# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Oracle. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ # # TEST repmgr017 # TEST repmgr in-memory cache overflow test. # TEST # TEST Start an appointed master site and one client, putting databases, # TEST environment regions, logs and replication files in-memory. Set # TEST very small cachesize and run enough transactions to overflow cache. # TEST Shut down and restart master and client, giving master a larger cache. # TEST Run and verify a small number of transactions. # TEST # TEST Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. # TEST proc repmgr017 { method { niter 1000 } { tnum "017" } args } { source ./include.tcl if { $is_freebsd_test == 1 } { puts "Skipping replication manager test on FreeBSD platform." return } if { $is_windows9x_test == 1 } { puts "Skipping replication test on Win9x platform." return } # Skip for all methods except btree. if { $checking_valid_methods } { return btree } if { [is_btree $method] == 0 } { puts "Repmgr$tnum: skipping for non-btree method $method." return } set args [convert_args $method $args] puts \ "Repmgr$tnum ($method): repmgr in-memory cache overflow test." repmgr017_sub $method $niter $tnum $args } proc repmgr017_sub { method niter tnum largs } { global rep_verbose global verbose_type global databases_in_memory # Force databases in-memory for this test but preserve original # value to restore later so that other tests aren't affected. set restore_dbinmem $databases_in_memory set databases_in_memory 1 # No need for test directories because test is entirely in-memory. set nsites 2 set ports [available_ports $nsites] set omethod [convert_method $method] set verbargs "" if { $rep_verbose == 1 } { set verbargs " -verbose {$verbose_type on} " } # In-memory logs cannot be used with -txn nosync. set logargs [adjust_logargs "in-memory"] set txnargs [adjust_txnargs "in-memory"] # Use different connection retry timeout values to handle any # collisions from starting sites at the same time by retrying # at different times. # Open a master with a very small cache. puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.a: Start a master with a very small cache." set cacheargs "-cachesize {0 32768 1}" set ma_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create $logargs $txnargs $verbargs \ -errpfx MASTER -rep -thread -rep_inmem_files -private $cacheargs" set masterenv [eval $ma_envcmd] $masterenv repmgr -ack all -nsites $nsites \ -timeout {conn_retry 20000000} \ -local [list localhost [lindex $ports 0]] \ -start master # Open a client puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.b: Start a client." set cl_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create $logargs $txnargs $verbargs \ -errpfx CLIENT -rep -thread -rep_inmem_files -private" set clientenv [eval $cl_envcmd] $clientenv repmgr -ack all -nsites $nsites \ -timeout {conn_retry 10000000} \ -local [list localhost [lindex $ports 1]] \ -remote [list localhost [lindex $ports 0]] \ -start client await_startup_done $clientenv puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.c: Run master transactions and verify full cache." set dbname { "" "test.db" } set mdb [eval "berkdb_open_noerr -create $omethod -auto_commit \ -env $masterenv $largs $dbname"] set stat [catch { rep_test $method $masterenv $mdb $niter 0 0 0 $largs } ret ] error_check_good broke $stat 1 error_check_good nomem \ [is_substr $ret "not enough memory"] 1 puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.d: Close master and client." error_check_good mdb_close [$mdb close] 0 error_check_good client_close [$clientenv close] 0 # Master close should return invalid argument. catch { $masterenv close } ret2 error_check_good needrec [is_substr $ret2 "invalid argument"] 1 puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.e: Restart master (with larger cache) and client." # Recovery is a no-op with everything in-memory, but specify it # anyway after closing the master environment with an error. set cacheargs "" set masterenv [eval $ma_envcmd -recover] $masterenv repmgr -ack all -nsites $nsites \ -timeout {conn_retry 20000000} \ -local [list localhost [lindex $ports 0]] \ -start master # Open -recover to clear env region, including startup_done value. set clientenv [eval $cl_envcmd -recover] $clientenv repmgr -ack all -nsites $nsites \ -timeout {conn_retry 10000000} \ -local [list localhost [lindex $ports 1]] \ -remote [list localhost [lindex $ports 0]] \ -start client await_startup_done $clientenv puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.f: Perform small number of transactions on master." set numtxns 10 set mdb [eval "berkdb_open_noerr -create $omethod -auto_commit \ -env $masterenv $largs $dbname"] set t [$masterenv txn] for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numtxns } { incr i } { error_check_good db_put \ [eval $mdb put -txn $t $i [chop_data $method data$i]] 0 } error_check_good txn_commit [$t commit] 0 puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.g: Verify transactions on client." set cdb [eval "berkdb_open_noerr -create -mode 0644 $omethod \ -env $clientenv $largs $dbname"] error_check_good reptest_db [is_valid_db $cdb] TRUE for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numtxns } { incr i } { set ret [lindex [$cdb get $i] 0] error_check_good cdb_get $ret [list $i \ [pad_data $method data$i]] } # If the test had erroneously created replication files, they would # be in the current working directory. Verify that this didn't happen. puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.h: Verify no replication files on disk." no_rep_files_on_disk "." # Restore original databases_in_memory value. set databases_in_memory $restore_dbinmem error_check_good cdb_close [$cdb close] 0 error_check_good mdb_close [$mdb close] 0 error_check_good client_close [$clientenv close] 0 error_check_good master_close [$masterenv close] 0 }