/* Tomato GUI Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Jonathan Zarate http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato/ For use with Tomato Firmware only. No part of this file may be used without permission. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Array.prototype.find = function(v) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) if (this[i] == v) return i; return -1; } Array.prototype.remove = function(v) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) { if (this[i] == v) { this.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number.prototype.pad = function(min) { var s = this.toString(); while (s.length < min) s = '0' + s; return s; } Number.prototype.hex = function(min) { var h = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var n = this; var s = ''; do { s = h.charAt(n & 15) + s; n = n >>> 4; } while ((--min > 0) || (n > 0)); return s; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Element.protoype. doesn't work with all browsers var elem = { getOffset: function(e) { var r = { x: 0, y: 0 }; e = E(e); while (e.offsetParent) { r.x += e.offsetLeft; r.y += e.offsetTop; e = e.offsetParent; } return r; }, addClass: function(e, name) { if ((e = E(e)) == null) return; var a = e.className.split(/\s+/); var k = 0; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) { if (a.find(arguments[i]) == -1) { a.push(arguments[i]); k = 1; } } if (k) e.className = a.join(' '); }, removeClass: function(e, name) { if ((e = E(e)) == null) return; var a = e.className.split(/\s+/); var k = 0; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) k |= a.remove(arguments[i]); if (k) e.className = a.join(' '); }, remove: function(e) { if ((e = E(e)) != null) e.parentNode.removeChild(e); }, parentElem: function(e, tagName) { e = E(e); tagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); while (e.parentNode) { e = e.parentNode; if (e.tagName == tagName) return e; } return null; }, display: function() { var enable = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; ++i) { E(arguments[i]).style.display = enable ? '' : 'none'; } }, isVisible: function(e) { e = E(e); while (e) { if ((e.style.visibility != 'visible') || (e.style.display == 'none')) return false; e = e.parentNode; } return true; }, setInnerHTML: function(e, html) { e = E(e); if (e.innerHTML != html) e.innerHTML = html; // reduce flickering } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var docu = { getViewSize: function() { if (window.innerHeight) { return { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { return { width: document.documentElement.clientWidth, height: document.documentElement.clientHeight }; } return { width: document.body.clientWidth, height: document.body.clientHeight }; }, getPageOffset: function() { if (typeof(window.pageYOffset) != 'undefined') { return { x: window.pageXOffset, y: window.pageYOffset }; } else if ((document.documentElement) && (typeof(document.documentElement.scrollTop) != 'undefined')) { return { x: document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: document.documentElement.scrollTop }; } return { x: document.body.scrollLeft, y: document.body.scrollTop }; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var fields = { getAll: function(e) { var a = []; switch (e.tagName) { case 'INPUT': case 'SELECT': a.push(e); break; default: if (e.childNodes) { for (var i = 0; i < e.childNodes.length; ++i) { a = a.concat(fields.getAll(e.childNodes[i])); } } } return a; }, disableAll: function(e, d) { var i; if ((typeof(e.tagName) == 'undefined') && (typeof(e) != 'string')) { for (i = e.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { e[i].disabled = d; } } else { var a = this.getAll(E(e)); for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { a[i].disabled = d; } } }, radio: { selected: function(e) { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) { if (e[i].checked) return e[i]; } return null; }, find: function(e, value) { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) { if (e[i].value == value) return e[i]; } return null; } } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var form = { submitHidden: function(url, fields) { var fom, body; fom = document.createElement('FORM'); fom.action = url; fom.method = 'post'; for (var f in fields) { var e = document.createElement('INPUT'); e.type = 'hidden'; e.name = f; e.value = fields[f]; fom.appendChild(e); } body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; fom = body.appendChild(fom); this.submit(fom); body.removeChild(fom); }, submit: function(fom, async, url) { var e, v, f, i, wait, msg, sb, cb; fom = E(fom); if (isLocal()) { this.dump(fom, async, url); return; } if (this.xhttp) return; if ((sb = E('save-button')) != null) sb.disabled = 1; if ((cb = E('cancel-button')) != null) cb.disabled = 1; if ((!async) || (!useAjax())) { this.addId(fom); if (url) fom.action = url; fom.submit(); return; } v = ['_ajax=1']; wait = 5; for (var i = 0; i < fom.elements.length; ++i) { f = fom.elements[i]; if ((f.disabled) || (f.name == '') || (f.name.substr(0, 2) == 'f_')) continue; if ((f.tagName == 'INPUT') && ((f.type == 'CHECKBOX') || (f.type == 'RADIO')) && (!f.checked)) continue; if (f.name == '_nextwait') { wait = f.value * 1; if (isNaN(wait)) wait = 5; else wait = Math.abs(wait); } v.push(escapeCGI(f.name) + '=' + escapeCGI(f.value)); } if ((msg = E('footer-msg')) != null) { msg.innerHTML = 'Saving...'; msg.style.visibility = 'visible'; } this.xhttp = new XmlHttp(); this.xhttp.onCompleted = function(text, xml) { if (msg) { if (text.match(/@msg:(.+)/)) msg.innerHTML = escapeHTML(RegExp.$1); else msg.innerHTML = 'Saved'; } setTimeout( function() { if (sb) sb.disabled = 0; if (cb) cb.disabled = 0; if (msg) msg.style.visibility = 'hidden'; if (typeof(submit_complete) != 'undefined') submit_complete(); }, wait * 1100); form.xhttp = null; } this.xhttp.onError = function(x) { if (url) fom.action = url; fom.submit(); } this.xhttp.post(url ? url : fom.action, v.join('&')); }, addId: function(fom) { var e; if (typeof(fom._http_id) == 'undefined') { e = document.createElement('INPUT'); e.type = 'hidden'; e.name = '_http_id'; e.value = nvram.http_id; fom.appendChild(e); } else { fom._http_id.value = nvram.http_id; } }, addIdAction: function(fom) { if (fom.action.indexOf('?') != -1) fom.action += '&_http_id=' + nvram.http_id; else fom.action += '?_http_id=' + nvram.http_id; }, dump: function(fom, async, url) { } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var ferror = { set: function(e, message, quiet) { if ((e = E(e)) == null) return; e._error_msg = message; e._error_org = e.title; e.title = message; elem.addClass(e, 'error'); if (!quiet) this.show(e); }, clear: function(e) { if ((e = E(e)) == null) return; e.title = e._error_org || ''; elem.removeClass(e, 'error'); e._error_msg = null; e._error_org = null; }, clearAll: function(e) { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) this.clear(e[i]); }, show: function(e) { if ((e = E(e)) == null) return; if (!e._error_msg) return; elem.addClass(e, 'error-focused'); e.focus(); alert(e._error_msg); elem.removeClass(e, 'error-focused'); }, ok: function(e) { if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; return !e._error_msg; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _v_range(e, quiet, min, max, name) { var v; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; v = e.value * 1; if ((isNaN(v)) || (v < min) || (v > max)) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid ' + name + '. Valid range: ' + min + '-' + max, quiet); return 0; } e.value = v; ferror.clear(e); return 1; } function v_range(e, quiet, min, max) { return _v_range(e, quiet, min, max, 'number'); } function v_port(e, quiet) { return _v_range(e, quiet, 1, 0xFFFF, 'port'); } function v_octet(e, quiet) { return _v_range(e, quiet, 1, 254, 'address'); } function v_mins(e, quiet, min, max) { var v, m; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; if (e.value.match(/^\s*(.+?)([mhd])?\s*$/)) { m = 1; if (RegExp.$2 == 'h') m = 60; else if (RegExp.$2 == 'd') m = 60 * 24; v = Math.round(RegExp.$1 * m); if (!isNaN(v)) { e.value = v; return _v_range(e, quiet, min, max, 'minutes'); } } ferror.set(e, 'Invalid number of minutes.', quiet); return 0; } function v_macip(e, quiet, bok, ipp) { var s, a, b, c, d, i; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; s = e.value.replace(/\s+/g, ''); if ((a = fixMAC(s)) != null) { if (isMAC0(a)) { if (bok) { e.value = ''; } else { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid MAC or IP address'); return false; } } else e.value = a; ferror.clear(e); return true; } a = s.split('-'); if (a.length > 2) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid IP address range', quiet); return false; } c = 0; for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { b = a[i]; if (b.match(/^\d+$/)) b = ipp + b; b = fixIP(b); if (!b) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid IP address', quiet); return false; } if (b.indexOf(ipp) != 0) { ferror.set(e, 'IP address outside of LAN', quiet); return false; } d = (b.split('.'))