/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Mark Williams * Copyright (c) 2012 Frank Lahm * * File change event API for netatalk * * for every detected filesystem change a UDP packet is sent to an arbitrary list * of listeners. Each packet contains unix path of modified filesystem element, * event reason, and a consecutive event id (32 bit). Technically we are UDP client and are sending * out packets synchronuosly as they are created by the afp functions. This should not affect * performance measurably. The only delaying calls occur during initialization, if we have to * resolve non-IP hostnames to IP. All numeric data inside the packet is network byte order, so use * ntohs / ntohl to resolve length and event id. Ideally a listener receives every packet with * no gaps in event ids, starting with event id 1 and mode FCE_CONN_START followed by * data events from id 2 up to 0xFFFFFFFF, followed by 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF and so on. * * A gap or not starting with 1 mode FCE_CONN_START or receiving mode FCE_CONN_BROKEN means that * the listener has lost at least one filesystem event * * All Rights Reserved. See COPYRIGHT. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fork.h" #include "file.h" #include "directory.h" #include "desktop.h" #include "volume.h" // ONLY USED IN THIS FILE #include "fce_api_internal.h" /* We store our connection data here */ static struct udp_entry udp_socket_list[FCE_MAX_UDP_SOCKS]; static int udp_sockets = 0; static bool udp_initialized = false; static unsigned long fce_ev_enabled = (1 << FCE_FILE_MODIFY) | (1 << FCE_FILE_DELETE) | (1 << FCE_DIR_DELETE) | (1 << FCE_FILE_CREATE) | (1 << FCE_DIR_CREATE); #define MAXIOBUF 1024 static unsigned char iobuf[MAXIOBUF]; static const char *skip_files[] = { ".DS_Store", NULL }; static struct fce_close_event last_close_event; static char *fce_event_names[] = { "", "FCE_FILE_MODIFY", "FCE_FILE_DELETE", "FCE_DIR_DELETE", "FCE_FILE_CREATE", "FCE_DIR_CREATE" }; /* * * Initialize network structs for any listeners * We dont give return code because all errors are handled internally (I hope..) * * */ void fce_init_udp() { int rv; struct addrinfo hints, *servinfo, *p; if (udp_initialized == true) return; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; for (int i = 0; i < udp_sockets; i++) { struct udp_entry *udp_entry = udp_socket_list + i; /* Close any pending sockets */ if (udp_entry->sock != -1) close(udp_entry->sock); if ((rv = getaddrinfo(udp_entry->addr, udp_entry->port, &hints, &servinfo)) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_fce, "fce_init_udp: getaddrinfo(%s:%s): %s", udp_entry->addr, udp_entry->port, gai_strerror(rv)); continue; } /* loop through all the results and make a socket */ for (p = servinfo; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) { if ((udp_entry->sock = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol)) == -1) { LOG(log_error, logtype_fce, "fce_init_udp: socket(%s:%s): %s", udp_entry->addr, udp_entry->port, strerror(errno)); continue; } break; } if (p == NULL) { LOG(log_error, logtype_fce, "fce_init_udp: no socket for %s:%s", udp_entry->addr, udp_entry->port); } udp_entry->addrinfo = *p; memcpy(&udp_entry->addrinfo, p, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); memcpy(&udp_entry->sockaddr, p->ai_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); freeaddrinfo(servinfo); } udp_initialized = true; } void fce_cleanup() { if (udp_initialized == false ) return; for (int i = 0; i < udp_sockets; i++) { struct udp_entry *udp_entry = udp_socket_list + i; /* Close any pending sockets */ if (udp_entry->sock != -1) { close( udp_entry->sock ); udp_entry->sock = -1; } } udp_initialized = false; } /* * Construct a UDP packet for our listeners and return packet size * */ static ssize_t build_fce_packet( struct fce_packet *packet, const char *path, int event, uint32_t event_id ) { size_t pathlen = 0; ssize_t data_len = 0; /* Set content of packet */ memcpy(packet->magic, FCE_PACKET_MAGIC, sizeof(packet->magic) ); packet->version = FCE_PACKET_VERSION; packet->mode = event; packet->event_id = event_id; pathlen = strlen(path); /* exclude string terminator */ /* This should never happen, but before we bust this server, we send nonsense, fce listener has to cope */ if (pathlen >= MAXPATHLEN) pathlen = MAXPATHLEN - 1; packet->datalen = pathlen; /* This is the payload len. Means: the packet has len bytes more until packet is finished */ data_len = FCE_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + pathlen; memcpy(packet->data, path, pathlen); /* return the packet len */ return data_len; } /* * Handle Endianess and write into buffer w/o padding **/ static void pack_fce_packet(struct fce_packet *packet, unsigned char *buf, int maxlen) { unsigned char *p = buf; memcpy(p, &packet->magic[0], sizeof(packet->magic)); p += sizeof(packet->magic); *p = packet->version; p++; *p = packet->mode; p++; uint32_t *id = (uint32_t*)p; *id = htonl(packet->event_id); p += sizeof(packet->event_id); uint16_t *l = ( uint16_t *)p; *l = htons(packet->datalen); p += sizeof(packet->datalen); if (((p - buf) + packet->datalen) < maxlen) { memcpy(p, &packet->data[0], packet->datalen); } } /* * Send the fce information to all (connected) listeners * We dont give return code because all errors are handled internally (I hope..) * */ static void send_fce_event(const char *path, int event) { static bool first_event = true; struct fce_packet packet; static uint32_t event_id = 0; /* the unique packet couter to detect packet/data loss. Going from 0xFFFFFFFF to 0x0 is a valid increment */ time_t now = time(NULL); LOG(log_debug, logtype_fce, "send_fce_event: start"); /* initialized ? */ if (first_event == true) { first_event = false; fce_init_udp(); /* Notify listeners the we start from the beginning */ send_fce_event( "", FCE_CONN_START ); } /* build our data packet */ ssize_t data_len = build_fce_packet( &packet, path, event, ++event_id ); pack_fce_packet(&packet, iobuf, MAXIOBUF); for (int i = 0; i < udp_sockets; i++) { int sent_data = 0; struct udp_entry *udp_entry = udp_socket_list + i; /* we had a problem earlier ? */ if (udp_entry->sock == -1) { /* We still have to wait ?*/ if (now < udp_entry->next_try_on_error) continue; /* Reopen socket */ udp_entry->sock = socket(udp_entry->addrinfo.ai_family, udp_entry->addrinfo.ai_socktype, udp_entry->addrinfo.ai_protocol); if (udp_entry->sock == -1) { /* failed again, so go to rest again */ LOG(log_error, logtype_fce, "Cannot recreate socket for fce UDP connection: errno %d", errno ); udp_entry->next_try_on_error = now + FCE_SOCKET_RETRY_DELAY_S; continue; } udp_entry->next_try_on_error = 0; /* Okay, we have a running socket again, send server that we had a problem on our side*/ data_len = build_fce_packet( &packet, "", FCE_CONN_BROKEN, 0 ); pack_fce_packet(&packet, iobuf, MAXIOBUF); sendto(udp_entry->sock, iobuf, data_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&udp_entry->sockaddr, udp_entry->addrinfo.ai_addrlen); /* Rebuild our original data packet */ data_len = build_fce_packet(&packet, path, event, event_id); pack_fce_packet(&packet, iobuf, MAXIOBUF); } sent_data = sendto(udp_entry->sock, iobuf, data_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&udp_entry->sockaddr, udp_entry->addrinfo.ai_addrlen); /* Problems ? */ if (sent_data != data_len) { /* Argh, socket broke, we close and retry later */ LOG(log_error, logtype_fce, "send_fce_event: error sending packet to %s:%s, transfered %d of %d: %s", udp_entry->addr, udp_entry->port, sent_data, data_len, strerror(errno)); close( udp_entry->sock ); udp_entry->sock = -1; udp_entry->next_try_on_error = now + FCE_SOCKET_RETRY_DELAY_S; } } } static int add_udp_socket(const char *target_ip, const char *target_port ) { if (target_port == NULL) target_port = FCE_DEFAULT_PORT_STRING; if (udp_sockets >= FCE_MAX_UDP_SOCKS) { LOG(log_error, logtype_fce, "Too many file change api UDP connections (max %d allowed)", FCE_MAX_UDP_SOCKS ); return AFPERR_PARAM; } udp_socket_list[udp_sockets].addr = strdup(target_ip); udp_socket_list[udp_sockets].port = strdup(target_port); udp_socket_list[udp_sockets].sock = -1; memset(&udp_socket_list[udp_sockets].addrinfo, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); memset(&udp_socket_list[udp_sockets].sockaddr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); udp_socket_list[udp_sockets].next_try_on_error = 0; udp_sockets++; return AFP_OK; } static void save_close_event(const char *path) { time_t now = time(NULL); /* Check if it's a close for the same event as the last one */ if (last_close_event.time /* is there any saved event ? */ && (strcmp(path, last_close_event.path) != 0)) { /* no, so send the saved event out now */ send_fce_event(last_close_event.path, FCE_FILE_MODIFY); } LOG(log_debug, logtype_fce, "save_close_event: %s", path); last_close_event.time = now; strncpy(last_close_event.path, path, MAXPATHLEN); } /* * * Dispatcher for all incoming file change events * * */ int fce_register(fce_ev_t event, const char *path, const char *oldpath, fce_obj_t type) { static bool first_event = true; const char *bname; if (!