var keyPressed; var wItem; var ip = ""; // 2010.07 James. { function inet_network(ip_str){ if(!ip_str) return -1; var re = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; if(re.test(ip_str)){ var v1 = parseInt(RegExp.$1); var v2 = parseInt(RegExp.$2); var v3 = parseInt(RegExp.$3); var v4 = parseInt(RegExp.$4); if(v1 < 256 && v2 < 256 && v3 < 256 && v4 < 256) return v1*256*256*256+v2*256*256+v3*256+v4; } return -2; } //Filtering ip address with leading zero, if end-user keyin IP, system auto filtering IP function ipFilterZero(ip_str){ var re = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; if(re.test(ip_str)){ var v1 = parseInt(RegExp.$1); var v2 = parseInt(RegExp.$2); var v3 = parseInt(RegExp.$3); var v4 = parseInt(RegExp.$4); return v1+"."+v2+"."+v3+"."+v4; } return -2; } function isMask(ip_str){ if(!ip_str) return 0; var re = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; if(re.test(ip_str)){ var v1 = parseInt(RegExp.$1); var v2 = parseInt(RegExp.$2); var v3 = parseInt(RegExp.$3); var v4 = parseInt(RegExp.$4); if(v4 == 255 || !(v4 == 0 || (is1to0(v4) && v1 == 255 && v2 == 255 && v3 == 255))) return -4; if(!(v3 == 0 || (is1to0(v3) && v1 == 255 && v2 == 255))) return -3; if(!(v2 == 0 || (is1to0(v2) && v1 == 255))) return -2; if(!is1to0(v1)) return -1; } return 1; } function is1to0(num){ if(typeof(num) != "number") return 0; if(num == 255 || num == 254 || num == 252 || num == 248 || num == 240 || num == 224 || num == 192 || num == 128) return 1; return 0; } function getSubnet(ip_str, mask_str, flag){ var ip_num, mask_num; var sub_head, sub_end; if(!ip_str || !mask_str) return -1; if(isMask(mask_str) <= 0) return -2; if(!flag || (flag != "head" && flag != "end")) flag = "head"; ip_num = inet_network(ip_str); mask_num = inet_network(mask_str); if(ip_num < 0 || mask_num < 0) return -3; sub_head = ip_num-(ip_num&~mask_num); sub_end = sub_head+~mask_num; if(flag == "head") return sub_head; else return sub_end; } function str2val(v){ for(i=0; i=match.length) c2=160; else c2 = match.charCodeAt(j); if (c1==160) c1 = 32; if (c2==160) c2 = 32; if (c1>c2) return (1); else if (c1"); document.form.file.focus(); } } stopFlag = 1; return true; } function handle_11ac_80MHz(){ if(band5g_support == false || band5g_11ac_support == false || document.form.wl_unit[0].selected == true || document.form.wl_nmode_x.value=='2' || document.form.wl_nmode_x.value=='1') { document.form.wl_bw[0].text = "20/40 MHz"; document.form.wl_bw.remove(3); //remove 80 Mhz when not when not required required } else { document.form.wl_bw[0].text = "20/40/80 MHz"; if(document.form.wl_bw.length == 3) document.form.wl_bw[3] = new Option("80 MHz", "3"); } } function change_ddns_setting(v){ var hostname_x = '<% nvram_get("ddns_hostname_x"); %>'; if (v == "WWW.ASUS.COM"){ document.getElementById("ddns_hostname_info_tr").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("ddns_hostname_tr").style.display=""; = "none"; = ""; var ddns_hostname_title = hostname_x.substring(0, hostname_x.indexOf('')); if(hostname_x != '' && ddns_hostname_title) document.getElementById("DDNSName").value = ddns_hostname_title; else document.getElementById("DDNSName").value = "<#asusddns_inputhint#>"; inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_username_x, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_passwd_x, 0); document.form.ddns_wildcard_x[0].disabled= 1; document.form.ddns_wildcard_x[1].disabled= 1; showhide("link", 0); showhide("linkToHome", 0); showhide("wildcard_field",0); document.form.ddns_regular_check.value = 0; showhide("check_ddns_field", 0); inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_regular_period, 0); } else if( v == "WWW.ORAY.COM"){ document.getElementById("ddns_hostname_tr").style.display="none"; inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_username_x, 1); inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_passwd_x, 1); document.form.ddns_wildcard_x[0].disabled= 1; document.form.ddns_wildcard_x[1].disabled= 1; showhide("link", 1); showhide("linkToHome", 0); showhide("wildcard_field",0); document.form.ddns_regular_check.value = 0; showhide("check_ddns_field", 0); inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_regular_period, 0); } else{ document.getElementById("ddns_hostname_info_tr").