[3]; if (d <= c) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid IP address range', quiet); return false; } a[i] = c = d; } e.value = ipp + a.join('-'); return true; } function fixIP(ip, x) { var a, n, i; a = ip.split('.'); if (a.length != 4) return null; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { n = a[i] * 1; if ((isNaN(n)) || (n < 0) || (n > 255)) return null; a[i] = n; } if ((x) && ((a[3] == 0) || (a[3] == 255))) return null; return a.join('.'); } function v_ip(e, quiet, x) { var ip; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; ip = fixIP(e.value, x); if (!ip) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid IP address', quiet); return false; } e.value = ip; ferror.clear(e); return true; } function v_ipz(e, quiet) { if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; e = E(e); if (e.value == '') e.value = ''; return v_ip(e, quiet); } function aton(ip) { var o, x, i; // this is goofy because << mangles numbers as signed o = ip.split('.'); x = ''; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) x += (o[i] * 1).hex(2); return parseInt(x, 16); } function ntoa(ip) { return ((ip >> 24) & 255) + '.' + ((ip >> 16) & 255) + '.' + ((ip >> 8) & 255) + '.' + (ip & 255); } //,,, function _v_iptip(e, ip, quiet) { var ma, x, y, z, oip; var a, b; oip = ip; // x.x.x.x - y.y.y.y if (ip.match(/^(.*)-(.*)$/)) { a = fixIP(RegExp.$1); b = fixIP(RegExp.$2); if ((a == null) || (b == null)) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid IP address range - ' + oip, quiet); return null; } ferror.clear(e); if (aton(a) > aton(b)) return b + '-' + a; return a + '-' + b; } ma = ''; // x.x.x.x/nn // x.x.x.x/y.y.y.y if (ip.match(/^(.*)\/(.*)$/)) { ip = RegExp.$1; b = RegExp.$2; ma = b * 1; if (isNaN(ma)) { ma = fixIP(b); if ((ma == null) || (!_v_netmask(ma))) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid netmask - ' + oip, quiet); return null; } } else { if ((ma < 0) || (ma > 32)) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid netmask - ' + oip, quiet); return null; } } } ip = fixIP(ip); if (!ip) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid IP address - ' + oip, quiet); return null; } ferror.clear(e); return ip + ((ma != '') ? ('/' + ma) : ''); } function v_iptip(e, quiet, multi) { var v, i; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; v = e.value.split(','); if (multi) { if (v.length > multi) { ferror.set(e, 'Too many IP addresses', quiet); return 0; } } else { if (v.length > 1) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid IP address', quiet); return 0; } } for (i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) { if ((v[i] = _v_iptip(e, v[i], quiet)) == null) return 0; } e.value = v.join(', '); return 1; } function fixPort(p, def) { if (def == null) def = -1; if (p == null) return def; p *= 1; if ((isNaN(p)) || (p < 1) || (p > 65535)) return def; return p; } function _v_portrange(e, quiet, v) { var x, y; if (v.match(/^(.*)[-:](.*)$/)) { x = fixPort(RegExp.$1, -1); y = fixPort(RegExp.$2, -1); if ((x == -1) || (y == -1)) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid port range: ' + v, quiet); return null; } if (x > y) { v = x; x = y; y = v; } ferror.clear(e); if (x == y) return x; return x + '-' + y; } v = fixPort(v, -1); if (v == -1) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid port', quiet); return null; } ferror.clear(e); return v; } function v_portrange(e, quiet) { var v; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; v = _v_portrange(e, quiet, e.value); if (v == null) return 0; e.value = v; return 1; } function v_iptport(e, quiet) { var a, i, v; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; a = e.value.split(/,/); for (i = 0; i < MIN(a.length, 10); ++i) { v = _v_portrange(e, quiet, a[i]); if (v == null) return 0; a[i] = v; } if (a.length == 0) { ferror.set(e, 'Expecting a list of ports or port range.', quiet); return 0; } e.value = a.join(','); ferror.clear(e); return 1; } function _v_netmask(mask) { var v = aton(mask) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF; return (((v + 1) & v) == 0); } function v_netmask(e, quiet) { var n, b; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; n = fixIP(e.value); if (n) { if (_v_netmask(n)) { e.value = n; ferror.clear(e); return 1; } } else if (e.value.match(/^\s*\/\s*(\d+)\s*$/)) { b = RegExp.$1 * 1; if ((b >= 1) && (b <= 32)) { if (b == 32) n = 0xFFFFFFFF; // js quirk else n = (0xFFFFFFFF >>> b) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF; e.value = (n >>> 24) + '.' + ((n >>> 16) & 0xFF) + '.' + ((n >>> 8) & 0xFF) + '.' + (n & 0xFF); ferror.clear(e); return 1; } } ferror.set(e, 'Invalid netmask', quiet); return 0; } function fixMAC(mac) { var t, i; mac = mac.replace(/\s+/g, '').toUpperCase(); if (mac.length == 0) { mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]; } else if (mac.length == 12) { mac = mac.match(/../g); } else { mac = mac.split(/[:\-]/); if (mac.length != 6) return null; } for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { t = '' + mac[i]; if (t.search(/^[0-9A-F]+$/) == -1) return null; if ((t = parseInt(t, 16)) > 255) return null; mac[i] = t.hex(2); } return