 predicate.
This declaration does not cause passing of module information in Quintus-style, as ECLiPSe\'s concept of meta predicates differs substantially. The meta-predicates very likely have to be modified manually to use ECLiPSe tools (see User Manual).
This is implemented by declaring the predicates as dynamic, so to obtain more efficient programs it is better to put all clauses of the same procedure into one file (or to concatenate all files where multifile predicates occur).
The property interpreted is not provided. The property exported is returned if the predicate is exported or global. Use of get_flag/3 should be preferred.
prolog_flag/2, 3
There are some differences in the flags, as they are mostly simulated with the ECLiPSe flags:
synonym for export/1
statistics/0, 2
these predicates are slightly different than in Quintus, in particular the meaning of the memory statistics is approximate, and the output format is different.
ttyflush/0, ttyget/1, ttyget0/1, ttynl/0, ttyput/1, ttyskip/1, ttytab/1
these predicates work with the stdout stream
Not implemented. To perform sophisticated output formatting, printf/2,3 or string streams can be used.
The list below describes the syntax differences between ECLiPSe and Quintus Prolog. The following properties of Quintus Prolog are simulated by the compatibility package: The following Quintus properties are not simulated: ')). :- comment(see_also, [library(cio),library(cprolog),library(sicstus),library(swi), library(multifile)]). :- reexport cio. :- reexport foreign. :- reexport multifile. % suppress deprecation warnings for reexported builtins :- pragma(deprecated_warnings(not_reexports)). :- reexport eclipse_language except (\=)/2, % hide (e.g. for Press) % append/3, % in QP 3.6 delete/3, gcd/3, % ground/1, % in QP 3.6 select/3, memberchk/2, maplist/3, member/2, (not)/1, union/3, eval/2, pathname/2, get/1, % redefined predicates put/1, put/2, instance/2, (abolish)/1, arg/3, (dynamic)/1, display/1, ensure_loaded/1, erase/1, name/2, op/3, recorda/3, recordz/3, recorded/3, statistics/0, statistics/2, use_module/1, use_module_body/2. /* op(_, xfx, (of)), % don't provide these op(_, xfx, (with)), op(_, xfy, (do)), op(_, xfx, (@)), op(_, fx, (-?->)), op(_, fy, (not)), op(_, fy, (spied)), op(_, fx, (delay)), macro((with)/2, _, _), macro((of)/2, _, _). */ :- export % temporary, while op/macros still global op(0, xfx, (of)), op(0, xfx, (with)), op(0, xfy, (do)), op(0, xfx, (@)), op(0, fx, (-?->)), op(0, fy, (not)), op(0, fy, (spied)), op(0, fx, (delay)), macro((with)/2, (=)/2, []), macro((of)/2, (=)/2, []). :- local op(650, xfx, (@)). :- export syntax_option(nl_in_quotes), syntax_option(no_array_subscripts), syntax_option(limit_arg_precedence), syntax_option(doubled_quote_is_quote), syntax_option(bar_is_no_atom), syntax_option(bar_is_semicolon), syntax_option(no_attributes), syntax_option(no_curly_arguments), syntax_option(blanks_after_sign), syntax_option(float_needs_point), chtab(0'\, symbol), % disable escape sequences chtab(128, string_quote), % there must be some string_quote chtab(0'", list_quote), op(1150, fx, [(meta_predicate), (multifile), (discontiguous), (public), (mode), (dynamic), (initialization), (volatile)]). :- set_flag(macro_expansion, on). :- reexport (.)