\chapter*{Introduction} \epigraph{The Filet-o-Fish contains a battered fish patty made mostly from pollock and/or hoki.}{Wikipedia} Filet-o-Fish, abbreviated \emph{FoF} hereafter, is a tool for the working language designer. Developed in the context of Barrelfish\cite{schuepbach:mmcs08}, FoF aims at easing the development of Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) as well as enhancing their safety. As a side effect of FoF's design, it also becomes easier for the user of a DSL to understand ``what is going on''. To achieve this goal, Filet-o-Fish defines a set of \emph{combinators}. A combinator is a Haskell function manipulating some Haskell data-types. In this case, our combinators manipulate an abstraction of the C language constructs, such as integers, floats, structures, arrays, etc. Altogether, this set of combinators defines an \emph{embedded language} in Haskell. To avoid the confusion with the DSLs we are willing to implement, we term this embedded language the \emph{meta-language}. You seems confused now. Listen. The Hamlet compiler is implemented with Filet-o-Fish. Hamlet is a Domain-Specific Language. In Hamlet's compiler, we use FoF to \emph{get the job done}, ie. to get the actual C code out of our capability system description. Hence, the Hamlet compiler is partly developed in the FoF meta-language. Understood? However, Filet-o-Fish is much more than a language to get the job done: being able to compile the meta-language to C is just one side-effect of our work. By writing a DSL compiler with FoF, you actually define the \emph{semantics} of the DSL. Whereas the syntax defines the set of legal expressions of a language, the semantics assign a meaning to the terms of the language. Note that the C language does not have any formal semantics. And, no, this is not normal. This is Evil. For a DSL, the benefit of having a formal semantics is twofold. First, the semantics of your DSL is the most precise and accurate description of the behavior of your domain-specific constructs. An informal, in-English specification of the DSL might fail to capture some specific points. The formal semantics is an ultimate documentation, which doesn't lie. Second, defining a formal semantics is a necessary step before any compiler correctness proof, be it mechanized or on paper. Therefore, thanks to FoF, you get a formal, mechanized semantics of your DSL. And this is for free. Finally, this document is the literate Haskell code of Filet-o-Fish: the code described in the following pages is the one that is compiled by the Haskell compiler. Therefore, this is the most accurate, up-to-date documentation of Fof's internals. So much marketing, let us look at the code.