(fce_ev_enabled & (1 << event))) return AFP_OK; AFP_ASSERT(event >= FCE_FIRST_EVENT && event <= FCE_LAST_EVENT); AFP_ASSERT(path); LOG(log_debug, logtype_fce, "register_fce(path: %s, type: %s, event: %s", path, type == fce_dir ? "dir" : "file", fce_event_names[event]); bname = basename_safe(path); if (udp_sockets == 0) /* No listeners configured */ return AFP_OK; /* do some initialization on the fly the first time */ if (first_event) { fce_initialize_history(); first_event = false; } /* handle files which should not cause events (.DS_Store atc. ) */ for (int i = 0; skip_files[i] != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(bname, skip_files[i]) == 0) return AFP_OK; } /* Can we ignore this event based on type or history? */ if (fce_handle_coalescation(event, path, type)) { LOG(log_debug9, logtype_fce, "Coalesced fc event <%d> for <%s>", event, path); return AFP_OK; } switch (event) { case FCE_FILE_MODIFY: save_close_event(path); break; default: send_fce_event(path, event); break; } return AFP_OK; } static void check_saved_close_events(int fmodwait) { time_t now = time(NULL); /* check if configured holdclose time has passed */ if (last_close_event.time && ((last_close_event.time + fmodwait) < now)) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_fce, "check_saved_close_events: sending event: %s", last_close_event.path); /* yes, send event */ send_fce_event(&last_close_event.path[0], FCE_FILE_MODIFY); last_close_event.path[0] = 0; last_close_event.time = 0; } } /******************** External calls start here **************************/ /* * API-Calls for file change api, called form outside (file.c directory.c ofork.c filedir.c) * */ void fce_pending_events(AFPObj *obj) { if (!udp_sockets) return; check_saved_close_events(obj->options.fce_fmodwait); } /* * * Extern connect to afpd parameter, can be called multiple times for multiple listeners (up to MAX_UDP_SOCKS times) * * */ int fce_add_udp_socket(const char *target) { const char *port = FCE_DEFAULT_PORT_STRING; char target_ip[256] = {""}; strncpy(target_ip, target, sizeof(target_ip) -1); char *port_delim = strchr( target_ip, ':' ); if (port_delim) { *port_delim = 0; port = port_delim + 1; } return add_udp_socket(target_ip, port); } int fce_set_events(const char *events) { char *e; char *p; if (events == NULL) return AFPERR_PARAM; e = strdup(events); fce_ev_enabled = 0; for (p = strtok(e, ", "); p; p = strtok(NULL, ", ")) { if (strcmp(p, "fmod") == 0) { fce_ev_enabled |= (1 << FCE_FILE_MODIFY); } else if (strcmp(p, "fdel") == 0) { fce_ev_enabled |= (1 << FCE_FILE_DELETE); } else if (strcmp(p, "ddel") == 0) { fce_ev_enabled |= (1 << FCE_DIR_DELETE); } else if (strcmp(p, "fcre") == 0) { fce_ev_enabled |= (1 << FCE_FILE_CREATE); } else if (strcmp(p, "dcre") == 0) { fce_ev_enabled |= (1 << FCE_DIR_CREATE); } } free(e); return AFP_OK; } #ifdef FCE_TEST_MAIN void shortsleep( unsigned int us ) { usleep( us ); } int main( int argc, char*argv[] ) { int c; char *port = FCE_DEFAULT_PORT_STRING; char *host = "localhost"; int delay_between_events = 1000; int event_code = FCE_FILE_MODIFY; char pathbuff[1024]; int duration_in_seconds = 0; // TILL ETERNITY char target[256]; char *path = getcwd( pathbuff, sizeof(pathbuff) ); // FULLSPEED TEST IS "-s 1001" -> delay is 0 -> send packets without pause while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:e:h:p:P:s:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case '?': fprintf(stdout, "%s: [ -p Port -h Listener1 [ -h Listener2 ...] -P path -s Delay_between_events_in_us -e event_code -d Duration ]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); break; case 'd': duration_in_seconds = atoi(optarg); break; case 'e': event_code = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': host = strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': port = strdup(optarg); break; case 'P': path = strdup(optarg); break; case 's': delay_between_events = atoi(optarg); break; } } sprintf(target, "%s:%s", host, port); if (fce_add_udp_socket(target) != 0) return 1; int ev_cnt = 0; time_t start_time = time(NULL); time_t end_time = 0; if (duration_in_seconds) end_time = start_time + duration_in_seconds; while (1) { time_t now = time(NULL); if (now > start_time) { start_time = now; fprintf( stdout, "%d events/s\n", ev_cnt ); ev_cnt = 0; } if (end_time && now >= end_time) break; fce_register(event_code, path, NULL, 0); ev_cnt++; shortsleep( delay_between_events ); } } #endif /* TESTMAIN*/