/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * Copyright 2004, ASUSTeK Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS OFFERED "AS IS", AND ASUS GRANTS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY * KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY STATUTE, COMMUNICATION OR OTHERWISE. BROADCOM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT CONCERNING THIS SOFTWARE. * * $Id: common_ex.c,v 1.3 2007/03/29 06:02:23 shinjung Exp $ */ #include "rc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // oleg patch #include // oleg patch #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef RTCONFIG_RALINK #include #endif #ifdef RTCONFIG_QCA #include #endif #include void update_lan_status(int); in_addr_t inet_addr_(const char *cp) { struct in_addr a; if (!inet_aton(cp, &a)) return INADDR_ANY; else return a.s_addr; } inline int inet_equal(char *addr1, char *mask1, char *addr2, char *mask2) { return ((inet_network(addr1) & inet_network(mask1)) == (inet_network(addr2) & inet_network(mask2))); } /* remove space in the end of string */ char *trim_r(char *str) { int i; if (!str || !*str) return str; i = strlen(str) - 1; while ((i >= 0) && (str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '\n' || str[i] == '\r')) str[i--] = 0; return str; } /* convert mac address format from XXXXXXXXXXXX to XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX */ char *conv_mac(char *mac, char *buf) { int i, j; if (strlen(mac)==0) { buf[0] = 0; } else { j=0; for (i=0; i<12; i++) { if (i!=0&&i%2==0) buf[j++] = ':'; buf[j++] = mac[i]; } buf[j] = 0; // oleg patch } //buf[j] = 0; _dprintf("mac: %s\n", buf); return (buf); } // 2010.09 James. { /* convert mac address format from XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX to XXXXXXXXXXXX */ char *conv_mac2(char *mac, char *buf) { int i,j; if(strlen(mac) != 17) buf[0] = 0; else{ for(i = 0, j = 0; i < 17; ++i){ if(i%3 != 2){ buf[j] = mac[i]; ++j; } buf[j] = 0; } } return(buf); } /* convert mac address format from XXXXXXXXXXXX to XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX */ char *mac_conv(char *mac_name, int idx, char *buf) { char *mac, name[32]; int i, j; if (idx!=-1) sprintf(name, "%s%d", mac_name, idx); else sprintf(name, "%s", mac_name); mac = nvram_safe_get(name); if (strlen(mac)==0) { buf[0] = 0; } else { j=0; for (i=0; i<12; i++) { if (i!=0&&i%2==0) buf[j++] = ':'; buf[j++] = mac[i]; } buf[j] = 0; // oleg patch } //buf[j] = 0; _dprintf("mac: %s\n", buf); return (buf); } // 2010.09 James. { /* convert mac address format from XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX to XXXXXXXXXXXX */ char *mac_conv2(char *mac_name, int idx, char *buf) { char *mac, name[32]; int i, j; if(idx != -1) sprintf(name, "%s%d", mac_name, idx); else sprintf(name, "%s", mac_name); mac = nvram_safe_get(name); if(strlen(mac) == 0 || strlen(mac) != 17) buf[0] = 0; else{ for(i = 0, j = 0; i < 17; ++i){ if(i%3 != 2){ buf[j] = mac[i]; ++j; } buf[j] = 0; } } return(buf); } // 2010.09 James. } //#if 0 void wan_netmask_check(void) { unsigned int ip, gw, nm, lip, lnm; if (nvram_match("wan0_proto", "static") || //nvram_match("wan0_proto", "pptp")) nvram_match("wan0_proto", "pptp") || nvram_match("wan0_proto", "l2tp")) // oleg patch { ip = inet_addr(nvram_safe_get("wan_ipaddr")); gw = inet_addr(nvram_safe_get("wan_gateway")); nm = inet_addr(nvram_safe_get("wan_netmask")); lip = inet_addr(nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr")); lnm = inet_addr(nvram_safe_get("lan_netmask")); _dprintf("ip : %x %x %x\n", ip, gw, nm); if (ip==0x0 && (nvram_match("wan0_proto", "pptp") || nvram_match("wan0_proto", "l2tp"))) // oleg patch return; if (ip==0x0 || (ip&lnm)==(lip&lnm)) { nvram_set("wan_ipaddr", ""); nvram_set("wan_netmask", ""); nvram_set("wan0_ipaddr", nvram_safe_get("wan_ipaddr")); nvram_set("wan0_netmask", nvram_safe_get("wan_netmask")); } // check netmask here if (gw==0 || gw==0xffffffff || (ip&nm)==(gw&nm)) { nvram_set("wan0_netmask", nvram_safe_get("wan_netmask")); } else { for (nm=0xffffffff;nm!