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("ddns_hostname_tr").style.display=""; = ""; = "none"; inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_username_x, 1); inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_passwd_x, 1); if(v == "WWW.TUNNELBROKER.NET" || v == "WWW.SELFHOST.DE") var disable_wild = 1; else var disable_wild = 0; document.form.ddns_wildcard_x[0].disabled= disable_wild; document.form.ddns_wildcard_x[1].disabled= disable_wild; if(v == "WWW.ZONEEDIT.COM"){ // Jieming added at 2013/03/06, remove free trail of zoneedit and add a link to direct to zoneedit showhide("link", 0); showhide("linkToHome", 1); } else{ showhide("link", 1); showhide("linkToHome", 0); } showhide("wildcard_field",!disable_wild); showhide("check_ddns_field", 1); if(document.form.ddns_regular_check.value == 0) inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_regular_period, 0); else inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_regular_period, 1); } } function change_common_radio(o, s, v, r){ if(v == "ddns_enable_x"){ var hostname_x = '<% nvram_get("ddns_hostname_x"); %>'; var ddns_updated = '<% nvram_get("ddns_updated"); %>'; if(r == 1){ inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_server_x, 1); if('<% nvram_get("ddns_server_x"); %>' == 'WWW.ASUS.COM'){ document.form.DDNSName.disabled = false; = ""; if(hostname_x != ''){ var ddns_hostname_title = hostname_x.substring(0, hostname_x.indexOf('')); if(!ddns_hostname_title) document.getElementById("DDNSName").value = "<#asusddns_inputhint#>"; else document.getElementById("DDNSName").value = ddns_hostname_title; }else{ document.getElementById("DDNSName").value = "<#asusddns_inputhint#>"; } showhide("wildcard_field",0); }else{ if(document.form.ddns_server_x.value == "WWW.ORAY.COM"){ if(ddns_updated == "1") document.getElementById("ddns_hostname_info_tr").style.display = ""; } else = ""; inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_username_x, 1); inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_passwd_x, 1); showhide("wildcard_field",1); } change_ddns_setting(document.form.ddns_server_x.value); }else{ if(document.form.ddns_server_x.value == "WWW.ASUS.COM"){ = "none"; } else{ if(document.form.ddns_server_x.value == "WWW.ORAY.COM") document.getElementById("ddns_hostname_info_tr").style.display = "none"; = "none"; inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_username_x, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_passwd_x, 0); } inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_server_x, 0); document.form.ddns_wildcard_x[0].disabled= 1; document.form.ddns_wildcard_x[1].disabled= 1; showhide("wildcard_field",0); document.form.ddns_regular_check.value = 0; showhide("check_ddns_field", 0); inputCtrl(document.form.ddns_regular_period, 0); } } else if(v == "wan_dnsenable_x"){ if(r == 1){ inputCtrl(document.form.wan_dns1_x, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wan_dns2_x, 0); } else{ inputCtrl(document.form.wan_dns1_x, 1); inputCtrl(document.form.wan_dns2_x, 1); } } else if(v=="fw_enable_x"){ change_firewall(r); }else if(v=="wl_closed"){ if(r==1) showhide("WPS_hideSSID_hint",1); else showhide("WPS_hideSSID_hint",0); } return true; } function change_wlweptype(o, isload){ var wflag = 0; if(o.value != "0"){ wflag = 1; if(document.form.wl_phrase_x.value.length > 0 && isload == 0) is_wlphrase("WLANConfig11b", "wl_phrase_x", document.form.wl_phrase_x); } wl_wep_change(); } function change_wlkey(o, s){ wep = document.form.wl_wep_x.value; if(wep == "1"){ if(o.value.length > 10) o.value = o.value.substring(0, 10); } else if(wep == "2"){ if(o.value.length > 26) o.value = o.value.substring(0, 26); } return true; } function subnetPrefix(ip, orig, count) {r=''; c=0; for(i=0;i=count) r = r + orig.charAt(i); } return (r); } //Viz add 2011.10 For DHCP pool changed function subnetPostfix(ip, num, count){ //Change subnet postfix .xxx r=''; orig=""; c=0; for(i=0;i= 64){ o.value = o.value.substring(0, 63); alert("<#JS_wpapass#>"); return