ne_set_request_body_buffer 3 ne_set_request_body_buffer ne_set_request_body_fd ne_set_request_body_fd64 include a message body with a request #include <ne_request.h> void ne_set_request_body_buffer ne_request *req const char *buf size_t count int ne_set_request_body_fd ne_request *req int fd off_t begin off_t length Description The ne_set_request_body_buffer function specifies that a message body should be included with the body, which is stored in the count bytes buffer buf. The ne_set_request_body_fd function can be used to include a message body with a request which is read from a file descriptor. The body is read from the file descriptor fd, which must be a associated with a seekable file (not a pipe, socket, or FIFO). count bytes are read, beginning at offset begin (hence, passing begin as zero means the body is read from the beginning of the file). For all the above functions, the source of the request body must survive until the request has been dispatched; neither the memory buffer passed to ne_set_request_body_buffer nor the file descriptor passed to ne_set_request_body_fd are copied internally. See also