=0;nm=(nm>>8)) { if ((ip&nm)==(gw&nm)) break; } _dprintf("nm: %x\n", nm); if (nm==0xffffffff) nvram_set("wan0_netmask", ""); else if (nm==0xffffff) nvram_set("wan0_netmask", ""); else if (nm==0xffff) nvram_set("wan0_netmask", ""); else if (nm==0xff) nvram_set("wan0_netmask", ""); else nvram_set("wan0_netmask", ""); } nvram_set("wanx_ipaddr", nvram_safe_get("wan0_ipaddr")); // oleg patch, he suggests to mark the following 3 lines nvram_set("wanx_netmask", nvram_safe_get("wan0_netmask")); nvram_set("wanx_gateway", nvram_safe_get("wan0_gateway")); } } /* * wanmessage * */ void wanmessage(char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[512]; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); nvram_set("wan_reason_t", buf); va_end(args); } int pppstatus(void) { FILE *fp; char sline[128], buf[128], *p; if ((fp = fopen("/tmp/wanstatus.log", "r")) && fgets(sline, sizeof(sline), fp)) { fcntl(fileno(fp), F_SETFL, fcntl(fileno(fp), F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK); p = strstr(sline, ","); strcpy(buf, p+1); } else { strcpy(buf, "unknown reason"); } if(fp) fclose(fp); if(strstr(buf, "Failed to authenticate ourselves to peer")) return WAN_STOPPED_REASON_PPP_AUTH_FAIL; else if(strstr(buf, "Terminating connection due to lack of activity")) return WAN_STOPPED_REASON_PPP_LACK_ACTIVITY; else if(strstr(buf, "No response from ISP.")) return WAN_STOPPED_REASON_PPP_NO_ACTIVITY; else return WAN_STOPPED_REASON_NONE; } void usage_exit(const char *cmd, const char *help) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", cmd, help); exit(1); } #if 0 // replaced by #define in rc.h int modprobe(const char *mod) { #if 1 return eval("modprobe", "-s", (char *)mod); #else int r = eval("modprobe", "-s", (char *)mod); cprintf("modprobe %s = %d\n", mod, r); return r; #endif } #endif // 0 int modprobe_r(const char *mod) { #if 1 return eval("modprobe", "-r", (char *)mod); #else int r = eval("modprobe", "-r", (char *)mod); cprintf("modprobe -r %s = %d\n", mod, r); return r; #endif } #ifndef ct_modprobe #ifdef LINUX26 #define ct_modprobe(mod, args...) ({ \ modprobe("nf_conntrack_"mod, ## args); \ modprobe("nf_nat_"mod); \ }) #else #define ct_modprobe(mod, args...) ({ \ modprobe("ip_conntrack_"mod, ## args); \ modprobe("ip_nat_"mod, ## args); \ }) #endif #endif #ifndef ct_modprobe_r #ifdef LINUX26 #define ct_modprobe_r(mod) ({ \ modprobe_r("nf_nat_"mod); \ modprobe_r("nf_conntrack_"mod); \ }) #else #define ct_modprobe_r(mod) ({ \ modprobe_r("ip_nat_"mod); \ modprobe_r("ip_conntrack_"mod); \ }) #endif #endif /* * The various child job starting functions: * _eval() * Start the child. If ppid param is NULL, wait until the child exits. * Otherwise, store the child's pid in ppid and return immediately. * eval() * Call _eval with a NULL ppid, to wait for the child to exit. * xstart() * Call _eval with a garbage ppid (to not wait), then return. * runuserfile * Execute each executable in a directory that has the specified extention. * Call _eval with a ppid (to not wait), then check every second for the child's pid. * After wtime seconds or when the child has exited, return. * If any such filename has an '&' character in it, then do *not* wait at * all for the child to exit, regardless of the wtime. */ int _xstart(const char *cmd, ...) { va_list ap; char *argv[16]; int argc; int pid; argv[0] = (char *)cmd; argc = 1; va_start(ap, cmd); while ((argv[argc++] = va_arg(ap, char *)) != NULL) { // } va_end(ap); return _eval(argv, NULL, 0, &pid); } static int endswith(const char *str, char *cmp) { int cmp_len, str_len, i; cmp_len = strlen(cmp); str_len = strlen(str); if (cmp_len > str_len) return 0; for (i = 0; i < cmp_len; i++) { if (str[(str_len - 1) - i] != cmp[(cmp_len - 1) - i]) return 0; } return 1; } static void execute_with_maxwait(char *const argv[], int wtime) { pid_t pid; if (_eval(argv, NULL, 0, &pid) != 0) pid = -1; else { while (wtime-- > 0) { waitpid(pid, NULL, WNOHANG); /* Reap the zombie if it has terminated. */ if (kill(pid, 0) != 0) break; sleep(1); } _dprintf("%s killdon: errno: %d pid %d\n", argv[0], errno, pid); } } /* This is a bit ugly. Why didn't they allow another parameter to filter???? */ static char *filter_extension; static int endswith_filter(const struct dirent *entry) { return endswith(entry->d_name, filter_extension); } /* If the filename has an '&' character in it, don't wait at all. */ void run_userfile(char *folder, char *extension, const char *arg1, int wtime) { unsigned char buf[PATH_MAX + 1]; char *argv[] = { (char *)buf, (char *)arg1, NULL }; struct dirent **namelist; int i, n; /* Do them in sorted order. */ filter_extension = extension; n = scandir(folder, &namelist, endswith_filter, alphasort); if (n >= 0) { for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { sprintf((char *) buf, "%s/%s", folder, namelist[i]->d_name); execute_with_maxwait(argv, strchr(namelist[i]->d_name, '&') ? 