false; } return true; } if(v=='wl_wpa_psk') return(valid_WPAPSK(o)); // note: current_page == "Advanced_Wireless_Content.asp" wepType = document.form.wl_wep_x.value; wepKey1 = document.form.wl_key1; wepKey2 = document.form.wl_key2; wepKey3 = document.form.wl_key3; wepKey4 = document.form.wl_key4; phrase = o.value; if(wepType == "1"){ for(var i = 0; i < phrase.length; i++){ pseed[i%4] ^= phrase.charCodeAt(i); } randNumber = pseed[0] | (pseed[1]<<8) | (pseed[2]<<16) | (pseed[3]<<24); for(var j = 0; j < 5; j++){ randNumber = ((randNumber*0x343fd)%0x1000000); randNumber = ((randNumber+0x269ec3)%0x1000000); wep_key[j] = ((randNumber>>16)&0xff); } wepKey1.value = binl2hex_c(wep_key); for(var j = 0; j < 5; j++){ randNumber = ((randNumber * 0x343fd) % 0x1000000); randNumber = ((randNumber + 0x269ec3) % 0x1000000); wep_key[j] = ((randNumber>>16) & 0xff); } wepKey2.value = binl2hex_c(wep_key); for(var j = 0; j < 5; j++){ randNumber = ((randNumber * 0x343fd) % 0x1000000); randNumber = ((randNumber + 0x269ec3) % 0x1000000); wep_key[j] = ((randNumber>>16) & 0xff); } wepKey3.value = binl2hex_c(wep_key); for(var j = 0; j < 5; j++){ randNumber = ((randNumber * 0x343fd) % 0x1000000); randNumber = ((randNumber + 0x269ec3) % 0x1000000); wep_key[j] = ((randNumber>>16) & 0xff); } wepKey4.value = binl2hex_c(wep_key); } else if(wepType == "2"){ password = ""; if(phrase.length > 0){ for(var i = 0; i < 64; i++){ ch = phrase.charAt(i%phrase.length); password = password+ch; } } for(i=0;i<4;i++){ password = calcMD5(password); if(i == 0) wepKey1.value = password.substr(0, 26); else if(i == 1) wepKey2.value = password.substr(0, 26); else if(i == 2) wepKey3.value = password.substr(0, 26); else wepKey4.value = password.substr(0, 26); } } return true; } function wl_wep_change(){ var mode = document.form.wl_auth_mode_x.value; var wep = document.form.wl_wep_x.value; if(mode == "psk" || mode == "psk2" || mode == "pskpsk2" || mode == "wpa" || mode == "wpa2" || mode == "wpawpa2"){ if(mode != "wpa" && mode != "wpa2" && mode != "wpawpa2"){ inputCtrl(document.form.wl_crypto, 1); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wpa_psk, 1); } inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wpa_gtk_rekey, 1); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wep_x, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_phrase_x, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key1, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key2, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key3, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key4, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key, 0); } else if(mode == "radius"){ //2009.01 magic inputCtrl(document.form.wl_crypto, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wpa_psk, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wpa_gtk_rekey, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wep_x, 0); //2009.0310 Lock inputCtrl(document.form.wl_phrase_x, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key1, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key2, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key3, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key4, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key, 0); } else{ inputCtrl(document.form.wl_crypto, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wpa_psk, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wpa_gtk_rekey, 0); if(mode == "open" && document.form.wl_nmode_x.value != 2){ = "none"; document.form.wl_wep_x.value = "0"; } else inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wep_x, 1); if(wep != "0"){ inputCtrl(document.form.wl_phrase_x, 1); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key1, 1); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key2, 1); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key3, 1); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key4, 1); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key, 1); } else{ inputCtrl(document.form.wl_phrase_x, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key1, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key2, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key3, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key4, 