var global = this; global.uploadlib = new function() { var uploadlib = this; var this_upload_handler = null; var this_upload_files = null; var this_upload_index = 0; var this_upload_total = 0; var f_offset = 0; //var segment_size = 50*1024; var segment_size = 5*1024*1024; //- 5MB //var loop_cnt = 0; //var current_file_size; var this_file_loaded_size = 0; var this_file_total_loaded_size = 0; var this_upload_total_size = 0; var this_progress_callbackfunction = null; var this_complete_callbackfunction = null; this.WebDAVUploadHandler = function() { this_upload_handler = this; }; this.WebDAVUploadHandler.prototype.initialize = function(_url, _files, _progress_callbackfunction, _complete_callbackfunction){ this_upload_files = _files; this_progress_callbackfunction = _progress_callbackfunction; this_complete_callbackfunction = _complete_callbackfunction; this_upload_handler.url = _url; this_upload_handler.webdav = new davlib.DavClient(); this_upload_handler.webdav.initialize(); this_upload_index = 0; this_upload_total = 0; f_offset = 0; //loop_cnt = 0; //current_file_size = 0; this_file_loaded_size = 0; this_file_total_loaded_size = 0; this_upload_total_size = 0; this_upload_total = this_upload_files.length; f_offset =0; for(var i = 0; i < this_upload_files.length; i++){ this_upload_total_size += this_upload_files[i].thefile.size; } }; this.WebDAVUploadHandler.prototype.uploadFile = function() { for (var i = 0, f; f = this_upload_files[i]; i++) { //loop_cnt = Math.ceil(f.thefile.size/segment_size); //current_file_size = f.thefile.size; if(f.status=="Init" || f.status=="Upload"){ var filesize = f.thefile.size; this_upload_index = i; f.status = "Upload"; var start = f_offset; var stop = start+ segment_size-1; if(stop>= filesize){ stop = filesize - 1; //alert("stop="+stop+", filesize="+filesize); f.status = "end_send"; } f_offset = stop+1; //alert("start=" + start + ", stop=" + stop+ ", filesize=" + filesize); this_upload_handler._putToWeb(f.thepath, f.thefile, start, stop, filesize); return 1; } } return 0; }; this.WebDAVUploadHandler.prototype._putToWeb = function(path, pfile, opt_startByte, opt_stopByte, filesize){ var start = opt_startByte; var stop = opt_stopByte; try{ var reader = new FileReader(); var bSliceAsBinary = 0; // If we use onloadend, we need to check the readyState. reader.onloadend = function(evt) { if ( == FileReader.DONE) { // DONE == 2 //alert(; var tURL = this_upload_handler.url + encodeURIComponent(path) + encodeURIComponent(; this_upload_handler.webdav.PUT(tURL,, bSliceAsBinary, start, stop, filesize, "T", this_upload_handler._complete_callbackfunction, this_upload_handler._progress_callbackfunction); } }; if (pfile.webkitSlice) { var blob = pfile.webkitSlice(start, stop + 1); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); bSliceAsBinary = 1; } else if (pfile.mozSlice) { var blob = pfile.mozSlice(start, stop + 1); reader.readAsBinaryString(blob); bSliceAsBinary = 0; //reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); //bSliceAsBinary = 1; } else { var blob = pfile.slice(start, stop + 1); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); bSliceAsBinary = 1; } } catch(err){ alert(err.message); } }; this.WebDAVUploadHandler.prototype._progress_callbackfunction = function(evt){ if(this_upload_files.length<=0) return; if(evt.lengthComputable) { //this_file_loaded_size = this_file_loaded_size+evt.loaded; var f = this_upload_files[this_upload_index]; if(f==null || f==undefined){ //alert(this_upload_index); return; } var isUploadSegmentOK=0; if(evt.loaded>0 && (evt.loaded/ { isUploadSegmentOK=1; } if(isUploadSegmentOK==1) { //var size = evt.loaded; var size = segment_size; this_file_loaded_size = this_file_loaded_size + size; this_file_total_loaded_size = this_file_total_loaded_size + size; //alert("segment =1 , loadded size ="+evt.loaded+","", size="+size); } var file_upload_percent = Math.min(100, 100*(this_file_loaded_size/f.thefile.size)); var total_upload_percent = Math.min(100, 100*(this_file_total_loaded_size/this_upload_total_size)); if(this_progress_callbackfunction){ this_progress_callbackfunction(,, f.status, file_upload_percent, total_upload_percent); } } }; this.WebDAVUploadHandler.prototype._complete_callbackfunction = function(error, content){ if(this_upload_files.length<=0) return; var f = this_upload_files[this_upload_index]; var all_complete = false; if(f==null || f==undefined){ //alert(this_upload_index); return; } if(error){ if(error==200||error==201||error==204 ) { if(this_upload_files[this_upload_index].status=="end_send"){ //alert("file transferred this upload files splice"); //this_upload_files.splice(this_upload_index,1); this_upload_files[this_upload_index].status = "done"; f_offset = 0; this_file_loaded_size = 0; } } else if(error==0){ this_upload_files[this_upload_index].status = "UploadFail"; } else{ this_upload_files[this_upload_index].status = "UploadFail"; } } if( this_upload_handler.uploadFile() == 0 ){ all_complete = true; } if(this_complete_callbackfunction) this_complete_callbackfunction(,, f.status, error, all_complete); }; }();