0 : wtime); free(namelist[i]); } free(namelist); } } /* Run user-supplied script(s), with 1 argument. * Return when the script(s) have finished, * or after wtime seconds, even if they aren't finished. * * Extract NAME from nvram variable named as "script_NAME". * * The sole exception to the nvram item naming rule is sesx. * That one is "sesx_script" rather than "script_sesx", due * to historical accident. * * The other exception is time-scheduled commands. * These have names that start with "sch_". * No directories are searched for corresponding user scripts. * * Execute in this order: * nvram item: nv (run as a /bin/sh script) * (unless nv starts with a dot) * All files with a suffix of ".NAME" in these directories: * /etc/config/ * /jffs/etc/config/ * /opt/etc/config/ * /mmc/etc/config/ * /tmp/config/ */ /* At this time, the names/events are: (Unless otherwise noted, there are no parameters. Otherwise, one parameter). sesx SES/AOSS Button custom script. Param: ?? brau "bridge/auto" button pushed. Param: mode (bridge/auto/etc) fire When firewall service has been started or re-started. shut At system shutdown, just before wan/lan/usb/etc. are stopped. init At system startup, just before wan/lan/usb/etc. are started. The root filesystem and /jffs are mounted, but not any USB devices. usbmount After an auto-mounted USB drive is mounted. usbumount Before an auto-mounted USB drive is unmounted. usbhotplug When any USB device is attached or removed. wanup After WAN has come up. autostop When a USB partition gets un-mounted. Param: the mount-point (directory). If unmounted from the GUI, the directory is still mounted and accessible. If the USB drive was unplugged, it is still mounted but not accessible. User scripts -- no directories are searched. One parameter. autorun When a USB disk partition gets auto-mounted. Param: the mount-point (directory). But not if the partition was already mounted. Only the files in that directory will be run. */ void run_nvscript(const char *nv, const char *arg1, int wtime) { FILE *f; char *script; char s[PATH_MAX + 1]; char *argv[] = { s, (char *)arg1, NULL }; int check_dirs = 1; if (nv[0] == '.') { strcpy(s, nv); } else { script = nvram_get(nv); if ((script) && (*script != 0)) { sprintf(s, "/tmp/%s.sh", nv); if ((f = fopen(s, "w")) != NULL) { fputs("#!/bin/sh\n", f); fputs(script, f); fputs("\n", f); fclose(f); chmod(s, 0700); chdir("/tmp"); _dprintf("Running: '%s %s'\n", argv[0], argv[1]? argv[1]: ""); execute_with_maxwait(argv, wtime); chdir("/"); } } sprintf(s, ".%s", nv); if (strncmp("sch_c", nv, 5) == 0) { check_dirs = 0; } else if (strncmp("sesx_", nv, 5) == 0) { s[5] = 0; } else if (strncmp("script_", nv, 7) == 0) { strcpy(&s[1], &nv[7]); } } if (nvram_match("userfiles_disable", "1")) { // backdoor to disable user scripts execution check_dirs = 0; } if ((check_dirs) && strcmp(s, ".") != 0) { _dprintf("checking for user scripts: '%s'\n", s); run_userfile("/etc/config", s, arg1, wtime); run_userfile("/jffs/etc/config", s, arg1, wtime); run_userfile("/opt/etc/config", s, arg1, wtime); run_userfile("/mmc/etc/config", s, arg1, wtime); run_userfile("/tmp/config", s, arg1, wtime); } } static void write_ct_timeout(const char *type, const char *name, unsigned int val) { unsigned char buf[128]; char v[16]; sprintf((char *) buf, "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_%s_timeout%s%s", type, (name && name[0]) ? "_" : "", name ? name : ""); sprintf(v, "%u", val); f_write_string((const char *) buf, v, 0, 0); } #ifndef write_tcp_timeout #define write_tcp_timeout(name, val) write_ct_timeout("tcp", name, val) #endif #ifndef write_udp_timeout #define write_udp_timeout(name, val) write_ct_timeout("udp", name, val) #endif