/*****************************************************************************\ * _ _ _ _ ___ * * | || | ___ | |_ _ __ | | _ _ __ _ |_ ) * * | __ |/ _ \| _|| '_ \| || || |/ _` | / / * * |_||_|\___/ \__|| .__/|_| \_,_|\__, |/___| * * |_| |___/ * \*****************************************************************************/ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mem_utils.h" #include "../parser_utils.h" #include "../filemap_utils.h" #define JUMP_TO_NEXT { free(line); free(module); continue; } #define PRINT_WILDCARD(prefix, format, variable, any) \ if (variable == any)\ fprintf(fp, prefix "*"); \ else \ fprintf(fp, prefix format, variable); #define PRINT_WILDCARD_COND(prefix, format, variable, condition) \ if (condition)\ fprintf(fp, prefix format, variable); \ else \ fprintf(fp, prefix "*"); #define SET_OFFSET(offset, token, prefix, prefix_len) \ offset = strncmp(token, prefix, prefix_len) ? 0 : prefix_len; #ifndef KEY_MIN_INTERESTING #define KEY_MIN_INTERESTING KEY_MUTE #endif /* Some kernel headers appear to define it even without __KERNEL__ */ #ifndef BITS_PER_LONG #define BITS_PER_LONG (sizeof(long) * 8) #endif #ifndef NBITS #define NBITS(x) ((x / BITS_PER_LONG) + 1) #endif #define TEST_INPUT_BIT(i,bm) (bm[i / BITS_PER_LONG] & (((unsigned long)1) << (i%BITS_PER_LONG))) void module_tr(char *modname) { char *ptr; for (ptr = modname; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '-') *ptr = '_'; } } int hexchar_to_int(char c) { c = tolower(c); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return c - 'a' + 10; } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return c - '0'; } return 0; } void alias_from_pcimap(FILE *fp, char *prefix) { struct filemap_t pcimap; char *line, *nline, *nptr; char *token; char *module; char *filename; unsigned long vendor, device, sub_vendor, sub_device, class_type, class_mask; filename = xmalloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen("modules.pcimap") + 2); strcpy(filename, prefix); strcat(filename, "/modules.pcimap"); if (map_file(filename, &pcimap)) { free(filename); return; } nptr = pcimap.map; while ((line = dup_line(nptr, &nptr)) != NULL) { nline = line; module = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!module || module[0] == '#') JUMP_TO_NEXT; token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; vendor = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; device = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; sub_vendor = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; sub_device = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; class_type = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; class_mask = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); fprintf(fp, "alias pci:"); PRINT_WILDCARD("v", "%08lX", vendor, 0xffffffff); PRINT_WILDCARD("d", "%08lX", device, 0xffffffff); PRINT_WILDCARD("sv", "%08lX", sub_vendor, 0xffffffff); PRINT_WILDCARD("sd", "%08lX", sub_device, 0xffffffff); /* FIXME ! USE PRINT_WIL*/ PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("bc", "%02X", (unsigned int)((class_type & 0x00ff0000 & class_mask) >> 16), class_mask & 0x00ff0000); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("sc", "%02X", (unsigned int)((class_type & 0x0000ff00 & class_mask) >> 8), class_mask & 0x00ff0000); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("i", "%02X", (unsigned int)((class_type & 0x000000ff & class_mask)), class_mask & 0x00ff0000); module_tr(module); fprintf(fp, " %s\n", module); free(module); free(line); } unmap_file(&pcimap); free(filename); } /* Yes, this -is- ugly. */ void alias_from_usbmap_print_pattern(FILE *fp, unsigned long mflags, unsigned long ven, unsigned long pro, unsigned long bcdl, unsigned long bcdh, unsigned long bdc, unsigned long bdsc, unsigned long bdp, unsigned long bic, unsigned long bisc, unsigned long bip, int len, unsigned long left, int ndigits, char *module) { fprintf(fp, "alias usb:"); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("v", "%04lX", ven, mflags & 0x0001); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("p", "%04lX", pro, mflags & 0x0002); fprintf(fp, "d"); if (mflags & 0x000C) { if (ndigits > 0) fprintf(fp, "%.