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9.1 Printing Source Lines

To print lines from a source file, use the list command (abbreviated l). By default, ten lines are printed. There are several ways to specify what part of the file you want to print; see Specify Location, for the full list.

Here are the forms of the list command most commonly used:

list linenum
Print lines centered around line number linenum in the current source file.
list function
Print lines centered around the beginning of function function.
Print more lines. If the last lines printed were printed with a list command, this prints lines following the last lines printed; however, if the last line printed was a solitary line printed as part of displaying a stack frame (see Examining the Stack), this prints lines centered around that line.
list -
Print lines just before the lines last printed.

By default, gdb prints ten source lines with any of these forms of the list command. You can change this using set listsize:

set listsize count
Make the list command display count source lines (unless the list argument explicitly specifies some other number).

show listsize
Display the number of lines that list prints.

Repeating a list command with <RET> discards the argument, so it is equivalent to typing just list. This is more useful than listing the same lines again. An exception is made for an argument of ‘-’; that argument is preserved in repetition so that each repetition moves up in the source file.

In general, the list command expects you to supply zero, one or two linespecs. Linespecs specify source lines; there are several ways of writing them (see Specify Location), but the effect is always to specify some source line.

Here is a complete description of the possible arguments for list:

list linespec
Print lines centered around the line specified by linespec.
list first,last
Print lines from first to last. Both arguments are linespecs. When a list command has two linespecs, and the source file of the second linespec is omitted, this refers to the same source file as the first linespec.
list ,last
Print lines ending with last.
list first,
Print lines starting with first.
list +
Print lines just after the lines last printed.
list -
Print lines just before the lines last printed.
As described in the preceding table.