static unsigned int read_ct_timeout(const char *type, const char *name) { unsigned char buf[128]; unsigned int val = 0; char v[16]; sprintf((char *) buf, "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_%s_timeout%s%s", type, (name && name[0]) ? "_" : "", name ? name : ""); if (f_read_string((const char *) buf, v, sizeof(v)) > 0) val = atoi(v); return val; } #ifndef read_tcp_timeout #define read_tcp_timeout(name) read_ct_timeout("tcp", name) #endif #ifndef read_udp_timeout #define read_udp_timeout(name) read_ct_timeout("udp", name) #endif void setup_ftp_conntrack(int port) { char ports[32]; if(port>0&&port!=21) sprintf(ports, "ports=21,%d", port); else sprintf(ports, "ports=21"); if(!nvram_match("ftp_ports", ports)) { ct_modprobe_r("ftp"); ct_modprobe("ftp", ports); nvram_set("ftp_ports", ports); } } void setup_udp_timeout(int connflag) { unsigned int v[10]; const char *p; char buf[70]; if (connflag #ifdef RTCONFIG_WIRELESSREPEATER && nvram_get_int("sw_mode")!=SW_MODE_REPEATER #endif ) { p = nvram_safe_get("ct_udp_timeout"); if (sscanf(p, "%u%u", &v[0], &v[1]) == 2) { write_udp_timeout(NULL, v[0]); write_udp_timeout("stream", v[1]); } else { v[0] = read_udp_timeout(NULL); v[1] = read_udp_timeout("stream"); sprintf(buf, "%u %u", v[0], v[1]); nvram_set("ct_udp_timeout", buf); } } else { write_udp_timeout(NULL, 1); write_udp_timeout("stream", 6); } } int scan_icmp_unreplied_conntrack() { FILE *fp = fopen( "/proc/net/nf_conntrack", "r" ); char buff[1024], ipv[16], ipv_num[16], protocol[16], protocol_num[16]; int found = 0; if (fp == NULL) { perror( "openning /proc/net/nf_conntrack" ); return -1; } while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != NULL) { sscanf(buff, "%s %s %s %s", ipv, ipv_num, protocol, protocol_num); if (memcmp(protocol, "icmp", 4) || !strstr(buff, "UNREPLIED")) continue; // dbG("\n%s %s %s %s\n", ipv, ipv_num, protocol, protocol_num); found++; break; } fclose(fp); // if (!found) // dbG("No matching conntrack found\n"); return found; } void setup_ct_timeout(int connflag) { unsigned int v[10]; const char *p; char buf[70]; int i; if (connflag #ifdef RTCONFIG_WIRELESSREPEATER && nvram_get_int("sw_mode")!=SW_MODE_REPEATER #endif ) { p = nvram_safe_get("ct_timeout"); if (sscanf(p, "%u%u", &v[0], &v[1]) == 2) { // write_ct_timeout("generic", NULL, v[0]); write_ct_timeout("icmp", NULL, v[1]); } else { v[0] = read_ct_timeout("generic", NULL); v[1] = read_ct_timeout("icmp", NULL); sprintf(buf, "%u %u", v[0], v[1]); nvram_set("ct_timeout", buf); } } else { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (scan_icmp_unreplied_conntrack() > 0) { // write_ct_timeout("generic", NULL, 0); write_ct_timeout("icmp", NULL, 0); sleep(2); } } } } void setup_conntrack(void) { unsigned int v[10]; const char *p; char buf[70]; int i; p = nvram_safe_get("ct_tcp_timeout"); if (sscanf(p, "%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u", &v[0], &v[1], &v[2], &v[3], &v[4], &v[5], &v[6], &v[7], &v[8], &v[9]) == 10) { // lightly verify write_tcp_timeout("established", v[1]); write_tcp_timeout("syn_sent", v[2]); write_tcp_timeout("syn_recv", v[3]); write_tcp_timeout("fin_wait", v[4]); write_tcp_timeout("time_wait", v[5]); write_tcp_timeout("close", v[6]); write_tcp_timeout("close_wait", v[7]); write_tcp_timeout("last_ack", v[8]); } else { v[1] = read_tcp_timeout("established"); v[2] = read_tcp_timeout("syn_sent"); v[3] = read_tcp_timeout("syn_recv"); v[4] = read_tcp_timeout("fin_wait"); v[5] = read_tcp_timeout("time_wait"); v[6] = read_tcp_timeout("close"); v[7] = read_tcp_timeout("close_wait"); v[8] = read_tcp_timeout("last_ack"); sprintf(buf, "0 %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u 0", v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7], v[8]); nvram_set("ct_tcp_timeout", buf); } setup_udp_timeout(FALSE); p = nvram_safe_get("ct_timeout"); if (sscanf(p, "%u%u", &v[0], &v[1]) == 2) { // write_ct_timeout("generic", NULL, v[0]); write_ct_timeout("icmp", NULL, v[1]); } else { v[0] = read_ct_timeout("generic", NULL); v[1] = read_ct_timeout("icmp", NULL); sprintf(buf, "%u %u", v[0], v[1]); nvram_set("ct_timeout", buf); } #ifdef LINUX26 p = nvram_safe_get("ct_hashsize"); i = atoi(p); if (i >= 127) { f_write_string("/sys/module/nf_conntrack/parameters/hashsize", p, 0, 0); } else if (f_read_string("/sys/module/nf_conntrack/parameters/hashsize", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) { if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n') buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; if (atoi(buf) > 0) nvram_set("ct_hashsize", buf); } #endif #ifdef LINUX26 p = nvram_safe_get("ct_max"); i = atoi(p); if (i >= 128) { f_write_string("/proc/sys/net/nf_conntrack_max", p, 0, 0); } else if (f_read_string("/proc/sys/net/nf_conntrack_max", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) { if (atoi(buf) > 0) nvram_set("ct_max", buf); } #else p = nvram_safe_get("ct_max"); i = atoi(p); if (i >= 128) { f_write_string("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_max", p, 0, 0); } else if (f_read_string("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_max", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) { if (atoi(buf) > 0) nvram_set("ct_max", buf); } #endif #if 0 if (!nvram_match("nf_rtsp", "0")) { ct_modprobe("rtsp"); } else { ct_modprobe_r("rtsp"); } if (!nvram_match("nf_h323", "0")) { ct_modprobe("h323"); } else { ct_modprobe_r("h323"); } #ifdef LINUX26 if (!nvram_match("nf_sip", "0")) { ct_modprobe("sip"); } else { ct_modprobe_r("sip"); } #endif #endif // !!TB - FTP Server #ifdef RTCONFIG_FTP i = nvram_get_int("ftp_port"); if (nvram_match("ftp_enable", "1") && (i > 0) && (i != 21)) { char ports[32]; sprintf(ports, "ports=21,%d", i); ct_modprobe("ftp", ports); } else #endif if (!nvram_match("nf_ftp", "0") #ifdef RTCONFIG_FTP || nvram_match("ftp_enable", "1") // !!TB - FTP Server #endif ) { ct_modprobe("ftp"); } else { ct_modprobe_r("ftp"); } if (!nvram_match("nf_pptp", "0")) { ct_modprobe("proto_gre"); ct_modprobe("pptp"); } else { ct_modprobe_r("pptp"); ct_modprobe_r("proto_gre"); } } void setup_pt_conntrack(void) { if (!nvram_match("fw_pt_rtsp", "0")) { ct_modprobe("rtsp", "ports=554,8554"); } else { ct_modprobe_r("rtsp"); } if (!nvram_match("fw_pt_h323", "0")) { ct_modprobe("h323"); } else { ct_modprobe_r("h323"); } #ifdef LINUX26 if (!nvram_match("fw_pt_sip", "0")) { ct_modprobe("sip"); } else { ct_modprobe_r("sip"); } #endif } void remove_conntrack(void) { ct_modprobe_r("pptp"); ct_modprobe_r("ftp"); ct_modprobe_r("rtsp"); ct_modprobe_r("h323"); #ifdef LINUX26 ct_modprobe_r("sip"); #endif } void inc_mac(char *mac, int plus) { unsigned char m[6]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) m[i] = (unsigned char) strtol(mac + (3 * i), (char **)NULL, 16); while (plus != 0) { for (i = 5; i >= 3; --i) { m[i] += (plus < 0) ? -1 : 1; if (m[i] != 0) break; // continue if rolled over } plus += (plus < 0) ? 1 : -1; } sprintf(mac, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]); } void set_mac(const char *ifname, const char *nvname, int plus) { int sfd; struct ifreq ifr; int up; int j; char *et_hwaddr = NULL; if ((sfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) { _dprintf("%s: %s %d\n", ifname, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return; } strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname); up = 0; if (ioctl(sfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) == 0) { if ((up = ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP) != 0) { ifr.ifr_flags &= ~IFF_UP; if (ioctl(sfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) != 0) { _dprintf("%s: %s %d\n", ifname, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } } else { _dprintf("%s: %s %d\n", ifname, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } #ifdef RTCONFIG_RGMII_BRCM5301X et_hwaddr = nvram_safe_get("lan_hwaddr"); #elif defined(RTCONFIG_GMAC3) if (nvram_match("gmac3_enable", "1")) et_hwaddr = nvram_safe_get("et2macaddr"); else et_hwaddr = nvram_safe_get("et0macaddr"); #else et_hwaddr = nvram_safe_get("et0macaddr"); #endif if (!ether_atoe(nvram_safe_get(nvname), (unsigned char *)&ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data)) { if (!ether_atoe(et_hwaddr, (unsigned char *)&ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data)) { // goofy et0macaddr, make something up #ifdef RTCONFIG_RGMII_BRCM5301X nvram_set("lan_hwaddr", "00:01:23:45:67:89"); #elif