/3, % to evaluate lists in arithmetic expressions consult/1, current_functor/2, current_predicate/2, db_reference/1, erased/1, fileerrors/0, get/1, get0/1, heapused/1, leash/1, log10/2, log/2, nofileerrors/0, primitive/1, prompt/2, put/1, reconsult/1, sh/0 from cprolog. :- reexport op(_,_,_) from cprolog. :- reexport numbervars. :- reexport format. :- export (abolish)/1, (abolish)/2, absolute_file_name/2, arg/3, atom_chars/2, break/0, character_count/2, current_input/1, current_output/1, current_key/2, current_module/2, display/1, (dynamic)/1, ensure_loaded/1, erase/1, expand_term/2, flush_output/1, gc/0, get0/2, incore/1, instance/2, is_digit/1, is_lower/1, is_upper/1, line_count/2, manual/0, name/2, no_style_check/1, nogc/0, nospyall/0, number_chars/2, op/3, open_null_stream/1, otherwise/0, portray_clause/1, predicate_property/2, prolog_flag/2, prolog_flag/3, (public)/1, put/2, put_line/1, recorda/3, recorded/3, recordz/3, save/1, set_input/1, set_output/1, source_file/1, source_file/2, statistics/0, statistics/2, stream_code/2, stream_position/2, stream_position/3, style_check/1, term_expansion/2, trace/0, ttyflush/0, ttyget/1, ttyget0/1, ttynl/0, ttyput/1, ttyskip/1, ttytab/1, unix/1, unknown/2, use_module/1, use_module/2, version/0, version/1. :- export tr_lib/2. :- export macro(library_directory/1, tr_lib/2, [clause]). tr_lib(L, L) :- L = no_macro_expansion(library_directory(Path)), atom_string(Path, PathS), get_flag(library_path, P), (member(PathS, P) -> true ; append(P, [PathS], New), set_flag(library_path, New) ). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :- system. % compiler directive to add the SYSTEM flag :- import abolish_body/2, abolish_op_body/3, current_built_in_body/2, current_op_body/4, current_predicate_body/2, dynamic_body/2, ensure_loaded/2, export_body/2, get_bip_error/1, get_flag_body/4, get_pager/1, global_body/2, global_op_body/4, import_body/2, nospy_body/2, printf_/8, retract_all_body/2, set_flag_body/4, tool_/2, untraced_call/2 from sepia_kernel. :- tool((abolish)/1, q_abolish_body/2), tool(incore/1, untraced_call/2), tool(nospyall/0, nospyall_body/1), tool(predicate_property/2, predicate_property_body/3), tool(prolog_flag/2, prolog_flag_body/3), tool(prolog_flag/3, prolog_flag_body/4), tool((public)/1, public_body/2), tool(op/3, op_body/4). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Loading Programs *** no_style_check(X) :- var(X), !, fail. no_style_check(single_var) :- get_flag(variable_names, check_singletons) -> set_flag(variable_names, on) ; true. no_style_check(discontiguous). no_style_check(multiple). no_style_check(all) :- no_style_check(single_var). style_check(X) :- var(X), !, fail. style_check(single_var) :- set_flag(variable_names, check_singletons). style_check(discontiguous). style_check(multiple). style_check(all) :- style_check(single_var). save(File) :- printf(error, 'Saved states not supported: %w%n', [save(File)]). trace :- printf(error, 'trace/0 only allowed as a toplevel command%n', []). break :- toplevel:break. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Online help *** manual :- get_flag(installation_directory, Sepiadir), printf('To read the documentation, please open%n%s/doc/index.html%n', [Sepiadir]). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Control *** otherwise. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** I/O *** display(Term) :- eclipse_language:display(stdout, Term). open_null_stream(null). flush_output(X) :- flush(X). set_input(Stream) :- set_stream(input, Stream). set_output(Stream) :- set_stream(output, Stream). current_input(Stream) :- get_stream(input, Stream). current_output(Stream) :- get_stream(output, Stream). source_file(File) :- setof(X, P^(current_predicate(P), get_flag(P, source_file, X)), L), member(File, L). source_file(Pred, File) :- (var(Pred) -> current_predicate(F/A) ; true ), functor(Pred, F, A), get_flag(F/A, source_file, File). get0(S, T) :- get(S, T). put(S, T) :- X is T, eclipse_language:put(S, X). character_count(Stream, N) :- at(Stream, N). stream_position(S, N) :- at(S, N). stream_position(Stream, Old, New) :- at(Stream, Old), seek(Stream, New). ttyget0(X) :- get0(stdin, X). ttyget(X) :- get(stdin, X). ttyskip(X) :- skip(stdin, X). ttyput(X) :- put(stdout, X). ttynl :- nl(stdout). ttytab(N) :- tab(stdout, N). ttyflush :- current_stream(S), get_stream_info(S, device, tty), get_stream_info(S, mode, write), flush(S), fail;true. portray_clause(Clause) :- writeclause(Clause). line_count(Stream, Line1) :- get_stream_info(Stream, line, Line), Line1 is Line + 1. op_body(_, _, [], _) :- !. op_body(P, A, [O|L], M) :- !, op_body(P, A, O, M), op_body(P, A, L, M). op_body(P, A, O, M) :- global_op_body(P, A, O, M), ( current_op_body(P, A, O, M) -> true ; abolish_op_body(O, A, M) % remove the hiding local definition ). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Arithmetic *** arith_exception_handler(_, integer(X,Y), _) :- !, Y is integer(truncate(X)). arith_exception_handler(N, Culprit, Module) :- error(default(N), Culprit, Module). :- set_event_handler(20, arith_exception_handler/3). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Term Conversion *** atom_chars(Atom, List) :- var(Atom), !, string_list(String, List), atom_string(Atom, String). atom_chars(Atom, List) :- atom(Atom), atom_string(Atom, String), string_list(String, List). number_chars(Number, List) :- var(Number), !, remove_leading_whtspaces(List, List0), string_list(String, List0), number_string(Number, String). number_chars(Number, List) :- number_string(Number, String), (var(List) -> List0 = List ; remove_leading_whtspaces(List, List0) ), string_list(String, List0). remove_leading_whtspaces([C|Cs], List) ?- ((nonvar(C), is_white_space(C)) -> remove_leading_whtspaces(Cs, List) ; List = [C|Cs] ). is_white_space(C) :- % concat_string(['\t','\n','\r',' '], SWhtSpaces), % string_list(SWhtSpaces, WhtSpaces), % this assumes ASCII as character escapes are off by default WhtSpaces = [9,10,13,32], memberchk(C, WhtSpaces). name(Name, Codes) :- var(Codes), ( number(Name) -> number_string(Name, String), string_list(String, Codes) ; atom(Name) -> atom_string(Name, String), string_list(String, Codes) ; string(Name) -> % convenience extension string_list(Name, Codes) ; error(5, name(Name, Codes)) ). name(Name, Codes) :- nonvar(Codes), string_list(String, Codes), ( number_string(Number, String) -> Name = Number ; atom_string(Name, String) ). arg(N, S, X) :- integer(N), 1 =< N, N =< arity(S), eclipse_language:arg(N, S, X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Term Comparison *** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Environment *** predicate_property_body(Pred, Property, M) :- var(Pred), !, (current_predicate_body(F/A, M); current_built_in_body(F/A, M)), functor(Pred, F, A), sepia_property(F/A, M, Property). predicate_property_body(Pred, Property, M) :- functor(Pred, F, A), A < 256, sepia_property(F/A, M, Property). sepia_property(P, M, compiled) :- get_flag_body(P, stability, static, M). sepia_property(P, M, dynamic) :- get_flag_body(P, stability, dynamic, M). sepia_property(P, M, built_in) :- get_flag_body(P, type, built_in, M). sepia_property(P, M, exported) :- get_flag_body(P, visibility, V, M), (V == exported; V == reexported) -> true. sepia_property(P, M, foreign) :- get_flag_body(P, call_type, external, M). sepia_property(P, M, imported_from(Mi)) :- get_flag_body(P, visibility, imported, M), get_flag_body(P, definition_module, Mi, M). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Debugging *** nospyall_body(M) :- nospy_body(_, M), writeln('All spypoints removed'). unknown(Old, New) :- (nonvar(Old) -> error(5, unknown(Old, New)) ; (get_event_handler(68, fail/0, _) -> Old = fail ; Old = trace ), (New == trace -> reset_event_handler(68) ; New == fail -> set_event_handler(68, fail/0) ; error(5, unknown(Old, New)) ) ). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Modules *** public_body([], _) :- !. public_body([Proc|Procs], M) :- !, globalize([Proc|Procs], M). public_body(Procs, M) :- export_body(Procs, M). current_module(Module, File) :- setof((M,F), P^(current_predicate(P), get_flag(P, source_file, F), get_flag(P, definition_module, M)), L), member((Module,File), L). :- system_debug. %:- system. globalize([], _). globalize([Pred|Rest], M) :- export_body(Pred, M), globalize(Rest, M). :- tool(use_module/2, use_module_body/3). :- local use_module_body/2. :- tool(use_module/1, use_module_body/2). :- tool(ensure_loaded/1, use_module_body/2). use_module_body(F, L, M) :- ensure_loaded(F, M), (F = library(FM) -> true ; FM = F ), import_list(L, FM, M). use_module_body(F, M) :- ensure_loaded(F, M), import_list(F, M). import_list([], _, _). import_list([Pred|L], F, M) :- import_body((Pred from F), M), import_list(L, F, M). import_list([], _). import_list([File|L], M) :- !, import1(File, M), import_list(L, M). import_list(File, M) :- import1(File, M). import1(library(File), M) :- !, import1(File, M). import1(File, M) :- pathname(File, _, ModS), atom_string(Module, ModS), current_module(Module), !, import_body(Module, M). import1(_, _). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Dynamic Database *** q_abolish_body(Name/Arity, Module) :- !, abolish_body(Name/Arity, Module). q_abolish_body(:(Module, Spec), _) :- !, q_abolish_body(Spec, Module). q_abolish_body([], _) :- !. % wrong, but compatible q_abolish_body([Spec|T], Module) :- !, q_abolish_body(Spec, Module), q_abolish_body(T, Module). q_abolish_body(Atom, Module) :- atom(Atom), % this is wrong in Q2.0! !, ( @(current_predicate(Atom/N),Module), @(get_flag(Atom/N, definition_module, Module), Module), abolish_body(Atom/N, Module), fail ; true ). q_abolish_body(Term, _) :- error(5, abolish(Term)). :- tool((abolish)/2, abolish_body/3). abolish_body(Name, Arity, Module):- q_abolish_body(Name/Arity, Module). :- tool((dynamic)/1, qdynamic_body/2). qdynamic_body(M:P, _) :- dynamic_body(P, M). qdynamic_body(F/A, M) :- dynamic_body(F/A, M). qdynamic_body((P1, P2), M) :- qdynamic_body(P1, M), qdynamic_body(P2, M). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Internal Database *** :- tool(current_key/2, current_key_body/3). current_key_body(KeyName, KeyTerm, Module) :- @(current_record(IKey), Module), external_key(IKey, KeyTerm), functor(KeyTerm, KeyName, _). external_key(Key, KeyN) :- atom(Key), atom_string(Key, KeyS), string_length(KeyS, N), string_code(KeyS, N, 0), % last key char is \000 !, term_string(KeyN, KeyS). external_key(Key, Key). internal_key(Key, IKey) :- var(Key), !, current_record(IKey), external_key(IKey, Key). internal_key(Key, IKey) :- number(Key), !, concat_atom([Key, '\000'], IKey). % append \000 char internal_key(Key, Key). % Possible modes: recorded(+,-,-) recorded(-,-,+) recorded(-,-,-) :- tool(recorded/3, recorded_body/4). recorded_body(Key, Term, QRef, Module) :- var(QRef), !, internal_key(Key, IKey), @(sepia_kernel:recorded(IKey, Term, DbRef), Module), QRef = '$ref'(DbRef, 0). recorded_body(Key, Term, '$ref'(DbRef, 0), Module) :- internal_key(Key, IKey), @(sepia_kernel:recorded(IKey, Term, DbRef), Module), !. :- tool(recorda/3, recorda_body/4). recorda_body(Key, Term, '$ref'(DbRef, 0), Module) :- nonvar(Key), internal_key(Key, NewKey), @(sepia_kernel:recorda(NewKey, Term, DbRef), Module). :- tool(recordz/3, recordz_body/4). recordz_body(Key, Term, '$ref'(DbRef, 0), Module) :- nonvar(Key), internal_key(Key, NewKey), @(sepia_kernel:recordz(NewKey, Term, DbRef), Module). :- tool(erase/1, erase_body/2). erase_body('$ref'(DbRef, 0), Module) :- @(sepia_kernel:erase(DbRef), Module). instance('$ref'(DbRef, 0), Term) :- referenced_record(DbRef, Term). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Grammar Rules *** % only temporary expand_term(A, B) :- term_expansion(A, B), !. expand_term(A, A). % To avoid calling an undefined procedure. term_expansion(_, _) :- fail. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Miscellaneous *** prolog_flag_body(Flag, Old, New, _Module) :- var(Flag), !, error(4, prolog_flag(Flag, Old, New)). prolog_flag_body(Flag, Old, New, _Module) :- var(New), Old \== New, !, error(4, prolog_flag(Flag, Old, New)). prolog_flag_body(Flag, Old, New, Module) :- prolog_flag_body(Flag, Old, Module), set_quintus_flag(Flag, New, Module). set_quintus_flag(character_escapes, New, Module) :- % effect localised to Module! (New == on -> @(set_chtab(0'\, escape), Module) ; New == off -> @(set_chtab(0'\, symbol), Module) ). set_quintus_flag(debugging, New, _) :- (New == off -> set_flag(debugging, nodebug) ; set_flag(debugging, New) ). set_quintus_flag(fileerrors, New, _) :- (New == on -> fileerrors ; New == off -> nofileerrors ). set_quintus_flag(single_var_warnings, New, _) :- (New == on -> set_flag(variable_names, check_singletons) ; get_flag(variable_names, off) -> true ; set_flag(variable_names, on) ). set_quintus_flag(unknown, New, _) :- unknown(_, New). set_quintus_flag(gc, New, _) :- set_flag(gc, New). set_quintus_flag(gc_margin, New, _) :- set_flag(gc_interval, New). set_quintus_flag(gc_trace, New, _) :- (New == on -> set_flag(gc, verbose) ; New == off -> set_flag(gc, on) ). prolog_flag_body(character_escapes, Old, Module) :- ( @(get_chtab(0'\, escape), Module) -> Old = on ; Old = off ). prolog_flag_body(debugging, Old, _) :- get_flag(debugging, Mode), (Mode == nodebug -> Old = off ; Mode == leap -> Old = debug ; Old = trace ). prolog_flag_body(fileerrors, Old, _) :- (get_event_handler(170, nofileerrors_handler/2, _) -> Old = off ; Old = on ). prolog_flag_body(single_var_warnings, Old, _) :- (get_flag(variable_names, check_singletons) -> Old = on ; Old = off ). prolog_flag_body(unknown, Old, _) :- unknown(Old, Old). prolog_flag_body(gc, Old, _) :- get_flag(gc, OldF), (OldF == off -> Old = off; Old = on). prolog_flag_body(gc_margin, Old, _) :- get_flag(gc_interval, Old). prolog_flag_body(gc_trace, Old, _) :- (get_flag(gc, verbose) -> Old = on ; Old = off ). prolog_flag_body(typein_module, M, _) :- % not in quintus, but in SICStus get_flag(toplevel_module, M). version. version(Message) :- write(Message), nl. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** System Dependent *** is_lower(X):- X < 128, X > 96. is_upper(X):- X > 64, X < 91. is_digit(X):- X > 47, X < 58. unix(cd(Path)) :- cd(Path). unix(cd) :- getenv('HOME', Home), cd(Home). unix(shell(X)) :- getenv('SHELL', Shell), concat_string([Shell, ' -c "', X, '"'], Command), sh(Command). unix(system(X)) :- sh(X). unix(system(X, Status)) :- getenv('SHELL', Shell), concat_string([Shell, ' -c "', X, '"'], Command), exec(sh, [S], Pid), printf(S, '%w\nexit\n%b', Command), close(S), wait(Pid, Status). unix(shell) :- getenv('SHELL', Shell), sh(Shell). unix(argv(L)) :- argc(N), args_list(N, [], L). unix(exit(N)) :- exit(N). :- mode args_list(++, +, -). args_list(1, L, L) :- !. args_list(N, L, M) :- N1 is N - 1, argv(N1, S), (number_string(A, S) -> true ; atom_string(A, S)), args_list(N1, [A|L], M). % put_line(list of charcters) % writes the list of characters and a newline to the current output put_line([]) :- !, nl. put_line([H|T]) :- put(H), put_line(T). gc :- set_flag(gc, on). nogc :- set_flag(gc, off). stream_code(S, C) :- get_stream(S, C). absolute_file_name(Rel, Abs) :- (Rel == user -> Abs == user ; get_flag(prolog_suffix, Sufs), (existing_file(Rel, Sufs, [], ExtRel) -> true ; ExtRel = Rel), canonical_path_name(ExtRel, Abs) ). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % *** Statistics *** /* memory (total) 377000 bytes: 350636 in use, 26364 free program space 219572 bytes atom space (2804 atoms) 61024 in use, 43104 free global space 65532 bytes: 9088 in use, 56444 free global stack 6984 bytes trail 16 bytes system 2088 bytes local stack 65532 bytes: 356 in use, 65176 free local stack 332 bytes system 24 bytes 0.000 sec. for 0 global and 0 local space shifts 0.000 sec. for 0 garbage collections which collected 0 bytes 0.000 sec. for 0 atom garbage collections which collected 0 bytes 0.233 sec. runtime */ :- local variable(systime, 0), variable(realtime, 0), variable(walltime, 0). statistics(runtime, TotalLast) :- eclipse_language:statistics(runtime, TotalLast). statistics(system_time, [Total,Last]) :- eclipse_language:statistics(times, [_User,System,_Real]), Total is fix(System*1000), getval(systime, Prev), Last is Total - Prev, setval(systime, Total). statistics(real_time, [Total,Last]) :- eclipse_language:statistics(times, [_User,_System,Real]), Total is fix(Real*1000), getval(realtime, Prev), Last is Total - Prev, setval(realtime, Total). statistics(walltime, [Total,Last]) :- % Sicstus eclipse_language:statistics(times, [_User,_System,Real]), Total is fix(Real*1000), getval(walltime, Prev), Last is Total - Prev, setval(walltime, Total). statistics(memory, [Total, 0]) :- Total is (eclipse_language:statistics(shared_heap_allocated)) + (eclipse_language:statistics(private_heap_allocated)) + (eclipse_language:statistics(global_stack_allocated)) + (eclipse_language:statistics(control_stack_allocated)) + (eclipse_language:statistics(trail_stack_allocated)) + (eclipse_language:statistics(local_stack_allocated)). statistics(program, [Used, Free]) :- eclipse_language:statistics(shared_heap_used, Used), Free is (eclipse_language:statistics(shared_heap_allocated)) - Used. statistics(global_stack, [Used, Free]) :- eclipse_language:statistics(global_stack_used, Used), Free is (eclipse_language:statistics(global_stack_allocated)) - Used. statistics(local_stack, [Used, Free]) :- Used is (eclipse_language:statistics(local_stack_used)) + (eclipse_language:statistics(control_stack_used)), Free is (eclipse_language:statistics(local_stack_allocated)) + (eclipse_language:statistics(control_stack_allocated)) - Used. statistics(trail, [Used, Free]) :- eclipse_language:statistics(trail_stack_used, Used), Free is (eclipse_language:statistics(trail_stack_allocated)) - Used. statistics(choice, [Used, Free]) :- % Sicstus eclipse_language:statistics(control_stack_used, Used), Free is (eclipse_language:statistics(control_stack_allocated)) - Used. statistics(stacks, [Global, Local]) :- % Sicstus eclipse_language:statistics(global_stack_used, Global), Local is (eclipse_language:statistics(local_stack_used)) + (eclipse_language:statistics(control_stack_used)). statistics(garbage_collection, [Number, Freed, Time]) :- eclipse_language:statistics(gc_number, Number), eclipse_language:statistics(gc_collected, Freed), eclipse_language:statistics(gc_time, Time). statistics(stack_shifts, [0, 0, 0.0]). statistics(atoms, [Number,Used,Free]) :- eclipse_language:statistics(dictionary_entries, Number), eclipse_language:statistics(dict_hash_usage, Used/Total), Free is Total-Used. statistics(atom_garbage_collection, [Number,-1,Time]) :- eclipse_language:statistics(dict_gc_number, Number), eclipse_language:statistics(dict_gc_time, Time). statistics(core, List) :- % DEC-10 statistics(memory, List). statistics(heap, List) :- % DEC-10 statistics(program, List). statistics :- nl(log_output), ( statistics(What, Value), Fill is 24 - atom_length(What), printf(log_output, '%w:%*c%w%n', [What, Fill, 0' , Value]), fail ; true ). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :- (current_module(user) -> true ; create_module(user), @(call(import(quintus)), user) ). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % MODULE INITIALIZATION % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%