0); inputCtrl(document.form.wl_key, 0); } } change_key_des(); // 2008.01 James. } function change_wep_type(mode, isload){ var cur_wep = document.form.wl_wep_x.value; var wep_type_array; var value_array; free_options(document.form.wl_wep_x); if(mode == "shared"){ //2009.0310 Lock wep_type_array = new Array("WEP-64bits", "WEP-128bits"); value_array = new Array("1", "2"); } else{ if(document.form.wl_nmode_x.value != 2 && sw_mode != 2){ wep_type_array = new Array("None"); value_array = new Array("0"); } else{ wep_type_array = new Array("None", "WEP-64bits", "WEP-128bits"); value_array = new Array("0", "1", "2"); } } add_options_x2(document.form.wl_wep_x, wep_type_array, value_array, cur_wep); if(mode == "psk" || mode == "psk2" || mode == "pskpsk2" || mode == "wpa" || mode == "wpa2" || mode == "wpawpa2" || mode == "radius") //2009.03 magic document.form.wl_wep_x.value = "0"; change_wlweptype(document.form.wl_wep_x, isload); } function insertExtChannelOption(){ if('<% nvram_get("wl_unit"); %>' == '1'){ insertExtChannelOption_5g(); }else{ insertExtChannelOption_2g(); } } function insertExtChannelOption_5g(){ var country = "<% nvram_get("wl1_country_code"); %>"; var orig = document.form.wl_channel.value; free_options(document.form.wl_channel); if(wl_channel_list_5g != ""){ //With wireless channel 5g hook wl_channel_list_5g = eval('<% channel_list_5g(); %>'); if(document.form.wl_bw.value != "0" && document.form.wl_nmode_x.value != "2") { //not Legacy mode and BW > 20MHz var i; //cut channels >= 165 when bw != 20MHz for(i=0; i < wl_channel_list_5g.length; i++) if(wl_channel_list_5g[i] == "165") { wl_channel_list_5g.splice(i,(wl_channel_list_5g.length - i)); break; } for(i=0; i < wl_channel_list_5g.length; i++) { //remove ch56 when bw == 40MHz or remove ch56,60,64 when bw == 80MHz, on NO ch52 is provided. if(wl_channel_list_5g[i] == "56" && (i == 0 || wl_channel_list_5g[i-1] != "52")) { if(!(Rawifi_support || Qcawifi_support)) ; else if(band5g_11ac_support && (document.form.wl_bw.value == "3" || document.form.wl_bw.value == "1") && (document.form.wl_nmode_x.value == "0" || document.form.wl_nmode_x.value == "8")) { for(var j=wl_channel_list_5g.length; j>=i ; j--) if(wl_channel_list_5g[j] >= "56" && wl_channel_list_5g[j] <= "64") wl_channel_list_5g.splice(j,1); i--; } else { wl_channel_list_5g.splice(i,1); i--; } } //remove ch116 when bw != 20MHz when bw == 80MHz, on NO ch120 is provided. if(wl_channel_list_5g[i] == "116" && (i + 1 < wl_channel_list_5g.length && wl_channel_list_5g[i+1] != "120")) { if(Rawifi_support || Qcawifi_support) { wl_channel_list_5g.splice(i,1); i--; } } //remove ch132~140 when bw == 80MHz or ch140 when bw != 20MHz, on NO ch120 is provided. if(!(Rawifi_support || Qcawifi_support)) ; else if((document.form.wl_bw.value == "3" || document.form.wl_bw.value == "1") && (document.form.wl_nmode_x.value == "0" || document.form.wl_nmode_x.value == "8")) { if(wl_channel_list_5g[i] == "132" || wl_channel_list_5g[i] == "136" || wl_channel_list_5g[i] == "140") { wl_channel_list_5g.splice(i,1); i--; } } else if(wl_channel_list_5g[i] == "140") { wl_channel_list_5g.splice(i,1); i--; } } } if(wl_channel_list_5g[0] != "<#Auto#>") wl_channel_list_5g.splice(0,0,"0"); channels = wl_channel_list_5g; }else{ //start Without wireless channel 5g hook if (document.form.wl_bw.value == "0"){ // 20 MHz inputCtrl(document.form.wl_nctrlsb, 0); if (country == "AL" || country == "DZ" || country == "AU" || country == "BH" || country == "BY" || country == "CA" || country == "CL" || country == "CO" || country == "CR" || country == "DO" || country == "SV" || country == "GT" || country == "HN" || country == "HK" || country == "IN" || country == "IL" || country == "JO" || country == "KZ" || country == "LB" || country == "MO" || country == "MK" || country == "MY" || country == "MX" || country == "NZ" || country == "NO" || country == "OM" || country == "PK" || country == "PA" || country == "PR" || country == "QA" || country == "RO" || country == "RU" || country == "SA" || country == "SG" || country == "SY" || country == "TH" || country == "UA" || country == "AE" || country == "US" || country == "Q2" || country == "VN" || country == "YE" || country == "ZW") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165); // Region 0 else if(country == "AT" || country == "BE" || country == "BR" || country == "BG" || country == "CY" || country == "DK" || country == "EE" || country == "FI" || country == "DE" || country == "GR" || country == "HU" || country == "IS" || country == "IE" || country == "IT" || country == "LV" || country == "LI" || country == "LT" || country == "LU" || country == "NL" || country == "PL" || country == "PT" || country == "SK" || country == "SI" || country == "ZA" || country == "ES" || country == "SE" || country == "CH" || country == "GB" || country == "EU" || country == "UZ") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48); // Region 1 else if(country == "AM" || country == "AZ" || country == "HR" || country == "CZ" || country == "EG" || country == "FR" || country == "GE" || country == "MC" || country == "TT" || country == "TN" || country == "TR") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48); // Region 2 else if(country == "AR" || country == "TW") channels = new Array(0, 52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165); // Region 3 else if(country == "BZ" || country == "BO" || country == "BN" || country == "CN" || country == "ID" || country == "IR" || country == "PE" || country == "PH") channels = new Array(0, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165); // Region 4 else if(country == "KP" || country == "KR" || country == "UY" || country == "VE") channels = new Array(0, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165); // Region 5 else if(country == "JP") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48); // Region 9 else channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165); // Region 7 } else if(document.form.wl_bw.value == "1"){ // 20/40 MHz inputCtrl(document.form.wl_nctrlsb, 1); if (country == "AL" || country == "DZ" || country == "AU" || country == "BH" || country == "BY" || country == "CA" || country == "CL" || country == "CO" || country == "CR" || country == "DO" || country == "SV" || country == "GT" || country == "HN" || country == "HK" || country == "IN" || country == "IL" || country == "JO" || country == "KZ" || country == "LB" || country == "MO" || country == "MK" || country == "MY" || country == "MX" || country == "NZ" || country == "NO" || country == "OM" || country == "PK" || country == "PA" || country == "PR" || country == "QA" || country == "RO" || country == "RU" || country == "SA" || country == "SG" || country == "SY" || country == "TH" || country == "UA" || country == "AE" || country == "US" || country == "Q2" || country == "VN" || country == "YE" || country == "ZW") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161); // Region 0 else if(country == "AT" || country == "BE" || country == "BR" || country == "BG" || country == "CY" || country == "DK" || country == "EE" || country == "FI" || country == "DE" || country == "GR" || country == "HU" || country == "IS" || country == "IE" || country == "IT" || country == "LV" || country == "LI" || country == "LT" || country == "LU" || country == "NL" || country == "PL" || country == "PT" || country == "SK" || country == "SI" || country == "ZA" || country == "ES" || country == "SE" || country == "CH" || country == "GB" || country == "EU" || country == "UZ") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48); // Region 1 else if(country == "AM" || country == "AZ" || country == "HR" || country == "CZ" || country == "EG" || country == "FR" || country == "GE" || country == "MC" || country == "TT" || country == "TN" || country == "TR") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48); // Region 2 else if(country == "AR" || country == "TW") channels = new Array(0, 52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161); // Region 3 else if(country == "BZ" || country == "BO" || country == "BN" || country == "CN" || country == "ID" || country == "IR" || country == "PE" || country == "PH") channels = new Array(0, 149, 153, 157, 161); // Region 4 else