*lX", ndigits - 1, left); if (bcdl == 0 && bcdh == 0xf) fprintf(fp, "*"), ndigits = len; else if (bcdl == bcdh) fprintf(fp, "%lX", bcdl); else if (bcdl / 10 != bcdh / 10) fprintf(fp, "[%lX-%X%X-%lX]", bcdl, 9, 10, bcdh); else fprintf(fp, "[%lX-%lX]", bcdl, bcdh); if (ndigits < len) fprintf(fp, "*"); } else { fprintf(fp, "*"); } PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("dc", "%02lX", bdc, mflags & 0x0010); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("dsc", "%02lX", bdsc, mflags & 0x0020); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("dp", "%02lX", bdp, mflags & 0x0040); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("ic", "%02lX", bic, mflags & 0x0080); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("isc", "%02lX", bisc, mflags & 0x0100); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("ip", "%02lX", bip, mflags & 0x0200); fprintf(fp, " %s\n", module); } void alias_from_usbmap(FILE *fp, char *prefix) { struct filemap_t usbmap; char *line, *nline, *nptr; char *token; char *module; char *filename; unsigned long match_flags; unsigned long vendor, product; unsigned long bcddev_lo, bcddev_hi; /* some devices violate bcd */ unsigned long bdevclass, bdevsubclass, bdevproto; unsigned long bifclass, bifsubclass, bifproto; unsigned long cmin, cmax; int len, ndigits; filename = xmalloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen("modules.usbmap") + 2); strcpy(filename, prefix); strcat(filename, "/modules.usbmap"); if (map_file(filename, &usbmap)) { free(filename); return; } nptr = usbmap.map; while ((line = dup_line(nptr, &nptr)) != NULL) { nline = line; module = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!module || module[0] == '#') JUMP_TO_NEXT; token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; match_flags = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; vendor = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; product = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; bcddev_lo = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; bcddev_hi = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; bdevclass = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; bdevsubclass = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; bdevproto = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; bifclass = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; bifsubclass = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; bifproto = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); module_tr(module); for (len = ndigits = 4; bcddev_lo <= bcddev_hi; ndigits--) { cmin = bcddev_lo & 0xf; cmax = bcddev_hi & 0xf; bcddev_lo >>= 4; bcddev_hi >>= 4; if (bcddev_lo == bcddev_hi || ndigits == 0) { alias_from_usbmap_print_pattern(fp, match_flags, vendor, product, cmin, cmax, bdevclass, bdevsubclass, bdevproto, bifclass, bifsubclass, bifproto, len, bcddev_lo, ndigits, module); break; } if (cmin > 0) { alias_from_usbmap_print_pattern(fp, match_flags, vendor, product, cmin, 0xf, bdevclass, bdevsubclass, bdevproto, bifclass, bifsubclass, bifproto, len, bcddev_lo++, ndigits, module); } if (cmin < 0xf) { alias_from_usbmap_print_pattern(fp, match_flags, vendor, product, 0x0, cmax, bdevclass, bdevsubclass, bdevproto, bifclass, bifsubclass, bifproto, len, bcddev_hi--, ndigits, module); } } free(module); free(line); } unmap_file(&usbmap); free(filename); } void alias_from_ieee1394map(FILE *fp, char *prefix) { struct filemap_t ieee1394map; char *line, *nline, *nptr; char *token; char *module; char *filename; unsigned long match_flags, vendor, product, specifier, version; filename = xmalloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen("modules.ieee1394map") + 2); strcpy(filename, prefix); strcat(filename, "/modules.ieee1394map"); if (map_file(filename, &ieee1394map)) { free(filename); return; } nptr = ieee1394map.map; while ((line = dup_line(nptr, &nptr)) != NULL) { nline = line; module = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!module || module[0] == '#') JUMP_TO_NEXT; token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; match_flags = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; vendor = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; product = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; specifier = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; version = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); fprintf(fp, "alias ieee1394:"); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("ven", "%08lX", vendor, match_flags & 0x01); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("mo", "%08lX", product, match_flags & 0x02); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("sp", "%08lX", specifier, match_flags & 0x04); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("ver", "%08lX", version, match_flags & 0x08); if (match_flags & 0x08) fprintf(fp, "*"); module_tr(module); fprintf(fp, " %s\n", module); free(module); free(line); } unmap_file(&ieee1394map); free(filename); } void alias_from_isapnpmap(FILE *fp, char *prefix) { struct filemap_t isapnpmap; char *line, *nline, *nptr; char *module; char *filename; char *token; int offset; unsigned char vendor_sig[3], vendor[2], function[2]; unsigned char card_vendor_sig[3], card_vendor[2], card_device[2]; filename = xmalloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen("modules.isapnpmap") + 2); strcpy(filename, prefix); strcat(filename, "/modules.isapnpmap"); if (map_file(filename, &isapnpmap)) { free(filename); return; } nptr = isapnpmap.map; while ((line = dup_line(nptr, &nptr)) != NULL) { nline = line; module = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!module || module[0] == '#') JUMP_TO_NEXT; token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; SET_OFFSET(offset, token, "0x", 2); card_vendor[1] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 1]); card_vendor[0] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 2]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 3]); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; SET_OFFSET(offset, token, "0x", 2); card_device[1] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 1]); card_device[0] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 2]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 3]); free(token); /* jump driverdata */ token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; SET_OFFSET(offset, token, "0x", 2); vendor[1] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 1]); vendor[0] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 2]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset+ 3]); vendor_sig[0] = ((vendor[0] >> 2) & 0x1f) + ('A' - 1); vendor_sig[1] = (((vendor[0] & 3) << 3) | (vendor[1] >> 5)) + ('A' - 1); vendor_sig[2] = (vendor[1] & 0x1f) + ('A' - 1); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; SET_OFFSET(offset, token, "0x", 2); function[1] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 1]); function[0] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 2]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 3]); free(token); fprintf(fp, "alias pnp:"); if (memcmp("\xff\xff", card_vendor, 2) && memcmp("\xff\xff", card_device, 2)) { card_vendor_sig[0] = ((card_vendor[0] >> 2) & 0x1f) + ('A' - 1); card_vendor_sig[1] = (((card_vendor[0] & 3) << 3) | (card_vendor[1] >> 5)) + ('A' - 1); card_vendor_sig[2] = (card_vendor[1] & 0x1f) + ('A' - 1); fprintf(fp, "c%c%c%c%02x%02x", card_vendor_sig[0], card_vendor_sig[1], card_vendor_sig[2], card_device[0], card_device[1]); } fprintf(fp, "d%c%c%c%02x%02x", vendor_sig[0], vendor_sig[1], vendor_sig[2], function[0], function[1]); while ((token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace)) != NULL) { if (!token) break; SET_OFFSET(offset, token, "0x", 2); vendor[1] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 1]); vendor[0] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 2]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset+ 3]); vendor_sig[0] = ((vendor[0] >> 2) & 0x1f) + ('A' - 1); vendor_sig[1] = (((vendor[0] & 3) << 3) | (vendor[1] >> 5)) + ('A' - 1); vendor_sig[2] = (vendor[1] & 0x1f) + ('A' - 1); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) break; SET_OFFSET(offset, token, "0x", 2); function[1] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 1]); function[0] = hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 2]) * 16 + hexchar_to_int(token[offset + 3]); free(token); fprintf(fp, "d%c%c%c%02x%02x", vendor_sig[0], vendor_sig[1], vendor_sig[2], function[0], function[1]); } module_tr(module); fprintf(fp, "* %s\n", module); free(module); free(line); } unmap_file(&isapnpmap); free(filename); } void alias_from_seriomap(FILE *fp, char *prefix) { struct filemap_t seriomap; char *line, *nline, *nptr; char *token; char *module; char *filename; unsigned char type, extra, id, proto; filename = xmalloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen("modules.seriomap") + 2); strcpy(filename, prefix); strcat(filename, "/modules.seriomap"); if (map_file(filename, &seriomap)) { free(filename); return; } nptr = seriomap.map; while ((line = dup_line(nptr, &nptr)) != NULL) { nline = line; module = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!module || module[0] == '#') JUMP_TO_NEXT; token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; type = strtoul(token, NULL, 16); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; extra = strtoul(token, NULL, 16); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; id = strtoul(token, NULL, 16); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; proto = strtoul(token, NULL, 16); free(token); fprintf(fp, "alias serio:"); PRINT_WILDCARD("ty", "%02X", type, 0xff); PRINT_WILDCARD("pr", "%02X", proto, 0xff); PRINT_WILDCARD("id", "%02X", id, 0xff); PRINT_WILDCARD("ex", "%02X", extra, 0xff); fprintf(fp, " %s\n", module); free(module); free(line); } unmap_file(&seriomap); free(filename); } inline int iscolon(int c) { return (c == ':'); } char *bitmap_to_bitstring(char name, unsigned long *bm, unsigned int min_bit, unsigned int max_bit) { char *rv; unsigned int i, len = 0, size = 16, srv; rv = xmalloc(size); len += snprintf(rv + len, size - len, "%c*", name); for (i = min_bit; i < max_bit; i++) { if (TEST_INPUT_BIT(i, bm)) { while ((srv = snprintf(rv + len, size - len, "%X,", i)) >= (size - len)) { size = size * 2; rv = xrealloc(rv, size); } len += srv; } } /* read: if (we had any match) { */ if (len > 2) { while ((srv = snprintf(rv + len, size - len, "*")) >= (size - len)) { size = size * 2; rv = xrealloc(rv, size); } } return rv; } void string_to_bitmap(char *input, unsigned long *bitmap, int bm_len) { char *token, *ptr; int i = 0; ptr = input + strlen(input); while ((token = dup_token_r(ptr, input, &ptr, iscolon)) != NULL) { bitmap[i] = strtoul(token, NULL, 16); free(token); i++; } while (i < bm_len) bitmap[i++] = 0; } #define GET_BITMAP(mapkey, bitmap, name, min) \ token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); \ if (!token) \ JUMP_TO_NEXT; \ if (TEST_INPUT_BIT(EV_ ## mapkey, ev_bits)) { \ if (token == NULL) \ JUMP_TO_NEXT; \ \ string_to_bitmap(token, bitmap ## _bits, NBITS(mapkey ## _MAX)); \ } \ bitmap = bitmap_to_bitstring(name, bitmap ## _bits, min, mapkey ## _MAX); \ free(token); void alias_from_inputmap(FILE *fp, char *prefix) { struct filemap_t inputmap; char *line, *nline, *nptr; char *token, *sw_token; char *filename; char *module; int new_format; char *ev, *key, *rel, *abs, *sw, *msc, *led, *snd, *ff; unsigned long bustype, vendor, product, version; unsigned long ev_bits[NBITS(EV_MAX)]; unsigned long key_bits[NBITS(KEY_MAX)]; unsigned long rel_bits[NBITS(REL_MAX)]; unsigned long abs_bits[NBITS(ABS_MAX)]; unsigned long msc_bits[NBITS(MSC_MAX)]; unsigned long led_bits[NBITS(LED_MAX)]; unsigned long snd_bits[NBITS(SND_MAX)]; unsigned long ff_bits[NBITS(FF_MAX)]; #if defined(SW_MAX) && defined(EV_SW) unsigned long sw_bits[NBITS(SW_MAX)]; #endif memset(ev_bits, 0, NBITS(EV_MAX) * sizeof(long)); memset(key_bits, 0, NBITS(KEY_MAX) * sizeof(long)); memset(rel_bits, 0, NBITS(REL_MAX) * sizeof(long)); memset(abs_bits, 0, NBITS(ABS_MAX) * sizeof(long)); memset(msc_bits, 0, NBITS(MSC_MAX) * sizeof(long)); memset(led_bits, 0, NBITS(LED_MAX) * sizeof(long)); memset(snd_bits, 0, NBITS(SND_MAX) * sizeof(long)); memset(ff_bits, 0, NBITS(FF_MAX) * sizeof(long)); #if defined(SW_MAX) && defined(EV_SW) memset(sw_bits, 0, NBITS(SW_MAX) * sizeof(long)); #endif filename = xmalloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen("modules.inputmap") + 2); strcpy(filename, prefix); strcat(filename, "/modules.inputmap"); if (map_file(filename, &inputmap)) { free(filename); return; } nptr = inputmap.map; while ((line = dup_line(nptr, &nptr)) != NULL) { nline = line; module = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!module || module[0] == '#') JUMP_TO_NEXT; /* jump matchbits */ token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; bustype = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; vendor = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; product = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; version = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; string_to_bitmap(token, ev_bits, NBITS(EV_MAX)); ev = bitmap_to_bitstring('e', ev_bits, 0, EV_MAX); free(token); GET_BITMAP(KEY, key, 'k', KEY_MIN_INTERESTING); GET_BITMAP(REL, rel, 'r', 0); GET_BITMAP(ABS, abs, 'a', 0); GET_BITMAP(MSC, msc, 'm', 0); GET_BITMAP(LED, led, 'l', 0); GET_BITMAP(SND, snd, 's', 0); GET_BITMAP(FF, ff, 'f', 0); sw_token = nline; token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); new_format = token ? 