/* Shared library add-on to iptables to add u32 matching, * generalized matching on values found at packet offsets * * Detailed doc is in the kernel module source * net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_u32.c * * (C) 2002 by Don Cohen * Released under the terms of GNU GPL v2 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Function which prints out usage message. */ static void help(void) { printf( "u32 v%s options:\n" " --u32 tests\n" " tests := location = value | tests && location = value\n" " value := range | value , range\n" " range := number | number : number\n" " location := number | location operator number\n" " operator := & | << | >> | @\n" ,IPTABLES_VERSION); } /* defined in /usr/include/getopt.h maybe in man getopt */ static struct option opts[] = { { "u32", 1, 0, '1' }, { 0 } }; /* shared printing code */ static void print_u32(struct ipt_u32 *data) { unsigned int testind; for (testind=0; testind < data->ntests; testind++) { if (testind) printf("&&"); { unsigned int i; printf("0x%x", data->tests[testind].location[0].number); for (i = 1; i < data->tests[testind].nnums; i++) { switch (data->tests[testind].location[i].nextop) { case IPT_U32_AND: printf("&"); break; case IPT_U32_LEFTSH: printf("<<"); break; case IPT_U32_RIGHTSH: printf(">>"); break; case IPT_U32_AT: printf("@"); break; } printf("0x%x", data->tests[testind].location[i].number); } printf("="); for (i = 0; i < data->tests[testind].nvalues; i++) { if (i) printf(","); if (data->tests[testind].value[i].min == data->tests[testind].value[i].max) printf("0x%x", data->tests[testind].value[i].min); else printf("0x%x:0x%x", data->tests[testind].value[i].min, data->tests[testind].value[i].max); } } } printf(" "); } /* string_to_number is not quite what we need here ... */ u_int32_t parse_number(char **s, int pos) { u_int32_t number; char *end; errno = 0; number = strtoul(*s, &end, 0); if (end == *s) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d expected number", pos); if (errno) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d error reading number", pos); *s = end; return number; } /* Function which parses command options; returns true if it ate an option */ static int parse(int c, char **argv, int invert, unsigned int *flags, const struct ip6t_entry *entry, unsigned int *nfcache, struct ip6t_entry_match **match) { struct ipt_u32 *data = (struct ipt_u32 *)(*match)->data; char *arg = argv[optind-1]; /* the argument string */ char *start = arg; int state=0, testind=0, locind=0, valind=0; if (c != '1') return 0; /* states: 0 = looking for numbers and operations, 1 = looking for ranges */ while (1) { /* read next operand/number or range */ while (isspace(*arg)) arg++; /* skip white space */ if (! *arg) { /* end of argument found */ if (state == 0) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: input ended in location spec"); if (valind == 0) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: test ended with no value spec"); data->tests[testind].nnums = locind; data->tests[testind].nvalues = valind; testind++; data->ntests=testind; if (testind > U32MAXSIZE) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d too many &&'s", arg-start); /* debugging print_u32(data);printf("\n"); exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "debugging output done"); */ return 1; } if (state == 0) { /* reading location: read a number if nothing read yet, otherwise either op number or = to end location spec */ if (*arg == '=') { if (locind == 0) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d location spec missing", arg-start); else { arg++; state=1; } } else { if (locind) { /* need op before number */ if (*arg == '&') { data->tests[testind].location[locind].nextop = IPT_U32_AND; } else if (*arg == '<') { arg++; if (*arg != '<') exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d a second < expected", arg-start); data->tests[testind].location[locind].nextop = IPT_U32_LEFTSH; } else if (*arg == '>') { arg++; if (*arg != '>') exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d a second > expected", arg-start); data->tests[testind].location[locind].nextop = IPT_U32_RIGHTSH; } else if (*arg == '@') { data->tests[testind].location[locind].nextop = IPT_U32_AT; } else exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d operator expected", arg-start); arg++; } /* now a number; string_to_number skips white space? */ data->tests[testind].location[locind].number = parse_number(&arg, arg-start); locind++; if (locind > U32MAXSIZE) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d too many operators", arg-start); } } else { /* state 1 - reading values: read a range if nothing read yet, otherwise either ,range or && to end test spec */ if (*arg == '&') { arg++; if (*arg != '&') exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d a second & expected", arg-start); if (valind == 0) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d value spec missing", arg-start); else { data->tests[testind].nnums = locind; data->tests[testind].nvalues = valind; testind++; if (testind > U32MAXSIZE) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d too many &&'s", arg-start); arg++; state=0; locind=0; valind=0; } } else { /* read value range */ if (valind) { /* need , before number */ if (*arg != ',') exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d expected , or &&", arg-start); arg++; } data->tests[testind].value[valind].min = parse_number(&arg, arg-start); while (isspace(*arg)) arg++; /* another place white space could be */ if (*arg==':') { arg++; data->tests[testind].value[valind].max = parse_number(&arg, arg-start); } else data->tests[testind].value[valind].max = data->tests[testind].value[valind].min; valind++; if (valind > U32MAXSIZE) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "u32: at char %d too many ,'s", arg-start); } } } } /* Final check; must specify something. */ static void final_check(unsigned int flags) { } /* Prints out the matchinfo. */ static void print(const struct ip6t_ip6 *ip, const struct ip6t_entry_match *match, int numeric) { printf("u32 "); print_u32((struct ipt_u32 *)match->data); } /* Saves the union ipt_matchinfo in parsable form to stdout. */ static void save(const struct ip6t_ip6 *ip, const struct ip6t_entry_match *match) { printf("--u32 "); print_u32((struct ipt_u32 *)match->data); } static struct ip6tables_match u32 = { .next = NULL, .name = "u32", .version = IPTABLES_VERSION, .size = IP6T_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_u32)), .userspacesize = IP6T_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_u32)), .help = &help, .parse = &parse, .final_check = &final_check, .print = &print, .save = &save, .extra_opts = opts }; void _init(void) { register_match6(&u32); }