mac.join(':'); } function v_mac(e, quiet) { var mac; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; mac = fixMAC(e.value); if ((!mac) || (isMAC0(mac))) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid MAC address', quiet); return 0; } e.value = mac; ferror.clear(e); return 1; } function v_macz(e, quiet) { var mac; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; mac = fixMAC(e.value); if (!mac) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid MAC address', quiet); return false; } e.value = mac; ferror.clear(e); return true; } function v_length(e, quiet, min, max) { var s, n; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; s = e.value.trim(); n = s.length; if (min == undefined) min = 1; if (n < min) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid length. Please enter at least ' + min + ' character' + (min == 1 ? '.' : 's.'), quiet); return 0; } max = max || e.maxlength; if (n > max) { ferror.set(e, 'Invalid length. Please reduce the length to ' + max + ' characters or less.', quiet); return 0; } e.value = s; ferror.clear(e); return 1; } function v_domain(e, quiet) { var s; if ((e = E(e)) == null) return 0; s = e.value.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if ((s.length > 32) || ((s.length > 0) && (s.search(/^[.a-zA-Z0-9_\- ]+$/) == -1))) { ferror.set(e, "Invalid name. Only characters \"A-Z 0-9 . - _\" are allowed.", quiet); return 0; } e.value = s; ferror.clear(e); return 1; } function isMAC0(mac) { return (mac == '00:00:00:00:00:00'); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cmpIP(a, b) { if ((a = fixIP(a)) == null) a = ''; if ((b = fixIP(b)) == null) b = ''; return aton(a) - aton(b); } function cmpText(a, b) { if (a == '') a = '\xff'; if (b == '') b = '\xff'; return (a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0); } function cmpInt(a, b) { a = parseInt(a, 10); b = parseInt(b, 10); return ((isNaN(a)) ? -0x7FFFFFFF : a) - ((isNaN(b)) ? -0x7FFFFFFF : b); } function cmpDate(a, b) { return b.getTime() - a.getTime(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // todo: cleanup this mess function TGO(e) { return elem.parentElem(e, 'TABLE').gridObj; } function tgHideIcons() { var e; while ((e = document.getElementById('tg-row-panel')) != null) e.parentNode.removeChild(e); } // options = sort, move, delete function TomatoGrid(tb, options, maxAdd, editorFields) { this.init(tb, options, maxAdd, editorFields); return this; } TomatoGrid.prototype = { init: function(tb, options, maxAdd, editorFields) { if (tb) { this.tb = E(tb); this.tb.gridObj = this; } else { this.tb = null; } if (!options) options = ''; this.header = null; this.footer = null; this.editor = null; this.canSort = options.indexOf('sort') != -1; this.canMove = options.indexOf('move') != -1; this.maxAdd = maxAdd || 100; this.canEdit = (editorFields != null); this.canDelete = this.canEdit || (options.indexOf('delete') != -1); this.editorFields = editorFields; this.sortColumn = -1; this.sortAscending = true; }, _insert: function(at, cells, escCells) { var tr, td, c; var i, t; tr = this.tb.insertRow(at); for (i = 0; i < cells.length; ++i) { c = cells[i]; if (typeof(c) == 'string') { td = tr.insertCell(i); td.className = 'co' + (i + 1); if (escCells) td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(c)); else td.innerHTML = c; } else { tr.appendChild(c); } } return tr; }, // header headerClick: function(cell) { if (this.canSort) { this.sort(cell.cellN); } }, headerSet: function(cells, escCells) { var e, i; elem.remove(this.header); this.header = e = this._insert(0, cells, escCells); e.className = 'header'; for (i = 0; i < e.cells.length; ++i) { e.cells[i].cellN = i; // cellIndex broken in Safari e.cells[i].onclick = function() { return TGO(this).headerClick(this); }; } return e; }, // footer footerClick: function(cell) { }, footerSet: function(cells, escCells) { var e, i; elem.remove(this.footer); this.footer = e = this._insert(-1, cells, escCells); e.className = 'footer_to'; for (i = 0; i < e.cells.length; ++i) { e.cells[i].cellN = i; e.cells[i].onclick = function() { TGO(this).footerClick(this) }; } return e; }, // rpUp: function(e) { var i; e = PR(e); TGO(e).moving = null; i = e.previousSibling; if (i == this.header) return; e.parentNode.removeChild(e); i.parentNode.insertBefore(e, i); this.recolor(); this.rpHide(); }, rpDn: function(e) { var i; e = PR(e); TGO(e).moving = null; i = e.nextSibling; if (i == this.footer) return; e.parentNode.removeChild(e); i.parentNode.insertBefore(e, i.nextSibling); this.recolor(); this.rpHide(); }, rpMo: function(img, e) { var me; e = PR(e); me = TGO(e); if (me.moving == e) { me.moving = null; this.rpHide(); return; } me.moving = e; img.style.border = "1px dotted red"; }, rpDel: function(e) { e = PR(e); TGO(e).moving = null; e.parentNode.removeChild(e); this.recolor(); this.rpHide(); }, rpMouIn: function(evt) { var e, x, ofs, me, s, n; if ((evt = checkEvent(evt)) == null) return; me = TGO(evt.target); if (me.isEditing()) return; if (me.moving) return; me.rpHide(); e = document.createElement('div'); e.tgo = me; e.ref = evt.target; e.setAttribute('id', 'tg-row-panel'); n = 0; s = ''; if (me.canMove) { s = ''; n += 3; } if (me.canDelete) { s += ''; ++n; } x = PR(evt.target); x = x.cells[x.cells.length - 1]; ofs = elem.getOffset(x); n *= 18; e.style.left = (ofs.x + x.offsetWidth - n) + 'px'; e.style.top = ofs.y + 'px'; e.style.width = n + 'px'; e.innerHTML = s; document.body.appendChild(e); }, rpHide: tgHideIcons, // onClick: function(cell) { if (this.canEdit) { if (this.moving) { var p = this.moving.parentNode; var q = PR(cell); if (this.moving != q) { var v = this.moving.rowIndex > q.rowIndex; p.removeChild(this.moving); if (v) p.insertBefore(this.moving, q); else p.insertBefore(this.moving, q.nextSibling); this.recolor(); } this.moving = null; this.rpHide(); return; } this.edit(cell); } }, insert: function(at, data, cells, escCells) { var e, i; if ((this.footer) && (at == -1)) at = this.footer.rowIndex; e = this._insert(at, cells, escCells); e.className = (e.rowIndex & 1) ? 'even' : 'odd'; for (i = 0; i < e.cells.length; ++i) { e.cells[i].onclick = function() { return TGO(this).onClick(this); }; } e._data = data; e.getRowData = function() { return this._data; } e.setRowData = function(data) { this._data = data; } if ((this.canMove) || (this.canEdit) || (this.canDelete)) { e.onmouseover = this.rpMouIn; // e.onmouseout = this.rpMouOut; if (this.canEdit) e.title = 'Click to edit'; } return e; }, // insertData: function(at, data) { return this.insert(at, data, this.dataToView(data), false); }, dataToView: function(data) { var v = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) v.push(escapeHTML('' + data[i])); return v; }, dataToFieldValues: function(data) { return data; }, fieldValuesToData: function(row) { var e, i, data; data = []; e = fields.getAll(row); for (i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) data.push(e[i].value); return data; }, // edit: function(cell) { var sr, er, e, c; if (this.isEditing()) return; sr = PR(cell); sr.style.display = 'none'; elem.removeClass(sr, 'hover'); this.source = sr; er = this.createEditor('edit', sr.rowIndex, sr); er.className = 'editor'; this.editor = er; c = er.cells[cell.cellIndex || 0]; e = c.getElementsByTagName('input'); if ((e) && (e.length > 0)) { try { // IE quirk e[0].focus(); } catch (ex) { } } this.controls = this.createControls('edit', sr.rowIndex); this.disableNewEditor(true); this.rpHide(); this.verifyFields(this.editor, true); }, createEditor: function(which, rowIndex, source) { var values; if (which == 'edit') values = this.dataToFieldValues(source.getRowData()); var row = this.tb.insertRow(rowIndex); row.className = 'editor'; var common = ' onkeypress="return TGO(this).onKey(\'' + which + '\', event)" onchange="TGO(this).onChange(\'' + which + '\', this)"'; var vi = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.editorFields.length; ++i) { var s = ''; var ef = this.editorFields[i].multi; if (!ef) ef = [this.editorFields[i]]; for (var j = 0; j < ef.length; ++j) { var f = ef[j]; if (f.prefix) s += f.prefix; var attrib = ' class="fi' + (vi + 1) + '" ' + (f.attrib || ''); switch (f.type) { case 'text': s += ''; else s += 'autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off">'; break; case 'select': s += ''; for (var k = 0; k < f.options.length; ++k) { a = f.options[k]; if (which == 'edit') { s += ''; } else { s += ''; } } s += ''; break; case 'checkbox': s += ' ' + ''; } else { c.innerHTML = ''; } return r; }, removeEditor: function() { if (this.editor) { elem.remove(this.editor); this.editor = null; } if (this.controls) { elem.remove(this.controls); this.controls = null; } }, showSource: function() { if (this.source) { this.source.style.display = ''; this.source = null; } }, onChange: function(which, cell) { return this.verifyFields((which == 'new') ? this.newEditor : this.editor, true); }, onKey: function(which, ev) { switch (ev.keyCode) { case 27: if (which == 'edit') this.onCancel(); return false; case 13: if (((ev.srcElement) && (ev.srcElement.tagName == 'SELECT')) || ((ev.target) && (ev.target.tagName == 'SELECT'))) return true; if (which == 'edit') this.onOK(); else this.onAdd(); return false; } return true; }, onDelete: function() { this.removeEditor(); elem.remove(this.source); this.source = null; this.disableNewEditor(false); }, onCancel: function() { this.removeEditor(); this.showSource(); this.disableNewEditor(false); }, onOK: function() { var i, data, view; if (!this.verifyFields(this.editor, false)) return; data = this.fieldValuesToData(this.editor); view = this.dataToView(data); this.source.setRowData(data); for (i = 0; i < this.source.cells.length; ++i) { this.source.cells[i].innerHTML = view[i]; } this.removeEditor(); this.showSource(); this.disableNewEditor(false); }, onAdd: function() { var data; this.moving = null; this.rpHide(); if (!this.verifyFields(this.newEditor, false)) return; data = this.fieldValuesToData(this.newEditor); this.insertData(-1, data); this.disableNewEditor(false); this.resetNewEditor(); }, verifyFields: function(row, quiet) { return true; }, showNewEditor: function() { var r; r = this.createEditor('new', -1, null); this.footer = this.newEditor = r; r = this.createControls('new', -1); this.newControls = r; this.disableNewEditor(false); document.getElementById('savebutton').disabled = false; document.getElementById('stopbutton').disabled = false; }, disableNewEditor: function(disable) { if (this.getDataCount() >= this.maxAdd) disable = true; if (this.newEditor) fields.disableAll(this.newEditor, disable); if (this.newControls) fields.disableAll(this.newControls, disable); if (this.newControls) document.getElementById('savebutton').disabled = disable; if (this.newControls) document.getElementById('stopbutton').disabled = disable; }, resetNewEditor: function() { var i, e; e = fields.getAll(this.newEditor); ferror.clearAll(e); for (i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) { var f = e[i]; if (f.selectedIndex) f.selectedIndex = 0; else f.value = ''; } if (e.length) e[0].focus(); }, getDataCount: function() { var n; n = this.tb.rows.length; if (this.footer) n = this.footer.rowIndex; if (this.header) n -= this.header.rowIndex + 1; return n; }, sortCompare: function(a, b) { var obj = TGO(a); var col = obj.sortColumn; var r = cmpText(a.cells[col].innerHTML, b.cells[col].innerHTML); return obj.sortAscending ? r : -r; }, sort: function(column) { if (this.editor) return; if (this.sortColumn >= 0) { elem.removeClass(this.header.cells[this.sortColumn], 'sortasc', 'sortdes'); } if (column == this.sortColumn) { this.sortAscending = !this.sortAscending; } else { this.sortAscending = true; this.sortColumn = column; } elem.addClass(this.header.cells[column], this.sortAscending ? 'sortasc' : 'sortdes'); this.resort(); }, resort: function() { if ((this.sortColumn < 0) || (this.getDataCount() == 0) || (this.editor)) return; var p = this.header.parentNode; var a = []; var i, j, max, e, p; var top; this.moving = null; top = this.header ? this.header.rowIndex + 1 : 0; max = this.footer ? this.footer.rowIndex : this.tb.rows.length; for (i = top; i < max; ++i) a.push(p.rows[i]); a.sort(THIS(this, this.sortCompare)); this.removeAllData(); j = top; for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { e = p.insertBefore(a[i], this.footer); e.className = (j & 1) ? 'even' : 'odd'; ++j; } }, recolor: function() { var i, e, o; i = this.header ? this.header.rowIndex + 1 : 0; e = this.footer ? this.footer.rowIndex : this.tb.rows.length; for (; i < e; ++i) { o = this.tb.rows[i]; o.className = (o.rowIndex & 1) ? 'even' : 'odd'; } }, removeAllData: function() { var i, count; i = this.header ? this.header.rowIndex + 1 : 0; count = (this.footer ? this.footer.rowIndex : this.tb.rows.length) - i; while (count-- > 0) elem.remove(this.tb.rows[i]); }, getAllData: function() { var i, max, data, r; data = []; max = this.footer ? this.footer.rowIndex : this.tb.rows.length; for (i = this.header ? this.header.rowIndex + 1 : 0; i < max; ++i) { r = this.tb.rows[i]; if ((r.style.display != 'none') && (r._data)) data.push(r._data); } return data; }, isEditing: function() { return (this.editor != null); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function xmlHttpObj() { var ob; try { ob = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (ob) return ob; } catch (ex) { } try { ob = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); if (ob) return ob; } catch (ex) { } return null; } var _useAjax = -1; var _holdAjax = null; function useAjax() { if (_useAjax == -1) _useAjax = ((_holdAjax = xmlHttpObj()) != null); return _useAjax; } function XmlHttp() { if ((!useAjax()) || ((this.xob = xmlHttpObj()) == null)) return null; return this; } XmlHttp.prototype = { addId: function(vars) { if (vars) vars += '&'; else vars = ''; vars += '_http_id=' + escapeCGI(nvram.http_id); return vars; }, get: function(url, vars) { try { vars = this.addId(vars); url += '?' + vars; this.xob.onreadystatechange = THIS(this, this.onReadyStateChange); this.xob.open('GET', url, true); this.xob.send(null); } catch (ex) { this.onError(ex); } }, post: function(url, vars) { try { vars = this.addId(vars); this.xob.onreadystatechange = THIS(this, this.onReadyStateChange); this.xob.open('POST', url, true); this.xob.send(vars); } catch (ex) { this.onError(ex); } }, abort: function() { try { this.xob.onreadystatechange = function () { } this.xob.abort(); } catch (ex) { } }, onReadyStateChange: function() { try { if (typeof(E) == 'undefined') return; // oddly late? testing for bug... if (this.xob.readyState == 4) { if (this.xob.status == 200) { this.onCompleted(this.xob.responseText, this.xob.responseXML); } else { this.onError('' + (this.xob.status || 'unknown')); } } } catch (ex) { this.onError(ex); } }, onCompleted: function(text, xml) { }, onError: function(ex) { } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TomatoTimer(func, ms) { this.tid = null; this.onTimer = func; if (ms) this.start(ms); return this; } TomatoTimer.prototype = { start: function(ms) { this.stop(); this.tid = setTimeout(THIS(this, this._onTimer), ms); }, stop: function() { if (this.tid) { clearTimeout(this.tid); this.tid = null; } }, isRunning: function() { return (this.tid != null); }, _onTimer: function() { this.tid = null; this.onTimer(); }, onTimer: function() { } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TomatoRefresh(actionURL, postData, refreshTime, cookieTag) { this.setup(actionURL, postData, refreshTime, cookieTag); this.timer = new TomatoTimer(THIS(this, this.start)); } TomatoRefresh.prototype = { running: 0, setup: function(actionURL, postData, refreshTime, cookieTag) { var e, v; this.actionURL = actionURL; this.postData = postData; this.refreshTime = refreshTime * 1000; this.cookieTag = cookieTag; }, start: function() { var e; if ((e = E('refresh-time')) != null) { if (this.cookieTag) cookie.set(this.cookieTag, e.value); this.refreshTime = e.value * 1000; } e = undefined; this.updateUI('start'); this.running = 1; if ((this.http = new XmlHttp()) == null) { reloadPage(); return; } this.http.parent = this; this.http.onCompleted = function(text, xml) { var p = this.parent; if (p.cookieTag) cookie.unset(p.cookieTag + '-error'); if (!p.running) { p.stop(); return; } p.refresh(text); if ((p.refreshTime > 0) && (!p.once)) { p.updateUI('wait'); p.timer.start(Math.round(p.refreshTime)); } else { p.stop(); } p.errors = 0; } this.http.onError = function(ex) { var p = this.parent; if ((!p) || (!p.running)) return; p.timer.stop(); if (++p.errors <= 3) { p.updateUI('wait'); p.timer.start(3000); return; } if (p.cookieTag) { var e = cookie.get(p.cookieTag + '-error') * 1; if (isNaN(e)) e = 0; else ++e; cookie.unset(p.cookieTag); cookie.set(p.cookieTag + '-error', e, 1); if (e >= 3) { alert('XMLHTTP: ' + ex); return; } } setTimeout(reloadPage, 2000); } this.errors = 0; this.http.post(this.actionURL, this.postData); }, stop: function() { if (this.cookieTag) cookie.set(this.cookieTag, -(this.refreshTime / 1000)); this.running = 0; this.updateUI('stop'); this.timer.stop(); this.http = null; this.once = undefined; }, toggle: function(delay) { if (this.running) this.stop(); else this.start(delay); }, updateUI: function(mode) { var e, b; if (typeof(E) == 'undefined') return; // for a bizzare bug... b = (mode != 'stop') && (this.refreshTime > 0); if ((e = E('refresh-button')) != null) { e.value = b ? 'Stop' : 'Refresh'; e.disabled = ((mode == 'start') && (!b)); } if ((e = E('refresh-time')) != null) e.disabled = b; if ((e = E('refresh-spinner')) != null) e.style.visibility = b ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; }, initPage: function(delay, def) { var e, v; e = E('refresh-time'); if (((this.cookieTag) && (e != null)) && ((v = cookie.get(this.cookieTag)) != null) && (!isNaN(v *= 1))) { e.value = Math.abs(v); if (v > 0) v = (v * 1000) + (delay || 0); } else if (def) { v = def; if (e) e.value = def; } else v = 0; if (delay < 0) { v = -delay; this.once = 1; } if (v > 0) { this.running = 1; this.refreshTime = v; this.timer.start(v); this.updateUI('wait'); } } } function genStdTimeList(id, zero, min) { var b = []; var t = [3,4,5,10,15,30,60,120,180,240,300,10*60,15*60,20*60,30*60]; var i, v; if (min >= 0) { b.push(' '); } document.write(b.join('')); } function genStdRefresh(spin, min, exec) { W('
'); if (spin) W(' '); genStdTimeList('refresh-time', 'Auto Refresh', min); W('
'); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _tabCreate(tabs) { var buf = []; buf.push('