defined(RTCONFIG_GMAC3) if (nvram_match("gmac3_enable", "1")) nvram_set("et2macaddr", "00:01:23:45:67:89"); else nvram_set("et0macaddr", "00:01:23:45:67:89"); #else nvram_set("et0macaddr", "00:01:23:45:67:89"); #endif ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[0] = 0; ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[1] = 0x01; ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[2] = 0x23; ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[3] = 0x45; ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[4] = 0x67; ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[5] = 0x89; } while (plus-- > 0) { for (j = 5; j >= 3; --j) { ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[j]++; if (ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[j] != 0) break; // continue if rolled over } } } ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; if (ioctl(sfd, SIOCSIFHWADDR, &ifr) == -1) { _dprintf("Error setting %s address\n", ifname); } if (up) { if (ioctl(sfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) == 0) { ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING; if (ioctl(sfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) == -1) { _dprintf("%s: %s %d\n", ifname, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } else { _dprintf("%s: %s %d\n", ifname, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } close(sfd); } /* const char *default_wanif(void) { return ((strtoul(nvram_safe_get("boardflags"), NULL, 0) & BFL_ENETVLAN) || (check_hw_type() == HW_BCM4712)) ? "vlan1" : "eth1"; } */ /* const char *default_wlif(void) { switch (check_hw_type()) { case HW_BCM4702: case HW_BCM4704_BCM5325F: case HW_BCM4704_BCM5325F_EWC: return "eth2"; } return "eth1"; } */ void simple_unlock(const char *name) { char fn[256]; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "/var/lock/%s.lock", name); f_write(fn, NULL, 0, 0, 0600); } void simple_lock(const char *name) { int n; char fn[256]; n = 5 + (getpid() % 10); snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "/var/lock/%s.lock", name); while (unlink(fn) != 0) { if (--n == 0) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Breaking %s", fn); break; } sleep(1); } } void killall_tk(const char *name) { int n; if (killall(name, SIGTERM) == 0) { n = 10; while ((killall(name, 0) == 0) && (n-- > 0)) { _dprintf("%s: waiting name=%s n=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, name, n); usleep(100 * 1000); } if (n < 0) { n = 10; while ((killall(name, SIGKILL) == 0) && (n-- > 0)) { _dprintf("%s: SIGKILL name=%s n=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, name, n); usleep(100 * 1000); } } } } void kill_pidfile_tk(const char *pidfile) { FILE *fp; char buf[256]; pid_t pid = 0; int n; if ((fp = fopen(pidfile, "r")) != NULL) { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) pid = strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); fclose(fp); } if (pid > 1 && kill(pid, SIGTERM) == 0) { n = 10; while ((kill(pid, 0) == 0) && (n-- > 0)) { _dprintf("%s: waiting pid=%d n=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pid, n); usleep(100 * 1000); } if (n < 0) { n = 10; while ((kill(pid, SIGKILL) == 0) && (n-- > 0)) { _dprintf("%s: SIGKILL pid=%d n=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pid, n); usleep(100 * 1000); } } } } long fappend(FILE *out, const char *fname) { FILE *in; char buf[1024]; int n; long r; if ((in = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) return -1; r = 0; while ((n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), in)) > 0) { if (fwrite(buf, 1, n, out) != n) { r = -1; break; } else { r += n; } } fclose(in); return r; } long fappend_file(const char *path, const char *fname) { FILE *f; int r = -1; if (f_exists(fname) && (f = fopen(path, "a")) != NULL) { r = fappend(f, fname); fclose(f); } return r; } /* uclibc accepts any of following: * [STD][Offset][DST], where * [STD] ~ any [a-zA-Z] * [DST] ~ any [a-zA-Z] */ #define CONVERT_TZ_TO_GMT_DST #ifdef CONVERT_TZ_TO_GMT_DST int gettzoffset(char *tzstr, char *tzstr1, int size1) { char offstr[32]; char *tzptr = tzstr; char *offptr = offstr; int ret = 0; int dst = 0; memset(offstr, 0, sizeof(offstr)); for ( ; *tzptr; tzptr++) { if (*tzptr=='-'||*tzptr=='+'||*tzptr==':'||isdigit(*tzptr)) { *offptr++ = *tzptr; ret = 1; } else if (ret) { dst = isalpha(*tzptr); break; } } if (ret) snprintf(tzstr1, size1, "GMT%s%s", offstr, dst ? "DST" : ""); return ret; } #endif void time_zone_x_mapping(void) { FILE *fp; char tmpstr[32]; char *ptr; /* pre mapping */ if (nvram_match("time_zone", "KST-9KDT")) nvram_set("time_zone", "UCT-9_1"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "RFT-9RFTDST")) nvram_set("time_zone", "UCT-9_2"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "UTC-2DST_1")) /*Minsk*/ nvram_set("time_zone", "UTC-3_3"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "UTC-4_2")) /*Moscow, St. Petersburg*/ nvram_set("time_zone", "UTC-3_4"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "UTC-4_3")) /*Volgograd*/ nvram_set("time_zone", "UTC-3_5"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "UTC-6_1")) /*Yekaterinburg*/ nvram_set("time_zone", "UTC-5_1"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "UTC-7_1")) /*Novosibirsk*/ nvram_set("time_zone", "UTC-6_2"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "CST-8_2")) /*Krasnoyarsk*/ nvram_set("time_zone", "CST-7_2"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "UTC-9_2")) /*Irkutsk*/ nvram_set("time_zone", "UTC-8_1"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "UTC-10_3")) /*Yakutsk*/ nvram_set("time_zone", "UTC-9_3"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "UTC-11_2")) /*Vladivostok*/ nvram_set("time_zone", "UTC-10_4"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "UTC-12_1")) /*Magadan*/ nvram_set("time_zone", "UTC-10_5"); snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "%s", nvram_safe_get("time_zone")); /* replace . with : */ while ((ptr=strchr(tmpstr, '.'))!=NULL) *ptr = ':'; /* remove *_? */ while ((ptr=strchr(tmpstr, '_'))!=NULL) *ptr = 0x0; /* check time_zone_dst for daylight saving */ if (nvram_get_int("time_zone_dst")) sprintf(tmpstr, "%s,%s", tmpstr, nvram_safe_get("time_zone_dstoff")); #ifdef CONVERT_TZ_TO_GMT_DST else gettzoffset(tmpstr, tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr)); #endif nvram_set("time_zone_x", tmpstr); /* special mapping */ if (nvram_match("time_zone", "JST")) nvram_set("time_zone_x", "UCT-9"); #if 0 else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "TST-10TDT")) nvram_set("time_zone_x", "UCT-10"); else if (nvram_match("time_zone", "CST-9:30CDT")) nvram_set("time_zone_x", "UCT-9:30"); #endif if ((fp = fopen("/etc/TZ", "w")) != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s\n", tmpstr); fclose(fp); } } /* Get the timezone from NVRAM and set the timezone in the kernel * and export the TZ variable */ void setup_timezone(void) { #ifndef RC_BUILDTIME #define RC_BUILDTIME 1438387200 // Aug 1 00:00:00 GMT 2015 #endif time_t now; struct tm gm, local; struct timezone tz; struct timeval tv = { RC_BUILDTIME, 0 }; struct timeval *tvp = NULL; /* Export TZ variable for the time libraries to * use. */ time_zone_x_mapping(); setenv("TZ", nvram_get("time_zone_x"), 1); /* Update kernel timezone */ time(&now); gmtime_r(&now, &gm); localtime_r(&now, &local); gm.tm_isdst = local.tm_isdst; tz.tz_minuteswest = (mktime(&gm) - mktime(&local)) / 60; /* Setup sane start time */ if (now < RC_BUILDTIME) { struct sysinfo info; sysinfo(&info); tv.tv_sec += info.uptime; tvp = &tv; } settimeofday(tvp, &tz); } int is_invalid_char_for_hostname(char c) { int ret = 0; if (c < 0x20) ret = 1; #if 0 else if (c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x2c) /* !"#$%&'()*+, */ ret = 1; #else /* allow '+' */ else if (c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x2a) /* !"#$%&'()* */ ret = 1; else if (c == 0x2c) /* , */ ret = 1; #endif else if (c >= 0x2e && c <= 0x2f) /* ./ */ ret = 1; else if (c >= 0x3a && c <= 0x40) /* :;<=>?