/* * * radrealms.c * * A pppd plugin which is stacked on top of radius.so. This plugin * allows selection of alternate set of servers based on the user's realm. * * Author: Ben McKeegan ben@netservers.co.uk * * Copyright (C) 2002 Netservers * * This plugin may be distributed according to the terms of the GNU * General Public License, version 2 or (at your option) any later version. * */ static char const RCSID[] = "$Id: radrealms.c,v 1.2 2004/11/14 07:26:26 paulus Exp $"; #include "pppd.h" #include "radiusclient.h" #include #include #include char pppd_version[] = VERSION; char radrealms_config[MAXPATHLEN] = "/etc/radiusclient/realms"; static option_t Options[] = { { "realms-config-file", o_string, &radrealms_config, "Configuration file for RADIUS realms", OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXPATHLEN }, { NULL } }; extern void (*radius_pre_auth_hook)(char const *user, SERVER **authserver, SERVER **acctserver); static void lookup_realm(char const *user, SERVER **authserver, SERVER **acctserver) { char *realm; FILE *fd; SERVER *accts, *auths, *s; char buffer[512], *p; int line = 0; auths = (SERVER *) malloc(sizeof(SERVER)); auths->max = 0; accts = (SERVER *) malloc(sizeof(SERVER)); accts->max = 0; realm = strrchr(user, '@'); if (realm) { info("Looking up servers for realm '%s'", realm); } else { info("Looking up servers for DEFAULT realm"); } if (realm) { if (*(++realm) == '\0') { realm = NULL; } } if ((fd = fopen(radrealms_config, "r")) == NULL) { option_error("cannot open %s", radrealms_config); return; } info("Reading %s", radrealms_config); while ((fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fd) != NULL)) { line++; if ((*buffer == '\n') || (*buffer == '#') || (*buffer == '\0')) continue; buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0'; p = strtok(buffer, "\t "); if (p == NULL || (strcmp(p, "authserver") !=0 && strcmp(p, "acctserver"))) { fclose(fd); option_error("%s: invalid line %d: %s", radrealms_config, line, buffer); return; } info("Parsing '%s' entry:", p); s = auths; if (p[1] == 'c') { s = accts; } if (s->max >= SERVER_MAX) continue; if ((p = strtok(NULL, "\t ")) == NULL) { fclose(fd); option_error("%s: realm name missing on line %d: %s", radrealms_config, line, buffer); return; } if ((realm != NULL && strcmp(p, realm) == 0) || (realm == NULL && strcmp(p, "DEFAULT") == 0) ) { info(" - Matched realm %s", p); if ((p = strtok(NULL, ":")) == NULL) { fclose(fd); option_error("%s: server address missing on line %d: %s", radrealms_config, line, buffer); return; } s->name[s->max] = strdup(p); info(" - Address is '%s'",p); if ((p = strtok(NULL, "\t ")) == NULL) { fclose(fd); option_error("%s: server port missing on line %d: %s", radrealms_config, line, buffer); return; } s->port[s->max] = atoi(p); info(" - Port is '%d'", s->port[s->max]); s->max++; } else info(" - Skipping realm '%s'", p); } fclose(fd); if (accts->max) *acctserver = accts; if (auths->max) *authserver = auths; return; } void plugin_init(void) { radius_pre_auth_hook = lookup_realm; add_options(Options); info("RADIUS Realms plugin initialized."); }