if(country == "KP" || country == "KR" || country == "UY" || country == "VE") channels = new Array(0, 149, 153, 157, 161); // Region 5 else if(country == "JP") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48); // Region 9 else channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161); // Region 7 } else{ // 40 MHz inputCtrl(document.form.wl_nctrlsb, 1); if (country == "AL" || country == "DZ" || country == "AU" || country == "BH" || country == "BY" || country == "CA" || country == "CL" || country == "CO" || country == "CR" || country == "DO" || country == "SV" || country == "GT" || country == "HN" || country == "HK" || country == "IN" || country == "IL" || country == "JO" || country == "KZ" || country == "LB" || country == "MO" || country == "MK" || country == "MY" || country == "MX" || country == "NZ" || country == "NO" || country == "OM" || country == "PK" || country == "PA" || country == "PR" || country == "QA" || country == "RO" || country == "RU" || country == "SA" || country == "SG" || country == "SY" || country == "TH" || country == "UA" || country == "AE" || country == "US" || country == "Q2" || country == "VN" || country == "YE" || country == "ZW") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161); else if(country == "AT" || country == "BE" || country == "BR" || country == "BG" || country == "CY" || country == "DK" || country == "EE" || country == "FI" || country == "DE" || country == "GR" || country == "HU" || country == "IS" || country == "IE" || country == "IT" || country == "LV" || country == "LI" || country == "LT" || country == "LU" || country == "NL" || country == "PL" || country == "PT" || country == "SK" || country == "SI" || country == "ZA" || country == "ES" || country == "SE" || country == "CH" || country == "GB" || country == "EU" || country == "UZ") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48); else if(country == "AM" || country == "AZ" || country == "HR" || country == "CZ" || country == "EG" || country == "FR" || country == "GE" || country == "MC" || country == "TT" || country == "TN" || country == "TR") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48); else if(country == "AR" || country == "TW") channels = new Array(0, 52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161); // Region 3 else if(country == "BZ" || country == "BO" || country == "BN" || country == "CN" || country == "ID" || country == "IR" || country == "PE" || country == "PH") channels = new Array(0, 149, 153, 157, 161); else if(country == "KP" || country == "KR" || country == "UY" || country == "VE") channels = new Array(0, 149, 153, 157, 161); else if(country == "JP") channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48); else channels = new Array(0, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161); } } //end Without wireless channel 5g hook var ch_v = new Array(); for(var i=0; i", "lower"); x.selectedIndex = 0; } function insertExtChannelOption_2g(){ var orig2 = document.form.wl_channel.value; var wmode = document.form.wl_nmode_x.value; free_options(document.form.wl_channel); if(wl_channel_list_2g != ""){ wl_channel_list_2g = eval('<% channel_list_2g(); %>'); if(wl_channel_list_2g[0] != "<#Auto#>") wl_channel_list_2g.splice(0,0,"0"); var ch_v2 = new Array(); for(var i=0; i 1){ x.selectedIndex = 1; x.remove(x.selectedIndex); } if ((CurrentCh >=1) && (CurrentCh <= 4)){ x.options[0].text = "Above"; x.options[0].value = "lower"; } else if ((CurrentCh >= 5) && (CurrentCh <= 7)){ x.options[0].text = "Above"; x.options[0].value = "lower"; add_option(document.form.wl_nctrlsb, "Below", "upper"); if (document.form.wl_nctrlsb_old.value == "upper") document.form.wl_nctrlsb.options.selectedIndex=1; if(is_high_power && CurrentCh == 5) // for high power model, Jieming added at 2013/08/19 document.form.wl_nctrlsb.remove(1); else if(is_high_power && CurrentCh == 7) document.form.wl_nctrlsb.remove(0); } else if ((CurrentCh >= 8) && (CurrentCh <= 9)){ x.options[0].text = "Below"; x.options[0].value = "upper"; if (option_length >=14){ add_option(document.form.wl_nctrlsb, "Above", "lower"); if (document.form.wl_nctrlsb_old.value == "lower") document.form.wl_nctrlsb.options.selectedIndex=1; } } else if (CurrentCh == 10){ x.options[0].text = "Below"; x.options[0].value = "upper"; if (option_length > 14){ add_option(document.form.wl_nctrlsb, "Above", "lower"); if (document.form.wl_nctrlsb_old.value == "lower") document.form.wl_nctrlsb.options.selectedIndex=1; } } else if (CurrentCh >= 11){ x.options[0].text = "Below"; x.options[0].value = "upper"; } else{ x.options[0].text = "<#Auto#>"; x.options[0].value = "1"; } } else inputCtrl(document.form.wl_nctrlsb, 0); } function wl_auth_mode_change(isload){ var mode = document.form.wl_auth_mode_x.value; var wireless_mode = document.form.wl_nmode_x.value; var i, cur, algos; inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wep_x, 1); /* enable/disable crypto algorithm */ if(mode == "wpa" || mode == "wpa2" || mode == "wpawpa2" || mode == "psk" || mode == "psk2" || mode == "pskpsk2") inputCtrl(document.form.wl_crypto, 1); else inputCtrl(document.form.wl_crypto, 0); /* enable/disable psk passphrase */ if(mode == "psk" || mode == "psk2" || mode == "pskpsk2") inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wpa_psk, 1); else inputCtrl(document.form.wl_wpa_psk, 0); /* update wl_crypto */ if(mode == "psk" || mode == "psk2" || mode == "pskpsk2" || mode == "wpa" || mode == "wpa2" ||mode == "wpawpa2"){ /* Save current crypto algorithm */ for(var i = 0; i < document.form.wl_crypto.length; i++){ if(document.form.wl_crypto[i].selected){ cur = document.form.wl_crypto[i].value; break; } } opts = document.form.wl_auth_mode_x.options; if(opts[opts.selectedIndex].text == "WPA-Personal" || opts[opts.selectedIndex].text == "WPA-Enterprise") algos = new Array("TKIP"); else if(opts[opts.selectedIndex].text == "WPA2-Personal" || opts[opts.selectedIndex].text == "WPA2-Enterprise") algos = new Array("AES"); else algos = new Array("AES", "TKIP+AES"); /* Reconstruct algorithm array from new crypto algorithms */ free_options(document.form.wl_crypto); document.form.wl_crypto.length = algos.length; for(i=0; i= 0 ||"wpa2") >= 0)){ inputCtrl(document.form.wl_mfp, 1); } else{ inputCtrl(document.form.wl_mfp, 0); } } change_wep_type(mode, isload); /* Save current network key index */ cur = "1"; for(var i = 0; i < document.form.wl_key.length; i++){ if(document.form.wl_key[i].selected){ cur = document.form.wl_key[i].value; break; } } /* Define new network key indices */ if(mode == "wpa" || mode == "wpa2" || mode == "wpawpa2" || mode == "psk" || mode == "psk2" || mode == "pskpsk2" || mode == "radius") algos = new Array("1", "2", "3", "4"); else{ algos = new Array("1", "2", "3", "4"); } /* Reconstruct network key indices array from new network key indices */ free_options(document.form.wl_key); document.form.wl_key.length = algos.length; for(i=0; i' == '1')) var auth_array = [["Open System", "open"], ["WPA2-Personal", "psk2"], ["WPA-Auto-Personal", "pskpsk2"]]; else var auth_array = [["Open System", "open"], ["Shared Key", "shared"], ["WPA-Personal", "psk"], ["WPA2-Personal", "psk2"], ["WPA-Auto-Personal", "pskpsk2"]]; } } else if(document.form.wl_nmode_x.value != "2"){ if(based_modelid == "RT-AC87U" && g_unit) var auth_array = [["Open System", "open"], ["WPA2-Personal", "psk2"], ["WPA-Auto-Personal", "pskpsk2"]]; else if(based_modelid == "RT-AC87U" && g_unit=='0') var auth_array = [["Open System", "open"], ["WPA2-Personal", "psk2"], ["WPA-Auto-Personal", "pskpsk2"], ["WPA2-Enterprise", "wpa2"], ["WPA-Auto-Enterprise", "wpawpa2"]]; else{ if((based_modelid == "RT-AC87U" && '<% nvram_get("wl_unit"); %>' == '1') || (based_modelid == "RT-AC87U" && g_unit)) var auth_array = [["Open System", "open"], ["WPA2-Personal", "psk2"], ["WPA-Auto-Personal", "pskpsk2"]]; else var auth_array = [["Open System", "open"], ["WPA2-Personal", "psk2"], ["WPA-Auto-Personal", "pskpsk2"], ["WPA2-Enterprise", "wpa2"], ["WPA-Auto-Enterprise", "wpawpa2"]]; } } else{ //Legacy if(based_modelid == "RT-AC87U" && g_unit) var auth_array = [["Open System", "open"], ["WPA2-Personal", "psk2"], ["WPA-Auto-Personal", "pskpsk2"]]; else if(based_modelid == "RT-AC87U" && g_unit=='0') var auth_array = [["Open System", "open"], ["Shared