@ */ ret = 1; #if 0 else if (c >= 0x5b && c <= 0x60) /* [\]^_ */ ret = 1; #else /* allow '_' */ else if (c >= 0x5b && c <= 0x5e) /* [\]^ */ ret = 1; else if (c == 0x60) /* ` */ ret = 1; #endif else if (c >= 0x7b) /* {|}~ DEL */ ret = 1; #if 0 printf("%c (0x%02x) is %svalid for hostname\n", c, c, (ret == 0) ? " " : "in"); #endif return ret; } int is_valid_hostname(const char *name) { int len, i; if (!name) return 0; len = strlen(name); for (i = 0; i < len ; i++) { if (is_invalid_char_for_hostname(name[i])) { len = 0; break; } } #if 0 printf("%s is %svalid for hostname\n", name, len ? "" : "in"); #endif return len; } int get_meminfo_item(const char *name) { FILE *fp; char memdata[256] = {0}; int mem = 0; if (!name || *name == '\0') return -1; if ((fp = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r")) != NULL) { /* get one memory parameter specified by the name */ while (fgets(memdata, 255, fp) != NULL) { if (strstr(memdata, name) != NULL) { sscanf(memdata, "%*s %d kB", &mem); break; } } fclose(fp); } return mem; } #ifdef RTCONFIG_SHP void restart_lfp() { char v[32]; if(nvram_get_int("lfp_disable")==0) { sprintf(v, "%x", inet_addr(nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr"))); f_write_string("/proc/net/lfpctrl", v, 0, 0); } else { f_write_string("/proc/net/lfpctrl", "", 0, 0); } } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BCMWL5 int setup_dnsmq(int mode) { char v[32]; char tmp[32]; if(mode) { // setup ebtables eval("ebtables", "-F"); eval("ebtables", "-t", "broute", "-F"); eval("ebtables", "-t", "broute", "-I", "BROUTING", "-d", "00:E0:11:22:33:44", "-j", "redirect", "--redirect-target", "DROP"); } else { eval("ebtables", "-F"); eval("ebtables", "-t", "broute", "-F"); eval("ebtables", "-I", "FORWARD", "-i", "eth1", "-j", "DROP"); } eval("iptables", "-t", "nat", "-F", "PREROUTING"); eval("iptables", "-t", "nat", "-I", "PREROUTING", "-p", "udp", "--dport", "53", "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", strcat_r(nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr"), ":18018", tmp)); if(mode) { #if defined(RTCONFIG_BCMWL6) && defined(RTCONFIG_PROXYSTA) if (!is_psta(nvram_get_int("wlc_band")) && !is_psr(nvram_get_int("wlc_band"))) #endif snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s:%d", nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr"), /*nvram_get_int("http_lanport") ? :*/ 80); eval("iptables", "-t", "nat", "-I", "PREROUTING", "-p", "tcp", "-d", "", "--dport", "80", "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", tmp); //sprintf(v, "%x my.%s", inet_addr(""), get_productid()); sprintf(v, "%x %s", inet_addr(nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr")), DUT_DOMAIN_NAME); f_write_string("/proc/net/dnsmqctrl", v, 0, 0); } else { // setup ebtables and iptables #if defined(RTCONFIG_BCMWL6) && defined(RTCONFIG_PROXYSTA) if (!is_psta(nvram_get_int("wlc_band")) && !is_psr(nvram_get_int("wlc_band"))) #endif eval("iptables", "-t", "nat", "-I", "PREROUTING", "-p", "tcp", "-d", "", "--dport", "80", "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", strcat_r(nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr"), ":18017", tmp)); f_write_string("/proc/net/dnsmqctrl", "", 0, 0); } return 0; } #endif void stop_if_misc(void) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *dirent; struct ifreq ifr; int sfd; if ((dir = opendir("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf")) != NULL) { while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (!strcmp(dirent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dirent->d_name, "..")) continue; if (strcmp(dirent->d_name, "all") && strcmp(dirent->d_name, "default") && strcmp(dirent->d_name, "lo") && strncmp(dirent->d_name, "br", 2) && strncmp(dirent->d_name, "eth", 3) && strncmp(dirent->d_name, "ra", 2) && !((sfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0)) { strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, dirent->d_name); if (!ioctl(sfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) && (ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP)) ifconfig(ifr.ifr_name, 0, NULL, NULL); close(sfd); } } closedir(dir); } } int mssid_mac_validate(const char *macaddr) { unsigned char mac_binary[6]; unsigned long long macvalue; char macbuf[13]; if (!macaddr || !strlen(macaddr)) return 0; ether_atoe(macaddr, mac_binary); sprintf(macbuf, "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", mac_binary[0], mac_binary[1], mac_binary[2], mac_binary[3], mac_binary[4], mac_binary[5]); macvalue = strtoll(macbuf, (char **) NULL, 16); if (macvalue % 4) return 0; else return 1; }