'); return buf.join(''); } function tabCreate(tabs) { document.write(_tabCreate.apply(this, arguments)); } function tabHigh(id) { var a = E('tabs').getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (id != a[i].id) elem.removeClass(a[i], 'active'); } elem.addClass(id, 'active'); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var cookie = { set: function(key, value, days) { document.cookie = key + '=' + value + '; expires=' + (new Date(new Date().getTime() + ((days ? days : 14) * 86400000))).toUTCString() + '; path=/'; }, get: function(key) { var r = ('; ' + document.cookie + ';').match(key + '=(.*?);'); return r ? r[1] : null; }, unset: function(key) { document.cookie = key + '=; expires=' + (new Date(1)).toUTCString() + '; path=/'; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkEvent(evt) { if (typeof(evt) == 'undefined') { // IE evt = event; evt.target = evt.srcElement; evt.relatedTarget = evt.toElement; } return evt; } function W(s) { document.write(s); } function E(e) { return (typeof(e) == 'string') ? document.getElementById(e) : e; } function PR(e) { return elem.parentElem(e, 'TR'); } function THIS(obj, func) { return function() { return func.apply(obj, arguments); } } function UT(v) { return (typeof(v) == 'undefined') ? '' : '' + v; } function escapeHTML(s) { function esc(c) { return '&#' + c.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; } return s.replace(/[&"'<>\r\n]/g, esc); } function escapeCGI(s) { return escape(s).replace(/\+/g, '%2B'); // escape() doesn't handle + } function escapeD(s) { function esc(c) { return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).hex(2); } return s.replace(/[<>|%]/g, esc); } function ellipsis(s, max) { return (s.length <= max) ? s : s.substr(0, max - 3) + '...'; } function MIN(a, b) { return a < b ? a : b; } function MAX(a, b) { return a > b ? a : b; } function fixInt(n, min, max, def) { if (n === null) return def; n *= 1; if (isNaN(n)) return def; if (n < min) return min; if (n > max) return max; return n; } function comma(n) { n = '' + n; var p = n; while ((n = n.replace(/(\d+)(\d{3})/g, '$1,$2')) != p) p = n; return n; } function scaleSize(n) { if (isNaN(n *= 1)) return '-'; if (n <= 9999) return '' + n; var s = -1; do { n /= 1024; ++s; } while ((n > 9999) && (s < 2)); return comma(n.toFixed(2)) + ' ' + (['KB', 'MB', 'GB'])[s] + ''; } function timeString(mins) { var h = Math.floor(mins / 60); if ((new Date(2000, 0, 1, 23, 0, 0, 0)).toLocaleString().indexOf('23') != -1) return h + ':' + (mins % 60).pad(2); return ((h == 0) ? 12 : ((h > 12) ? h - 12 : h)) + ':' + (mins % 60).pad(2) + ((h >= 12) ? ' PM' : ' AM'); } function features(s) { var features = ['ses','brau','aoss','wham','hpamp','!nve','11n']; var i; for (i = features.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (features[i] == s) return (parseInt(nvram.t_features) & (1 << i)) != 0; } return 0; } function nothing() { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function show_notice1(s) { if (s.length) document.write('
' + s + '

'); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function myName() { var name, i; name = document.location.pathname; name = name.replace(/\\/g, '/'); // IE local testing if ((i = name.lastIndexOf('/')) != -1) name = name.substring(i + 1, name.length); if (name == '') name = 'status-overview.asp'; return name; } function navi(){ } function createFieldTable(flags, desc) { var common; var i, n; var name; var id; var fields; var f; var a; var buf = []; var buf2; var id1; var tr; if ((flags.indexOf('noopen') == -1)) buf.push(''); for (desci = 0; desci < desc.length; ++desci) { var v = desc[desci]; if (!v) { buf.push(''); continue; } if (v.ignore) continue; buf.push(''); } else { buf.push(''); } continue; } id1 = ''; buf2 = []; buf2.push(''); buf.push(''); else buf.push(+ v.title + ''); buf.push(buf2.join('')); buf.push(''); } if ((!flags) || (flags.indexOf('noclose') == -1)) buf.push('
' + v.title + '' + v.text + '
' + v.text + '
'); if (v.multi) fields = v.multi; else fields = [v]; for (n = 0; n < fields.length; ++n) { f = fields[n]; if (f.prefix) buf2.push(f.prefix); if ((f.type == 'radio') && (!f.id)) id = '_' + f.name + '_' + i; else id = (f.id ? f.id : ('_' + f.name)); if (id1 == '') id1 = id; common = ' onchange="verifyFields(this, 1)" id="' + id + '"'; if (f.attrib) common += ' ' + f.attrib; name = f.name ? (' name="' + f.name + '"') : ''; switch (f.type) { case 'checkbox': buf2.push(''); break; case 'radio': buf2.push(''); break; case 'password': common += ' autocomplete="off"'; case 'text': buf2.push(''); break; case 'select': buf2.push(''); for (i = 0; i < f.options.length; ++i) { a = f.options[i]; if (a.length == 1) a.push(a[0]); buf2.push(''); } buf2.push(''); break; case 'textarea': buf2.push('' + escapeHTML(UT(f.value)) + ''); break; default: if (f.custom) buf2.push(f.custom); break; } if (f.suffix) buf2.push(f.suffix); } buf2.push(''); if (id1 != '') buf.push('
'); document.write(buf.join('')); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function reloadPage() { document.location.reload(1); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // debug function isLocal() { return location.href.search('file://') == 0; } function console(s) { }