Key", "shared"], ["WPA-Personal", "psk"], ["WPA2-Personal", "psk2"], ["WPA-Auto-Personal", "pskpsk2"], ["WPA-Enterprise", "wpa"], ["WPA2-Enterprise", "wpa2"], ["WPA-Auto-Enterprise", "wpawpa2"], ["Radius with 802.1x", "radius"]]; else{ if((based_modelid == "RT-AC87U" && '<% nvram_get("wl_unit"); %>' == '1') || (based_modelid == "RT-AC87U" && g_unit)) var auth_array = [["Open System", "open"], ["WPA2-Personal", "psk2"], ["WPA-Auto-Personal", "pskpsk2"]]; else{ if(wifi_logo_support) var auth_array = [["Open System", "open"], ["WPA2-Personal", "psk2"], ["WPA-Auto-Personal", "pskpsk2"], ["WPA-Enterprise", "wpa"], ["WPA2-Enterprise", "wpa2"], ["WPA-Auto-Enterprise", "wpawpa2"]]; else var auth_array = [["Open System", "open"], ["Shared Key", "shared"], ["WPA-Personal", "psk"], ["WPA2-Personal", "psk2"], ["WPA-Auto-Personal", "pskpsk2"], ["WPA-Enterprise", "wpa"], ["WPA2-Enterprise", "wpa2"], ["WPA-Auto-Enterprise", "wpawpa2"], ["Radius with 802.1x", "radius"]]; } } } if(is_KR_sku){ // MODELDEP by Territory_code auth_array.splice(0, 1); //remove Open System } free_options(document.form.wl_auth_mode_x); for(i = 0; i < auth_array.length; i++){ if(auth_method_array == auth_array[i][1]) add_option(document.form.wl_auth_mode_x, auth_array[i][0], auth_array[i][1], 1); else add_option(document.form.wl_auth_mode_x, auth_array[i][0], auth_array[i][1], 0); } authentication_method_change(document.form.wl_auth_mode_x); } function getDDNSState(ddns_return_code, ddns_hostname, ddns_old_hostname) { var ddnsStateHint = ""; if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('-1')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_2#>"; else if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('200')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_3#>"; else if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('203')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_hostname#> '"+ddns_hostname+"' <#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_registered#>"; else if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('220')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_4#>"; else if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('230')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_5#>"; else if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('233')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_hostname#> '"+ddns_hostname+"' <#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_registered_2#> '"+ddns_old_hostname+"'"; else if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('296')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_6#>"; else if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('297')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_7#>"; else if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('298')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_8#>"; else if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('299')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_9#>"; else if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('401')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_10#>"; else if(ddns_return_code.indexOf('407')!=-1) ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_11#>"; else if(ddns_return_code == 'Time-out') ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_1#>"; else if(ddns_return_code =='unknown_error') ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_2#>"; else if(ddns_return_code =='connect_fail') ddnsStateHint = "<#qis_fail_desc7#>"; else if(ddns_return_code =='no_change') ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_nochange#>"; /*else if(ddns_return_code =='ddns_query') ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNSHostnameCheck_buttonname#>";*/ else if(ddns_return_code =='auth_fail') ddnsStateHint = "<#qis_fail_desc1#>"; else if(ddns_return_code !='') ddnsStateHint = "<#LANHostConfig_x_DDNS_alarm_2#>"; return ddnsStateHint; } function get_yadns_modedesc(mode) { if (mode == 0) return "<#YandexDNS_mode0#>"; else if(mode == 1) return "<#YandexDNS_mode1#>"; else if(mode == 2) return "<#YandexDNS_mode2#>"; else if(mode == -1) return "<#btn_Disabled#>"; return ""; }