1 : 0; free(token); #if defined(SW_MAX) && defined(EV_SW) if (new_format) { nline = sw_token; GET_BITMAP(SW, sw, 'w', 0); } else { sw = strdup(""); } #else sw = strdup(""); #endif fprintf(fp, "alias input:"); PRINT_WILDCARD("b", "%04lX", bustype, 0x0); PRINT_WILDCARD("v", "%04lX", vendor, 0x0); PRINT_WILDCARD("p", "%04lX", product, 0x0); PRINT_WILDCARD("e", "%04lX", version, 0x0); fprintf(fp, "-"); fprintf(fp, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", ev, key, rel, abs, msc, led, snd, ff, sw); fprintf(fp, " %s\n", module); free(ev); free(key); free(rel); free(abs); free(msc); free(led); free(snd); free(ff); free(sw); free(module); free(line); } unmap_file(&inputmap); free(filename); } void alias_from_ccwmap(FILE *fp, char *prefix) { struct filemap_t ccwmap; char *line, *nline, *nptr; char *token; char *module; char *filename; unsigned long match_flags, cu_type, cu_model, dev_type, dev_model; filename = xmalloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen("modules.ccwmap") + 2); strcpy(filename, prefix); strcat(filename, "/modules.ccwmap"); if (map_file(filename, &ccwmap)) { free(filename); return; } nptr = ccwmap.map; while ((line = dup_line(nptr, &nptr)) != NULL) { nline = line; module = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!module || module[0] == '#') JUMP_TO_NEXT; token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; match_flags = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; cu_type = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; cu_model = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; dev_type = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; dev_model = strtoul(token, NULL, 0); free(token); fprintf(fp, "alias ccw:"); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("t", "%04lX", cu_type, match_flags & 0x01); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("m", "%02lX", cu_model, match_flags & 0x02); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("dt", "%04lX", dev_type, match_flags & 0x04); PRINT_WILDCARD_COND("dm", "%02lX", dev_model, match_flags & 0x08); if (match_flags & 0x08) fprintf(fp, "*"); fprintf(fp, " %s\n", module); free(module); free(line); } unmap_file(&ccwmap); free(filename); } void alias_from_ofmap(FILE *fp, char *prefix) { struct filemap_t ofmap; char *line, *nline, *nptr; char *token; char *module; char *filename; char *name, *type, *compatible; filename = xmalloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen("modules.ofmap") + 2); strcpy(filename, prefix); strcat(filename, "/modules.ofmap"); if (map_file(filename, &ofmap)) { free(filename); return; } nptr = ofmap.map; while ((line = dup_line(nptr, &nptr)) != NULL) { nline = line; module = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!module || module[0] == '#') JUMP_TO_NEXT; token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) JUMP_TO_NEXT; name = token; token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) { free(name); JUMP_TO_NEXT; } type = token; token = dup_token(nline, &nline, isspace); if (!token) { free(name); free(type); JUMP_TO_NEXT; } compatible = token; fprintf(fp, "alias of:"); fprintf(fp, "N%sT%sC%s", name, type, compatible); fprintf(fp, " %s\n", module); free(name); free(type); free(compatible); free(module); free(line); } unmap_file(&ofmap); free(filename); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp = NULL; char *prefix = NULL; int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--output") && i < argc - 1 && !fp) { i++; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-")) { fp = stdout; } else { fp = fopen(argv[i], "wb"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open output file.\n"); return 1; } } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--prefix") && i < argc - 1 && !prefix) { i++; prefix = argv[i]; } } if (!fp) fp = stdout; if (!prefix) prefix = "."; alias_from_ofmap(fp, prefix); alias_from_ieee1394map(fp, prefix); alias_from_ccwmap(fp, prefix); alias_from_seriomap(fp, prefix); alias_from_ieee1394map(fp, prefix); alias_from_pcimap(fp, prefix); alias_from_isapnpmap(fp, prefix); alias_from_usbmap(fp, prefix); alias_from_inputmap(fp, prefix); if (fp != stdout) fclose(fp); return 0; }